Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, March 29, 1907, Image 3

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It does not contain an atom of phos
phatlo acld(whloh Is tho product of bones
digested In sulphuric acid) or of alum
(which Is one-third sulphuric acid), un
healthful substances adopted for other ba
king powders because of their cheapness!
All matter for this column Is supplied
by the Josephine County Woman's Chris
tian Temperance Union, Y. and L. T. L-
' Loyal Temperance Legbn will inset
ib Lund Hud P"eil hall ou SutlTStreet
Friday afternoon, April 5, 11)07 at 4
o'clock. Children are invited to come
from school to the hall and will be
dismissed promptly at 5 o'clock. The
last meeting was attended by 30
children. R. F. O. Lovett, pastor
of tlieBaptist chnrch gave the children
a very practical talk upon the evils of
thfl cigarette. Mrs. Clements gave
them the drill iu physical exercises
and being accompanied by moslo made
it the more pleasing.
Mormonlsm Triumphant
Among my visits to the Capitol,
two stand in strange contrast:
one was when the statue of Frances
E. Willard, in the Hall of Statuary,
was dedicated; the other was when
the ballot was taken on the expulsion
of Reed Smoot. senator from Utah.
On each of these occasions the gal
leries of the senate chamber were
packed to the last inch with oar
American womanhood; each occasion
had at least some of the same
speakers; each was accompanied with
infnse feeliDg; and in each great
moral issues were involved.
Well do I recall the long lines of
women and childr-n filing across the
grea park from which the nation's
capitol soars on high; and when the
orations by distinguished sons of
Methodism, senators, were over, the
prccessiou, seemingly without end,
filed down the corridors and aoross
the sublime rotunda into the chamber
in which stand in marble the figures
of the great sons of Amerioa, to lay
bouquets at the feet of her we call
America's uncrowned queen. How
unlike the statues of Pompey or the
Caesars or Napoleon this statue of
our queen. The white lilies cast in
tnonuds around that Btalue celebrated
no bloody wars, no triumph of force,
no chariots, no murdsrons strafegem;
her wars hid been waged with only a
woman's lips and a woman's heart
and for what?1 For God and home
and native land ; for the childhood of
America; for the youth of Amerioa;
for pnrity ;for pore blood ; for pure
life; for peace; and for brotherhoood.
Her hand did not, like the hands of
warrior queens, grasp 'a spear; it held
i a cni rrp. rft
Always the Same
5xn Frtcncito
Perfection I
Sold on Merit
only the fragile peu that wrote of
God and home and country.
It was a theme worthy the oratory
of a Dolliver and a Beveridge; it was
a theme worthy the lilies that banked
the pedestal of Frauoes E. Willard,
standing in marble only a hand's
breadth from the statue of Washington.
On February 20, 1907. the other
histofio scene ocourred. Again was
a great moral issue tefore the United
Slates Senate. Again were the
galleries and corridors of the Senate
packed to the last inch with Ameri
can womanhood. Again Beveridge
and Dolliver spoke. But here the lips
that had spoken for Frances E. Will
ard now spoke for the Mormon
apostle, Smoot.
Frances E. Willard Reed Smoot.
The fingers palsy at writing the words
in one sentence. But we speak of
Arnold and Washington, and of Judas
and Christ. Frances E. Willard and
Reed Smoot it is strange that the
panegyrists of the one should be the
apologists of the other that Metho
dists, with a profound pride in their
daughters at once of the church and ot
the repnblio, should be among the
most influential apologists .for one
who represents the unspeakable
menance of the American home.
For Reed Smoot does repreaeut the
Mormon hierarchy. He is part of it.
And that hierarchy is polygamist; it
is worldly, it is dictatorial; It is
pronoonoed by the courts to be
For Reed Smoot as a man I have a
oertain admiration; he is a big,
hearty, clean gentleman under other
oircomstancesentirely acceptable as a
citizen and as a senator. But he is
not in the Senate primarily as a
citizen chosen by citizens, but as an
ecclesiastic designated by a hierarchy
which is un-American and anti
American. Has not that been proveu
times without number?
It is not therefore a question of
Reed Smoot the man, but Reed Smoot
the apostle of Mormonism. And it
seems as if the logic were irrefutable
that until Mormonism does become
American; until its head and its
apostlate do respect its contract with
the nation by which it was admitted
to the union; until it does put away
polygamy, against which the United
States laws have been so often evoked
and fedeial punishments inflicted;
ontil it does live up to the manifest
of its inspired head and the promises
made at least to two presidents of the
United Statt-s-ra high ecclesiastic and
representative of that colt should not
disgrace the highest legislative body
of the republic with his intrusive
j presence. Claudius B. Spencer,
Editor Central Christian Advocate.
Senator Smoot now sits firmly In
his seat, nominally as the representa
tive of tho state of Utah, bat really
i as representative of tho Mormon
I hierarchy. The action of the Senate
I was, in our judgment, a victory for
I the Mormon institution. By re
Uaining Mr. Smoot the Senate has
; given offense to the moral fence of the
I great body of the people. We hope
! the reaction may be snali as to give
' strength to the opposition to this
I mountain of iniquity .The United
' Presbyterian.
The president and the senate of the
United State Bhould be aware that as
expected the polygamous Mormon
chnrch claim that it has been vindi
cated before all the world by the
decision in the Smoot crs
Tho Deseret News, ofiieia! organ of
the church, says editorially, "The
Church of Jcsns Christ of Latter-day
Saints (the Mormon church is vindi-
ruled. "
The Mormon church officially
j teaches without any contradiction,
inhibition or nj'xlihratiou the prac
tice of plural ruairiaK'' by the I nbli-j
ca'ion in he Doctrine 'and Covenants j
of the mandatory revelation requiring
such practice. And it has been
"vindicated" by the president an the
senate of the United States.-SaltLake
Tribune. H. J. C. CALVERT,
Press Supt. of Grant Pass W. C.T. U.
(Continued from page One.)
Kerr received a storm of applause as
she resumed her seat.
J. A. Wilson said that he bad
helped plant the Struck orchard 20
years ago and that it had been culti
vated and borne a crop of appl s every
year. "Water," said he "is the life
blood of the land and everything it
touches turns to gold."
A. C. Staten said that Mr. Mason's
statement in regard to his exDlloit
taste was, he thought, rather wide of
the mark. He didn't believe it possi
ble for any one to till the difference
between irrigated and non-irrigated
fruit by the taste and that the flavor
of the apple depended more on the
climate and soil than it did on the
matter of irrigation.
E. L. Stnfth, who said he had
shipped an exhibit of apples to the
Trans-Mississippi exposition at Oma
ha, on which he had received first
prize for quality and texture, also
stated that the fruit bad never been
irrivated aud that be thought fruit of
fioer quality could be grown without
water than with it. Hood River had
a raiurall of 87 inches which be
thought was sufficient moisture.
President Sproat remarked that he
would like to say a word in regard to
Mr. Mason's ttatement that there
would never be a drop of water put
on his orchard. The orchard of Sears
& Porter had borne a crop of apples
for the past six years, the bulk of
which were 129s and 150s and had
averaged eight boxes to the tree. To
do this the trees bad to be irrigated.
Mr. Mason had been iu the orchard
business about 10 years. His trees
were but nine years old and until this
year had borue few apples. He was
willing to accert Mr. Mason's state
ment about not irrigating his trees
until they got to be 13 or 14 years old,
after that he was quite sore the gen
tleman would change his tune.
Mr. Mason, in answer to Mr.
Sproat, ejaculated that his trees were
growing all the apples at present that
he wanted them to. He didn't want
his orchard to look as if it was com
posed of weeping willows bowed dowu
with fruit. He thought anyone who
grew apples in this way was greedy.
As to g' owing strawberries without
irrigation he had grown very fine
berries .without water, but admitted
that it was necessary to irrigate ia
order to make a commercial success of
the berry business.
J. L. Carter found that irrigation
improved the fruit Had noticed this
in the Grand Ronde valley before he
came to Hood River. There was
every reason to think that the moder
ate use of water was beneficial and
grew better apples. He did not think
Mr Maon had had time enongh to
make a thorough teat.
The next topic for discussion was
"Over-cultivation," on which E. L.
Smith was asked to speak. Mr.
Smith opened his remarks by saying
tuat he had been informed that
several members of the society were
preseut who had said they would
tear any argument on this subject to
pieces, so he was prepared but not
afraid. His dissertation was aloug
the line that by n constant cultiva
tion aud agitation of the toil, with
out planting a cover crop at certain
periods, it became exhausted of the
natural elements necesBiry to retain
its sustaining qualities. That in
other words the humus or propagating
properties of the soil gradually become
lost, makiuir it necessary to use
artificial fertilizers. It had bi'u
found that in Maine where exhaustive
tests had been made that 10 contin
uous crops of appli s without tortilia
iton depleted an aero of soil to the
extent of 11MI0 poonds of potash, I 'inn
pounds of nitrogen and Hot) pounds
of phosphorons, which latter wen1
the life giving elements to Micciesful
apple culture. The chemistry of the
soil were constantly at war with each
other seeking to make the combination
that nature calls for. It was natural
foi tiie ground to be covi t d with
vegetation which retained, under
those circumstances, the potash, the
nitrogen and the phosrhoric acid,
By planting a cover crop that would
remain for five or six mouths in the
year and then be plowed under the
soil would he restored to its natural
conditions and would not rcorne ex
hausted so qnickl.v. Otherwise it was
nec-.-.sary to use artificial fertilizer-.
In his o; iniou the best cover crop to
j,laut was
vetch. Another conclusion
that he had arrived at wan that the
soil had nothing to do with coloring
apple-. For a long tine he had
thoi.ght that it hud and so had others,
hut he was now convinced that it
wa done l.v tt-e sun. On the coast'
where they bad cloudy weather, ap
pies bad no color; hero, aud elsewhere
where there was abundant sunshine
they were highly colored.
At tne roncuslon or Mr. Mnl;h a
talk Mr. Mason said that he was the
one alluded to by Mr. Smith who
would tear him to pieces, but that in
the main he found nothiug to object
to in Mr. Smith's statements aud
said he also was convinced that the
soil had nothing to do with coloring
It was admitted by several, after
a discussion, that trees were being set
too close together and that it would
be better to place them farther apart.
R. H. Wallace was called upon to
respond to "Problems of a JSovice
Fruit Grower." Mr. Wallace stated
that he did not oome to the meeting
to give information but to get it
He said he would like to know from
some of the experienced fruit growers
what the best method was of cultivat
ing an orchard from the time it was
two years old nntil it came into bear
In answer J. Porter said "tliat" he
had found the best results from plow
ing, using the disk, and spring tooth
harrow. This SkfDt a dust mulch of
about four Indies and retained the
Mr. Staten thought a clop of clover
between, and six feet away from the
trees, so they could be cultivated, was
also a good method.
Mr. Davidson remarked that he was
glad to know this and felt repaid for
coming to the meeting as he had been
employing another method. He also
said that he was glad to hear Mr.
Smith, who had,admitted in the mean
time that a little water might be a
good thing, come to that conclusion
for he had begun to think he was a
A discussion took place on the ose
of lime, Mr. Smith saying that he
thought the beat way to use it was
air Blacked and Mr. Castner that he
had been intormed by Prof. Cord ley
that it should be used unslaoked. Mr.
Castner also stated that be was having
a teit made at the Oregon agrionlturl
college of the Niagara s, ray and had
ben informed by Mr. Cordley that
former tests that had been made
showed it to be fully equal to the
Rex. In his experiments he has dis
covered thatthebestproportionsto
use it in were oue to nine or oue to
10. Had also found that unless lime
and salt were added to keep it in so
lution that most of the sulphur came
out iu using the first half of the bar
rel. The last number on the program
was "Vigilance the Price of Eternal
Good Fruit." Mr. Tucker wbV a7
signed this subject and '.told (how
necessary it was to keep the orchard
under constant suiveillauce to get the
best results.
Demaray's Faith In Hyomal
o Strong He Sells it Under
Deinaray backs up his faith iu
Hyouiei as a cure for catarrh and
brouchial troubles with a positive
guarantee that if it does not cure, the
money will be refunded.
Hyomei is based on natures way of
curing catarrh. It contains concen
trated healing oils and gmns of the
pine wocd-i, prepared in such form
that they can lie brought into your
own home, with the same results as
though you lived out of doors in the
Adirondack, and iu thiB way you
can be cured of catarrh, aud affections
of the nose, throat, aud lungs while
at home or Bt work.
The complete Hyomei outfit ccta
but $1, extra Imtltes, if needed, may
be obtained for fiOc. With Hyomei,
catarrh can lie cured pleasantly and
easily at small expHiisii with no iUk
of th- treatmeat costing a penny iiu
lebS it cures.
Pound at Last.
.1. A. Harmon, of Li.cmore, West
Vu., says: "At last after I lnvH
found the perfect pill tint never
disappoints nie ; and for the heuefi' of
others utHifted with torpid liver and
chronic constipation, will say: take
Dr. King's N"w Lif" Pills." Guar
anteed satisfactory. 2."c at all drug
I stores,
; The
Savtd tier Vi Lift
happiest mr.ther in
the little
town of Ava.
. Mo., is Mrs h. l'.upee.
"One year ago my son
with sm h serious lung
our physician was nnalilw
when, by 0'ir ilriiBgi"'"
She writes
was down
trouble that
! to help him.
advice 1 hegun givnit;
NcwLi-cnv. ry, and
improvement. 1 kept
on for a few weeks
Iiii-i I'r King's
I '."
:l 0
tin tr. itinwit
whMii hi- a
pirfi-ctly well
steadily since at
King's New lJ;s
(iuarmt. ed l.e-i
by all druggist
hcttle free.
Hi- has woik-l i
rj t-nti-r work. lr
ivory saved I, is I lie. "
coniih aud eo!d cur"
.V.i: aud 1. Trial
Courier (ives ali the county
In Pa.. March 30 Ad
dresso by Noted Horticul
tural Experts.
There will be a fruit growers meet
ing in Grants Pass on Saturday.March
30, conducted under the auspices of
the Oregon Agricultural College in co
operation with the Grants Pass Fruit
Prowers Union and the Grants Pass
Commercial Club. The 8peakers""will
emDraoe some of the best horticul
tural talent iu the state among them
being Dr. James Witbyoombe, director
of the Experiment Station of the Ore
gon Argicultural College, Prof A. B.
Cordley, entyruologist at the"" Agricul
tural College, one of the best posted
men on frnit tree pests on the Paoifls
Coast, Prof. Claude t Lewis, horticul
turist at the Argicultural College,
late of Cornell Univergsity and thor
oughly posted in the problems on the
successful growing of an orchard, E.
H. Shepard, manager and secretary of
the Hood River Froit Growers Union
and Mrs. Clara Waldo, state lecturer
for the Oregon Grange. Mrs. Waldo
is the most talented woman speaker on
thi Paul flc Coast aud ber address on
"The Betterment of the Farm Home"
will be well worth hearing. The
profitable marketing of fruit is quite
as important to the orchardiat as is its
growing and all interested iu the Rogue
Kiver fruit industry will find Mr.
Shepard 's address of the greatest value.,
Mr. Shepard has for the last four
years been manager of the Hood River
Fruit Growers Union and he has built
it np to be the strongest union on the
Pacific Coast. This Union has se
cured the highest prices ever paid
growers for apples in the world.
Their prices for this last year ranged
from 13.25 to $3.15 a box f. o. b. Hood
River. Rogue River orohardists have
the advantage of as good soil and cli
mate as Hood River and when they
have the thorongh knowledge and as
strong a oniou as have the Hood River
growers they will get as high prices
for their fruit.
The meeting will be held in the
Opera House and the sessions will be
afternoon and evening. No forenoon
session will be held for the reason that
so many farmers live at distance and
getting into town late and then likely
doiug some trading will not be able to
attend nntil after dinner. The after
noon session will be a e vote a to tne
technical part of fruit raising and will
be of special interest to the farmers
and they are expected to be present
promptly at 1 o'clock. An importaut
feature of the evening will deal with
the fruit industry as a factor in the
prosperity of Grauts Pass and it is ex
pected that the business men will
have that interest in the welfare of
their city toU attend for if thermit
industry is not developed Grants Pass
will co nie to a standstill and soon too.
Words of Prr.iro
For the several Ingredients of vvl l 'i fir.
Pierce's meitiri:i' s ;:rr. c: m-wd, i: mm;
t.y leaders In all tho several M-ho,,is ,
uedii-iiie, ; lioiild f; r iin.m tteii:ht
:'ian liny amount .of iion-profis-loiml (rs
!;io:il;;ls. Tier -e's i'l-.vorite i'lv.-i "'.,)
. in hits Till", ha I . of konkkty on every
....Hi-wrapper, in a full list, of nil its in
leilients printed In plain English.
If y. u are an Invalid woman ami suffer
'rom fn-quenl headache, backache, gnaw
i '.g dlstrf in stomach, periodical pains,
-.sare'we, catarrhal, pelvic drain,
-rapglinyUown distress In lower abdomen
jT pi'lvjZ, perhaps dark spots or specks
ixnc'i before the eyes, faint siiells and
kind IW . symptoms caused by fetiale weak
ncs. ottlior derangement of the feminine
organs, Wcan not do better than take
Lr. i'ler. j Favorite Prescription.
The I. fital, surgeon's knife and opera
ting ta'i may be avoided by tho time!)
use of M'avorlte Prescription" In such
cases. Thereby t'i" nhiioo'i ovimfn-
4jJ yl l.e family
itn i.e nvi.iit
1 ii nd a tl.'..r.jin!li
i'rencnwtloll I - cuiposed oi the Very lH"t
native medicinal roots known to medical
s. ience for the cure of woman's .peculiar
a.lments, contains no alcohol and no
harmful or habit-forming drugs.
lio not expect too much from "Favorlt
Prescription; " It will not perform mira--les
; i will not diM.lve or cure tumors.
No medicine will. It will do as much to
establish vigorous health in most weak
nesses and ailments Kculiarly incident to
women as anv nieil,. Ine can. It must bo
gLven a fair cbunc- hv perseverance In lis
us.- for a reasonable length of time.
Y"" ni.'t i'ii'ir-1 '" "'"'i1' " vr'-' '"'it'
truit. a -"' '" f'T llur ""'.lr' "f
V ' -n '- l. 1 1 'i i ' ';'i'v!
hick won", n ur
Pl.-rre. by letter,
invited to consult Dr.
( nr. All oornilMiiid
m Kicp-illv mrri-t ami
nice Is giiani.
wi. manly cnl
h-l s liri- Toll-i'tll li
TTt .Ti -1 ' if I'l m:i'. i'J"ii- '
r.,fe-ioinl pri a
A.l.l... lip U
Iir iVr.-i-' l''i.-a-ant lVlloti tho U-nt
latativi- anil r-ifnlat..r of tho tx.wi'U
il..v ii.v'.-rr.-'li. Ilv.-r and
t,,,w,'.N I ;i ;v ; I'ai. nr llinio a
tatliarti.-. !.-v -"'ly.
Dry (.noils. I'lidcrwcar,
Are Satisfactory to both buyer aud
seller. We have them careful
l ly selected and graded to suit
the customer
Japan Tea
just received is an exception
ally good value.
Big and Sure Profit la
In Rogue River Valley
In Eismann Bros.' orchard an 18
year old Newton tree bore this last
season 97,S,' boxes of marketable ap
ples. In the orchard of L. L. Ben
nett, president of the Medford Fruit
Growers Union, a 15-year old New
ton tree bore 33 boxes this last seasou
of flne apples. The Grants Pass
Froit Growers Union got f 1.70 box
net on their shipment of Newton ap
ples to New York this last seaum.
Other trees in the above orchards bore
from 10 to 30 boxes each and as there
are from 64 to 60 trees to the acre, the
value of the orop per sore would
average fully flOOO. As it costs for a
medium size orchard 68 cents a box to
grow and put apples on the car the
profit on an orchard will beat the
average Bold mine and far ahead of
wheat at 00 cents a bushel or hay at
f 13 a ton.
Now is the time to invest in
Josephine County Fruit Land at
front $5 to 80 per acre.
In Jackson County the same quality
of land and the same distanon from
the railroad sells readily at from 1100
to $800 per acre. As Josephine
oounty has the same soil, climate and
market advantages as has Jackson
county land here through the interest
now being taken in froit raising will
soon go booming in valoe. The wise
investor will boy now and double bis
money in two years.
Fall partioolars as to different kinds
soils, location, cost of planting and of
marketing frnit given by
Seller of Fruit Lands iu all parts of
And money flics with it un
Iohh you Btart a IJunk Ac
count early in life and make
a habit of saving money
Small accounts and largo are
received wsth equal cordial
ity at The Grants Pass
Hanking and Trust Co.
And every customer is treat
ed with tho utmost courtesy
at all times,
Grants Pass
Banking & Trust Co.
iii ants pass, oki:;on.
Full stock of
Groceries and Provisions,
dimly, Nuts, Tobacco
and ('tears.
Sixth ttreel but. I and J.
KarmerH, male jnnr" h-iiiiIh known
by inserting a few linen in tlm 'Usi
fied Ad r'ulniiin. 2 reiitM nient in
this manlier will soiuetinieH do mor
than a wliolo ilaj's talking. m