Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, March 01, 1907, Image 2

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Openina Display
S7e R. L. COE CO,
of Spring Goods
All that's Newest and Best at Prices that
Provide Material Savings on Every Purchase
First and foremost our one great object is to provide for our
patrons the very newest, most fashionable, most dependable and
choicest variety of merchandise that can be purchased in the various
great markets of the world.
This accomplished it is our endeavor to offer this merchandise on
the basis of the smallest margin of profit consistent with good store
keeping. Fortunately for us and for our patrons our buying power receives
special recognition in every market and secures for us every price con"
10 pieces 50c Broadhead Plaids and Stripes, dark
wool Suitsings, 3d inches wide, all colors
IS pieces 25c single width Wool Suitings all
8 pieces AO-inch Mohair Suitings in reds,
blacks, blues, browns, greens and grays, at..
20 pieces all wood 3d -inch Albatros, Chiffon Panamas,
Twine Voils. Bage Suitings and Plaids :.a Champaign,
reds, blacks, browns, blues, pinks, creams, rn
white and tans, at OUL
25 pieces new Black Spring Novelties. All of the
very latest Spring Styles, at 75c. $100, $1.25, and
$1.50 Call and see them or send for samples.
15 pieces High Grade Spring Suitings at $1.00 and $1.25.
Silk Specials Now on Sa'c
3-inch full one yard wide, all Pure Silk Tuff.ita, rtQ
wear guaranteed, regular $1.50 value, at VOC
27-inch extra heavy CROWN SILK, warrruted we have
sold over It) full 'pieces and not a single
Ladies' Furnishings
1 lot Ladies' Embroidered Collars 10c
1 lot Ladies' 25c Lace Collars 19c
1 lot Ladies' Silk Embroidered Collars 25c
1 lot Ladies' white duck embroidered Belts, pearl buckle 25c
1 lot Ladies' fine, plain white Hemmed Stitched Hand
kerchiefs, 5c quality; per doz 2'c
Big lot ladies' elegantly embroidered Jap Silk Waists, $2 50
25 doz Ladies' Fine Lawn Shirt Waists,, plain white,
black aud tan; splendid values at 75c, $1.00,
1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00. 2.25. 2.50, 2.75, 3.00, 3.50
1 lot Ladies' Muslin Gowns, 39c, 4'c, 5'c, 7'c, 9'c, $1.19
Special Values.
1 lot Ladies Corset Covers
. .'c. l'c, 2'c, 3'c, 4'c. 5'ic, iVc,-78c, H')c, 9''c
Special Values.
10 doz Ladies' fancy Silk Kmbroidered Hosiery, high
grade novelties at 50c aud 75c
10 do. Ladies fine plaited seamless lace hose extra
values at 25c
Men's and Boys' Suits
We have just received a big stock of Men's and Boys'
Suits, medium weight Suits for early Spring and Summer
Some extra values for Men at. . . .$8.75, 10.50, 12.50, 15.00
Big stock of Men's Pants 98c, $1,25, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50
Big stock Boys' Suits at 98c, 1.25, 1 50, 2.00, 2.50
Big stock Boys' Knee Pants 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00
Men's Lion Brand Hats $3 00
Men's Bear Brand Hats 2 50
Men's Bell Brand Hats 1 50
Styles the latest Values Unequaled ask to see them
Some Shoe Facts.
A genuine hand welt Shoe will wear twice as long, fit
better and hold its shape better than a machine sewed Shoe.
Do you know the difference ? The Douglas Shoe Co, is
the only shoe factory in the United States turning out a
genuine Hand Welt Shoe at $2.50. We are not from Mis
souri but we can show voir. Come and see. We are also
showing a large stock of W.L.Donglas $3.50 Dress Shoes.
5 Cases New Spring Prints. All of the very latest Novelties. Ke
poit counts from the New Voik and Chicago maikel that buyers
are fighting for these good. It is impossible to get them even at
the advanced maiket pi ice. We bought them early and you can
have all you want of them, at 5c, 'je and 7,'.-c.
1 Case 40 Pieces ARNOLDS CHIFFON PANAMAS, an entirely
new Fublie, guiten out by the well known Arnold Works, an exact
imitation ot all of the new .soft finished Wool Ihess Fabrics, light and
dark colorings, Black and White Stripes aud Checks, Gi.iv, j
Brown, Hlue, liieen and Tan Checks Stupes and Mutuics at. . . . -C
Will make up us handsome as a 50c Wool Fabric,
25 pieces Chiffon Organdie. A hue, sott, Sheer , Fabric in light blue,
pink, lavender, black, green and gray iloial designs.
Worth 25c, special price I
50 Pieces Fine Mill Fml India Linens. We now own a case of thc-e
gmids that aie fully 25 per cent under piesent m.ii ket quotations,
liveiv iudu ation points to a big demand for this popular White
Press Fabric and on can't jffoid to miss this fortunate buy , 'K-,
12c, 1 Ik-, l''c, 24c. The value can't be matched.
iiosii:kv and indkkw i:ar simciai.s
1 lot f
1 lot I
I lot I
oil do.
50 do
25 do
25 do
25 do.
25 do
'htldreu's extra tun- Kibtn-d I'ndeiwear
.adies' exlia value Rib!cd Vests and pants at
..idles' Sleeveless Vests 10c. 12' c, 1.s
Men's extra tie.iTY 'j lb ribbed top Cotton Sox,
s loi one doirn pan
Hoys' .N- extra heavy wide li.'bcd Colion Sto. k:
Ladies' fast black Seamless Hose, nblvd top. '.
Ladies' fine libU'd Hose, tile 2.v quaiily at .. .
Children's line ribU-,1 liose extia heiw d uS
ceptional alue ....
Men's tine btown and black socks, seamless at
Men's tine unpolled Soiks plain black ..nd fancic
'tis, at .
c, : pt
e knee.
' two
Early Buying
We went into the market last
fall with the determination of
avoiding a possible shortage of
spring goods bv buying early this
proved to be a fortunate move on
our part and we are going to give
a demonstration of l'p To Datk
Mi:kc HANnisiNC. To H v i; v
CrsTovFK Visitini; Tiik Bu;
Stork This Simum;.
Our enormous spring stock is
now complete in all departments
The general shortage ot staple and
fancy Iry Goods, Shoes, Mens
and Roys Clothing and Furnish
ings WILL NO T F. F F H C T
the Bn. mmkk this season as we
have the goods in the house at the
price that will In? an actual saving
to our customers of from 15 per
cent to 25 per cent on. every dol
lars worth purchased this spring.
We are anxious to prove this state
ment to every citizen of Grants
Pass and. Josephine County.
Look at these prices, come in
aud, see the goods, compare values
and then OtKT Bl'sY. bec.uw the
not last long, as when
we go into the market to duplicate
present sUv we shad have to pay
loom 15 per cent to 25 per ou:t
more money, therefore we urge I't'viv;,
1 13 CIALW
The Hamitou Brown LITTLE LADY SHOE, $1.50 and $1.75. Sizes
8J2 to 12 and 13 to 2, Fine Vici kid, heavy sole welt. Patent tip
low heel, Dress Shoe.
The Hamilton Brown Vici Kid aud Calf Shoe for Children;, all solid
leather, four different styles, an all solid leather shoe that we have
handled for years and gives splendid satisfaction. Look at prices,
5 to 8 $1.00, 8;itol2 $1.25, 13 to 2 $1.50.
One Lot Infants Colored Kid Moccasins, sizes 0 to 3 at 19c
One Lot Childrens Kid Shoes, sizes 2 to 5 now on sale at 25c
One Lot Ladies Oxford Ties, the, Hamelton Brown make, Vici
Kid with Stock Tip all sizes at $1 25
One Lot Ladies Oxford Ties, the Hamelton Brown make, fine
Vici Kid, Patent Tip, Heavy Welt Soles, Blucher cut. all sizes. 1 75
One Lot Mens Medium Weight Dress Shoes, the Hamelton
Browu make, Light I'pper, Heavy Welt Soles, Blucher cut,
now on sale at 2 00
Hamelton Brown's Heavy Sole Welt Shoe for Ladies in Vici Kid
and Call, splendid values, all solid Soles and Counters, at. . .$1 75
Hamelton Brown's Vici Kid and Calf, Single Soles, Patent Tip
Dress Shoes for Ladies can't be matched under $2.00 our
Price 1 so
We have sold thousands of pairs and never a complaint.
We are uow receiving our new Spring Stock of the celebrated and
well known Gloria Shoe at 3 50
PACIFIC LOGGERS The R. L. Coe Co. are Sole Agents for
the well known Pacific Logger make of Shoes hand made,
perfect lilting, price (, 50
W. L. Douglas Meu's Hind Welt Vici aud Calf Shoes 2 SO
W. L. Douglas Dress Shoes in Patent Calf, Vici Kid, Box Calf. . 3 50
Gun Metal and Cordovan, all the new 1907 styles 3 50
WH CAN SHOW YOU-Big Stock Good Goods and Lowest
prices on all kind ot Foot Wear,
cession and advantage in buying that stores with many times our out-
put receive. B
It is thus that we are enaDieu iu 4uuic auu uuuauj aiuawn
prices at our Spring Opening an occasion cn which most stores look
for swollen profits.
If then you would have the newest, most novel, most exclusive,
most fashionable and most worthy of the new season's offerings at the
very lowest prices that you can hope to pay it remains for you to
attend this great sale.
11 1 11
1 . 1
Ladies' new silk and wool TFti TT jfm
spring Coats $s.30,, H fQk U i 1 Lot Ladies' 20 and 24
$1S-50- ii iiV JLO VVrC yfjft inch long black silk Gloves I