Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, July 05, 1907, Image 3

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Tribute to Their Value at Highway
In an address by John Craft of Mo
bile It was stated that tbe cost to the
' farmers of the south Is CO cents per
bale of cotton for an average hanl of
eight miles, says an exchange. If there
were good roads, the cost would be
reduced to 16 cents a bale. Estimat
ing a crop at a million bales, this
would mean a saving of $340,000 an
nually. It costs under present road
. conditions 25 cents to haul a ton of
fertilizer a mile. With good roads the
cost would be 8 cents a ton.
"I have studied for some years the
problem of working convicts on our
public roads." said Mr. Craft, "and
they have proved to be tbe most eco
nomical road builders to be bad. The
convict has long passed the experimen
tal stac for roadinnkitiir." Juiljje Eve
of Georgia, w ho has had twenty years
of experience in working convicts as
road builders, says: "They are the best
and cheapest road builders. AVhile
working convicts not a single overt act
was committed or a single child, wo-
man or man molested or one dollar's
worth of property depredated ou.
Mecklenburg county, X. C, has the
finest macadamized roads, and It is be
ing (Tone with convict lubor. It costs
an average of 23 cents a day to guard,
feed and cTire for convict labor wuen
It Is managed on business principles.
"As for tbe convict himself, statistics
show that CO per cent of those who are
worked in the open air, properly fed
and guarded, return to their families
and cense to be a charge or meuuee to
the state, while of those who are kept
In prison or worked in mines, at saw
mills or other similar places 85 per
eut become hardened crlmluals. Nor
do I think it right to put the honest
wage earners In competition with con
vict labor or tbe manufacturing Indus
try In competition with the one that
hires cheap convict labor.
"Indiana has about 17,000 miles of
good gravel roads. I remember when
Indiana was considered one of the
Illiterate states of the Union. Today
he Is prosperous, and her people are
no longer Ignorant, but tbe state is
dotted with the finest schools and col
leges. ,
. "Massachusetts spends more money
than any other state on her public
tonds. Xew York has voted to issue
50,000,000 for her roads to be used in
the next ten years. Xew Jersey has
tine roads, which are the best invest
ment the state has. Missouri Is agi
tating a bond issue of $25,000,000 for
her public roads. The province of On-"
taiio, Canada, has 00,000 miles of good
roads, and from that phenomenal im
provement has been prosperity to its
Road Surfaoe Repair Plan.
The road commissioners of Mason
county, Mich., are planning a real in
'novation In the way of keeping tbe
tone roads in that county in repair.
. r . I -I in 1 .
. convenient places for use along tbe
highways. A man will be kept whose
sole duty It will be to see that no bole
or break Is allowed to grow beyond the
mere rut state. He will repair these
breaks as fast as they occur. Hun
dreds of dollars. It is believed, will be
aaved tbe county each year by this
plan of dealing with tbe road surface.
- It Is a plan adopted by toll road man
agement and has proved to be econom
ical as well as excellent for the road.
Wide Tiree Preserve Reads.
Narrow tires carrying a heavy load
ut the road surface, making ruts,
thereby letting In tbe water, which,
when frozen, results In ruin to the
road. Tbe use of wide tires, on the oth
er hand, through the constant process
of rolling, is a benefit to tbe road. In
foreign countries, especially Franco,
which enjoys the proud distinction of
having the best roads in the world, the
use of wide tires Is required by law.
Simple Way to Kill Cate.rrhe.1
Germs in Nose, Throevt
and Lungs.
J The only uatnral and lo nmon sen
method kuown for the cur- of catarrh
al ttouhli s is Hyn-niei. It is hi eat In d
thraonh an ingenious pocket inhaler,
so that us m-dicatjd a;r riches the
most remote Hir-cls of ih ncg .
throat n1 luna, killing al' catarrhal
germs, soothing the IrriUt'd mii-oii'
membrane, and tentorium a heal i by
Hy-o-niei goes right to the p t
, where the catarrhal germs htm pre-ent
in the none, throat and lungs anu ne
- stroys the germs to that perfect health
. it soon rc'torel.
A comp'ete Hv-nmei onfit with l
haler ci" hotfl.oi an-1 is -"idly
. Deniirav nu'1-r tiu:u aniee to rf""n
the tipv 'iule-s th teui-dv K'ives
Ancient Rome ,
it now w'elT a memory i f tbe pat
1 Billard's Snow Liniment is the family
J Hnimect of the 20th centnry. A posi-
t tive enre f-r Khenmatism, Burns,
'I Cots, Sprains, Neuralgia, etc. Mr.
I C. H. Ronton. Staoberry, Mo.
writes: "I have used Snow Llninient
j for Rheomatitm snd all pain. I can't
j say enough in its praise." For sale
by National Dreg Oo. and by C. H.
( Demaray.
A lazy Liver
Hay be only a tired liver, or a starred
liver. It would be a stupid as well as
savage thing to beat a weary or starved
man because ho lagged In hit Wbrk. So
In treating the lagging, torpid liver It is
a great oiistako to lash it with strong
drastic drugs. A torpid liver is but an
Indication of an Ill-nourished, enfeebled
Dooy wnose organs are weary with over (
work. Start with the Stomach and allied j
organs of digestion and nutrition. Put j
them in working order anrt uui .
quicmy your liver will become active.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
has made many marvelous cures of "liver
trouble " by its wonderful control of the
organs of digestion and nutrition. It re
stores tho normal activity of the stomach.
Increases the secretions of the blood-making
glands, cleanses tho system from poi
sonous accumulations, and so relieves the
liver of tho burdens Imposed upon It by
the defection of other organs.
If vnu hare hltfi'rnr nrl ttA In ilw mnm.
ln. poor or leviable siipctlte. coated tonpie.
or or leviable aiipctlte. coated tonpie,
eatb. constipated or lrrerular bowels,
ak. easlljt tired, impendent, trcouent
:hcs, pain 4r tllstresc'v " small of back."
(eel wea
headaches. Dal
gnawing or dlt.frefed tteiW In stomach,
perhaps nausea,NwSfv "rising" In
throat after eatlnj. and klii5Nl symptoms
of weak stomach and torpid llvt no treril-
Cine will relieve you more pror-pily or
Than Ivcwr fuTy
Golden Medi'-nl HKionTy. Perhaps only
a part ui the ahuve syiuiiiuuit will be prevent
St one tirno and yet point to torpid liver or
biliousness and weak stomach. Avoid all
hot bread and biscuits, griddle cakes and
other Indigestible food and take tho "Golden
Medical Discovery "regularly and stick to Its
use until you are vigorous and strong.
The "Discovery" Is non-secret, non-alcoholic,
la a glyceric extract of native medici
nal roots with a full list of Its Ingredients
printed on each bottle-wrapper and attested
under oath. Its Ingredients are endorsed
and extolled by the most eminent medical
writers of the ago and are recommended to
cure the diseases for which It Is advised.
Don't accept a substitute of unknown
composition for this non-secret uedicinb
The Magic No. 3.
Number three is a wonderful mas
cot for Geo. H. Parr is, ol Cedar
Grove, Me., according to a letter
which reads: "After suffering much
with liver aud kidney trouble, and
becoming greatly discouraged by the
failure to find lelief, I tried Electric
Bitters, and as a result I am a well
man today. The first bottle relieved
and three bottles completed the core."
Guaranteed best remedy for stomach,
liver and kidney troubles by all drug
gists 60c.
Town Philosopher Qives Some Hlnte
as to How to Sueoeed In Business.
'No matter what business you may
be In," remarks the town philosopher.
unless you keep up with tbe proces
sion you'll never arrive. Stragglers
don't count in business. They can't
pick up enough scraps dropped by the
real marchers to keep them going, for
the fellows who are In the van don't
drop anything. They make a clean
"The straggler in the mercantile line,
for instance. Is the slipshod storekeep
er who tries to do business in 1907 by
methods that went out of date In 1877.
He still has small panes of glass In bis
front windows, about sixteen panes to
a sash, while the merchant up the
street who marches In tbe van has ac
cepted the plate glass window proposi
tion as a good thing. Plate glass cost
lots of money thirty years ago, but to
day It Is quite cheap and most any
body can buy It It adds several per
cent to the exterior attraction of a
store, and it's the ontslde that any cus
tomer sees before be sees tbe Inside,
you know.
'These same stragglers who retain
their antique window panes still em
ploy the methods of 77 in their adver
tising. They carry about an Inch of
spuce In the local paper, merely men
tlonlnsr thnt Pmlth & Jones have a full
stock of fine groceries, when tho other
grocer takes a half column double and
advertises rlcht by publishing a price
list of his liest bargains for the day or
the week.
"Who gets the patronage of the peo
ple? Is It the grocer with the fly
specked window panes of a past gen
eration and tho Inch ad. that has stood
In the same type so long that the let
ters are worn off at the corners like a
run down shoe heel, or Is it the man
whosa errand boy washes the plate
glass windows every morning at 7
o'clock and then carries tbe uew copy
for the wce'.'s advertising around to
the u .vspnper o.'llce?
"A I remarked." concluded the town
philoviph.T. "If you don't keep up with
tho procession you won't get there."
Boys Paid 25 Cants a Hundred For Tin
Cant In Trenton, Mo.
A novel enterprise for the promotion
of sentiment for civic Improvement
was recently fostered by the Treuton
(Mo t Clean City club, n loe:il organisa
tion bncked by dub'vomea in Trenton,
says the Kansas City Star. Partly to
get rid of the rubbish that adorned al
leys and streets and more to attract at
tention to the clean city movement the
c,lub offered Trentju Iwys IS ceuts a
hundred for all idd tin cans delivered
to a committee on the day appointed.
The were received at the most
prominent point iu the town's business
section, and for hours the streets were
Jammed with boys, cans and specta
tors. One hundred and thirty boys
brought In more than 7Si0 cans and
received nearly $2m In payment
Tbe club expects the tiu can day to
be the pioneer event of a general move
ment In smaller cities. Clubs In sev
erul other towns have already shown
a dlsjiosltlon to try the scheme, which
was an unqualified success.
I Legal blanks at tn Cooner omce.
In the Ooonty Court for Josephine
County, Oregon.
In the matter of tbe EsO
tate of Nickolas
Those, Deceased. ' I
Notice is here; given that the under
sigLed administrator of the above es
tate, with tbe Willi annexed has filed
in said oonrt and cause his final accunt
and that Monday, Jane 84 at 10 o'clock
a m. at the conrt huse at Grants Pass,
Josephine county, Oregoou has been,
fixed by tbe above court as the time and
place tor settling said accouut aud all
persons interested therein are hereby
notified to file aud present their objec
tion thereto, on or before that time.
Dated Mav 24, 1907.
JOSEPH MOSS, Administrator.
In the Circuit Conrt of tbe State of
Oregon for Josephine County.
John Q. Scliallhorn,
G. W. Blalock aud
S E. Blalock.
Notice is hereby given that I will,
on Satorday.the 27th day of July, 1907,
at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m , at the
front door of the Coonty Court House,
iu the city of Grants Pass, said county
aud State, sell, at public auction, to
tbe highest and best bidder, for United
States gold coin, cash in hand, all of
the right, title and interest which the
above named defendants, G. W. Blalock
and S. E. Blalock, bad or now have in
aud to the following described property
to-wit: Ihe Sof the SW.the SW4
and the SW4of the BWV of Seotiou
12, Tp. 84 Sooth .of Range 8 West, in
Josephine County, Oregon, excepting
therefrom the timber on said lands
heretofore sold ; and thai tract of land
situated in Jackson County, Oregon,
described as follows, to-wit:
Commencing 117 yards South of a
stake on the Northwest corner of the
Southwest yi of the Northeast of
Section 82, Township 84 South, of
Range 4 West, at the corner of a picket
feuce. thence running Sooth 164 yards;
thence West 110 yards to place of be
ginning, containing 10 acret, more or
less; also, the West half of the SEV4
aud the SE4' of Section 22, Tp. 84,
South, Range 4 West, excepting 10
acres conveyed June 80th. 1892, to
Richard Collins by Jacob Evans and
wife; also the right, Jtitle and Inter
est in a certain water right and ditch
formerly owned by Chapen & Wakemau
commonly called tbe Big Ditch; also,
the West of the SWt, of the SWV
of Section 23, Township 84 South,
Range 4 West, together with all the
ditches belonging thereto ; also, all cer
tain mining claims, water rights,
ditches, pipe ana giants as described
in a deed dated Jaunary 7th, 1898, sit
uated on upper Grave Creek, also, the
undivided one half interest tn the Red
Hill Mining Claims, known as tbe Bla
lock mines, iu Jackson county, Oiegon,
Tp. S3 South, Range 4 West, in Sec
tions 29, 80 and 32, also Ova cows and
five bead of calves, to satisfy judgment
rendered against the defendants herein
and to favor of the said plaintiff in
the sums as follows, to-wit : One
hundred and sixty dollars with inter
eat thereon at the rate of A per cent per
annnm tinea November 2, 190H, aud
twenty-five do liars attorney's feet, and
twenty nine dollars and seventy-five
cents costs of suit, and accruing costs
and costs and expenses ot sale.
Dated Grants Past, Oregon, June 21,
1907. W. J. RUSSELL,
Sheriff of Josephine County, Oregon.
Notice Is hereby given that Charles
Hansen and Oeore Hansen, the Only
appointed, qualified and autingg ad
ministrators of the estate of Peter
Hansen, deceased, have been doly
licensed and commissioned by orJi-r
, . V. . nr. iviBPl inr .TltMllhlllM
V, . 1A WMU.J -w.
Count;, Oregon, dated July the 1st.
1UUT, to sew ail rigni, line auu.iuier
est of said estate ia aud to the real
propery thereinafter described, and
mat pursuant to said order we will
aft r 27th day of Joly A. D . 1907,
tell at private sale for cash, subject
to the confirmation of said court all
the right and tula aud iuteiest of toe
estate ol Peter Hauseu, ueceased.
iu and to the lollowiug described real
propertr, to-wit: Lot one, bloc
even, in tbe Ton of Napoleon, oum
mouly called Kerby, Jjsephiue
County, State of Oregou.
Administrators ot the euate of Peter
Haus"U, neoeafedj
Cure the Indigestion Which Is So
Liavble to Lead to Apoplexy.
People who suffer with lita-isclo
giddiuess, palpitation, oal tasie I
the uinutli, diowMuen, 01st.i af er
eating, and auy ot the other d ste-i--isg
results of ludiges ion. Hie iu
s-Tious daniter. 'Iheir d ge-tive
organs cannot care for the food propei
ly aud heiiCH the costs ot tb- bmo l
ve-sels in the brain get little nourish
im ut, become brittle, and tinau,
field to the fierce blood prrs,ute and
one is theo said to have a "fbiek, "
tM psrdlynd, nr die from apoplexy,
t In all diseases of digestion and uiitri
' tion tbe prwfcriptiou called Mi-o-na
1 has proven itself of great valtl-. It is
i lelied upon today as a oramtv to
l relieve the worst troahles of luditfts
tion and make a complete cure.
That Mi-o-na will cure ih-i wor-t
' forutt of stomach trouble, cancer ei
' cepted, and give quick relief in in
digestion is proven by the guarantee
Demaray gives with every 50 cent box
to refund the money onless Mi o-ua
ures. A guarantee like this most
Jnspire conOdonoe.
What He Took.
Mrs. Backpay Good morning, sir.
Will you take a chair? Installment
House Collector No. thaak you,
1 ma'am. I've come to take tbe piano.
' Philadelphia Record.
Quk dellvery-The Weekly Oretoolaa.
In the County Oonrt of the State of
Oregon, for the Coonty of Jose
ph ine.
In the matter of the")
Estate of Emily
Carter, deceased. J
To Dora E. Whipp, Minnie Brown,
Kerby, Ore,, and Clara E. Eoff,
Salem, Ote.. Ida Lister, Gliddou,
Iowa. Mae Parks. Viola, State of
Illinois and all other heirs known and
nukoown of taid decedent. Greeting :
In the name of the State of Oregon,
yon are hereby cited aud required to
appear in the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for the Uoouty of
Josephiue, at the Court room thereof
at Grauta'Pass in the County of Joss
phine. State of Oregon, on Saturday,
the 27th day of July, 1907, at 2
o clock, in the afternoon of that dny,
then aud there to show cause if any
you have why S. A. Carter, adminis
trator of the estate of Emily Carter
deceased, should not be liceused aud
empowered to sell at private sale all
of the real proieriv belougiug to said
estate described as follows, to-wit:
The S1,' of the NEi4', the NH of the
NEt4 aud Lot numbered "one (I) of
Section 12, in Township Forty (40)
South, of Rause Niue (9) West of the
S illitmette Meridian iu Josephine
County, State of Oregon, coutaiuiug
153 18-100 acres, for the reasons set
forth in his petition filed in this court
this 17th day of June, 1907.
Witness the Hon. Stephen Jewell,
Jadge of the County Conrt of the
State of Oregon, for tbe County of
Josephine, with the seal of taid Court
affixed, this
17th day of Jane, A.
D., 1907.
Attest :
By J. A. Wharton, Depnty Clerk.
Timber Land, Aot Jane 8, 1878.
Roseburg, Ore., May 15th, 1907.
Notioe is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of tbe aot
of Congress of June 8, 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale ot timber lands
in tbe States of California, Oiegon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory, "
as extended to all the PuMlo Laud
States by act of August 4, 1892,
of Grants Pass, Connty of Josephine,
State of Oregon, has this day filed iu
this office hit sworn statement No.
8161, for the purchase of the N
"E,V NEW SWW and 8W SEt, of
Section No. 6 in Township No. 85
South, Range No. 6 West, and will
offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber
or stone than tor agricultural pur
poses, and to establish bis claim
to said land before Joseph Moss, U. S.
Ootnuiissiouer, at bis offioe at Grants
Pass, Oregon, on Monday, the 12th
day of August 1907.
He namns as. witnesses: uilve
Major, of Placer, Ore , W, T. Torn
ham, of Grants Pass, Ore., Geo. W.
Reams, of Grants Past, Ore., Joseph
Dytert ol R. F. D. No. 1, Grants
Pats, Ore.,
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to tile their claims in this
office on or before said lith day of
Aogust, 1907.
' Register.
Notice it hereby given, that pur
oant to an order of the Coonty
Coort for Josephine County, Oregon,
dated Jone 7, 1907, duly rendered
and entsred in the matter of the
Ettale of Orlia A. Smith, deceased,
L the undersigned administratrix
will oo and alter Saturday, Joly 6,
1907, sell at private sale to the highest
and best bidder, for cash in hand, the
following described real property,
to wit: Commencing at tbe Southeast
corner of lot three of Block two of
Miller and Go's addition to Grants
Pass, Oregon, and running thence
Northerly aloug the East end line of
the said lot three one hundred and
fifteen feet, thence Westerly along the
North ' line or said lot three, one
hundred lee', thence Southerly along
a line patallel with the said Last end
hue, one hundred aud fifteen fjet,
thence Easterly along the Sonth hue
ot said lot three, one hundred feet to
the place of beginning, all being in
lot threo of block two ot Mi He' and
i o's addition to Grants Pass, Jose
amine County, Oregon, subject to
confiruiatiou bv the court aud bids
mav be received therefor at the office
of R. (1. Smith, atiorney at Is'
Urants Pass, Oregon.
Notice is berbey given that the un
dersigned has been appointed adminis
trator of the e-tate ot Kmily Carter,
d ceas d aud all persons having claims
i.ainst mu etle are hereby noti
fied ro til the same with my attorney,
u. w. t;oivi, lumen in the tyrants
lam Ksnkiug & Trust Building,
Grants Pdss, Oregon) ou or betore tlx
months from this date.
Dated this 12th dv of Jane, 11X17.
In the Di'trict Court of the United
States for the District of Oregon,
in Bankruptcy.
In tbe matter of )
Martin A. Coo- ! Iu Bankruptcy,
gvr. a baukrupt. j
To the creditors of Martin A. Con
ger of Grauts Pas, Oregon, iu th
coonty of joxephine and district
aforesaid, bankrupt:
Notice is hereby given that on the
:i0tli dav of April, 1907 the said Mar
tin A. Conner was duly adgudicatedl
baukropt and that tbe first meeting
of his cruel i ton will be held at the
office of the referee in baukrui tcv in
Grants Pass, Oregon, ou the 2oth
day of Jnne, A. D. 1907 st 2 o'clock
in the afternoon, at which time the
sain creditors mav attend, prove
meir ciaiun, appoint a trust),
examine tbe bankrupt, and transact
such other business as may properly
come Deiure such meeting.
Referee in Bankruptcy
Grsut2Pass, .Oregon, June 7, 1U)7
Timber Land, Act Jone 3, 1878.
Roseburg, Ore., April 24, 1907.
Notice, is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
or uoogreas of Jane 3, 1878, entitled
'An act for the sale of timber lands
In the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,.'
as extended to all the Public Land
States by act of August 4, 1893,
of Osboro, County of Shoshone, State
of Idaho, has this day filed in this
offioe his sworn statemeut No. 8054
for the purchase of the KS,' of the
8Wt4' of Section No. 32 in Towoship
No. 87 South. Range No. 5 West,
aud will offer proof to 'show that the
land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, aud to establish bis claim
to' said land before Joseph Moss, U. S.
Commissioner, at his office at Grants
Pass, Ore., ou Tuesdav. the 23d dav
of July. 1907.
He names as witnesses: Joseph E.
Verdin, of Grauts Pass, tire , Martiu
A. Conger, of Grants Pass, Ore.,
William Bail, of Grauts Pass. Ore..
and Emmitt R. Conger, of Wilder-
ville, Ore,
Any aud all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
requested to tile their claims iu this
office on or before said 2:M dsy of
July, 1907. BENJAMIN L. EDDY.
Timber Laud, Act Juue 8, 1878.
Roseburg. Ore,. April 2, 1907.
Notice is hereby given, thnt in com
pliance with the provisions of the Act
of Congress of Juue 3, 1878, entitled
"An Aot for the sale of timber lauds
in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada aud Wasbinutou Territory,"
as extended to all Pi? '".'Land Slates
by act orAugust 4, 18ft
of Chioo, County of Butte, State of
California, filed in this office his
sworn statement No. 80t9, for the pur
ohase of the W' of the NEtf and the
Etj NWt;, of Section No. 10, in
Township No. 87 Sooth, ot Range No.
7 West, W. M., Ore., and will offer
proof to show that land sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone than
for agrionltoral purposes, and to es
tablish his claim to said land before
Joseph Moss, United States Commis
sioner, at his offioe in Grants Pass,
Josephine Conuty, Ore., on Thurs
day, tbe 25th day of Joly, 1907.
He. names as witnesses: A. W.
Silsby, of Grants Pass. Oregon, Will
iam Spalding, of Grauts Pass, Ore.,
and Franols J. Spalding, of Grants
Pass, Ore.
Anr and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
office on or before said 25th day of
Joly, 1907. BENJAMIN L. EDDY,
Timber Land, Aot Jone 8, 1878.
Kosebarg, Ore., April 2d. 1907.
Notioe is hereby given that In com
pliance with the provisions of the
Aot of Congress ot June 8, 1878, en
titled "An aot for tbe tale of timber
lands in the States of California, Ore,
gon, Nevada, and Washington Terri
tory, " as extended to all Poblio Land
States by aot of Angust 4, 1892,
of Portland, Connty of Multnomah,
State of Oregon, filed in this offioe his
sworn statement No. 80tt7, for the pur
chase of the of the W of Beo-
tlon No. 82 id Township no. 40
South of Range No. 8 West, W. M.
Ore., aad will offer proof to show
that the land sought Is more valuable
for Its timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes, aod to establish his
claim to said land before Joseph
Moss, U, 8. Commissioner at bis
office in Grants Pans, Ore., on Thnrs
dav, tbe 25th day of Joly, 1907.
He names as witnesses: Wesley B.
.Sherman, of Grants Pass, Ore.,
George Elder, of Waldo, Ore., Alex
George of Kerby, Ore., and George
H. Slover, of Grants Pass, Ore.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versly the above described lands are
requested to file their claims In this
office on or before said 25th day of
July. 1907.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Josephiue Couuty
In the matter of tbe es
tate of J. H. Ross,
Notioe is hereby given that Charles
F. Rohi, the administrator of the es
tate of J. II Ross, deceased, has filed
bis final account in said matter Iu
the Coonty Court of Josephine
County, Oregou. and that by order of l
the Hon. Htepheu Jew-11, Judge of
said coort Thursday. July 18, 1907,
at 2 o'clock p in., Is the time sal for
the bearing of said final account, aud
any objections that may be tiled there
to aud for tbe settlement of said es
tate, and an? persons having any ob
jections to said account are hereby
rqoired to file tbe tame on or before
said time at which the tame will be
beard at tbe Court House at Grauts
Pass, Josephine Couoty. same on or
before said time at which the lame
will be beard at tbe Tourt Hooso at
Grauts Pass, Josephiue County.
Administrator of the state of J. H.
Ross, deceased.
Oliver S. Brown,
Thtrt Arc ftw
people who kuow how to take care of
themtelvee the majority do not.
The liver it a most Important organ
in the body. Heroine will keep it in '
condition. V. O. Simpkius, All, i
Texas, writes:. "I have used Heroine !
for Chills and Fever and find it the
best medicine I ever used. I would
not be without it. It la as good fur
children as It Is for grown-op iieople,
anq i recommend II.
it is fine ft r La
Gripl. " For sale
by National Drug
Co. aud by Demaray,
Timber Land, Act Jane 8, IMS.
Roseburg, Ore.. April 25, 1907.
Notice la hereby given that In com
pliance with the provisions of the aot
of Congress of Jone 8, 1878, entited
"An act for the sale of timber lands
in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory"
as extended to all the Pnblio Land
States by act of August 4. 1892,
of Bar City. County of Pierce. State
of Wisconsin, has this day filed in
this office his sworn statement No.
8060 for the purchase of the NEVi of
NWJ. and k of NE4- and NW of
SEt4 of Section No. 84, in Town
ship No. 87 South, Rnge No. 4
West, W. M. and will offer proof to
show that the land sough', Is more
valuable for Us timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes and to es
tablish his claim to said land before
Joseph Moss U. S. Commissioner at
bis ottice in Grants Pass, Oregon, on
Wofluesitay, the 24tli day or Jnlv 1907.
He uames as witnesses: Albion V.
Silsby. of Grauts Pass, Ore., William
Spalding, of Grauts Pass, Ore., Fran
cis J Spalding, of Grauts Pass, Ore,,
aud Elbert V. Kellogg, of Grauts
Pass, Ore.
Any and all persons claimiug ad
versely the ahove-desoribed lands are
requested to hie their claims in this
office on or before said 2-lth day of
July, 1907.
Timber Land. Act June 8, 1878.
Rosehurg, Oregon, April 27, 1907.
Notice is hi r bey given that in
compliance with tho provisions of the
act of Congress of June 8, 1878, en
titled "An act for the sale of timber
lands In the States of California,
Oregon Nevada, and Washington Ter
ritory, "as extended to all the Pnblio
Laud States by act of August 4, 1893,
of Wimer, county of Jackson, State of
Oregon, has this day filed in this
office her sworn statement No. 8072,
Cor the purchase of the SWj of
SE. of Section No. 20. in Towuship
No. 85 South, Rauge No. 4 W W. M..
aud will offor proof to show that the
laud tough t Is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish bis claim
to said land before Joseph Moss,
United States Commissioner, at his
office, in Grants Pass, Oregon, on
Friday, the 8tlth day of Joly, 1907.
She names as witnesses: James
Owens, of Wluier, Ore., Joseph Car
ter, of Wimer, Ore., John Smith, of
Wimer Ore., and Joseph Owens, of
Wluwr, Ore.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
offioe on or before said 26th day of
July, 1907.
.Timber Land, Aot Jone H, 1878.
Roseburg, Ore., April Hflth, 1907.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with ' the provisont of tbe
aot of Congress of Jone 8, 1878, en
titled "An aot for the sale of timber
lauds in the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada' and Washington Ter
ritory" as extended to all the Publlo
Land Stares by aot of Aogoat 4, 1893,
of Horu brook, ooonty of Siskiyou,
State of California, has this day filed
In this offioe his sworn statement No,
80A5, for the porohase of the SEW of
NEandEl of SEU and NWi of
8E of Section No. 14. in Township
No. 84 8outh, Range No, 4 West. W.
M.. and will offer proof to show
that the land sought is more valuable
for its timber or atone . than for
agricultural purposes and to establish
his claim to said land before Joseph
Moss, U. 8. Commissioner at his
office In Grants Pass, Oregon, on
Thursday, tbe 25th day of Joly, 1907.
He names as witnesses: Edward
D. Thompson, of Grants Paw, Ore.
gon, 'John J. Holoomb, of Wimer,
ore., Klohara Collins, ot Winter,
Ore., and James Owens, of Wimer,
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above -described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
office on or before said 25th day of
Joly, 1907.
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.
Roseburg, Ore., April 25, 1907.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of Jone 8, 1878, entitled
"An aot for tbe sale of timber lauds
in the State of California, Oregon,
Nevada aud Washington Territory" as
exteuded to all the i'lihlio Laud Htatea
by act of August 4, l9l,
of Chioo, 0JJS Fourth St., county of
Butte, State ot California, has this
day filed in this office his sworn state
ment No. Will!) for the purhrasti of the
NK4 of Section No. 20. in Towuship
No. H5 H, Range No. 5, W. W. M.,
aud will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes and to establish his olulm to
said laud before Joseph Moss, U. S.
Commissioner at his office In Grants
Pass, Oregou, on Wednesday, theJMth
i ,laf of J"lv' m1-
He names as witnesses: Albion
W. Hilsliy, of Grants Pass, Oregon,
Francis J. Spalding, of Grauts Pass,
Ore., Hal K. Sears, of Chioo, t'al.,
and William Spalding, of Grants Pass,
1 Ore.
all persona claiming ad
nuj in.
versely the above-described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
otllo on or before said 24th day of
July, 1907.
A Fort unit t Tessa.
Mr. E. W. Goodloe. of 107 St. Louis
St., Dallas, Tex., says: "In the t
year I have become acquainted with
Dr. King's New Life Pills, and DO
laxative I ever before tried so
effectually disposes of malaria and
bilioosneis. " I'bey dou't grind ne"
gripe. 25o at all drug stores.