Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, June 14, 1907, Image 3

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--. , ;
olden Gate
Bete than
J, A. FOLGER a CO.. San FrancUco
" " U50
Commercial Club
Will furnish information
Josephine county free
charge. Correspondence
S L. B.
4 H.L.
Andrews. .
. . President
. . Secretary
Drug's and
For cool cookine, lew work
Wick Blue Flame 00 Cook-Stove
the ideal stove for summer. Docs everything that any other
kind of stove will do. Any degree of heat instantly. Made in
three sizes and fully warranted. At your dealer's, or write our
nearest agency for
throughout and beautifully nickeled. Perfectly con
structed; absolutely safe; unexcelled in light-giving
power; an ornament to any room. Every lamp warranted.
If not at your dealer's, 'write to our nearest agency.
Costs no more.
No prizes
no coupons
no headache.
Sold only in aromas
tight tint.
Never in bulk"..
Remarkable AtsciM
Tbat truth is stranger than Action,
has oooe more been demonstrated in
the little town of Fedora, Teno., the
residence of O. V. Pepper. He
writes: "I wag in bed, entirely dis
abled with hem rrhages of the lungs
and throat. Doctors failed to help
me, and all bope had fled when I be
pan taking Dr. King's Kew Dis
covery. When instant relief came.
The coughing soob ceased; the bleed
ing diminished rapidly, and in three
weeks I was -able to go to work."
Guaranteed for coughs and colds, 50c
and f 1 at all drag stores. Trial bottle
We Cater The Best
famished table in the city, and we
keep nothing but the primest, choiseet
and best beef, Iamb, mnttion, pork.
Teal, poultry, and game, for; your
choosing. Yon can Juy high grade,
delloiootly flavored meat here at
prices that yoa will pay for inferior
meats elsewhere, beoaose we know
how to jndge and choose the best
that is raised.
City Meat- Market
J. H. AHLF, Propr.
and least fuel-xpene tue a
descriptive circular.
is the beat lamp for
all-ronnd noasetiold
use. Vade'of brass
How Kans&n Curea Alfalfa.
An interesting method of curing
allalfa hay is that nsed by Hon. J. W
Berry of Jewell, Kan., According to
Prof. Ten Eyck of the Kansas ai?rl
cultural college, Mr. Barry's plan Ik
to cut alfalfa as soon as the dew is
off in the' morning, rake it green and
haul it in the same day that if is out,
tte only precaution being that there
be no moisture on the hay other than
that contained in the green stems and
leaves. He stores the hay in large
corncribs, the bottoms of which are
elevated several ieet above the ground
with more or less open spaces, and the
sides of the crib are also open. The
cribs are large enough to store a sin
gle cutting of alalfa from 11 acres of
ground and only cover the bottom of
the cribs to a depth of 4 'or 0 feet
The hay is spread over the whole crib
bottom in an even layer and not
trampled, bat left light and loose as
it is thrown in. The second enring
of alfalfa is placed above the first, and
the third above the seoond, nnti) the
orib is full to the top. For three
seasons now Mr. Berry has put np the
hay from this field in the manner
described above and each Winter he
has baled the hay and sold it at an
average of f 3 per ton above the mar
ket price of good alfalfa bay. The
hgy stored aud enred in this way has
been greener in color and of better
quality than alfalfa fPt up by the
osual methods.
Our experiment stations have not
given ns as much information on hay
curing as they should. There are
several methods of hay making and
each is adapted to certain conditions.
The problem in the humid region is a
knotty one. Alaflfa hay has been pnt
up too gteen in Texas and the repu-'
ttion of it has suffered accordingly.
Here is an excellent field for inves
tigation by our experiment stations.
Ancient Rome
is now merely a memory of the past.
Ballard's Snow Liniment is the family
linimect of the 20th century. A posi
tive cure for Rheumatism, Burns,
Oats, Sprains, Neuralgia, eta Mr.
C. H. R any on, 8 tan berry, Mo.
writes: "I have nsed Snow Liniment
for Rheumatism and all pain. I can't
say enough in its praise. " For tale
by National Drag Oo. and by O. H.
Demaray. ' '
kdily Yield to Soothing, Healing of Hyomei.
Bronchial troubles are purely local.
They cannot be helped by stomach
dosing. Tbey are caused by Irritation
in the air passages and oanbe relieved
and cored by medicated air alone. In
this lies the secret of the great suo
cess of Hy-o-mei in the treatment of
bronohial troobes.
The first breath of Hyomel's medi
cated air soothes the inflammation.
stops the cough, and relief soon be
comes permanent and a enre results.
Hy-o-mei bus made many remarkable
cores in the worst and most chronic
forms of bronchial troubles and is sold
by C H. Demaray with the same
guarantee as he gives when Hy-o-mei
is purchased for catarrh, that is, to
refund the money in case the remedy
does not give satisfaction. The com
plete outfit, costs but tl.00.
Australia's Wealth In Sheep.
The greatest Industry of Australia
Is sheep raising, mainly for the sake
of the wool, but nlso lu pnrt of course
for the meat. Austrnlln cow ranks
second among the great sheep raising
countries, Argentina being first with
1)2,000,000 sheep, Australia second with
72,000.000 and Russia third with 70,
000,000. But a few years ago Aus
tralia was ' first, possessing no less
than 100,200,000 bead of sheep. Tbat
was In 1801. rrolonged droughts were
the cause of the destruction of many
millions of Australian Bheep, but since
1902 there has been an unsiual gnln.
Yet these sheep were not Indigenous
to Australia. They were first Intro
duced In 1707, being of the SpniUnh
merino species.
Platinum Vanishing.
A prominent French writer deplores
the vanishing stock of the world's plat
inum, says the London Globe. All the
known deposits are becoming exhaust
ed, and the price Is going up to a pro
hibitive exteut. In 1S70 tho metul
could be bought for $100 the kilogram.
Four years later It had doubled. In
1001 It had quadrupled, and today the
lrlce Is $1,200 per kilogram, or twice
tho price of gold. Even that Is for
crude platinum. The worked metal Is
twice as dear again. Considering bow
many industries are now absolutely
dependent on platinum, the question of
replacing It by some really efficient al
loy or combination Is acquiring vital
Courier trial subscription,
weeks, 10 cents in stamps.
j ..
Furniture and IMano'
Quit Feeding an Organization That
Hinders Your Town's Growth.
There's a new Octopus, with a big O.
It Is being fed and fattened by the
farmers and the residents of small
towns and the lesser cities throughout
the United States. Without being con
scious of the fact these well intentlon-
eU people are pouring fodder Into
great, hulking, mastodonlc octopus that
Is reaching out Its tentacles to seize
and swallow thousunds of local enter
prises. .
Every day In the year this octopus
eats up some country town or small
city merchant, body and breeches. Ev
ery day It devours some local manufac
turing Industry. And every day the
country people ami the citizens of the
small towns and cities are sending Id
tnelr tidbits to help fatten this octopus.
It Is like handing peanuts to the ele
phant One peanut would not do him
much good, but when so many are
coming all the time from every direc
tion be cannot help but grow fat aud
get strong enough to rake In whole
peanut fields with hla trunk.
This Is the mall order octopus.
Let us consider briefly what the mall
order octopus eats. First be cats your
dollar. You may now and then get bar
gains by mall, but If you would look
around at borne you might find the
same things for sale at the same price.
The octopus eats up your dollar and
your neighbor's dollar, aud so on, and
pretty soon he has swallowed the
whole store of your neighbor in town,
who closes up and goes out of busi
ness. - , .
But that Is ouly a bite for this octo
pus. When the storekeeper goes out of
business be goes out of town goes to
some town where people trade at
home. lie takes with him his family
and his clerks perhaps. That decreases
the population of your town. Thus the
octopus eats a slice out of your popula
tion. Perhaps five yeara ago your town
had a thousand people. Now It may
hove fallen off to half that number.
You own lota there or you own farm
land near by. Your lota and land are
not worth so much in or near a town
of 500 as they were In or near a town
of 1.000. Thus the octopus eats off a
considerable slice of the value of your
real estate.
This octopus also eats up that One
new school ho dm which you might have
If your town kept on growing. It eats
up your children's opportunities to get
a good education. It eats away tbelr
and your social privileges by reducing
the population. If your town remains
stationary or goes backward, you are
not going to have an opera house, or a
public library, or a lecture course, of
young people's club not very soon;
never If you keep oo handing peanuts
to the octopus.
This octopus Is only about a doaen
years old, bat It as of adult slse, and
yet It Is still growing, most abnormal
ly, enriching Itself .at the expense of
your community. If sll of you In
your own community would quit feed
ing this octopus and feed your local
enterprises, yoor town would take a
forward movement and you would be
feeding yourselves In ths end.
Did that ever occur to yout
Think it over.
Horn. Trad. Hints.
The horn, trader la the borne builder.
The man who trades at home knows
a good trade when he sees it
When you trade at home Instead of
by mall order you save both postage
and prestige.
Lota of womeu refuse to take mall
orders, but they are so fond of sending
mall orders tbat they risk their cash
that way.
Some women aweep disdainfully by
burgulns In the home stores und send
to the big city just because they like to
get mall.
In my opinion the man or woman
who trots around to tho postofflce to
mull money to the big city moil order
houses aud then trots around to a
neighbor's and complains that this
town Is uo good Is neither a philoso
pher nor a patriot.
How to Horn. Trade.
Koine inercliunU 'und other business
men complain because the people do
not patronize home Industries.
This Uew.-iner Is u houie Industry.
Most of these eoinpluluers do not
patronize this pnper.
Now, this paper has advertising
space for sale.
You, Mr. Merchant, have goods for
Suppose a tuuu or wouniu wants t
certain think', finds It advertised In n
mall order catalogue and does not fin'!
It advertised In the tmter, what will
the inun or woman do? Why, send to
the mall order house, of rocrse.
liy persistent and Intelligent adver
tlslng you are sure to attract and kee;
much of the trade that now goes oil
by mnll to the city.
Did It ever occur to you?
A Happy Molhtr
will see that her bsby is properl."
cared for to do this a good purgative
is necessary. Many babies suffer from
worms and their mothers don't know
it if your baby Is feverish and
doesn't sleep at nights, it is tronbh d
with worm!. White's Cream Verml
fnge will oluaii out these worms in a
mild, pleaant way. Once tried
nlways o'd. Give it a trial. Pric
26 cents. Kcr iwl by National Urog
Co. aud by flemarav.
Illinois Creamery Putter is forVah"
at the Southern ( irewon fnj.ply'Co.,
Kinney fa Traax, Grunts Pn tirt iry
sod J. K. Hyde. Patronize HMocal
j cieau' ry. i
Poisoning Cutworms.
Further experiment in poisoning
outworms, which have been working
on wheat aud alfalfa, have shown
the following mixture to be superior
to spraying with Paris green, as for
merly recommeuded :
Thoroughly mix while dry. 1 pound
of Paris green and SO pounds of wheat
bran, make moist, but not sloppy, by
aaaiog water in which a quart of
cheap molasses has been dissolved.
Place this mixture iu spoonful plies
where the worms are working. It at
tracts ths worms from the wheat and
oata. It is also good grasshopper
Agricultural Department Trying ' to
Stop Their Destruction by Autos.
Automobiles, In addition to becom
ing almost as deadly as trolley cars,
are ruining the roads of the couutry,
says a Washington special dispatch to
the New York World. It is the best
roads aud those on which the most
money has been spent that are being
ruined, as It only is on these that the
automoblllsts go.
The problem Is a eerloua one, and
Logau W. rage, director of public
roads of the department of agriculture,
Is making an Investigation of the sub
ject The roadmaklng experts of his
bureau are experimenting with all
sorts pf material iu the bope of Qudlng ;
sometning mat win prevent the roads
from "raveling." .
Director rage In discussing this nrob-
lcm before tho committee on expendi
tures In the department of agriculture
mado this significant statement:
"One of the most difficult nroblema
which road builders have to meet now
la due to the greatly increased automo
bile traffic. It Is affecting uioBt the
states that have spent the largest sums
of mouey on their roads, because they
have the greatest number of automo
biles on them. With an Ideally con
structed stone road the qualities of the !
rock should be so adjusted to the traf
fic to which It Is subjected that Just
enough fine dust la worn off to cement
the larger fragments together.
"The automobile does not wear off
any fine dust The wind and rain are
tuklug away the original bluder and
that derived from the Iron tired ve
hicles tbat go over it. The automobile
loosens the surface of the road. '
"These heavy machines going at high
speed create a vacuum behind them
which sucks np the dust and throws It
in the sir and loosens the roadbed, and
It soon ravels,' as the road builder
calls It gets loose and goea to pieces.
It la the most expensive roads that are
thus affected."
The bureau has decided that If these
macadam or stone roads are to be per
manent the surface must be treated
with some material that will keep the
duet down sad preserve it as cement
to bind the road. .Experiments have
been made with oils which hare an as-
phaltum basis, aud It baa been found
that with an asphaltum base of 80 per
cent and ever they help some. Crude
tar snd other materials have been nsed,
but uotblng quite satisfactory baa yet
been found. . t
Sallowness Transformed
to Dusky Beauty"
A dark akin become! fascinating
when delicately soft, unjerspread
with the radiant glow which indi
catesahealthy. active ikin. Kobert
inc kee pi the ikin refined in quality,
keeps porei free from cloggingwaite
and stimulate! the tiny capillaries to
contribute the color which charmi in
blondeandbrunettealike. Kohrrt
ine ii certain protection against tan,
stmhum .and freckles if applied he
fore exiwsure to sun or wind.
Spreads like an imperceptible sheen
OI Pailie Overiltin curfjirr ffirminir
shield stimulating and preserving a
delicate, lustrous Iwaiit y.
illmDnilU V't41
Recently Enlarged
25,000 New Words
New Gazetteer of the World
with more than H.OIQ titles, baaed on the
latent ueneus returns.
New Biographical Dictionary
rontalnlnsf the mime of nvnr HUW0 uotod
pcraona, data of nirtli, ilinlli, ulu.
E-lltnd tiy W. T. IIAIIMIH. Ph TV. I.l.T).,
CnltolHtnteaCoiuiulMiouuruf MuuaUou.
2380 Quarto Pages
PWim. sen lauumiuai kk BkJhwi.
Needed In Every Home
AIko WtbaUr'e ColltslalrllMctlunary
HIS I'itm. 1IJU llhuUMIOM.
Refular EditloatiiSissin'knk Sb.dlo.
D Lun Edition si.i'vi rrttuitmm
mm Ml fcir.l. .ajw-r S Wwitiful Liiulmrs.
Publishers. SnrlnriM M .
M Si r'MI
Is the place to buy your-
Coffee and Tea
We receive various unsolicited
testimonials of the satisfaction
they give the consumer. We
carefully selected, that you will
be pleased with, and we will
be pleased to show yon Come
in and get acquainted with '
412 Front St., Grants Pas8,.0regou
New Goods Arriving This- Week
to Go East
Omaha, Council Bluffs, St. Joe
Atchison, Leavenworth-,.
Kansas City, Sioux City
Chicago, St. Louis
DATES June 6, 7, 8; July 3, 4, S;:
August 8, 9, 10; September 11, 1Z:
and 13. ,
higher than half. Available also,
in connection with very cheap ex
cursion fares during, the snrnmer
east of Chicago and St. Louis to ,
New York, Philadelphia. Boston. '
Jamestown Exposition and Atlan
tic Loast. 1 . .! ;-, , ; .,
Liberal stop-overs; long limits;:
greatest diversity of routes offered!
by Burlington's three gateways
Denver, Billings and St. Fault
Write or call', let me quote you the fceeC
combination of special rates avtOablm
andbolpyou plan your trip; there Ism
education in traveling on Burlington
trains. , ;
Oen'l. Agt. C. B. & Q
100 Third Street,
Portland, - Oregon.
If i i.n)(i
- ' " " - : v. ' -
The first trm of the CAPITAL
SUMMER NORMAL will begin so May
0, 1907, and continue eight woeka
The seoond terra begins on Monday,.
June 24, 1U07. and continues until b
August examination.
Tuition for Term. $10.
will begin ou Juno 10, 1D07, and con
tinue 13 days, under charge of Counter
Bupt Moo res and MIhs Margaret Oosv-
Address J. J. Krapsor County Supr
lntourient K. T. Moorea, Sulom, Oregon.
None But the licst
and at Right Prices.
The Best Hard Wheat,
on the Market
FiiEsii Frcit ani Vegetables
West G St. Oppouite dejo t
Dry Goods, Underwear
Notions, Etc.
Front Street
west of Palace hotel