Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, March 15, 1907, Image 5

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    ni veigh and mramre everything you
0"' fat."- American (Grocer.
30 lb for $1
R Interest. ft
t-'rW r T-i
r. tiaaville, the
01 ,De biKl. school
from Salem Monday
Mrs. Fred Gun
i pert
:t peHtes, (uot old stock) crop
of 1906, see them id oor window,
30 wands for $1 while they last,
Si(eSaD dried Apples per pound, 8o
Evaporated Apples, per pound,
5,,! Evaporated Pears, per ponnd
10 to 12,'v'c.
Cilifornia White Figs, 25o,
1 pgaods California black Figs, 25o.
lajorted Turkish Figs, 25c and 80c.
from Tomatoe 10c
Ictot extra good sugar Com, 25o.
lain early June Peas, 25c,
lanistriDf! Beans, 25o
lela Ashland Pears, 20o.
idj yellow Crawford Peaches, 25c.
M(llred Apricots, 20o.
rin sliced Pine Apple, 25o.
I am Amtrican Sardines 25c
lypoond can mustard Sardines, 15c.
ijk Cove Oysters 10c
mi little neck Clams, not minced,
Ian Clam juice, 15c.
Ictus, Cauipbles Soups, 25c.
an Booth's Broiled Mackerel, 25c.
a Alaska Salmon 10c
f Columbia River red salmon,
15, 20, 25c. 1
titers and Fresh canned orab, 25c.
Iranine Blue-Point Oysters 1 and 2
pined cans.
fit River Salt Salmon per lb, 10c
ike Superior White Fish, 2 for 25o.
tl Mackerel, 12 to 15o.
.ported bloaters, 5 cents each.
In (5c size) fine toilet soap 25c
ki regular Oregon full cream Cheese,
can t be beat, per ponnd, 20a
od comb Houey, white, 15c.
(Persian Dates, per pound, 12
ffe keep them under glass nnf
Soap Special-
01, 8 bars of milled scented Toilet
nap 25c, a trifle over So a bar.
;H 5 bars Maguo soap, 30 cents
jtg; white floating, 25c.
m Yellow Stone laundry soap,
large size, 25o.
ioie team Boras Soap, 5c.
Hole team. Powdered Borax, in
oos and pkgs
Corn and Gloss Starch
Kk pkgs. Ivory corn starch 25c
'is Violet or 2 Universal Oats, 25c.
ad pkgs Columbia, La-Mar or
Creani Wheat flakes, prize dish in
oh pkg, 85c.
ads German Chickory, 15c.
'j Fruito or Crespo, 10c.
Rolls Oats for 25c
ipia Pancake Flonr, 5 ponnd
fo, 25c.
Monte self raising pure Buck
wheat, 30c.
Olives and Olive Oil
fire sole agents for The Amer
; Red Cross Olive Oil. recom-
M by rhvuiciana used iu oor
arrived in stock American
;'! Co., fluent Ripe Olive in pint
Hart caus.
M"p Olives in cans full, pint 35c
Oil full pint 65c
Teas and Coffee
can trivo von t.h hnsfc value in
: coffee from 20 cents per ponnd
test Mocha & Java at 40 cents
'iad in the City.
:ltwe have Sun-dried. Snider-
: kjlon, Oolong, English breakfast
.'n.-lwder at 15. 25,;40,;50,;70,
Sfden seeds
'ttiiU Clover
Hrican Wonder,
;lle, Alaska.
oay evening tm n.. .
me aasi where aim
ha spent the past several welks visH
log friends and relatives
-"Lra.J-3 "attisoncame
ua,IC" iresday to snem
.u uianers 01 business.
Mrs. Harry Smith 8ud M
burg on Tuesdav to oto., ....
I "J"'' "'.Btnct convention held at that
ro iuih wees.
Miss Ida Robertson
Good Game of Basket Ba.ll.
, ui nassrt rjau were
' Played at the opera noose Monday
night with a fair sized audience in
j attendance. The first ....
piayed by two teams selected frnm th- !
""'"l"" ff8 High School girls' bas-1
!ei Dan club and was watched with I
tiuruea Satur-
A Brief Record of
Local Events.
new prin-
St. Paul, Kansas City or Omaha to
Grants Pats for $33 until April 1.
much interest, bnt the greatest in-j M1t Commandery, Knights Tem
terst centered in the game between plar' of th'8 Place ha(1 a hanquet at
tne Urints Pass High School boys and Hotel Josephine last Friday evening,
me iocal boys' teams. The game I0110wlu8 tuir meeting, the event
was closely contested bv hnh .;h.. celebrating the official visit of Jndite
iresday to spend I aud bota tBam scored prettv 15urntt, vraud Commander of the
Pass this
First and Ba ,
McLeans Little
1,1 Dressing
""SMnow at
theirbest Navels,
was In Grant.
week after
months in Portland and Rosebnrg.
She will sreDd 10me time with her
parents on Rogue river.
Mrs. F. E. Peter and Miss Helen
Clark leave Satnrday morning via
Sacramento for Mrs. Peter's home at
Mason. Mich., where the former will
stay a year or more. Miss Clark will
remain several months.
Harry Andrews and familvsnent tt
Sunday visiting at Medford. Harry
eays Medford is improvina riht alnnff
and some dav will mt.i,. n
..... . . . ... n u uiaUlB
Pass if we would onlv stand still and
let them. He was glad to get back
home, where the sun shines a little
op to the finish, when th W,l w., State K. T.
uU out in a score of 14 to 15. This: Geo. Parker inform g ns that he has
was one of the best games that has "old to Thos. W. Pack, who recently
vnjea in urants Pas' Bn1 held ! purchased the Miller ranch, nearly
.oi..ui atientlon or the spn-n tors .8000 Kewtown Pippin and Spitzen
"u:'iul s ootii' teams were in ! 'S trees. Mr. Pack will set oot
prime conditiou and "played ball" all, bont 50 acres of orchard this year
the time. uml nan r m ... .,.in ...
. j - " . ' nuu IU Ills
A slight accident occarrel in the
last half when Owen Thomas, who
was acting as referee, got into one of
the mix-ups peouliar to basket ball
and the his nose came into oontaot
with the goal post with such force
that he is at present, wearine the
Benjamin Heeley, owner of the
Jewett mine on Mt. Baldy, died at his
home ia San Francisco last week,
the result of appendicitis. An opera
tion had been performed bnt it was
impossible to save his life. Mr.
in court , Heeley was in Gran'. Pass only a few
ntaiiy aone ud
piaster, while Manager Wilcox is also ! months ago and spent some time here
.r..i,.j uimgureu BDout tne race, the
result of a blow fiom Mr. Thomas1
foot when he fell.
looking after his property,
County School Superintendent Lin
coln Savage is now located at Room.
5 Masonic Temple and the saperin-
and Mm. A. H. Gunnell have
returned to Grants Pass after having
spent the Winter with relatives at
Jefferson, the former returning a
couple of weeks ago, the latter re
turning last week after spending two
weeks in Portland.
W. T. Miller leturned to Ooquille
City Tuesday, after having spen two
or three months visiting his aunt,
Mrs. E. J. Wooldridae. Mr. Millar
Came to Josephine county in 1871 and
remained two years, going then to
Coos bay. He thinks it is probable
that he will return and make Grants
Pass bis future home.
O. A. Dearing of Portland was in
Grants Pass Wednesday and Thursday
looking over this section and doing
some business for the American Type
Founders Co. with which company he
has been working for the past 85
years. After this long a service Mr.
Dearing thinks it is about time for
him to make a change and be is hop
ing to find a little farm which just
suits him.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Bunch will
leave about'Aprit l for Oakland, Cal.
They will speud some time in looking
about and will probably spend several
years in that section. The Bunch !
ranch of 160 acres at the Applegate
bridge, being a portion of the Murphy played at the A,
donation claim, has been rented to
Cbas. Williams for a ' term of three
years. Mr. Bunch bas been a resident
of this county for the past 20 years
13, of which were spent on the Mur
phy ranch. This change is made neces
sary on account of Mr. Bunch's
I h A moan ......... . l . . I
,...,, parly glven . tendfnt.s room B tl)e court hoase ha8
by the ,oung ladies of Grants Pass been joined to the sheriffs room by
last Friday evening at Clemens' hall cutting a large opening between the
was an unqualified success in every ; ,w0 t00111g. Xhig mAt, fair 8,ze(,
particular. Hall decorations were ; rocm for the sheriff's office, which has
dispensed with entirely, on thia occa- ,iw.yg loo mall M(J cr0W(Jtd
sion and the decorations bestowed n 1 a- .
upon the dancers nrt th. ,.u ..,u.. r gwug reauy ror an-
mo VSUll WHO 1 - ,
inuoiy uostumoB or every i j . . . rt
description were in evidence-unique, ! P.rnn,,nR 8n(1 "PK have been the
. . 1 1 i"hlAT rutr)nnnrinn r9 (ham mil
gorgeous, ridioulons and beautiful-1 , --a--" "
aud in some cases the diani. 1 ,6W "eek8- 8ome of them howflver
so perfect that the manker. . I f0UDd ,,me t0 attend the bi "T t
tirely unrecoanizahle. At s-n j h opera house on Tuesday
grand march took place and dauclnn
New Notea From the Business
Men to Headers.
u,e 1 .i u j i . ...
nuu iirn.u autiut me uiga prices liaia
continued until 10 o'clock when an
other march was called and prizes
were awarded to the two hen una.
tained characters Mrs.
Goettsche, impersonating
Mammy and Al McKenzie as an En
glish dude, being the fortunate prize
winners After the prizes were
awarded, the masks
Jast fall by the English market for
Rogue River pears and apples.
Among the transfers of Portland
UgQ6t i real estate is noted the Auditorium,
Negro ! loca,ea ,n tne mo block as the A
v. u. w. temple on Second aud Tay
lor streets to E. E. Redfield, formerly
of Grauts Pass, the price being
were removed i,5'00- The boilding is a four-story
and dancing continued until 19 'brick occupying a single lot.
o'clock. Lemonade was served and!0- U' w- buillinB w
tcxellent music furnished bv Miss i ',40,000
Ruth Dean, Messrs. Wharton, Cheshire
Mahoney and Ott.
About 00 invited guests
The A.
sold at
Edna Heaton, a ld-year-old girl, de
spondent over the neglect of her lover,
attempted to shuffle off the responsi-
present at this dancing party and all ; bilities of life Monday morning at
agree that this was one of the decided i
"hits''ofthe season and ahowa what
Medford by taking carboilo acid. The
prompt nse of a stomach pump saved
the girls can do in the way of making . her life, although she is was fright-
decided success of anything they nn- fully burned. The unhappy girl re-
dertuke. The boys are "it" again ' Bides in Grants Pass, but bas been in
and they will have to get busy soon. I Medford for some months.
I Ihe corner display window at
Cramer Bros.' hardware has for the
Juniors Win From Woodvtlle.
A red hot game of base ball was !
pasr, week contained
A. C. grounds last there being about
Ediaon and Victor Talking Machines
at the Music Store.
Posters, placards, dodgers, all sizes
in J kind, printed at the Cornier office.
and remember the next time you
suffer Irom pain caused by damp
weather when your head nearly
burHts from neuralgia trr Ballard's
Snow Liniment. It will cure you.
A prominent business man of liem
stead, Texas, writes: "1 have used
your liniment. Previous to using it
1 was a great Btifferer from Rhoeuia
tism aud Keuraliga. I am pleased to
say tlmt now I am free from these
oomlainta I am sure I owe this to
your liniment. " For sale by National
Drug Co. and by Deuiaruy.
Saturday between 'the Grants Pass
Juniors and the Woodville team in
which the Juniors came off victorious
with a score of 13 to 5. The Wood
ville boys think they can beat the
Grants Pass Juniors yet and a return
game will be played next Saturday at
Woodvillo if the weather permits.
Following is the line-up of the
game lust Satorday:
Grants Pass Woodville
Harry Cook p J Pitman
M Niday 0 W Sams
R Cheshire lb Martin
M Riggs 2b White
W Swaggerty Hb L Seaman
P WatHOU ss S Estoll
E Mclntrye If Burkhardt
C Patterson cf Aitkius
K Cr ford rf R Seaman
We wish to thank the many frieuds
for their help and sympathy during uiy
dear aiHter's death and my recent
illuess. Marttia Mitchell.
Chae. H. Mitchell.
L 0.
ite House
Finds too much Wall Paper
011 hand, and will cut prices
'2r to 50 per cent
for thirty days to close it out
A large Stock of cvery
tlinniin our line at low
cs price.
S:xth and D S:reet-
a lively exhibit,
90 little chicks
which have never known a mother's
cluck, but are content to nestle with
one another within the coofiues of a
"wooden mother. " These are a por
tion of an incubator hatch and the
, broi d of over 3o) chicks from 8)
eggs came off last week, all the chicks
b"ing in a healthy condition.
' Golden Drift Managers ao Cast.
O. G. A incut left last Saturday
evening by the North bound traiu
aenmpanied by bis brother C. W.
' Anient These gentlemen will in nke
an extended visit to many of the
(rincipal Eaateru cities on busiuess
connected with the Gold' 11 Drift
Mining Company. The plaut of this
Company is not iu active operation at
the present time, as the officers of the
compauy decided to delay operations
until such time as additional ma
chinery can be installed with which
they will bo abla to extend their pipe
lines to the large body of gravel some
H0O yards beyond their present work
ing". They have been busily engaged the
last few months in tilling iu large
cribs with tuilings from the miuo juat
above the dam, thea cribs were put
iu to protect and fortify the wing of
the dam on this side of the river neit
to the railroad.
T'io Golden Drilt Mining Company
is a concern in which the people of
Grauts Pass are always deeply inter
ested, during the five years they have
been operating here, they have
been niaiutaiuig a considerable month
ly payroll which has always been met
pr'unply, in addition, all of their sup
plies have been purchased here, show
ing that these gentlemen believe iu
paronizing the home merchant.
We wish tliesH gentleman all success
aud trust thiat the business, whatever
it may be ujkih which thry are now
none Kast. will be pro! liable to them.
I wish ti express my heartfelt
thank t the kind fri-nds aud ueigh
Istw and especially to brother Wnrk
liieii and HiMcr.i of th Hoal neigh
t'ts fi r.'the syijip.Hiy and help ex
tended in my bereavement.
Dr. Flanagan,
Physician aud Dentist.
Go to Coron for Plumbing.
M. Clement). Prescription Druggist.
Sheet Musio sale at the Musio Store.
A splendid line of Koyal Charter Oak
Ranges at Coron 't
Sei the big line of watohes and
chains at Lntcher'i. 2-23 tf
For e'eau bed and a good meal
try the Western Hotel.
Huudreds of varieties of Post Cards
at the Musio Store.
The circulating library books are
being sold at from 15 to 25o each.
Come quick. O. H. Demaray. 315 if
The coming of Spring tells ns of New
Hats which can be found at Mrs. E,
Kehkoprs, March 22 and 23. Grand
Millinery opening. 8-15-1
Chicago to Grants Pass, 33 uutil
April 1.
Victor Talking Machines aud reo
ords at the Musio store.
nepori cards lor school nse are 011
sale at the Musio Store.
Up-to-date Styles iu correct Milli
fry at Mrs. E. Rehkopfs Millinery
Opening, March 22 23. 8-15 It
It will pay you to see Mrs. Rehkopf
at her Millinery store when you want
a piano, as the prices you oau get
there can not be equaled iu Southern
Oregon, our piauos are bought direct
from the faotory.
Hie Ladies Benefit society of the
Presbyterian church will hold their
regular social meeting next Friday
afternoon, March 22, in the church
parlors. A house cleaning of aprous.
caps, oags, etc , win be in progress
and refreshments will be served.
Everybody cordially invited. 815 It
Mrs. Anderson will have her milli
nery opening Friday and Satnrday,
March 22 and 23. Fine line of Spring
millinery on display. 3-15-lt
Pass. Sunday, March 1 , 1007. Win.
H. Drum mon d and Mrs Ida B.
Huit, Rev. F. O. Lovett officiating,
MAY At Jerome Prairie, Monday,
March 11, Bessie May, aged 23 years.
LLOYD At Grants Pass, Sunday,
March 10. 1907, Mrs. Nellie Lloyd,
aged 47 years.
The deceased had been an invalid
for thhe past 16 years, which lime has
been spent in traveling from place to
place in the hope of finding some
suitable climate. The climate of this
place so soiled her that she began to
improve from the first aud the im
provement continued uutil an attack
ot the grip so weakened her that she
could not recover.
KREMER At the family home in
Grants Pass 011 Thursday, March, 14
19(17, Mrs. Alice Kremer, aged 53
The body was taken Friday morn
ing to Wilbur, Douglas county, ac
companied by members of the family
and frieuds, where Ihe funeral ser
vices were held and the interment
made. Mrs. Kremer had been ill for
the paat two mouths and her death
was due to a complication of stomach
and other troubles. Besides her hus
band, Dr. W. F. Kremer, she leaves
three children, Dr. Maude Kfemer, of
Portland, Roy Kremer. a student in
Han Francisco medical school, and
Clair, the youngest daughter and' at
home. She was a womau highly re
spected by all having her acquaintance,
and a kind and loving mother and wife.
Mrs. Knmer and the Doctor were
among the firs settlers iu Grauts Pass,
they coming here 21 years ago aud
have resided here ever since.
A Good Paint
Should not only cover well,
but it should preserve
tho wood, should not
chalk off and should
wear at least five years.
All these qualities aro
guaranteed in
Pattern Prof Paints
and the test of years has
shown that the goods
live up to the claims
made for them. You
can not mix oil and lead
as well as machinery
can grind them, 'and
therefore1 good mixed
paints are better than
oil and lead. Get a
color card and prices at
Cramer Bros.
Odd Fellows Block
Poultry Netting Garden Tools
Wins Fifty Dollar Prlie from the
Oregon Life Insurance Co.
( for February's Work.
Convention of R-ebekahe
The distrcit convention of Rebekah
Lodge of this jurisdiction will he
held in Grants Pas') on Monday,
March 18tli at 1. O. O. F. hall. Gold
Hill, Glendale and Kerhy Ueliekah
Lodges will be in attendance. A com
mittee has been apiMjined to meet the
incoming train and escort the visi
tors to the hall. Every loyal Rebekah
in the city is earneatly requested to
atteud and come prepared to make the
convention a pleasant and profitable
one. There will be an afernoon and
evening session. The business part of
the meetings will occur in the after
noon ; in the evening will be initia
tion and t program. After which re
freshiueuta will be serves. All visi
ting members are cordially invited to
Do you like a good thing? Of
course vou do. Iiok out for thditt
A. B Cornell, Grants Pars agent
for the Oregon Life-insurance Co.,
has beeu doing such good work for his
company during the past month that
he won a $'0 prize offered by the
general manager to the agent writing
the most business daring the 34
working days in Februar. In a
geueral circular to the Oregon Life
agents the manager has the following
to say regarding Mr.C ornell:
"A. B. Cornell, who when be first
joined Oregon Life had no knowledge
batever of life in anranoe, is cer
tainly a very apt pupil and his suc
cess can be attributed only to the
fact that lie possesses indomitable
pluck and is extremely industrious.
As in evidence of his industry need
only to meiiticn this fact: the busi
ness accepted from him during Feb
ruary insures 20 people and plant
13)1,000 additional business nn our
books. Mr. Cornell oimrates in South
ern Orogou, which is no richer and uo
bettor in auy respect than any other
Iortiou of Oregon, but Mr. Cornell
has learned to spell W O R K. The
first prizo in the February contest for
the largest amount of business is
awarded to Mr. Cornell. The prize
for the largest number of lives in
sured won hi also have been awarded
to him but, but as is customary in
life insurance contests oue person can
earn but oue prize iu the same
ooiitest. "
Manager Samuel emphatically states
to the agent that these prizes do not
come from the Oregon LifeInnuraiioe
Ciuipauay but are given out of bis
personal funds ' and that not a cent
of the policy holders' money goes for
this ptirpoHe.
Mr. Kamuuls was the originator of
the Oregon Lifo and is doing all with
in bin power to advanou its interests
even to great expense, to himsolf.
Modern Woodmen social at Hall
building Tuesday evening, March 11',
l'.iOT. Hasket supwr, musio aud danc
ing. Invitations. A jolly good time
for all. .11-8 2t
of the Great Hurleaqii
! House by Hic; , Men
1 Church. Tl
Put 'that
jmi the Opera j
Cards Tabl.
.'.c Music stop
th -' cards on
late, is, .March .Jitth.
down in your note book.
Make. no other engagement .for that
eveunltig. 3-1 It
It to Grants Pass until AjnM
theif wear, and wcor
wid wear.
LcviStrauxH ft Co.
HAS ruts. I.SCO.
111 www
I for 3'J.