Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, May 17, 1907, Image 4

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The phenomenal and sudden demand for
Tan Oxfords which has sprung up so sud
denly through the east and west caught
many manufacturers unprepared to serve
their customers. This demand does not ex
ist in New York alone, but prevails through
out the larger cities of both east and west.
Golden Brown is the color.
We have them in stock.
Published Every Friday.
Subaorlptlon Rates:
One Year, in advance, II. M
Hi i Months, . . . .78
Three Munthi, .
SinKle CoiiM, . .06
Advertising Rates
Furnished on application at the oftice, or
by maU.
Obituaries and remlutioni of con
dolence will lie charged lor at fa per line;
card o( thank 80c
Entered at the noat office at Grants Pint,
Oregon, a eoond-claiit mail matter.
FRIDAY. MAY 10, 1007.
Spring has arrived. We know it for
several reatooi. Ureen peas are Id
the market. Bprlng bonnets are in
vldvnoe. The ioe cream signs are
plentiful and everybody is taklui
"tenlo" for that mo down feelloa
that 'we all have in the Spring es
pecial ly if we have a hard task before
oi. The Spring time is when the
kid should enjoy himself. Tbe kid is
any boy or girl tinder twelve yean of
age. Over that, they think that they
are grown folks and begin to have
notions. Well, to properly enjoy
Spring time the kid should go bare
foot. It Is the natural thing to do
and it gives the foot chanoe to be
come natural. A Chicago foet is all
right and the possmwor need net be
hawed of it. Uitrillcattoo is doing
the Ik lit it can to cnnh out the
uatural life and tut op au artificial
ataudard but there is no need of mak
ing the children suffer before their
time. Just think what a gloomy
I'hlMhood it will be for a boy to look
back on wheu he can never recollect
digging his toes into the soft sand or
wadding op and down some small
creek balding dams and Retting
gloriously wot and umd 'cwRpnttered
from head to foot. A boy has never
been a boy who has not tiuracd a sore
toe. Iljiittkwt hi in realise tliut there
are troubles in this life for everybody.
Then there is the excruciating joy of
having a stone bruise. Thank good
Hens a WMmnllr ever has more than
oue or two. The unnll girl Iihm to be
more aulidued in lit r Spring tune joys
liut she In only hnnian and it won't do
Hiiy harm to let 'her wade around a
little hit herself. It limy anve some
doctor bills wheu she gets a little bit
older. So put the kids in over I In
ami turn them out to Tgrane. They
will appreciate It and it will make
robust men and women. The old
Fourth Header nsed to have it :
"ilarefoot hoy with checks of tan,
meanings on thee, little man. "
Igraaping Jew. 'The latest troubles
are the strikes in various indostriea.
The laboring nion, goaded oo by the
increased rate of living, have been
trying to raise their wages. Violence
has naturally followed and the city is
in a turmoil. These conatantly recur
ring quarrels between the corporation
aand their employee is putting a wire
w1irn fin tlm fnelinrfl nf thji nnhlfrt .nil
j a radical change mi be demanded if it
keeps ou much louger. The general
public foots all the bills aud naturally
la beginning to think that it has some
rights in the premises. Tliroogh it
all the landlords are smiling and
happy, for rents have gone np
amazingly since the quake and the
owner of moat any old shack can
afford to sport au automobile High
rents have been one of tbe principal
Irrltatlug caniea iu promoting strikes
of the laboring man.
It may be almost considered de
batable question whether civilization
pays. The price of fdeath and blood
that modern railroad transportation
demands in return for speed it eoough
to make one vote ;in the negative on
the question. The latest "horror"
in Southern California Is typical of
American Railroad wrecks: Splin
tered cars; scalding steam and
homed aud mangled human bodies
beaten aud scalded into unreoognl
able olay.
The old primitive method of
crossing the plains with oi team was
counted ono of danger and trial.
There was the danger of Indians, but
it may be submitted that there Is
not much choice In being burned at
the stake and in baring one's scalp
lifted by blood thirsty Apaches or in
being roasted in a Pullman car and
scalded by the steam pipes. After
calmly considering the proposition
the moat of people would prefer to
risk the Iudiaus rather than the
team. There was always a show for
one to get out and put up a good fight
when it oainn to the Apaches, but man
lmn no show iu a etrngglu with a
modern express traiu .wheu it gets off
the raila and out of its beaten
These couditiona are all brought
about by an insane desire for speed
and lile itnclf inuHt be sacrificed by
the the American desire to "get
The Portland Telegram has it that
it ia Senator llourne's ambition to
remain Senator from Oregon for the
rem of bin natural life. That means
that at every election the United
State l'oat Oftloe Department will
have to get out a special stamp issue,
for the Senator ia a great hand to oe
the mm In for campaign purposes.
Sacred Writ ban it that man ia born
to trouble but it don't my anything
about cities. Nevertheless Sim Fran
cisco aeeina to be getting its full allure
of trouble, anil trouble seems to 1
coming iu bunches at ti nt. San Kran-
elsoo has bud a happy aud a prosper
ous pant anil it vituild be contrary to
nil human experience that everything
slioul.l go along smoothly forever.
Thus for the pant year her atlairs
seem to hare lioen out of joint. First
Nature wcut on rampage and the
city was bakeii to its foundations.
The Hie followed, completing the de
struction that the earthquake had be
gun. Then when the ni"U of the citv
bad recovered Jfroiii the shock ami
were preparing to rebuild tve citv,
tbe startling exposure of r:ifl iu the
city administration came out The
corruption i-tn'il rxnciU anything
of tbe kind ever x k iihm ii v A i; t r i ;ri
lnliuic al overturn nt. tie- .,:,!
traction compaiih-, the t.-l.-; bone
nystem, .lens if vice and ctuueall
IkuiiuI toge'.ber and m r -.i ,- 'I.. en
acrupuloiia cii. if i, it, ; ,..
It ia rumored that Secretary Taft
had a private bout with John L.
Sullivan recently. Mayhap the
Secretary ia getting reatly for Sena
tor Fora' er
This being lru to i ii purple is
a tough proposition. Tim King ct
Sai'saen wss handed around ou a
platter for inspection shortly after his
birth. '
'I hey talk alu'iit the horrors of war,
but the Shriners' wreck ill Southern
California cvci-ds in homMeness
aiiyihing enacted around the siege of
Port Aulmr.
Tbe Mtuatiou ill Ohio does net fectu
to clarify w. itli a ci ft 1 1 t It 1
that F. raker i- p.i.-i lied, an. I then the
next thing you hear is that lie is ring
ing bi tire alarm rigorvimlv.
Mr-. A. II. Uniuu II. tlu s.polar
utlier.i i iivnou elocutionist, will
ve an evening's ei.t.rtaiuii'.eiit at
A. U 11 til, Krtdty evening,
j Y..,v :!!-.(, i.i, '. i auspice of the Kp
jw r.h l.eag'iett l K , icircli. The
favorite ncel " M vs. Vig of the
j C i'I.v.o I'nii (" nil , t,.. !..r. d.
In The County Court of the State of j
Oregon, for the County of Jose- j
In the matter of the
Ktrtate of Peter
Hansen. Deceased.
To Chas. Hansen, Geo. Hansen, Reka
Tavlor, CsHtririna Detlelifson, So
phia Leonard, Louisa Tate. Mary
Anderson, Ellen Brown, Emma
Glenn, and all heirs and devisees
nriknowu, if any there be, Ureeting: i
In the name of the State of Oregon,
yoa are hereby cited and required to
appear in the County Coort of the
State of Oregon, for the County of
Josephine, at the Coort room thereof, j
at Grant Pass in the County of Jose
phine on 10th day of June, 1U07 at 10
o'clock, lo the forenoon of that day, j
tben and there to show came, if any i
there lie, why an order rhoald not be i
made, for the selling at final bjI of lot !
one, block seven, in the town of j
Napoleon,- commonly called Kerby, ;
Josephine couuty, Oregon, Bnd par
ticularly delmbed and bounded bs
contained in the petition for tbe sale j
tbreeof as prayed for in the executor
petition heretofore filed in (aid coort.
Witneas, the Hon. Stephen Jewsll,
Judire of the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for the County of ,
Josephine with the seal of said Coort !
affixed, this 17th day of May, A. D. j
1U07. i
(SEAL) 1
Attest: S. F. CHESHIRE, Clerk. 1
Change of Owner.
I have sold the Grants Pass Tailor
ing Co. tuine. to Rhea Wood, wno
will hereafter conduct the busmen t j
the old stand on Front street, and 1 1
take this opportunity of thanking my
old coetomers for their patronage and
recommending that they continue with ;
the new firm as Mr. Wood is a ;
thoroughly np-to-dati tailor and hs
been working in . Orauts Pass for the
past two years. J. A. LARSOJ-. j
LOST Saturday, May 11, ladif s gold
3 watch, large size, hunting cas",
engraved initials, considerably :
worn. Finder leave at this otllce
and receive reward. 5-17 It
YOUNG married man wants steady
work on farm or cattle ranch, ft-17 It
May 18, Saturday Presbyterian Ladies
cooked food sale if inuey & Truax
May 19, Sunday Baccalaureate ser
mon at Bethany Presbyterian
church, 8 p. m.
May 20, Monday Musical bv Marion
Walter, violinist and Ethel Carolyn
Palmer, pianist.
May 21, Tuesday Class Day exercises.
May 23, Ihnrsday Will G. Steel of
Portland, acompanied by Mr. Whit
ney will address the citizens of
"Grants Pass and Joeephine County
at the G. A. R. Hall (over L. B.
Hall's Art studio) at 8 p. m. the
address will be illustrated by lan
tern pictures ia tbe hands of a com-
; petenl operator, cyeroyoay wel
come, admission free.
May 24. Friday Commencement Ex
exreises of High School. ,
May 24, Friday Publio Schools close
for Summer Vacation.
May 24, Dance at Savage Creek
hall. Tickets with supper 50c.
May 30, Thursday, Memorial Day.
July 4, Thursday Grand Fourth of
July celebration at Grants Pass.
HOUND pups, pure bred for sale bv
Rhea Wood, North Ninth St 5-3 3t
Sewing Machine for sale at t"0, new, :
never used. Inquire Musio Store.
Junk Dealer
Highest prices paid for hides, wool,
pelts, rubber, iron, metals, grain
sacks, also
at the Red Front, Sixth street,
between I and J
CALVES Two yonng calves for sale, :
also one 3-year-old heifer, just fresh I
good milking stock; one good!
dairy cow. Phone 2H. 5 10 8t
SINGLE COMB Brown Leghorn eggs,
10 for $1 at my place near Apple-!
gate, Oregoo. Clinton Cook. 3-15 tf
Commercial Glob
23 ACRES of laod joining Merlin
townsite, soitble for small , fruit,
garden and chickens, for sale Call
on or address, O. T. Smith, Merlin,
Ore. - .,4-l 4t
GOOD PAYING bicycles-and reuair
business for sale. Must be sold at
once on account of failing health.
jr win exchange for resideuce prop
erty. W. A. Paddock.
4-26 tf
10 ACRES for sale about 50 under
fence and cultivation, 20 more
slashed easy to clear. Good two-story-house
and big barn, family
orchard and berries, well of splendid
water oo porch. Daily mail at
door. Oak, fir and pine to make
2000 cords wood, worth 4 on track.
All down gtade haul. If yoo like
it I will surely sell to yon. Address
Box 17, Woodville, Ore. 4-19 4t
Will furnish information of
4 Josephine county free of
j charge. Correspondence so- b
j licited. h
i L. B. Hall President w
jH. L. Andrews .... Secretary j
Prepare for
2-Piece Summer Suits
Straw and Panama Hats
White Duck and Summer Trousers
Negligee and Coif Shirts
Summer Fancy and Wash Vests
Abbreviated Underwear and Ox
ford Shoes
P. H. Har tlk" Son, Inc.
Our Motto Quality for The Price. ''
GOATS F. A. Pierce, Merlin, Ore-,
breeder or r"ore blood Angora Goats;
Flock beaded by South African
import; correspondence solicited
in regard to goats. 11-2(1 tf
DRESSMAKERS apprentice wanted.
MraJ C. Clark, Second and D st 6-8-3
DRESSMAKER, first-clscs, and ap
prentice wanted by Mrs. J. (J.
l lnrk, apply at Christian Science
reading room, Second and D streets
4 i tf
WANTED SaliHir en. Many Make
f 100 to fl.'iO per month ; some even
more Stock clean ; grown on Reser
vation, far from old orchards. Ch
advanced weeklv. Choice of terri
tory. Address YYiishiutKon Nursery
Companv, To ieiiitdi, Washington. "
WANTED Grain ! ks, Tools and
other second hand goods. Harrison
ltrnH. , Second hand-store, corner
Sixth and ,1 street. 2 M tf
The above is the title of a little leather-covered book a
pocket-book of the savings bank variety whih we are
giving away FKEE to all who start a savings deposit with
us. To many the saving of $K,'0 moans a sacrifice of com
forts and many self-denials, but wo make it ' '
by providing a neat and convenient pocket-book in which
you can slip the coins you are tempted to spend foolishly.
V'e open the banks and credit the amount to your ac-
count and
The fir in of Thomas o Ncill is
this dy dissolved by uiumal cons'iit,
R. Thomas retiring All accounts
due the o'd hrm are payable imme
diately. R.H. O'Neill will i-ntiiiue
the bus l n .1. : d will s-ti h sn ,,(,,,.
(fiitii'ii!. of the vid ti-
I'nti il March it!. ;.
Iv. Tlh'MAS,
U. II O'.M.ll.l..
Ull; I. Wrt il for :l TV I i v
in small fanii!v ; K"-d pla -e and
a'cndr work t r riirht puny. Apply
A. K. Vooihies, lr.mts l'.ts-.
Ullil. Wanted t'l.: iieiii'nil I oti.ew i r I; .
Addres In 10 !, ., rants i'asi. 3 ! tf
jWilMAS miiti d to t.ike c'-iire of
j our nii'sslious" on cur fruit tar-n,
live miles weft of drains P.s. It a
married woman will tfive work on
I the f:iriu to her husband Will fur-
nisli wood and lion-.-, nature tor
cow an, I allow cl-ickeiis toli'k 'pt.
Call on or telephone or wriicKis
maii 1'ros., Unmts r,is. 41 tf
FRANK lU-KNKTT-VpholstcriiiR.
mission furniture made to order.
HILT KlHiK propositiou for hiitlinn
r'il estate men at home; write to
day. .I.icob-Siiue Co., 1", rt'.ilid.
''re. 4 ,. ;(
S l'K.WKn from Jacksouvil'i al oot
Mav 1, siiisil browu mare, tnane
cli ped. ats'ut :i or 4 inch. locc
'"dr ii.-ti-t Jehu 1 i.'int i-rtii,
.'.i. k-tiy-.'! . ..... .. ;,,
Pay Interest Semi-annually on all Savings Deposits
A deposit of one dollar starts your account. If you would
teacli your children the habit of economy and the saving
of money, start an account for them, and we provide the
pocket or home bank.
Deposit your dollars at home, where the money can be
loaned for home enterprises. Every dollar sent out of
town takes that much out of circulation here. By deposit
ing with us you save postage and your money is ready for
you the nicuicnt you want it, and without the "red tape"
of city savings banks.
Grants Pass
Banking and Trust Co.