.m"w-jMxwi Beverly of SGraustarkri (Oontiimed frorajiutweek. ) flreKM, not rlrliea ami wine. It will be"- Itiit kIm- plared her hnnd upon till II lilt, slinking her head emphatically. The picture he who palutlng wan the lame one that she liuil atudled for day and daya. Its very Bhuduvv was fa miliar to her, lta every unwholesome eorner waa as plutn aa day. "The nut of the world may think what It likes, 1'anl," alio aald. "It will make no difference to trie. I hare awnlcened from my dream. My dream prince la gone, '"' ' I'"1 t,,Ht real man that I love. What would you have me do? Give you up bocaae you are. HKir? Or would you have me go up tho luildcr of fame and prosperity with you, a hunilile hut adoring bur den? I know you, dear. You will not always he poor. They may aay what they like. I have thought long anil well, heentiMO I am not a fool. It la the American girl who miirrliw the titled foreigner without love that la a fool. Marrying a poor mini la too seri oua a IiiikIiicnn to lie handled hy fiHila. I have written to my father, telling him that I am going to iniirry yon," xhe an nounced, lie giiHpeil with unbelief. "You have, already?" he crli-d. "Of eonine. My mind has been made up for more than a week. 1 told It to Aunt Funny hint night." "And HlieV" "HIim almoHt died, tlmt'a all," aald ahe uiihluHhliigly. "I waa afraid to cable the ticwa to father. lie might atop me ff lie knew It In time. A letter waa much amiirter." "Yon dear, dear little anerttlce," be cried tenderly. "I will give all my life to make you happy." "I am a aoldier'a daughter, and I can be a aoldier'a wife. 1 have tiled hard to Rive you up, 1'iinl. hut I couldn't. You are love'a aoldlcr, and It la a a relief to aurrender and hiivo It over with." They fell to dlNetnmlng plana for the future. It all went amoollily mid airily until he asked her when he aliould go to Waahlngton to claim her aa hla wife. Bhe gave him a atartloil, purr.led look. "To Waahln'toii?" ahe murmured, turning very cold and weak. "You you won't have to go to Waaliln'toii, dear. I'll atay here." "My dear Beverly, I can afford the trip," he laughed. "1 am not an ahao lute pauper. Ilealdea, It Ih right and JuHt that your father should give you to me. It la the cuat of our land." (the waa nervous and uncertain. "Hut -hut. I'iiiiI, tln're are many thing to think of," (die faltered. "You mean that your father would not consent?" "Well lie he might he unreasona ble," ahe alaniuiercd. "Ami then there are my brolhera, Keith liuil 1'iin. Tliey are foolishly liitcrcttted In me. Pan thinks no one li good enough for me. Ho do Keith. And father, too. fo that matter and mother. You , 11 1 not JiihI us If you were a grand and wealthy iiol,Nntiiu. They in.iy not 1111 dcrMiind We are mhii In Tilers, you know. Some of them have peculiar lileitN iiboiit' "I'oli't illlri"n yourself mi much, dearest." he mild, with a laugh "Though I hiv jour position clearly and It Ix not an euvlalile one." "We can go to Washlu'lou Just n soon as we are iimnlcd." slic coinpro mined. "I'lillier ban a great ileal nf III lliicnee over there Willi his help be hind you you will noon be a power lu the fluted" I tul Mm hearty Iiingli rhockiil her eager plotting ' It ' uolli lug to laugh at. 1'aul." -lie said "I beg your pardon a thousand time. I was tliiiil.liiit of the ilisii. ointment 1 must give hi now I eannot live lu the 1'iillc.l Mutes never My home Is here 1 am not bum for she strife of your land They have soldiers inougli and heller than I It Is In the tinl-ii lent east that we shall live you ami 1 " I'e irs came Into her - , s "Am I not to to go b-iek to ash lu'tou ' M-.e trnsl to smile "When l'linre pintail t-; i s we may. peril ips " "I'll, lie Is my friend." she erasl In g'V.il lel'ef "I e.tn get llltv fivor 1 iisk of I,.,,, uh. Can!. 1'aul, I know that mv f.iiUs v ;i t!ilnk I'm an nvvful f.vl. bi;t I can't help it I shall let you kimw that I intend to Is' a blissful utic. at least " lie kissisl hor tune and again out there 111 the dark, soft I'g'it of the f.itry grotto "Hei.ire vvv ,! be I: an ns, dearest. 1 have a J.mn.ey ,-f -..,.c importune,, to take ' he am ouu.'tsl is thev urw.e to l a v e ! lie .,i,t 1 el, In I "A Jonrn.-i V here'.'" "To , ll'cl II ve a.', omit f,, as'ttle vv Uh a in. ri w !; ,i lust t , . Op Ills I 1 s . 1 1 e m t e .'-.-" ; v ; Went to , ,., I II,.,.. I'lis .'. . t w : "":' ! V . i ! ; , . bus: : HO I ear 1 . Mv s -,l , Illl.l 1 :. !: . , ;t i. - e'l " SI... she !, , i ... ,d 1 ,, ,. ; Weill. 1, ' .is I , .. , CHAITEIt XXXI. mriK Duke of Matz and hla asso cliites reached Kdelwelsa lu the ofternoou. Their attendant and aervanta carried luggage ta-urlng the prliu-ely crest of Uawa bergen und meant for I'rlnco Iiantau and Ida Mister Caudace. In the part of the caatle set apart for the vlaltora an lmiKrtunt eonaultiitlon waa held be hind cloned doora. There Itantan met hla countrymen and eniiltted theui to renew the pledge of fealty that had lieen aluittered by the overpowering Influence of hla mud half brother. What took place at this aeeret meet Ing tlie outside world never knew. Only the happy result was made known, i'rlnco I'aiitan waa to resume hla reign over Dawsbergeu as If H never hud bivn Interrupted. The cnatle, brilliant from bottom to top, filled with music and laughter, experienced a riot of happiness suca as ft had not known In years. Tlie war clouds hud lifted, the sunshine of content merit waa breaking through the darkness, and there was rejoicing In the hearts or all. Bright and glorious were tlie colors thai made up tlie har mony of peace. Men and women of high dcgri-e ciune to the historic old walla garbed in tlie riches nf royalty and nobility. To Beverly Calhoun It wua the most enchanting sight she had ever looked upon. From tlie galleries ahe gazed down into tlie hulls glitter ing with the wealth of tiratistark and was conscious of n strange feeling of glorification. She felt that she had a part In this Jubilee. With Ciindace she descended the grand staircase and mingled with tlie resplendent crowd. She waa the center of attraction. Pressed 111 a simple, close fitting gown of black velvet, without an ornament, her white arms and shoulders gleaming In the soft light from tlie chandeliers, she was an enticing creature to be ad mired by men and women alike. Two stalwart Americans felt their hearts bound with pride as they saw the con quest their countrywoman was mak ing Caudace, her constant companion lu these days, waa consumed with de light. "You are the prettiest thing In all this world," she ecstatically whispered Into Beverly's ear. "My brother says so, too," she added conclusively. Bev erly w as too true n woman not to revel lu this subtle Mattery. The great banquet hall was to tie thrown open at midnight. There were dancing and song dining the hours leading up to this Important event. Beverly was entranced. She had seen brilliant affairs at home, but none of them compared to this Ui regal splen dor. It was the sensuous, overpower lug splendor nf the east. I'rltu e liantan Joined the throng Just Is'fore midnight lie made his vvnv dl rod to the little circle nf which Bev erly and Caudace formed the center Ills rich, full military costume gave til 111 a new distinction that unite over came Beverly They fell Into an mil matisl conversation. -v hanging shafts of wit that greatly amused those who could understand the language. "You must remember," Beverly said In reply to one of Kavoue's sallies, "that Americans are not In the least awed by lairope's greatness It lias Come to the pass when we call Kumpe our plnygiouml He now go o ;u rope as we go to the circus or the county fair at home It isn't much Uiore trouble, you know, and c must K the sights " "Alas, poor Furope!" be laughed A be strolled about with her and Can dace he pointed out certain men to her. asking her to ta her me ry In the etToi't to recall their faces if not their apparvl. Mie readily rcc.gnlrcd in the l-an, tlnsl faces the men she h id met first at the lie VU1 " I hc v vv ,n Calhoun V.w Tines the If. i ci "Isn't i: ,:,i..s ed. volcini: th, Uppctu.ost :: ' Inent vv !,. n : , g ilicrics ;i ,; was vv on.1, III c,.m t "...i I.e. f tic ll.i ,d I id glial I. ' "lie rctorto SI c ca u . of ' Casio I. Ml '' ROGUE RIVER COURIER, GRANTS PASS OREGON. MARCH 8, 1 phase of the life to come. She was ,-ea.lv to crv ..'it a-.i:,st the Injustice of It all The little frown was por tentous Of dee,, laid designs. h would bre::l; down this crn-l barrier that kept Baldos from tlie tH'ls over which prejmie e alone held sway. Her love for him and her determination to le. his wife were H"t in the least dulled liV these reflections. The d.K.rs to the great banquet hall were thrown open lit last, and in the disorder that followed she wondered who w as to lead l.er to the feasting. The Duke of Mizrov claimed the Prin cess Caudace. "I urn to have the honor." said some one at her side, and the voice was the one she least expected to hear Utter the words. The speaker was the man who .leserved the place beside Yetive, Prince Piintau himself. Bewildered, her heart palpitating with various emotions, she took bl.s arm and allowed herself to be drawn wouderlngly through the massive doors. As they entered, followed by the brilliant company, the superb or chestra that Beverly had so often en joyed began to play the stirring "Ilanila Across the Sea." The musi cians themselves seemed to linve caught the universal feeling of Joy and mirth that was in the air and played as If Inspired, their lender bowing low to tlie young A rlcnn girl as she passed. It was Ills affectionate tribute to her. Prince Dantan, to her amaze ment, led her up the entire length of i-e banquet hall to the head of the loyal table, gorgeous with the plate of a hundred Kraustiirk rulers, placing her on his left and next to the slightly raised royal chairs. Caudace was on his right, the picture of happiness. Beverly felt dizzy, weak. She looked helplessly at Prince Dantan. Ills smile was puzzling. As If In a daze she saw Urcnfuli Lorry with the Countess Yvonne standing exactly opposite to her, he, with the others, awaiting the appearance of the princess and the one who was to sit beside her. The music ceased, there was a hush over the risjiii, and then Yetive came forward, miignlticent in her royal robes, smiling and happy. A tall man iu the uniform of an exalted army oltl cer stood beside her, gold braid and he Jeweled things across his breast. Bev erly turned deathly white, ber figure stiffened mid then relaxed. It was Baldiu! She never knew how she dropped In to the chair the servnut held for her. She only knew that bis dark eyes were smiling at her with love and mischief In their depths. There was a vague, uncertain sound of chattering: some one was talking eagerly to her, but she beard him not. There was a standing toast to the Prince of Dnwsbergen. Then the audacious ghost of Ha Idas was proposing a ringing resonse to the Princess Yetive; the orchestra was playing the tlrausturk and Pawslsjrgen national hymns. But It was all as a dream to her. At Inst she heard Can dace calling to her, Iiit face wreathed lu smiles. Scores of eyes seemed to be hoking at her. and all of them were full of amusement "Now. say that a girl can t keep u sivret," came to her ears from the radi ant sister of Dantan. Itavon,., m her side, spoke to her. and she turned to him dizzily "You first knew me as Kavotie. Miss Calhoun." he was saying genially "Then It became mvessnry. In nival c itnimiial. for me to be I'rli I ctrau May I have the honor of introducing myself III the proper pel-sol, ' I nlu Chrlstobal of l;,i;,, I !, ,rhn;g and I shall be no other th.-m . !,,:,, i i ter The friendship !l at I Is me to Prince Dantan. at ht In his proper pi ne be 'le the Pr! s of i Ir.iiist.ifK. is to be s',reu-Iheii,s into a .oarer rel.it .onshlp '"tore 11 i i li v da v s h.i ,. .,iv, " "The I'm,, ,-s, i an.) i, e , , .... to be li's sister." volunteer.. I tlie In:ke of Mizro -She Is and long h is been his alliance,! w :fc " Diohantoi! an I c ci' iis, d .o, .- :,i th;it had occurred in the last few moments, Beverly murmtirnl her he.i-fell con gratulations to the Joy. his eou; The orchestra .,,, .,..,, ,,:.,vinit All e.v es turn, si to Ih d,,s ih,. r,.., l'rlm-e Dun. in li . g.is, hand rose to h!s feet "Your r .j ; h g'.n. s . :,!... ;l.; gentlemen, i Irnust.i: , ,... ; V .AO'l-vi, i.;, vV- '- . m ,..e., ia n nreselit, a trUHtOT friend of ymir beautiful princess aad lovlnglv called in your hearts Beverly of tiraustark. Whose example more worthv for me to follow than that of the Princess Yetive? With whom could I better share my throne and please you more than with your beloved Ameri can protege? I ask you to drink a toast to my betrothed. Beverly Calhoun, the future Princess of Dawsbergeu." Every glass was raised and the toast drunk "amid ringing cheers. The mili tary band crashed out the air so dear , to all Americans, especially to south ern hearts. Beverly was too overcome to speak. "You all"- she exclulmed. There was a tremendous commotion In the gallerv. People were standing In their seats half frightened and f amused, their attention attracted by : tlie unusual scene. A portly negress j totally unconscious of the sensation ; idle was causing, her feet keeping time ; to the lively strains of music, was j frantically waving a red and yellow I bandanna handkerchief. It was Aunt Fanny, and In a voice that could be . heard all over the banquet hall she ' thoilted: "Cood Lawd, honey, ef der ; j ain't playin' 'Away Down South In i Dixie!' Hooray! Hooray!" I Hours later Beverly was running. 1 confused and humbled, through the j halls to her room, when a swifter one j than she cume up and checked her (light. "Beverly!" cried au eager voice. She slackened her pace and glanced over her shoulder. The smiling, triumphant j face of Baldos met her gaze. The up per hall was almost clear of people. She was strangely frightened, distress- lugly ilitudent Her door was not far j a way, and she would have reached It, In an lntant later had he not laid a restraining, compelling hand upon her nrm Then she turned to face hlui, ber lips parted In protest. "Don't look at me in that way!" lie cried Imploringly. "Come, dearest, come with me. We can be alone In the nook at the end of the hall. Heavens. I am the happiest being In all the world. It lias turned ' out as I have prayed It should." i She allowed him to lead her to the darkened nook. In her soul she was I wondering why her tongue was so pow erless. There were n hundred things she w anted to say to him, but now that j the moment had come she was volce 1 less. She only could lsik helplessly at j him. Joy seemed to be paralyzed wlth ' in her. It was as If she slept and could not I awakened. As she sank : upon the cushion he dropped to his ; knee Is.fore her, his band clasping ' hers with a fervor that thrilled her I with life. As he spoke her pulses ! quickened and tlie blood began to race furiously. "1 have won your love, Beverly, by the fairest means. There has never i been an hour lu which I have not been struggling for this glorious end. Yon ' gave yourself tn me when you knew I ' could be nothing more than tlie hum blest soldier. It was the sacrifice of love. You will forgive my presumption iny very Inso ence, dear onewhen I ' tell you that my soul is the forfeit I pay. It Is yours through all eternity. ! I love you. I call give you the riches 1 of the world as well as the wealtb of the heart. 1 he vagabond dies; your i poor humble follower gives way to the supplicating prince. You would have j lived In a cot as the guardsman's wife I You will take the royal palace iu- stead." Beverly was herself again. The speli was gone, Hor eyes swam vv i'h happi- j tiess and love Tin suffering her pride had sustained was swept jutn a heap labeled romance, and she was rejole- : Ing. "1 hated you tonight. 1 thought." she eric.!, takuig li s I ice in her hands. "It looked as though you had played a : trick on me It was mean, dear. I couldn't he p thinking that you had ' used me as a play thing, and it - It made me f'iri uis. I'.ut It is dllTereut now. I sec, li. so plainly. And Just as ; ' d IIIV s, ',! to tlie lliMiieht i I had of spending the rest of my life in a j cottage, away outside the pale of this ' glorious life' uh. it Is like a fairy : tale'" I "All. hut It was not altogether a I trick, dear one. There was mi nssur- j ance Hut ,s,,;, regain the throne j not tint :1 the very last jthout It I j i 1 have I .on, the Ue.-ir I,,., 1 p":i. We w...!M hive jived lu U ! I. -tfi-r all I'ortune vv as with me. ! " " ' J-"" 1 ''"' laonths, Beverly - '-' erly hut It was f,,r tlie best. ; ' ' - "f ''.r and diguitv. "" ' I li'Ust ted you th.i! the prill " :i f 'f many day s that 1 : It her she truth when '!' will, the " "'iioug!, for me ' : ' is a vag ihond. but ""':i1 ll'"" 1 " iHipardomible to 'i-ii her as the pr.mv." ' "'' x " 11 fr a wi,'k?" ' j " " is known." !':;',J 'ls proverb. Thank '' " as a vagalH.nd. ' ' '' ' ;' l' c richest of my '", ' ' -s...; , Vtui have not "(" !; " ! ;" i: .v cistle with ," " ' ;"rard unsteadily, and i r ( - -' ar.K Their 'V ' " : clesed li; the ' ' " A:'er a long time I '. ! her eyes of ' -' "'":- :n: t:N dark t1' s. I ' . , 1 . , ' "ii a!out. raa:.v ;,V' ' i ''-a:..!. .r." she s.nil ''. " rose that sh.elds my heart. ' ';' have the truth." be hi'ighed " :'; '',r "I am s;;l your servant Mi stuiciit is cadlesi. 1 sl.ail al 1907 I Houses business rnPerties' Farms and all kin.ls of REAL ESTATE I Thirty-eight acre. ,two Lar"B 0 .Tf1 J.2 '"le " One acre in strawberries. A Jood bo'AoS pears, piuwr. ...hed 40x18, cellar and chicken hoasei irwiM 8old before Maroh 20th willtsk t 8oa. w - ways serve your highness." "Your hlgl ss!" she murmured re flectively Then a Joyous smile of realization broke over her face. "Isu't It wonderful?" "lo you think your brothers will let me come to Washington now?" he ask ed teaslngly. "It does seetu different, doesn't It?" she murmrrred. with a strange little smile. "You will come for me?" "To the ends of the earth, your high ness." T1IK END. The Nnine III the Hut. In tlie tifties of the lust century there were two young lawyers, Gould and Koliinson. practicing In the court at Wiscassct. the shire town of Lincoln county. Me. who were noted for their keen wit and Ingenuity lu examining witnesses and also for their many se vere thrusts at each other. On one occasion, when Robinson had finished au unusually able argument for his client, containing some sting ing allusions to the opioslng counsel, Gould, by whom he was followed and who retaliated, ItoMnson was seen to take n curd, write something on It, which wns later found to be the Latin words caput vacuum (empty head), and drop It Into Gould's lint on the table. Gould's curiosity sent him Immedi ately to Investigate. Going to the ta ble, he took the card from his hat, nnd. loud enough to be heard all over tlie courtroom, he read. "Caput vacuum." Turning to the judge, he said, "Your honor, I claim the protection of the court." The Judge replied. "You may Kate your case." Gould answered: "My ease Is this, your hoi;,,r: I see my brother nt my r!-l't !; pi led his name in my hat, and rli; t can be his motive If uot to claim ii as his own? I claim vour pro tection." The judge, with his face all smiles, ansvoroil "Mr Gould, you shall be cot - Itostoi, Herald. Apples for England. Kngland is importing on an averaue a little over InO.fiOO bushels of apples rr week. They crm from the I'nited Stites ami Canada. Those from Oregon briiu the highest prices. The Ivat qualities bring fl.ti.'i a box; or lin iry samples. J. !M. Tliese .tre good rices, cotisi ipring that a box c. tita ns only a t-i-hel. The Califor nia apples Rr. se'hiig at U.-lft a box fcr best and l.!.-. for ordinary grade The 1'nitel Stutes fro it is pnt up in barrels of about 1IU pounds. Th" best range in value is from fi.110 to fl.TS a barrel; ordinnry, from ifl.:!.") to ll -'c Nova Scotiiui apples sell from f ' ii" to ?ii.7" u barrel. Ordinary Cnnndiau apples, from various ?oiirc-s, bring from f 4. 0 to fi S3 a barrel. In these lines the Wagners are tlie cheapest . and ti e rnssest tln dearest. Some (f the latter sell for f 'cTS a barrel. Don't Complain. If your die; pains and y,,u ar, nu. able to sleep bi'i A'.lse of .1 cimgtl, btlv A tiottle of Ballard's Her, he -.tid Svr'ip ami yen won't have t;v cmtgi, " t;,.t H Lot-V nv and tin,: ,- -d, last leg. A cur.. !.,r ," p-.lmo,i:irv .iis..s. Mrs J j;,:,,... n. W !Vr,';"1:. V,1 ,':t"'t -;,v etmnuli for I ;i;i' 1 ll.Tcbcuml vr'.:p. The re i.ef ir h ,s g,v..,, .. t).lt j iinvs-arv f, r ,,. ... s .v, y, T f.iU, ,T a. I'r::g C. . ar.l by IXuiarav. llil tol I ESS Estate! JOSBPH MOSS, rric oi?t. KSTATE MAN Office 516 E St. FIT FOR A KING is a plate of Dicely broiled, tender, succulent lamb chops. You'll fiui the meat to your liking if yon os yonr eyes in tliia ruaiket. We ir anxious to get a trial order from yon because we are oonflcent we can enable you to have un yonr table what most men who are not vegetsr ians like. City Meat Market .T. II. AIILF, Prupr. I want your bargains in rX,imlei s&nil Timber Innds Can use a few homestead and tim-j ber relinquishments. P. O. Bo 366, Roseburg, Oregon. Acclimated Fruit Tree Give the Best Results. Transplant treei from a dump Kit and a wet climate to a anmi-arid mc tion like Rogue River Valley will b inch a change of conditions tbit tb trees will make little growth the M year and will require at least twit years to become acclimated. j Yakima Valley has the same olimiw and conditions as Rogue Rirer Yalle and trees from the Yakima Yalley Nursery will give the best remits to isoutlii'l Oregon growers. Large stock ui prices right. Fall Stock of Fruit Tree HcaltH and true to name. Prices that rl right. V. D. Ingalls, Prop. North Yakima, Wwhinjton TIME FLIES And money flies with it un less vou start a Bank AcJ count early in life ami inakti a habit of saving money. Small accounts and larire arJ received wsth equal corJial; ity at The Grants Ta tanking and Trust Co, And every customer i treat ed with the utmost courted at all times, Grants Pass Banking & Trast Co. (;rants pass, or.Fuos. STfnf Cjf fil t