Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, March 01, 1907, Image 6

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    9 Beverly of
m. .w r. . a - w ' " s-
' (Continued from last week.)
Th:: lulul-te n:;.1 tiie lords and la
dles of the rustle were assembled In
the room when Huron T'hiikIosh ap
peared with the courier from the pris
on. Count Mar lain was iiiIshIiik. He
tui on bis way to the fortress, a
crushed, furious. Impotent old man. In
bin quarters bo was to sit and wait
for the blow that be knew could not be
averted. In fear and despair, biding
bis pain and Ids shame, be was rack
ing bis brain for means to lessen the
force of that blow. He could withdraw
tbe charnex uRnliiKt Baldos, but be
could not soften the words be bad laid
and written of Keverly Calhoun. Ho
was not troubling himself will fear be
cause of the adventures In the cbapel
and passage. He knew too well bow
Yetlvc could punish when her heart
was bitter against an evildoer. Grau
litark honored and protected lt wo
men. The warden of tbe dungeons from
which Culirlcl bad escaped mouths be
fore reported to tbe princess that tbe
prisoner was again In custody. Brief
ly be related that a party of men led
by I'rlnce Imntan had appeared early
that day. bringing the fugitive prince
uninjured, but crazed by rage and dls
nppolntuient. They bad tricked him
Into following them through Uie bills,
'Intent upon slaying bis brother Dan
tan. There could be no mistake as to
Gabriel's Identity. Ill conclusion the
warden Implored her highness to send
troops up to guard the prison In the
mountain side. He feared an attack lu
force by Gabriel's army.
"Your hlehiiess," said I.orry, "I have
sent Instructions to Colonel Braze, re
quiring; him to take a large force of
men Into the pass to guard the prison.
Gabriel shall not escape a gain, though
all Dawsbergeu comes after him."
"You have but little to fear from
rwslMTgen." said Havone, who wa
eated near the princess. Cnndace at
bis side. "Messages have been brought
to me from tbe IVudlug nobles of Daws
bergen assuring me that the populace
li secretly eager for the old reign to
t resumed. Only the desperate fear
of Gabriel nnd n few of his bloody but
loyal advisers buhls them In check.
Believe me, Iawa!ergen'i efforts to
release Gatiriel will be perfunctory
and half hearted In tlio extreme. He
ruled like a madman. It was hi la
tense, Implacable desire to kill bis
brother that led to bis undoing. Will
It be strange, your highness. If Daws
bergen welcomes tbe return of Dantau
In bis stead?"
"The story! The story of bis cap
ture! Tell me the story," enme eager
ly from those assembled. Havone lean
ed back languidly, his face tired and
drawn once more, as If the mere re
calling of the hardships past was hard
to bear.
"Klrat. your highness, may I advise
you anil your cabinet to send another
ultimatum to the people of Ha u sher
gi'll?" he asked. "This time say to
them that you hold two Kawsbergen
princes In your baud One cannot and
will not be restored to them The oth
er will be released on demand. Let the
embassy bo directed to meet the Puke
of Main, the premier lie Is now with
the army, not far from your frontier
May It please your highness. I have
myself taken the lllvrty of dispatching
three trusted followers with the news
of Gabriel's capture The two llappos
and Carl Vandos are speeding to the
frontier Your embassy will find the
lMiko of Mntj In possession of all the
facts "
"The I Hike nf Mat. I am reliably In
formed, some day Is to he father In-law
to liawslieiueii," smilingly said Yetlve.
"I shall not wonder If he responds
most favorably to an ultimatum "
ltnvoue atol Caudace exchanged
glances of iitmi'-eiiieht, the latter hiva
Iiik Into a liilorulile illtle K"rK'' of ;
"I x to Inionn vou the ituko's
daui:her h:it ilisilulin'il the offer from
the 1'iown," h.inl Itiivone 'She tvi -liinrrleil
I leiiteiiiint MmiiioI of tho roy
nl iirtilh'iy Mini Is iih ln iy iih a toil
1ertt Ciiptain MnhloM roiihl liave toht
yon how the wayward onnu woman
ilelir I her father and hiuit'ii'd at the
hei:.:ar pnnee "
'Vap!:un 1! ill! -t U an I'VvS'cillnc'y
ll'.Ti'i't .er-oli," llevell.V olu II t cere, I
"He ha-, told no tales out of Metiool "
"1 am i. mli. hsl of tlie fa. t that von
(live oiil' I'UIm- Into my kei''',n; .vtlf
inenioi il'U il.o tlo- d iv when we
pin-ted fruni niir !.,i i;i,nl-. at linn
look's i;.it.' I ll'.o:;M v.. n were
M-!i:ee-s. and ymi , , i.ot Knew that t
lllllerto.s l'l'illS'l 11
boll' for lis Hal, 1. 1, v.i
lleait of oil! el, 'e' ; : ....
blm as tie h. :. . Ii's
titi'v li. , i;, !.',.. .
t was a sore
ii ir life, the
Ca'Tlet t.llt.-s
: 'evol'.er
tis III the '!..t lo
lie one,- t .. 1, .1'
f.'i;lil 1 we. !. ! ' i i '
I'l .1'.
: i.
i t
'I ' e
"At another time I ahall rejoice i
telling the story in detail. For the
present let me ask you to be satisfied
with the statement that we tricked bltn
bv menus of letters Into the Insane
hope that be could rapture und slay
bis half brotl-?r. Captain Haliloa sng-
gested tbe plan. Had be been arrested
yesterday I feel It would have falletl.
Gabriel was and Is Insane. We led
bin, a chase through the Grnus.ark
bills until the time was ripe for tbe
final act. His small ban.l of followers at our sudden attack, and he was
taken almost without n struggle not ten
miles from tbe city of K.lelwelss. In
bis mad ravings we leanied that his
chief desire was to kill his brother and I
sister and after that to carry out the
pin n that has long been In bis mind.
He was coming to Kdelwelss for tbe
sole purpose of entering the castle by
the underground passage, with murder
In bis heart. Gabriel was coming to
kill the Princess Yetlve und Mr. Lorry.
He has never forgotten the love he
bore for the princess nor tbe hatred he
owes his rival. It was the duty of
Captain Baldos to see that be did not
enter the passage In the event Unit he
eludisl us In the bills."
Later lu tbe day the Princess Yetlve
i-muIvi.i1 from tbe ifalltlt. hawkish old
man In the fortress a signed statement j "" 'llet mid Interesting chats cou
wlthdrawlng bis cliarg.s. against Bui- eernlng Beverly and the erstwhile
dos, the guard. Mariana did not ask Kurd. The prince took I.orry nnd the
for leniency. It was not In him to princess into bis confidence. He told
plead. If the humble withdrawal of j them ail there was to tell about bis
charges against Baldo. could mitigate dashing friend nnd companion,
the punishment be knew Yetlve would Beverly and the young Princess C an
Impose, all well and good. If It went " f,lHt lov,"K f',1
for naught, be was prepared for the
. i ki .....
with wine beforo blin, he sat and wait
ed for tho end. He knew that there
was but one fate for tbe man, great or
Dtvtrly knev' thill It iri a faded rate I
mall, who attacked u woman In (Iran
tnrk. Ills only hope was that the
princess might make an exception lu
the case of one who had been the head
of the army, but tbe hope was tisi
mull to cherish.
Baldos walked forth u free man, the
duudlts of the pisiple lu Ills ears.
Karon Dangloss and Colonel (juinnox
were beside the tall guard as lie came
forward to receive the commendations
and apologies of Graustark's ruler and
the warm promises of reward from the
man he served.
He knelt before the two rulers who
were holding court on the veranda
Tbe cheers of nobles, the shouts of sol
dlery, the exclamations of the ladles,
did not turn his confident head He
was the bom knight The look of trl
umpli that he bestowed upon lleverl.v
Calhoun, who lounged graiefulh be
side the Mono I nlnstniili'. I r. 1 1 1; 1 1 1 tho
rl tl Iik lo h
tiling fiom III
laiitly to h s
Bi'lllhle.l eon!'
It w as a
I'.lie.'kS He t,,
I :. aM an I I', :
lips l-efore ai:
'k NIK1
I It U
I'll MTI
HI! iKvt
mei 'ii'is a rov il ,
.in" i ,-ni.t Mar;. i
sel.OT , ..1:
lie hole
from He;
Informed line tint
his sneei ...i: .is ,
of the a ' i . v . f v
-l l-'OH I'el.'le ...
W Its e. 1 1 1 a i V I e ,
Iron i '-Hint's t s
sav -l;e -n ;- '
of 11 e i ,-s.
lev li-- -l ax .
'! ' I ; :'. I I ! 1
It W -is 1 1 o . .
t v V
t!.. 1
Il 111
I;in(T-cii A proclumiitlon was
'.-:,t to firittii' minister w-'ttlni
Inrtli the iirw order of affairs nnd urn.'
fi'tui :!ie Ki.-taut suspension of Iios-1,1.--
pr.-i:i r.-:TioiiM mill tho restoration of
I riiK-i- Aeconipiinyliii; t tils
f.rorliiiiuiti.iti went a .liu-nllied message
fro.ii Iian.Mi i:.foiiii;nu- liis people that
h- uu-altcd tlifir -oiiiii;iii1b. He was
' n.tiv to resume Hie throne that bad
; Iipl-u ho (lfsi-irati-d. It would be Lis
I jov to restore l)awsl;rfii to Its once
li-ao-fnl ami jh-c.-tou condition. In
ili: rui-ai.tlaie the Iuke f Mlzrox dis
j.'itclUMl the news to tin- Princess Vola
jf Axplialn. who nan forced to ahnn
: (lon-ti-uipornrlly at h-ast-hor desper-
at (lesions upon (;ratistark. The cap
ture of ( Inhrii'l put un end to her trans-
pan'iit plans.
"Kut she Is hound to break out
against w sooner or later and on the
-it. .I.,.... ..,...,.,.f,ti,,n " nlfl Yetlve.
"r. . - ...... .' .i...n .mn'
1 liare say inai a innimj ...-
between Graustark and Dawsbenren
will prove Ktitilclent to check any aai-
unions sue ujuj naie u.,
said Havone sigiiilh antly. "They are
' very near to each other now. your high-
! ness. T'-'ds should stand together."
I Beverly Calhoun was In suspense,
j Baidos bad b sent off to the frontier
! by Prince I.antan. carrying the mcs-
i sage which could U- trusted to no oth-
j er. He accompanied the Grnustark
! ambass ,rs of peace as Dantan's spe-
..i-.i i.. i the n L-litt line,
and Beverly did not see him. The
week whicii followed his departure
was the longest she ever spent. She
was troubled in her heart for fear
that be might not return, despite the
declaration hc had made to him In
one hvstcrical moment. It was ditli-
i .' " . . . r
cult for lier to keep up me ..o u
cheerfulness tliut was expccicu oi ner. cony anil tiien to un
Helli'ence became her strongest char- castle doors. The uniform of a Grau
nclerlstlc. She persistently refused to Mark guard still graced his splendid
be drawn Into a discussion of her re ' figure. At last a graceful form was
latlons with the absent one. Yc4ive s,.eu coining from the castle toward
was plipied by her manner at Itrst, but (lie cedars. She walked bravely, but
wisely saw through the mask as time ( aimlessly. That was plain to be seen,
went on. She and Prince Dantan bad It was evident that she was and was
" 'K Kin s ot m r i, uu
er was beautiful to behold. She hud
died close to him on every occasion, and r eonfuslon, and he was not dlsup
her dark eyes bespoke adoration when- pointed, she was us cool as a brisk
I ever his name was mentioned In her
presence. hand, but, with a flue smile of con-
"If be doesn't come back pretty soon tentment. bowed low and with mock
I'll pack up and start for home," Bev- servility.
erly said to herself resentfully one day. "I report for duty, your blghness,"
Then If lie wants to see me be'll have he said. She caught the ring of glad
to come all the way to Wushlu'ton, and ness in his voice.
I'm not sure that he can do It, either. "Then I command you to Bhake hands
He's too disgustingly poor." with me," she sakl brightly. "You have
"Wha's became o' tint Mlsteh Baldos, heen away, I believe?" with n delicious
Miss Bev'ly?" asked Aunt Fanny In the Inflection.
midst of these sorry eogltatious. "Ha "y, for a century or more. I'm
he tuck hit Int' his bald to desert sure." Constraint fell upon them sud-
1 Us fo' gosl? Seems to me he'd denly. The hour had come for u defl-
oughteh"- uite understanding, und both were coiv-
l "Now. that will do. Aunt Fanny," qnored by Its Importance. For the first
1 reprimanded her mistress sternly, time in ills nr,. he knew the meaning
"You are not suppowsl to know any- 0f diffidence. It came over him as he
! thing about affairs of state, so don't looked helplessly into the clear, gray,
1 earnest eyes, -l low you for wearing
At last she no longer could curb her that red feather," he said simply.
Impudence ami anxiety. Sue deliher- Ami I loved you for wearing It,"
ately sought Information from Prince she answered, her voice soft and thrlll-
Daiitan. They were strolling In the ing. n,. raugbt his breath Jovously.
park on the seventh day of her In- "Beverly." as he bent over lier. "you
qitlsltlon. are niy very life. ny"
'll.ive you heard from Paul B.ildosV "Don't. Paul!" she whispered, draw
she asked, bravely plunging into deep lug away, with an embarrassed glance
wuter. about the park. There .: penile to
"lie Is expected here tomorrow ,ir die be seen on all sides, but be had forgot
ueit day. Miss Calhoun. 1 am almost ten thetu. II- thought only of the girl
as eager to sis' linn as i mi are." he re- who ruled his heart. Seeing the pain
s-.,. wiiii a ci pointed sin !e. j In his face, she hastilv. even hlnshlmr-
"AlmoMV Well, yes. 1 11 eoctV-s that ly. said. "It Is so public, dear."
I am cugi r to s.-,- linn. I never knew He straightened himself with soldier
1 could long tor .my one as mtv'.i as ly precision, hut .s voice trembled as
I oil. well, there's no esc In. ling it ( be tried to speak calmly In d, !i:uice to
from you I couldn't if I Inc. I. 1 care j his eyes. "There Is the grotto -see! It
er iiiii' li t,.r bltn. You don't think ' Is seclusion Itself. Will you come with
it sounds si u f..r in,, to ,..) s i. h a . me? I n,i:t tell you all that is In un
tiring, do jo-:' I've thought a great deal ! heart. It will burt if I do not."
of loin ever since the lught at the Inn j Slow ly they made their way to the
of the Hawk and Haven In u,y im- ' fairy grotto deep in the thicket of
agination I have tried to mi you of1 trees. It Vctive's favorite dream.
v iinr ii i ii-, -I v r .lei I o ' a
liil:i. hot l.o i only It , i
it nil lie k:ioi 1
mill 1 k:iow In- c
1 -it I ho h.'.- i. oil on."
il.- I'l noon
in -.'e-'e of
re fr hii'i
rue r,.-
a' he lne
-I'.e'iis tl.
' '': hi
it;, a.!
" -
" " "''"
' 'h 111
1 : '
... loim; of
t to-:
1'- "
1-al; ,
V e ,
1 a 1
1 1
i. mi.
Hi i
news from the frontier. i" " "l
Matx and the Icadm,' dlpn.tar e had;
beard of Cal.rk-rs capture, both through
fie Iiappo hoys and through " fewr ofj
bis heurhmen who had stasreered Into,
r,..r the disaster. The news;
threw the Uawsl.en.-en diplomats Into
a deplorable state of uncertainty, bven
the men lilsb 1" authority, while no
pcciallv depressed over the fall or
their sovereign, were in uou.. - f
what would In.- the next move in u.,
series of tragedies. Almost to a man
thev re.-rettcd the folly which had
,lrawii them into the net with Gabriel.
Pe.Mos reported that the I Hike of M iu
, .. .,.. I ft.,, most 1111 HXUiMieti
l a uo..-i,
ij.en lu Pnwsbergen were on mcir
to Edelweiss to complete arrangements
for peace and to lay their renunciation
of Gabriel Is-fore Imntan In a neutral
Tbe people of Daw bergen bad been
-i...rin tnnir for Dantan's restora-
."-" o
Uon. and naldos was commissioned to
... . . -n li ttin cltrrtfll
Rt TejMngm He was closeted
say tnat nis return wouio
nftpr knight wth imntan ana
Lorry and IYIncess Yetive
; ' d
. beuig calW In
approve of he a. '' J
( the Prince f . s bn rg.
! monung the word ,. it to. tha
great bamjuet was to I t gh n in M
cas le that night for Ir i t . Dantan
and the approaching nob I. - n. J he
or nee expecteu iu " a.... v
' mediately thereafter to resume the
throne In Serros.
i Baldos was wandering through the
park early In the morning. His duties
r.ted lightly upon his shoulders, but
lie was restless and dissatisfied. The
, longing in his heart urged him to turn
. , ... I r,l ilm Vint.
, ,s eyes e,.-, ,.,m ,,.,....,......
not looking for some one. Baldos ob
served wilh a thrill of delight that a
certain rod feather stood up detlantly
from the band of her sailor hut. He
liked the way her dark blue walking
skirt swished In harmony with her
lithe, Arm strides.
She was quite near before be advanc
ed from his place among the trees. He
did not expect her to exhibit surprise
spring morning. He did not offer his
1 Im: place. Hark and eool and musical I
with the rie,.,' of waters. It wan an1
i Ideal retreat she droiiped noon the'
rustle heneh that stood acainst the1
moss eovored wall of bowlders. With'
the uentle reserve of a man who re-1
: Veres iis w ell ns loves. Hnldos stood '
"v" 1 : He waited, and she under
Mow linliUe most impatient,
, I"' "' - he was!
Y y sit 1 1. 1. me." su. said,
v ' " -"'hi s;:. e t .,, k'lowle-lc
l; : v ' " 111! i- hi::. self Into the
s' " '"'' h:,:"l '"is'.'r'y s,,,,-l:t hers, his
''" r ' t'V'1 (...,. to the whnls.
' l'"'lel!v. deares, ,., you lo ver e:,M
k !!.-. h.,,v ;,!, you." he
' ''! "It a deathless
' '1 ': h'i il'erahle It
'"' ' ' !" f"-over Listen to
'' I ' f a race whose
" .'..It:'..- My
' '! ' '" ': 1 ' v e loved ,ls
r "
"'"! They have
1 :.t the sal.v
hi I.ove is the
Yo;l must, on
I s :y that I w,U
! V soul so l.e,o
lev e, you the
' :i worship
v. .
for voil There never ua - - - .
I,,., out In search of yours, lou have,
donned me. dearest, by the proml
vou made n week ago. kno Mhat .
Vou will not renounce that precious ,
pMgo. It is lu your eyes
eves I shall worship to the end of ettr-,
,;iIV T)1! ,,e. though, with your own,
Si vourowu voice, that you will be i
,,iv w'.iV. mine to hold forever. j
,,,. lt,,swer she placed her arms
about his n.'cU nt.d buried her face ,
...VnM his shoulder. Tnere w re tears
. .. ., . ' ,nere was a sot)
i .. . ( n mo- i
,;;,a.r throat.' ! : I 'l l her close to his
i ,,ast for an et, r.iity. it seemed to
,.,, ,. ei-hor giving voice to the song
lueir hearts were singing. There was
no other world than the fulry grotto.
Sweethe-.rt. I am asking yon to
mMke a great sacrifice." he said at last,
l,H vole" hoarse but tender. She look
ed up hit ' bis fce serenely. "Can
ou give up the joys, the wealth, the
oinforts cf that home across the sea
to share a lowly cottage with me and
,.,y love? Walt, deur-do not speak
rntll I am through. You must think of
what your friends will say. The love
and life I offer you now will Dot be
i ke that wh .'li you always bave
kuowii. U will be poverty and the
(To be continued. )
Edison and Victor Talking Machines
at the Music Store.
Acclimated Fruit Trees
Give the Best Results.
Transplant trees from a damp soil
and a wet climate to a semi-arid sec
tion like RoRoe River Valley will be
such a chango of conditions that the
tres will make little growth the first
year and will require at least two
years to become acclimated.
YaLitna Valley has tho same climate
and conditions as Rogue River Valley
and trees from the
will give the best remits to Sonthsrn
Oregon growerj. Large stock and
prices right.
Full Stock of Fruit Trees Healthy
and true to name. Prices that ara
W. D. Insalls, Prop.
North Yakima. Washington
A ml monoy tlios with it un
less yon start a Hunk Ac
count early in life ami make
a habit of saving money.
Small accounts ami lare are
receive. 1 wsth equal cordial
ity at Thv Grants I 'ass
nankins and Taist Co.
And every customer is treat
ei with the utmost courtesy
at all times,
Grants Pass
Banking ft Trust Co,
'.li N IS I' - i.HKii. iN
i'v lHr:!ne n'.vs every woman
n. ih .".'rei. a t rfeet oam;vxior..
' '"I" that ?"ft. sme.-th, fresh.
r tint to the eh.rlc thut .V-netp?
. i hf.i'.n. s.. It britifr beauty
" the who l.ick It; It retain
.' 'er then wtio jt;
' w,:! ' r..ib!e y tt t., r -,v.'u::.v
':.r. the rav.i.v weather and
: 'i.e. :"-.'. .!. :! -,!, e.'t a-. :,,. JL?;
y I'- ne y,,r ....
-'e ;. .u a f-e- s:-n.'e. ,V. drsyt.
Wp R,tr;lr..
' ! v. rk at P Tt;.;i ! ; at the
Practice limited to
Ulasses fitted and furnUhed
nniira 9 to 12: 1 tn K j .'
T ... ... Q-
j .. meut. Telephones 261 and 77
H masts Pass, Oatoon
Phones, Office 365; Res. 1181.
Residence oor. 7th and D street.
OIBce at National Drue Store.
Gbahtb Pass,
Office in Courier Building.
Office phone 911, residence 413.
Eyes lusted and gktwM fitted.
Gbants rAst, - - Omooi,
Res Phone 714
City or country calls attended nlckt
Or aay oixku auu u, iuu y ouuair
rK PknnA OKI
Gbants Pass - . Oitioo,
Children it Oonjmement Onwillatiim
Qua a Specially. EtumiiMtio fr
502 D Street
Grants Pahs, - Obmoi
Graduates of Americtn School of 0
teopathy, Kirksvllle, Mo.
Office Hours 8 to 12; 1 to 6
Offi:i over First National Bink
Grants Pass, - - Oksgok
. orth 6th st., near Court Hook.
Office Phone 761, Res. Phone 717.
Okants Pass, - Ousoa.
Praeiloe In all State and Federal CotrU.
Office in Opera HouseBulldiof.
Gbants Pass, Oinoa
Practices In all State and Federal CotirUl
Office over Hair-Kiddle Hardwired),
Grants Pass, Oimoi
Office, upstairs, City;Hall.
Grants Pahs, ORiatm
Kbrby .... ORBvi.'
Civil and criminal matters attended
in all the courts.
Heal estate and Insurance.
Office, tith street, opposite Postofflc
6th St., north of Josephine Hotel.
Grants Tabs, - . Orboo
Charles Costain
Wood Working Shop.
est of flour mill, near R. R. track
Tnrnini?, Hcroll Work. Stair Work, Bnd
Sawing.Cahiuet Work, Wood Pullers. Si
riuuKnu (,'muminR, uapainnK an
enow riKht
The Popular Barber Shop
Gt your tonsorial work done !
On Sixth Street Three chairs
Bath Room in connection
furniture and Piano
Palace Barber Shop
Shavinii, Hair Cutting
liaths, Etc.
Eveiythintr neiat and clean and
."Tier othce i
worlc Flrst-Claas.