Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, June 07, 1907, Image 4

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m I t i i i i i 1 W
i no pnenomenai ana suaaen aemana ior
Tan Oxfords which 'has sprung up so sud
denly through the east and west caught
many manufacturers unprepared to serve
their customers. This demand does not ex
ist in New York alone, but prevails through
out the larger cities of both east and west.
Golden Brown is the color.
We have them in stock.
Published Every .Friday.
Subscription Ratest
One Year, la advance,
Bli Month, ...
Three Months, ...
Single Copies, -
Advertising Ratee
furnished on application at tbe office, or
by mail.
Obituaries and resolutions of con
dolence will be charged lor at 6c per line;
card o( thanks 6Uo.
A. E. VOORHIES, Propr.
Entered at the poet office at Oranta Pass
Oregon, a second-class mall matter.
FRIDAY. MAY 81, 1807.
In every great criminal trial there
la always a great Interest manifested
In the composition of the Jury that
is to try the case. For no man, let
him try as hard as he may, con decide
the case strictly on the .'aw and the
evidence. Borne little thing is bound
to come up that will prejadloe him
one way or tbe other. For this reason
it is Interesting to consider the com
position of the Jury that will try
William I). Eaywood at Boise, Idaho.
For one .thing they are all old men,
with one exception being past fifty
years of age. It is an interesting
problem on this point .of age alone to
determine Jwbat effect age will have
on the verdict. Old men are generally
regarded as conservative in their
opinions. They have a tendency to
look at their own opinions aa Infall
ible, and if they once form an opinion
it is almost impossible to change it.
The jnry that tried Nan Patterson
was composed ' almost entirely of
young, unmarried men and she went
free. A Jnry of old men would un
doubtedly have oonvlcted her. The
only thing that looks unfair about
tbe Haywood Jury Is in the fact that
all of them'are farmers, and no labor
ing'men from the city of Boise were
allowed to get on the pauel. The
sheriff In niakiug his venire evidently
took iiiB to keep this oliisa off,
which is plainly coutrary to the
spirit of the common law of giving
the prisoner at the bar the benefit
of every doubt ami allowing blm to
le tried by a jury of Ills own clans.
Two of the jurymen are Bootchuieu
aud two are from Mlssonrl. What
that means only tbe verdict will tell.
Doctor Hurry .Lane has again been
elected Mayor of tbe largest cit,'
in Oregon, aud InaMiiuch be be
long to the minority party, be rau
take his election aa a flnttering com
ment on bis personality. Several
things contributed to the defeat of
Devlin, the Republican candidate,
(.hie thing was bis ovrrMght of some
of the (ethnical details of the
electlou, thereby making some of
the jlond issues of uncertain
quality aud the feeling that it might
rout the rlty of Portland several
thonaauda of dollars to remedy it.
Theu bin friends had a great deal to
do with his defeat. The North Kud.
the scene of the red light district,
was reported solid for blm. also the
"interests, " being tbe gas and tractlou
backers. Again tbe attitude of the
Oregon Ian undoubtedly had much to
do witbrolling up a majority against
him. It followed '.the poet Pope's
eiample and damned with falut
prates. It intimated that he was a
good man but that he was nofortuuaU
tn the choice ;of his friends. Alto
gether this election lsbut another
eiample of the attitude of 'mind that
is beg inning to pomeiiTth Oregon
elector : that of judging for hlnmelf
aud of catingJau independent vote
for the man who will best serve his
interest. The larger this claiw of
itir,na. tli Mt. r it will be f.s- the
welfare of the state, for it will tend to
cause tbe various parties to pat op
tbeir best men for the suffrages of the
people, and a nomination by the
dominant party will not necessarily
insure an election. One surprising
thing about the Portland election
was the .large amount of money bet
on the result, more being pnt np
than is usually wagered in a presi
dential contest
At a .recent session of the the
United States oonrt in Portland, a
merchant was fined three hundred
dollars for a fake advertisment
It seems that be had an advertisement
in all the Portland papers that he had
got a lot of goods that had been sold
out as a result of tbe freight bockade
and train wrecks, and his goods bad
never been near a wreck. And this
msrehatit got into trouble for sending
this ad through the mails. Now
what are we coming to if tbe business
man is not to be allow ed to draw on
bis imagination when trying to sell
goods? It will take all the spice out
of bargain hunting. The fire sale
has been with ns these many years,
and if they are going to shut it off
sodden like it is going to be bard
We all know how they read : goods
damaged by smoke and water; prices
out in halt, etc. Half the time the
smoke is all In the imagination, fiat
lots of as have got nsed to all this
circus poster language and when we
bear of somebody "selling out below
oost" we stick our tongue in our
cheek and pass on. When a merchant
goes to figuring out with ysu how
moob he Is losing oo the deal, it is
time to watch eut. Then there is the
old stand by oft "guaranteed not to
rip, ravel or run down at tbe heel.
All wool and a yard wide." But
no one gets exoited over it. . It is like
the farmers putting their biggest
strawberries on the top of the bos.
We would be surprised if hs did not.
But this vein of exaggeration and
white lying runs through everybody.
The politician tells yon what a good
fellow he is and how hard be is'goiog
to work for your interests if you will
only elect him to office. You put
him into office aud he shrinks faster
than the pair of paots guaranteed to
be all wool that! you bought at' the
Are ale. You go to the deotor with
a soro throat and he tells you that
you have got a severe case of Inflam
mation of the dorsal vertebrae or
something that sound like that and
charges you in proportion to the name
he gives to tbe diseaae. The lawyer
makes you "believe thut your lawsuit
is very complicated and your best
girl tries to make yon believe she
has the disposition of an nugvl when
she really is
This would he a drery old world
if it were uot for the white lies told
iu it and the Urn ml Jury will have a
hard job reforming it.
We all admire a liar, especially if
he is au artistic one and ha a fervid
liuagiuatiou. Occasionally a news
item goes the rounds of the press that
is undoubtedly the product of one of
these geniuses. Such was the story
that came out of Virginia recently
to the effect that a babe only nine
days old talked, ll called off tbe
names of its parents, grandparents,
spoke of "heaven" and then died.
The report went on to state that the
neighborhood wa greatly excited
over this astounding preooeity and
were fearful that it implied some
portent destruction to tbe family.
Now that is an artistic yarn, no doubt,
bet the creator of It should have
added a few more details. Wby could
not tbe 'babe have declared forjTaft
or told us if Brvau was golug to run
agaiu?Thcu it niiglit have stated
whether wheat would go any higher
or whether it would le safe to Inyeet
la Portland realty. Another curious
thiug about artistic tales like this is
tbat they always happen a loug ways
off. In Grant Pass, babes don't talk
at nine days of age.; They wait nntil
they are about sixteen and then they
make up for several years of lost
time. They did not state the sex of
this Virginia babe, but it was un
doubtedly a female, judging from its
line of conversation. If it had been a
boy it would have asked if annfisb
were biting well or If tbe base ball
season had opened.
From all appearances, Oregon is in
for another series of sensational trials.
The Federal Grand Jury at Portland,
Oregon, filed an indictment Wednes
day charging 183 corporations in the
furniture business, scattered over
the Pacific Northwest with violating
the Sherman anti-trust law. Prac
tically every furniture dealer in
Portland is among those indicted and
tbe surprising thing is the number of
small dealers up and down the line
who are also Indioted. Rosebnrg,
Medford, Ashland snd even Jackson
ville dealers being caught in the act.
But no Grants Pass firm appears in
the lung list. The Grants Pass furni
ture men certainly deserve congratu
lation for being able to do business
without resorting to illegal methods. I
It is a situation similar to the laud I
fraud trials : Grants Pass men were I
interested in timber locations but no
Grants Pass man was indicted for
defrauding the government while I
towns north and south of us did not J
get off so easily. This furniture in
diotment has caused the California
Grocers' Association to. dissolve aud
there is towel likelihood tbat ', other
Associations may soon beln the same
fix. Anyway it is refreshing to know
that the , government is making a
strenuous attempt to proteot tbe
pocket book and the life of tbe Toon
sumer as witness those indiotments
and tbe new pure food law.
Harry Lane is a native son. The
made in Oregon cry evidently is
worth something.
Parents will have to bay new
set of school books this ooming year.
Better get ready for it and not make
too bad a faoe.
If you were in Portland, yon could
tell the men tbat bet on Lane. Tbey
are smoking two bit cigars. The
other fellpws, are going 'without un
til they make np their losses.
The Japs are having . trouble again
io San Francisco. Too bad tbat tbey
all could not be removed to New York
and Washington where they are ap
It is a tough proposition being
candidate. Some magazine roasts
yon and yon are ashamed to go borne
and look your family in .'the face
Fairbanks is the latest one to oatoh it.
TEAMS Fine team for sale for $.100,
roan horse aod bay mare, both 7
years old. Inquire of o. Heck, cor
Fifth aud D street. 6-7 tf
DAIRY and milk ronte for sale Will
sell whole bunch of good in Ik cows
or singly. Phone S86, Graiits Pass
5-31 2t
40-ACKK ranch for sale at a bargain,
with farming tools, also 65 head of
Angora goals beaded by a fine regis
tered buck. Will take cheap resi
dence pronertyin Grants Pass as part
pay. I all at raucli. 8 miles south
east of Wilderville. M. D. Bonsmati.
SINGLE COMB Brown Leghorn eggs,
13 for ft at my place near Apple
gate, Oregon. Clinton Cook. M IS tf
tiOOD PAYING bicycles aud retmir
business for sale. Must be sold at
once on account of tailing health.
Or will exchange for residence prop
erty. W. A. Paddock. 4-2fl if
GATS-F. A. Pierce. Merlin, Ore-,
Breeder of r-nre blood Angora Goats ;
Flock headed by South African
Import ; correspondence solicited
in regard to gouts. 11-96 tf
for timber laud. L. G.
Eugene, Oregon.
pay cash
5 24-Tt
DRESSMAKERS apprentice wanted.
Mrs. J C.Clark, Second and D st 5 8-'i
DRKSSMAKEK. first-class, and ap
prentice wauiea ry ran. i. j.
Clark, apply at Christian Science
reading room. Second and D streets
4 14 tf
WANTED fea:esnen. Many Make
$100 to $150 per month ; some even
more. Stock clean; grown on Reser
vation, far from old orchards, dash
advanced weekly. Choice of terri
tory. Address Washiotgon Nursery
Company, Toppenisb, Washington.
WANTED Grain Sacks, Tools and
other second-baad ggods. Harrison
Bros., Second hand-store, corner
Sixth and J streets. IV tf
FRA3K BURNKTT-Upholatering,
mission furniture made to order.
NURSING After Jane L I will be
open for engagement as nurse. Mrs.
Susie McManns, P. U box Wa,
Grants Pas, Phone No. 885. bH St
M E. Church South
Sunday School at 10 a. m. Morning
Worship. 11 a. m. Devotional meet
ing of the Epwortb League 7 p. m.
Rev. C. L. McCauBlaud, presiding
elder of the Willamette district will
preach at 8 p. m. A most cordial in
vitation is extended to tbe publio to
attend any and all of these services.
Presbyterian Church.
The schedule of servioes at Bethany
Cburcb the comiog Sunday, Jane 9,
is as follows: 11 a. m. Morning
worship. Theme of sermon by Evan
P. Hughes: "The Masses: Who
Cares!" 8 p. m. Evening worship
Theme of sermon : "Kneeling at Open
Windows." 10 a. m. Bible School
under the superiotendsncy ;of H. C.
Kinney; 7 p. m, the Devotional Honr
of the Y. P. 8. O. E. The church ex
tends a most cordial and hearty in
vitation to all to attend ber services.
Newman M. E. Church.
There will be the usual services in
this church. In the morning at 11
the, pastor C. O. Beckmao, will speak
on "God's Wonders in the Deep."
In the evening at 8 "The Confidence
of Faith." 8unday School at 10 a.
m. Junior League at 8 p. m. Ep
woith League at 7. Topic "Skilled
Workman." Leader, Mrs. M. C
Fiudley. A oordial invitation is
extended to you to attend any or all
o i tl i ie tervl
Baptist Church.
Tbe program for this Snnday in
cludes four services. Morning wor
ship at 10:30 with sermon by the
Pastoron the theme: "Tbe Authority
of Jesus." The session of tbe Bible
School for the Study of "The Passover
Feast" at 11:45; the Young Peoples
Meeting at 7 o'clock led by Leila
Caldwell with the subject: "How to
Help Those Younger Than We Are,"
and last, tbe evening preaching ser
vice at 8 o'clock with sermon on the
toplo I" The Overthrow of a Mighty
King." To any part or all of this
program, a oordial welcome is ex
tended. Rev. F. O. Williams announoes that
he will preach in St. Lake's Church
Sunday evening, Jane 9, at 8 p. m.,
trains permitting.
Junk Dealer
Highest prices paid for hides, wool,
pelts, rubber, iron, metals, grain
sacks, and all kinds of junk.
The above is the title of a little leather-covered book a
pocket-book of the savings bank variety which we are
giving away FREE to all who start a savings deposit with
us. To many the saving of $100 means a sacrifice of com
forts and many self-denials, but we make it
by providing ft neat and convenient pocket-book in which
you can slip the coins you are tempted to spend foolishly.
We open the banks and credit the amount to your ac
count and
Pay Interest Semi-annually on all Savings Deposits
A deposit of one dollar starts your account. If you would
teach your children the habit of economy and the saving
of money, start an acoount for them, and we provide the
pocket or home bank.
01 city savings
Grants Pass
Banking and Trust Co.
f it's y"
P. H. Hart h & Son, Inc.
Our Motto-rQuality for The Price.
Deposit your dollars at home, where the money can be
loaned for home enterprises. Every dollar sent out of
town takes that much out of circulation here. By deposit
ing with us you save postage and your money is ready for
you the moaient you want it, and without
the "red tape