ROGUE RIVER COURIER, GRANTS PASS, OREGON, MAY 17. 1907. Omni, wtiyk and meamrt trtrythi you uy A meriain Grocery. HOME GROWN Sirawbsrries To pleae in everything especially in the quality of our Why you should try our Canned Goods. 1st The price is right. 2d The quality is as represented, 3d They are the new seasons pack Eagle Give Oysters 10c 2 cans little neck Clains, not minced, 25c. 1 can Clam juice, 15o. 3 cans, Campbles Soups. 25o. 1 can Booth 'a Broiled Mackerel, 25o. I can Alaska Salmon 10c Finest Columbia River red salmon, 15, 20, 25tt. Lobster and Fresh canned' crab, 25a Genuine Blue-Point Oysters 1 and S poand cans. Rogue River Salt Salmon per lb, 10c Lake Superior White Fiih, 3 for 25o. Salt Mackerel, 12 to 15o. Imported bloaters, S cents each. 8 Bars (5c size) fine toilet soap 25c , Our regular Oregcn full cream Cheese, can t be beat, per pound, 20c )Good comb Hooey, white, 16c. ew Persian Dates, per pound, 12 We keep them under glass nof said. Olives and Olive Oil We are sole agents for The Amer ican Red Cross Olive Oil, recom mended by physicians used iu oor hospital. Just arrived in stock American Olive Co., finest Ripe Olives in pint andjjuart cans. Finest Ripe Olives in cans full, pint 35 c Olive Oil full pint 65c Te is and Coffee We can give you the best value in Mmt coffee from 20 cents per pound to the finest Moc'i & Java at 40 cents to be had in the City. Oranges now at their best Navels, H) aud 3rc dozen. White House I u uiiiKiiiiiii iV ,vr R Items of Personal 8 8 Interest. Mies Oro Willnon, accompanied her (tr nduiother to Portland Saturday. Mis Edua Disbrow returned Mon day from Woir Creek, where she has been teaching the school at that place. Mrs. P. D. Bunnell and Mrs. Wil mer Hilt, of Hilts, Cal., and Miss Ruby Satterlee of Chico, Cal., speut Friday and Saturday in this city. Tom Fry returned Saturday from a short stay at San Francisco where he had none with Callie Hackett. who takes a position in the head office of the California Piue Box Co. L. L. Cotton is a new talesman with the Grants Pass Hardware Company. He is Irom Mt. Veruon, Wash., and will shortly be joined by his family. Mrs. Lizzie Campbell and Miss Eli za beth Merrill of Bioghamton, N. Y., sister and niece of Mrs. Ed Churchill, are spending the Sommer with the Chorchill family. Dr. George Barker, formerly of this place bnt now located at Rosebcrg, stopped oft here Friday evening for a short visit with friends and relatives. Dr. Barker had been spending several weeks in California on a vacation. He left Monday for Rose burg. D. J. Lawton left this week for Portland to take np his duties as special land agent, he being one of five such agents in the employ of the United States government. The work will consist of looking into the facta regarding auy special land cases which may (come p. Mr. Lawton 's family will remain here until July wbeu the family home will be rented. Geo. Colvig arrived in Grants Pass Monday morning from Arizona, here he has been working since January as foreman for the Taeger Canyon Copper Co., whose mine is in the Lonesome valley oountry about 25 miles from Hreeoott. He was accom panied by Geo. Cowley, who has been Id the same place since last Septem ber. They will go to Galioe for month or more. R. L. Coe and family were visited last week by Mr. Coe'a siBter and tier husband Mrs. and Mr. C. L Lee of Kansas' City, Kan., who are on a tour of the coast ., and visited this place for tha first' time. Mr. and Mrs. Lee now have a very different idea of this section of the country than they bad previously entertained. Free Methodlate Hold Conference. Mrs. M. H. Reed returned Monday from Ashland where she had been to attend the annual conference for Oregon of the Free Methodist Church In the appointment of pastor for the coming- year, Mrs. Keed was riven the honor of being returned to Murphy'for Ithe third time, it being the role or tne nee jneuioaisi unurcn to. send a minister but twice to a pastorate, but such a lsrje petition was sent to the conference asking that she be Returned that the request was granted. This appointment will though not be the third consecutive one for Mrs. Reed at Murphy for this past year, owing to ill health she had to decline regular ministerial work and only did evaogelistio labor. Mrs. Reed will also preacn at aiifsonri Flat. B. I. Harriugton was assigned from Grants Pass to Springnold iu Lane oountv. When Mr. Harrington took charge two years ago of the Free Methodist pastorate in Grants Pass the organization had bat a few members and having nu building ser vices were held in a hall or at private ! residence! With such zeal and sue I cess did Mr. Harrington work that a commodious church edifice was built i and furnished as also a six room par- j sou Hire. And now the church basal large and growing membership. Mr. Harrington will conduct the services at Murphy this Suuday at II a. ni., the pulpit cf the Grants Pass church being tilled by Mr. BiHhop of this city. Mr. Harrington and his family will leave for Springfield next week. The regular pastor for the Free Methodist Church in this city for the coming year will be Joseph Brown. Mr. Brown was stationed at Ahland for the past year aud he is said to be an ai' minister and a hard worker 6th St. U18 mm In cleaning up stock for Spring trade, we find quite a few ocH peices of Furniture, Carpets, Linoleums, Etc. which are offered at reduced prices until sold, some Rockers exceptisnally cheap. The Wall Paper sale has been a success andwill continue, it is the largest stock in the city to select from. Stock of Furniture. Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Art Squares the most complete in the city and new arrivals constantly receiving. Goods Sold on Installment Plan Sxtih and S. P. TIME-TABLE. Trains carrying passengers leave Grants Pass depot as follows: sosth Homo. 12 Sliavia Express for Port No. land and intermediate j stations 4 :45 a. m. : No. 10 Oregon Express, Port land and way stations . 8:2U p. ni. No. U Portland Express, Hyer U: a. in.; SOCTH BOUND. No. 11 Shasta Express, Sacra- I niento V San Krandsett. 10:15 p.m. j No, 15 I'alifornia Express, Sac ramento and t-an Fran cisco 9 05 a. in. ' No. 13 San Fram-ibco Express, over 11:00 a. in BASE BALL NOTES. The small boy and the knot hols in the basbeall fence are nowadays be ginning to get together. The Local A. A.' C.'team went to'l'1?"? ? M that "I Medford Sunday for the retorn game 1084 of life nd Property. The with that notorious aggregation, but j train was on a trestle 70 feet high, owing to the loss of several of their when fa draw head was nnlld mnH beet players, were forced to retorn home singing ' that pathetio little ballad, entitled "I Got Mine," to the tone of 14 to 4. Mr. Phelps, who has been catch iug the forepart of the season for Medford, has signed up with Manager Proctor and will from now on be with the A. A. C. bunch. Ash land seems to be getting the baseball fever aud coming to the front with a team this season. They play their first game this coming Sunday with Medford cn the Ashland grounds. The Medford ball team have been presented with new uniforms by one of the progressive merchants of their town which no doubt is responsible for the fast game they put up last Sunday. The Grants Pass team goes to Jack sonville this Suuday for their first game this season with the Jaokson vills team. The boys have arranged it so that ail the Tregular plavers can go this time, so if they get beat they won't have anything to kick about. The new uniforms which the A. A. O. have ordered will probably he here for the next game clayed on the local grounds, which will be with Jacksonville, Sunday, May 36. The uniforms are solid black with orange trimmings. . Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Miller of Los Angeles, con sins of A. E. Voorhies , are spending Friday in Grants Pass. Mr. and Mrs. Miller are on their way to Green vl le, Mich., their former home and also the childhood home of Mr. and Mrs. Voorhies. Memorial Services. Program for Memorial services. May 2fithnd 80tb, 1907: Sunday, May 26th, Union aervloes at the Presbyterian Church. 11 o'olock a. m., preaching by Evan P. Hughes. All are invited. May 80th, all soldiers' graves in the several oemeteries will be properly decorated by committees appointed by General Logan Post No. 39, G. A. R., io the forenoon. At 2 o'clock p. m. ; services will be held in the Opera House as follows: General Orders, read by Adjutant G. A. R. General Orders read by secretary of W. R. O. Address of welcome by Commander H. B. Alversoo. Song by the Choir. Prayer by the Chaplin. Recitation by Inez Howard. - Recitation by Laura Ethos. Patriotic drill by nine girls. Recitation by Louise Britton. Song by the Choir. Addrress by H. D. Norton. Song by Choir aud Congregation H. O. Kinney has consented take charge of the vocal music. to W. E. Page of Medford was in Grants Pass Monday aud secured Evan P. Hughes for orator for the Memorial day services at Medford. Mr. Page has lived in Tillamook for the past 15 years but suffered greatly from rheumatism. Since coming to the Rogue Kiver valley he has not been troubled and he says his health j is bettor thin any time sinoe he left I the army after the war. Fumitory House D Streets Bawd OREGON. A Brief Record of I Local Events. R. Mansfield, who for some time past has been working in the jewelry shop of O. St. Louis, has opened a jewelry shop of his own in the place lately occupied by Mr. St Louis, who has located at Kennet, California. Mr. Mansfield is an enterprising young man and begins business for himself with a determination to win sucoess. A wire from Pendleton states that the speoial train carrying Norrii aud Ro'we's circus, which showed here on I April 23, narrowly escaped being (precipitated iuto a ; gorge and that a dropped in such a manner on the track as to lift the long car op and off the track. The accident occurred just be low Summit, when the train was creeping up a heavy grade. This saved it from being precipitated into the canyon below. It was necessary to send to La Grande for a wrecking crew. See samples of crayon portraits at Hall's art room. Don't fail to hear Mrs. A. H. Gun nellin"Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch" at O. A. R. Hall Friday e'veniug, Mav Slst DESK Fine hard wood, flat top desk 30x5(1 inches on top, six drawers, two places for books, eto. Will sell oheap as I need more room in my offioH. W. L. Ireland, The Real Esta'e Man. BOARDERS wanted at 716 Third street, corner H, also rooms Mrs. C J. Pop Choice City lots on the installment plan from 50 up. Gob Earner this week reoeived 81 bead of fine 8 and 4-year old fat oattle from Pelton Bros, and now has la his Market oa Front street some of the best beef ever brought into the city. Ordr what yon- need. One Lot 60x175 with small house, good location in North en j of City, Cash, $275. Ask for Applegate Creamery Butt?r. Advertised Lettrre. Following ia the list of letters re maining in the Grants Pass, Oregon, Post Office for the week ending May 11, 1907. Persons calling for the same will please give the date advertised. A charge of una cent will be made upon delivery : Burroogb, Mrs. Eva,Dailey. Tim, Eberrcan, Miss Reta, Graham, R L, Jones Mason, Leech, Mri Sarah Linberg. Mrs, Eva, McDaniel, H E, Smith, Miss Lena, Smith, Mack, Smith, E U, Tyler, Asa, Fitzgerald, Mrs E A. C. E. HARMON, P M.. CHURCH NOTICES. Presbyterian Church. The followoig In ttlA Rtthfinv services will be held Church the coming j gn(jBy May lu ll a. in. Morning worship. Theme of sermon by Evan P. Hughes: "A familiar and old-fashioned Talk on I Life;" 10 a. ni. Bible School under Ithe suprintendnucy of II. C. Kinney; i 3 p. m. the Jr. O. E. : 7 p. m., even ing worship. This is an annual nmou service of the Churches ur I Grants Pass, when an Address is de i livered to the graduating class of the i High School. The speaker next Sun day will tie Rev. P.O. Lovett. To any or all of these exercises a cordial j invitation is extended the public. Baptist Church. j Moruing worship is at 10 :110, a half j hour earlier than in other churches. "Uncovering Trath," will be the 'subject of the sermon, the last in the series cn the "Biography of Jonah." The Bible School meets at 1 11 :45. There will be a Union meet ing of the Junior and Senior Young Peoples Societies a'. 7 o'clock, Evelyn Conklin, leaMer. At 8 o'clock occurs 'a Union service st the I'r"Hhytrlan 1 Chnrch with sermon by the Pastor ou i"The Highest School." Ihis is the auunal sruion before the graduating cImhs. Newman M E. Church. The pastor Ri-v. C. O. Beckman will speak iu the morning at 11 ou i "Our KesiiotiHibility Shall We As sume It? ' Sunday School at 10a. m. Junior League at 3 p. m. Ep wotth League at 7. In the evening at H this Church unites with all the PraVstant churches in a ferric at lit'thany I'rbytTian church . At this time Kev. F. U. Lovett of the Baptist chnrch will Htldrwss the graduating cla-s of the High School. hviTvune welcome. St. Luke's Church. Owing to the wreck last Sunday, the Kef. F. C. Williams was unable to reach Grants Pass for a service In the evening. TraliiB permitting, Mr. Williams intends to hold services next Sunday, May lit, in St. Luke's Church at H p. m. M. E. Church South .Services next Sunday, May 19, 10 a. m. Snnrtav (School; H "i. Morn ing Wcrhfp; ' p. "' Kj. worth Li-auue Devotional M-ctiug. H p. m. L'nion wrficen at the Prenbytt-rlan t'hun-h whre F. V. Lovett will rrearhtutli" gr'Klu'i'irg ( ( f the -:.,.! A ' ' r : i : 1 1 V- e'l'-i l!:e ii .', t . . - y i a. .ri i ..v : t'-i v '' - SOME BARGAIN POINTERS News Notea From the Business Men. to Renders. Dr. Flanagan, Physician aud Dcutist. lOo Hoso Cramer Bros. Goto Corun tor Plumbing. . M. Clemens, prescription Druggist. 6-year Paint at Cramer Bros. A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak Ranges at Coron'i Bicycles at Cramer Bros. Sei the big line of watches and chains at Letcher's. 2-23 tf Petalama Incubators and Brooders at Cramer Bros. For a o'eau bed and a good meal try the Western Hotel. 2 per cent discount on ladies purses and hand bags this week at Deiua ray's. 5-10 Discount on watches Razors and Knives at Paddock's Bioyole Den. Hammocka at Cramer Bros. Cooked food sale by Presbyterian Ladies Benefit society at Kinney & Truax store, Saturday, May 18. The proprietor of the Grants Pass Tailoring Co. was for the past two years tailoring for Frank Fetach. See him on Front St. A good business opening is adver tised in the Classified Ad (Jolomu. Miners Hardware at Cramer Bros. See Joseph Moss, The Real Estate Man, Office 516 E street. Illinois Creamery Butter is for sale at the Southern Oregon Supply Co., Kinney ft Truax, Grants Pass Grocery and J. R. Hyde. Patronize a local creamery. Merlin-Gallce stage line leaves Mer lin 7 a. m.( arrives Gailce 12, retorn 1 ; arrive Merlin 6 p. in. 25 pounds baggage free. Orders taken for wood at the Salva tion Army. Hear Mrs. A. BLGunnell In "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch" at G. A. R. Hall, Friday evening, May 81st. School Children Asked to Aid Fool's Errand. City Superintendent Turner reoeived Monday a long communication sigaed by Governor Chamberlain, 6" ate Superintendent Ackerman and" the chairman of the Portland Peary North Pole Expedition, asking that a collec tion be taken np in the schools of this city to aid Lieutenant Perry In fitting out another expedition to try to reach the North Pole. 8 opt. Turner de clined to take ep this graft ou the school children and cou signed the blanks, to the waste basket, bis action meeting with the prompt approval of Chairman Gilkey and the other mem bers of the board as well as of the patrons of the school. Lieutenant Peary has already spent enough money, contributed by the wealthy men of New York, in his numerous attempts to reach the North Pole to give every school in Oregon a nine months term, aud now he wants another flOO.OCO or more with which to fit out another expedition aod be has issued a begging letter to all the schools in the United States aeking that each child make a con tribution to the fund. There is ou practical value to ootne of Peary 'a North Pole expedition only the glory that' he would get of being the first to reach the land of utter doiolatiou. It Is no credit to Gov. Chamberlain and Supt. Ackerman that thoy should endorse this graft ou the school children of Oregon. BANKING BY MAIL You may keep an account with us in Portland, Oregon, and your neighbor knows nothing of it INTEREST WRITE FOR. OUR. BOOKLET ON BANKING BY MAIL UNCLE SAM'S POST OFFICE MAKES OUR. BANKING BY MAIL SYSTEM A SUCCESS SAVINGS BANK OP TITLE GUARANTEE AND TRUST COMPANY 240-244 WASHINGTON J STREET, CORNER SECOND. PORTLAND. OREGON BUYi FiRST-ciiss FISHING TACKLE of which we havo a large stock, and you will LAND THE BIG ONES Cramer Bros. Mevnaanita Heights Opening. On the gentle slope of Manzauita heights with a panoram of valley and mountain range to the front and pro tected on the north by the rapidly rlBing foot hills there were gathered on Wednesday a cluster of poeple to be present at the opening of the suburb which cannot fail te be one of the popular districts of the city. All day long carriage loads of people were being taken back and forth to the Heights at the expense of Mrs, Mary Thompson, who la disposing; of the lota. ' At 4 o'olock the award ing of prices for the best verses telling of the advantages of Manzanlta Heights was announced as follows: 1st prize, $25, Mrs. Franoes A. L. Church, Grants Pass. 2d prize, $5, Boyd Nesbit, Galioe, Oregon. 8d prize, S3, Mrs. L. W. Hood, Grants Pass. "' So expansively and thoroughly had the advertising been done that verses that were received from all sections of Oregon and Washington and s far east as Chicago, but it is gratifying to note that the verses which took the first prize were written by a Grants Pass woman. Mrs. Thompson deserves a great deal of credit for ber enterprise and the progToanivenesa displayed in plac ing on the market in the way she did a tract of residence property and we trust heir efforts will meet with the etiooexs she deserves. Applegate creamery butter is tbe best made. Ask for it at your grocers. THK Grocery GRANTS PASS,