ROGUE RIVER COURIER. GRANTS PASS. OREGON. JUNE 7. 1907. We Cater The Best MET DEATH UNDER furnished table, in the city, and we THE CAR WHEELS uuuiiog out me primest, choisest and best beef, lamb, muttion, pork, veal, poultry, and game, for;, your choosing. Too can buy bigb grade deliciously flavored meats here at prices that yon will ray for inferior meats elsewhere, because we know how to judge and choose the best that is raised. City Meat Market J . II. AIILF, Propr. TO DESTROY THE PEACH TREE BORER BAKE OF HOME TRADE Switchman Lute Armstrong Crushed in AshKnd Yards Monday Morning. BUY YOUR Drug's and Medicines -AT THE- MODEL DRUG STORE visual biKiiiST, Opposite Depot GRANTS PASS r - I " Islssi PK0Y0LT a j wen "Monty"! will endeavor to i write the news from Greenville once more. Heretofore I have been very bnsy and had no time to represent my - space in the Ooarir. Well it is nice to hear from friends in the various f parts of the oonnty and oftentimes y nsefol topics are disouesed by the t many readers of (he Rogue River j Courier. ! Miss Anna MoCallister of Provolt ? who has been working on Chaney j creek tor the past few wekes visited her parents for a week. f I The weather is again nloe and warm and haying is in fall swing in the valley. The crops are heavy and I of a better quality than last season I The wild Brass is not so heavv ( Several fields already oat were in the recent rains but no damage is re ported. The fruit crops are also very heavy this season in all varieties. Berries are better than average and a 4 mnoh larger croo is an tiol Dated. Grain la holding its own owing to the cold, cloudy weather of the past two (wekes. The yield of grain will no , deobt bold its own with that of past ; years, while the corn and potato crops look fine. Hop raiaera of the valley are much behind with their work. Some yards s are not yet through plowing while some have just begun training. Last season at this time the vines were . np the poles from six to 13 feet. The ; hop vines look healthy and vigorous and a heavy yield is expected, "E. W. Provolt, one of Provolt "a ex : tensive fruit and berry raisers was at Grants Pass daring the week. Mr. Provolt devotes his attention princi pally to the growng of fine fruits and has one of the finest orchards in this section, wbioh is kept clean of all fro it pests ; Mr. Provolt is a member of the Fruit Growers Union and dis poses of his fruit through the union for a top price. Mr. Provolt will add dairying to his present business as the Y new creamery which -is being erected is about 300 yards from his farm. Three weeks ago Mr. Provolt and G. W. Dun lap purchased a nice band of Jersey cows in the Willamette Valley m which were shipped to Grants Pass by rail. There has been other bunches brought in the vallev n,l another year the principal enterprise uo uuirying. Remember the iik,.. i cream lemonade cake and coffee" social given by the Christian Aid So ciety of Williams at tl.a m. un IUUIIU UtMl. June 15. 1907 at 7:80. Come early so - i" ge. a seat before all are taken, as large orowd is expected. Frank Bailev Of Prnvnlf - - - . van, UJH - chant and postmaster is buiUding a largo business sinoe the atom nh An and hands. Gambling Lid Is On The gambling lid is on in Jackson county and at the present time there is not a poblio game running, says the Ashland Tidings. In fact tha .hnt. ting down of the games dates back a week or two ago, when a prominent Gold Hill saloon firm was arrested. pleaded guilty and paid a fine of $75 into the county treasury. Sheriff Jackson took ti e steps that put the knights of the green cloth'out of busi ness. It is hinted that the recent grand Jury gave bim a nudge to do It, bat this is a mere rumor. For years gambling has been carried on openly in Jacksonville, Gold Hill and Med. ford bat things are closed np tight in ail tneee towns now. Slot machines still run, though, contrarv to the state statues, in some of the towns. Illinois Oeamanr Rntl . ... l.. at the Southern Oregon Snrmlv Co.. Kinney & Treat. Hnnti Pu.j n, d J- R. Hyde. Patron lie a local oreamery. Jackson county now owns a dealr. able sit for a home for the county poor, the county court in seaiann at Jacksonville, having closed the deal for the purchase of a 64 acre tract from M. V. Crocker on Bear creek, near Phoenix, for a consideration of fflSOO. The tract is a portion of the old Amerumn place subsequently owned by James Harvey. In ante railroad days the place was an over land stage station. It is a very valu able piece of land and the court has oertainly secured a bargain at the price paid. A number of buildingB are on on the property bnt more will be needed to provide the accommoda tions required for the care of the county's charge. Ashland Tidings. Luther W. Armstrong, an employe of the Southern Paojfio Comnanr. while engaged in switching in the yards at Ashland between 8 and o ciock moucay morning, was run over by a freight car and received in juries from which he died at 10 o'clock Monday morning. The left leg was badly crushed below the knee and tbe left bip also injured The right leg was crushed at tbe ankle joint. It seemed that while engaged in ois amies as a switchman he was kneeling on the bed of a moving flat car to pull a coupling pin and was tnrown beneath the moving wheels, receiving the" frightful injuries stated. Dr. Parson, the company surgeon was summoned, and the left leg was amputated four inches below tbe knee, the other wounds dressed and the yoang man started on an early train for the bosrital at Portland, but he did not survive the journey. The body was taken back to Ashland. Tbe young man, who before enter ing the train service of the oomnanv. was caller at the depot there, leaves a wife and babe. Stop Crumbling If yon suffer from Rheumatism or pains, for Ballard's Snow Liniment will bring quick relief. It is a sore cure for Sprains, Rheumatism, Con tracted Muscles and all pains and witbin the reach of all. Price 2fto. 60o. $1.00. C. R. Smith, Tenaha, Tex., writes: I have used Ballard's Snow Liniment in mv famflv for yearsand have found it a fine remedy for all pains and aches. I recommend it tor pains in tbe chest. For sale by Demaray and National Drug Store. A Narrow Eicspc. (i. W. ninvrt. a mimhuit Plnnb Mo., bad a narrow escape four years ago, wben he ran a jlmson bur into his thumb. He sava: "The doctor wanted to amputate it bat I wonM not oorjBAnt. I hnaoht a twvr r9 Rnnfe- lins' Arnica Salve and that cured tbe dangerous wound. " SSc at all drag-gesM. A Denatured Alwhsl Test careful teat of denatured almhal waa lately made by the driver of an automobile, who drove bis machine from New York to Philadelphia with alcohol fuel. Ha found advantages and disadvantage In the naa of it. Th auto consumed three times as much al conol as It would hare consumed of gasoline, but a part of the excess waa doe to carelessness. Tba speed was less than gasouna would have given, and th power developed waa less. But It to to be born tn mind that the engine was not constructed to use alcohoL Tbe new fuel to absolutely safe, and has a leas disagreeable odor. On the whole, be got everything he expected out of alcohol, and, although he does net expect a general adoption of It for pleasure vehicles, he foreaeea a laroe use of it by the farmers of the west xoutn a Companion. Very Successful H ay it ia Don by Cot respondent of Oregon Agriculturist. Lack of Confidence In Your Own Town. A correspondent of ths Oreaon Agricnlturist describes bis way of fighting the peach; tree borera After exposing the roots and getting out as many worms as possible be applies the following preparatino, whioh he says will prevent a new deposit of eggs at tbe same place : I use lime sulphur spray, double strength, and add a little more lime To each fifty gallons I add one pint of crude carbolio acid and one pound disparene (arsenate of lead). I an ply this about April 20th, or, if sea son is late, about May 1st Apply with whitewash brush or swab from six inches above ground down as deep as dug away. Apply fieely. I used this last year and will aaain!this year, My trees were bady infected at plaoes but this year I seldom find a borer and I have not seen a small one since an plying the remedy. My idea is not to kill the boror in the tree, tot to prevent the borer moth from deposit ing her egg at the part cf tree treated, and to make a success this should be continued for more than one season. This is also beneficial to tbe tree otherwise. I left the around away from the trees, except what was cultivated back and find a new bark growing over the parts injured by borers. The stage line from Crecsent City to Grants Pass is in excellent condition and the roids are good considering the amount of work that has been done on them during the season. The Urants Pass end of the road is being greatly improved. For a distance of five miles out of Grants .Pass all the stumps and trees have been removed, the road has been or ia being turn piked and oement culverts have been pot in. It is a pleasure to travel over roads such as they are making In Jose pbine county at present Orescent City News. HOW IT KILLS OFF BUSINESS. SMYTHE'S QUALITY SHOP Is the place to buy your Coffee and Tea Enables the Mail Ordtr Octopus to D stroy Retail Trade of Villaata and Towns Why Home Protection la First Duty of Good Cltlxsns. Do you believe In your own town and community? If yon do, what do you do ror your own town and community? ii way d mat you nave observed a gradual falling off In business. Things nave not been going along at the lively rate wmcu seems to be Justified bv the present general prosperity. Expert stat lstlctians and close observers declare that never before baa the United 8 tats been ao generally prosperous as It to at this moment How does your own home nlar Stack UD With thla declaration 1 I MRS. T. C P. AfRT Tf r- . - I . W...MU14 Wgl, you and your neighbors getting your 412 Front St., Grants Pass, Oreeoa hare of tha nmvkiHrv t HA I ' W e receive various unsolicited testimonials of the satisfaction they give the consumer. We have OTHER SPECIAL LINES carefully selected, that you will be pleased with, finrl nrdk will be pleased to show you. Come in ana get acquainted with If not as a certain adver- ehare of the "there's a reason, User says. What to the reason? A recent writer on the revival of the local spirit as the only remedy against uie ruin of the small town and the overgrowth of the big city presents some pertinent opinions on this topic. iteaa wnat Richard Hamilton nrrt says anent the lack of confidence found in many communities the lack of a belief in your own home place: The Mail Order Business. "It to that lark of confidence, nr. ner. baps better, a lack of a knowledge of laminar tnlngs, which has enabled the mall order business to gain such head way In tbe rural districts. "It to a recognized fact that the re- New Goods Arriving Thla Waak. THAT TRIP EAST In planning your eastern trip, writ.n np fall nn k .. 1 - ---- vu llj u UUUUl" ."a thetZ Z iSTSS ZZl or your nearest ticket agent and learn what the Wonderful Ecxemi Cur. "Our little boy bad m far R years. " writes N. A. A.linn Flan. rietta. Pa. "Two of our home doc- tors said the case was hopeless, his longs being affected. We then em- nloved other dnntnra 1. n t tin KntluB. resulted. By chanoe we read about Elecrtio Bittern: hnnvht h,.. ....i soon notticed improvement. We con tinued this medicine until tevera bottles were used, when our boy a completely cured." Best of all bloor medicine and body building health tonics. Guaranteed at all drus atarna 60c. GRAVEL SCREEN. Novel Aapllanoe That Can Be Used as a Loader Also. Tbe accompanying sketch of a arand screen and loader was recently sent the Good Roads Magaslna by State Highway Commlaatoner Horatio B. Earle of Michigan. In the operation of thla naval annll ance Commissioner Earle states that and the large towns, for that matter. ia ueing aesiroyea. xcar rjy year tbe "v juuiu wuuu ui once prosperous merchsnta are being Burlington Can do for VOU forced to the wall driven out liv thm r- j; . .. mall order business. And this to tak- F U'VtTB.e V0UtC8 that lng place In face of the fact that tha ,uu 06 Onerea, Me Uurlmg- nopulatlon and DUrchaalns nonr nt ton man Will chnv Ida i. the wuutry district, are aver on the In- variety of routes possible to "What to the matter? iioiaeri oi uurimgton tickets. l at man oruer bouses era drawina-1 te navo t.hpao mtaiHi.. . . . " "7 T I . . . irenio- caeu retail irsus rrom ita natural I jif Paul (hanne a to tha cltlea. W - ' atvJ atuva Tha growth of this octopus baa been Denver to Chicago, St. phenomenal. From a Jelly Ilka Idea, Louis.Kansaa City and Omaha without form, an exnertmeiit fifteen TUr. . i .. , year. ago. It ha. grown to proportion. !".u,"' B"OW WnM. a . . . h ran a ruMitiAM cw& 11 I oowMum mam OaaVEL BCIUtKN AMD LOADKB. the equipment needed Is a team, a man and a boy. Wben the gravel pit la reached the team Is unhitched from the wagon and bitched to the scraper, tbe man naniillnir the scraper and the lx?v driving the team. By referring to the cut It will be seen that the scraper la used for hauling the gmvel from the pit to the screen, whence passing uirougn Uie acroen the gravel la loaded on to uie wagon. It requires ubout five scraper loads to fill the wagon. The team is then bitched to the wagon, and the boy drives away, while the man ue tli pickax. In tills way, tbe commlHsloner states, a stream qf gravel Is constantly going to uie rood. Quarts blanks at the Courier office. tV TT Si T I TTr rOLbER SI hi J.A.F0L6ER&C? 60l0EN6AT ; . i i ii IUJ lira mm 61 GOLDEN GATE J.A Fn: r.rr? AC (jOiwATf flWfTf- I Tea m rcvinM GoldenOate The Satisfaction Line J A Folger & Co. San Francisco that threaten tha extermination of tba retail country merchant An Idea of tha war the money of tha people ia Peine arawn into this mall order trade may be bad from tha re ports of soma of these houses. A cer tain mall order house of Chicago which began with a few tbouaand dollar fit teen years ago now carries a capital stock of 13,000,000 and has arranged to increase that stock to $40,000,000. Tba monthly business amounts to 15.000. 000, with a yearly net profit of more man a3.000.000. "This, mind you. Is tbe record of but one Institution. There are dozens of GlTVIVf rn them In Phloem llttln ami .( n V hundreds of them In the various cities of tbe United States. They are spring big up like mushrooms every nlahL All that to necessary to start a mall or der bualness to a Place to receive mall and money enough to get out the first batcn of printing and for the first ad rertlslng campaign. Like the patent medicine buitnen the mall order business depends on tba gullibility of tbe K'neral public. Thou sands of people every week send In their hard earned caab to some mall order house In payment fur goods thst could have been bought cheaper at their home store. Why do they do It? It Is owing par tially to the deNlre of the average per son to lie humbugged snd Partially to the effect of irnlntent advertising. Tbe mall order bouae aends out Its at tractive literature to every family In the country. In this literature, com posed of well Illustrated catalogues and cheap mngiislnes, known as mall order puiiers, tbe goods are set out tn the moat attractive manner. It la tempting halt, and the flnb bite. "All of theito millions couie out of Uie legitimate trade of the country mer chant, the in nn who haa Invented bla capital, built hluiself a home and been active In building up the town with tbe expectation thut bu would be al lowed to do a legitimate bualness In a legitimate way. He la entitled to the trade of hi a towu and the country ad jacent. He pays his taxes and contrib utes to the support of the community. That community owes til id a reciprocal duty-the duty to give him the prefer ence of trade, everything elae being equal. This Is the thoory of all or ganized civilized communities, begin ning with the family and going ou up through every organization to that of the state. Home protection from for eign robbers is the flrat duty of every good el tl K-ii. If the village and town life that hua grown up under natural laws of trade Is to be maintained, the retail bualness must be preserved against the unfair Inroads of the mall order business. And this can be done only by organization and education. It the people know the facts alxiut the mall ordvr bualneaa uml the offer Incs ou the altar of credulity will row beautifully, lem." route the Burlington trunk lines form. Ask for Burlington folder and let ma help you , ? , A. C. SHELDON. Oen'l. Agt. C. B. & 100 Third Street, Portland, - Oregon. SCHOOL. Tha flpul L.rm nl Id. riDITir. SUM M Kit NOKMALwlU begin on May 0, 1W7, and continue eight weeks. The seonnd term hAirlna nn . June 24, 11)07, and continues until 'h Auguat examination. Tuition for Each Tarm. tlO. THE SUMMER. SCHOOL Or PRIMARY METHODS will beirln on .Tuna in 1U07 an,! . ... tlnue Vi days, under charge of County Hupt Mooree snd Mlas Margaret (Jos- por. Addroas J. J. Krapsor County Super intendent K. T. Moorea, Hulom, Oregon. QUALITY IS MY RULE IN GROCERIES None Hut the Hcst and at Hight Prices SOLK AGKNT FOR WHITE SATIN FLOOR The Beet Hard VVhoat on the Market Fkesh Frcit and Veoetables T. Y. DEAN West Q St. Opposite depot The newt. Courier gives all tbe county E. A. WADE Dry Goods, Underwear, Notions, Etc. Front Street west of Palace hotel GRANTS PASS. OREGON,