lMlOFESSlOXAL CABAS XI C. KINDLE Y, M. D. Practice Hrallud to EYK KAB, NOSE and THBOAT. Glass fitted and furnished. Olllce hours S) to 12; 'i to 5; ami oa ap pointment. Telephone 21 and 77. Gbakti Pass, Okkooi. )R. J. C. SMITH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phones, omc :;v; H l -Koeidence for 7th and D streets. Office at National Urur Store. Giiasts Pass, - - Oksooi. JJR. W. F. KRKMER PHYSICIAN AND HUKGKON Office In Courier Bulldinif. Office phone 91 1, residence 413. Eyes Voted and gUaees flttod. ObAntsPas, - Oaao. & LOUGHRIDGE. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND KUIWKON Hi Phone 714 City or country calls attended nleht rday. Hlxthand II, Toff a bunding. Ofnoe Phono ll. Grants Pabh - . Obbook. CHuVirm t (hnfmmnt C-mtultnlum amA Co4- a Svtemlty Ajmwwmo CLARA BASHAW, D. O. ANN ETTA BEdKWITII, D. O. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS IW2 I) Street GsAirrs 1'AHi, - - Orbson, Graduates of American Bcboot of Oa teopathy, KirkaTllle, Mo. JJDWARD H. WHITE, DOCTOK OF LtKNTAL MEDICINE Office Hours 8 t ol2; 1 to 6 Office over First National Hank Chants Pass, OanooN u B. HALL UNDERTAKER, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND LIOINHCD KMBALMIR. North Oth at., near Court Hoax. OffloePhon76l, Res. Pqosuj 717. Gkant Pasb, OassoH. , D. NORTON, ATTORNIYATLAW, PrmotLou In all State and Federal Court. OBloa la Opara UouaerluUdtng. Obahtb Pas, Oaawww t C. HOUGH, ATTORN KY-AT-1.AW, Praetloea la all Ulateand Federal Oourte Offloa over Ualr Riddle Hardware Co. GaAKTa P.ee, Oaaaon QLIVER S. BROWN, LAWYER. Olllce, npatatra, City Hall. UaANTH Okeook. J. H. AUSTIN, ATTOKSKY-AT-I.AW riiiou'itiitiiiiiiK KEmHY .... On.l,N II. IL llKNDKlCKS ('Ol NSbT I OKS AT l.AW Civil ami criminal matter attended to In all th court Kcal estate nnil Insurance. Oflice, lUli street, opposite 1'imtofflca. yil.I.IAM P WKIGHT, V. S PH't'I'Y Sl KVKYOU M1MSH KNUINKKU AND IMCUiilll'sMAN Dili St , north of Josephine Hotel. OSAKTS 1'ans, OsKOON Charles Costain WikkI Workini; Shop. Wrt ol flour mill, neat R R. tiaik Inninnr. nt.II Wert. MairWork. Maud Niwuih.i Ai'iticl Work, NWu-.l I'lill-; .w Ktliii Mut gimtinui, KfftinuK ail k'twt. Inivii ru in The l opular Bjr'.cr Shop Get ytun tuiistiti.r, wi'tk done it IRA TOMPKINS' Oil Sixth Stuct Tht iv clia -s bath Kootu in connection N. i:. Mct,Ri;V, rioNiu-R tktck am. i!-i.ivi:ky Kurulture and I'iiino .Moving GRANTS PSS, ORfT.OV Palace Barber Shop NM i: I'.ATr.-v I'rop ' Sliaviim. Uaii Cutting Uatlis, lite. Kvci j i hi u j; net an i cloau ai .! -t k M iH'H., ATALEWITH AMORAL ROAD IMPROVEMENT. Why a Drummer Cut a Town Off His Visiting List. EYE OPENER FOR A FARMER. Thought Ho Hd Been Getting Bargain by Buying From Mail Order Houe. The Drummer Gave Him Something to Think About. Half a down men sat lu the office ef the hotel hi a towu of the middle went. Any dlwonilnB eye that 1h ai'- cuHtnmed to the observation of jieraoua In the average town could hnve picked out tho local merchant, the editor, the diM-tor and the furiuer. The hotel clerk, who nut around the blK atove with the othcra, waa Ideutlhod by the peu be hind hi ear. 'flu! other man, a an- body could see. wa a drummer for n city liouae. Ypk If orettv toUKh." tbe aruiu- nier gi aayliiK as he Klancwl at the farmer. "Times are ko. ana yei trn,li. Mvm to be fHllInu off lu aonie places, and land around here, for In stance, la not worth so mucu aa u mlht Ije. Your town Is runnliiK down at the heel, you mlKht say. You all know I've been making this place for ten years, but I've got to cut It om. i. i This Is my last trip, aiiv mine. "I reckon Hobs rteht, tx.ys," said the merchant. .a,kli blue. -We're cer- talnly sorry he' ko!"K to quit maklnif this town, but buslnesH Is Dusuiess. KU;ht or ten years ago I used to buy a bill of gissls every time he came nruud that made him happy enough to dance a Jig- eh, HobT "You sure did, Jim," replied the drummer; "but this time my order liook shows Just $27..Ki. The other two fellows didn't order a blooming tiling. That's not worth tlw stop over, you see." nnt a wie uiaitei no i ..v - rf Mr. Wilson?" the farmer Inquired, with get there at all because of bad roads, a glance at the merchant. As he spoke This naturally congests the market, be tHik from his isickets a plie, a forcing low prices, to the great detrl package of tobacco ami a hoi of tnent of the producer and without np niatches. lie proceeded to fill aud light preclable beuetit to the consumer, be hls plK, puffing away comfortably. ! cause the average family In town or "(Jlmine a light, Mr. Hlnes, will city buys only lu small quantities at one you'" the men-hunt requested. "My time, say a day's or a week's supply, plpe'a gone out; Unit's what's the mat- : What Is the result? tor with me Juat now." 1 "The speculator, finding prk-es low- He took the proffered box of matches, and knowing that In n little while the i... ui..i, I, trn,-k ir nn th I bad mads season will be on, when 'What's the matter with you fvilows nretiawsl surface of the bo "Very handy matches," he remarked "Where do you buy 'em?" The farmer looked a little ahame faced. "Why, I -I bought that box In (TU cago. Ah. I didn't kuow you'd mude a trip to the city," said the merchant, pnfUng placidly. "Well, to tell the truth, I haven't," admitted the fanner. "You see, It we tlus way: My women folks are great hands for reading Utewe here catakigues and things. I happened to run across a match bargain In a catalogue, and so I sent to Chicago and got six Ivoies a whole package- for dime." "Very nice," sakl the merchant calm ly, MIc Hob, the drummer, winked sly ly at him. "Yes. very nice matches, but 1 happen to have the same kind lu stock, six boxes for V2 cents. Your stamp cost you '2 cents, uud then there Here the stationery and the trouble of writing. So you didn't get much of a bargain after all, Mr. Hlnes " "1 r.vkon I didn't. Mr Wilson," ad inltteil tlie farmer, "but 1 didn't know you kept 'cm." "No, because you don't come around to the store like you used to. 1 Imp pen to order these InatcUe- from Hob Khodcs here" "Von mean you used to order "em," corrected the drummer, "but you told me today you still had ten doen of the last order ou band, you remember 1 think I'll smoke a little nivsclf. Mr lliiics, If you'll kindly stake ine for a pipeful of the wesl " The fanner handed over his tobacco The drummer read the label as he opened the package "Ituv this by mail, f.io'.'" he Mskiil quietly. "Well, yes." said tV- f. inner "oil -"- "li'i. I see l ,-.t you s , o-.-s ,i , i, k age bestirs !!ie post.-ic. lie .r.-ccry and the tr.xit V Mr Y i.,,-, kc, .s tV,-i same I rand t . ,r b1 itjn 1 n be kis-ps It He ,! great .-vent, be .i- ll.c lieic an, I hen inonev oft to l i big city to Hi,-,-hoes,., a ,1,1 l, II ... . ! .11. Is I C e ei P-..-I- o. i r. i i.h t.-w il .ft l.-.s : sit I i w I . : ' - . C e ,n (;,. , , ., lit any tr . i 1..X I I ROGUE RIVER UJUAvUn. yjin..- Why the City Resident Gains a ROADS AFFECT MARKET. Product That Would Reach the Cit.e the H)9hw.y. Were Good Are He d p,,L nH Co Into the Hand ot me Speculator. n .any u iter is a certahi amount of .-rti l the ditTerent phizes of our physiciil condition. Tins is more apparent in "iir country roads thiiu iilmost iiuy otin-r. cays the Mot ir News The svstem of road buildim; has been faulty as well as costly, Much expense has ! n put upon the , .-.ids year after year, ami Hill there ure seasons when most roads are 111 an unlit condition for Keneral purposes. This Is not the fault of pur- pose but of mode of treatment Much of course is due to the newness of the ' country and the constant demand for Uor L t in ,ak, farm, bu.hl- ln brl-l.-es and otherwise attendluK to : whut may properly be regarded ar prime Importance. As the country ad , valu es lu other respects the necessity for piod rouds Incomes mole Insistent. , ,t I.., it,. i.i, thlu ulltilm't A lew iiiimikim" ii ......j... from a prominent citizen of MichlKaii f i m.Um- "if tiw -oiiiuiou roads or tne country were urnmn i - ... a condition that would enable farmers to market their products t all scmoiis of the year, the rust of living In town and city would be greatly lessened, liiul discontent among laboring people and the operatives of Industrial con cerns would largely decrease If It did not entirely disappear. Why and how lire the two questions which must be answered. "Present road conditions compel farmers to rush their products to mar ket as ttooti as harvested anil when roads are at their best, since by wait ing a convenient time they may not I competing imiducts will lie kept from the trade centers. Iniys up the surplus i and stores It away for the day of ne 1 cesslty, when he can demand and re t celve his owu price for his holdings ' the stuCf for which men toll, which ttir- are eoiupolleu to have at wnnt var swt. And when the citizen In towns-the mechanic and operative of shops and factory Is forced In winter and spring to pay exorbitant prices for those articles of housolmkl necessity which went begging for buyers at low prices the preceding fall he figures, the Increased coot of living In comparison and grows restless and discontented. The resident of the city Is the gainer by gooil roads Just as much as the fanner." Missouri and Good Roads. There are I'J.'i.ihhi miles of rnj.N I.i Missouri, ou lu per cent uf tin- mil age, however, is carried !i per cent u.' the biisliii-s" transported. W hde all mads need lo be linproM'il, liir lie. si is of cnlll-se upon t'le Ilia clod highways, sas the oi,n The cost ,,f 1 loads was c at t he i liiliicilie i eiitioii il U b. illlfel-ent s;,e.l'i,es w .is a ii'los! ion ot :i: t lei ;al a ill tile vitrei, -i loc.ibtlcs I'lMM lUailie iniit, cau.e a r'ioit III.. I grawl roa.i.-, were 1 1 1 1 1. c lonstnirb. n at si 7mi u mile This was a on-cn a' .nab- After a dirt road li.nl L-en put In w i !i gnu led con, lit i .:i ii , , , u 1 , 1 !. 1,,-pl It o! i otii!;t i. r. i' u a i.i st I a tel. ! ,y t he r.se ,. ' lie ,jr .. V! :c I a! ! 1 tl. I ln:i I cl - :i - ' 1 : is 1: lo U- woudcied at. tuevcloie. will, 1:1 dcii.iui 1 t'or a new , o!i im ion aa.l t the IMMtg of g.asl v. ;,.,,! til . .HU !!:,! a, op-c a re. .!-t;.,u fin -r : ; I.-.;.' itl v, .. , ...,.. . 'he .--.. '' ' ! --t pie;. ,.-ni r .', . : -1 I-.-s! ra! ivr: 1 "' "l Mn'l .JJil'l Re.,t1 P- e . ' e j , ,N , . . , . i :. i. el w-r, , I e ' 'i'. in t'- mh'tc paqj fYRKflON. MARCH 22. . Big and Sure Profit in FRUIT RAISING In Rogue River Valley In Eismann Bro-.' orchard an 18 vear old Newtoo tree bore this las' HHon 37.' boxes of marketaole ap nles In the oicliard of L. 1.. Ben nett, president of the Medford Fro it 1 it k turn f.lrl NpW- Z r ran uruw-ia p,--- - - -- --- llHt their fhipment of iN,,tou a,)' Frnit (.rowers Union got i. ' p,;H to lTr ' i - . ,. .., . . I from in to .o ooi' "" Mr(, frm ;, to til) tres to the acr--. tn , E.fSrf4. aiie orchard 68 rents a box to w apples ou the car the ro(it ou an orchard will beat the 14VHrB(f, gold mine and fur ahead of whet at DO Ci nts bushel or hay at f 1U a ton Now is the time to invest in . . County Fruit Land at J"s"l"""c from $5 to $S0 per acre. j Jackson County the same quality 0f land and the iwnie distanc- from the railroad slls n-adily at;troiu flOO to K) per acre. As J'8';I'I''" hs the sa- ,k' rthr()Kll th i(ltereet . lf)W heinB ,aijeD in frnit taismK will (i)n p() hoomin iu alue. The wise jinv,.ptnr will buy now and double bis ,j,mpy in two yearn. I.1,,!! T.arrinnlura HM to differeiit kimls i UI1 t, , - - ---- soils, location, cost of pluutiug and of uiark'-tinir fi ait eiveu by .M I.CII.IV i, j . n of Iler. .! t- U, ,a , 1 W0MENb-M Robert Ine gives what every woman moat dealrea perfect complexion. It brtnas that eoft, smooth, fresh, clear tint to the chwk that denote youthfulnemi. It will brtnr bauty to thoae.who lark It; U will retain It for those who already poaa It; It will enable you to uccefully combat the ramft-ea of weather and time. Don't doubt don't ariue. Jut try Robertlno. Tour druglt will glva you a free sample. All drux- aiata keep Robertlne. j (.SAKTS i .y3?.i iieet Music Sale Next Saturday On Siiturda , March J50, afternoon only every sheet of Popular Music in tho luuiso will bo reduced, some sollinj: as low asoc, much of it at l'-Mc anil tho latest music at 17 and '20c. (This sale does not include the McKinloy Kditicn which sells the world at 10c per copy wo have tho oonipleto edition. ) Uomember, the sale is Saturday afternoon ONLY Victor Talking Machine and Records Photo 107 jv- AM av i . 111 I m M- m mm mm mm mm aa Houses, Business properties, Farms and all kinds of REAL ESTATE .i at in.rn 1ft nnrAR nnor PDlrivatin I Thirty-eight acre,, t" Large orchard in f oaar. r1iims aud crapes. IIW"-1 roio, t-" - - a-nnrtahftd 800. JOSEPH t-t MTiTD f.v. 5 THE, nn,11 livjinii-. FUTURITY Medicated Stocl( Food For Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Hogs One of the best Stock Foods on the market and one which will keep the animals in the best of con dition. LARGE SIZE PACKAGE 50c MODL DRUG STORE J. E. PETERSON (P10!KHR) FWt. LIFE AND! ACCIDENT INSURANCE REAL ESTATE AGENTG23 Still doing- business at the old stand. JOor. Sixth and D streets. EE Okmkin. Edison Phonographs and Records Sell over. po, save usic and Ctutricr liuiKiiiii; tW Xv 7in Xwberries. A good box hoaJJ J" . kinWAH ' -tUJClo. Cellar uu uuiumu nuusfg. MOSS, Office 516 E St F. G..ROPER " Faililoinlle fxfl7(jRI G .. , JConrirr Blk ,up stairs SUITS MADE TO 0EDEB Promptly and of the best material and in the latest style. CLEANING AUD SEP AISINQ at the same price the world They cost the same in Grants Pass as tliey do in Chica- but by buying at home you the excessive express charge. Machines Sold on the Easy Payment Plan Come in and listen to an Edison HIS MASTER'S VOICE" Store V V '"si