Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, March 01, 1907, Image 7

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Wonder of the .A
i! 4.1 A. Af TMMni
i ig do question that GOLDFIELD 18
net niiTiH CAMP ON EAR1H.
distinction Dy lease
. .:.,,, ion nv iHftHerB who nave cieanen nn n.ini......
mst two years auu wm uu ieu oi minions more in the com
imr vear.
j9 the eiot ainoont of a check received by HAYES and
MOXNETTE for 47 tons of ore, paid to thetn by the Solbv
Smelting and Lead Company. January 21, 11)07. The f,mr who
Werrf interested in this lease on the Mohawk made almost a
uilliou dollars each from the ore shipped since August 1, l'jus.
1,H9 secured three leases on some of the most valuable, ground
jn (he immediate section of the famousM OHAWK. One lease
is on the Northwest end of the VELVET, cun-idered by ex-
peri!) " . , t. ----- a .wn C Ja ,u uly
csnip. There are. at least, three vems of pay ore, known to
cr0f8 this ground, proved by diamond drills and snrrouadiug
workings; in iaci. iuo ro producers Closely adjacent.
Another lease is on the SILVER PICK, adjoining and end
lineing the famous January claim of the GOLDFIELD MIN
IJICJ CO , now onnTof the properties of the FIFTY MILLION
DOLLAR CONS DLIDATION. The Jannary has produced
more than a million. This lease alone is sufficient guarantee
in itself.
The third lease Is on the O. O. D. which adjoins the At
lanta. Milltown and is on the trend of the MOHAWK.
zones. Several neighboring leases are already in ore.
Property foldings
The compuay also owns four full claims, 80 acres of
ground, adjoining and being the extension of the GOLD
FIELD MONTEZUMA where there is a shaft dowD 200 feet
RUU J"'" ..a--- vv,.u.v n I'"" v " tswiiJf UafTVbOU,
Surface assays run from $4 to $16 per too.
The Gold field MlDing and Leasing compauy is capitalized
for 1,000,000 Bhares with 400,000 shares in the treasury. The
officers are :
President Edward T. Patrick, president of the Goldfield
Stock and Exchange Board.
Vice President -Col. E. A. Braden. New York Ciy.
Secretary W. T. Watsou, Goldfield.
, Treasurer J. H. Reniger, Goldfield.
Directors J. F. Hedden, General Manager Tonopah and
Goldfield railroad and J. L. Lindsay cashier State Bank and
trust Company, Goldfield.
Consulting Engineer, Forest J. Swears, Goldfield.
We have been appointed fiscal agents for the sale of this
took and the first allotment of 100.000 shares will be sold at
15 cents per share. No orders will be aocepted beyond this
amount at 15 cents. The next allotment will be placed at 20
cents if it ia necessary to dispose of farther shares.
Rlork in Progress
Work is already nnder way on one of the leases and will
be prosecuted more vigorously as soon as the hoisting plants
are installed. Ihe leases, having a year to ran will be pushed
with rapid speed In order to get to the known ore bodies and
at thj same time the property of the company will be worked.
6et In Olitb the millionaires
The leasing system has made Goldfield and Goldfield has
made the leasers. There are hundreds of leases working the
most valuable properties and here is a chance for the small in
vestor to profit from this va.-t storehouse of at that is as yet
scarcely touched.
Buy this stock now while it is only 15c per Share.
Worth the money on the holidngs aloue. Worth much
more with the valuable leases on the cream of Goldfield 's territory.
Members Se.n Francisco e-nd Tonopah Mining Exchange
Suit 243-244 Moimdnock I.iiilding
C 1 Bemaray
Solicits a share of your pat
ronage and would be pleas
ed to have you call at our
store and get acquainted
OILMOEE &IB0EEN; Proprietors.!
fl Street between Fifth and Sixth I'honi U GranU -I'm., Oregon
THE r.Dcim
It lias been brought to this
tion Dy lease who uo cieaneo. op millions in th
ri a uh vaina i e a. niece or irrnnnn a. t :.. ;.. .1. -
. . . FEED
How Drautittcotlon of Knui Towa
Haa 1'ald in junpr-NDm aart
Clr.inlinr.. Are Habits Thrrc On
Man Hei!on.iillc I or I. nod Work.
A little town of people upon the
Kansas pruuies bus the largest park
area per capita of any city In the
world, says the Kansas City Star.
This Is the town -.f t'.ucf city, lu
Harper comity. Where this town
stands today was an unbroken, tree
less prairie eighteen years agx Now
it has a beautiful park of ten acres,
whero a band gives Concerts Sunday
afternoons. It has well kept streets,
beautiful lawns and wonderful flower
gardens. There Is not a weed patch or
an unsightly spot In the town. There
Is not a shanty or a ragged outhouso
or an unpointed building or a rickety
leanim; fence or a dirty gutter.
Theiv are poor people lu Bluff City,
as everywhere, but neatuess and
clean. iness are habits iu this village,
:i ! every home and lot looks well.
le:ii;t;;',eatl'jn of the town has
.! d !rs and cents. It bus
pooj-ic to the place to live. It
. e.i the. school t'.iero with a high
sh. lars from other places. It
' " i.i tin- characters of the people
i: i li e there. There Is not a drunk-
;1 'alec, u shiftless person or a
: ! v lu the place. Everything In
v'ity must look well, and the peo
I'.i'j live up t. their surroundings. Even
the railrouii company has built there
liie prettiest de-ptit upcu IU lino, and it
is painted often and kept neater
fiau any crher depot, this soulless
corporation recognizing the right of
Bluff City to better tuiugs.
One man Is responsible for this beau
ty spot upoti the bald Kansas prairie,
this model village. lie began when the
town was new to leach his fellow
townsmen to love trees and flowers
and to have pride lu their surround
ings. At first he was laughed at and
epposod, but be kept on, and It was not
long until every one saw that a tree
was a beautiful thing aside from its
utility, and that a flower garden was a
blessing, and that there was a comfort
and a monetary value in beauty and
cleanliness aloue.
The man who did all of this was
James Glover. Wheu the towu of Bluff
City consisted only of some squares
and parallel lines upon a sheet of pa
per he went to the place as laad agent
for the railroad company. This was in
1S.HU, lie lik.'d the place nud made up
his mind to stay there. He Induced his
company 1o set aside ten acres for a
"Wheu the lot selling was done I net
about the tusk of park bullditg really
more from a pure love of the work
than with the expectation of realizing
anything like what has been accom
plished," says Mr. (ilover.
"At first it was slow work and utter
ly without appreciation by the citizens,
but each year a little was done, and at
length it beau to assume outline and
growth, Interest or, perhaps more cor
rectly, curio- ity Increased, and the peo
ple began to talk about It, not as they
do now, but usually to ridicule. How
ever, the Idea grew, and so did the
trees, and with these two successes en
thusiasm tool; root and grew too. Then
others took hold, and the 'park Ide.i'
was a llxed fact and to work tor It the
proper tiling to do. From so small ii
begiuuing It has grown to be the won
der of all who see it and has rei-elve.l
unstinted praise from visitors.
"Our people willingly pay the tax
necessary to keep it up, and all sum-
i iner a man is employed to mow the
grass and keep the walks and streets
In good condition."
This town has a mowing machine
' and a road semper and roller. A until
: Is paid to operate them. He ki-cps all
grass and weeds upon roads and va
cant lots mowe 1 smoothly, and the
streets and roads approaching the towu
look always as If Just made,
i "The ground of our teu acre park Is
' prettily laid out with winding walks."
says Mr. (ilover. "The trees are plant
ed In clumps, und all through the park
are little openings, so that every turn
1 there Is a change of view. There are
some fifteen or twenty sorts of de
ciduous trees aud four of evergreens,
wltli nerhans twentv-flve sorts of
, shrubs nud In considerable quantity.
There are about lot) evergreens, many
of Uiem very beautiful specimens.
The effect of such a beauty spot Is
far reaching and, we believe, useful.
j Frequently through the summer the
baud plays here on Sunday afternoons,
and the people come from considerable
distances to be present. Such sur
roundings ami such amusement cannot
hurt the young aud are very likely to
stimulate their better tastes.
The work and the result have been
far reaching and au education to th-J
town and the surrotindinir country.
Bluff City has more pretty lawns than
liiy towu of It size iu the state. Tree
planting took au Impetus wheu the
park showed what could be done, and
now the towu Is growing into a bower.
Our stores are far handsomer thou
those found In towns of this size, as t
rule. The Idea of having everything
look Its best, not alone In park and
streets but In business places, homes,
j cnu-r.he, depot and school, Is the aim
i of evtry one.
j "The park Idea has spread to ne!r
boring towns, and many Inquiries a.
received of bow to no u. iuc
to get a park Is to go to work and U
in ..Hi-nest. Ion't mind the croakerr
i and kickers, for. like the poor of Scrip
1 tureLth are. with leu T
people love the - beautiful, but often
need some one to show tnem how tn
achieve It. Only the Ignorant and tb
greedy combat ctvlc betterment"
Courier sample copy tent free to
any address.
Danger of Using Alcoholic Mix
tures or Coal Tar Tablets.
Laying aside all moral obections
ataiost filling up the tystem with!
whiskey or drags because one has
a cough or cold, the dangerous !
physical effects should be softicient to
keep one from using tbeeestrong medi
cines. A thoroughly scientific way to treat
a congh and cold as well as a sensible
irethod is to breathe Hyoinei through
the neat pocket inhaler that conies
with every outfit. The first breath
of its healing medication relieves the
irritation, and its continued use soon
effects a thorough cure.
The best people iu Grants Pass al
ways keep Hyomei in the house dur
ing the Winter mouths, aud at the
first symptoms of add or bronchial
troubles, use the remedy, aud pre
vent serioos and lasting illness, ihe
goranatee that Demaray gives with
every Hyomei outfit should conviuce
yon of its curative powers. A com
plete Hyomei outfit costs but f 1, extra
bottles if needed, 60o and Demaray
guarantees to refund the money if it
does cot give satisfaction.
Piling Urdi In Onter of Hla-hira?
Worse Than Nothlnit.
There is no more familiar sight In
Missouri these days than to see men
In all parts of the corn belt working on
the highways with graders building
up the center of u road with a mixture
of weeds, sods and soli, says the Farm
er nud Stocitman. In a recent drive
of nine miles the roads on more than
half the distance bad been operated
on some weeks before and the center
piled high with the mixture named
above that Is, weeds, sods und soil.
The plan of going over the roads in
the comity with a heavy grader an
nually Is stupid beyond any power of
description. When this Is done the
work of one. year simply means the uu
dolng of the previous year's labor, and
as a result such roads are usually in a
constant state of unfitness for traffic.
Our knowledge of good roads has come
through practical experience and, In
cidentally, through the loss of much
perspiration. Our conclusion nn the
result of this experience is that road
makers should aim to build a perfect
piece of earth road each year. We real
ise that It Is ofteu necessary to employ
makeshift methods In order to really
make nil roads In the county passable,
and because of this It Is not expected
that the labor of the year will be put
on a few miles f road
It Is Impossible to Imagine a poorer
kind of road material than weeds and
sods, aud yet, as stated above, you will
often see the center of highways plied
hl(fh with this mixture. When It be
comes necessary to pile dirt lu the
center of the road those doing the
work should take the time to mow,
rake and burn all rubbish before start
ing the Kniders.
When this Is done It Is then possible
to mnko some kind of a decent Job ol
leveling the surface when the work Is
completed; otherwise the traffic centel
simply becomes an Ideal mudhole.
Weeds soon decay, und as the result
one has almost Ideal conditions for the
absorption of water.
You huve, In other words, humus
maklnjr material on the center of your
road, and such mnterlal, as every one
knows, retains moisture with a re
markable degree of erslsfeiicy.
Don't Use Any Remedy Thrxl
Keeps Its Formula ex Secret.
People troubled with stomach weak
ness cannot afford to ni-o a medicine
unless they know what it contains.
Mi-o-un is the one remedy for
stomach troubles that publishes its
formula: chemically l'ire bismuth
sahgullate, to allay aoy intiauiinatiou
of the stomach aud bowsls ; ctrium
oxalate, to strengthen the stomach
nerves: sodium bi carbonate, to
neutralize me poisonous ucnn ul'
are present iu Btomach troubles ; and
nux vomica, whloh restores vigor to
neutralize the poisonous acids that
the diges'ive organs and tones up the
whole nervous system. I
This combination of valuable
remedies is found only in Mi-o-na
stomach tablets, aud it to rarely fails
to strengthen digestive system, and
euro eyen the worst form of stomach
trouble that Demaray sells the
remedy nnder guarantee to reufnd the
in i, tie v nnleas it cures.
A 50o box of Mi-o-na will give
quick relief for indigestion, distress
after eating, sleeplessness, or any of
the other symtoms of
troubles Unless it does
cost is nothing.
this, the
Post Cards Tablets i
tablet, So Muslo store.
Harmon Blk up stairs
Promptly and of the best material
and in the latest style.
Ia the County Court of Josephine
County, Oregon.
In the matter of the
Estate of Wallace
H. Close, Deceased,
Notice la hereby given, that Adaline
Close, residing at Grants Pass, Jose
phine County, Oregon, bas been ap
pointed administratrix of the Estate
of Wallace H. Close, deceased, by or
der of the County Court for Josephine
Coo sty, Oregon, dated January
1807, and all persons having claims
agaiDst said estate are hereby notified
to present the same, duly verified, to
said administratrix at the law office of
H. D. Norton in Grants Pass, Jose
phine Comity, Oregon, oa or before
six months from the date of the first
publication of this notice.
Date of first publication, January
25, 1907.
Notice is'hereby given by the un
dersigned, Niua B. Lathrop, adminis
iratrix of the estate of C. M. I at drop,
deceased, to the creditors of and all
persons having claims against said es
tate, to exhibit thniu, within six
months after the first publication of
this notice to my attorney, J. N.
Johnston at bis office iu Grants Pass,
Oregon, the said being the place for
the transaction of the business of satd
Date of first publication, January
25, 1907.
J. N. Johnston,
Attorney for A dm.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
United States Land Ofkce.
Roasburg, Oregon, Dec. 8, 1000.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliaDce with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled
"An act (or the sale of timber lands in
the States of California, Oregon, Nsvada,
and Washington Territory," as ex
leaded to all the Publie Land BUtes by
act of August 4, 1892,
of Wahpelnn, County of Richland,
Stale of North Dakota, has this day
filed in this offloe her sworn statement
No. 7M0, for the purchase of the WW
of NW and NX of 8Wi of
Section No. 83 in Township No.
35 Sooth, Range No. 4 West, and wll
offer proof to show that the land
ought is more valuable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and . to establish her claim to
aid land before Charles K. Maybee,
United States Commissioner, at his
office at Grants Pats, Oregon, on
Monday, the 8th day of April. 1907.
She names at witnesses: A. W.
Sllsby of Graatt Pasi, Oregon, William
Spalding of Grants Pais, Oregon,
Ella K. Chapman of 1803 7th Ave.,
Seattle, Washington, and Elbert V.
Kellogg of Grants Pass, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above-described lands are requested
to file their claims in this office on or be
before said 8th day of April, 1907.
BiNjAMin L. Kddt, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 187&i'
Roseburg, Oregon, November 19, lkn.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lauds in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Waebiniiton Territory," as ex
tended to all the Public Laud States by
act of August 4, 1892,
of Roseburg. County of Douglas, State
of Oregon, bas this day tiled in this of
fice his sworn statement No. 70H1, (or
the purchase of the NE.' of See. 34, in
Two. No. 34 S. Range So. 5 W, and
will oiler proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said land
before the Register and .Receiver at this
otlice at Roseburg, Oregon, on Wednes
day, the 3d day o April, l'.K)7.
lie names as witnesses: L. S. Ship
ley, of Roseburg, Robert Medley, of
Roseburg, Oregon ; Frank Kennedy, of
Roseburg. Oregon; K. P, Tynan, of
Roseburg, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
otliie on or before said 3d day ol
April, 1907. IIknjauih L. Enor,
Timber Land, Act June S, 1M78.
Roseburg, Oregon, Nov. 19, 1UIW.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of Con
gress o( June 3, 1878, entitled "Au act
for the sale of Umber lauds In the Stales
of California. Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," as extended to
all the Public Laud States by act of
I August 4 1892
i 'tiTt'ii.' v riniti
umi. t. a.uuit,
of Placer, County of Josephine, State of
Oregon, has this day filed in this office
her sworn stalement No. 7809 for the
purchase of Lots 6, ii, 7 and r-KJ of NW
Section No. 6 in Township No 35 South,
Range No. 0 W, and will oiler proof to
show that the land sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish
i ber claim to said land at Ibis office
at Roseburg, Oregon, on Wednesday, ihe
10th day of April, 1907. She names as
witnesses :
Henry O. Williams of Placer, Oregon ;
William T. Turuham of Grants Pass,
'Oregon; Henry 11. Congsr ol Placer,
Oregon ; W. A. Long of Placer, Oregon,
cards on ' Any and all persons claiming adverae
I ly the above described lands are re
! quelled to file their claims in this office
. . . , ft. u J 4 ...11
OH Or OeiOre aiu loiu uaj ui niiu
1907. Hknjamih L. fcnur, Kegister
I want your bargains in
T'liiilxii mid
rl,ilIllMI" IllldM
Can tue a few home&tead and tim
ber relinquishments.
P. O. Box 306, Roseburg, Oregon.
01 Interest To Wo a
To such women as are not seriously ut
ofThealilAbut wno have exacting dutiej
to) perform, either In the way of house
hdld caresAor In social duties and funo
tiiViiclXscrlously tax their strensth,
as en if surslng mothers. Dr. Pierce's
Favorite FrVVrlptibn has proved a most
valuable supArting tonic and Invigorat
ing nervine. Py 1' timely e"v fuch
srrl"il sickles :iid. self . ri:ti- av he
roklnl. The or'ratinc table ami the
''lEl'-Jilgl 'V"ld- I1 U 1"'' Vcif.
seMoai have to Ih en ployed if this r-ic-t
""an s rn:iy
:ni Ir
to in l-oihI tinie The "favorite I'resorip
tiu"n' hu.spi oeu u great boon to expectant
mothers by preparing tho system for the
coming of baby, thereby rendering child
birth safe, easy, and almost painless.
Hear In mind, plcnso that Dr. Tierce's
Favorite Proscription Is not a secret or
patent medicine, against which tho most
Intelligent people aro quite naturally
averse, because of tho uncertainty as to
their composition and harmless character,
TioN, a full lit of all its Ingredients being
prlii tod. In plain English, on every bottlo
wrappcr. An examination of this list of
Ingredients will disclose tho fact that it is
non-alcoholic, in its coiiiio-ilion, chemic
ally pure, triplc-rclined glycerine taking
the place of the commonly used alcohol,
in lis niako-tip. lu this connection it
may not bo out of place to state that tho
"Favorite Prescription" of Dr. Pierce Is
the only medicine put up for tho cure of
woman s sculiar weaknesses and ali
ments, and sold through druggists, all
the ingredients of which have tho un
animous endorsement of all tho leading
medical writors and teachers of all tho
several schools of practice, and that too
as remedies for tho ailments for which
"Favorite Prescription" la recommended.
A llttlo look of these endorsements will
be sent to any address, post-paid, and
absolutely free If you request samo by
postal card, or letter, of Dr. It. V. Pierce,
llutTalo, N. Y.
Dr. Pierce's Tleasant Pellets cure con
stipation. Constipation Is the cause of
many diseases. Cure tho cause and you
cure tho disease. Easy to take as candy.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
United States Land Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, Dec. 8, 1906.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada
and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all the Public Land States by act
of August 4, 1892,
of Seattle, County of King. State
of Washington, has this day filed in this
office ber sworn statement No. 7869, for
the purchase of the SE1, of Section No.
30 in Township No. 35 South, Range
No. 4 W., and will offer prool to show
lhat the land sought li more valuable
for its timber or stone than (or agri
cultural purposes and to establish her
claim to said land before Chaf.E. Maybe
U, S. Commissioner, at his office at
Grants Pass, Oregon, on Monday, ths
8th day of April. 1907.
She names as witnesses: A. W.
Silsby of Grants Pass, Oregon j William
Spalding of Grants Pass, Oregon; Cora
E. Chapman of Wahpeton, North Dak
ota; and Elbert V. Kellogg of Grants
Pass, Oregon .
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly' this above-described lands are re
quOtted to file their claims in this office
on or before said 8th day of April, 1907
Kknjamin L. Knur, Register.
In the Cirouit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Josephine.
J. D. Drake.
Charles tl. Johnston.
Notice ' is he'eby given that by
virtue of a writ of execution, duly
issued out of aud under the seal of
the Circuit Court in and for the
County of Josephine, State of Oregon.
aud to me directed and duly attested
by the clerk of said Court on the 17th
day of January, A. D. 1907, upon a
decree aud judgment duly reudsred,
entered of record aud duly docketed in
the otilce of the clerk or said Circuit
Court, on the 21st day of January, 1907,
in a certain suit theu pending In the
aid Circuit Court wherein J. 1).
Drake was plaintiff and Charles II.
Johnston, defendant iu the sum of
Seven Haudred and Seventy-Eight aud
61-100 Dollars 1 1778. Ill) with interest
thereon from the 21st day of January,
1907, at the rate '.of 6 per cent per. an
nam, and the further sum of Twenty
Dollars (f'.'O) costs aud disboriements,
and the costs aud expeuses of. and
upon this writ, commanding me to
make sule of the following described
real roperty towit :
Lots rive (15) Six () aud Seven (7)
In Section Eighteen (I8, Twp.
Thirty-six (38) South, Range Six ()
West of Willamette Mer. Also all
the right, titlo aud interest of the de
fendant in and to Lot Five (Ai, Hno.
Thirteen (1.1), Twp. Thirty-Six (SB)
South, Range Sevan (7) West, of
Willamette Mer., all ia Josephine
County, Oregon.
Now, therefore by the virtue of said
execution, judgment, order and de
cree, and in compliance with the com
mands of said writ, I will on, Satur
day, March 3, 1907, at the hour of 10
o'clock a. m at the front door of the
County Court house in the City of
Grants Pass, said County and State,
sell at puhlic auction subject to re
demption, to the highest bidder for
United States gold coin, cash in hand,
all the right, title aud interest whloh
the above named defendant had or
uow has iu aud to the above duscribud
real property or any part thereof to
satisfy said execution, Judgment,
order, decree, interest, coats aud all
accruing costs.
Dated Grants Pass, Ore., January
24, 1907.
Sheriff of Josephine Couuty, Ore.,
First Publication February 1, 1907.
Last Publication March 1, 1907.
AU tlSl fAlli"
b arao. Tula 0t, Us
In ton. S. .'ii br 1ni(f(."-t..
ka Bm