ROGUE RIVHR COURIER, GRANTS PASS, OREGON, JUNE 21, 1907. Folger's Golden Gate gojdenfe Is composed of the followina THERE is nothing so good for the family as laughing. Anything introduced into the family circle which will increase the number of laughs per person is a benefit to the health of the home. The Edison Phonograph is able to furnish good, hearty, wholesome fun, It is not always funny, but it can be made funny when you like it funny. The first work of the Edison Phonograph is to amuse. Some people are better amused by things that arc not funny. Music, operas, hymns, ballads, old songs whatever it is that you like best that is what the Edison Phonograph can giv you best. There are good deal ers everywhere who show it and sell it Write for. the book and you will know why you want the Edison. DISTRIBUTORS PHOTO AND MUSIC HOUSE Courier Building. Grants Pass, Oregon BUY YOUR. Drug's and -AT MODEL DRUG STORE FRONT STREET, Opposite Depot GRANTS PASS FOR - THE - GLOMUS 4th CITY MEAT MARKET IMtone 111, JT. II. AIILF, lroir, r GR.ANTS PASS jk Commercial Club Will furnish information of Josephine county free of charge. Correspondence so licited. T. Ti Halt President 4 i i i i H. L. Andrews Secretary Courier and Oregonian $2.00 a year ingredients and none other: Pure Cream Tartar and Pure Bi-carbonate Soda J. A. FOLGER & CO San Francisco Medicines THE- npHERE is nothing thafwill tickle thepalate of Uncle Sam and big boys andgirls like a deliciooi roast of Spring lamb, Spring chicken, or roast beef. Yon will find tbe choicest of everything in Ibe line of meat, and pool try, cot and trimmed for your table in an expert manner at the Remarkable Rcicue That truth is stranger than fiction, has once more been demonstrated in the little town of Fedora, Tenn., the residence of O. V. Pepper. He allied with bem rrhages of the lungs and throat Doctors failed to help me, ana ail nope naa nea wneu i oe can taking Dr. King's New Dis nnwerv Uhfn instant relief came iTha rnnffhini, nnm ppasmI ' thft rilppri ing diminished rapid'?, "Da ID three weeks I was able to go to work. " nntrant-wl fnr nnnchs nuA otAAa. f0f' and $1 at all drag stores. Trial bottle free. INTERESTED IN SOUTHERN AND EASTERN OREGON News of thb Sumpter District. Railroad Construction Pushed. Meiers. Career & Keieer, who bare lately been purchasing irrigated lands in the vicinity of Grants Pats have bonded and are operating the Gem mine . at Susanville. A substantial cash payment has been made on the bond and intelligent mining is being carried on. Tbe bonders who repre sent Sonth Dakota capital are much pleased with the appearance of the property and to show their entire faitb in the District have purchased 2000 acres of ranoh land and 13,000,000 feet of timber. Tbe custom mill. at Snsanville is shipping "all its concen trates to the Sumpter Smelter. Tbe Standard mine in the iQoartsburg dis trict lis operating Jits 100 ton 'mill regolarly. The product of which Is also being bsndled at the Sampler Smelter. Other mines shipping to the smelter are tbe Colombia, North Pole, Jut. View,' Cornucopia. Compton and Badger. These will bo augmented in the near futare by the Imperial, United Ekhorn and several others. One of trie copper prospects near Baker City was bonded a few days ago to New York Capitalists for a large figure. Should this district piove good. Eastern Oregon will Boon enjoy a copper boom of considerable magni tude. Times are very lively on the Snake River. One thousand men are employed in ra'.lway construction and building tbe tunnel at the Oxbow for the in stallation of an immense power plant. Among tbe principal mines working are the Iron Dyke, Ferrell Uroup, Congar, Centipede and MoDougball group. The railway will be com pleted to Homestead by Jone 1908. W 8. Modern Methods in Teaching Book-keeping and business practioe will probably be taught with much more satisfactory results in the futare than in the past, for the Text -book commission adopted what lis k known as tbe budget system of teaching. Briefly stated, this sy tern places In tbe bands of the puplf- a series of les sons oo sheets of heavy paper, with tbe sheets plaoed in a pile and tbe corners fastened together. Kaon day the student tears off a page or sheet and finds underneath the blank forms of bills, notes, checks, drafts, mort gages, deeds, eta, that are to be nsed in the day's work, be can ot get tbe blanks without tearing off tbe sheet of paper. Tearing off the sheet of paper is equivalent to opening his office in the morning or receiving his daily mail. Tbe forms 'are "exactly like those used in actual business practice, and the transactions are as mach like those of actual business as possible. The budget system is used in most of the busineis "colleges and In many of the bigh schools of the country. Its adoption in Oregon is considered one of the most important changes made by the Text-book Commission. Courier trial subscription, five weeks, 10 cents in stamps. IRRIGATION ASSOCIATION Continued from page 1 biggest of its kind ever held in Oregon. By holding it following the meeting of tbe National Congress at Sacra mento a very large Dumber of tbe speakers and delegates at that gather ing could be induced to attend the Oregon Association in this city. By sending a large delegation from Grants Pass to Sscramento many of the mou of national reuoun u-uid ht secured as speakers for the meeting here and many of the Eastern dele gates be indured to retard to their bo:i:es by sy of Oregon and uiuke a stop in Grants Pass. 1 By having the Oregon Irrigation meet in Grants Pass and the attend ance or a big delegation Irom the National Irrigation Congress it will give Rogoe River Valley and Grsn's Pass a spleudid advetisement such a could not be 'gained by the epxeudi- ture of ll(X)(l in literature. The holding of an irrigation convention in Grants Pass will be the means of giv ing a strong impetos to the movement to get an irrigation system for this section of liogne River Valley. With the showing of profitable results had from the small plants in operation in this valley it will be possible to in terest capital in the nodertaklng of tsking water from Rogue river 'and distributing it bv means of a canal along earn side of the Valley on the lands that are naturally very rich, but now of little value for tbe lack of water. The Courier gives all the county news. Southern Oregon Normal. Miss Kaiser and Mrs. Wickersham are busy this week preparing records of student teachers. Members of the Eighth Grade of the Training School are taking the final examinations this week. Tbe exami nations are submitted Jby Snpt. P. H. Dailey. On Wednsday the members of the Y W. O. O. A. gave a social in Memorial Hall. The chief feature of the evening was "The County Fair." The Association reports the amount received 35.36. James Martin, a graduate of 190(1 and principal cf the Wood vi lie schools, visited the Normal Monday snd Tuesday. Members of the Elocution and English Literature classes will pres ent Shakespeare's Julius Caesar in the Opera Eonse June 21st at 8 p. m. The cast of characters is as follows: Julius Caesar George Martin Antony Perry Cornm Brutus Myrn Bailey Cassias.... Bert Standi tie Casoa . . : Howard Cnrmichael Trebonius Hinsley Hei dricks Decius Emil Brophy Portia Daisy Jacksou Ca'purnia .. Edetli MoCnne Metellus Giuiber Frank Allen Lucius Will Allen Servius Robert Bagley So thaaver Earl Moore Maids, servauts, attendants soldiers. The following officers of the student body were ebcted Monday for the en suing year: President, George Martin; vice-president Clara Sylvester; secre tary, Emily O'Brian; treasurer, Stanley Wood. A faculty pionio was given Wednes day noon, in honor of Miss Ida Case, it being her la-t day with ns for this school year. All report an enjoyable time. Miss Case left Thursday morn ing for New York. She will be joined by friends in the east, who will form an Independent tourist company and visit Europe Naples is the first point of their destination ; from thence they will visit other Italian oities, Switzerland, France, Germany, England. Miss Case will return late In September to resume her work in the Normal. The last meeting of the Y. W. O. C. A was held Friday when business was attended to for next jear and a Summer delegate, Miss Pina Bene dict, elected. Stanley Wood .was chosen delegate of the Normal Y. M. C A. and left Friday morning for Gearbeart to attend the State conven tion held at that place. The Road to Mule Creek. Subjoined is an article by Alex Watts, giving practical information as to the location of a feasible route for a wagon road down Rogue river from Grants Pass to tbe Mule Creek mining district. Mr. Wattf Is a pioneer of this Valley and a veteran of the Rogue River Indian wsrs and thoroughly knows every section of this Valley. He states that it would be no difficult matter to bnild a wagon road to the lower Rogne river section and that Ir would not be so expensive of construction ai to make tbe undertaking unprofitable: Murphy, Ore, June lfith, 1907. Editor Cornier: I see in yonr last issue that there is a proposition to build a wagon road from Galice to the mouth of Mule Creek with tbe estimated cost of 10,000. As I was employed by the county In 18(H) to look over that route, perhaps my experience may be of sufficient value to pay for publication. From Galioe to tbe Yank ledge there it bat little work needed for three or four miles, then comes the big canyon of seven miles to Whiskey Creek, which is the molt expensive piece of road building be tween Grants Pass and Gold Beach. From Whiskey Creek to Mule Creek there is nothing particularly bad on ttin north sHo cf tVe rlvr say 13 miles more. I Hlionld lay out the riiad just above high water mark as to keep higher up the side of the n ountain would raise snow lids besides being lunger and more up and down hills. Ancient Rom is now merely a memory of tbe past. Ballard's Snow Liniment is the family liniment of the 20th century. A posi tive cure frr Rheumatism, Burns, Cuts, Sprains, Neuralgia, etc. Mr. C. H. Runyon, Stauherry. Mo. writes: "I have used Suow Liniment for Rheumatirm and all lain. I can't say en on gb in its praise. " For sale by National Drug Co. and by C. Ii. Iwrnarsy. Don't! 11 Don't let yonr child suffer with that oongh when y u can cure it with Ballard's Horehoond Syrup, a sure cure for Coughs, Bronchitis, in fluenza. Croup and Pulmonary Di seases. Buy a bottle and try It. B. B. Laughter, Iivhalia, Miss., writes: "I h te two children who had croup. I tried many different remedies, but I must sty your Horeliound Hyrup is trie b'et ("roup and Cough medicine I ever nid. " For silu by National Drag Co. and by Deiuaray. EISNAN BROS. BUILDING A BIG PACKING HOUSE Three Stortee High With Capacity of 12.000 Boxee of Frutl. Eisman Bros, are building what will be oue of the largest and best arranged fruit packing and storage houses In Rogne River Valley. Tbe packing hooee heretofore nsed on their big orchard, five miles west of Grants Pass, is only a oue story structure and was no longer large enough In whioU to handle their ap ple crop, which last year amounted to over 19,006 boxes This old build ing, which as located in the orchard has been torn down and the best of the material is .being nsed in the new bnildiog. The new building Is lo cated on the hillside near Fred Eis man 's home. It is 60 feet square and three stories high. The first story, or basement, has stone walls aud con crete floor and will be used for hold ing apples in storage. The ventila tion will be under perfect control and the temperature and moisture of the air can be kept at the required degree to insure the perfect keeping of the fruit This basement will have capacity of 13,000 boxes and 30,000 boxes of fruit can be haudlled in the entire building. The second floor will be nsed as a packing room aud the third floor will be for storing paper, box shook, nails, etc, and the box making department An elevator will be used for transfering boxes of fruit from one floor to another, but a shute will be put in for sending boxes and paper from the wareroom to the packing room belor. The steep hillside will enable all three floors to be reached direot from tbe wagon. There will be driveway to the lower side of tbe basement and one to the upper side of the packing room and the box room will be reached by an elvated way. Tbe packing room will be well lighted and have a stove to take tbe chill off during cold weather so as to make It comfortable for the packers. Every convenience will be provided for rapid work and for economically handling tbe fruit. With this new warehouse Eisman Bros, will be able tc hold etch Fall m large part of their apple orop until the rush of tbe mar ket is over and oars can be readily had and prioes stiffen. A well equip ped packing and storing warehouse is an essential adjunct to every or- chard and ths fruit growers wbo build such a house will find it one of their most protfiable investments. Grants Pass Weather. Followina is s summary of the weather observation at Oram i'ass during the month of May, VM7, as reported by J. I. Paddock, local voluntary ohserver lor the Oregon 8late Weather (Service: . TEMPERATURE l s B-g (2 Maximum Minimum Range &3 "l 74 2S 40 2 74 1 3 64 41 18 4 73 83 40 ft 82 K4 4S 6 40 28 06 7 8 7 43 36 U ) 41 28 10 t(2 4H 14 14 11 w ;u 24 02 12 m 40 2tt 13 70 32 44 14 15 88 42 4fl 111 HO 1 4H 17 81 38 43 18 6! 41 23 0B 1!) m 42 18 75 20 71 43 28 01 21 C7 37 80 10 22 l 47 18 23 72 42 30 21 72 fJ 22 25 75 47 28 2fl 84 40 44 27 84 44 40 28 80 42 88 2il 0 42 47 80l 08 41 61 Sli 82 M 30 Kimiiiiarv: Mean temneratiire 75. max 1;i":t teiiijieraiure!w",lalMh, minimum ,..n, r,..rtiire 28". dale 1 Total precipita tion inches 1.13. fnowlall 0. NuiuLer day clear. 14; partly cloudy, 6; cloudy 11. l'revailing wind, a. W. Illinois Creamery Butler is for salo at the Southern Oregon Supply Co.. Kinney & Truax, Orauts Pass Grocery and J. R. Hyde. Patronize ajocal creamery. ll V SMYTHE'S QUALITY SHOP Is the place to buy your Coffee and Toa We receive various unsolicited testimonials of the satisfaction they give the consumer. We have OTHER SPECIAL LINES carefully selected, that you will be pleased with, and we will be pleased to show yon. Come in and get acquainted with MRS. J. C. GAMBLE Mgr. 412 Front St., Grants Pass, Oregon New Goods Arriving This Week. THAT TRIP EAST In planning your astern trip, write or call on the under signed or your nearest ticket agent and learn what the Burlington can do for you for any diverse routes that may be offered, the Burling ton map will show the great variety of routes possible to holders of Burlington tickets. we have three gateways St. Paul. Billincs and Denver to Chicaeo. St. Louis,Kanaa City and Omaha The map shows what a de sirable portion of the through route the Burlington trunk lines form. Ask for Burlington folder and let me help you A. C. SHELDON, Gen'l. Ag-t. C. B. & Q 100 Third Street, Portland, - Oregon. SUMMER SCHOOL The first term of the CAPITAL HUMMER NORMAL will betftnon May o, 1HU7, ana continue eieni weens. The second term beirlns on Monday. June 24, 1U07, and continues until ho August examination. Tuition for Each Term, $10. THE SUMMER. SCHOOL, OF PRIMARY METHOD! will begin on June 10, 11)07, and con tinue 12 days, under charge of County Supt Moo res and Mlns Margarot Gos per. Addruss J. J. Krapsor County Super lntoudeut K. T. Mooros, Halum, Oregon. QUALITY IS MY RULE IN GROCERIES None Hut the Best and at Right Prices SOLE AGENT FOR WHITE SATIN FLOUR The Best Hard Whont on the Market FitEBii Fkcit and T. Y. DEANil West G St. Opposite depot A Hsppy Mother will see that ber baby is proper cared for 11 do this a iiond purxatir is necessary. Many babies suffer from worms and tlieir mothers don't kr.ow it if yonrAliaby Is feverish an doesn't hIm'L t u'Kbts, It is trotiblo with woruitV White's Cream Veruii fiifl lii clem out these worms iu mild, plra.ant war. On" trie always owd. Give it a tria . Pri 2.1 cents. "K(ir ss .by Natioual Dra Co. aud by Dttuiaray. . ;