Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, May 17, 1907, Image 3

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mml xmomm m
stomach disorders Its con
tinued use means
injury to health.
Following the advice
scientists, England and
passed laws prohibiting its use
in bread making.
American housewives
should protect their house
holds against Alum's, wrongs
by always buying pure Grape
Cream of Tartar Baking
qPure Grape Cream of
Tartar Powder is to be
for the asking-
Buy by name
D E 11 1 N G
Well now, here is a dandy raio and
no one kicking.
Even the Courier sometimes uses
"deranged Bpellin. "
Mr. Sanger of the Sanger mine was
in oar valley la8t Sunday.
"Red Clond" means "tell-a-path,
tel-a-scope and tell-a-graf ter. "
Engene Sams and D. L. Webb
were in Waldo Sunday.
E. M. Albright has settled down to
genuine fanning, and is making the
dnst fly.
Universal and everlasting peace
dwelleth among the bachelors of Elk
Valley almost.
Mrs. Gertie Webb and "Aunt Har
riet" drove down to Waldo Wednes
day. Mr. ,Tsle Hoagland of Kennett,
Cal., : unking her parent, Mr. and
Mrs. Sim Egger a visit, on the
Illinois. She also made our city a
short call Thnrsuay. Very glad to
see her.
Hector Egger was in our Valley
this week on a business trip. He
hails from Waldo.
' "Our Eingtir didn't do any noth
ing" saitti the grafters as they embrace
eah other with rapture.
Hope Orants Pass won't grow so big
as to take is Peering". "Spile" our
municipal elections, but then .there
Golden Gate Tea
To youth
To middle age
To old age
J. A. F0LGER & CO.
causes i
f P
of medical tl
France have
are lots of worse things than being a
suburban town.
Mr. and Mrs. Frodelins were visi
tors at the home of Frank Stiwalt
last Sunday.
Ed. Wilson, who lias a home on the
Illinois was a caller io oor valley
yesterday, come again, Ed.
A stranger from Grants Pass who
had "tanked op" good and pleuty
with "bog juice" had the pleasure
of "padding" by the road side all
through the rain last night. This
morning he was wet ootside and in
and was almost osh-go-speld. Beats
nature what freaks some people will
take to enjoy themselves.
Sam Egger has been helping Tom-
mie Gilllgan bnild a dam ou Elk
creek for few days this week. Tom-
mie is going to irrigate some.
Scecial from Washington D. C, by
wireless wire, loosest on earth The
jury in the Herman trial brought in
a verdict of not guilty, bot advised
him not to do it again and if he ever
did he oaght to be compelled to be
ashamed of himself.
Beileve me "Red Cloud," I am
yours truly, EBEN.
A Nirrow Eicapt.
G. W. Cloyd, a merchant of Plunk,
Mo., had narrow escape four years
ago, when he ran a jiuisnu bur into
his thumb. He says: ' The doctor
wanted to amputate it bot I would
not consent. I bought a box of Buck-
lens' Arnica Salve and that curd tue
dangerous wound. " 2.rc at all drug
giBts. Pleasing
San Franci?co
- a m .::s WJ -t
I pi w WW
Is Proven By the Success
Orchards a.nd Berry
Patches There.
C. H. Stephenson, who has the dis
tinction of being the fartherest up
s.ttler on the right fork of Williams
creek, was in Grants Pass Monday
and was a caller at the Courier office
to asnertain if the Grants Pass can
nery was to be a go and if it would
be in operation in time for this
season's berry crop. Mr. Williams
has grown strawberries for the mar
ket for the past 20 years and has
found them the most protflable crop
on his farm, he making an average
net profit of 300 per acre. Jakfion
ville has been his principal market, he
getting higher prices here than in
Grants Pass. In reply to statement
made by an Illinoiis Valley corres
pondent in the Courier that berries
and fruit won Id not be haoled the 20
to 80 miles from that Valley to
Grants Pass and arrive in good condi
tion Mr. Stephens stated that he found
no diffloolty at all in hauliug'straw-be-ries
27 miles to Grants Pass and 30
miles to Jacksonville and he would
guarantee to deliver berries to the
Grants Pass caunery in perfect cen
nitiou. Mr. Stephens stated that the fruit
prospects for Williams Valley are the
best and no injury has been dne by
frost. Williams Valley, now one of
the leading dairy and stock districts
of Josephine county, will be sore to be
come equally noted as a fruit district.
The soil is weU adapted to growing
fine apples, pears, peaches, grapes and
berries and losses by frost is very
seldom. At the head of the Valley
towers up Greyback mountain to
a height or over 4000 feet. This
mountain has considerable snow on it
even dnriug the summer mouths and
that gives an abundant water sopply
to the streams making irrigation an
easy probem to . the farmers of that
favored Valley. In the bills ahont
the Valley are large bodies of the
finest timber in Southern Oregon and
the Valley has been noted for its rich
gold mines and considerable mining
is yet done. The most extensive de
posit of marble on the Pacific Coast is
found in the bills about the Valley.
This marble ' is white, black and
striped and in both texture and finish
ing quality it is not excelled by any
marble in the United States. At one
of the ledges a plant equipped with
saws and other tools has been installed
by Jones Bros. , for dressing the mar
ble and they turn ont some very tine
specimens of monuments and building
marble. With a railroad to give
transportation to its fro It, timber,
marble, dairy and other products
Williams Valley will become one of
the wealthiest sections of all Southern
School and church advantages are
fully provided for in Williams Valley.
In the district ia which Mr. Stephens
resides, known as the Bnrned dls-
trict, ht
(states that a new school
to replace the rrpseot one
house is
now old and too
small. The coutract
has been let to J. H. Miller and the
building is to be completed ready for
the Fall term of school. It is to be
24x36 feet and will be furnished
with the best make of single desks,
slate blHcktoards aud all the other
needs of an up-to-date school. The
district board is made up of Charles
Hoxie, D. W. John and J. H. Kin-
cade with J. W. Lariniore clerk and
they are efficient, public spirited
official who gives the fullest attention
to all business affair of the district.
School is now in session in the dis
trict with Rev. W. P. Rosser as
teacher. Rev. Rosser, in addition to
conducting the school in a most,
efficient manner is the popular pastor
of the M. E. South church located in
the district. And 'that he msy have
ample physical exercise to offset his
ftrennous 'mental work, Rev. Rosser
cultivates the three-acre trat skint
the parsonage and the fine crops that
he raises proves that he is as success
ful a farmer as he is a preaehrr and
a teacher. The Williams M. E. South
church'is well attended and prosjier
ons. Three acres of land is owned
and on it is located a commodious
church edifice and a neat parsonage.
My Beit Friend.
AleJander Benton, who ilves ou
Rural Route 1. Fort Ewdard X. Y. ,
....... . ,Mi ir ; .. Vcu. r ..,......-. u.
mv i.t erthlv friend. It cured me
of ast'itna six years ago. It hBs al-o
performed a wonderful cure of in
cipient coiiHomption for mv sen's
wife The first tottie Hided the
terrihle couth, and this accrmpitshed,
I the other symptoms left one by one,
Inntil she wa-4 perfectly well. Lr.
'Kind's Xew Dicsovery's tower ovir
'coughs and colds is simply marvelous.
"No other remedy has ever hum1-1
it Fully guarantied hy all drujf-
jrits .Vtc and fl.Oo. Trisl hottle
g't results in the
New Diae&ae Found on Pear
Trees No Trees Should
Be Imported.
W. S. Robinson, who has a farm ou
tho Apr-legate three miles above
Wilderville, was iu Grants Fas re
cently. Mr. Robinson is engaged in
general farming and fruit growing,
bot so eocoursging is the outlook for
the fruit industry that he will here
after devote his time chiefly to this
line of farm work. He has a small,
well kept orchard and he stated that
the yield promised to be fair. While
Mr. Robinson has kept his trees
vigorous and quite free of pests yet
he has a Bartlett pear tree that is
badly affected with some diseate new
to him as well as to all the fruit men
who have examined ic The tree is
10 years old, of average size and fairly
vigorons in growth, yet each Spring
for the past four years just as ttie
blossoms were ready to open it is
strock with a blight and both the
blossoms and leaves dry op ss though
killed by frost A few of the fruit
buds survive and new leaves are put
forth, the wood aud bark of the twigs
apparently not being injured. The
few pears that mature are illshapen
aod the skin very rough aud the flesh
coarse and woody. Mr. Robiuson
brought a limb to Coonty Fruit In
spector Meserve, who sent it to Prof.
A. B. Cordley, entomologist at the
Oregon Agricultural College, for him
to examine and ascertain if possible
the character of the disease and the
method of eradicating it without de
stroying the tree.
There is another pear disease in
Rogue River Valley that baffles the
fruit growers as to its nature. Its
nature is not even understood by the
best entomologists of the country,
nor is there so far a koown method
of oombatting it. At the time of the
fruit growers meeting in this city in
Maroh, Prof. A. B. Cordley, together
with Dr. Witliyoombe, Prof. O. I.
Lewis and the other speakers at the
meetiug were taken by Fruit In
spector Meserve to visit the orchards
west of town. The attention of Prof.
Cordley was called to this new disease
and be was shown it on seversl pear
trees. He stated that it was quite
common in the Willamette Valley,
bot it aappeared to do 'no serious in
jury to the trees and would oome and
go regardless of the sprays need upon
the trees. This disease is as brinkening
and darkeulng of the outer bark in
patches of an inch square to some
times foot square. The inner bark
remains alive and the tree grows and
bears fruit as well as those not
afflioted. Prof. Cordley has this di
sease under investigation and expects
to find a method of eradicating it.
The pear blight, that most deadly
of all tree diseases, hss not yet made
its appearance in Rogue River Valley.
The blight has almost ruined the pear
industry of the East and It is now
making havoo with the pear orchards
of California and Eastern Oregon and
Eastern Washington. It h:s not ap
peared west of the Cascade mount
ains, but if the importation of pear
trees is continued it will not be long
until it will be lu this Valley and
then there will be an end to the pear
industry here for as yot no cure for
the disese has been found.
The pear blight is a fongus the
spores of which immediately pene
trate the bark, after being carried to
the tree by the wind, birds aud other
means, aud enter the circulation of
the trees. Once in the sap the spore
slowly yet surely spread through the
wood, the limbs being the first at
tacked. No spray or other treatment
has been found that will kill the dl
w ?cr it is so deeply tn-- n
the wood that it can iiot be ri-hid.
The only method of successfully com
batting the dis-Hse is to cut down the
tr-e and burn it aod keep doing this
until the disease is extenui ated or
the orchard is exterminated and it is
the latter that is the end of the on
equal contest between the blight and
tbrt fruit grower. It is impossible to
detect the blight until the wood of
the tree begins to die. Pear trees
may leave a nursery in at parvntly
perfect condition and then within two
or three mouths develop tho blight.
Thus it is that inspection of the trues at
the time they are received from the nur
sery is of little value and the only safe
thing for at) orchard ist to do is to not
hT ,ulft
from a section in
fested with the blight. The safe plan
fur Rogue River fruit gn.wers is to nut
liuv tre a from California rr the Fast
and get trees that are grown here.
As the local lingeries have Wii uu
ahle to supply but a very sinull part
of the orders ft r trees it means that
tht fruit growers uiDt eticotrnge the
nursery business iu this Valley and
thus make it lumible to stop import
ing fruit trees with t!i- certainty of
tTiiii'.g io i:. "re to cml.iiger
ihn orch T'"s.
Merchants' Association of Rose
burg Takes the Mevtter
In H&nd.
Louis Bnrzee, who was sent to
Coos County by the Merchants' Pro
tective Association of Rosehu'g to
consult with th citizens of the var
ious towns in that county in regard
to the buildiug of an electric road
from Roseburg to Marshfield, re
turned and submitted his report to
the association. A mass meeting of
the citizens was called by special
proclamation of the Mayor, a half
holiday was created so that all busi
ness houses were closed , and a very
large and deeply interested crowd as
sembled in the Opera house.
Hon. A. O. Marsters presided aod
in his opening address he called
special attention to the need of a
road from the commercial center of
the Dmpqua Valley to tidewater. He
spoke of the wonderful resources
along the proposed roote and spoke of
how Roseburg citizeus had previously
depeuded upon the natural develop
ment of these resources to build up
the country. He said Coos Bay has
the best harbor ou the coast aud that
in time this Western Coast would
stand as a rival of the Atlaotio Coast
in population and business energy.
E. J,. O. Ferriu, of Marshfield, was
ptesent and his remarks .descriptive of
the earoestuess of tue people of Coos
County in this matter did much to
encourage those present. The result
Anally was the passage of resolutions
indorsing the proposition and pledgiug
all support needed.
A committee of five was ordered
appointed to consist of Hon. A. O.
Marsters, chairman of the meeting ;
W. H. Fisher, president of the Mer-
chants' ' Protective Association and
three others to be .appointed to meet
like committees from Marshfield,
North Bend, Coqullle, Myrtle Point
and Bandon, the meeting to take
place in Marshfield in a few days,
when definite plans of action will be
The meaning of this meeting is that
Roseburg will not be sidetracked by
the Southern Paoiflo, bot will build
each a road as that company oannot
get bold of.
Wonderful Ecxtms Curt.
'Our little boy had eczema for At
years," writes . A. Adams, Hen
rietta, ra. -two or oar oome aoo
tors said the case was hopeless, his
lungs being affected. We then em
ployed other doctors, bat no benefit
resulted, dj cnanoe we reaa aooui
Eleortio Bitters; bought a botle and
soon notticed improvement. We con
tinned this medicine until several
bottles were used, when our boy was
completely cured." Best of all blond
medicine and body building health
tonics. Guaranteed at all drag stores.
Bids Wanted.
Bids wanted for clearing 10 to 20
acres of land near Grants Pass. Call
on me at the Colonial Hotel, Grants
Pass. Martin Angel. 4-1J tf
The distinguished and mental
scientist and clairvoyant card render,
permanently located 8. E. cornet
bridge and Pine streets. Hours 0 a. 8 p. ni. Sundays included. 4-1!) 4t
Stop Grumbling
if von snfT'r from Rheumatism or
pains, for Ballard's Snow Liniment
will bring qniok relief. It is a sure
cure for Sprains, Rheumatism, Con
tracted Muscles and all pains and
within the reach of all. Price 2fo,
BOo. 11.00 C R. Smith, Tenaha,
Tex., writes: I have used Bsllard's
Snow Liniment in my family for
yearsand have found it a flue remedy
for all pains and sches. I recommend
it for pains in the chest. For sale by
Deniaray and National Drug Store.
Fine wedding
Courier office.
stationery at the
None But the Best
and at Right Prices
The Best Hard Wheat
on the Market
Fkksh Fur it and Vkoetahlkn
West (i St. Opposite !
!JU Thin,, frm
AlllUga 0.1118
to mose Wno .Wait.
Will this axiom apply to trade?
I think not. Wo will apply
a little
in.the form of a breezy ad,
with a fair share of pluck and.
perseverance as a
to solicit a share of your
patronage, which will be tho
to keop the ball rolling along
our way.
412 Front St.. Grants Pass. Oreron
Burlington service to Chi
cago and St. Louis is strictly
first class and of the stand
ard that has made that road
a noted carrier of travel be
tween the east and the west
Three daily trains.
The Club train
From St. Paul in the morn
ing. Finest train in the world
From St Paul in the even
ing. The late night train
From St. Paul after arrival
of connections.
You cannot miss it if your
ticket reads Burlington.
Ask for Burlington folder
and let me help you
A. C. SHELDON. General Agt
C. B. & Q. Ry.,
100 Third street, Portland, Oregon
Tho first term of . the CAPITAL
BUMMKH NoKMALwlll begin on May
6, HKtr, and continue eight weeks.
The second term begins on Monday,
Juno 24, l'.M)7, and continues until 'he
August examination.
Tuition for Each Term, $10.
will begin ou June 10, 1007, and con
tinue 1- days, under charge of County
Supt Moons and Mine Margarvt Cos-
Address J. J. K raps or County Super
intendent K. T. Moorea, hnlem,(ngon.
for the student and tho writer, as
an authoritative reference book for
schools, teachers, families, business
and professional men, there is one
Ixxjk which offers suix-rior advan
tages in tho solid value of its in
formation, and the ease with which
it is obtained.
One's uilmirution for Webster's
Int!rniitionul Dictionary incrcuttcs
daily as it comes to be better
known. It never refuses the in
formation sought und it never over
whelms ono with a mass of misin
formation iliojpcally arranged.
Thff Ht. .?NtnfMi fiurrtt of Loniloii
Knulitiel. wii : I-1 ,r the lem tier, ttii' iijii1.
llui m intent ulM ttio llthTHlfiir. tlietn fe.
llutlillitf tietti:l ; 11 rovxlin.'Vuryltiilitf.
The Nnwmnl Knlinin"! Mitlun nnintl)i
mmif'l tit ::vi new wtinKti n1 ne-l
if rHIttilctil lllrtleniirv nri't a r ieJ ii
leer of the Woml. !t:tHO imicm unl
iilUBlruUfin. u hMH jut received
a(lKlnt Awunl) ut tho W.m-Mh KiUr
, !UtH.
( nir rut iix
' In on the copyright
WWwUr'n 'iii t ioditilt
FREE - "A Teit In !'ronnnciUon' In
4t riii'l i ti MIHl -UlTt IliMIMK
rr tlm whl fittntly. jirM
illUHt rHl4t pHHIpMft.
Springfield, Mass. 4
! Courier.