Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, June 14, 1907, Image 5

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(SmmJ, veigk and wuamre. ttirythin yon
Any Awwriea Grocery.
Buch M
Sliced Boiled Ham,
Sliced Tongue,
Fresh Siloed Dried Beef,
Dutch Cheese,
Fried Spring Chicken, etc,
is where they are prepared to keep it
Cold and under the beet sanl'ary con
ditions. We hare oar new refrigerator,
built especially for that purpose, in
' stalled. . Largest and finest grocer's re
frigerator in Southern Oregon.
Why you should try our Canned
"1st The price is right.
2d The quality is as represented.
j3d They are the new seasons pack
Eajlc Cove Oyitcn 10c
3 cms little neck Clams, not minced,
I' ; 26c. ':' '
l oan Clam Juice, 16o.
3 cam, Campblee 8onpa Mc
J 1 can Booth's Broiled Mackerel, 15c
I can Alaska Salmon Kk
Finest. Columbia- River red salmon,
15, 20, 26o. . '
iters and Fresh canned crab, 25c
Genuine Blue-Point Oysters 1 and 2
pound cans.
RojiM Rjvtr Salt Salmon per lb, 10c
Lake Snperlor White Fish, 2 for 25c.
Salt Mackerel, 1X to 15o.
Imported bloaters, 6 cents each.
8 Bars (5c size) fine toilet soap 25c
Our regular Oregon full cream Cheese,
can t be beat, per pound, 20a
'Good comb Honey, white, 15c.
. New Persian Dates, per pound, 12
, We keep them under glass nof
- - said.
Olives and Olive Oil
'. We are sole agents for The Amer
ican Red Cross Olive Oil, reoom-
mended bv physicians osed iii onr
hospitals .
j Olive Co.,;anest Ripe OliTes in pint
-iniit.T nrrivna id biwr niuvnuau
s and qnartcans.
f Finest Ripe Olives in cans full, pint 35c
' Olive Oil full pint 65c
Teas and Coffee
We can give you the best valoe'ln
roart coffee from;20centiprponnd
to the finest Mocba;&Java at 40 cents
to behad in tbe City.
OnuigiwInowraftheirTbest Navels,
White House
jj Items of Personal ft
8 Interest. 8
W. B. Sherman went to Portland
Tuesday on business.
O. S. Blachard was at Jacksonville
Saturday on professioal business.
Geo. Calhonn is attending the
meeting of the Sbriuers in Portland
tbis week.
Geo. H. Parker was called to
Portland Wednesday on account of the
aerions illness of bis mother.
Miss Edith Bannard returned
Wednesday from a stay of several
weeks with friends in Portland.
Mrs. M. Clemens and children have
gone to Shasta Retreat to spend the
Carl MoCroskey came from Portland
Monday to spend a week with his
mother and sister and friends.
" Robf. Horning visited his cousin
Herman Hornlug last week and re
turned to bis home at Klamath Falls
- Mrs. A. A. Marske and baby, -who
have been visiting the family of F. D.
Smith for the past week, returned to
their home in Ashland Thursday.
Mrs. Fred'k Strieker and little
daughter left last week for a visit at
Detroit, Mich., Mrs. Stackers' former
home. ,
Miss Carter of Ashland, Jcame to
Grants Pass Snnday where she will
spend the Summer with ber brother,
Arthur Carter.
Mrs. H. C. Bobs'en and Mrs. Geo.
R. Riddle are In Portland this ' week
attending the annual meeting of the
Order of Eastern Star. '
Ij. L. Jewell, accompanied by
Mr. Jewell, went to Portland Wed
nesday to attend the Meeting of the
State Bankers Atsocitaion and also of
the Masonio bodies.
Miss Nona S Bridge and Miss Bine
left Wednesday evening for Portland
where Mias Bridge will spend the Sum
mer. Miss nine wlu spena tne bum
mer at some point on theColumbie.
Mrs. M. J. Aderson, wife of Super
visor Aderson of the Siskiyou forest
reserve, with a son and daughter, ar
rived Thursday from the Dalles to
reside here.
Chas. Cramer, who haa been visit
ing Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Cramer,
retained .to his home at .Portland
A oard received from T. P. Cramer
states that the Qamer family tailed
from New Terk on the steamer
8taatendam, Wednesday, June 6.
Miss Jessie SooviU returned to
Grants Pass Tuesday night from
Oanyonville. where she baa been
teaching in the public schools. '
Wm. J. Clarke of Gervais, Grand
Master Workman, A. O. U. W. for
Oregon, paid an offioial visit to Jose
phine Lodge No. 112 of this place
Monday evening. Mr. Clsrke is also
publisher of the Qervais Star.
Mrs. Editb MoGregor and little son,
Beldon, of Orescent City, arrived here
Monday and left the same evening for
Portland, for a short visit with her
eldest son, Foreat, returning to
Grants Pass Friday morning.
Miss Mabel Williams and Miss
Helen Jones of Crescent City, visited
forseveral days this week with Mr.
and Mrs. Lincoln McGrew. Wednes
day they went to Sisson, Cal., where
they expect to spend the Summer.
Dr. Flanagan is at Portland attend
ing the meeting of the Grand Lodge
A. F. & A. M., he being a past grand
master. Herbert Smith is also there
representing Reames Chapter Royal
Arch Masons.
Mrs. D. J. Lawton and children ex
pect to leave Grants Pass about the
1st of July for Denver, which place
will be Mr. Lawton's headquarters.
Sinoe leaving here Mr. Lawton has
covered a great amonnt of territory
from the Canadian border to Mexico
i . I. . i) i . : t : .
I Ann w tno nwij,ujuuuiBiu, iu uib
capacity as special land agent
Big' Furniture Store
Another oO-foot car of furniture received.
The largest stock to seleci from. Prices the
1 All rrrrA a marlml in r.lflin firrnpoo
Everything you need
furnishings. ,
Goods Sold on Installment Plan
Excelsior Sewing Machine Oil, best in the
world. Sewing ;nt?hine supplies ard White
Sewing Machines.
Sixth and D Streets GHAMS PASS, ORE.
Trains carrying; passengers tears Grants
Pass depot as follow :
hosth torn.
No. Express for Port--land
and intermediate
stations . 4:45 a. m.
No. 16 Ore iron Express, Port
land and wav stations.-. 6:20p.m.
No. 14-Portland Express, flyer 11:85 a. m.
No. 11 Shasta ' Express, Sacra
niento Ac San Kranciscn. 10:15 p.m.
No, 15 California Kxpreoa. Sac
ramento and San Fran
cisco. 9 06 a. m.
No. 13 - San FrancUco Express,
flyer v.. ...11:00 a. in.
Dr. D. D. , Smith and wife of
Mankato, Minn.,' spent several days In
Grants Pass visiting tbe'R. R. H.
Harrison family who were their near
neighbors in Minnesota.
E. J. Nale of Eureka. Cal., has been
visiting bis mother. Mrs. A. Nail, in
Grants fast this week. Mr. Nail
is a Linotype operator on the Hum
boldt Daily "Standard and is on
vacation of two months. He left
Thursday for Weiser, Idaho, where be
has worked on newspapers.
. Mr. and Mrs. moe Gehrett of
Atchison, Kan., visited their son,
Lloyd Gehrett 'and wife here last
week. They have gone to San Fran
cUco and a ill visit other coast points
on their way home. Both families
spent last Sunday la Ashland.
Mrs. Fred Person and two children
arrived this week from Montrose,
Cola, to spend the Summer with her
parents Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Soovill
Mr. Person, who is principal of the
Montrose High school, will teach a
six weeks term at Boulder, Colo.,
and will then come to Grants.Pacs for
a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Person
were both former residents of Grants
Pass, Mrs. Person "at one time being
compositor on the Courier.
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Carter came in
from Eerby Monday to meat M's.
Carter's mother. Mrs. Mallnda Hil
man, who came Tuesday from Camas
to spend 'the Smrmer. Mrs. Carter
bad not seen her mother sinoe she
visited at Camos 16 years ago. Mr.
Carter, wbiie in 'Grants Pass also at
tended to legal business oonneoted
with the estate of bis mother, Mrs.
Emily Carter.
Mies Margaret Bannard sails from
Baltimore Jnne 19 for Germany,
where shs will spend ' three months
stodylog. . Mias . Bannard is . teacher
of German In tke Baker City schools
and goes abroad to . become more
closely associated with German Ufa
and increase ber effloleney as Ger
man teacher. " She left Baker Oily
Jnne 8, visited Denver and Chicago
and amoog other places will spend
several days at the National capitol
before sailing.
Meade Family Leaves for Dallexe.
Mrs. H. V. Meade and children
left Monday night for Dallas, Ore.
where Mr. Meade is now located.
Mis. N. B. Mnade aooompanled them
and will remain in Dallas several
weeks. The Meades have been resi
dents of Grants-Pass about 10 years
aad for i everal years Mr. Meade was
foreman of tbe Mining Journal office
and for five years past was foreman
of the Courier office. He left Orants
Pass to take the ICottage Grove
Leader, but the proposition, wben
it came to the final transfer, was,
not 1 satisfactory to him so he took a
place in the 8tate Printing office.
which was seeking bim. The Dallas
Observer bad borrowed bim from the
state offloe and were so well pleased
with his work that the secured bim
permanently. Mr. Meade is an
efficient workman in all branches of
tbe printing business and as a man is
thoroughly reliable and trustworthy.
During tbe years he was on the
Courier tbe proprietor was away from
bnslness many times and several
weeks at a time but there was never
any occasion for worry a Mr. Meade
was attending to business. The Dal
las Observer is to be congratulated
on securing so reliable n man at
Mr. Meale.
in furniture and house
!; A Brief Record of P
Local Events, h
Herman Horning has made an im
provement in his ice cream parlors by
the placing of a window in tbe north
Eleven Minnesota people arrived
in Grants Pass this week to look over
this section of tbe country with a
view to locating.
Long hair and fuzzy necks will
ptobably be the reigning style in
Grants Pass after Jnly 1 as after that
date tbe barbers of the city will
ebarge S6 cents for a hair out and 6
cents extra for a neck shave, except
with a 26 cent job.
The Condor Water aud'Power Oo. is
building a 13x18 brick addition to
their Grants'Pass sub-station on Front
and Seventh streets where they will
install three large transformers which
will add nearly 260 horse power to the
capacity in this station.
Eighty bead of work horses and
males were driven through Giants
Pass a few days ago, 'en route to the
Willamette Valley to work on railroad
grading. They belong to. Mason A
Davis and were at work on the
Klamath ditch coatract.
There will be a dance at the Wood
men ball Friday evening, June 21st.
Danoe ticket 25 cents inoloding ice
cream and cake. Ice cream and cake
will be served for 15 cents for those
not wishing to danoe. 6-14 It
According to the Daily News "Dr,"
Mallory of Portland, who poses as a
nantopath, is in aerions trouble and
faces a $2500 damage suit It is possi
ble that the damage suit may be
avoided but the medical men will
press suit against Mallory for prescrib
ing and selling mediolne and using
Claunde Hockett has tendered his re
signation as manager of the California
Pins Box & Lamber Co. and with bis
family will leave about July, 1 to
taken position with, tbe Coos Bay
manufacturing Co. at North Bend.
Andy Colvin, foreman of tbe factory
here will also leave to take a position
with tbe same company.
A. F. Molntyre of the Mclntyre
transportation Co. baa been arranging
for teams and teamsters for work on
the Takllma Smelter haul The Mo
lntyre stock is all at Klamath Falls
and the teaming here will all be done
byhired outfits. The work will re
quire abont 20 head of stock at the
mine and 100 head for hauling matt
and coke, which will begin as soon
as coke can be secured.
Mrs. Belle Watermau-Ftndlay will
speak on "The Living Temple" in
the Newman M. . E. church on 8ixth
street, Tnesday, June 18th at 8 p. ra.
Rev. IL. M. Fleming of thefJack-
sonville M. E. church writes: "She
was interesting, tactful and impress
ive, and I wish there were thousands
more like her." Mrs. .Mary A. Al
len, president of tbe Jacksonville
W. a T. U., writes, "It was fine;
8he holds her audlenoe spellbound."
Mora Car Needed.
, Tbe extreme carleeness of some of
tbe employes of the railroad company
and the utter lack of regard for or
effort for the protection of pedestrians
on the Sixth street crossing at tbe de
pot grounds is becoming criminal,
every few days there are narrow es
capes from being run down by tbe
bumping of cars and Wednesday even
ing about 6 o'clock two people just
eeoaped being bit by tbe rear ear of a
string of oars reaching from tbe depot
to the water tank where the engine
coupled onto the train. The engine
bit: tbe front of tbe train with so
much force that ;the rear car shot
backward so quickly that tad a person
been crossing tbe track at the time of
tbe compact there would have been no
possibility of escape. No one was
ftatloned nt tf cr"' ng to 'wra
! pedestrains. Fortunately, however,
i there was no dUaHter, but unlt ax there
is some precaution exercUed there
will be a killing of pedestraios, doe to
'criminal wi;i ! juiss ou the paitof
the railroad company.
Have you ever
seen a Sunset?
A beautifully illustrated
monthly magazine of the wide
awake Weit with fascinating
short stories, picturesque personal
point-of-view description of the
interesting development of tho
Wert, and the romance and his
tory o' the wonderland of the
Ask your local newsdealer
for current issue or send $1.50
for year's subscription. The boot
"Road of a Thousand Wonders.
120 beautiful Western views in
four colors will be included
un raasenco n causoikia
News Notes F rom tNe Business
Man to Readers.
Dr. Flanagan,
Physician and Dentist.''
Go to Coron for Plumbing.
M. Clemens, Prescription Druggist.
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Coron's
Placer blanks at the Courier office.
A oomplete line of Post Cards at the
National Drug Store. 6-7 2t
See tbe big line of watohes and
chains at Letcher's. -. 2-23 tf
For a o'eau bed and a good meal
try the Western Hotel.
The Illinois Creamery . Butter gives
beet satisfaotionT-insist on getting it
Ladles'baodbags in all the latest de
signs at the National Drug Store. A-7-2t
Gos Earner now ha some extra fine
mutton, having bought 50 head of year
lings from Mr. Holbert of 'Sams Val
ley, whioh he is now serving to his
customers. 6-7 2t
Merlin-Gallre stage line leaves Mer
lin 7 a. m., arrives Gailoe 12, return
1 ; arrive Merlin 6 p. m. 25 pounds
baggage free. '
Ask your grocer for . Illinos
Creamery Butter it is always good.
There will be an ice cream social at
the Baptist ohoroh parlors on Tuesday
evening, June 18th given by the
Ladies Aid Society. The' proceeds to
be osed to help an aged one enter the
Home for tbe aged in Portland. Ton
may be old yourself some time.
Come. 6-14 It
Goddeee of Liberty Vote.
The voting contest' for Goddess of
Liberty which was instituted some
o weeks ago has barely started, but
it is expected tbat as the time draws
nearer, the interest will Increase and
that the contest will be a close one.
Following is the vote to date
Stella Lawton, 28
Pearl Kearns.. -..8
Laoie George
Miss Loveridge. ....9
Maggie Veaion , 8
LlaaTo Veatch 11
Scattering; .............24
Department CsklUd Monday sxnsl
Thuredawv flights Home in
Country 8urnV
Grants Pass bad. another Ore Thors
day pight whlob destroyed the two
story frame . paint shop of H. X
Bacber, corner of H 'and Seventh
street and a small building adjoining
belonging to O. L. Oleveoger. '
The Are, wben ' first discovered at
about 10 o'clock was burning fiercely
aad bad reached the roof and there
was no hope' . of saving tbe building
but the fire boys, many 'of whom were
in the midst of festivities at a party,
turned out and . fougbt 'fire in their
evening suita They protected tbe
nearby buildings and put ont the
blaee, leaving a quantity of debris
which the owners of the buildings
would much prefer to have .had
bnrned. ' 1 .
The origin of the fire is a mystery
Mr. Bacber had a light fire in the
stove for an boor during the day and
when he left at 6 o'clock everything
was apparently all right and be is
always careful pot to leave oil rags
lying around. Mr. Bacher'a loss on
the building, tools and stock of
paints is about 11000 with fftOO in
surance. Mr. Clevenger's loss is
probably 1 100.
The oity wss in darkness sfter the
fire started ss tbe feed wires of the
Condor Company were 'directly over
the blaze and a number of them were
burr.ed Tlio jur was tutuod off
to avoid any possioiiity of acoident.
" An alarm of fire was turned in at Monday night, caused by
the burning of a sack of J hue in tbe
rear of the Condor Water and Power
Co's sob station'oo Front street. It Is
supposed that the rain dampened the
lime and caused the trouble. There
was no damage eecept the burning of
a few old sacks.
Tbs 'home of J. ' 'Darnellle, near
Murphy "was
destroyed by fire last
It is 'supposed that sparks
lodged in'some 'dry ' pine needlee that
were lying on 'the roof. Tbe family
were able to save a tronk, two beds
and some dishes and tbe clothes they
were wearing. Mr. Darnellle! re
colvedaeveral bnrns oo tbe hands In
attempting to rescue his household
Tbe Condor Water
and Power f.
in Aj-nr.rriunrA with the
resulfof the
I election, has paid tbe city of Mwlford
120,000 for IU electric light plant and
J atsamee full charge ef it after thisT
'It will bereafterfurnlsb thepwple
of Msdford with electricity direct, iii
st"Hl of whnlcsaling'tt'to the eityf-
Are at thc top.
It gets out'b .
. til
All the Cream
. Every rancher should
own an Omega Separator
ami a
Petalama Incubator.
Party of Young PeopU Surprlo
Mre.Goetteche Flra Sur
prise Psvrty,
A dellghtfol little surprise party
was tendered Mrs. August Ooetteche
Thursday evening by abont 20 of tbe
Grants Pass young people. The com
pany met at tbe W. K. Dean bom
and went from there in a body to the
Goettsobe residence, laden with
strawberries, cream and oake. ' Tan
surprise was a oomplete one as Mrs.
Goettcbe was found bnsily engaged
sprinkling clothes and thought at
first she would put tbe party to Iron
ing, but decided they looked too lasy
for that and concluded to lei them
play, whist. Tbis pastime waa In-
dulged in until about 10:80 wben the
ringing1 of the fire bell caused a sus
pension of pleasure aa most of the
boys, present" belonged to the fir de
partment and bad to assist in putting
ont tbe : lira ' that was raging in the-
neighborhood, lhe "heroes" re
turned however, in time tor supper
coffee- waa made and served with
oake and strawberries and cream.
At this point In the proceedings.
Mr. Goettsobe arrived and after some
little dispute among the young men,
he was Anally awarded the "hungry
man's dish" of strawberries.
In spite of tbe faot that the party
was a compute surprise to jure.
Goettaobe, she waa nevertheleea eqoa
to tbe occasion and entertained her
guests in so pleasing a meaner tbat
they departed for their boniea at a
late hour, all promising to "coma
Of Southern
Some of the Services that a
Bank Renders the Public
The simplest arid safest way o f
kettnng your money is by deposit
inn it in a Reliable Bunk. Tbw
Bank receives Deposits Subject to
Check, or on Demand Certificates
of Deposit or on Time Certificates
of Deposits. On Time Deposits we
pay 4 per cent interest.
The Best and Cheapest way to
Transfer Money is by Bank Draft.
We sell Drafts payable in all parts
of the country. .
One of the most important funo
'tiorjs of the Bank. Wc endeavor
to supply all reasonable needs o f
our customers.
Capital and Surplus $75,000
Stockholders' Additional
Responsibility $50,000
L. E. HaLL. President
2. C. Campbell, VWPnwtdeit
H. L. GlLKKY, Can h lor
R. K. HaCkk7" Aist. Cah!a r