ROGUE RIVER COURIER, GRANTS PASS, OREGON, MARCH 15. 1907 1 womb mtrxv&m gen Ve, Wl 3 Djftj1 i a a ipeCreamTartarw The only excuse for buying anything but a Pure Grape Cream of Tartar Baking rowaer is to save a few cents in price. CJ ROYAL costs you a few cents more per can than Alum or Phos- p..ic u. umc powders, but it is worth far more than the difference to keep vour biscuits. ralrc j r. r. -l. ' anu pasnjr ncc nuiii uic injurious infects of these cheapening substitutes. Continued use of Alum means permanent injury to health. Avoid Alum Ailments Say plainly Wl I V A I DA VIMr fJ ACTUALLY CURES CATARRH Deme.ray' FtvJth in Hyomei is to Strong Ha Sella it Under Guarantee. Demaray backs op his faith in Hyomei as a cure for catarrh and bronchial troubles with a positiTe (aarantee that if it dues not core, the money will be refunded. Hyomei is baaed on natures way of curing catarrh. It contains concen trated healing oils and gams of the pine woods, prepared in such form that they can be brought into your own home, with the same results as though you liied out of doors in the adirondacks, and in this way you can be cured of catarrh, and affectiens oftbenoee, throat, and lungs while it home or at work. The oomplete Hyomei outfit co.ts bat , extra botltei, if needed, may be obtained for 60o. With Hyomei. ealarrh can be oured pleaaantly and euily at small expense with no riBk of the; treatment costing a penny un lea it cures. Found at Ust. J. A. Harmon, of Lizemore, West Vs., says: "At last after I have bond the perfect pill that never lisappoints me ; and for the benefi' of others afflicted with torpid liver and cbrooic constipation, will say: take Dr. King's New Life Pills." Uanr uteed satisfactory. 23o at ali drug Korea. a Mica Axle Grease Best lubricant for axles in the world long wearing and very ad hesive. Makes a heavy load draw like a li&ht one. Saves half the wear on wagon and team, and increases the earning capacity of your outfit. Ask your dealer for ftica Axlt Qrease. STANDARD OIL CO. lkturportd Too late for last issue. Good weaher for farmers. The dance at the Vindicator was a bowling success and some of the boys howled all day Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Porter and Mr. and Mrs. Wo. Light of Grave, made Grants Pass a botinets trip Saturday of this week. Mrs. 0. R. Penny of Grave is on the siok list ibis week. v Mrs. Geo. Farleigh, who has been in Portland with her daughter Lotta, who has been very ill with pneumo nia, is expected home in a few days and ber daughter will aaccompany her. Carl Stewart made your city a visit last Saturday. Calvin Busby of Placer has gone to California on a business trip. Mrs.Lydia Johnston's little grandson Harold Lavis is making her a visit although Harold is .only C years. of age he comes all alone from his home in Portland to see his graudma. Mrs. Ben Rogers of this place is visiting friends in San Fraucicso. Miss Ada LightJ of Grave visited Miss Nettie Rutherford of Lower Grave Creek last week. Wanted To kuow where-abouts of Carl. SUN FLOWER. Don't Complain. If your chest pains and you are un abln to sleep because ot a cough, buy a bottle of Ballard's Horehound Syrup, and you won't have any cougn. on a bottle now and that cough will not Inst long. A cure for all pulmonary diseases. Mrs. J Jalveston, Tex., writer: "I can't say enough for Ballard's Horehouud yrnp. Tho re lief it has giveu me is all that is necessarv for me to say. " 1 or sale by National Drug Co. aud by Demaray. School began last Monday in Dis trict No. 79 with Mrs. Grout of Grants Pass in charge. Think we Deed some road work done in this vicinity, as the roads are almost impassable, it seems as though our road supervisor has torgotteu all about our road the last few years. I see some of our correspondents are kicking about the bad weather. Anyone who kicks about our Oregon Winters should spend a year or two in the East or in Canada, then they could appreciate Southern Oregon. SCRIBLBER. 1 LAUREL GROVE em', don't you? But beauty is more than skin de,ep, for beauty is as beauty does. Oh say, "Monty" yon are away behind the times now, wake up, oh tbou sleeping Jake and give us some items once more or we will know you are goiug under. Died On Sunday, March 8d, 1907 1 the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Lindsay, age 11 days. The remains were laid to rest in the Missouri Fiat cemetery Monday. It seems strange that a fellow can not get a'paper out of bis mail box n good shape; but no, instead, it most be half torn up. Someone must be, very careless or else lias a pick at some certain oue. K Our reporter had the pleasure of visiting Charles Swinden not long since, and while there Mr. Swinden was talking about spraying and also showed me some of his trees that were almost dead a year ago with scale. which he has killed now by sprayiug and he says he sprayed before a rain, and finds he got the beet results by doing so and his trees proves the theory. He claims it keeps the sul phur and lime damp until it does the work, better than if it was too dry. For example, go and inspect his trees. RED CLOUD. NEW HOPE is at work grubbing for Geo. D. Walter at preset t. Miss Btssie McColm has taken a position as teacher iu oue of the Le land school district-'. Miss McColm is ai exoelleut teacher and is sure to give eutin satisfaction wherever the teacher. Sever il young folks from Applegate and Provolt passed through our burg Saturday aud Sunday ; also Mr. ad Mrs. H. Rueh of Wtldcrville. Well they may talk about thijr pretty girls all they pleae, I ut thtrJ are none to compare with the charming young girls ot our t wn, for wj hive two left and I think that the reason that "Red Cloud" has so : many, is because he is too slow to get 1 married. Ha I hu ! 1 SHORTY. BARTLETT PEARS-Several thous and strictly first-class, one year old Bartlett Pear Trees 4 to B Text high. Also Walnuts and ornamental trees, shrubs and ro-es. J. B. Pitting ton, nursoryman, Portland, Ore. SMYTHE'S QUALITY SHOP For High Qiade TEA, COFFEE, SPICES, BAKING POWDER EXTRACTS, MUSHROOMS, OLIVES. OLIVE OIL, CORN RELISH. Grocer's Specialties F. G. ROPER FttMliloniiltlt Conri r Plk , up stairs SUITS MADE TO OHDEB Promptly and of the best material and in the latest .style. CLEANING AND REPAIRING Too late for last Issue. Frosty weather at present. Geo. Walter and Mr. Wynant have been spraying their orchard'-. Johu McCallister of Provolt passed through our burg Friday en route to Grants Passu fr-Y-. , Daniels of" the Southern; Pacific bridge gaug is laid np with a severe bruise on his foot. ! Mr. and Mrs Boss Hard have moved : to Morphy. We regret to lose them I bnt our loss is Murphy's gain. I ' We are having fine weahter at this ; writing. Mr. Wynant was at the' Pass Monday, also Mr. Peters. j I wonder what is the matttr of, "Monty"? I suppose he Is fixing his fence and has not got time to write. The New Hope grabbing company have received their new grubber and It Hobertlne lves what every woman meat desire a perfect complexion. It brln that soft, smooth, fresh, clear tint to the cheek that denote jrouthfulneas. It will grins' beauty to Uiom who lack It; It will retain It for those who already poaieia It; It will enable you to successfully combat the ravarea of weather and time. Don't doubt don't art ue. Just try Robertlne. Tour drucflst will sire you a free simple. All 0 in flate keep Robertlne. BARGAIINS In Silver, China and Glass. Grants Pass, Ore. Hand-oolored post cards of local views at the Musio Store, two for So. 25o per dozen. E. A. WADE Dry Goods, Underwear, Notions, Etc. Front Street west Palace hotel GRANTS PASS, OREGON, J. E. PETERSON (PIONBBR) FIRL. LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE REAL E8TATC AGENT Still doing business at the old stand. Cor. Sixth and D streets. I ik ANTS PaiM, Orioom. L Jfl Too late for last issue. Walter Farra Is busy sowing grain this week. Grandma Williams is still poorly at this writing. Mr. Ruby Root was visiting oor reporter last Sunday. Almost everyone in our vicinity has the grippe aud bad colds. J. L. Williams is out visiting and looking for a cook at this writ ing. The way the wind is blowing it looks as though we might get a nice rain again. Ruby Root was in your city last week, baying spray solution to spray his orchard. Grandma Knox is very poorly at this writing, aUo the family of JetT Lindsay. Miss Annie Haheruian is sick at this writing but her many friends wish ber speedy recoverv- H. T. Day killed four nice fat hogs cue diiy of this week and took some of them to your city. The dance at Mr. nabermau's was well attended last Friday night, having sold about 40 numbers. Oscar Vi illiatns is plowing at the home of our reporter this week. He having rented some of the land. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Bunch ure going to Oakland, Cal., in the near future, J I nvit o r ntefl tl cir farm at Murphy. March. , , Hmt fellow you spoke of 1mm Martin Jeter of this pUce visited j kliari.j (Jrove WilK pHt Mnr,,hy8 vour city last week. ! oldest sou's 4-M ccu.-in aud a smart and Mr. CvlUugs 01 1 1 .. I A lew urt ok j w 1 3i k it : Too late for last issue. We are having weather for inley Edition !Oc SHEET MUSIO Win, Bybee .Tucksouville sneut Bybee Springs last week ea Satisfaction SEVEN FLAVORS Golden Gate Japan Golden Gate English Breakfast Golden Gate Ceylon Golden Gate Oolong Golden Gate Fancy IJ end Golden Gate Gunpowu-.r Golden Gate Black and Green youth to. Wm. Hill passed through our bnsy streets Tin sday of this week with a iiirt four horse team and a load of t-aled ha;-. Mis Cora Lettkeu returned from Asliiand !!-t Saturdiiy where she had he' n attending 6chool the past two mouths. We cu'lerstaud the sawmill at Mur- phv is poinir 'o run this Summer. ( Hope so anyway as they will mplny a lfiij.-" ri ' r.f men. AH;- I'yile rid f-n p-iid your city a vi-it la-t Fridav. also Walter l'litra, H. T. TJay, nur reirter and Mr. and Charier wiuden. Mr. I r.i-km- ff Murjhy lias rented ; ;t.e l.itidKiy !!;( e on ' )n ur Cr.-ek, and tlir. i ; i f-i'.ia have nil veil lark to, t'vi,, n- they were a liable to ron the ', f..r:i. il.." '-ore. i "ye-," ' L'l.tle Kbeu." I have i .lUiwis' Trav-.l.- and I like Comprising over 1200 titles now in stock at the Photo and Music House, this music is all high grade, printed on heavy paper regular sheet music size but sells the world over at 10 cents per copy, music the same as you have often paid 25c and 50c for. The list comprises PIANO; Two four and eight hands. TEACHING PIECES; All grades. VOCAL; Solos and DuetsT VIOLIN; With Piano Accompaniment. BANJO and GUITAR. Dont send to Chicago for your music. We have done that and save you time and trouble. Write or call for Complete Catalogue LATE POPULAR MUSIC Always in stock. We will glailly or der for you and save you trouble and postage. Sour Folios Dance Folios Orchestra Music Edison and Victor Talking Machines and Records Photo and Music Store Courier Utii'din sec