ROGUE RIVER COURIER. GRANTS PASS OREGON, MAY 17. 1907. GROCERIES A large asHortment of Cereal Foods, Flour and Feed, Fancy Creamery Butter, Fresh Fruit and Vegetables. 4 I am always pleased to quoto prices. J. Pardee Front Htrect , near Palace HoU)l A. WOO DYILLE S. J. Myers is painting bis new residence. Mrs. ilattie Williams, who lias been seriously ill, is now convalescent. B. F. Carter ud daughter, Nellie and Mrs. Randall were in Orants Pass Inst Friday on business. . Iter, and Mrs. Johnson, who have juMt closed a series of suovemfol meet-1 lugs in the Holiness ohnrch, have re turned home. Died Near Wiiuer, May B, 1907, Bessie, infaut daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernrad O'Brien, aged i years, 4 mouths. The little one was 111 for about eight weeks with spinal trouble, caused by a fall, before death oauie to Its relief. The faneral terrloe was conducted here last Sunday by Rer. Joel Milton, and many frleuds ex pressed their sympathy for the be reaved family. You will miss a great treat if you do not hear Mrs. Wings of the Cab bage Patch as read by Mrs. A. II. Onnuoll at O. A. It. Hall, Friday evening, May Stat. f T ? t ?T f TT TtTffTT LELAND X Everbody was glad to tee a shower of rain and then clear up. ' J. N. Moore of San Francisco spent several days in Leland last week visiting relatives. A good crowd attended the Placer dance and everybody enjoyed the night. James Oillaspy spent Sunday and Monday in Orants Pass. Some of the Leland boys enjoyed the basket social at Hugo Satorday night. Mr. Huntington was in Portland last week on business. Isaac Ward, wbo was hurt in the mountains some time ago, is able to be np and around. Mrs. Wileon, while out horseliack riding Sunday, visited the sawmill oamp. Mrs. John Biirker returned to lier borne from the ho4pituI, btit was taken worse Tuesday and was sent to Port land Tuesday evening. There will be a dance at Leland June 1st. Everybody invited to at tend. Mr. and Mrs. Tad Euited moved ftom Leland last week to Merlin. I wonder what was .the trouble with "Sunflower" last week that she failed to get In the items fur Grave? I suppose that town was dead. If you want to have a good time oome to'the Leland dance June 1st. John II. Long spent Sunday at Hugo. CRUSTY BATCH. mining distxiot by way of Kogue liver has so anoonraged K. E. Gil bert,' superintendent of the Rogue River Mioing & Development Com pany, that he will have ail their heavy freight brought by boat from Orants Pass.. There are three other large companies preparing to install mining plants in that district and they are looking into the plan of hav ing their freight brought In from Orants Pass by boat rather than lrom West Fork by paak horses over a mountain trail. Mnle Creek district hs very indlcstion of becom ing a rich mining suction and its trade wlil be worth looking after by Orants Pass and it woold be well for the Commercial Club to take op the matter of having the channel of Rogue river so improved as to make it possible to operate large boats on it and make this city the shipping point for all heavy freight for all , points down the river. Mr. Thnrner and Mr. ; Anbery are confident that by eipend- j ing $IOUO in clearing the bonders out ; of the. rapid that Kogue river can be J nivigated for eight months each year by boats large enough to carry all i kinds of mining machinery and Bup-1 plies and thit a protfible trade could I be built op for Orauts Pass. NAVAGATION ON . ROGUE RIVER Continued from page 1 of the stream and Is said to be the most skillful, coolheaded boatman on the river. Mr. Thoruer has had much experience In freighting on the moun tain streams of Alaska and both he and Mr. Aubery have perfect confidence in being able to navigate Rogue river with fair sized boats, and with no dauger if lot of boulders were blown out of the narrow places. At one place the channel waa so obstructed that they had to nse 76 pounds of giant powder in blowing ont big rock. The success of the attempt of Ret ting machinery into the Mole Creek Report of tk Condition of th First Rational Bank Of Southern Oregon GRANTS PASS, ORB CON At the close of business March 32. 1907 (oondeneed). RESOURCES. Loans sod. Discounts 1273,895 51 Overdrafts 318 64 Bonds.. 55.382 75 Real Estate aod Building.. 15,693 15 Cash It5ti.378 91 511.668 96 LIABILITIES Capital t 60,000 00 Surplus and ProBt 84,014 07 National Bank Notes;. ... 11,900 00 Deposits 415,754 89 t5U,668 96 Medford's Railroad Hopes Now to Be Kee-lizod The Cirouit Court of Jackson County ordered a re-sale of the Med-ford-Crater Lake Railroad aod was sold at the front door of the court house iri Jacksonville. The purchaser is Oeorge Estes, a capitalist of Port land, representing business and rail roadmen of that city. The firat sale of the road was made to Dewing & Co., of Michigan, the prioe bid being ta.700 but Di. J. F. Reddy imme diately after the sale stated that be had a bid of 170,000, for the road and that he woold ask the court to deny a confirmation of the sale. ThU was dons and the court made an order directing the receiver to offer tho road again, resulting in sale of the road to Oeorge Kites (or $83,500. This is generally conceded to be more than the road is worth, but the Dorchasers represent that .it is nuroose to build into country and seouro that trade for the Portland mrohaut. The its new management, if We Pay Interest on Time Deposits L. B. Hall. President J. C. Cajii'UELL, Vice-President H. L GlLKEY, Cashier R. K. IIackett, Asst. Cashier. FRUIT GROWERS TO , DISCUSS ORCHARD WORK Will Meet This Saturday and Compare Successes and Failures, The fruit growers meeting this their Saturday at the Court House will be the Klamath j urictly an experience meeting, for the road under 1 'aers iU each tell of their sue the coort ' cesses and failures in fruit raising. confirms the sale, which is entirely There will ba no speakers lrom probable, it is also very improbable abroad and the topics to be discossed that this bid : of . W. Wfl i wUl be raised , u tji b the frait tower, will be called the Paciflo & Eastern.! r J " If there is anv significance attached themselves and all will be expected to any to the name it woold seem that it is the utlimate design of the new owners to build not alone east into Klamath County, but also west to the Paciflo Ooean. sJssXMslWtWlllllfc ANNOUNCING OUR NEW Sprin & Clotkin .showin tho very latest and correct designs ami styles in CORRECT CLOTHES for GENTLEMEN Wo havo made a special ctl'ort to gather tlie very best makes of Men's ami Hoys' Clothing to ho found in the Eastern markets, and wo strongly urgo you to withhold your purchases until you havo seen this splendid collection of high-class goods, as we know you will find it to your advantage to examine the line points of our clothes lufoie you buy. SUITS $5.00 TO $30.00 take part in the discussions aod to auk such questions as they may de sire. Such meeting as this will be very helpful to the.frolt growers, for in their orchard work each has studied I local conditions aud learned many facts pertaining to location, soil, ; coltivation, proning, spraying, thin ning and the features of growing ! fro it. For a beginner to gain this I knowledge through the hard school of j experience means a loss of much time ; aud the expenditure of uiauy dollars. ! At a meeting like that of this Satur day the beginner can have the be..eflt of the knowledge of those posted in the fruit buisueaH and then be able to avuid many of the obstacles that are to j be encountered from the time the land is selected until the frait is marknted. I It is to the interest of the business i men of Orauts Pass to atteud this meeting for their presence will do SEE OUR COMPLETE LINES OF Spring and Summer Underwear, Shirts and Gents' Furnishings, Model and Up-to-date Our Grocery Department Is Complete in livery Detail and Supplied With livery thini; called for in this Section of the State. Wo supply tho family or camp All Fruits and (Jroen Vegetables in Season. Our big warehouse on 11 street-is tilled with flour aud all kinds of food SEND IN V O II U ORDERS SOUTHERN OREGON SUPPLY GO. PHONB2K3 GRANTS PASS, OREGON. v. Does the Agent Benefit You or Your Town7 Why buy of agents? Do they help build up the couutry? Do they help psy the taxes? Do they care if the goods you buy of theui give tatisiuv tiou? Do they iultill what they auree? Do you lor oue minute suppose that you imii get soiin tiling for nothiug? The oily tongned sg'i)t is the oulv one who gets something for uothing. For what reiuou should he give you a big credit for no value received? Cau't you see at a gUuoe that there must he a catch somewhere and wlieu a man tells you he can furnish you any piauo made for less money (ban the man that haudles it, remember he is niisrepie wilting things to you the tases you lor a sucker; he take" you for a simple minded mn or ami if the easily lead and easy suckers could but hear how the aitents for the large city hom-s that in and out aud take you in. as they pass through, lsnnh aud relate their experiences on their return to their lair of how they broke it oft in the robes, at they call the people that live in interior places, they would one and all learn to dismiss the agent at the door aud buy all their needs of their merhants. Show me a mau that buys evertyhiug lie needs at home, patronize home entirely and I will show yon a prosperous, hustling citizen and show me a man that boys of agents, send to Sears & Koeboik for bis wares aud awlays runs down bis nome merchants and I will show fou man that the community he ives in would be a great deal better I off without aa he is no good to them or biuistlf. The motto is buildup your own town, let the cities lake care of themselves ; staud by your home merchants; they will stand bv vou and always stand up for them and the town .aud country you live to, : but if you are not satisfied with your surronndings, sell out and leave i if you have anything to selli and say nothing. lX.u'l try to discourage vonr neighbor. 6-8 41 H. M. COSS. tones to make it a success. That flood Elver is th most progressive I fruit district in the United Statesjs due quite as much to the efforts of too business men of that progressive lit tle town as to the farmers of the famous Valley. Ad op-to date Ifroit grower is invariably a cash customer j to the merchant. It is thus self- j interest on the port of the business meu of this city to co-operate in every j way pcsisble to bring the froit in-. dostry in Josephine coonty up to the UnA Dlia. . neurit that, tha OTOWfirfl I WWU A ... v . vMauun-v. O here may be able to realize $3.15 box f. o. b., the prioe the Hood River growers got last Fall for their best Spitzeuberg apples. The meeting will begin promptly at lO.HOforthe forenoon session (and ,at,l o'clock for the afternoon session. The following is the topio that will be considered but any other feature pertaining to fruit growing may be brought up for discussion : "How We Spray to Get Perfect Fruit," Fred D. Eismann, of Eis maun Bros. "The Wind One Cause for the Ruin ing of the Fruit Industry in the East," A. T. Martin, Lee District. "What I Saw of the Pear Blight in California," Willard Chase, Grants Pa-s "Are tfees Helpful In Polleniza Hon of Fruit?" J. H. Robinson, Wilderville "What Fruit Exhibits Have Done for Hood River and What Fruit Ex hibits Could Do for Rogue River," Martin Angel, Grants Pass. "Should the Fruit Pest Laws Be Rigorously Enforced?" R. M. Rob inson, Wilderville. '"The Advanatges of a Cannery lo the Fruit Growers ' Herbert C. Sampson, Manager, Grants Pass Can ning Company. "How to Cultivate an Orchard," Christopher Eismann, of Eismann Bro. "The Strawberry as a Sideline for the Fruit Grower, " J. T. Morrison, Grants Past. "Are Cherries Protflable in Rogue River Valley?" C. W. Triplett, Hugo. "Work of the Grants Pass Frnit Growers Union for the Past Year aod the Market Prospects for this Year, " Charles Meserve, Manager Grants Pass Frnit Growers Union. flow's This? We offer $100 reward ior any case of Catarrh that cannot be nred by Hall's Catarrh Cure. K. J. CHENEV & CO.. Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for tne last IS years and believe him perfetly honorable ir all business transactions, and finau cially able to carry ont any obliga tions made by bis firm. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Core is taken inter nally, acting directly tipon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 7oo per bottle. Sold by all Druggists Take Hall's Family Pills (or constipation. Thw Stencil Plno FrxiA Sheboygan, Wis., Apr. 22 lfto H. M. Cess, Medford. Ore D ar Sir: . Repiingto your favcr of the itk just., will say that we have hereto fore appointed yon ole agent in Southern Oregon ud wiali to aL tion tne I act once mors that tad are the only dealer in th .l. ero part of Oregon. ih,t is entitled to sell the "8. W. Miller" pC? manufactured by the 8. W. Miiu, Piano Co. of Sheboygan. Wia. a nttiAr niano tnrnari i - a' factored or stenoiled with a simile name is a rank stencil and is not thl genuine "S. W. Miller" piano U order to protect the buying priblio from frauds of this kind, we w!8ti to gay that all genuine "8. W. Miller'' pianos are manofaotnred at Khebov can. Wis. aud have the nam "u Sliller. Cabinet Grand, Cbicago'md Sheboygan" on the fall board aud nC have the name "S. W. Miller Piano C3. " in the cast iron plate. Anv other piano with a similar name ex. cepiing me nenry r. Miller piano manufactured at Botson, Mass r rank stencils, and if we -'"- - " wu trace their origin, we will certainly bring suit gaiut all such manufacturer! Millor" jiiano is strictly high grade aud cauuot be sold for a low price, t uicic to ityj ucLitr JJlHUO XUaUU factured in the world. i We attach to this letter a caution slip printed a year ago, when we had similar trouble with some niann facturers making stencil S. W. Miller piano and stenciling it Chicago. These parties were promptly dealt with and bad a tond suit on their hands to settle, w h-rch they have dona and we have nc?t fcerri pothered with these people bu now 1$ appears that some other concern niaking a simi lar Btonoll piar.o and steooiling It New York. It will be a very easy matter for os to find out the origin of any stencil "S. W. Miller" pianos aud we will deal with them vsrj harshly, as we will appeal this matter ate sore that we can find out the offender. As far as any other dealer is oon- I ' cerned, who states that he can sell to "S. W. Miller" piano $50 less than you can, win say that it is absolutely false, as no one in Southern Oregon can buy an "S. W. Miller" pim0 from us, while jou are onr sole repre- ' sentative. Sincerely trusting that this Infor mation will enable yon to set your rnfltnuierH arioht in this inntttat protect them from frauds, we art, Yonrs trnly, & W. MILLER PIANO CO. The Lift Insurance mnddle has started the public to thinking. The wonderful success thst has met Ballard's Horehound Syrup in Bronchitis and all PuUnonsry) iron Dies nas started tne public to thinking of this wonderful prepsts tion. They are all using it Join th procession and down with sickntn. -Price 250, 60o and $1.00. For sals bj National Drug Co. and by Deniarsy. Courier trial subscription, five weeks, 10 cents in stamps. (I V i ; I I RESOLVED rHATir You poNT ride: A HOWEVbU JIOlLDRlDf-A IOBdV- THE BEST HOBBY A fxKoON CAN HAVE A PENCA.NT fORGooD ATTIRE", BECAUSE irYoU LOOK WTffX 7"HAfl Yoo DO You LL DoOErrtRTHW You Do Aud Peel BETTER TVM You Do . Buster. ' fie . WWW tvvw YOU WIJH TO IMPROVE YOUR CONDITION, DO you NOJ? ir JO; IMPROVE YOUR LOOKJ. YOUR FACE AND FIGURE WILL LOOK A GREAT DEAL BETTER IF YOU PUT THE PROPER THING J UPON YOUR FIGURE. WHEN YOU GO VIJITING YOU WILL MEET WITH A WARMER WELCOME IF YOU WEAR BETTER w,? fHJ3, lr YU WEAR- POOR ARMENTJ, WILL YOU BE WELCOME AT ALL? WELCOME MAKING JUIT S ...$7 50 TO $27.50 HAT J .... 25 " 5.00 I " NECKWEAR 25 " 75 HOJE JO " 75 SHIRTJ.... 50 " 3.00 HlCT cL ,W,Nfl PEG-TOP CORDUROY ?,Um lHG PANTJ' WHI1"E AND TANCY whi?p nwr J KlZKGE AND ALPACA C0ATJ, r vr? JKOJ6EK3 AND OUTING SVTS AT VERY LOW PRICEJ. QEO. 5. QflLHOgN C2. OUTrlTTEHS TO B0T AND IflN I MMk(kVkajajJk4