Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, May 31, 1907, Image 2

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Th Best Known Dip for Sheep,
C.ttle.Swlne xnd'e.U Live) Stock.
Non-lnurloif And Non-Poisonous
Best known remedy for Mange or
Itch, Scab, Lice, Ticks on Sheep,
Fleas, lien Lice. Hog Cholera,
Galls, Sores and Wounds, Thrush, Heel and Scratches, Tape
Worms, Ring Worms, Screw
Worms. Flies or Maggots, Castra
tions. Also disinfecting stables,
outhouses, pens, etc.
Why Insurance Companies Dis
criminate AfeJnst Gentle Sax.
A Narrow Etcapc.
O. W. Cloyd, merchant of Plunk,
Mo., had a narrow escape four years
ago, whfin hn ran a Jlmsou bar into
hii tli umb. Ho imj: ''The doctor
wanted to amputate It bar I would
not consent. I bought a box of Bank-
lins' Aruioa Salve and tbat cured tlin
dangerous woond. " 'Mo at all drug
The Publisher's
Claims Sustained
United States Court or Claims
The I'lilillshora of Webster's International
IHclloMrynlloKellmt H "ia. In fm:t.ttie mi
Inr lliialiriilired thoroughly re-eillUl In e wiry
k'lnll.anil vustlyeiirtiliMl Inevery iwrt, with
ami suverur reUlreuiiula of another griMira
tinn." W e ur of the opinion Unit thin allegation
must. I'lvnrlr and accurately ilesurllies tho
work thul hns liren ai-iomiillMuil ami the
nnlt thuiliunliu rnta;liMl. 'J lio uiutloimry,
a II now sumls, luia Ixs-n Ihoroiuthlv re
edited In every detail, hn Ixx-n rurrn lnl In
every part, ami la ailmlrulily uilitpusl to meet
lliu linger anil severer ruuuireiiH'iita of a
gcneniiion which di'inamla niora of ipular
lilni.i.oali nl knowlcilun limn any generation
that the world liiiamori-otititlni'il.
It la jHThni iiuedlrsa to alil Unit wo refer
til tlioMlcliunmy In our Juillilul work u of
llm highest authority In accuracy ol ili-ilnl-I
him; hikI trrnt In llm future us In hi- uut It
will bo the source of oonaiaiit rcfcivm v.
CUAHI.Cl C. HOTT, Cklf Jutli.
The nfcies rtfert to WKUHTEIVS
tthehlghcat award) win given tr the Interna,
tlimal at the World' Fair, M. Louie.
Km trill m inlerttlnl In mir
ajietumen poors, ariif 're. ,
If one la to belie? the medical ex
amineri tbe reason a woman pays
more for tbe privilege of life insur
ance is tbat the is much more com
monly a victim of indigestion and
stomach troubles and the fatal ail
ments that spring from these causes.
It is not tbe acute attacks of disrate
that influence tbe insurance examiners
alone, but tbe constant feeling of
weakness, headache, indigestion and
stomach trouble. These things,
physicians say, kill more people than
many of tbe serious diseases.
For curative power in all stomach
trouble nothing else is as safe yet
effective, nothing elite can be so
thoroughly relied opon to relieve all
troubles of indigestion, as Mionu. It
is unlike any remedy heretofore un
known ; it is not a mete digestive tab
let ; it strengthen and restores to
natural action, the stomach aad
bowels and makes
oven the worst
troubles ;.
Dp ma ray sells
How a Denver Company Made
Theirs a Beauty Spot
a complete cure in
fori of stomach
Minna In 150 cent
Grounds Surrounding the Building
Mad Attraotiv With Flowers and
Vine Moat Unique Decorative Fea
ture Are Flower Stand.
Make the Ore station In your .town
a beauty spot, however bumble It mny
be. It can be done by any fire compa
ny with a little trouble and at a com
paratively small expense. Both the firo
house anil (rounds can be made at
tractive, not onlv to the home folk, but
to visitors as well. The good work of !
a Denver fire company in this line is
described as follows by the Denver
Neivs: !
There Is probably no finer example
In Denver of what patience, bard work
and a sincere love of the beautiful will
do In tbe way of beautifying one's Httr
Is used for electric lighting has killed
tree, although cases are recorded
where the direct current used to oper
ating street railways has destroyed
Urge trees.
Aa ache la the back and a pain In the
That' the trip!
choke In the throat and a yearning for
That' the grip!
A liver of heat, then a shiver of cold.
A feeling of being three hundred year
A willingness even to do aa you're told
That the grip!
An arrow of pain, now In this place, now
t hat
That' the grip!
A feeling of doubt a to where you are
Thaf the grip!
A stupid sensation of course, wholly
new !
A foolish depression why should you feet
A doubt aa to whether this really la you
That'a the grip!
boxe nuder a guarantee to refund the
money unless it dnis all that 1
claimed for it.
My But Friend.
Aleiauder Benton, who ilve ou
Rural Konte 1. Kort Kwdanl N. Y.,
says: "Dr. King's New Discovery is
my best earthly friend. It cured me
of asthma six years ago. It has also
performed a wouderful cure of In-
oipieut consumption for my son's
wife The first bottle ended the
terrible cough, and this accomplished,
the other symptom left one by one,
until she was perfectly well. Dr.
King's New Dicsovery'i power over
cough and colds ia simply marvelous.
"No other remedy has ever equaled
it. Fully guaranteed by all drug
gists 6lo and 11.00. Trial bottle
J 1 J
SaUownesg Transformed
to Dusky Beauty
A dark ikin becomes faciiiating
when lirliratrly soft, un.icr.prra3
with the radiant glow wlmh jndi
fateaahrjlthy. active akin. Rolwrt
uie keeps I lie akin refined in quality,
amlitimulatri the tiny capilUirsto
contriliutr thr color which i-liarms in
bliimlcaml brunciiralikr. Kodert.
ine ii 1-rruin protection again, t t4n,
unburn ami frcrklrt if applied he
lore rpoiure to tun or wind. likran inipr n rptihlr nhrrn
nf gauze over akin mrfai-c, funning a
..m, .i lliu, iii mi. un,, H
" w . 'I. i.
ucliiatr, liuirmulii jnty.
ZV M mmii it
A Woman Finds all Her Energy
and Ambition Slipping Away.
Grants Pas wonwu know how the
aches and pains that come when the
kidneys fail' make life a burden..
Backache, hip pain, headaches, dissy
pells, distressing urinary troubles,
all tell of sick kidney and warn you
of the stealthy approaoh of diabetes,
dropsy and Bright' dirae. Donn's
Kidney Pills peruuneutly cum all
these disorders.
Mr. 8. Collins of 67 High St.,
Salem, Ore., says: "Troubel with
my Kidneys and backache have caused
me much auuoyance for several yeari.
Although I used a good many
remedies I obtained no positive relief
un:Il my attention was called to
Dnan's Kidney Hills aud I procured
them at a drug atcre. They soon
brought me effective benefit, cesed
the bearing down feeling through the
back aud loins and bauished the idl
ing nl other symptoms that had an
noyed me fur so long. I have since
learned of others who thiuk the world
of your reliable remedy and I gladly
recommend it to all suftVrltig from
backache or k bluer trouble "
For sale by all dealers. Price to)
cents. Fixter-.Milbtirii IV, Buffalo,
New York, sole agenis for the United
Statin. Ki-membi-r the name Doau
and Uk no otln r.
roilndliigs thau that to be seen at the
Clayton street fire station. The build- '
lug Is new and attractive, being built j
of gray brick, and Captain John D.
Wllmot, together with his men, set '
about making the grounds eipiully at-1
tractive as soon as they took posses-!
slon of the station In the spring of 1905. '
The cltv was called on for cniss !
i Strange visions at night that deprive you
j of rest
i That's the grip!
( A taste In your mouth and a weight on
j your chest
I That's the grip!
A tired sensation that runs through your
A queer combination of aches and of
A vapid admission of absence of brains
That's the grip!
A marvelous weakness, come on in a
That's the grip!
A petuhitvt wonder, "How long will It
That's the grip!
A season of fever, a season of freeze.
A quivering weakness that'a felt at the
Say, If aver there was a cuss-ed disease,
It' the grip!
SomervUle Journal.
A 5ummer Vacation
in Your Kitchen
f ummerwiththe tem
perature at iiu. uet
ew Perfection
Wick Blue Flame Oil
Stove and have a cool
kitchen. The
I iNe
Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove
produce working flam initantly. Blue nme meim highly
concentrated heat, no loot, no dirt. Oil n always at a maintained
level, eniunng a uniform flame. Made in three lizes. Every
Move warranted. If not at your dealer's write to our
naareit agency for deicriptive circular.
V h0U .
ins orn lamp tor
round house
hold use
throughout and beautifully nickeled. Terfectlr
constructed; thiol utely laf ; unexcelled in light-ginnf
powef ; an ornament to any roora. Every lamp warranted.
If not at your dealer' i write to our nearett agency.
which wa furnished, and after that
the meu at the station did the rest.
The expenditure of f 12 by the city for
the seed represents the total outlay for
tbe magnificent ground surrounding
the station building.
Under Captain Wllmot the firemen
graded and planted tbe lawn aud
watched it so carefully that there l
perhaps not a better one In the city. In
frviut of the building they planted a
flower lied, In the form of a Maltese
croMS. It Is filled with foliage plants of
many hues, and In the center there la
a sum II century plant. Along the front
wall there Is n row of gladioluses aud
tutieroscs. solicited and received from
tho horticultural department at Wasb
Ingt mi. On the south side of the lot is
a hedge of sweet pens, ami on the mime
side a lurge bod of pansles. the gift of
the Turk Moral t-impaiiy, uml another
bed of geraniums.
The most extraordinary ami unique
features of the ilmnrailuiis are the
(lower stands devised by the men. I'nr
one of these uu Inverted sci tlun of a
tree trunk, with the spreading limbs
serving fur support, was used no top
of this an oMntii box w as plm ed, cov
ered with decorative work made from
small twigs. There ure six of these
Ix.xes In various patterns, and each
one represents an endless amount of
work niiil palleuce. The material nec
essary for their construction was all
gathered In the alleys and vucant lots
of the neighborhood. The completed
Nixes, tilled with doieus of varieties :
of plants ami trailing vines, are really
works of urt, a single mie containing
geraniums of many types, bluelvlls.
wandering Jews, pinks, nasturtiums
and small (topples
In addition to these then- are other
stands which are. if unything could lie.
even more strange In their origin. In
the alleys near the station the firemen
found two kitchen water tauks that '
had lieen deserted by their owners.
Strips were cut out of their sides and
rustle suports placed tietieuth them. I
They were filled with earth and (lowers
planted Inside. They have ,pilte lost
their homely Identity ami serve as
very attractive flower boxes, with long
strands of dallcate vines trailing from
their sides. Withal there Is much for
the men at the station to lie proud of,
for ordinarily a fire station Is not a
thing of leauty. but in this case the
uieu have tolled to such purpose
that there Is not a private lawn la
Denver where more taste Is shown la !
the decorations or greater success oh
tallied In the horticultural work.
Harper' Weekly.
Overheard In a Georgia Kitchen.
Not long ago an old colored cook in
an Atlanta family was visited by one
of her friends, who had but recently
come from "dowu In de country,"
where both had been raised. The vis
itor was received with genuine darky
cordiality and glveu a comfortable cor
ner of "do white folks' kitchen." The
Atlanta cook asked all kinds of ques
tions as to what had bis-u "gwlne on"
dowu In her old borne, and among oth
er queries was:
"What's cum er Mainly what use ter
stay at Miss Willie's?"
"! Alu't you h'yeerd?"
"She In Jail."
"Yutts, she Is."
"What fer?"
"I d'uo Jes' wnut fer, but de man
.'oine an" 'res' her, nu' de Jedge Hue her
live an' cost, au' put her In de Jail
house. Miss Willie say hit wuz er
shame ter 'res' a good cook like Mumly.
an' she sen' her bushnu' down ter pay
de tine, but Mamly say. "Nem mine: she
Jes' stay whar she wuz till de time wmt
out. 'cause she need de rest.' "-liar
per's Weekly.
Individual Tree Planting on Streets.
In view ,,f the extensive pluming of
trees on streets which Is done It Is sur
prising t see the mismanagement or
lack of any management whatsoever
existing Ir. most of our cltlei and
towns, say, Vne I.os Angeles Times.
Every one phu.'s to suit himself, hav
ing a favorite tree of his own, and
ninety times out of a hundred no pn.vl
sloiis are made to promote the exlst-en.-e
of the newly planted tree. hole
la iltig and the tree burled in It, and
that Ls the end. The proper remedy
lies In a good state law or town ordi
nance that will prevent Irrational
treatment of public highways.
Effect of Elestne Wlree on Trtw.
& considerable amount of damage to !
treet tree Is found to Nt due to wire
In causing abrasions, destruction of
War on Billboards.
City Tru-e Ciirragher of Sacramen
to, t'al.. Is njltlng a tight against bill
Iwards. says th Municipal Journal
and Knglneer. The matter of the ex
cesslve size f these boards was called
to his attention by n cltlien who. after
erecting a little cottage on a forty font
front, found himself hedge.! In on both
sides by billboards eighteen feet high
and extending along the street It Hi feet
eich way. I'uder the city ordinance
there seemed to tie nothing he could
do. and therefore Trustee Carraguer
thinks the law should tie changed so
as to limit the size of billboards.
Missouri In Earnest.
The state of Missouri Is becoming
- ...... ..., uoki utimuui ... .
Mini, burning, etc.. which necessitate ' 'm " unl" ve to the question of bet
tnjudlcloua pruning, .ay, the Lo. An- i V" "'ate, pf arlcul
gele. Times. The greatest amount of h" tk"n th' lnl"1 nd has
damage Is the local burning caused 1 " "'" " different points
hv th el.-trt...i ... .k. t, ' 'urougnoui me state,
er tne electro motive fore the
injury 1 likely to
pears to he little
tree during the dry
the meetings In
lng addressed by Walter Williams.
Hon. George B. Ellis. D. Want Kinj
. , I i . ... .
or no leakage from I " the state
. . . . ! re co-operating n the work , m.k.
lug a rau? of one and one-third fare for
the round trip within a limit of fifty
nilles and no ticket to cost more than
a dollar. Tubllc sentiment I growli
in favor of (killed state supervision
and state and county aid to the town
ther. but In
wet weather, when a film of water ls
formed on the bark, there is a coiuitd
erahie transfer of electric current. No
authentic caaee have been observe,,
whenj the alternating current uch as
The House Painting Time
Has Arrived
Beautify your home ard protect the woodwork from the
weather by applying a coat or two of good paint. Yon will thus
be benefiting yourself and also the community in which you live.
The paint that has stood the test in all climates is the
We have a large stock, comprising House Paints (exterior and
interior). Carriage and Wagon Paints, Varnishes and Varnish
Stains, Enamels, etc.
We have the largest unbroken stock of
in the city new and fresh, just received from the mills.
TKF Vf TlAIftS south
A llzw ri. JLTX jV w lwf si
Drug's and'Medicines
At anv ftme vrtu nrict, I. C l ... 9
" j jw ;uu .ait uavc a lice wuccri ill yuur OWQ
home not a concert of one instrument or voice alone, but a con
cert of banc? and orchestra music, vocal solos, grand opera as well
as comic opera anything you like. The world's greatest artists
are at your command if you own a new 1907 model Edison
Phonograph, and you don't have to pay fancy prices for a one
night's entertainment, but can have free concerts as often as you
' lJ Edison
No' 4
g """""iV't?ii'i iTlr"-:s,','y-.i--: Vji'fffj- f
Mr. Edison savat "I want to see a phonograph
in every Amerlan home."
Edison Phonograph Offer
While this offer lasts we will send to any reader of this paper a
Genuine Edison new style l')07 model Phonograph for free trial
in your own home-a trjal lasting two days. Try the new 1007
model Edison it, your own home. Then if you do not want to
keep this wonderful instrument, you may send it back to us and
we charge you absolutelymothing lor the free trial Jf vou like
the instrument with its marvelous variations of entertainment
including the latest popular songs, side-splitting minstrel dig
logues. beautiful operatic airs sung by the greatest artists its
dreamy waltzes aud stirring two-steps, its orations and elocution
ary recta s you may keep the instrument and send either cash
m full or the smallest monthly payments at the surprising rodf.
bottom prices on the finest Edison outfits. u'P""ng rocic-
$3 A MONTH now buys a gen.
uine 1907 nnlnl
unison outot, lncludiug on dozen
genuin gold-moulded record, and
at rock-hottoni price, no matter
whether vou send cash In full or pay
on our easiest terms.
FftR f AQH In l"11 S niany
1 WIV WUU c,h purchasers are
retting the finest Kdison outfits on
free trial mat w are obliged lo an
nounce tbat Mr. Kdison allows no
discount for cash. We have alreadv
given ihose who boy on easy pay
ments the lowest possible and
we must treat all the Kdison custom
en alike.
Edison Catalogues Free
'rn this coupon and .get the great
Edison catalogue, quoting the Pock
bottom prices-surprising pricS. -on
the nnest Kdison outfits Ke
n.eniber, ,u an Bbw,un,
tnal and can send either cash iVhfw
or ea,y monthly payments "
Kdison Phonograph Distributors
A. E. VOOKHIES, Propr.