Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, June 14, 1907, Image 4

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    nnmr-o snrvi nriroTV nv A WTS PASS OBEfiON. TUNE 14.
tan oxfords)
The phenomenal and sudden demand for
Tan Oxfords which has sprung up 60 sud
denly through the east and west caught
many manufacturers unprepared to serve
their customers. This demand does not ex
ist in New York alone, but prevails through
out the larger cities of both east and west.
Golden Brown is the color.
We have them in stock.
One Year, In advance,
Mi Mon tin, ,
Three Month,
Single C'opiee,
Evary Friday.
Advertising Rata
Furnished on application at the office, or
by mail.
Obituaries and resolution! of con
dolence will be charged for at 6o per 11ns;
oard of thanks SOo.
A. E. VOORHIE8, Pbopb.
Oregon, a ssoond-clais niail matter.
FRIDAY. JUNE 14, 1907..
For centuries tbe Borgia family of.
Italy baa been the synonym for
ho man devillshensa. Murder ' by
poison, stabbing, the secret assault ;
robbery of tbe property of tbe victims ;
aemal crimes of, horror,
make ap a catalogue t)f crime that has
never been eicelled In the blstery of
the world nntll tbe present day when
surprising as It fnuty seem the'Cnlted
States bat famished "a criminal In tbe
person of Harry Orchard who ooald
stand up and look any of the Borglas
in theeye and sayt "Ilamjyonr
equal." The testimony that Orobard
baa been reeling -off "at Boise tbe past
week Is almost lanpeesibto of belief
that a hnuian soal conld be to base.
And yet be sat In tbe witness chair
well groomed, with his mustache
waxed 'aud curled, patent leather
shoes and diamond ring, and told of
crimes and bloodshed with as much
nooohalanoe as you or I would speak
of a day's dock h ant lug or of a string
of trout oanght. t His- crimes would
dliigraoe a Caveman for the Caveman
was prompted to reorder by hanger
nd passion bo i Orchard has no sooli
eiuuie To cap the olimar, this self
Confessed aaansnaiiator has "got re
ligion" and upends his time in hi
evil trading tbe Bible and the Life
of John Weiley alternating with
writing a true history of his orimoa.
If this li not sao riled go the word had
better lie struck out of the dictionary.
' We of the present generation are
witnessing a phenomenon that it is
not given tunny people to observe.
That is the founding and building op
of a new religion. In the paat the
religion! that have been a force iu Die
world's history and have played a
great part, got their start at au ob
score time and in au otweuro place.
Hot Christian Hoience is growing
right under the glnre of twentieth
century civilisation. That thin makes
a vast difference is ' plitluly apparent
Here we have the art of photography
tli lit give! uh true pictures of the
"teacher." Her life in subjected to
the scrutiny of the prying eyes of the
puMlo press. Her pant life is raked as
with a fine toothed comb by her op
ponents. It is fascinating to conteta
plate how founders of some religious
would have eu.lurcd the ordeal of au
age 'f telegraphy, photography, the
octuple printing pres!, and geuetal
education of the manses. At the
present time Mrs. Kddy is the center
of a bitter controversy in the court! the pres as to her abilitv to
care for the wealth she him gathered
iu her lait year!. Clue side makes her
out as a failing, peevish old woman;
the other a alert and mentally vigor
ous. Tu the outsider it is tragedy
aad comedy entwined and a powerful
illustration of the '.fact JtUat v. lieu it
comes Jto Jt he emotional part of the
human mind thern ih no im-tlnnl of
determining how each particular In
dividual will act. Hut an v.e Mated
in the hi n inn ir g, e are witncKMiig
the gicwth of a 'new li ligiou before
oir rye- m .1 it I ti.!, chir,lly will le
oome more powerful after Mrs. Eddy
dies and theoentral figure is thus
removed from the oenter of active
The suocessfal investor is the one
who know when and where to bay
and when and where to sell. Tbe
average person generally buys at the
wrcng time and likewise sells at tbe
wrong time. The present time la un
doubtedly tbe psychological one for
making a incoeufnl real estate in
vestment in Grants Pass and vicinity.
Bargains are being offered whiob a
year from now will astonish one with
tbe per cent of gain. At the present
time the prices asked for property are
on an average as reasonable as can
ever be expected. There is do ficti
tious value or hot air boom value and
therefore to tbe man who has a little
loose cash, this is a golden oppor
tunity to make a paying investment.
The Rogue River Valley Is bound to
be the oenter of a large population
and Grant Pass surrounded by Its
many tributary valleys "of wonderful
fertility will become the oenter of all
this life. When Southern Oregon
shall have been exploited in the man
ner of Southern California, yon may
expect to see an Immense throng of
people from the East coming bare
merely for a . borne. Then yonr
farming and .orchard land at twenty
live and thirty dollars an acre and
yoar town lota at a hundred and fifty
dollars will be ancient .history and
you will bemoan the fact that when
be opportunity was ' presented to get
property at a reasonable value, yon
did not aeiae It. Tbe bench lands of
the Rogue River have not been ex
ploited at all but the posslbllitlst for
grape and peach cultore are amaaing.
It has been claimed by those who are
In a position to know that the Rogue
Rlrrr Valley can equal tbe best dis
tricts of Franoe in the growth of the
grape. Then let a general system of
Irrigation be developed for the vat
ley and it is bound to come, then the
number of people that Iwill pour in
will astonish the old settler. Nature
only allotted so many acres to the
Hugos River and ' it is well to get A
few of them while they are within
your reach. Now is the time to buy
Rogue River .Valley property nd In
pausing it In ay be remarked that It is
good time to sell Portland realty.
It is a very trlto saying but never-
theleM very troe, that familiarity
breed! contempt. That seems to be
the present situation of the United
Htatee and Japan. Tbe United States
has prsiied the progress the Japanese
have been making in civilisation, on
every possible occasion, we have
held her tip "an a model scholar aud
now, like tbe parent of a spoiled
vhild, we are reaping the reward of
our indiscretion iu treating an iu
f -ri'.ir natlou with familiarity ui.d
equality. The most humiliating thing
about the whole atlair is that by our
owu fulsome praise of the Japanese
prowe we have got ourselves in an
attitocio or mind that makes us
cringe at the least threat of trouble.
Japan is now maturing threats
over a hoodlum r'stauraot biawl In
San Francisco and conveying veiled
threats of sending a fleet to some of
our porta. It is enough to make
some of our old sturdy American
statesmen torn over in their graves.
America was the nation that opeued
op apitu to civilluttiou aud broke tbe
seal of Oriental exclusion sml now it
begins to look that it would be oor
duty to teach her the proper attitude
to observe iu'.her diplomatic relations
and not be carrying a chip around
anxious for some oue to knock it off.
The last act iu the Sau Francisco
IhhhIIc trial tiarj'iiially Ken ; played
the chief aelor has Nvu )fotind guilty
hv the jury, li is n .i-i r'Mttg de
nouement in the career of .Mayor
Bchmlta. Riding into power on the
crest of tbe strong waves of labor
union sentiment tbat swept over San
Tbe marriage of Walter B. Ayers
and Miss Mabel E. Maesie, which
took ulace at the home of the bride's
Francisco, he had an opportunity that 1 parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Massie
Is given to few meo in a 'life time, j j0 Merlin, Wednesday, Juoe 6, 1907,
Tbe chief poll 'leal office in one of the ; was a very pretty affair and will long
largest cities of tbe United States. ' be remembered by those who were
Bat au itching palm spoiled it all. I present
The glitter of gold turned the head of j Tbe rooms were taatefully decorated
tbe poor German musician whohadwith ferns and roses. At 8:80, the
been accustomed to play a fiddle in an groom, accompanied by his best man,
orchestra for a living and he fell x. B. ICartis and the bride leaning
beneath the tempter. After tbe j npon the arm of her father and at
earthquake and the trials of the j tended byher sister aa maid of honor,
refugee camps and the feeding and ' marched into the parlors to the wed
clotbing of thousands. Mayor Schmiti j aiog march played by Miss Gilkey of
appeared to rise to the dignity of his ' Grants Pass, took their place beBeath
office and hearty praise was accorded J g large floral bell. In a few minutes
bim,'especially by the Eastern press ti,e WOrds that; joined them for life
bat even tben the situation was rotten had been spoken by Rev. O. 0. Beck
to the core. That being one of the man and tbe happy pair were re
charges that tbe relief fund was sot ! ceiving a shower of rose petals and
even sacred 'to these bloodthirsty the congratulation! of relaives and
leeches. I friends, after which a light lunch of
As a result of Ruef'a and SchmiU's joe 0ream and cake was served.
collapse, a new figure springs into na- xhe bride and groom took their de-
tional prominence. Francis J. Heoey,
and it needs no prophet to realize that
he will go far. There is a moral re
formation sweeping tbe land and he
will find bis place. Tbe audience has
bad to pay a high price for tbe show,
bat it was well worth the price of ad-minion.
Grants Pass has had a cleanup day.
Now If we can have a fence building
day the town will begin to look more
It is too bad that the Thaw insanity
experts oould not get a whack at
Orchard, but it is very probable that
there are some doctors who would
go on tbe witness stand and swear
that he was insane.
Manning says that Portland will
have to be dry on Suoday from
henceforth and forever more. That
means that tbe druggists will be
rushed to death filling prescription!
for people suffering from stomach
They are going to change tbe name
oftbe Zprnne o it will sell better.
Hereafter tbe mistress of the board
ing house will I telephone : "Bend me
np five pounds of "peachunea. "
Tbe bartender never kicks about
Sunday closing. It gives him a
chance to get acquainted with bis
Advertised Latter.
Following are the letters remain
ing in the Grnata Pass, Oregon. Post
office for the week ending June 8,
1907. Persons calling for the fame
will pleaae give tbe date advertised A
charge of oue cent will be made npon
delivery :
Cleveland, Walter
Corbett, L D.
Edwards, George,
Howell, Arthur,
Montgomery, J D,
Okoo, H M.
Seter, Mrs N,
Wicoz, Mrs Ollle.
partnre on the 10 p. m. train for a
short Journey.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Curtis, Rev. and Mrs. Beckman, Mr.
and Mrs. Cochrane, Mr. and Mr.
Lovelace, Mr. and Mrt. Chae. Crow,
Mr. and Mrs. Donoghue, Mrs. Rosen -baum,
Mrs. Colby, Mrs. Ayer, Mrs
Parkbant, Misses Ada Brockmsn,
Erviaa Schoenfeld, Wilna Gilkey.
Rea Colby, Ada Hamlin, Mr. aod
Mrs. W. J. Ott, Messrs W. W. Wil
son, J. R. MoGallisrd, A. J. Crow,
Wm. Brown, Erie Ayer and Loyd
The greatest attraction of tbe
season great speakers with' great,
helpful messages, fine music, good
schools, beautiful grounds Southern
Oregon Chautauqua, Ashland. Oregon.
Eleven days, commencing July 10th.
Send for printed matter then oome.
14 8t
Will do your cement work in good
shape Give him a chance.
Pbon 744. Cor. B and 5th.
Junk Dealer
Highest prices paid for hides, wool,
pelts, rubber, iron, metals, grain
sacks, and all kinds of junk.
.H. Harth&Son, Inc.
Our Motto Quality for The Price.
Clark, J H,
Drake, D S,
Fitch. O W,
Miller, R,
Moore G, 8,
Shattack, Chai,
White, A H,
P. M.
Following are the letters remaining
in the Grants Pass, Ore., postofHoe for
the week ending June 1, 1907. Per
sons calling (or tbe same will please'
give the date advertised. A charge
of oue cent will be made upon de
livery :
Brown.Mlss Mildred, Edwards. Geflrgo
Garrison, 8 J McFarland, J
McGuir. Dnnkan, Robinson. Phil,
Smith, Eugene, Slater. Arthur, "
Thompson, Miss Anna
Nelson, Mr and Mrs Lee
Bide Warned.
Notice is berey given that the
County Coort of Josephine County,
Oregon, will consider bids for furnish
ing KO tiers of black rak and 15 tiers
of pine, 1A inch heater wood, said
wood to be delivered at the court
Bids to be filed with the countv
clerk on or before July 3d, 1IH)7, at 10
o'clock a. m.
The above is the title of a little leather-covered book a
ppeket-book of the savings bank variety which we are
giving away FREE to all who start a savings deposit with
us. To many the saving of $1U0 means a sacrifice of com
forts and many self-denials, but we make it
by providing a neat and convenient pocket-book in which
you can slip the coins you are tempted to spend foolishly. -We
open the banks and credit the amount to your ac
count and
Pay Interest Semi-annually on all 'Savings Deposits
A deposit of one dollar starts your account. If you would
teach your children the habit of economy and the saving
of money, start an account for them, and we provide the
pocket or home bank.
LVMltKK for sale-WOO ft. finishing
and MX) fiet rough lumber for sale.
Jncinirethis office. ti-U 4t
GOATS K. A. Pierce, Merlin, Ore-.
Rreeder of Pure blood Angora Goats;
Flock headed by South African
import; correspondence solicited
Iu regard to goats. 119tt tf
TIM UK R W A N T K D-I w ill paVcash
for timber laud. L. li. Erown,
Kugvne, Oregon. a 4.;t
WANTEO aneu. Many Make
100 to $130 per mouth; some even
more. Stock clean; growa on Reser
vation, far from old orchards. Cash
advanced weekly. Choice of terri
tory. Address Washiutgon Nnrserv
Company. Toppenuh, Washington."
WANTED Grain Sack. Tools and
other second-hand gwods. Harrison
Hros., Sccoud band-store, comer
kiixth aad J streets. g.y tf
Deposit your dollars at home, where the money can be
loaned for homo enterprises. Every dollar sent out of
town takes that much out of circulation here. By deposit
ing with us you save postage and your money is ready for
you the moment you want it, and without the "red tape"
of city savings banks.
PR A X K NCR X KTT I'pho 1st ering!
niiton furuiturc made to ord r.
Banking and
Trust Go.
0 1 1 A , 'Ii 1 A NX. Oil JZCi o