ROGUB RIVER COURIER. GRANTS PA33, OREGON, JUNB 14. 1907. Desfsew C not Be Carta1 y loc I application!, m they cannot Teach the diseased portion of tbe ear. There If ooly ooe way to corn deaf neM, aud that is by constitutional remedies. Deaf o ess is caused by ao inflamed condition of tbe morons lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tone is inflamed on hare a rambling sound or imperfect bearing, and wheo it is entirely closed, deaf ness is the result and nnless the in flammation can be taken oat and this tube restored to its normal oooditlon, Bearing ' will be destroyed forever ; nine esses out of 10 are cansed by Catarrh, which is nothing but ao Inflamed condition or tne. mncoos nrfaoea. Ws will give 100 for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can not be cured by Hall's CaXarrh Care. Hend for circulars, free. If. J. CHKK.EY & CO., Toledo. Hold by Druggists, 75o. , Take Haifa Family Pill jor consti pation. 1 The entire state ' of Minnesota is ikely to be dry next Sunday, as a re sult of the decision . of tbe supreme court holding that the attorney general can bring ouster proceedings against mayors who tail to olose saloons on Sodays. . The Courier gives all the connty news. t MM Program at JULY 4, 1907 TV JULY 4. Sunrise. Firing Salute. 9:30 to 10:30 a. ra. Mammoth street parade, ending at the grounds on Sixth street. 10:30 to 11.30 a. m. Exercises at grounds. Oration by U. S. Senator Fulton of Astoria, ' - 11:30 a. m. Field Day Sports:' , 100 yards dash. Purse $10. Standing broad jump. Purse $5. Running broad jump. Purse $i. Running high jump. Purse $5. Catching greased pig. Prize, the pig. ' Climbing greased pole, sack race an J other minor sports. 2:45 to 4:45 p. m. Base Ball. Medford vs. A. A. C. Purse $300. Admission 25 cents a -d 35 cents. -f:30 to 8:36 p. m. Band concert at railroad grounds. 8:30 to 9:30 p. mGrand display of fireworks. 9:3) p. tu. Free, platform dance. JULY 5.' 8;30 a. m. Balloon ascension and parachute jump of 5,000 feet by Prof. R. Berry. 9 to 10 a. m. Rock drilling contest at railroad grounds for a purse of $150. 10:30 a. m. Base Ball. Medford 2 p. m. Horse racing at Dimmick special race for ponies. 8:30 p. m. Free plutform dance. T II KRE is nothing so good Anytliiqg introduced into incroaso tho number of laughs tho health of tho home. mi ill- ni .VUve.ut... wholoaome fun, It is not always fuuny, but it can. bo made funny when you liko it funny. The first wotk of the Edison Phonograph is to amuse. Some people are better amused by things that arc not funny. Music, operas, liyuius, ballads, old songs whatever it is that you like best that is what the Kdisou Phonograph can give you best. There are good deal ers everywhere wlto snow it. and sell it. Write for the book and will know why you want the Bdison.l 4 DISTRIBUTORS PHOTO AND MUSIC HOUSE Courier Building. Grants Pass.'Orerjon NEW HOPE Rain and still it rains a little. It, seems that "Mooty" bas pick at me about fence. Well, even if I bad bailt a brush fenoe as he stated, it would be better than nooe,.like his. Mrs. Wm. Meseinger made your town business trip Saturday. Geo. Alpeter bas traded bis little farm to Wm. Bull of Grants Pass for city property. J. L. MoOolm was at the Pass Monday. Several of oar yoang folks attended Children's Day exercles at Wilderville last Sunday. . I wonder what "Red Cloud" thinks abort t "Eben" now. We wonder what is tbe matter with the telephone. Win; Messinger has returned from Han Francisco after an absence of six months. ' He hsd been working at the carpenter trade there. SHORTY. The Courier t a can. family paper Grants Pass JULY 5, I 1flA7 vs. A. A. C. race track. Purse $250. There will be for tho family as laughing. tho family circlo which will per person is a benefit to . . , . u tuiutsu fcvuu, uouii), you BASE BALL NOTES. Standing of the Rogne River Valley League : Won Lost Per Cent Grants Pass 8 2 . 600 Jacksonville 8 3 .00 Medford 4 8 " .572 Atbland ; 0 8 .000 Grants Pass 6. Medford 8. Is the way it stood at the end of the ninth inning last Sunday in the game between Grants Pans and Medford which was ooe of the beet exhibitions of ball put op on tbe local diamond this season. The boys were all in the best of trim and the errors on both sides being but few, it was very plain from the start which side was going to be the victors as the Grants Pass boys started the first inning with three runs while Medford came np In the second by sending two men across the ulab bat were retired without tieiog the score. The rest of the runs were well scattered on both idei, Medford making bat one and Grants Pass three more. Pernoll and Bossen,' the two Sooth-paws were in the best of condi tion, both allowing but few hits end keeping them well scattered. Johnnie Pernoll umpired the game, seemingly to the satisfaction of everybody. The few disputes which are liable to come up in any game being qniokly and satisfactorily settled. Following is the line-np: J Grants Pass Medford Pernoll p Bossen Phelps , o French Carter lb Pordy Faublon 2b King Sobmldt, A 8b Miles Smith ss Wilkinson DeLamatter rf ' Malloy Schmidt, H of Isaacs Riggs If Rothemal Grants Pass goes to Medford this next Sunday for tbe return game. The game at Jacksonville last Sun day between tbe Ashland and Jack sonville teams was won by Jackson ville with a score of 5 to 8. Tbe same teams play in Ashland this coming Sunday. It is announced that the Roseburg team is going to make a tour of Southern Oregon They play at Grants Pass on Thursday, June 30. This will no doubt be a very exciting game as the Roseburg team is playing fast ball this year. This game being on a week day is expected to bring out quite a number of people who do not attend Sunday games. - m It is reported that Medford Is going to sireuRineu np tor tne game on July 4, as they are bound to win this game at.any cost, but Grants Pass is going to give them run for their money even if they do run in a few profes sionala. The following is the schedule of the R. R. V. league for the remainder ot the season : June 16 Grants Pass and Medford at Medford ; Ashland and Jacksonville at Ashl ind. Juue 23 Grauls Pass and Ashland at 'Grants Past; Medford and Jackson ville at Jacksonville. June 81 Gr ints Pass and Ashland at Ashland; Medford and Jacksonville at Medford. July 4 Grauts Pass and Medford at Grants Pas: Ashland and Jacksonville at Jacksonville. July 6 Grants Pass and Medford at Grants Pass. ! jt WmiKKYIL LE 1 My, lmveu't -we been haviug cold, j rainy weather, for the middle of Jane? Cold enough for November. Sunday, the Dili being Children's Day here the church building was well filled After ths children flnisln-d with their spoaklug and songi, they gatheied in the nice grove aud having uo talilti ftnrtiRi! thair tuM. .l.i.i.D thBruud and partook of a bounteous leaal. Mr. aud Mrs. Leo Sams and babes of the Live Slatioa saw mill visited la this neighborhood from Satnrday eeveuing nutil Sunday ereuing. Akers made a business trip to urams ran wesuosdy of this week. Kev. Hoxie of Willims Creek made short visit with relatives at Wilder ville Saturday evening or laat week. Eugene Sams, after closing his terra of s-hool on Deer Creek, visited home folks a few days then went to Portland to work a few months in a box factory. Graudpa JChalauder, near Wonder bas been ill the past week 'and hu ; been staying at the home of Ben Bull j up Charley Creek. I There is lots of hay down that has 'been takins these rather har showers. Mrs. H. TX Jones and Alioe Love- lac are at iomo after visiting a few !dy up Kogae Hirer, j UNCLE FULLER. - Miner.-blanks the Courier office if you give us a chance to try. Our reputa ion in the grocery bust ness stands for good me-chandise and good value. It is the easiest thing in the world to find a choice i,: our large collection at a price that suits your purse.. LUNCH GOODS A large assortment of Pickles, Sauces, Jellies, Fruits Meats, Fish, etc. The finest strawberries in the land. Cherries are plentiful and cheap. We can supply you for canning. J. PARDEE. 418 G Street, 7 Grants Pass Near Palace Hotel CHURCH NOTICES St. Luke's Church. . There will be prsyer and sermon at St. Luke's church Suuday evening, June 16 at 8 o'clock. Rev. F. O. Williams of Medford will preach. M E, Church South The Pastor, Geo. W. Gardner, will preach both morning and evening. Sunday school, 10 a. m., morning worshp.'ll a. m., Kp worth League, 7 p. ra., evening worship, 8 p.m. A cordial welcome to all. Free Methodists. There will be religious services at the Free Mithodi6t church on Mill street near Pine as follows : Sabbath sheool at 10 a. in., preaohiog at 11 o'clock. Prayer and class meeting at 8 p. m., also preaching at 8 o'clock. All are cordially Invited to attend these services. J. H. Brown, Pastor. Newman M E. Church. In the morning at 11 the pastor, C O. Beckman,x will speak. Subject: Vis Life Worth- the Living?" Iu tbe evening at 8 the Sunday school will have charge of. the service. The pro gram will consist of recitations, dialogues and "songs. Tbe Sunday school meets at 10 a. m. Epworth League at 7. A cordial welcome awaits you at any or all of these ser vice. , . Baptist Church. Morning worship is at 10:30 when the psstor preaches on the topic' The Half way Man." The session of the Bible Sdhool is at 11 :h. The Young reopie i meetiug at 7 p. ni. will be led by Prudence Kame. Subject "Who are Slaves aud Who are Fre MeD?" For the 8 o'clock evening servioe a Children Day program will be presented A cordial loviUton is eiteudel to these services. Presbyterian Church. The Fchedule of services at the B)thsny church the couiiug Suud.ty, Jnne lti, comprises the folowing: 11 a. in. Evau P. Hushes speaks on the theme, "Was the Golden Age in Wie Past, as the Poets -siug'r No; it is in the Future." 8 p. m. Children's Day Exercises, entitled "Suushine Songs for Sunny June," composed by W. A. Post and Lizzie DeAruioud will be rendered by the Bethany Bible school. 10 a. ni. Bible School nnder the superiuiendeucy of H. O. Kinney. All members are urgi-d to be present, as an snnouncement of importance is to be made respecting a pionio next week. 7 p. m. Devotional Hour of the Y. P.S.E. All are cordially invited. The Western Ulay Company, of Portland, which owns some of the valuable kaolin deposits east of Ash land on the Dead Indlar road, are getting ready to utilize a large quantity of the rock this season. They gave a Portland trackman tbe contract to keep two teams 'busy atl the present season and tbe latter bas been purchasing wagons and teams at Ash laud the past few days. It is un derstood that the company is also willing to hire .more haulers to bring the rock down tbe mountain to Ash land, a distance of about 10 miles, for shipment to the works at Portland.- Tidings. its Fired tht Stick 'I have fired the walking H-V ! carried over 40 yesrs, on account of a sore that reitvl hi... .. . meot, until 1 tried Bucklen s Arnica ' caive; mat ni nealed the sore and ! made me a hsppy man, " writes John : t-tarrett, of Nunh Mills. N. C. , Guar-! anteed for Piles. Burns, etn . hr .11 I Am i... nr.. ' ; 1 I. DKEItlJiG Someone bas asserted that a pack of fools live in Elk Valley. Well now, we do not just believe this, as we have never beard of anyone from here being sent to the legislature. E. M. Albright returned from a business trip to Grants .Pass Thurs day Tomie Gilligan was in your city buying farm machinery and returned borne Friday with a mower and bay rake., Tommie means business. Clark Webb, Sr., has commenced haying this week and has tbe finest stand of orchard and rye grass that one can find anywhere. Miss Pearl Sams who is teaching school in the O'Brien district, is the guest of Miss Anna Peterson over Satnriay and Sunday. Tbe Courier does not always print our songs, but Elk .Valley people keep right on singing tbein josfttie same. Frank Stiwalc audjwife, Roy Briggs and Miss Julia O'Brien, are guests at Mr. and Mrs. Frodelius today. These people hail from Waldo and vicinity. D. L. Webb nd fwife, Mrs. Peter son, Bernard Frodeluis and C. T. Webb were all on a shopping trip to Waldo this week. Art Bigelow returned from Grants Pass the first of tbe week and was a visitor at tbe Webb mine Wednesday. From here he went over in the Diamond Creek country to look at some alleged rich copper claims there. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Frodelius ana Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Peterson we re guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Webb Sunday, where strawberries and cream were the main issne. We bad people freezing to death here last Winter with tbe mercury at 30 degrees above, and now the same people are cooked to a fare-yon-well at 80 degrees above. Beats business how thunder keeps np. Hark ! What was that t Did we hear someone making a noise like a rail road? Those editorials in tbe last two issues of the Observer, smacks of sood favor. Haying is here in dead earnest. KEBN. 7MT IT A MIGHTY COMFORTABLE ftZlINQ To KNOtf t)U HAVE ON THE" PRO PER Cl)7ft ES. IF WE Go To the: proper, place: wf can FEEL SURE WE ARE ALL RIGHT VEJ OW IT TO OURSELVES TO DRESS WELL WE WIJH YOU WOULD INQUIRE WHETHER OR. NOT CUR. .STORE 1,5 THE PROPER. PLACE TO DEAL. IF YOU KNOW OF ANY ONE WHO DEAL5 AT OUR JToRE, AK THEM HOW WE TREAT THEM. OR, BETTER JTILL, COME IN AND LET JS SHOW YOU THE GOODS WE CARRY, THE PRICEJ WE .SELL THEM AT, AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELF. WE BELIEVE WE TREAT OUR CU JToMER S RIGHT BECAUSE WE SEE THE .SAME FACE.S JEAJoN AFTER SEA JON. JU.ST NOW WE ARE ESPECIALLY SHOWING: BOYS' SUITS AT $1.7-5 TO $7.50 AND 5 PAGKS OF FIRECRACKERS FREE. BOYS' KHAKI SJTS AT $1.50 AND TWO PACKS OF FIRECRACKERS FREE. BOYS' COVERT SUITS AT $1.35 AND TWO PACKS OF FIRECRACKERS FREE. BOYS' WASH SJTS AT 65 CTS. TO $l.r5 AND TWO PACKS FIRECRACKERS. BOYS' EXTRA KNEE PANTS AT 25 CTS. TO $1.50 AND ONE P.ACK FIRECRACKERS. Boys' Overalls at 50 cts. and over. One pack fire crackers free. Boys Waists and Shirts at 25 cts. and 50 cts. One pack firecrackers. Free firecrackers with Boys' Hats, Caps, Stockings, Underwear, Ties, etc. Boys' don't overlook this. Our prices are right and the firecrackers are free until July 1. QE0. 5. CALHOUN C2. OUTFITTERS TO BOY AMD flW llieTifWTKlwwiLMwcr STOCSUUGS FOR CiilLDnKlf Levi Strauss & Co. SOLE DISTRIBUTORS. MORE MONEY IN THE COUNTY TREASURY County Treasurer Taylor Maksi Call for County Warrants. Interest Cecees. There are funds in the treasury to pay all warrauts protested to Jum ' 25th. 1904. j Interest will cease from this data May 81st, 1907. 4 j J. T. TAYLOR, Treasurer of Josephine County, Ortl City Treasurer's) Notice. There are fonds in the oity treasum to redeem all outstanding warranu, protested to May 1, 1906. Interest ot . same will cease ater this date. ' I Dated at Grants Pass, Ore., May Si ! 1907. col. w. johnson; Ctyl Treasurer. COMING EVENTS. Jane 18, Tuesday Ice cream Social it Baptist church parlors. t Jane 20 Thursday Fruit Grown' picnic on Vannov ereek. f Jane 21, Friday, Danoe aud ice oresu and cake at woodmen hall. 8-14 it. Jane 21, Friday-Dance at Savanl Creek Halt Tickets, including sapper $1. 6-31 JT July 4, Thursday Grand Fourth ot July celebration at Grants Pass. ; July, 4 Thursday Danoe at Savajt Creek ball. Tickets, inoluding snp-. per, II. Quilt will be rallied off si this danoe. 6 Slit BROWY. liakSJBHMSJMSHSSlBBSM