rogue river rnmirrr -- - " 'JA "7- J. Pardee Staple an Fancy Groceries Garden Seeds, Onion Sets, Poultry Food, Ground Bone Grit and Shell Chick Feed for the Little Chicks Front Ftnx't , mur Palace Hole (JHANTS I'ASH, OKK. ' TELEPHONE f5 WILDERTILLE t D E E II I G ! t V It 0 VOLT : Jess Lttiuninn of Provolt was at WilliauiH Hnndav. J. A. Lewuiau win at Orants rami tliii wnek oil business. Mr. Lawman in a farmer a( Provolt anJ it priuoiply dvotlng lila attention to cattle rail ing. DoriuK tlie sfssou, Mr. Lowtnan int up a lsrue amount of hay which has beeu balod heretofore hat will hereafter be fed to beef and stock cattle. During tho Bummer luoutln the cattle will lie driven to the ranges of old Uraybauk where they are loft until mow flies the Fall Many of the cattle, when driven home are ready for It lie market. All stook cat tle at Provolt are looking Rood. Our Winter ha been mild and Jilvasant, considering the severe storms of sleet and freezing whiub we read of in many other uear-hy states, but Southern Oregon has been bltwsed with none of the ssveie storms and the weather ha been warm and plsasant for the pant two weeks The sun has been shining very brightly aud this is much re gretted owing to the fruit. The al mond, peaches and pours are far ahead of last season. The peach blossoms are showing their red hood, while the almonds in another week will be in bloom. The apple crop 1h alto ahead ot last soasou aud I many are fearing early fruit bloMouia aud late frost. "Red Cloud" seems to have a pick at the I'rovolt corespondent woudnr why? Come up to i'rovolt aud ee the pretty girls there are no stumps in the road up here, "Hud Cloud. Your cdiniuiiuity has Home pretty girls, which you have been speaking of for siimo time, but make thum kuowu an 1 am a bachelor. There was a crowd .weiit from I'ro volt to laurel (irovo Saturday . All reMrt a good time and 'will go again licit Saturday. We are eoriy to learn of the illness of Minnie Yinvarrl of Williams. Dr. I.ougliriilge of (irnntH 1'aNS was sum nioned and an operation mrfnrun'l on her throiki, winch was swollen to a dangerous stage. She is at prcmint slow ly recovering. 1. K. MEWMAN. A 1J0 ; The W. C. T. U. met at Grandma Woodard's Tboraday, the 4th. Mrs. Lewis and Ooldie visited a few days at Merlin the past week. Mahala Robinson and children visited few days at Medford, re turning home Monday of this week. And the cat came back. Grouudhng hss bad his day, it's St. Val's, then burrah Patt Mrs. Gertrude Webb drove to Wsldo Toesday E. M Now for St. HOOD RIVER GETS BEST FRUIT PRICES Average. Much Higher Net Price. "Ihe-n the Colorado Apple. Bring FI EVEN APPLICANTS PASS THE EXAMINATIONS Entitled to Teech the Youth of Jcephlne County-Four Have Never Yet Taught. I Albright and Hugh Sheliy Mrs. McClnng is home again after made a trip to K.eroy aionuay. visiting her mother several weeks in i The n)S0 we ;call truly good il one California. ' who endoreg the toothache without Little Erick McCann had a bad fall wishing his wife had it. last week, his high cbair falling Uncle Ebe ipent a couple of days with him In It. He struck on his in Trapper Gnlrh this week, chin and was quite badly hurt. Qus I.avln returned the fore part .T R Robinson made a business trip of the week from Crescent City to Medford the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Nickerwin aud babe have been visiting relatives the pant few days aH ho is still quite lame since getting hurt wiht the step lad der some weeks ago. Mrs. Roberts has something like erysipelas in her face Grants Pbhs Wedeusday to consolt the doctor. Mrs. Close is having some improve ment put on her . place near Wilder ville, having some plowing done and some fencing. Emma McCann is home now after attending school at Corvallis several months. Monday evening of this week Mr. Pousman met with quite a sad acci dent. Be was in the Barn and had where he has been working in the big timber. (ius has a fine homestead here in Elk Yalley and when not at work somewhere else is always buy on bib claim. Gas believes in being an honest with I'ucle Samuel as with a neighbor. C'has. Mock, who bought the Evens' and weut to place on Uramiy nun, sevms 10 uie" of this week business and is making that place shine like a "Nigger's heel." Mr Mock is preparing to build a new bouse this coming Summer. That is the kind of men we like to see in our Yalley. Will do you hear the Queen ot Bronze people shout? Must be the have struck something. IMIieyjsant something to shout good aud hitrd over, just let them take a peep at the copper in Elk Yalley. Now if Uncle Sam don't dsmomtize copper, were milkei his cow aud jnst'then his dog sU Bk0(,tllul ran along neblna ine cow. sue aicaea I t. flu Ana and stroclr Mr. Ilonsman I i v....i.i t... i.. ..,i !, who Oil lilt) ICKi uivni IliH uin n- uniwn "w k.,o w m.ndH in ui.t in the everyway house, then he shot the gun off and l j l . t - A ...... .. . 1. . i snoiueu ml luierraia uuiiiir luo uimui., but could not aronse auybody nntll 4 See? We have lots of respex't fr muu has made one error and tries in the world to make amends for it. But, how about the fellow whose whole anatomy is a bundle of errors and he daily string' o'clock the neit morning. He was lnIU v ngni iw getting short of fuel in the house and hio' ""lastingly harp on the mis burned an old cbair to keep from be-' fortD,ie of f-llowbemg? ing chilled. The doctor oame out the George Webb has some traps set for next day aud dressed his wound and foxes and today his sister Mae weut he Is doing as well as could be ex- with him to see how it was done and peeted. Leo Bams is taking care of lo and behold ! the first trap they him as he was living alone. came to had a bear in it. You may Fred Lowe and John Taber visited Se it was a big one when I Jell with Kit W,-..lrd verl .lvs last Ju " wastcaoght in No. 3 trap week. Thev were from Grants Pass and though it good to get out In the i mM n(1 unhurt onnotrv and iret a aood hreath. but n1 George 13 aud j n - - of course they didu't say so. George Lewis of Wilderville has beeu nuite sick hnt is much botte. now. UNCLE FULLER. I Mr. and Mrs. Frodeliui from pier ! Elk Creek arel the guests of Mr. ami j Mrs. D. L.-Webbr SuiTdaT t L E L A X 1) X ; A good wife and mother is almost 44v4v))m4m)l invariably at home with her "duties, but then we won't say what we thiuk iur nicnoiH and wue maue urants ttioat 1'ans a call Monday. and Mae carried it home in her arnii, Mae is 11 years old the bear not more than 8 weeks old. The old bear i was not around, else we might ham had a different story to tell. j It is reported that the Wertz saw mill will start op the 1st of March. The Lelaud Lumber Co. received a supply of new cable for their donkey aud started to work again the l'.Hh. Henry Simmons spent Saturday and Sunday in Grants Pass. '1 he Leland school stttrted again after a week's vacation. 'lhe Leland Lumber Co. bus been repairing the roads getting ready to ship lu in tier. Jack llarker aud wife and 'I'm Hneston anil wife of Leland spent Saturday and Sunday in Merlin. CRUSTY HATCH. the '. the gad. ones who are always on EBEN. "Hi Master's Voice." The Photo aud Music House has beeu appointed selling agent for Josephine county for the Yictor Talk ing Machine and a full stock of ma chines and records will he in stock early next week. Come in and hear "His Master's Voice. " Iyooks as if we were going to some more rain Mtss Anna Slagle was on our streets last week. Mr. Corbet who bus hiin sucriii tendlug the Sowell copper mine is nowhere looking nftei his mining interests Mrs. Ma Pecker and Mrs Homer White were the Kiietts ot Mrs, Adams Saturday Kd Hasye returned boms from Ken licit last eck, where lie has Jbu working for the pant four months. Mrs. I). Slaglew.-sshoppingJaiiit vixiling here last nivk. 2 Jennie . Mel 'lav i farununtlaud building fiiiuic'al present. j lioh Haskel, who ha Iwn botheicd coiisbbirablTl.witli ;,hunlon jjnad the grl) JiJoow able to .work Mist'Mamte Schleigbl'.is'iiow wait ress at the botr'.iiiTe. 2 Miss IMIa alien ws thejguest of hir sinter, Mrs JMcI'riety Ja few days ago. Mr. truwell;wjJ,.u on our streets Sunday. TO I'TKR ANN. -largest skH'k ofwtolies and chains ever iu lowu'canbe found at Letvli er's Kveryttiliigiutlie Jewelry'line j'l tf s, p pice erfection S4J on Merit J.A.FDLBER&C- km SPICES : LAUHEL (JKOVE Well, say isn't this tine warm weather we are having at presenT"? Makes one fiM'l that Spring is here. Messrs Oscar Williams and li. T. Hay were visitors to your city last Saturday, also George Viuing. Mr. Swett and wife paid vour city a visit last week, also A. II. Carson aud son and C. F. Gentler and sou. Walter Farra is very busy fttriniug and building fence at present. I b-lieve w,. will noon have that K. F. P. route that "Monty" lias spoken of so much, ,t they have lis mtuii'i on their petition. Hrpe we do. What is the matter with " Monty" or In brother.' They only write mice a mouth. 1 hey must he too sin to stop "quick, also Mr. I.swmau had nothing to say in regard to our road last week. Perhaps lie will keep still uow and also "Shorty." About SI people arteuded literary last Saturday night and thev md to a n.'i'd lime ill general. A nice iTs-ram was ren.iere.1 and the reading i.f the paper call.. 1 the "Laurel drove Wildcat;" afier recefs a m.vk trial Mas held in whi.-li l.oui Mitcliell was indicted for criminal negligence and found guilty and sen tence was pa.s,.d upon him to stay away from Ins girl for .K davs. There will l. a big social at Mur phv the s !, of M.r-h aula!... diuce ami box .ccial at Mr. Haber.naa s on Mvch lt. NuhiN'ts fl, and'Nue will run !l the wy fro n .'.0 .vnt to Come everyb dv. IT-'Vks a little like rsm this morning but its too late for raiajjuow. a Spring is here. AKvap lljc Sane J:A.FclgcrsCo. San h i 5' I iuds !Mr faoiog ttr hi. oble hnrt last wt'ek hv The oiu gentle"- ther were called laJt w,.k by the Caldwell's little maLj s gttmg fe 2lH I' D.y aud m. v. ur city oiae day death of rue of Mr how. Yo,ir reprtcr hvs been awav U 0f tlieiiast week building r.,vU aid the coi,.,,!eiu-es are we haveu't not many items so will success to e KEo cloud. The following from the Hood River Glacier will be of interest to the fruit growers of Rogue River Valley as showing the prices for fruit that were realized ly two of the banner fruit districts of the Wet. As compared with the prices secured by the mem bers of the Grants Pass Fruit Growers Cuion the Rogue River fruit stands well as to price. For apples f. o. b. Grants Pass the Union real ized l."a for Newtow usand 1. H5 f ' Spitzeubergs "aud from 70 cents to 1.10 for common kinds. Had the grading aud packing been strictly fir.-t-eliiH oil all the apples in this shipments a much higher prire could have been had. Manager Meserve received an order from one of the biggest firms in New York, handling fruit for export, offering f'J a box f. o. b. Grants Puss for large size, strictly fancy pack Newtowns, to eqoal Hood River as the letter stated, but the order could not be filled, though Rogue River can grow New tons not excelled by Hood River or any other district, but the fruit growers of Josephine county are just beginners aud are not up on spray ing, pruning, thinning, cultivating, 1 picking, grading and packing as they will be withiu a year or two and from the splendid begininng that they are now making will do better this year. With a strictly fancy, honest pack no section in the the United States can secure higher prices for fruit than can Rogue River Valleyj "The report of the secretary of the Grand Junction Fruit Growers' As sociation of Colorado, tecently pub lished, is of importance to Hood River growers, in-so-far as it shows the iut returns for fruit in that sec tion, where land is selling at twice and three times as much as it is here, and also the eiteut of the business handled by that association. Shipments of fruit for the season aggregated" 8fi7,"2.r)0packg, or 28 Ha),8aH pounds, equal to 1153 cars of 25,000 pound each, 1017 "cars by freight and the balance by express and local freight. The total amount paid to growers was t"i."5, 81.144. "Of this amount the apple crop amounted to over 214.000 boxes. The average received fur the fancy apples was fl 01 per box, 5rt oeutTfor choice, and 4,1 cents for half boxes. Compared with Hood River, our avenge, price for the entire output of commercial apples was 11.49, while tne average for the fancy grades, compared with the Colorado prleeT will be double. "The actual average returns from a whole district is tlie beet proof of the net profits made in growingi!!)" ples, and no apple growing section has yet made returus that willeiiTuTl those from Hood River. The ColoraTio fruit section is much older thinthTsT and land values have gone up there until the price of land is much higher than it is here. It is but an indica tion of what may be expected here, as time pusses, and we continue to tinke the best profits from apple rais ing on our land, in no instance have any of the other apple growing fee Hons any advantage over Hood River in soil, cliimte, transportation facilities or soeute attractions. Huod River still holds the ;ead. and will continue to hold it. " Perry Bro. Will Set Out Gmps. O. H. Perry, whose home is in Superior, Wi-cousiu, but who spends much of the Winter season it, Los Angeles where be ha property in terests, has been in Grants Pass for the past 111. days on a visit to his brother, W. T. Perry Mr. IVrr i. familiar with the graps industry of California and alter investigating the pc-s,lulit;es the industry , Kogue River Yalley he has decided to go in partneiship with his brother, who has VM-J acres of red land ou the Apple gate near II. A. II. Orson's big vineyard, and put out a large vine yard. Thev will ,.i.lnt ,sme , to grape next Spring and a Urge viney.M. Tuey will p.,ut mUt. res to grapes next Spring and ex pect to u-re.v.-. their T-age until they have at least 1C0 aes to vine yard. CMr. Perry has traveled extensively over the United s,,, ailJ js weU Posted o..;the frui, market condition -r the Northern stafs and of Canada ud he thinks that there will be a profitable and lucr, ;,, ..... ... l the fruit that Kogue River Yal-1-v and all the P,ifl0 (Vst can ever grow ,o the limited area it, the I uited States i I whU.h can be l.-r.-wnjucc s-jullv he i, of the opinion that grape, "will be the tno-t protfUM frttit ,0 r.,u iut allevs. Examination of applicants for teachers certificates, both state and coonty, was in progress at the court houBe last week, commencing Wednes day and continuing throughout the week, with the examining board cnmooBed of County School Superin tendent Lincoln Savage, G. A. Savage aud Miss Minnie Tuffs. There were seven applicants for state papers and 13 aonlicants for county papers, 11 of these receiving certificates. There was but one failure and one applicant was taken sick and obliged to give up the examination. Those who received certificates and the district in which they are teach ing are at follows: First armri orrJ nm rt . vji ri .v " Ui auj wuu.j in uie state if (o "i Miss Mattie McElmm... - inir at Leland. Second lrarA-rrnnA . . , n w luriwo e.K this coontv. Henrv Rna.o. J.. Emma Hocking, Jerome Prairii Penny, Jones creek; Howard n 1 drick. Selma: Una r.r.,k J ' Vallev; Elain Tnht near Kerbv. Third grade, good for c this county, Edna Disbrow ri' Pnle. Pearl Sama Fn o. ' k s- ' "b1"j oaioi, Tho sevAn vim tnnb . . siate n. ",""JU '"lurus rtotn papers until about March 22. tit ITlr Willi .. aUuys the Itching at 'ii3 as a poultice, gives in.,. "4 t. Dr. llilmiH .1lllra M- ment is prepared for Piiee .V'H Ing of the prfvate parts. seip 0' price. 60 cents and ""uH' ,6lHirTlRsS w.. Pro pa.. JieeUiSUJ'Sl CLEMENS SELLS BOOKS and DRUGS. ra grants pass, ore. C. F. DIXON Successor to J. M. CHILES Staple and Fancy Groceries, Flour and Feed New stock 'of goods just arrived. Special attention paid to family trade TEAS AND COFFEES A SPECIALTY phone 22S The latest inPORTATlONS- RESOLVED THAT THE AMOUNT OF GOODS w your Garment inY all THAT 5 NEC E5JAKY. WE, HAVE THE QUALITY AS WELL AS THE QUANTITY ToCETHER WTH 5TYLE AMP FIT AND VARIETY! WELL YOU SHOVLD SEE TTHEH BUSTER BRoVN o...J .... I ourirr. Justice blanks at the Courier office. yFnrJR mCH GooD CLoTH U WAITED BE f,MnnE 11 S NoT MADE up RIGHT WE CANNOT UNDERSTAND. YoU KNOW THOUGH THAT A f f"FTTRT 0F THE 3ooD CL0TH HAT IS MAPE'EATED BY BEING PUT INTO ILL--5HAPED iuJi,Jl6A TtiM WE LOOK TO WHEN WE BUY OUR. GOODS. MIGHT YOU NOT JUST AS yk?l?A "ORE THAT HAJ GOOD TITTINfi GOODS? CLOTHES THAT FIT FEEL BETTER, AND fro10!5 THAT riT MAKE A MAN FEEL BETTER. WE CAN SELL YoU SUITS AND ToP vin nrFMHE FOLLOWING PRICES, AND THEY rnik rcD:D,A?D JPRING FOR $ 10.00, A 6VJS lmI roK 12-5' A BETTER Ipp Mrf011 $J5-00 oR- 6.00, A GOOD J20'00 T 9-00. BEST H?"wn ? rlALL?? AN FIT YoU No BETTER, BUT 2ur E X0U more, take a look at ?5p?5WJl.f?r . SJMM GOODS. EASTER -w-.l. LrL I J ri 1 0 YLAR. QdLMOUN C2- OUTFITTERJ TO BOY Mib flflH