Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, April 05, 1907, Image 5

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    $ I
flow, vtigk and meruure everything you
huu." American Grocer.
& Price
lunoni Tomatoes 10c
ictoi extra good sugar Com, 25o.
ictni early June Peas, 25c.
Ictoi string Beam, 25o
I am Ashland Pears, 20o.
I an yellow Crawford Penuries, 25c.
Icib sliced Aprioots, 20o.
lfn sliced Pine Apple, 25c.
ant American Sardina 25c
.ponnd can mustard Sardines, 15c
pyyou should try our Canned
it-The price is right.
K-The quality is as represented.
M-They are the new seasons pack
njk Cove Oysters 10c
sdi little neck Clams, not miooed,
Be. .... .
wClam juloe, 15o.
leu, Csmpbles Soaps, 25a
n Booth's Broiled Mackerel. 25o.
uAluka Salmon 10c
lutit Columbia River red salmon.
15, 20, 25o.
Mien and Fresh canned crab, 25a
tratine Blue-Point Oysters 1 and 2
pound cans.
m River Salt Salmon per lb, 10c
ita Superior White Fish. 9 for 25o.
) Mackerel, 12J to iso.
ported bloaters, 5 cents each.
!h (5c size) Tine toilet soap 25c
fcrf(inlar Oregon full cream Cheese,
an t be beat, per poond, 20a
Id comb Honey, white. 15c.
r Persian Dates, per pound, 12),
e keep them under glass nuf
; Hems of Personal!
IInterest. jj
in from Granite
few days visit at
Ralph Davis is
Hill this week for
Mrs. Claude Grimes of Rnui,
came up Wednesday niefct 5
some time visitina vcith h-
Kittle Grey.
Miss Anna Cnlvir o,t .
-o u ASMiana
..urBa8y, wnere she takes a no,itin
o fieri in rir .
- j ore our
ing the Summer.
n d
u DlCOn. ft tarmac ,.!. ..
Grants Pass, is spending a few week.
en- ror tne past six months he has
oeen living in Portland.
Clark H. Webb
. v-- w Wal LOrf
ing Saturday and is now leari
mysteries of printing office, ierving as
prentice at tne Uoorier offloe.
ZMissMary Parker has bocn snend.
ing the week with her parents here.
She will leave in a few Ha . t.
laand to enter business college.
Miss Josephine Castle who nan ancnf
the past several months viairw .f
the home of her nncle. F. D. fimifh
of this place, left Sunday for Cottage
W. A. Paddock, after having
me greter part of the Winter in Cali
fornia, is now at his old nlann. h
Bicycle Den, and will supply your
wants in, bicycles and reoairino-. ann
other lines he carries.
Another of a. Serlea of Pe.rtie.
Given Alternately by Boys
a.nd Girls.
A Brief RecordofP
Local Events, h
New Notes From the Business
Men to Readers.
K. H. Giiailan has just completed
ine coustroction or a 7-foot cement
arch for the coonty at the foot of the
iii just across the river.
Get our prices on Crayon Portraits
a . .
nuu irarDes at jj. B. Hall's.
On Wednesday
.... nuuuicr UI
the delightful little dancing parties
tto Wta,,: r, ZT l"1" ' . Anoth ertainment will be given
hanbythevou.r;;".;8- Toesday.
and proved f " " !" l10 APtu 16,h' J the Local' W.
- 'wuioi iiiim. ( l nti in it m a
Olives and Olive Oil
''re sole agents for The Amer-
- ru niKs unve vn, recom
."W by physicians need iu onr
!' arrived in stock American
' Co., finest Ripe Olives In pint
;t cans.
Mipt Olives in cans full, pint 35c
f Oil kill pint 65c
f r . a.t. . i in
-is and Coffee
givH von tlin henfc vslna in
'"'ee from 20 cents rer poond
5aest Mocha & Java at 40 cents
in the City.
CX DOW at tVioir Vwot TCoola"
White House
M. T. Galvin left tho first of the
week with his sou, Tom, for St. Paul,
Minn., where Tom will enter th Rt.
Thomas college. Mr. Galvin's
daughter has-been a student at St
Catherine'! oollege, St Paul for a
year past.
B. F. Banks. Sr.. left Tnnsdav for
his home at Rock ford. HI. Mr. Banks
has spent the past four or fife months
with his son, B. F. Banks and familv.
This is the fifth yearly trip Mr. Banks
nas maae to Grants Pass. He will
spend a day at San Francisco.
M. Braat and wife left Thursday
for Yamhill looking for allocation.
Mr. Braat" bag been crippled with
rheumatism for the past three years
and unable to do any work. He re-
oently sold his ranch and will Invest
in a Willamette Valley farm and stock
it with sheep. As soon as thev et
located they will send for the three
children who are now with their
W. T. Beatty, formerly a resident
of Grants. Pasn Ja. the employ ol the
Hair-Riddle Co., has been spending
the past week visltinr old friends.
Mr. Beatty is a stndent in the theo
logical department of the Willamette
University at Salem, and has been
preaching for some time caet in the
Lorane circuit at Hubbard and a small
plaoe near there known as Central
Point. Rev. J. L. Beatty, his father,
formerly missionary at the Klamath
Indian agenoy, is now stationed at
Cottage Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morthland and
daughter left south Tuesday after hav
ing spent he Winter in Josephine
county the greater part of the time
with Marion Eohler near Waldo.
Mrs. Morthland was ill for some time
and their stay prolonged beyond the
intended time. At Grants Pais they
visited Mrs. B. F. Banks, a cousin.
Here they were delayed by the Cali
fornia washouts. They will visit at
Ashland for a day or two and then
spend 'the Summer at Los Angelos,
return in ft' to their home near Mans
field, Ohio in October, after a year's
travel on the coast.
Perfect soda! sj t iUCS
about 40 couple were apsembled at the
hall, which was tastily decorated.
Programs were in nse and Kmonade
served from a littie booth at one end
of the hall
Dancing continnnd nntii n i t
when all adjonrned to Horning'a con-
'WWBPW nl i cream parlors
wiiore me OOVs had .
fresh m en ts of ioe cream nnri wf
After refreshments WAra
- fct.t-u
or the guests returned tn fv. i..n -j
dancing wbs continued until the "wee
smaii oours" when the merrv.m w.
retnrned to their respective homes,
well pleased with the ernnlno'. o-
tertainment. Excellent musio was
furnished for the occasion by Mieses
Roth Dean and Ada Umphlette and
OBrs. aianoney, Cheshire and
purpose of helping
R Thornni Sella to R H. O'Neill
. Ihnmas. who I I&4 ISoaii tn tViA
rarnitare and honHPfnrm'yV,,, km.i
ness In Grants Pass for the nast eiohf
years, the latter part of the Hn, in
partnership with It. H. 0'Km 1,..
sold his interest in the bosinees to
Mr. O'Neill and has retirel from the
firm. This move was made necesary'
on aooount of the condition of Mr.
Thomas' health, whloh for the past
several years hag not been of the best.
Mr. Thomas, as yet has not madn Hnfl.
nite plans for the future but says his
first effort will be to get well.
Mr. O'Neill, who succeeds to the
business is well and favorably known
through his residence here and busi
ness with Mr. Thomas and alro
thoogh his residenoe here some 12
years ago.
How to Remain Young.
To continue young in health and
strength, do as Mrs. N. F. Rowan,
McDonoagh, Ga., did. She tays:
"Three bottles of Eleotrio Bitters
cured me of ohronio liver and stomach
trooble, complicated with snoh an
unhealthy condition of the blood that
my skin tamed red as flannel. Iam
now practically 20 years younger than
before l took Eleotrio Bitters. I can
now do all my work with ease and in
sist in my husband's store." Goran
teed at all drug stores. Price 60c.
BOOKS for sale cheap Shakespeare
i in 8 Vols, and Clias. Reed's works
n 9 Vols. All new. Address Box
550. 3-22 !tt
Have you ever
seen a Sunset?
A beautifully illustrated
monthly magazine of the wide
awake West with fascinating
short stories, picturesque personal
point-of-view description of the
interesting development of the
West, and the romance and his
tory o' the wonderland of the
Ask your local newsdealer
for current issue or send $1.50
foryear's subscription. The book,
"Road of a Thousand Wonders."
120 beautiful Western views in
four c"olors will be included
raise funds for the rirlnl-in f.,n
tain to be erected here this Spring.
The body of Lucius Slagle of Waldo
was Drought to Grants Pass on Mon
day from Kennet where he had been
allied in the aiine where he was work
ing. We have not thug far been able
to learn the particulars of the accl,
dent by which he lost his life. His
body was taken to Waldo for inter
ment. He was a young man, abont
20 years of age.
Portraits enlarged in Crayon,
Sepia and Oilette L. B. Hall's Art
The new livery barn of Burkhalter
and Parker ia now ready far hn.iim..
Thirtoen uew riirs were receivad tMa
week and are now being set np.
The barn is a brick building, spaoious
md convenient Grants Pans, rmlno
the center of so large a territory, has
a great volume of livery business, the
new barn bein the fourth institntinn
of its kind in the city. The pro
prietors are rostling business men
and the new barn will doubtless get
its share of the trade.
Howard Jeter, aged 13, and Frank
Martin, aged 7, were out flower
picking 00 the hills northwest of
town Sunday when they came opon a
Dig raitieanake asleep on a rock sun
niog himself. The boyg were startled
nui HowaM hunted aronnd for a rnnk
which, as he says, be "dropped on the
soaiceand smashed him." When th
snake was dead Howard measured it
and secured eight rattles. It measured
about feet. The nova then left
the vicinity for fear of oomins- cross
cue snake a mate.
J. W. Harmon of Drvdn last Thnrs
day came nearly having a rough and
tumble hand to claw conflict with a
panther. He and his dona wnrn t.rnnlr
ing a' panther and the dogs treed their
game and Mr. Harmon etarted in at
78 yards with a Colt'a automatic re
volver. The animal decided that
things were getting too warm for bim
ana ne quit the tree and attempted to
escape bnt the dog closed In. Finally
the panther made a rush at Mr. Bar
man and waa within about eight feet
of him when a good shot put an end
to his fight. There were 13 bullet
holes in the animal's hide. Mr. Har
mon now has an 8 foot bide which be
is having dressed.
The amount of rain which has fallen
in the last few weeks has been a
startler even to the old time webfoot,
j few of whom can recall so protracted
a wet season at this time of year.
: The placer miners of this county cer
'tainly have no reason this year to
complain of a shortage of wat-r for
the Spring run and there is an un
I usnally large amount of snow in the
' mountains. The advantageous feut-
urPS of Southern Oregon weatliHr are
! again emphasized, however in coin
j parison with other districts as here
j we have merely had somewnat nn
UHually h avy rains and have escaped
entirely the destructive storms which
have devastated Northern California.
The North
6th St.
Furniture I
In cleaning up stock for Spring trade, we find quite a
few od peices of Furniture, Carpets, Linoleums, Etc.
which are offered at reduced prices until sold, some
Rockers exceptisnally cheap. The Wall Paper sale has
been a success andwill continue, it is the largest stock
in the city to select from.
Stock of Furniture. Carpets, ' Rugs, Linoleums, Art
Squares the most complete in the city and new arrivals
constantly recei-ing.
Goods Sold on Installment Plan
! ton, Sunday, March 81, M7, Oer-
rari T. Howell and Mies Ida May
i Carter, both of Grants Pass, Key.
I Clark Bower officating.
Oregon, dnesilay, Mtrrh 27, 11107,
Dr. L. A. Bollman. of Dalla. Ore
gon, and Mi8 Nellie Jester nf
Halsey, Ore.
Mrs. Bollman is a sister of G. P.
Jetitnr of this city and 'spent several
1 weeks visiting with him here lact
GROW ALLEN At Coort Honso,
April 1, 1907, Silvester Grow and
MisH Laura D. Allen, Stephen
Jewell otticiating.
GOFF NOEL At the Court Honso,
April 2, H7, John A. Ooff and
Mint Eita L. Noel, Stephen Jewell
IU'RT At R.)el,nrg, Ore., Saturlay,
March 'in, l'.toT, to Mr. ami Mrs
" Warren Hurt, a 13-ponud e n.
Dr. Flanagan,
Physioian and Dentist
GotoCoron for Plumbing.
M. Clement, prescription Druggist
Sheet Musio sale at the Musio Store,
Souvenir Postals one cent at Dema
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Kanges atOoron't
If you raise obickens nan a Pta1
ma Inonbator sold by Cramer Bros.
Se the big line of watolies and
chains at Letcher's. . fl-23 tf
For a o'eau bed and a sood meal
try the Western Hotel.
nepoir cards lor school nse are ou
sale at the Musio Store.
Victor Talking Maohiues and reo
oras at tne Music store.
Special soap sale, four lOo cakes.
Andrew Jergeng glycerine soap 25o
at Demaray'a Drug Store
Road about the big oonetst the Gil
more Piano house is giving this offer
ill never be duplicated again in
Son then Oregon. 8-29 It
Bitten by a Spider.
Through blood polsining caused by
Snider hltA. .Tnlin U'auVIn..,n Af
Bostoquevile, Tex. would have float I
uis wuiun oeoame a mass or run
ning sores, had he not been persuaded
to try Bucklen's Arnica Sj1 H.
writes: "The first application re
lieved, and foor boxes healed all the
sorej." Heals every sore 880 at
all druggists.
Is the result of our first run
with the
Petalnma Incnbators
I at our store. With half a
dozen different kinds of 20-3
we averaged S50', this shows
again what good resjilts the
PETALUMA will brtW. We
have three sizes of Incubators
in stock,
54 Eg? Incubator. ...-.$10.00
126 " on nn
210 " 27.00
100 Chick Brooder.... 6.00
200 " .... 1200
Your chicks will be heal
thy, free from all vermin.
they grow rapidly and you
have no trouble with obstiu-
ate setting hens.
Cramer Bros.
Odd Fellows Block
Poultry Netting Chick Feed
April 8, Friday -The Lady Mackbees
will give a Hobo Social at the W.
O. W.hall. Everbyody invited. )8-29 It
April 22, Monday Regular terra of
Anril 18. Tn nolav V.n,a,Ulnn.... .
the opera house lor benetQ of Pnblio
anuKing Fountain, by W. U. T. U.
Presbyterian Church.
The schedule of aervioes at the
Bethany church the oomlng Sabbath
is the following :
11 a. m. Holy Communion, with an
Address by Evan P. Hughes on "The
Significance and Potency of the
Eucharist," followed by the reception
of new members. 7 :S0 p. m. Even
ing Worship. By special reo nest of
several gentlemen, Mr. Hnghea will
deliver his lecture entitled "The
Three Cs; or, Manly Christianity."
which be presented several weeks ago
berore the Men's Sunday Afternoon
Meeting at the Newman M.
Church. 10 a. m. Bible sohool nnder
the soperlntendenoy of H. O. Kin
ney; 8 p. m. ;jr. O. E. ; 6:30 p. m
Devotional Hour of the Y. P. S. C. E.
A cordial and warm-hearted wel
oome awaits all worshippers at this
M. E, Church South
This church will have the usual
services next Sunday, April 7. 10 a.
m., Sunday School; 11 a. m. , preach
ing. Mrs. J. D. Fry will load the de
votional meeting of the Epworth
League at 6 :80 p. m. Subject-
Triumphant Grace." 7:80 Preach
ing. Good music, short sermons and
a real, hearty welcome for all who
como and a cordial invitation to
Blda Wanted.
Bids will be accepted by the County
Court for the painting of the Court
Mouse outside and paintina and
papering inside, and nnttlna a DAW
roof on the -main building, bids to be
Died with the Clerk not later than
April 17, 1007. The Oonntv Court re.
serves the right to rejeot any and all
blda. Bee County Judge for sneolfi-
cationa. 4-K it
300 Lota near the New Factory.
Now is your time to norohaie as
prices will soon advance.
88 acres all River Bottom land.
next to olty limits, with small
orchard. 12700. If sold before May
1st. 1007.
Bee' Joseph Moss. - The Real Es
tate Man. Offloe 616 E atreel.
Lectures on
In Halls Building, N 6th St.
Mon. Night, April 8
At 815 o'clock
Baptist Church.
The morning worship will begin
promptly at 10:30. The pastor will
preach tne conluding sermon in the
series "Sermons In Stone" subject
CovetouHness. " The observance of
tne Lord's Sunpc-r follows.' At
this the Right Haud of IFellowahip
will be given new members. Bible
School at the usual hour. The Junior
Union meets Monday at 4 p. m. in
stead of on Sunday. Miss Millie
Drake will lead a "Consecration
Meeting" of the Young People at
rl :30. Evening song service and ser
mon at 7:80, Topic of sermon "A
Sapper Table Conversation." A cor
dial invitation is extended.
Sold again Classified
Courier did it.
A. U.
Sixth and D Streets
yoWLVAi At K.-rhy.
Marrli 1 T
Mr. Fowli r had In -n a reid-nt of
this ci.unty fur "f.-vernl y-:irs holding
the p'Siticn of j nt r. lt-n t of thf
Gold Pii'L Mini s on IVlun rr- k.
('.U'lFIKLD Ar rnut Pa", rre-g-n.
Kridtv, Muni) 2'.i, 1j7. Mm.
Mn!L'r'-r C'H'iln'-M, nn t h. r f Mr-'.
J. In) lln kin, -4 7-' .irs.
they wear, and weer
ondweor. LeiPlr;iusvCo.
i-n IMS' iso.
Wrs. Jean JVIorris Ellis
The world's most eminent Lady
Phrenologist, graduate of the Fow
ler and Wells Institute, New York,
will commence a course of
Free Lectures and
Phrenological Ex
MON. NIGHT "Phrenol
ogy." Free with collection.
of Pursuits." Free with
WEI). NIGHT "Signs of
Character in Faco and
Hand shake." Free with
THUR. NIGHT - "Love,
Courtship and Marriage,
to which admission of
25c will bo charged.
Ivacb lecture to close with free
public examinations of persons
selected from the audience,
Private consultation and Phren
ological examinations given daily
at G. A. R. Hall from 10 a. m. to
d r. m
. "r