Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, April 19, 1907, Image 1

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Will Give the Farmer e Cnah
Market a.nd the City e
Larger Payroll.
That Grants Pass is to have a fruit
and vegetable cannery that it will be
reaily to handle a pa.k 'his reason ia
t certainty for the Fruit Growers
Union and the Commercial Club will
bjck the nndertaking until it ia put
cd a strong financial foundation and
beiu a position to become a success.
Tim committee appointed by the Com
Bjfrcial Club is working early and
late to get the details closed op.
Articles of incorporation, with H. C.
Kinney, L. B. Hall and Herbert C.
Sampson as incorporators, have been
prepared by Attorney H. D. Norton,
of the committee, and have been filed
with the secretary of state. The or
gamzatlon is to be known as the
Grants Pass Canning Company and
has a capital stock of f 15, 000 in
shares of $25 each. At a meeting
Monday of the managing committee.
gnD'-'ommnrees were appointed to
canvass for the sale of the stock, they
being as follows : H. C. Kinney and
Joseph Moss for North Grants Pass,
Lee Calvert and W. T. Cobnrn and
G. R. Riddle and T. P. Cramer for
Sonth Grants Pass and Charles Me
erve and Herbert Sampson for the
oounty. The committees are having
good success and it is expected to
have the majority of the stock sub
icibed by next week when a meeting
of the stockholders will be held and
officers for the company elected.
Options have been secured on fonr
desirable traots for the cannery and
so soon as the directors are chosen
they will purchase one of these traots
and at once rush the completion of
(he bnilding and Installing the equip
ment to have the cannery ready for
operation by July 1st.
As the raising of $15,000 is no small I
tasfe for Grants Pass and Josephine
coonty with their limited population
and wealth it will have to be a case
of everybody help to get this industry
started that will mean so much to the
prosperity of the entire county. The
cannery will pay cash for all the pro
duce it buys and the farmes who are
stockholders will be given the prefer
ence and if this supply is sufficient
then none will be bought of outsiders.
The Grants Pass Canning Company
will have advantages not had by
another cannery company in Oregon
for making a financial sticoess of its
onnVrtaing for it will not depeid
alone on canning fruits and vegetables
with the plaut idle half of the year
tut will carry on other industries
that will keep it in operation every
work day in the year. These addi
tional industries will be the making
of cider, cider mist, sweet grape
joice. jlly, jam, preserves, pickles,
viurgur. lime-snlphiir and arsenate
of had spray solutions and denatnrt d
alcohol. The aclohol and arsenate of
lead plants will nor be pat in until
next year, but all the other prcducta
ill be put up this season
No. 3.
Mills Now Cutting the Lumber,
ar.d When Delivered Carpen
ter W ill Go to Work.
The Courier is able to annouce that
there is no uncertainty about Grants
rass getting the seoond box factory.
Tne Grants Pass hustlers will be re
warded for their wora and the money
tha' i bey put up to secure this flue ad
dition to the city's payroll bv henrino.
this factory's encouraging whiHtle,
about the middle of .T,m tv,
whistle will create a Jar on the nf rves
of the knockers and when the cannery
wniscie mows about the first of Jnlv
they will be brought to realize that
Grants Pass is no place for them and
they will either have to join the pro
cession of progress or leave for a more
congenial residence place.
. Work on the new box factory will
oegun as soon as lumber can be
had from the country mills, whose out
for this season has been contracted
for by Mr. Johnson for Mr. Warren,
the California man who will put on
the factory. If the present dry weather
continues it is expected that the
teams will begin hauling lumber by
the first of May and then the work of
erecting the buildings will be begun
at once.
To get this factory with its Payroll
of over 100 reqnired some rustling for
Medford and Glendale were eligible
loations and were after it. To secure
it for Grants Pass it was necessary to
buy the ground for building and lum
ber yards. The 20 acres reqnired
and which lies east of the Pine
Ntedle Factory, was bought of Lee
Calvert for $3500. This money was
raised by a Commercial Clnb committee.
A Clnb dinner will be served in the
G. A. R. hall by the Kpworth League,
Wednesday evening, April 24th, from
5 to 8 p. m. for the .benefit of the
piano fund. Come and bring your
friends. 4-19 It
Medford Ball Engaged to
Ple-y With Grants Pass
on July 4th.
Takilma tribe, I. O. R. M.. who
have undertaken the arrangement and
management of a grand Fourth of July
celebration for Grants Pass are work
ing industriously to that end and are
planning many novel and entertaining
features which will be announced
later. The Medford band has been
engaged to furnish music for the day
and the Medford ball team will be
here to cross bats with the local team.
As Grants Pass has not held a celebra
tion for several years the event is
looked forward to with added interest
and anticipation. The Commercial
club, throngh its executive committee
has passed a resolution endorsing the
action of the Red Men and signify
Hieir willingness to assist energetic
ally to make the celebration a thorough
success. The following committees
have been appointed by the Rediuen
Executive: Geo. S. Calhoun,
Thomas Giltuote, D. E. Dotson,
W. O. Thrasher, G. D. Williams.
Finance: Dr. J. C. Smith, August
fetsch, W. H. Fallin, Jos. Moss, Ed,
Advertising: P. P. Proctor, Geo.
S. Calhoun, T. Y. Dean.
Program, grounds, fire-worki execu
tive committee.
Parade: W. G. Thraher, Robert
eatcti, A. D. Knight, Geo. Finoh.
bports: P. P. Proctor, D. E. Dct-
son.rrea Koper, W. T. Coburn, Geo.
r incn.
a. ...........
G. P. H. S. News Notes
On April 10th and 12th the de
clamatory contests were held The
Mavnzanita Heights.
Mrs. Mary Thompson, owner of
Manzaoita Heights, is a woman of
progre'sive ideas, intense enthusiasm
and an abiding faith iu Grants Pass.
Although she has been a resident of
this place only since last October,
Mrs. Thompson has invested in
property in different parts of the
county, one piece being the Nelson
tract of 84 acres on Iowa street, which
she has named Manzmita Heights
aud will place on the market, the
first ale of lots being on May 15,
when the tract will be formally
opened. The easy pay mint plau
which is iu vogue iu so many parts
of 'he east has been adopted aud an
initial payment of $0 with subsequent
monthly payments of a like amount
secures a Jot, thus mailing it easy to
own it location for a home.
Mis. TliOiupS' n is very enthusiastic
in regard to the possibilities if
Grants Pass and b'lieves that the city advantages which
k! onM make it t'i" li g o;tv uf S l it h-
Piano miKie whil ynn eat, special "" O.vgon. but i. order to beanie
f'ature of the Clob dim er, giveu ;,H important itv Grants Ps
April S4th, o to p. m., G. A. K. 0 1 lr,v,, to li'y ".irto pny
lal, jl( t j.'Hlonsi s and all pi II toucher for the
' inibuU liug o' the city. Hie ladies
x.ei r.sinie i ran sir rs, I
J A. Kifhunati AdnM'iistrnt.'r, to
An:-.-t Frt-ch. Lots 7. Sand, in T;leti
schools bad been divided into four
classes: Class 1, comprising the first,
second and third grades ; class 2, the
fourth, and fifth grades ; class three,
the sixth and seventh, and eighth
grades and class four, the fonr classes
of. tbe High School. Preliminary
contests had been held and one or two
pupils from each grade chosen to rep
resent that grade in the final contest.
The oontests were held in the High
School assembly room, which was
completely filled both nights. A
gold medal was awarded to the beBt
speaker iu each class. They were
won by Percival Schmidt in olass 1 j
Helen Love, class 2; Mildred Chnr
chill, class 8 and Ethel Riggs in class
4. The programs were as follows:
Class 1
"Grandma's Augel," Bessie Wells.
"My Ma, She knows." Paul Day.
"One Two, Three, " John Harmon.
"The Gingham Don and the Calico
Cat," Horace Hair.
"Graudma's Spectacles." Esther
"My Kitty and I," Doris Russel.
'Oor Hired Girl," Itha Banfleld.
"My Dead Dolly", Gertrude Ker
ley. "As One man to Another," Herbert
"The Little boy who ran away,"
Reiuhold Schmidt.
"Goin' Barefoot," Jimmy Tuffs.
"Seein tilings at night." Winfield
Class 3.
"Exhibition Day," Mildred Chur
chill. "The Yankee Girl," Sally Hughes.
"Widow B'dott's poetry," LoU
"Little Tommy at t'ie dime Mu
seum, Martha labor
'As S-en from the Pit ." Merle
"The Time Bell's Story," Hailod
"Jane Jones," Grace Kenney.
"Tonssaint L. Oveiture, " Lester
"A Sermon to the .S Btt-rs." Irene
"Sam's Letter, "Arline Sweetland.
also could lia'e a uriat pun in msk-
-t Fetich, Lots
' 1 . T. S.
lii" Mmv Faio was inal tlironuh
he I:m1 Esiatt; Agencv of .Tosih
M '- s..h him for b iraiiiH. Oil: u
II St net.
: nig
J I ('
' ro iih li
y mi re attr mine in ap-
;! tV s ma!; a f:ivori le
.-ion urou tit- stra'.ge:s who
i fie f r the tits' turn .
1 K 11 t 111'
Ap-il ?4t'..
, pi-Hal
S j, ..
Chili dinner
A StocK Ranch
01 acres located in a very fertile valley in the mountains, two
m'ies from country r tore, postotllce (daily iniil) anil telephone
office iconld have farme's' 'phou-1 in the house if w tnted) . 110
t now under in igtio i, has new ditch surveyed that will cover
tn arre.i more. SH icre imw in alfalfa, timottiy and clover from
h th can t).. cn. 300 ro 40 1 ton nf hav per year Finest outrange
f,r stock in SOUTHERN OREGON. Well assorted family
or '''art nd tie lot of hemes. Spl-ndid 9-room hoose (built ia
1W4. well paiuied, ei" lawn and an abundance of roses and
other ft w ri. Two l.rge barns, one 22il00 feet with It? feet shed
on two si iea !ne ()tler 22xS0 feet with sheds attached. This
is an exe tiunal proposition for anv one desiring to engage in the
stock bu-lnew. The aI)(1 jg aigo adapted to APPLES and PEARS,
lne wafer riKt,t alone is wotth'more than is being asked for the
place. Price cnlyflt) per acre. Will give time on one-half of price.
Ground Floor, Opera House Block
responded to by quotations about trees
and ending with a debate on "Re
solved, That the Freshmen are not as
green as they appear." The affirma
tive was supported by two freshmen
and the negative was upheld by two
sophomores; quite au amusing de
bate was the result. School was
then dismissed about an hour earlier
than usual; as the afternoon was
very pleasant, this arraogement was
most pleasing to both teachers and
The High School pupils went
through the terrible ordeal of having
their pictures taken twice on Tuesday
afternoon. The first time all tbe
pnpiU in the central building were
assembled on the school ground where
they were told to "look pleasant"
while the operation was performed.
The second time the H. S. was taken
by itself. It was not nearly so hard
however, to have the pictures taken
as it was to go back indoors to lessons
for the remainder of the afternoon.
Some things that, are worrying the
Seuiors: Oratious; graduation gowns;
final exams.
Junior Poem.
By a High School Student.
The Freshman respects all the Seniors,
He regards them with awe most pro
found, And whenever he. clmucea to meet one,
He bows himself down to the ground.
And the Soplios too, they make an im-
As anyone clearly cau hhh.
"He's Scotch as he can be, " Oliver i Tim' th Snnh iri. ,n,i, ,.
Tells the Fiexhiu.'U "gust look at me. "
But when it comes to the Juniors,
The Seuiors juot drop out of sight,
As tbe twinkling stars are extin
guished, Wlitntliesuu sheds alinal its great
So I w.irn you, don't be imposed on,
For it will not he long now to wit,
Till next yiar and then you cjii honor
A-) you will have to "The class of
(IM. "
To hnv.' tlieir iiienire takiutwire.
d-d not he in to ratisfy the Btta
Gamuia lioja, so this socieiy hud their
! picture lakeu s-tmrate just alter the
Class 2 j Hil) School w is tut en tolleetively.
"The La-t hymn." Mildred Poole, i Whil- iho p, rforrimme was going ou.
"Litile ;Steevie," Kuth llathawny. 1 Mr. 'luiner stood at au upstairs
"The Freckld Face I Girl, " M trie ; u . ,. ... ,-,w ,i. iu
l were all i iht, had their I amis out of
In War on Pests &nd Favors Strict
Enforcement of Law Compell
ing Trees to Be Sprayed.
Kami I.
"The Smack in School," Marie
"The Kitten of t'ie Regiment,"
Aliene Dunbar.
"The King's Kiss" GMoe Ji tiers.
" Entertaining her Sister's Beaa, "
Lois Prittiu.
"The Dead Dollv," Hutu Willia'iis.
"The (Juardlau Aug I, " Helen
"The Visitor," Vernon H irrintgnn.
Class 4
"On the Irish Disturbance Bill."
Genevieve Patillo.
"The Shepard s Trophy," Ethel
'The Combat in the Arena," Km in a
"Why Destroy our Government?"
Nini Paddock.
Some time between now and circus
day a meeting of tbe board will be
held iu which it is said that the
sojierintendent will bring up the
matter of a holiday for the c'.rcns.
as be and tbe teachtrs are very anx
ious to see the elephant.
On Friday afternoon, April 12th the
Second Rhetorical Divisioo gave its
last program for this school year. As
that was Arbor day the program'par
took somewhat of that nature, be-
Wa,t.t.. n m 1 1 txxtttttttttt11 ginniDg with a roll call which was
llieir pockets, their feet in a not too
prom merit place ami to see tliat the
litile lellows behaved. At the same
time the ariixt who was to take the
pieiuie-i, stood iu front, with his ap
larams. watching a chance, with his
ei(ile e e. wl.en he could record their
angelic countenance with all having
i their pretties smiles and Mr. Patrick
i was also there. He stood in the rejr
Iwith a b'ooui, so as to k-ep from
j laughiug as if the plate would crack
! if they did. This picture was taken
for the purpose of giving the hoys a
! slight remembrance iu order to recall
, the days gone by, although after it
was over, and the deed done, most of
jthe boys were sorry, as they thought
they could remember all they wanted
'to of their illustrious schoolmates
; without a picture to be continually
' staring them in the face.
As the weather has again improved
; and tbe sun shines forth in all its
splendor once more, a "High tchool
! picnic has been planued if tbe
( weather permits it will be on this
. conjing Saturday for' a future date
would be too risky. This is only tbe
; third time that a picnio has been
planned but this one will be carried
out, if the sou will only shine.
A meeting of the executive com
mittee of the commercial Club was
neiu lliursady afternoon at the Club
room, with President L. B. Hall,
committeemen H. L. Gikley, R. W.
Clark, G. S. Calhonn, O. 3. Blanch
ard, h. V. Smith, E. L. Churchill,
rred D. Eisman and Secretary H,
T a j .
u. Auurews present. A request was
read from the president of the Alaska-
Yukon-Seattle exposition asking that
the Club pass a resolution endorsing
that fair, which was done.
Mr. EisuiBuu, on bahalf of tha fruit
growers, stated that while the "or
cnards and the fruit trees in the
towns of Josephine county were being
sprayed more generally this year than
ever before since the rests appeared
yet there was a disposition on th
part of a few to evade the law and
allow their fruit trees to continue to
be breeding places for pests that
would swarm into the orchards of
farmers who were trying to raise mar
tetable fruit. He asked that the
Commercial Club, as representing the
business men and taxpayers of Grants
Pass, give their endorsement to the
fruit inspector and the oounty oonrt
in having the fruit pest Jaws rigidly
enforced. Mr. Eisman's niotiou was
strongly supported by Mr. Clark, Mr.
Blauchard, Mr. Gilkey, and President
Hull aud it carreid by the full vote of
the committee. R. A. N. Reymers,
president of the Grants Pass Fruit
Growers Union, J. H. Robinson, a
director of the Union and Charles
Meservw, secretary of the Union aud
oounty fruit inspector, were present
as was also Martin Angel, who came
from Hood River last Fall and has
leased the Diiumick orchard, aud on
invitation of President Hall, each
poke on the needs of the oo-operation
of the citizens of Grants Pass with
the fruit growers iu having the laws
enforced for the checking of the froit
pests, and they heartily appreciated
the action of the Club in giving its
support iu the work of building up
the fruit industry that is soon to be
one of the biggest wealth producers in
Josepbiue county.
Spray Pumps, Spray Hose aud Spray
material at Cramer Bros.
Commissioners Meet to Audit
County Bills and Tran
sact Business.
Court mot, Wednesday, April 8,
1U07, there being preseut Hen. Ste
phen Jewell, judge; M. A. Werts,
commissioner; S. F. Cheshire, clerk,
and W. J. Russell, KhorsrT.
Report of county Board of Road
Viewers on petition of P. B. M. Bur
rows for conuty road iu Section 1,
Twp 87, S R 6 W granted.
V. L. Jcnes, appointed supervisor
of Road district No. 8. in, place of R.
A. N. Reyuier, who failed to qualify.
Petition lof H. O. Williams, et al
for alteration of County road be
tween Plaoer and Lelaud coming ou
for reconsidt ratiou, said petition is
Duplicate oounty warrant ordered to
issue in the so in of fl8.50 dupliate of
warrant No. 1013, dated August KUh,
1899, to be delivered to J. M. Chiles
on his filing a sufilciont bond of in
Appropriation to iudigeut soldiers .
fuud made and warrant ordored to is
sue to H. B. Alverson, oommader of
Gen. Logan Post No. 89, Grants Pass,
Oregon, in the sum of i0 for the
year 1907.
Report of W. J. Russell, sheriff on
190S tax roll examined and approved.
Liquor license issued to Calvin
Busby for a period of. three months iu
the town of Placer.
Following bill were allowed :
II Day. wrk on roads I 9 AO '
Al Mathews, wrk on rds 4 80
Frank Wilcox, wrk on rds 47 00
Williams Bnoll, wrk on rds. ... 4 00
Wun.Huggerth, wrk on rds 34 00
11 Li Wilson, wrk on rds 7 00
G Karg, writ on rds (1 00
Arthur Houck, wrk on rds 13 00
Frauk Houck. wrk on rds 13 00
A A Porter, wrk on rds 3 00
Win Woodson, wrk on rds 34 00
Jacob' Harpster, wrk rds 10 00
John Johnson, wrk rds 20 00
John Jewell, wrk on rds 13 00
II H Stephens fe son, wrk rd. . . . 27 95
William Jewell, wrk rds 6 00
William Light, wrk rds 100 75
A Li hspuy, blacksmith rds. ... 29 90
Geo Farlelgb & son, wrk rds. . 84 00
Gen Oronk. burial of imoner... 6 00
J K Yetter, care Co hospital... 349 il
C F Lnvelaoe, 1 day view rds. . 4 00
F V Stevenson, 1 . day view rds 4 00
Arlio Bunch, wrk rds 23 00
I) E Dotson, assist assessor.... 13 AO
N Reynolds, Tax rebate 3 2S
r. in 11 Uentnor, wrk rds 03 110
(Continued on pago Two. )
Treat Yourself to a
Good Bed iSpring.
Don't tli ink you are Bollish just because you want
to sloop c-oinfortaUy. The better you sleep the
bettor you'll work, and bo bettor naturod too.
What's the use of continuing' to put up with a
"sagged in the middle" or rickety, noisy old bod
spring when you can buy a really good ono for so
little money. Call at our store, and ask' to be
shown the Carbonized Steel lied Spring. You
needn't buy unless you want to, you needn't keop
if you do buy unless you want, but you will want
to and you will thank us for calling your attention
to it. We can furnish you bed springs in many
styles, and a groat variety of prices suiting any
Furniture and Car
pets, Linoleums,
I. are Curtsins, Por
tieres, M ultreA-Hf,
I'illcjwi, ( on, Wall
Paper, t.lo k,
MirrurK, Window
Shades, Picture,
1'ii.tuie Moulding.
R. H. O'Neill
Front St., bat. 6 and 7
Stoves and Ranges,
Axteware, Tinware,
Wood tinware,
Willowara, Cutlery,
Crockery, Lamps,
(ilaaswsrt, Fancy
China, Go-Carta,
Maby Carrtaga.