Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, May 31, 1907, Image 6

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1'ructlce limittd to
GlanHee fitted and furnished.
Ofllce hours to 12; 2 to 6; and od ap
pointment. Telephones 'Ml and 77.
Ubants Pass, Gascon
Phones, Office 355; Ren. 1181.
RoHldenue cor. 7tb and D streets.
Offloa at National I'rur Store.
Qbastb Pass, - - 0asuo
Boa. Phone 714
City or country calls attended night
r day. Blxtb and H, Tuffs buDding.
Office Phone Ml.
GbaiTS Pass Oszxjoa.
Practice la all State and Federal CosrU.
Offlce la Opera Housebuilding.
Gsurtb Pahs, 0
Practlcei in all Bute and Federal Ooarts
Office over Ualr-Klddle Hardware Co.
Csakts Pais, Obmoii
Offlce, upstairs, City HalL
Guiit Pass, Oaaeoa.
Pactice in all State and Federal
courts. Banking and Trust
Company's Building.
OaiMTf Pass, Oasaoa.
Civil aid criminal asattert attended ie
la all ike oonrta.
Real eiiate and Ioaoraane.
Office, Cih atreei, opposite Poetufle.
Ui St., aerth ol Josephiae Hotel.
Aauan Pais, Oaiewa.
Charles Costain
Wood Working Shop.
feat of flour mill, aear K. R. track
Taralng. HeroU Work. HtairWork, Band
ItawiBg.l'.ablDtt Work, Wood Pulltvs. baw
rUmf and summing, Kepairtng all klada.
riieae right.
The Pepalar trber Shop
Get your tonsorial work done at
On Sixth Street Three chain
Bath Room la connection
Palace Barber Shop
Shaving, Hair Cutting
ltaths, Etc.
Every thing neat and clean and a
work Klrsl-Clase.
Pall utot-k of
Groceries and Provisions
Candy, Nuts, Tobacco
and Cigars.
Sixth (treat bt. I and J.
Have you ever
seen a Sunset?
A beautifully illustrated
monthly msgatia. of (be wide
awake West with faicinalinr,
ihoit lionet, picturtique personal
point-ol-visw description of the
mteieitmg development of the
West, and the romance and his
tory of the wonderland el the
Atk your local newsdealer
for current issue or send $1.50
for year's subscription. The book.
"Road of a Thouian.1 Wonders.''
120 beautiful Western views aa
(our colors will be included
rteea saie
as iabchco CAuroaau
m4 vi . -r.rt tito It hnclr tn the I
The Manager
Of the B. A.
Copyrisht. 1001. by
(Continual Irom latt week)
ANTIOCH bad grown Indifferent
to forest Area. Tbey were of
almost annual recurrence, and
t the town bad come to expect
them each fall. Aa the Hon. Jeb liar
rows remarked with cheerful optimism,
voicing a popular belief, If It was in
tended Antlocb should go that way It
would have gone long ago.
But this summer the drought bad
been of longer duration than usual. The
wooda were like tinder, and the Inev
itable wadding from some careless
hunter's gun or the scattered embers
from some camp Are far up in the
northern part of the state bad started
a conflagration that waa licking up
miles of Umber and moving steadily
south behind a vast curtain of smoke
that darkened half the state. It was
only when the burned out aettlers from
the north began to straggle In that An
tlnch awoke to a proper sense of lis
It was then that Antlocb sent out Its
first call for help. It nefded fire en
gine aud hose, and It needed them
badly, especially the how, for the lit
tle reservoir from which the town
drew its water supply waa almost
Antlocb forgot the murder of Ryder.
It forgot Roger Oakley, the strike and
all lesser affairs. A common danger
threatened Ita homes, perhaps the lives
of Its citizens. '
A score of angry men were stamping
up aud down the long platform across
from the aboi or pushing la and out
of the ugly little depot, which had
taken on years in apparent age and
decay In the two daya daring whlrb
110 trains bad been running.
They were abusing Holt, the railroad
and every one connected with it For
the thousandth time they demanded to
know where the promised relief train
waa if it bad started from Buckborn
Junction, and. if it hadn't started, the
reason of the delay.
3e harried assistant treasurer an
swered these quest loos as xt be
sou id.
"Are you going to let the town born
without making a move to save ItT"
demanded an excited cltlaen.
Ton dost think I am any more
nnzioTss to see It go than you areF
started Holt angrily.
Then why don't yoor road do some
thing to prevent 111"
TtM road's doing all K can, geaUe-
That's a whole lot, ain't Itr
"We are cot off." aald Hort help
lessly. "Everything to tied up tight"
"You can wire, onn't you 7"
"Yea, I can wire; I bare wired."
"Well. Where's the relief train, tbenT
"It a at the Junction."
"It'a going to do ua a lot of good
there, alnt Itr'
They'll send It aa aooo as tbey can
get together a crew."
"Stir them up again. Holt. Tel) Vm
we got to have that bone and those en
gines or the town's gone. If a a matter
of life aud death."
Holt lurued"' hack Into the depot, and
the crowd dtswrsed.
In the ticket office be found McClln
tock, who bad Juiit come in from up
town. The master meclianlc'a face wat
unusually itrave.
"I have been Investigating the water
supply wltb the city engineer. Thlnm
are In awful xluipe. The mains err
about empty, and there Isn't prcuxurt
euough from the stamlplpe to throw s
thirty Ove foot stream."
"I wWh Oakley was here." muttered
"So do I. Somehow he bad a knack
at keeping thluK moving. I don't
uieuii but what you've done your level
best. Hyrnn." be added kindly.
"They've laid down on me at the
Junction." said tie younger man bit
terly. 11.' Kti'itel to the door, liiupplug tils
face with his handkerchief, and stood
loo Win: down the track In the direc
tion of lliu ktiorn
"They made It ho Oakley couldn't
stay, niul now they wonder why the
relief tralu Is bung up. All Otirks says
Is tluit be can't t'ct a crew. I tell you
If (ink ley waa here he'd have to got
"It was a mistake to seud the yard
supine up to Parker's Run. If we had
it bore now"
"How was I to know we'd need tt T
I hsd to try to save thoee ties, and we
thought the wind was shifting Into the
south." In nVtw Justldcatlou of bis
"Tbat'e sit, ail rltiht" ald MoClln
tuck. "We dkl think the danger was
pant Only we shouldn't have taken
any chauoes."
At this point they were Joined by lr
"Auytblng new from ltuckboraT" be
Inquired anxiously.
"No; It's the same old story. I'urki
alu't got auybody to send."
The doctor, like Holt, fell to mopping
his face with his handkerchief.
"lKm't be know our danger' Don't
be know we cau't fight the fire with
out endues and hose-that our water
supply Is about exhausted and that
we'll have to depend on the rlverT"
Hinxr I Brother
Holt nodded wearily.
"It looks as though we were to be
left to face this situation aa best we
can, without help from the outside,''
aald the doctor uneasily.
Holt turned to McC'llntock. j
"Isn't there some method of back
"It's too late to try that, and, with
this wind blowing. It would have been '
too big a risk."-
He glanced moodily across the town
to the north, where the black cloud
bung low in the sky. He added: j
"I have told my wife to keep the
young ones In, no matter what bap i
pen a, but Lord, they will be about as'
well off one place aa another when it
cornea to the plncb."
"I suppose so," agreed the doctor. "I
am at a loss to know what precautions
to take to Insure the safety of Mrs. '
Emory and my dauKhter."
It waa only 4 o'clock, but It was al-'
ready quite dark In the town, a strange
half light that twisted the accustomed
bne of things. The air was close, :
stilting, and the wind, which blew lu
heavy gusta, waa like the breath from
a furnace. The somber twilight car- i
rled with It a horrible aense of depres
sion. Every sound in nature was still
ed. Silence reigned supreme. It was
the expectant bush of each living thing.
The three men stepped out on the
plutrorm. Holt and tie doctor were
still mopping their fucea with their
limp handkerchiefs. McCllntock wa
funning himself with bis straw bat.
When they spoke they unconsciously
dropped their voices to a whisper.
"Those families In the north end
should move out of their homes," said
the doctor. "If they wait until the flrel
t. he, will .nv. nn.hin hf
what they bave on their backs.
'Yea, and the bouses ought to come
down," added McCllntock. "There's
where the Ore will get Ita first grip on
the town, and then heaven help us!"
Night came, and so Imminent seem,
ed the danger that AnUoch waa roused
to something like activity. -
A crowd composed almost exclusive
ly of men gathered early on the aqua re
before the courthouse. , . .
Tbey bad by ceVnmon eonaeot given
up all bop that the relief train would
be sent from Burkhorn Junction. The
tight In the aky told tbem that tbey
were completely cut off from the out
side world. The town and the woods
Immediately adjacent formed aa Is
land In the center of an unbroken sea
of fir. The ragged red line bad crept
around to the east, vwt and Booth, but
the principal danger would be from
the north, where the wind drove the
Barnes forward with resistless fury.
To the south and east BlUup'e Fork
Interposed aa a barrier to the progress
of the fire, and on the west waa a j
wide area of cultivated fields. ,
At regular Intervals waves of light
flooded the square aa the freshening '
gusts fanned the conflagration or '
whirled across the town great patches 1
of black smoke. In the Intervals of ;
light a numtier of dark figures could
be seen moving alniut ou the roof of ;
the courthouse, l.lke the square below. '
It was crowded with anxious watchers.
The crowd Jostled to and fro on the
square, restless and excited and lnca
puble of physical quiet. Then sudden
ly a voice was raised and made Itself
heard above the tramp of feet.
"Those houses In the north end uiuit
come down!" this voice said.
There was silence and then a many
toiiK'iied murmur. Each man present
knew that the residents of the uort!i
end had sworu that they would !:::
Ka. nttoe tliolr homes to the public
msI If tliolr homes must ro the,"
much preferred to tun,, tl tni l..:ru. fjr
then tin' I'imii :'.'.! .' ooir.;.;:u'- v.'o'.llJ
have to Lear the l"
"T!'.o-e l:o:: i: r : a cj . ::!" the
.olc r."
It w :s N!c T, .!,'!.'! . '
"Vila's " ' '''':'. l 'lTrT
nuoti'cr o.oe n -;;.!
to l: wlit tor thoi.. "
"Aim 0.1 .hi lo Ik'
.'kilt II It O -IlL..'- t..
11. aster mechanic. "1.
They are read
j.i-i n ic.idy t
i..;- M-le.l I
i"i" ll.c com
'l lit crowd .wi
! 'e I "ith u
sulfation Its c.:t 1 1 1
v I'M lu hitter ... :.u:..
".11!. A iiiati- it v.-:.
;ows had mounted
xleps and w;is va.n!
make himself heard.
t 1!..' :.
1 l!.n-
the II. 'I
the c-.'.ir!!ioUM'
y eudenvorlti; to
He was cti'.i.isrl-
l;i delay, but 110 one I. stoned to h:t:i
The houses mu-t lie toru down w'.ieth
er their owners wanted it or not Mo
t 'Mistook turned up the strii-t.
'Tall In:-' he shouted, and at least a
hundred men fell In behind b!m.
imireblng two abreast. Here and ther.'
as they moved alone a man woiil I for
sake the line to diMipear Into his owu
Kate. When he rejolue.1 tils neihbor-i
he luvartably carried an ax. pick or
crow t-ar.
Prom the square they tunntl Into
Main srreet and from Main street Into
the north road, and presently the head
of the procvmiion baited l-efore a clus
ter of small frame houses resting in a
hollow to their tluht.
"These must Ctuue uVwu first." salJ
Mct'llntoi'k "Now, w want no noise,
men. We U pass out their stuff quletly
as we can "and take it back
He swung open a pate as be spke.
"Williams keeps a team. X cniipie of
you fellows run around to the barn
and hook up."
Jii-it then the front door opened, and
Williams himself appeared on the
threshold. X dog barked, other doors
oeiied, lights gleamed In a score of
windows, and the north end threw off
Its cloak of silence and darkness.
"Keep quiet and let me do the talk
inif," said Mef'liutoc over his shoul
der. Then to the figure In the door
way: "We bave come to help you move,
John. I take It you will be wanting to
lie prttmted the muzzle of u shottun.
leave here shortly. We'll give you a
hand." And the master mechanic push
ed through the gate and took a step
"""" . ,
UoJ an- "led "hums, swinging
out an arm.
"I got something to say
about that?'
There was a sound as of the click
ing of a lock, and be presented the
muzzle of a shotgun.
"Oh, say," said McCllntock gently,
"you bad better not try to use that! It
wlU only make matters worse. Tour
bouse hat got to come down. We got
to save what we can of the town."
Williams made no answer to this, but
McCllntock aaw him draw the butt of
the gun up toward his shoulder.
The men at bis back were perfectly
still. Tbey filled the street and, breath
ing; bard, pressed heavily against the
picket fence, which bent beneath the
weight oMbelr bodies.
"You'd better be reasonable. We
are losing precious time," urged Mc
Cllntock. "In an hour or two this place
will be on fire."
"I've got no kick coming If It burns,
but It shan't be pulled down."
"Put up your gun, and we'll give you
a lift at getting your stuff out"
"No, you wou't"
Mcf'llntock kept bis eyes on the
muzzle of the shotgun.
"It ain't the property loss we are
thinking of-lt'a the possible loss of
life." be snld mildly.
"I'll chance It" retorted Williams
"Well, we won't"
Williams made no reply. He merely
fingered the lock of his gun.
"Put down that gun, John!" com
manded McCllntock sternly.
At the same moment he reached
around and took an ax from the bands
of the ueurest man.
"Put It down," he repeated as be
stepped quickly toward Williams.
The listening men pressed heavily
against the fence lu their feverish anx
iety to miss nothing that was said or
done. The posts snapped, aud they
oured precipitously Into the yard. At
the same moment the 1:1111 exploded,
aud u charge of buckshot rattled harm
lessly along the pavement at McCIIn
tock's feet
Then succeeded a sudden pause, deep,
breathless and Intense, and then the
crowd gave a cry -a cry that was In
auswer to a hoarse cheer that hud
reached them from the square.
An Instant later the trampled froDl
yard was deserted by all save Wil
liams in th doorway. He still held th
smoking gun to his shoulder.
WHEN lluger Oakley appeared
oa the platform at Bucklioru
Junction l'urks started vio
lently, while Iuq took a
quick step forward and pluced a warn
ing baud 011 the old convict's arm. He
feared what he might say. Then be
said to the operator: "He'll do. Oo see
if you cau et AutiiK-b. Try Just once
more. If you succeed tell tilTu the en
gines and hose will tie there within an
hour or they need not look for them.
IOyou understand?"
"All rinht. Mr. Oakley." And Ourks
moved up the platform with alacrity.
He was relieved of one Irksome re
sponsibility. He had his own theories
as to w buthe stranger was, but he told
himself It was none of his business.
As soon as he was out of hearing
I'an turned to his father and aald ear
nestly: "Look here, daddy, I can't allow you
to do It We are neither of cs popu
lar. It's bad enoogh for me to bave
to go."
"Why can't you allow it, Dannie r
And bis son recotrtiired the same cheer-
1 mm
It is well worth
looking at this
offering of
Real Estate
which I have on
my books at the
present time.
; of city Cash, $275.
m A.
ever the world sr. olscaidln, otker Reco'r'dU'xor". T5Sffi5 X "
Columbia Phonooraph Co.
Whatever you may be in search of in the Real Estate line, make
known to rae your wants and be sure tnai 1 can easuy sausny mem.
Choice City Lots on the installment plan from $0 up.
One lot 50x175, with small house; good location in north end
Office 516 E St.
thront'h the nerveous system.
It's a purely Vegetable
compound, contains no oils
or fats or any drupe that i-injuritm-i
or liable to pro
duce a habit.
It's the greatest Tonic 1
the world. Each boHl
con Ins a tnontn s treatment an
costs tl.50 al any Drug .Stort
Prepared by the ANTI-LEA!
MEDICINE CO. Portland Ore
J. B. PADDOCK. Proprietor. k
I am prepared to fiiMiish anything in tne line of Cemetery work in any ill
of Msihleor t.rsiitte
Neariv thiriy tears of experience in the ttarhle hnsfnea warrants my aavli
thai I can till your orders in the very N-st rtmni.rr.
Can tinnih work in K-oicli. 8-d'-ru-sn trsnil or snv kind
Marbl. '
Kmat street, next to t.r-en's Unnshot..
, OILMORE at BOEEN. Proprietors.
H et-eet between Fifth and Sth Puosa 8t Urania Pass, Oregon
W rVu,PriMO0 DmM. (raaa Srii, SL lesis, 1 904
Svsss Priis, MiUs, 1906
an. Im mil fhmimml Cnm
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The ciesr, sweet, narursl tone cf
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utiDu. are eonreij euiniDAIrd. maimg
Columbia Bccords the smoothest kaowa.
They Wear Best
Colnmhls UrmrUm nntl all other.
t cJl?yftAU Makes 01 raiig Machines
I. another mtSTclT10?. "in-bla Grapbopbcnes: bot if yoor
Jw BuchuTe! ' t0'atBbl li'" ' greatlj Inpro the ToaT Quality
, Prove H For Yourself
9. Ucmr toc. ussts teld M..Hu, CrBswsr asceeas,
C4wasMIWf44CrSesr Rsterss, SOc
371 Washington Avenue,