ROGUE RIVER COURIER, GRANTS PASS OREGON, APRIL 5, 1907. l'KOFESSIONAL Ci RDS JJ C. FINDLEY, M. D. Practice limited to EVE EAR, NOSE and THBOAT. GIumm fitted and furnished. Office hours 9 to 12; 2 to 6; and oa ap Doiiitmaut. Telephones 261 and 77. Ubants Tut. Oatoo J)R. J. C. SMITH PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON Phones, Offloe 365; Its. 1181. lUldenoe oor. 7th and D streets. Offloe at National Drug Store. niiin Pai. - Oasao J)R. F KREMER v PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON Office In Courier Building'. Offloe phone 911, residence 413. Byea toted and glasses fitted. GbAmts Tam. - Oaaooa. & LOUGHRIDGE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON Una Phone 714 Oltjr or country calla attended night or day. (Sixth and u, Tun s ouuaiug, Office Phone 301. Grakth Pahs - . Obbook. Ckildrm & Confimtnt Comultniim and Ou a Siiuialto KiamimUton Ft J'Ut CLARA BASHAW, D. O. ANNETTA BB.CKWITII, D. O OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS W2.D Street 0ahti Pint. Obioom. Graduates of American School o( Oa- teopathy, Hirisvllle, mo. JDWARD II. WHITE, DOCTOR OP DENTAL MEDICINE Office Hours 8 1 ol2; Uo6 Office oyer First National Bank Gkant9 Pass. - Okkoon u B. HALL UNDERTAKER, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND LIOINSID EMBALMKR orth 6th it., near Court Hoaaa. Offloe Phone 751, Km. Phone 717. Quxtt Pah, Obmuh. U, D. NORTON, ATTORNIYATLAW, Praotloa In all Bute and federal Courts. Offloe In Opera UouaeBulldlhf . 04xtb Parb, Obmost A C. HOUGH, ATTORKKY-aTLAW, Praotloes In all NUte-and Federal Courts Office over Hair-Riddle Hardware Co. Chant Pass, Ok mi QL1VER S. BROWN, LAWYER. OHloo, njwtalrs, City HalL Obamts Pans, Okkook J. H. AUSTIN, ATTORNEY-AT LAW Uuion.llulldliiK Krmiv .... onKv. n l tf, HKN PRICKS COUN8KM.OHS-.T LAW Civil and criminal mutters attended to In all the court Heal Kstato nml Inmirsno. Ofllce, filli strwt, opposite IVwtofflce. WILLIAM I" WRIGHT, V, ti 1KITTY M'KVKYOK MINI NO KSt.lM-KR A.M PKAl'liltl'SVlAN Olli tt , north ul Jophln HvW4. (tlllll TtM, PktJO 1 "" m Charles Costain Wood Working Simp. Vet of flour mill, near R. R. tuck i Inniing. s. r.Ml Work. Msir Work, Hun ; NlwiUK.I's 'H't-l Wolk, Wood I'llllexs. Mi KthiiK Rinl iiiiMiHiic, Iti'i'AirniK all kind I'rliVH nlil The 1'opular lljrbrr Shop 1 Get your tonsoiial woik oiotie .t IK A TOMPKINS' Oil Sixth StUHt Till t ch.ii-1 Iwiiti liiMtm In I'lMuii t turn n. i:. mc(;ki:w, I'lONKl-.K trivk np pki.ivkky KurnlUirv and I ! in i Moving U KAN 1 S TASS. O'U 1,0 - Palace Barber Shop N i i: i i Shavinc. II. ui i uttin Hath. lu Vol j I'lllU' IK- .... , ,. . I .. . .-It ' : ' . MANAGER OF THE B. & A. Continued from page 8 usually jrot nil and a little more than was com I UK to him. After Hie war he married and went west, where he resumed the prartlcw of his profession, but he soon abandon ed It for a commercial career. It wns not low? until be was ranked as one of the rich men of his atate. Then he turned his attention to politics. He was twice elected to congress and serv ed one term as governor." One of bis daughters bad married an Italian prince, a meelc, prosaic little creature exactly five feet three Inches tall. An other was engaged to an KnglUh earl, whose debts were a remarkable achievement for so young a man. Ilia wife now divided her time between Paris ami I-ondon. She didn't think much of New York, which had thought even bus of her. Ho managed to see her once or twice a yeur. Any oftener would have bceu superfluous. There were moments, however, when he felt his life to be wholly unsatisfac tory. He derived very little pleasure from all the luxury that had accumu late ubout blm mid which lie accepted with a curious placid Indifference. He would have liked the affection of his children, to have hail them at home, and there was a remote period In his past when bis wife had Inspired hliu with a sentiment nt which he could only wonder. He held It against her that she had not understood. He lurched down solidly Into the chair Oakley placed for him. "I hope you are comfortable here," he said kindly. "Oh, yes." Ho still stood. "Hit down," said Cornish. "I don't, as a rule, believe In staying up after midnight to talk business, hut I must start east tomorrow." He slipped out of his chair and be gan to pace the floor, with his hands tbniMt deep In his trousers pockets. "I want to talk over the situation here. I don't see that the rond Is ever going to make a dollar. I've an opportunity to sell It to the M. and W. Of course this Is extremely confidential It must not go any further. I am told they will discontinue It beyond this point, and of course they will either move the shops awny or close them." He paus ed In his rapid walk. "It's too bad It never paid. It was the first thing I did when 1 came west. I thought It a pretty big thing then. I have always hoped It would Justify my Judgment, and It promised to for awhile until the lumber Interests played out. Now, what do you advise, Oakley? I want to get jour Ideas. You understand If I sell I won't lwe much. The price of fered will Just about meet the mort gage I hold, but I guess the stock holders will come out at the little end of the born." Oakley understood exactly what wae ahead of the stockholders If the road changed bauds. Perhaps his face showed Unit he was thiuklug of tills, for the general observed charitably: "It's unfortunate, but you cau't mix sentiment In a transaction of tills sort. I'd like to see them all get their money back, mid more too." Ills mental attitude toward the world was one of generous liberality, but he had such excellent control over his InipulNi: that, while ho always stvined alHiut to embark In tne large philanthropy, he had never been known to take even the first step hi that di rection. )u Hhort, he was bard and un emotional, but with a deceptive, un swerving kindliness of maimer which, while It had probably never luvolved a I'l'tlnr of his riches, had at divers times rout the unwary and the Indis creet Inilrli money. "I in. i Mire the loud rould ! put on a piixlng lnisLs," xald Oakley. "Certain illllle poKsllde iioiionilrH would do that. Of coUIm' we can't create buslneuM, there Is Just ho much of It, and we get It all ii It In. Hut the shops might be made very protHal'lc I have secured a Mood deal of woi'K for them and 1 shall secure more. 1 had Intended to prop. ino a iuiuiUt (if reforms, but If you are going to kcII, why, there's no use of going lulu the matiir" lie plUcd. The general meditated In nUeiue for a moment "I'd bate to SiiCitfice my Interests If I thought ou could even unike the rwul pay .expenses. Now, Just What do you Intend to do','" ""I'll get is.v mlvr Imok iis.l idmw vim Hh. '.'s been done for the d.." said Oak'ex, rising w'tli nl.icrltv "I have Itemed out the changes. Mo. mid jon can eo lit a glance Just what 1 pro po-.o doing " T!.e and tVc shops employed Home ."i.ii nicu. ino-t "f wi.,cu had I. - "i V.i..- ' '.i ,.-x knew Hi. 1 1 I', the p-.-i . f.x w is .!.! ,1 well!,! pi ic il'v 'v ; ' lev : . ot e,st,Mlc. T s-.-. t itt ,. ;:il.",.-n ,,; I.. ' !' i sh . ! .,. ! ,.,; s r. t..r:i s. !:. !i as 1 ii ..! pa.:; s seen,, I t.l ,1 I! pep ., h.ipe',, s, ''.nu in ght -nee. He "Of conrse.'i explained Oakley, "I am going to make a cut In wages this spring If yon agree to It, but I haven't the figures for this yet." The general nouiT1- IIe "PP"1 of cuU on prm clple. That's always a wise move," be aald. "Will they stand ltr 'They'll have to." And Oakley laugh ed rather nervously. He appreciated that bis reforms were likely to moke him verv unpopular In Antloch. "They shouldnrt object. If the road changes bands It will kill their town." "I suppose ao," agreed Cornish Indif ferently. ' "And half a loaf Is lots better than no bread," added Oakley. Again the general nodded bis approval. "What tort of shape la the shop lnT be asked after a moment's silence. "Very good on the whole." "I am glud to hear you say so. I spent over a hundred thousand dollar on the plant originally." "Of course the equipment can hardly be called modern, but It will do for the aort of work for which I am bidding," Oakley explained. "Well, It will be an Interesting prob lem for a young man, Oakley. If you pull the property up It will be greutly to your credit. I was going to offer you another position, but we will let that go over for the present. I am very much pleased, though, with all you have done; very much pleased Indeed. I go abroad In about two weeks. My youngest daughter Is to be married In London to the Earl of Mlu chester." The title rolled glibly from the great man's lips. "So you'll have the fight. If It Is a fight, all to yourself. I'll see that Hnllowiiy does what you say. He's the only one you'll have to look to In my absence, but you won't be able to count on him for anything. He gets limp In a crisis. Just don't make the mistake of asking his ad vice." "I'd rather have no advice," Inter rupted Dan hastily, "unless It's yours," he added. "I'll see that you are not bothered. You are the sort of fellow who will do better with a free hand, and that Is what I Intend you shall have." "Thank you," said Oakley, his heart warming with the other's praise. "I shall be back In three months, and then If your schemes have worked out "l'ou hnvc "ii(' inil," (ic at all ns we expect, why, we can con sider putting the property In better I shape." tA part of Oakley's plan. I "As yen say. It's gone down so there I won't be much but the r'ght of w ay presently." "I hop that eventually there'll be profits.' saul Oak ley. whose mind as beginning to reach nut int. the future. ' "1 uness the stockholders will drop' dead If we curium n dividend. That's I the lnt tliiim they are looking forward to," remarked t'oiinsh dryly. "Will li ave a il :sn call at the eltlce for j lues 1 foro't. and I must take the Hist train. f;,i ni-ht." j lIAI'I'l'lt I V. Till- U' Xt m, ;...;,g iiakley saw ; Ceiural Coin's!, off oil the ".lo! tra.u, and t!i, u Weld buck to, his betel for breakf ist. After ward, un way l,i the olllce. be a deck t,i i:.,a Hart for bis father The lneiny was Inten.UsI to' li s I I. s ep ns, hi coming west. i lb w..s vcy bu- all thai day inak- ' !' - ' "' I s new s, h.-dnles :ind pi u-. ' m " - '!:.. . ills Usi hat they I " c.t ! He :i plea, bis In I- .;!) a cei ' .. n rein, i r.,, ,., f ,r i. w is us,! p, l,;n, pel's anill , ks ,i ,,s n.s ess ,ry to the i iiiinv of the i' ! a id ' c knew that n . h i'.fx ay II.. ..". w e l l sutl'ce lie I, lis' cut lis a si e, n en: s t,, sn e. lepp',,1- ii".' ii " .tii here and berl-, g vie.g ,.s "i ' ether man or ,: ;d ng ! ' ' "ic two ,.r .h-is' '...en. be n.i,:. a-'"l 1" 1 1 el ,o ,e.. ,.. ,,.:.r u cei; :ol i! .ii a cry t.i.r day s w e k He w en!, I st ,rt I-, , n-fot m w no ''; IU.r,ll e e'ss 1,1,. w el'.i.l re. :,. t .,- n en 1. n.', ,! ,i.s,.. '' i" 'd .: .u .1 t ' . lie I.,., . ,1 they woti'.l take t!:. Viu and I unt ciV. f p..s I , ';s - ., , ;., .j ' i i.-r i i. v. : i c w is r. . 1" ' I"' I' ' '. ! e'k I , .;, !, i ' ic d : l.e x , .',! u. : n rteiv ! w 11 cm, ! ,.;,.. i ,: le I s i ; ot k '. i M .s W , ... ;,. f; tXts ; ' . , , S' ,,. . some word that would give his victims an Inkling of what was In store for. them. He knew there were unpieuanui scenes ahead of him, but there was no need to anticipate. When at last bis figures for the cuts were complete he would have been grateful for some one with whom to discuss the situation. All at once his responsibilities seemed rather heavier than he had bargained for. There were only two men In the or fiee besides hlmself-rblllp Kerr, the treasurer, and Byron Holt, his assist ant. They were both busy with the payroll, as It was the 6th of the month, and they commenced to pay off In the shops on the 10th. He had little or no use for Kerr, who still showed where he dared In small things hla displeasure that an outsider bad been appointed manager of the road. He bad counted on the place for himself for a number of years, but a secession of managers bad come and gone apparently without Its ever hav ing occurred, to General Cornish that an excellent executive was llterully spoiling lu the big, bare general office, of the line. This singular Indifference on the part of Cornish to his real Interests hud soured a disposition that at Its best had more of acid In It than anything else. As there was no way In which he could make his resentment known tc the general, even if he had deemed such a course expedient, he took It out of Oakley and kept his feeling for him on ice. Meanwhile he bided his time, hoping for Oakley's downfall and hit own eventful recognition. With the nsslstiint treasurer Dan's relations were entirely cordial. Holt was a much younger man than Kerr, us frank nnd open as the other was se cret and reserved. When the C o'clock whistle blew he glanced tip from bis work and snld: "I w ish you'd wait a moment. Holt I want to see you." Kerr had already gone home, and Miss Walton was adjusting her hut 1 fore a bit of u mirror that hung ou the wall back of her desk. "All right," re sponded Holt cheerfully. "Just draw up your chair," said Ouk ley, handing bis papers to him. At first Holt did not understand; then he begun to whistle softly and felj to checking off the various cuts with bis foreHuger. "What do you think of the Job, By ron?" Inquired Oakley. "Well, I'm glad I don't get laid off, that's sure. Kay, just bear in wind that I'm going to be married this summer." "You needn't worry; only I didn't know that." "Well, please don't forget It, Mr. Oakley." Holt ran over the cuts again. Then be asked: "Who's going to stand for this? You or the old man? I hear he was to town last night." "I stand for It, but of course be ap proves." "I'll bet he approves," and the a ststant treasurer grinned. 'This is the sort of thing that suits him right down to the ground." "How about the bauds? Do you know If they are members of any un ion?" "No, but there'll te lively times ahead for yon. They are a great lot of kick ers here." "Walt until I got through. 1 hnveu't touched the shops yet. That's to come later. I'll skin closer before I'm done." Oakley gut up and lit Ills pipe. "The plant must iiinkti some, sort of n nhow lug. We can't continue at the rute we have been going. I suppose you know what sort of shape It would leave the town In if the shops were closed." "Very poor shaie, I should say. Why, It's the money that goes In and out of this o.rice twlco it that keeps the town alive. It couldn't exist a day without tlult." "Then It behooves us to see to It that nothing happens to the shops or road. I inn h,.r. y for the men 1 am laying off, but It c.'.n't be helped." "1 see jou fire going to chtyk iloud Icy out of his good thing at the Junc tion. If he was half white he'd u gone long ago. He must lay awake nights figuring how- he cuu keep deceutly busy," "How da you think It's going to work':" "Oh, It HI work all right, because It ha to, bill they'll all ! cussiisg you," With treat good humor. "WlwitVi the matter anyhow V . I'id the old limn throw a fit ut the size of the payroll?" "Not eMictly, but be ciltne down here with h;s mind tu.ido up to sell the road to the M. nml W." "Viui dou't say sol" "I talked him out of that, but we must uuike a showing, for he's good tired mid may dump the whole business any day." "Well, if he does that there'll be no ma vi'j nig or giving in iuurri:i for me tins summer. It will be just like a Shaker M'liloinciit where 1 am con cerned" Km laughed "uli. you'd tv all right. You'd get something ci. or the M. and W. would keep ou on." "1 den t know n'.out that. A new man. i..en ei.t generally means a clean sweep ail round, and my berth's a prepy go..,i one." In s, manner a rumor of the din, :.,' iiakhy proposed making did gCI ale, .!.!. Mid lie Mas promptly made aw:i:e :': t li s popularity in Aut.o.ti x as a ih ng of the past. He was re gar!.-,! .. an oppressor from whom i-ene aiei wanton tyranny ixpected. V'.;.le Corn -'; su'T. re.l t'.x-r In, :,-:..i.-.v. Ins el's' go.: g predecessors l...d U-on ,s v. ter.t to ,'. '.i a their s..iM-:cs am! let it go t 't of .v;iu.; wl..c ; An t s ;, LoM jo U e.;;..-ce. pro; r. il..- 25 their own masters. That is a good idea to imptess him with. Teach hira that home means "his own house." I can give you a new 6 room house, with hot and cold water, electric lights, sewer in connection, 72 x 150 ft., situated in the north end of city, Price $1500. Terms cash, balance one and three years. No. 65740 acres next to city limits with all improvements. Price $1000. JOSEPH MOSS, THE REAL ESTATE MAN. Ofice 516 E St fA MARBLE AND GRANITE WORIi J. B. PADDOCK, Proprietor. I am preparer! to lurninh anything in the line of Cemetery work In any of Marble or. tiranite. Nearl thirty years of experience in the Marble business warrants my sa that I can till your orders in the very best manner. Can furnish work in !-otch, Swed or American Granite or any kin Marble. Kront street, next to (ireen's GunshoD. THE FASHION iii'wuiiin, however, clearly nn up start, cursed with an Insane and de structive niiihltlou to earn money for the road. Supposo It did not pay. Cor nish could pi down Into hla pocket for the difference, Junt as he had always dune. What the town did not know nnd what It would not have lielioved even If it had Ix-eii told was that the gen eral had U'cu on the point of sellim;, a chance th:;t would have drought hard hip to every one. The majority of the n.t u in the shops owned their own hoines. and these homes represented the savings of years. The sudden exo dus of two or three hundred families meant of necessity widespread ruin. Those who were forced to go away would have to saerill. e c erything they possessed to get away, while those who remained would he scarcely Letter off. Hut Antloch never tisi,i,..-. .,j ,,,.;, radical move as even remotely possi hie. It Counted the -hops a'flxtur-' They had always .,-e:. ;; i this s.r'v-cat reason they 'Vo " ' w ays rer.ii'in. : To C ii' inn- il.; K.irnie-s, make year wants known hy i. s.-rtii:u a i.w I n, - m t,e Cl-issi-li-d Ad Column. Co cents sp-nt in this miitiM. r will sot, -times do more ticui a whole day s talking. &)e BOYS VIEW of HOME Is a place where his parents rule, and where they are FUTURITY Medicated StocK Food For Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Hogs One of the best Stock Foods on the market and one which will keep the animals in the best of con dition. LARGE SIZE PACKAGE 50c MODEL DRUG STORE DR. MORROWS ANTI-LEAN MAKES LEAN PEOPLE FAT through the nerreoua sysUm. It'i a purely Vegetable compound, contains no olio or fats or any drug! that 1 Injurious or liable to pro duce a habit. It's the greatest Tonlo In the world. Each bottle 5 contains a month's treatment and costs $1.50 at any Drug Store. Prepared by the ANTI-LEAN MEDICINE CO., Portland Ore. LIVERY ...FEED and SALE STABLES QILMORE & B0REN, Proprietor. II Street be!ween Fifth and Sixth 1'nos 881 Grants Pass, Oren KENNEY PAYS CA For BUTTER, EGGS and FARM PRODUCE. Foil stock of Groceries and Provide Candy, 'uts, Tobacc and ('tears. Sixth street bet. I and J. E. A. WADE Dry Goods, Underwn Notions, Etc. Front Street west Palace hotel GRANTS PASS, OREGO: Largest stock of watches and cl ever iu town cau be found at L er's. Everything in the Jewelry I e?al blanks at the Courier J