Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, May 17, 1907, Image 1

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U TV 111 in I II III II IX
No. 7.
Mining Machinery To. ken From
Grants to Paradise
. Bar By Boat.
Tha Rogue river for tbe 100 miles
from Grants Pass to it's montb at
Gold beach, where it empties into the
Pacific Ocean, could be made naviga
ble for boats up to 20 or 25 tons
capacity is tbe opinion of many ex
perienced rivermeu who have exam
ined it. f ishermen and prospectors
hare been navigating Rogue liver
with small boats since white men
settled here 60 years ago. At favor
able stages of water trips in small
boars have been made from Grants
Pass through to tbe settlements in
Curry county, bnt the dangerous
rapids through tbe Coast niooomaiu
section rendered it dangerous to all
but the most expert boatman. That
a boat carrying five tons of freight
can be safely taken over the most
dangerous of the rapids in tbe river
has been demonstrated by J. B.
Tburner.for tbe Rogue River Mining
& Develpment Company.
This first shipment of freight con
sisted of 3900 pounds of hydraulic
pipe. 3500 nails, a boiler weighing
3200 pounds, an engine of 3800 pounds
and lot of other materials and sup
plies, the total weight being 20,000
pounds. This was loaded on two
boats that were built especially for
this trip under the direction of Mr.
Thurner here in Grants Pass.
The boats are each 27 feet long,
8 foot deck beam and i4 foot bot
tom beam and 87 inches depth of hold.
Each boat carried 10.000 pounds on
26 inches draft. Ihey were, built ex
tra strong so as to withstand tbe hard
strain of the trip. A supply of oakum,
pitch and plank wero taken to
repairs aould be made in case a leak
was caused by too bard a bump
against a boulder, but these were not
neeedd as not an aooident befell either
boat. It took 20 days to make tbe trip
owing to tbe number of rapids that
were covered with boulders that nade
it necessary to nnload at each of these
obstructions a part of the cargo and
make a portage. No difficulty was
bad at all at Eellgate and had all tbe
river been as it is from Grants Pass
to Gilice tbe run could have been
made in three days throngh to the des
tination at Paradise Ear. Devil's
Stair rapids came near being tbe un
doing of tbe expedition. The river
here roars throngh a narrow gorge snd
instead of being 300 to 400 feet wide
and three to 10 feet deep it is but 25
to .15 feet wide and 25 to 50 deep and
so high were the waves that they
came near swamping tbe overloaded
boats, for there was no chance to
make a portage. So dangerous did
this gorge through the Coast moun
tains apiiear that four uf the crew re
fused to go further with tbe boats and
returned to Grants Pass. The only
man Mr. Thorner bad left was A.
Aobery, the well known fisherman of
this citv. Mr. Aubery was pilot for
the bants and did uot propose to desert
his poBt h u within 15 mil-s of their
destination. He at once took tbe trail
for the lower settlements and got a
crew of lueu v ho bad boated freight
with him on the lower Rogue river.
It was a wild ran for lh' boats
through the Devil's Stair bot the 2",
tnile was made with less work but
more ixmteuieut tlmu bad been ex
peMeti ei at the smaller .spliK Mr.
Abbey was born and raised on low, r
. Rogu river and knows i very se turn
iCiintuiuid ii Prtgi 8 )
One of the finest homes in Grjnt Pass, consisting of an
eight-room modern house; electric lights, sewer and bath;
barn, chicken house and other outbuildings and an acre of
ground, with excel enl oak and laurel shade trees; located
cl se in and in fine location for renting rooms. Can be
bought lr
it taken More June first. This is a snap, as the. house
alone would co-t fully the amount of the purchase price lo
build now. and the lot alone is worth $1000.
Call and see me about it.
j Ground Floor, Opera House Block j
Rendered to Full Houses on
Tuesday and Wednesday
Queen Esther," with its sparkling,
joyous choruses so fall of abounding
vigor and verve, its exquisite, haunting
solo melodies, its strong appeal to
all that is noblest and most sacred
within the heart of mau or woman,
Its great versatility, in character play
and its high moral tone and lesson
that righteousness exaltetb a nation
as as an individual was given by a
chQrus?"pf 75 voices on Tueiday and
Wednesday evenings of this week at
the Opera House undei the direction
ot Margin E. Robinson of Chicago.
Although this beautiful opera has
been given in almost every city,
village and hamlet in the United
States within the past 20 or more
years, it has, like "Pinafore" and
the "Mikado," become more and
more popular with the years, aud no
matter how often one has heard it, the
delight it brings in each hearing is
always a fresh one, for deep in every
human heart are tender strings of
memory, of chivalry and of purity
upon which tbe cunning hand of the
author of "Queen Esther" has never
failed to play with lovely harmonies,
and we are always better, stronger
and sweeter in soul for having
listened to its beauties of word aud
The solo parts were well cast and
the mus o-loving publio of Grants
Pass have causa for a deep satisfaction
and felicity in that among our people
we can boast of so many good voioes
and such an exhibition of dramatic
ability as was displayed on Tuedsay
and Wednesday evenings.
Mrs. W. W. Walker as Queen Esther
won ber way straight into tbe heart
of every man, woman and child in tbe
audience, not only by her lovely sym
pathetio voice, but by ber gracious
sweetness and womanliness, for sbe
was &eryiD(fh a queen, and to bear
her o Tuessday evening whs to love
her. She possessed all of the requisite
dignity and poise to give the part a
most fitting and dramatic interpreta
tion, and her rich, expressive voice
was never heard to better advantage.
As KiLg Abasuerus, A. E. Voorhies
well typified the proud, yet jott
ruler of the Persians. He was in ex
cellent voice aud the quality of his
voice niade bim most acceptable for
tbe King's role.
Perhaps the character which makes
its strongest appeal to an emotional
audience is that of Human with the
great gamut of feelings through
which that role leads, and that II. L.
Andrew was the living embodiment of
that vain, cuuning and unscrupulous
favorite of a powerful masti r whom
be managed with stratugem equal to
that of a king's own, was universal
comment among thoss preseut. All
the adulation, the flattery aud the
conceit which the ' piuipered coild ol
oriental opportunity and destmy was
supposed to have pos-s-d, Mr. An
drews plucjd in his d-lmeation of the
role, and his hearers were takeu in
npid succession from a tolerant pleas
ure and eveu delight in his wicked
ness and folly which ceitaiuly is
aU.oi-t plausible to a sympathizing
sigh and tear in his ultimate galling
defeat mil downfall, wbeu the one
siileii lid trait in his character, his
love lor his w ife ami cliild, rtands out
like a Mile et r m a wild black uight
uf tie pair. Hi Ihibwi 11 duet with
Z-resI' gave excellent play for his
sympathetic baritone voice, while bis-
triooio ability was best displayed in
the scene with the captain of the
guards in which he is taken in his
treachery, arrested aud condemned to
Mrs. Elbert Yeatch as Zeresh made
an excellent foil for Mr. Andrew's
acting and voice and her contralto
notes were foil of lingering pathos
and tenderness. As an example of
the faithful, loyal and ambitious
wire, tbe role of Zeresh is highly
H. ' O. Kiuny as Mordeoai, left
nothing to be desired 4n a realistic
presentation of that character. He
looked, acted and sang the part with
so rare a fidelity as well nigh to trans
port his hearers over the gap of 3000
years to the dead past
of Israel's
humiliation and slavery.
His teuor
voice was vibrant with feeling, and
atlhough-he took the same part at its
first introduction to a Grants Pass
audience 15 years ."ago, its quality was
well mgb as pleaisng as in those early
days when it was in its prime. The
soul of tbe man was in the role aud
the highest compliment which can be
paid Mr. Kinney is that the interpre
tation of the kindly, loving heart of
the splendid old Hebrew came most
naturally to bim.
Among the yonger soloists, Miss
Marion Clarke as Morrdecai'a sister
is deserving or special mention. Al
though only a young girl as yet and a
student in onr High School, she is
the possessor of a wonderfully sweet,
pure soprano voioe full of a tempera
ment and passion rare in one of ber
ytars. We predict that in tbe future
sbe will oertaiuly make good her;
As High Priest H. D. Norton was
the soul of venerable piety, while all
tbe minor soloists took their parts in
a very acceptable manner.
Among the most pleasing features
of the evening was the Jllttle dance
given by tbe four little pages:
Marion Mitchell, Helen Meade, Leah
Slover and Roth Williams. These
C. P. H. S.
As this school year is nearly over, ;
commencement and class day come
once more. Hie tollowina nrosram
will be the order in which they will
appear, along with the other graduat
ing exercises :
Class Day Exercises
Opera House, May 21, 8 :15 p m.
Chorus-" Italia" High School
Oration " lhe Sublimest Word"
Annabella Leith
Orat on "Do Jppoitunitles Make
Great Men. or Do Great Men
Make Opixirtunities?"
Wilna Oilkey
Oration "The National Ten
dency". Kritz Dean
Vocal Solo -" It was Airil"
' Nina Paddock
Oration 'Self Edil' at ion "
.. . Esther Hollowav
Oration "Janus" Bessie Leith
Oration "The Fotce That Moves
tbe World" Ella Savage
Piano Duet "Invitation u the
Dance" Weber ...
. .Alma Wolke. La osta Mauguin
Oration " Egoism and Altruism
as Motal . Principles". . Amy Isaacs
Oration "True Nobility"
Nina Haddock
Valedictory Address to Class of
1"S Wilna Gilkcy
Response.. . ..Bella Letcher, '08
Addiess of Welcoire to Eighth
Grae ..Mack luffs. '10
Response Lester Cohurn 1 1
Prophecy Dessie Cole, '01'
Class Will.. .fritz Dean
Class Song Class of l'.ioT
Baccalaureate Sermon, Stindav,
May 10, lii'JT, 8 p m. at Bethany
Presbyterian Church, Union Service,
Rev. F C. Lovett.
Commencement Exercises
Opera House, Mav 24. 8:15 p in
Clarinet Duet " Norma' ' Bellini
Dr. P. W. Van Dyke. J A. barton
Superintendent's Report. . K. II. , uruer
Fianojiolo "Rioietto"( Verdi i.. Lizt
Mishg Ethel CaroUn Palmer
Address. .Dr. Joseph Schaffer. L. of O.
Vocal Duet "In heimiscben
Land," Kuhinstein
Mrs. Bert Barnes, Mrs. Nate Bat
Presentation of Diplomas. H L. Gilkey
Chairman of the Board of Edu ation
Violin Quartet Selected ,
Misses Glenna Burton, Marion Clarke,
Kalpn Looney, . A. Newell,
ine TeTenin graae or me t.-ntrai
.... . . , , , .
Building has been the lucky winner of 1
B . .
a prize picture given to the class sell-1
. " I
ing the greatest number of tickets, j
this class selling in tae neighborhood j
of 28. The picture is one which
they may well be proud of. the title
of which is "Spirit of 1776."
"Queen Esther" has at last pro
cured the desired funds for the piano,
little ladies, dressed in black velve
Fauntelroys with red satin trimmings.
were as sweet and winsome and
dainty as ever a beautiful child dared
be, and they held tbe heart of every
man and woman in the audience im
meshed in tbe witchery of their
pretty, curly heads and childish
The drill by the Queen's maidens
in red, white and blue was also a
most attractive addition to the pro
gram, and they were given a most
generous recall. The chorus showed
tbe effects of hard, painstaking work
on the part of Director Robinsou,
and the high excellence of both their
singing and acting was a marvel to
the audience, considering tbe faot that
only two weeks' work had been put
upon the production. Every gesture
was niaie Eraorfullv and amirooriatelv
and the choruses were given with
remarkable precision and unified
effect. Although the preparation of
"Queen Esther" has taken a great
deal or laithful work and has been
somewhat of a tax upon the strength
ot the younger boys and girls, yet it
is au iuspiration to sing in so beauti
ful an opera and drink in the lesfons
of an honest, beautiful life in to at
tractive a way, so that it must be con
ceded that the eduoation to b derived
from such a pleasant task, as well
as tbe stimulus toward a development
of the aesthetic side of the nature of
our youug people in the production of
such an opera as"(jueen Esthe,r"
compensate all the drain upon the
strength of our young bojs and girls.
We are too much inclined to develop
only the practical in the lives of our
young people, failing to realize that
no lite attains a perfectly rounded
and full development without much
of the mellowing, softening influence
of good music, good literature and high
Too much can hardly be said in
praise of the ability aud skill and
method of Prof. Robinson as a di
rector. He has a great knack for the
handling of both children aud growu-
ops, and be never rails to inspire a
boundless desire to please and to at
tain unto perfectneas in those over
whom he has direction. He is doing
a great work for the boys and girls of
our publio schools- God ,peed bim
in his work.
News Notes
the proceels of it being about t0 for
High School. All that is left
aft-r t.h.
piano is paid for will be
devoted to the Library table for
magazines next Tear.
One of the most shocking things'of
late was the appearance of the High
School Gir's in Esther. Never before
did the oovs notice so much powder
on the girls' laces and little did the
girls f'reaiu that the Is) s indulged in
the sa'ne occupation until they beheld
them Tuesday aud Wednesday nights
powdered aud painted to the utmost.
Indeed some were beyond recognition.
One remarkable feature of the evening
was how quickly the boys would grow
those raven mustaches
Pome of the pupils of the Botany
Class, to show their appreciation for
tlieir teucher. who has labored so hard
to insti'l the mysteries of Botany into
their I rains, tendered him souvenirs,
Merger uns, Ixsiks in which were
pressed various weeds and choice
plants of Southern Oregon. Mr.
Snedcor showed his gratification to
the class by promising to exhibit them
in tliH Medford High School, which
promise greatly u'aU!l the class.
I i ST ' 'ii Tii.-cK-, Mav 14, im
medi .te y slter the cantata, "Queen
Esther,'' Mr. Snedicor was either lost
or stolen. Any i'lfornistioii leading to
th") cause of his disippearance will be
greatefully received.
"AJ1 things come to him who
wsits, " aud now the closs of another
sctii ol year is at band. Vacation
looks verv inviting and we are all
verr glad to have it come round, but
still w- li ok forward to next yf ar and
hope to reuiru, teachers and purils
neit September. True, we bave to
say goodbye to the Seniors bot tbe
Junior class is quite competent to take
tbeir place and we are expecting a
Fr hnn i-Um tl,t I, It ih
survive the 8th grade exams this
year. There is also another thing
V, i ,.V. u . ... lru.Virw f r.r .w. ..I , . r. w ,
, . , ,, ...
year and that is our H. 8. paper. We
1 , , , . .
ho;e to have our school news pub-
,. , , . , ,.,..,,. .
lished in the form of a monthly pajier.
w elwed the buisnrss manager and
editor-in-chief this year so all we wiil
hve to do next r'sll is to choose a
name ana nimce oui me eunoriai aian.
Of course all the H. 8. pupils will
subscribe for the paper and we hope
that you who have . been interested in
oor n ws notes this year will alao sob-scTibi.
rarmtn Adopting Modern OrcK
' cxrd Methods, Taking
Greater Interest.
oucu ib nie interest mat is being
laaeu iu me iruu ministry in Jose
phine county that it is certain that
the froit growers meeting, to be held
at the Court House this Saturday,
will be the largest in atteudauce ever
before held in the county. The
farmers of this county have come to
realize two important facts. Oue is
that fruit raising can be made the
biggest wealth producer of the agri
cultural products of Rogue River
Valley, and the other is that without
speoial training aud a thorough
knowledge of the industry that fruit
raising is about the most unprofitable
work that a person cau engage in. It
is the firm belief in these two facts
that has put Hood River at the bead
of the list in point of profit and skill
of orchard handliug of the fruit
growers of the United States. Find
Ing that there is a big profit in fruit
and bigger profit in strictly first-
class fruit put op in an honest aud a
strictly fancy manner, the 'enterpris
ing growers of that Valley never miss
an opportunity to.gaio new and better
ideas on the growing aud marketing
of fruit. In the past five years more
fruit growers' meetings have been
held in Hood River thai in the rest
of Oregon. And the Hood River
meetings are well attended for those
growers are never so pressed with
work but what they take, the time
to be on hand at the opeoing of the
morning session and to stay to tbe
olose of the meeting. And what is
more noticeable at Hood River than
lo any other fruit district in Oregon
is that tbe business men of that
hustliog town give a strong en
courage went to these meetings and
they attend them if bot for a short
time, and by their presenoe show that
they are willing to co-operate lu the
building up of an Industry that does
so much to pot a farm community on
a cash paying basis. When the fruit
growers of Josephine county allow
nothing to prevent their atteuding
their meetings and when the buaiues
men of Grants Pass give mure act
ive co-operation in the development of
this industry, then will there be more
prosperous farmers in Josephine county
aud more cash trade for tbe town.
Mrs. A. H. Gonnell, who gave two
successful entertainments In this olty
a few years aito. at tbe reouest or
mauy of her friends will give a read
ing at G. A. R. Hall Friday evening,
MBy 81 "Mrs. Wiggs of The Cab
bage Patch," the very popular novel
and which has been equally successful
as a play will bs given by Mrs.
Guutiell. There will also lie several
musical numbers. The entertainment
will be under the auspices of the
Epworth Lnamie of the M v.
Church. Admission 35 cents.
You Lose
Taking a
You Take a
Losing ft
We are pleased to advise the people of Grants Pass and
Josephine county that our Wall I'ajier Factory's Agent will be in
Grants Pass shortly. He will have with him au Art Display and
will show illustrations of how to decorate a hall, bedroom, par
lor, lodge room, etc., in the latest, up-to-date styles. To those de
siring to see the latest effects in wall decorations from the best
faclories of Germany, France, England, Scotland, Japan and our
own country, we extend a most cordial invitation. It will be
very entertaining, and we urgently request that you will find
time to look over the same. The exact date is not definitely
known. To those who are desirous of seeing this display, phone
or drop a card to lhat effect; I will see that you are inlormed of
the exact date. This fine display is to be seen at my store. If
interested, do not fail to send me your name.
Furniture and Car
pets, l.lnoleuiim,
l. e Curtains, Por
tieres, MatlreM,
Pillows. Cots, Wall
!'aer, Clocks,
Mirrors, Window
Bbsdei, Pictures,
Picture Moulding.
R. H. O'Neill
Front St.,
Will Use Electrle Power e-nd Be
in Operation by July I, and
Lumber Bought.
Tbe work of erecting the big box
factory and plauing mil), that is to be
built in Grants Pass by F. W. War
ren, a wealthy California lumberman,
has been begun aud it Is expected to
have the couorete piers of the foun
dation all in by the middle of next
week. The building now to be con
structed will be 00x323 feet aud will
be devoted entirely tu manufacturing
purposes. The machinery will be the
latest .Improved aud it will be one
of the best equipped plants in the
state. Eleotrio power will be used
the current being had from tbe Condor
Power & Water Company, aud ltjwill
be the largest box factory on the Pa
cific Coast nslng electric power.
I. M. Johnson, the locl manager fur
the factory, fonnd after iovetsigating
the subject that electilo power would
be cheaper than steam. With tbe
high price for fuel iu Grants Pass all
the waste and sawdust can be sold at
good profit. With eleotrio power
each machine is belted direct to a
motor of its own. This euablea
power to be economized for when a
machine is shut down its motor is
stopped and It also does away with
the budreds of feet of shafting and
belting thus saving In power aud
expense and in risk to the Jiuun and
danger from fire by hot boxes.
So soon as the factory building is
completed and in operation extensive
sheds for storing lumber will be
erected and the yard put In shape to
carry a large stock of lumber so the
plant may be operated for the entire
year. Manager Johnson lias now
placed contracts ' with various saw
mills of Rogue River Valley forever
8,000,000 feet of lumber aud in tbe
market for all the lumber he can get.
This factory will employ about 100
men aud will be a iubstantlaladditiou
to the pay roll of Grant Pass.
Attention G. A. R..
All msmben of tbe G. A. R.,Old
Soldiers, Sailors and Marines, of the
War of tbe Rebellion and Veterans of
the Spanish War, you are requested to
meet at the G. A. R. Hall, Sunday,
May UlUli at 10:30 a. m. sharp to
march in a body to the Bethany
Presbyterian Church, where Union
Memorial Services will be held.
Preaching by Evan P. Hughes at 11
o'clock a,; m. The publio is cordially
invited go the serviois at the Church.
By order of II. B. ALVERSON,
Couimauder Gen'l Logan Post No. ill)
O. A. It.f
.Attest J. E. PETERSON,
Do you know Mrs. Wiggs? If not
lot Mrs. A. H. Gunnell introduce you
to her at O. A. R. Hall, Friday
evening, May Ulst.
a Ghance of
Ghance of
.Stores and Kanges,
Agtewars, Tinware,
Wllloware, Cutlery,
Crockery, Lamps,
Olajisware, Fancy
China, (Jo-CarU,
!) by Carnages.
bet. 6 and 7