Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, May 10, 1907, Image 3

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mgm i
anrJ look in the glass you win see the effect
You can't help puckering it makes you pucker
to think of tasting it
By the use of so called cheap Baking
Powders you take this puckering, injurious Alum
right into your system you injure digestion,
and ruin your stomach.
Sap plainly
Roval is made from Dure, refined Grane Cream nf Tarforrne.
1.1 A1 I A 1 .!.. P . .1 - -
mau mum uui you nave we pront oi quality, tne proht of good health.
--Aefijr. i... i
YT4 -"V: .-'w-'-i'. J L
I 3
. Ill
I g
Will Discuss-Cure of Orchards
and Will Incorporate
County Treasurer H&i Funds on
Hand to Pay Many Out
landing War rata a.
There are funds in the treasury to
pay all warrants protested to January
1, 1904. '
Interest will ease from this date,
April 19th, 1907.
Treasurer of Joiephine Co., Ore.
Hurrah for C. N. Hathaway of New
Hope ou road matters, published in
the Courier.
"Eben"bosts of a bero of Elk Valley
over here. We can Biiax of a oenninn
Harry Taylor's parents of Idaho,
armed in this neighborhood Sunday
Fred Weatherble is hauling: lum
ber from the sawmill op Ohaney
Belle Hocking had a lame arm from
a horse falling with her. That don't
speak very well for the horse, does it?
Wonder if Jack Frost will get the
iron yei as lie is seen quite often.
BahhIa Rnhfn&nn untartuinad fa m
of ber young friends Tuesday evening
-Mil I . . . . . . . -
oi uus ween, it Deing uer lotto birth
day. Mrs Tolman of Omaha, Kebraksa
is visitinor hnr naTiinta. Mr m.nA Mra
James Hooking, after visiting her two
Rimers nt roren urove, ure.
Oar school closed J"'riduv Arril
aa. '
Emma Hocking's school on Jerome
Prairie closed Friday, April 26.
Mr. and Mrs. Knrkincr mnfta rln
to Grants Pass to see the doctor,
as Mrs. Hook inn's health haa hann
poor the past year.
A mnetine is called fnr Kofn.i.
May 18 in Grants Pass of the Grants
Pas Fruit Growers Union and oil
others who are interested in frnit
growing. Forenoon aud aft.runn
sessions will be held, discaseious will
be had on spraying, tliinuing, onlti
vation and irrieat lOU of nrolinnld
The growers themselves will oonduct
these discussions for there wiil be no
speakers .from abroad present and it
will be in the nature of a school of
experience in which the orchardists
will give their tnccngnan n,1 filn.
for each others benefit. It is snnh
meetings as this that has put Hood
xtiver to the front as bavins- the nnt
thorough and successful froit nlun
of any section in the United States.
It is the plan of the Union to hold
these publio meetintw once in two
months hereafter and to cousider such
phases of the fruit industry bh am
tne most .important for the season of
the year. The full program for thU
meeting will he pnblinlied in the
papers later.
At tliis meeting on the 18th the ones
tion will be considered of lucoriiorat.
ing the Grants Pass Fruit Growers
Union and of building or renting a
warehouse The election of officers
for the eusaiug yesr will be held and
a number of important matters will be
np for consideration. As fruit grow
ing is to ba one of the leading and
most profitable industries of Joseph i tie
coiiLty it is expected thiit all who are
interested ; in this industry will be
present and assist in making the
meeting a grand success.
The Life Insurance
mnddle has started the public to
thinking. The wonderful succeas that
has mot Ballard's Horehouod Syrup in
its crusade on Coughs, Influenza,
troubles has started the publio to
thinking of this wonderful prepara
tion. They are all using it. Join the
nrocfinnion and down with atnknuH
Price 25o, 60a and 11.00. For sale by
National Drug Co. and by Pemaray.
Legal blanks at the Courier office
Ik k IT y " -r T
; it A. v l USU A X
W. . York took a load of baled hay
to brauts Pam teoently.
Pat R. McFadden made Grants Fasn
a bnsinfsj visit recently.
W. T. Ptrry. wbo boncl.t A. H
Fenn's place last Summer has moved
out from Grants Paes and is now
busily engaged onlti vating his berry
The placer miner on Oscar Creek
are almost through cleaning np uow,
and they seem to be all smiles as
this was one of the best minins sea
sons that they have had for verl
Winters. '
Jno. W. Meek and Jess York left for
Eugene Monday where thev are minor
to work on a surveying trip for Fred
Mensch of Grants Pass. Thev are
going to go into the Blue r'ver
country first aud then bick to the
ocast They will be none all Summer.
Say, what has become of poor
Shorty"? I see that the New Hod
items come out with new name
this week, but still they seem to me
as though it is from the pen of
"Shorty" or else I am badly fooled.
I guets I will have to write a few
lines for the benefit of "Windy" this
week. Well, to start with, that awful
breere will nor be blowing from the
East any more as "Windy" has left
us. The items from the pen of "Red
Cloud" killed him I guess. We do
hope that some one will take his place
in Kubli as we always like to hear
the news from neighboring towns.
The orchards on Applegate (are all
in full bloom at present and the pros
pects for a good fruit crop are
promising. Gardens are most all
plauted and some of the corn aud
potatoes alto.
There was a party at the home of
Jeff B. Lindsay at Laurel Grove last
Saturday, April 27, and was well
attended by the young folks of that
place and "Monty" also went and
had a very nice time.
At last I have got me boat, "Red
Cloud" and will not have to hire th
oab from the Laurel Grove livery and
feed stables any more. So if at any
time you want to take a ride on the
clear waters of Applegate, Just phone
to Davidsou Transportation Com
pany, "Monty" manager, and it will
not cost yon a cent.
All Things Gcme
to ThoseJSio Wait.
I Will thisaxiom apply to trade?
i mink- not. Wo will apply
a little '
in the form of a breezy ad,
with a fair share of pluck and
perseverance as a
to solicit a share of your
yuirunage, wnich will bo the
to keep the ball rolling along
our way.
The North Side Applegate River
Ditch Company will oommenoe clean
Ing their ditch Monday and it wlil
take about two weeks to get the water
in as the head of the ditch is in hA
shape owiug to the high waters that
we had lsst Winter.
My But Mend.
Aleiander Benton, who ilves on
Rural Konra I. M.rf i xr v
says: "Dr. King's New Msoovery is
my best earthly friend. Il cured me
of aHthuia six years ago. It has also
Performed a woniWfnl nn.- n i
cipieut consumption for my son's
wife. The first bottle ended the
terrible oough, and this accomplished,
the other nmnfnmi lufr.
onti she was perfeotly well. Dr!
Klnir's New DlivrntArt'i -nniBjiP
oonghs and colds is simply marvelous.
"No OthltP Mltliuiv ha. .. ( . j
It Fully guaranteed by all drug.
wo anu fi.uo. Trial bottle
For SeJe Cheap.
A beautifully cased Ludwts Plann
but slightly used, showing no wear; in
fact good as new and said to have ooat
400, Its yours for 30fl. Inspect it at
iuB uuwure uiusiog out sale. Uonklln
Mill Ends in Lace Curtains
We have a few lots left about 75 odd cur
tains and to clean up this small lot we have
still further reduced the price to move them
out quick They will be from
ISc to 4Sc each
25 pairs lace curtains from 2i to 3 yards
long. These curtains are good for bed
rooms and worth 75c per pair. As long as
they last, per pair 4oC
We place on sale Saturday, the 11th, thousands of yards
of new seasonable merchandise from one-quarter to one-half
the regular price. After two months of rapid selling of spring
merchandise, it finds us with numerous small lots of goods
from all departments, besides many lots of mill end goods.
Remember, we want to make quick selling of all odd lots, and
the first here always get the best lots in sales of this kind.
Ladies' Underwear and Hosiery
Ladies' Vests at He. 10c, 12c, 15c, ISc, 20c,
25c and tip.
No. 14H) Ladies' Lace Hose; 20 dozen of
this lot. When did you ever buy lace base
at 13c? That is the price of this lot as long
as they last, per pair. 13c
Special White Quilt Sale
A snowy white quilt or counterpane makes the bed one of the
delightful, cool-looking spots in the house, and when you consider
that the white quiltis the cheapest article of bed clothing that can
be bought, you are justified in using them on every bed.
We have the cheaper numbers, but it is to a number that measures
80x84 inches that we wish to im'.I your attention. This Ls a
large, full-size quilt m very beaatiful patterns a showy-white
' quilt a quality that in fringed would cost you 75c more; is a
$1 75 quality that we offer at mill end sale price $1.38
Another one of better quality coming iu the most beautiful designs,
fringed with cut corners, 84x90 inches, extra large, a quality
quilt, a quilt that will satisfy you and gratify you every time
you look at it because ot its appearance and quality, each
We offer 24 white quilts, size 70xS2 inchess, a substantial quilt
that answers ordinary purposes very well, but not in a class of
the better ones mentioned above. These quilts are worth
$1.25 if they are worth a cent. Mill end sale price S3c
Special Lot of Men's Summer Underwear
Al.out 6 dozen shirts, nctbinp worth lc- than .'Oe and
up to 1 per garment. They are samples and are
in this" Mill End Sale at, per garment 3Sc
All our Ladies' Tailor
made Suits in this
Remnant Sale
Styles are the bet and newest of
the season, materials reliable, suits
skillfully tailored. No lady can
afford to overlook this opportunity
of becoming the possessor of a
stylish spring suit at less than our
X'Jl " V --i"- aireauy iow prices.
Ladies Wash Suits
1 lot Charnlry Oirgham sui's, colors blue andgray at$1.08
Other suits in Lawn ami Mercerized goods at
.1.0s, $2.25, 2.4." and up.
Mill End Lots Organdies
and Battiste
Almost any pattern you might want in on inexpensive material.
They come with white grounds, floral and polka dot designs,
2 to 10 yards to the piece. If bought from the bolt these goods
would cost you from lie to 25c per ynrd. While this lot of
about 800 yards lasts, you can buy tlieiu for, ptr yard 8c
Wool Dress Goods Remnants
After two months of selling from an immense stock it finds us
with numerous remnants of wool suitings from 1 to 4 yards iu the
piece, in many pieces enough for a skirt, These remnants you can
buy from yi to less than the regular price.
Anticipating the rise in prices (which has proven true), we
bought sprig goods early and more heavily than ever, DOUBLING
our orders on some lines. Good business policy it was, too
It's your opportunity to buy what you need for the .summer
right in the height of the season, at prices usually asked only in
Midsummer Clearance Sales.
The itf ms below hint of the savings, but only hint. To profit
you must come:
No. 1400 Organdie. 20 pieces iu this lot. Big line of patterns.
The 10c quality in this Mill Knd Sale, per yard 7'2C
Marigold liattiste, a 32-inch cloth, some 25 diflerent patterns and
worth 15c. For this sale, per yard
Big line of high grade summer goods in Mercerized Voile Tissues,
Silk Organdies, Kmbroiden-d Lingerie, Cloths. Some of tlice
may be ju-t what you want for the girl a graduating gown.
AM at 2r per cent discount