J. Pardee Stalpe and Fancy Groceries Garden Seeds, Onion Sets, Poultry Food, Ground Bone Grit and Shell Chick Feed for the Little Chicks I Front fctroet., near Palace Ho to (j It A NTS 1'AS.S, ORE. TELEPHONE 865 twwwvwwwwwwww Oar high school has recently pur chased a Krell piano from the Cow Piano from the Coa. Piano House of Southern Oregon. Teacher, and pupil, are ranch pleased with the instrument and wish to indorse it highly a. a very superior and satisfactory intsruiuont. It. It. TURNKK, Hunt. 8-8 4t A. E. IIARHIHON. Prin. All popular .beet niuslo redaoed Uatarday afternoon, March .'10, only Mu.io Htore. Underwear Special, good weight, 76o the uit. Oho. boon Co. Spring H. Oal- "We Give Cfto Best In Quality" DIXON'S New Spring' Merchandise ARRIVING IN ALL DLPAUTMLN1S Scarcity of mcrhaii'.'.isc and high prices will not effect us in the least, as Ave bought practic ally all lines before the advance, and we are now in a position to give you merchandise at last years prices. New Spring French Cuinluic, M inch iu White, with Urge and me -a it tn Dots, Strips, Black and White Checks, per yd. Dress Percales. Large assortment, Best Ouality New Percales, all the de Miulile culms aiul large tane of patterns, per yard Zephyretts In checks, stripes ami plaids, per yard. . . . Perlean Lawns - Fur shadow emhroidei y . Indian Head In soft finish. India I.iuens In ullgiades. Wlute and Brown Linens All grades. Shirt Waists White Lawn Waists --The daintiest an I season's styles. Fancy yokes, tt uuiue.l with !.u hroidciy, tine tickings, etc , open I: .ml .m l long sleeves. Long Silk (lluves In Trunks and Just received tumi u Ivis Tt uuks, Suit C.ises and Tomist Tin: home or 4tttiti4ittttttMt -. . ,. 1 X J) h h II 1 JN W .... . . v a . March .bower. bring March flower.. Placer men are wearing broad grin.. Even Josephine 1. "a wearing of the green." Eugene Sam. of Grants Pais is teaching our acliool. MIhi Mae Webb and grandfather Jmn tn W&lrln WinPKriav. V. M Abli-iuht is In four citv for a coaple of week, on legal business. Swan Haglaud gave a phonograph entretainment to hi. friend, last Satur day, evening. Swan ha. KjO r-cords I Win. Payiio 'van looking over the Webb mine Friday. He picked out j wine 'fine specimen, to take back to hi. home in Manston, Wi.. There are ome charitable penile who put oh iu mind of the mauwho i killed the hog for the poor kept the meat and gave them he bristle.. (ius Mvin has been viHitiug C. I. Webb aud family for a couple of days. (Ins i. a cheerful chap and Is alway. welcome wherever he goes. A surprise party was given Clark Webb, Jr., on the 11th by his friends i Elk Valley. Clark I. 15 year old and if he bad been bom three (lays later would have been an Irishman. Messrs. Hhelton and Mayberry of Seattle. Waah., are in the taller for a couple of weeks making an iuvestiga tion of timber and mineral resources. They stated if the Webb, strike ore at the depth they are now driving a crosscut ttinnel, Elk Valley will .ore get a railroad. This i. the property that money no far has failed to pur abase. In your last inane of the Courier we notice an article by Jodge Chile, that seem, to have the right uinaio Wash Goods. 15c 10c 10c pettiest oi tllis v, titsr: t mil, t in kick, slum .lit J lllack ami White. Suit Cases t.li'iot v, i cuiti; We cm save i ete iiue ol m inoiiev . uh)d shoes the World will Open em agai.. ,oi. people to the riiiht word.. Swat JnH. lie 'em. The whole wiU wtke op after awhile and will make a Doifie like true reform aod .ween all the rubbish oot of our y rf jple wiU rottenD86H ot Wall street n(j never C8tc0 on that they are daily ! bled by the blood .ucker. at home ( We don't care if you hit 'em below the belt, Judge. Mr. and Mrs. Frodelius, Swan Hag- 1 ln,l urn! Misses Hattie Webb and Anua Peterson 'made Uncle Ebe's humble cabin a call ibh ouuubj, bringing with them a fine basket ol "grub .take" which wag duly en joyed after which we all climbed Ollligau's Butte and passed a delight ful afternoon. There ig nothing like fellowship and congeniality of mor tals. That e may meet to enjoy muny more such frolics is the wishes of EBEN. I w 1 3i e k : I Mr. Si vers aud J. Neathaiuer of this place (.pi nt Saturdiy iu UranH Pass. Mr.. (Jrout, who is teaching in the Mays creek district speut Saturday ami Sunday iu your city Mr. Sherman of Grants Pass was seen on our etreeta Saturday aud Sunday. Albert Milton lias purchased a team and ia getting ready to haul lumber as oou as the sawmill, brgin rawing. Jamea Neatharner, who ha. been quite aick with blood poisoning has returned to the Blue Ledge Copper mine in California after speudiug aeveral days with his parent, near Wimer. The miuors iu this section aie get ting another good run, the water is ijnite plentiful at present. SCRIBBLER. s i: L M A Lot. of rain. Robert Hiatt, Elmer Ilanscau Oak Flat with Roy Ragau and spent last week at Frank aud Earl Yorke. Mr. and4 Mrs. Currier, of Waldo, passed through here Satodray on their way home from (iruiits Paaa. Mrs. Himh Shullev of the Brittou mine, near Monument! was in Solum Saturday on his way to Medford. The High School has decided to watt until the last day of arhool to give the play which they have iu preparation. Misses Holland and Leonard of Hol l'tnd have beeu visiting at tin home of of J. 11. Hiatt for a few days. A St. Patrick's Day dance was given at Sehmitt's hall Inst Saturday evening. Fred Krauss has the frame of bis barn all up John 1 lemma bad one linger badly .inaolied while helping at the raising. R. l Churchill has been aick for aeveral days but is better now. A mock trial was held at the I,it"r- ary la-t Friday enjo.i ed by all. uight and was much II. R. K. j ha v i: The saw null near Placr lias beun to run and thing arouu.l liniveiiud l'Ucer are ijuite lively. Tim dance given by Placer girls at Placer hall March It!, vs a grand suceeis. Supper wis served at the Columbia hotel. Mr. ami Mrs. Elias I.ilit of Illinois are visinug relatives at Urave. Simuel Hrock and his two sons I i 'cr; .hi I Milfonl Imve returned from i'Iiio to tii.ive on account of Mr. 1'r.H-k's health 1 ' vh Inviti ,.f PI..,,., to 1 'and here lie will IVi.n 1. liuNerui I'.i's s.iw r has none work at the mill. the Placer d her dutv Miss Kuril Scovill, school teach t coimneti. M.-ndav moriiing, dfter a weeks vaea lion Carl Stewart of I, lsud has goue to Kennel, C.il . where he will take a p.itioii from Roy Dtshop, the former own t of lir-euback mine. Mrs Vora Funnau and Heury Philips were seen on the Streets of Placer last Saturday. - Miss Nettie R Ulierford of loer t)r.veCr.s-k was seen on the streets of,l.-'linl Friday of hui; week. ; George Howard of PlaceT pTId id Z urave avisit rnday of l:isteek. 'lMo' re we re sn . you n g men stndents fr' "" ''"rvaUis vishiug toe uuuea near PUvr last week.'They sivut .Satur day at Greenback and Sunday, al though very rainy they went to Kamuieraley mine. We bojvtbey gained the desired kuowledge. JZJ SVN F1.UWKK an Exhibit in Demaray's i f iUiiEL GROYE Emil Day is visiting at yonr oity this week. Emil Oentner paid yonr oity a visit last Saturday. Some people are still talking R. F. D. but will they get it? Thi. rain will make the miner, on Oscar creek happy again. Archie Bunch sold a good horse last wek to J. II. Ahll or your city. Everyone who ha. been on the sick list is improving fast at present. Charle. Habennan and .is:er Anna were visitors to your city laBt Friday. Well, as we were somewhat late be fore, we will be on hand early thi. time. Did you notice that article from the pen of Mr. Meserve iu last week's issue? Miss Winnie Oaborn was home visit ing her parents last Saturday aud Sunday. Meadows are looking good and promise a good yield of fine hay this Smiiier. School started lant Monday with a young lady from south Dakota as our tea.'hei. Messrs. H. T. Day and Oscar Will iams are both buay plowing and farm ing in general. Dave Lindsay paid your city a visit last Saturday, also Messrs.. Zeb Hyde and Ed Swiuden. Have yoo ever head that grapho phone at our reporter's? Amos Williams has been very lucky tapping for mink and coons thia Winter, alfo George Vining. J. L. Williams is still away visiting bis many friends and looking for a cook so we hear, and guess it', true. Literary closed last Saturday night cu account of school, but a good time was had by all as long a. it contin ued. Say.did yjm kuow we have been hav ing a tine rain? That will make the Bras, grow and that means fat cattle and some money in our valley. Chaa, Meserve, fruit inspector for Josephine county was viaitiug through our valley last week, but we did not hear him finding any fault as moat of our farmers have .prayed their orchards already. Several of the Laurel Oroveites ''"" b" Kubli hall last Friday night and report a good time, also the dance at Provolt was well atteuded. I will say to Mr. "Shorty" that "Red Cloud" does not care to get married at all, but is willing to give "Shorty" a shew where he is not kuown quite ao well, aud say "Eben" j if you have auy .ample bottles of that ' medicine, you spoke of in your last items, should be pleased to receive the same at once. Mr. Center will boou have finished the first cement and concrete arch and bridge ever built iu thia couuty and oue that will lust vvuturte., beyond a doubt. Mr. tieutner has med good judgment aud akill iu this work aud feels that he has done his duty in this respect. Our reporter has been employed at, this work and will truly say that it is a grand thing and well built aud something that will be permanent too. RED CLOUD. : i:w HOPE 2 Wiu. McCUanter visited with friends here the first of this week. liert York of Davidson is viaitiug with relatives at this place this week. The New Hope Grubbing Co. i. grubbing forJI. S. Wynant at present. They can pull almost anything that they hook ou to. They say that if so. in one will give th.-iu something to anchor to that they wi'l move the wot ill. John McCallister asjed through our burg la-t Tuesday en route to lirauts Pass. Several of our young folks attended the daneo at Provolt last Friday night and they report a good time. Now as to th good roads that "Red Cloud" talks about. I did not see them iu Liurel Grove. Why our roads have not seen but four day. work iu the last two years aud are in a much better condition than "Red Cloud's" aud thera his b-eu consider able work doue on his road. Tbere will be a meeting held at he residence of J. Weston by the"officT7i of the Murphy Ditch Comrauv to de- cule when to begin cleaning out their ,ti..l, Tl... ll . iur .unrpny LMtch Compauv is a company incorporated under the laws f the state of Oregou aud has a ditch oarryiug UW inche. of water. SHORTY. Another Shipment of vouug men'. suits just in. IThey re " dan ileT- S. 'Calhoun Co. " - " j Drug Store Next Week. j' I C" C" ll Q 1 w I t- IVI ft IM W SELLS BOOKS and DRUGS, ?&K9E GRANTS PASS, ORE. C. F. Successor to J. M. CHILES STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, FLOUR AND FEED New stock of goods just arrived. Special attention paid to family trade. TEAS AND COFFEES A SPECIALTY Phone 225 Opportunity To secure a through and practical education Will Be Presented next week when the International Correspondence Schools open their exhibit in Demaray's Drug Store. A liberal discount will be allowed all who enroll during the display. Come in and get acquainted with the greatest educational in stitution in the world. More than More than One tin CcPTIsitHT IKt.eYTHl BCITIS BRownCO CHICAGO.. IJJ? Jl T"E IN'DE WILL HAVE THE wi c cmPi C hat on the our jide or v"1;1,.-,, VJK-S W'LL THINK MoRE OF I?nvp CE, E Y0U WEAR A GOOD HAT TH???!tv J A5,E THE A6ENTJ IN t L? w, P COUNTY THE NUGGET HAT, WHICH WILL CoJT YOU $3 00 YOU f. til" A HAr Lower, in price we w w it a r YOU KNOW THAT WE JJJ rw AT?DJEPnUrATIoN FoR" CARRYING HAT THAT ARE RIGHT IN .STYLE AND Of COURSE YOU WIJH THE JTYLIJH HAT. QEO. 5. QdLtlOUMCe. OUTriTTCRJ Watch for it. DIXON Golden 200 Courses Million Students. RETOLVED THAT IPVOU WISH TO MARCH ALONG YOU MUT BE CLAD IN THE L-AT FST. THE: BETTER. YOUR APPAKEL THE JWIFTERWIL-L EE ' YOOP. PROGRESS. Altw Head TO BOT fllib nflM 4