Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, June 07, 1907, Image 2

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Practice limited to
Glasses fitted and furnlibed.
Gffloe hours 9 to 12; 2 to 6; and on ap
points ent. Telephones 261 and 77.
Oiamti Pirn, Obsoob
Phone, Office 365; Res. 1181.
Kaxldenoe. oor. 7th and D street.
Office at National Drug Store.
Qbabts Piss, - Obioo
Rut. Phone 714
Olty or country call attended night
or day. Sixth and H, Tuff's building.
Ollioe Phone 301.
Gbamts Pass - . Obeqok.
Practioe In all State and Federal Court.
Olllce In Opora Housebuilding.
Gbasts Pass, Okeoow
Praetioea la all KUteand Federal CourU
OBio over Hair Kiddle Hardware Co.
Gaurrs Pass, Obioow
Office, npstalrs, City Halt
Q bants Fas, Oaieon.
Practice in all State and Federal
courts. Banking and Trust
Company's Building.
Osasts Pads, - Oaitoox.
Oirll and criminal matters attended to
In all the oourts.
Real estate and Insurance.
Office. 6th street, opposite Pus to floe.
eth St., north of Josephine Uotel.
6 basts Pam, - Obiuok.
Charles Costain
Wood Working Shop.
tV est of flour mil!, near R. R. track
laming, Vroll Work. Klatr Work. Band
towing.l'atiinel Work, Wool Pullers, baw
Filing and gumming, Itspsinng all kinds.
mora right.
The Popular Bsrbsr Shop
Get your tousorial work done at
Ou Sixth Street Three chair
Hath Room In connootion
Palace Barber Shop
Shaving, Hair Cutting
lkiths, Etc.
Ever) thing nett and clean and a
work rlrst-Claas.
Fall stock of
Grtxvrlrs and Provisions
Candy, Nuts, Tobacco
"and ('tears.
Sixth street bt. I snd ).
The Best Known Dip for Sheep.
Ce.tlle.Swlne e.rdll Live Slock.
Hon lnurtoi and Son Pol-onoj
Best known remedy for Mange or
Itch, Scab. Lice, Ticks on Sheep,
Fleas, lieu Lice. Hog Cholera,
Galls, Sores and Wounds, Thrush,
Grease Heel aud Soratche, Tape
Worms, Ring Worms, Screw
Worms. Flics or Msgguts, CistTa
tions. Also disinfecting stables,
outhouses, pens, etc.
i v. iu:itcia
The Kind ef Life They In Baku,
In Southern Rum is.
Henry M. Nevlnson, a Tfritisb news
paper correspondent, writes as follows
of present day events in Baku, south
ern Russia: '"You paraslter When
yon open a letter at breakfast and And
that written at tho top Instead of
'Dear sir or "My darling love' your at
tention Is Immediately drawn to the
contents. But here in Baku, If yon
happen to lie the hardworking man
ager of a rich field with lots of wells
yielding some 200,000 pounds of oil
apiece every twenty-four hours, you
will not lie so much surprised. You
will know at onre what is coming, and
your first thought will lie a visit to
your banker's. , "Our agents.' the letter
goes on, 'will call ou you tomorrow
afternoon at 5 o'clock aud you will
give them the sum of $7o0. Should
you refuse you will be killed tomorrow
or next day. Should you iietray our
agents or give the smallest hint to the
police the whole of jour family will
share your fate. SlK'ied and sealed on
behalf of the committee.' The seal Is
a ruhber stamp In red. sometimes bear
ing the words, 'Social I ciimcr:i!io I-'ed-enitlon,'
sometimes 'Anarchist Com
mune.' The sum demanded varies con
siderably. I think It Is seldom over
$1,000, fur one must be reasonable lu
these Hint tern, and usually It Is less. I
have known a popular and capable
English munnger to get off with $23,
w hich is a ludicrous exchange for life.
But when the agents ring at the door
and ask the servant If you are at home
and disengaged, the only thing to do
is to pay,
"For there la no pretense about the
threats. Refusal or betrayal means
death without pause, probably within
the day. It has been proved over and
over again. It was proved last week
In the case of a well known and pow
erful manager who waa murdered
with revolvers. It was proved the dsy
before yesterday when a Russian man
ager was disemboweled with kulves
and lived a horrible time. Anyhow, If
you think It worth while to live a little
longer here below, yon must pay and
try to reclaim from the company.
Whether the company will ever get
anything by reclaiming from the Rus
sian government heaven knows. The
government la too busy with the trou
blesome and expensive task of shoot
ing Its political opponents or sending
them to Siberia to undertake the pro
tection of commonplace citizens who
have no perilous notions about free
dom. "Most conspicuous men employ arm
ed retainers to protect them or avenge
their death. Some publish from time
to time In the local papers a list of the
men who will be at once assassinated
If anything happens to themselves.
This Is thought very efficacious and
certainly helps to preserve the peace.
I know one manager who boasts be
has 200 men In his pay, each pledged
to kill some one If the manager Is mur
dered. Pride may have exaggerated
the number, but there la no doubt
about the system."
A Clgsr Store 8cret.
Every tobacconist has on his counter
a machine for cutting off the ends of
cigars. These machines are popular
for the reason that they pay for them
selves many times over every year.
The ends that smokers cut off are
carefully gathered from the counter,
and It takes but a few hundred of
them to make a pound of good tobacco.
This ran be sold for 40 or AO cents.
Pome cigar store clerks are very so
licitous to see that the patron does not
overlook the cutting machine. They
push it toward him, and he Is much
Impressed with their politeness. These
clerks hsve for a perquisite the ma
chine's cuttiugsi. This sdds several dol
Isrs weekly to their salaries New Or
leana Times Democrat.
A Woman Finds all Her Energy
and Ambition Slipping Away.
Grants Pass womeu know how the
aches and pains that come when the
kidneys fail' make life a burden.
Backache, hip pains, headaches, diixy
spells, distressing nrinsxy troubles,
all tell of sick kidneys and warn yon
of the stralthy approach of diabetes,
dropsy aud Bright 's disease. Doan's
Kidney Pills peruisueutly cure all
these di lord era
Mr. S. Collins of Ti High' St..
Salem, Ore., says: "Troabee with
my kidneys and backache have caused
me much auncyance for several years.
Although I n.sed a good many
remedies I obtained no positive relief
to il my attention was called to
Doan's Kidney Plllls and I procured
them at a drug slcre. They soon
brought me effective benefit, ceased
the bearing down feeling through the
back and loins and bauithed the ach
ing and other symptoms that had an
noyed me for so long. I bave since
learned of others who think the world
of your reliable remedy and PJgladly
rtsxuuuieud it to 'all suffering from
backache or kidoev trouble. ''
For mle by all dealers. Price JO
cent. Foster-Vlilbarti Civ.. Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Stale. Remember the name Doans
and tat no other.
Courier trial subscription, five
weeks, u cents in sumps.
Consolidation of Ail Highway In
terests Suggested.
Alfred Reeves Thinks More Effective
Work In Securing Improved Roads
Could Ba Accomplished by One Big
Body Than by Many 8mall Ones.
Alfred Reeves, general manager of
the American Motor Car Manufactur
ers' association, advanced the sugges
tion recently that all of the good roads
or highway committees of the different
sport and trade automobillng organiza
tions be consolidated, says the New
Yofk Sun. lie thinks that If all the
various committees lie brought togeth
er In one big committee the work of
rousing good roads sentiment in the
United States would make nirh aster
progress than U possible under exist
ing conditions, when of necessity so
much ground is covered by several
committees. Not only does he thluk
such a body could and would command
moro attention at Washington from
congress than would be possible for
any of the present committees, but it
la his Arm liellef that such a plan
would prove more economical and far
more effective thuu any other.
He points out that there are six mo
toring organizations alone which bave
committees working for good roads,
these bodies being called good roads
committees In some cases and highway
( committees In others, bnt lu all cases
their purpose Is the Increase In the
number of miles of Improved highways
In the United States.
While these committees have done
good work and can keep on doing it,
Mr. Reeves thinks that more could be
accomplished If they were consolidat
ed, as expenses would be reduced, and
It cannot be disputed that a delegation
representing these six organizations
could do more effective work In secur
ing favorable legislation at Washing
ton, for Instance, than could be done
by delegations from each of the six
A consolidation would also be advis
able, because an executive board of
half a doieu members could be readily
selected made up of men thoroughly
posted on the subject who had gained
their knowledge after years of experi
ence. By following out this plan It
would be a far simpler matter to se
cure men able to give some of their
time to the work than it Is to pick out
such a committee from any one of the
organizations named. Under present
conditions such committees are fre
quently composed of men living In
widely separated parts of the country
who of course are unable to hold fre
quent euough meetings to properly
handle the work they are trying to do.
It Is not Mr. Reeves' Idea that only
the six motoring organizations named
should combine forces, but that all na
tional organizations of road users
should lie Included, He would Include
the big a.ssociutious of farmers In dif
ferent parts of the country and also
the good roads workers who recently
had a convention at Oklahoma, as well
as uny other big organization which
has appointed a committee to advance
the cause of improved highways. He
thinks It a very necessary (vlnt for
the fullest success of sucb a plan that
the farmers Is? Invited to participate,
us their influence would count s heav
ily in the matter of securing favorable
legislation, both natloual a n 1 state.
As au e Idcm-e of what may lie ac
complished by consolidation, even ou a
smalt scale, Mr. Reeves cites the case
of the Hlgbwry Improvement associa
tion, which was formed lu New York a
few year ago.
It was made up of the Road Drivers'
association, the Associated Cycling
Clubs of New York, the Truck Own
ers' association aud the Automobile
Club of America. There was one dele
gate from each organisation, and they
were able to do a great deal of effec
tive work.
They secured the laying of asphalt
strip along many poorly paved or
rough streets aud put an end to the
unnecessarily lavish sprinkling of
streets. In addition to doing a great deal
of other good work. Mr. Reeves thinks
that this same Idea could le followed
out In national road affairs with corre
spondingly greater results.
"Sunday dyspepsia that is what yon
have." said the doctor, smiling.
"Sunday dyspepsia T"
"Yea. snd It li Dot a rare complaint
either. It I due to thla bad habit of
ting foolishly aud gluttonously on
Bnnday. Through the week you eat
Ifke a sensible man a moderate break
fast early, a light luncheon and a
good, substantial dinner at the end of
the day. But on Sunday you eat a
heavy breakfast at 10 or 11. At 1 you
sit down to an ruormous dinner, stuff
ing yourself without appetite, and at
6.30, when you are really hungry, you
eat light unsatisfactory food, like Sar
atoga chips and lettuce sandwiches tn
a word, a Sunday supper. The result
of thrs change for the worse, made
once a wtek by milltous of men. Is
Sunday dyvpepsia. an ailment for
which I always prescribe a 6 o'clock
Sunday dinner" New York FYes.
Advertise In Home Psper.
It is ju!ie within the range of pos
sfMltty that If the local merchants
wru)d advertise a little more In the
local paper the local people wwiij bay
nsany things from them which they
sow bey from the mall order houses.
Earl Orey, governor general of Can
ada, receive a salary of 150,000 year.
Flfty-eeren years ago Hon. Vteses A.
SaffoM waa a page In the Maine house
of representative. He la now a mem
ber of the bouse.
William 1. Cook, who la the dean ef
the newspaper fraternity In Baltimore,
was seventy -six years old on Jan. 26.
He was born In Chambersburg. l'e.
John H. Thompson la the oldest navy
yard employee In the country. Ie took
a position at the Portsmouth (Va.)
navy yard in 1854 and has remained
there ever since, excepting a f aw years
during the civil war.
Probably the only man In the United
States to have a mahogany aldewalk
In front of bis residence Is William H.
Tripp of Janesville. WK The walk
was made of the tierces of oil barrels
shipped from the West Indies.
Vice President Fairbanks nearly al
ways walks from his to the
capitol and back and often, tfter dusk,
goes for long strolls through the north
western section of Washington. These
tramps usually consume t hour or
more, and Mr. Fairbanks rartly has a
companion, preferring to be atone.
M. Touny. director of the Tarls mu
nicipal police, had attended the re
hearsal of 'Julius Caesar." The mur
der of Shakespeare's hero disturbed his
professional instinct. He said to a
friend: "See here. There's a great er
ror In this drama on the part of the
police. Julius Caesar should have been
The regents of the Smithsonian In
stitution filled the vacancy which has
existed since the death of the secre
tary. Dr. Samuel F. Langley. on Feb.
27, last year, by the unanimous elec
tion of Charles Doollttle Waleott of
New York, who for twelve years has
been director of the United States geo
logical surrey.
Oscar Hammersteln, the New York
then'-' 1 manager, la as original In bis
business methods as In his theatrical
enterprises. In spite of the extent of
his undertakings, he has no system of
bookkeeping. All that he does In that
way Is what his check book shows.
Thousands pass through his handa ev
ery week, and be never loses accurate
knowledge of all his complicated busi
ness affairs.
Mr. Kloblanch has written a new
play for H. B. Irving entitled "A Loyal
David Bell tco Is writing a new play
which Is said to be Intended for David
; Henry Arthur Jones is to write a
play of modern life for Otis Skinner
The piece Is to be produced next fall.
' Klngsley Benedict, who has the lead
lng role in Ned Wayburn's "Futurity
Winners." is s native of Washington.
Henry W. Savage has added a fifth
prima donna to the list of those en
gaged for the role of "Madam Butter
fly." ! Henry B. Irving and Miss Dorothy
j Balrd. with the English company.
closed their American tour lu Boston
Harold MacGrath. the novelist, is said
to be writing a new play for Max Fig
man, in which the latter Is to lie starred
j next serisou.
' Mr. Sothern aud Miss Marlowe will
glv a series of performances of "When
Knighthood Was la Flower" during
i their New York engagvmeut.
' Sir Charles WyiulhniL has abandoned
his plaus for an American tour this
' seasou. He is planning so try Hubert
Henry Davies' new come-tr. "The Mo
llusc," in Loudon lu the sp4ng.
There is lu Paris a small theater for
the deaf aud dumb.
Up to the revolutiou of 17Si public
executioners usually performed surgi
cal operation lu France.
M. de Vallyer. who established a pri
vate penny post In Paris in 1053, is also
' said to have Invented envelopes.
The largest theater In the world Is
the opera bouse lu Paris. It covers
three acres of ground. Its cubic mass
la 4.27.000 feet, and It cost 100.000,000
1 The financial position of the ni unlet
' pallty of Paris was In a somew hat un
satisfactory state at the close of last
' year, and to meet the situation It Is
i proposed to raise a loan of 315.10,000
franc (f(S.0O0.000t, which will enable
the municipality to undertake some im
portant works that have long been con
sidered necessary.
Booth Tarkmgton. whose hair is un
usually thick, thinks that strong, rich
food plenty of meat three time a
day gives vigor to tn scalp.
George Bernard Shaw imputes his
flue and beautiful gray hair to his veg
etarian diet Vegetables, be holds,
keep the hair In a glossy aud superb
( condition.
Water has not touched Mme. PatU's
j face for seventeen fears. She holds
. that water make wrinkle and for her
smooth skin thank the cold cream
with which alone her facial ablution
are performed.
i Mrs. Ornwmllle-West (Lady Ran
1 dolph Chore nil lj Impute her splendid
! bloom to cold water and to her repa-
diatlon of all creams and cosmetics,
j which ctag. she claims, the pores and
. niake tne skin dry and yellow. Phila
delphia BueCa.
At any time you wish you can have a free concert in your own
borne not a concert of one instrument or voice alone, but a con
cert of band and orchestra music, vocal solos, grand opera as well
as comic opera anything you like. The world's greatest artists
are at your command if you own a new 1907 model Edison
Phonograph, and you don't have to pay fancy prices for a one
night's entertainment, but can bave free concerts as often as you
Mr. Edison says: "I want to see a phonograph
in every Amerle-n home." ....
Edison Phonograph Offer
While this offer lasts we will send to any reader of this paper a
Genuine Edison new style 1907 model Phonograph for free trial
in your own home a trial lasting two days. Try the new 1907
model Edison in your own home. Then if you do not want to
keep this wonderful instrument, you may send it back to us and
we charge you absolutely nothing lor the free trial. If you like
the instrument with its marvelous variations of entertainment,
including the latest popular songs, side-splitting minstrel dia
logues, beautiful operatic airs sung by the greatest artists, its
dreamy waltzes and stirring two-steps, its orations and elocution
ary recitals, you may keep the instrument and send either cash
in full or the smallest monthly payments at the surprising rock
bottom prices on the finest Edison outfits.
kdison ootnt, including one dozen
genoine gold-moulded records, and
ai rock-bottom price, no matter
whether you send cash in (nil or psy
on onr easiest terms.
FAR fACR in full: So D'n7
I Ur lHtSU cash purchasers are
pttinit the finest Edison outfits on
free trial mat we are obliged to an
nounce that Mr. Edison allows no
discount lor cash. W bave already
given those who buy on easy pay
ments the lowest possible price, and
we must treat all the Edison custom
ers alike.
How ths Highways Can B Improved
st Small Expanse.
In writing of the mad drag lu Motor
News D. C. Wing .if Missouri says:
It takes a courageous man to start
something new lu a farming commu
nity. As a class we farmers resist In
novations almost to the extent of mak
ing ourselves absurd lu the eyes of au
intelligent public. It Is surprising with
what bulldog tenacity we hang to tra
ditions, old methods and scrub stock.
But the drug Is sweeping us toward a
brighter day.
Dragged after earh rain, when the
mud works nicely Hud does not stick
to the drag, a mad will acijuire during
the seasou such a thick, compact
"hide" that It will turn water, resist
the action of frost and reniuin hard
and smooth throughout the year. The
more It Is traveled the better It will lie,
provided It Is dragged after each rain'
Eer.v time the dust paste Is spread
over the surface aud then beaten down
and hardened the md Is Improved.
The writer has a piece of road that hus
been dragged for two years. Its shell
Is so thick aud hard that It can scarce
ly be cut w ith an ax.
You can wKer that the bottom will
not fall out of this road, no matter
how wet the spring may be. it waa
tested the last spring by weeks of
rainy weather, but It held Its own.
lther roads were Impassable. Their
bottoms fell out, and they would mlre
man or beast. Instead of turning the
water, they absorbed It
A good earth road must be hard
smooth and oval or convex. A road
wUl acquire these fundamental char-aetertstk-s
and retain them If It U
dragged after each rain. By rldln
the drag the driver can rebate the
amount of earth moved toward the
center. The 6rst applications of tb)
drag win mer!y knock off the rough
Jges, Cd in the ruts and provide for
more effective work In the future.
Posterr, placards, dodgers, all si,t,
and kinds, printed at the Courier office.
Ufa! blanks at the Courier oficej
Edison Catalogues Free
Sign this coupon and get the great
Edison catalogue, quoting the rock
bottom prices surprising prices -on
the finest Bdison outfits. Re
member, you get an absolutely free
trial and can send either cash fn full
or easy monthly payments.
Edison Phonograph Distributors
A. E. VOOKHIES, Propr.
Without any obligaUons on me,
please send me free, prepaid, your
Edison catalogue and catalogue of
Edison records.
Why Insurance Companies Dis
criminate AgOLlnst Gentle Sex.
If one is to believe the medical ex
aminers the reason woman pays
more for the privilege of life insor
aucejis that she is much more com
monly a victim of indigestion and
stomach troubles and the fatal ail
mruts that spring from these causes.
It is not the acnte attacks of disease
that influence the lnsoranca examiners
alone, but the constant Itelmgs of
weakness, headache, indigestion and
stomach tronble. These things,
physicians say, kill more people than
many of the serious diseases.
For curative power In all stomach
troubles nothing jslse is as safe yet
effective, nothing else can be so
thoroughly relied npen to relieve all
troubles of Indigestion, as Miona. It
is unlike auy remedy heretofore un
known; it is not a mere digestive tab
lot; it strengthens and restores to
natural aotlon. the stomach aad
bowels and makes a complete cure in
Tn the worst font of stomacb
Demaray sells Miona In 50 cent
boxes nnder a guarantee to refund the
money unless it does all that Is
claimed for It
My But fritad.
Alexander Benton, who live on
Roral Route 1. Fort Ewdard X. Y.,
ays: "Dr. King s New Discovery is
my beet earthly friend. It cured m
of asthma six yeari 8R0 jt 0M ,i,o
performed a wonderful cure of in
cipient consumption for my son's
wife. The first bottle ended ths
terrible ooogh, and this accomplished,
tb other symptoms left one by one,
oBtu ahe was perfectly well. Dr.
n-'ng s ew Dicsovery'e power over
coogh and oolds is simply marvelous.
o other remedy has ever equaled
it sully guaranteed by all drug
gists 50c and 11-00. Trial bettls