Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, February 22, 1907, Image 7

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    x. eommanJer of his ragged ai
Miss Calhoun and fi
',t uie luto Edelweiss, but my
K0"' ,,, .lie object espoused by our
i.ifalty l" -..,... i
ii,,ia firniv un a uc . a . c cv.
'nt me they bave succeeded in
K J ,rapplns Gabrlel- " 19
i"' .?.. .hp trreat army of Graustark
SH do Yur nlglmess will pardon
Lit under the circumstances?"
tbt Don-1 . muK
If tblS '9 true, ' ottuunjimu-
1 exclaimed Lorry, oro-
r,mllv agitated. "But can it be true?
. , I...M0 la flint ronllt.
ntterl? """ " '
isuolnK' tlmt it is Dantan, Gren
,1 vntivn "I fnncv It is not
' i.fP0U9 1" us t" 'Pt ulm stand over
.It" CflHl "
,H alone nud Ignored. Go to him.
.. .rtih hnt she nasseri through
floors accompnuled by Beverly and
Z young princess. Lorry and others
nt to pt 1 luc
pam-'loss looked flt oue anotner
. . -.01, rtnl.lna the nrlanner?
iff to un ' " - '
-you are asking yourself what Is to
ydone with "e" 8111,1 Bnldos enslly.
!jtie order Is for my arrest. Only the
rincess can annul It. She has retired
p , n,iloii of love nnd tenderness. I
A"1 . . .!!.. -I..l Tl,
mitUiiiK l'ft fr "ou t0 (1 bllt t0
lace mo In a cell. I am quite ready.
Colonel (.minnox. You will be wise to
tit me In place where I cannot hood
wink yu further. You do not bear me
,pnil?e?" lIe lat'Klfil BO buoyantly,
fearlessly, that Quinuox forgave him
(verytliiup. Pangloss chuckled, an un-
beard of condescension ou ins part.
e slin.ll meet again, tjount aianani.
You were not mr wiuiik iu jour uccu-
Btion9 against uie, uui juu uuve mucii
to jcoount for in another direction."
This is all a clever tricK," cried the
Iron Count "But you shall find me
rwly to accommodate you when the
time comes."
At this Juncture Lorry ana Count
Halfont came up with Bavone. Bal-
dai would have kuelt before his ruler
not the worn, sickly young man
restrained him.
your hand, Captain Baldos," he
uli "Most loyal of friends, you have
'Tour hand, Captatn Bulrlos."
on far more than the honor and love
I can bestow upou you. They tell me
you are a prisoner, a suspected traitor.
It shall lie niy duty nud Joy to explain
jour motives and your actions. Have
no fear. The hour will be short and
the fruit much the sweeter for the bit
terness." "Thunder." muttered Harry Anguish,
"lou don't Intend to slap him into a
tell, do you, Gren?" Baldos overheard
the renin rk.
"I prefer that course, sir, until it has
b"en clearly established that all I have
Mid to you is the truth. Count Mar
law unwt be sntlslled." said he.
"Ami. Italdos, Is all well with herr
"ted the one we have known as Un
one. "She is being put to bed," said Bal
to.wlth a laugh so Jolly that Kavoue's
lean face was wreathed in a sympa
thetic Rinlle. "I am ready, gentlemen."
He marched imllantly away between
t-e (.'nurds, followed bv Daucloss and
Colonel nuinnox.
Xatnrnlly the Graustark leaders were
wtitioiis. even skeptical. Tbey awalt
1 e'liifinnatlon of the glorious news
"-li viiryinir emotions. The shock pro
!nil liv the appearance of Prince
Dautaii In the person of the ascetic ,Me wns almost stupefying. Eveu
eviTly. who kuew the vagabond bet
ter tlaiu do others, had not dream-
f Uavune as the fugitive priuce.
Sem-tl.v .-he had hoped as long as she
NtiM Hint Bulilos would prove, after
H to ,e no other than Iantau. This
lnnl (lwlmlle 1 to nothing, lnwever,
,nd sl.e as ipiite prepared for the
"wlatimi. she now saw that he was
ast what he professed to be a brave
tot liuml.le friend of the young sov
nnd she was happy In the
laowiwica tliat she loved him for what
ie us and not for what be might
tore been.
"He Is my best friend," said Ravoue.
u they ttl Rnlilnn called
Raronp, gentlemen, and I am content
jo be known by that name until better
"uuiie gives me the right to use uu-
er. you can hardly expect a thing
14 ss to be called a prince. There Is
ouch to be accomplished, much to be
fofgiven, before there Is a Trlnce Dan
"J of I'awsbergen again."
"Tou are faint and weak," said Lor
2" wddenly, perceiving bis plight.
"Je hospitality of the caatle Is yours.
Je promise we made a few days ago
good. Her highness will be proud
receive you when you are ready to
5U the tlirone room. I am Gren;
rest and refresh
1 "d home. An
'X ready to rusb.
istouishlng but
"';"ti'J to change
' !! u."
:t will. Daws
i "'"!:e a tight to re-
sife in your (jun.
:;:it him now they
s:r nighoids. They
l.'ve :::e." wild Unvnna
bergei: .
lease C:;...:. : 1
geons. If 1
must co;.:c 1
will not da It. 1. 1
imply. "Al:i.s. I
tm faint and
you suspect. Jlay 1 ;t. ,!owu for
hour or two? In that t1::.e you will
have heard from your wh1..:js. and my
Btory will be BUbstantlated. Then 1
shall be ready to accept your hospitali
ty as It is proffered. Outside your city
gates my humble followers lie starving-.
My only prayer is that you will
Bend ihein cheer and succor." '
No time was lost In
gates for the strollers who had accom
plished the marvel of the day. The
news of Gabriel's capture was kept
from the city's Inhabitants until verl
flcatioii came from the proper sources,
but those In control of the affairs of
state were certain that Kavoue's story
was true. All operations came to a
standstill. The movements of the army
were checked. Everything lay quies
cent under the shock of this startling
"Hang It," growled Anguish, with a
quizzical grin as Bavone departed un
der the guidance of Count Halfont
himself, "this knocks me galley west.
I'd like to have had a baud In It. It
must have been great. How the devil
do you think Unit miserable little gang
of tramps pulled it off?"
"Harry," said Lorry disgustedly,
"they taught us a trick or two."
While the young princess was being
cared for by Yetive's own maids in one
of the daintiest bedchambers of the
castle Beverly was engaged in writing
0 brief but pointed letter to her Aunt
Josephine, who was still ln St. Peters
burg. She bad perslsteutly refused to
visit Edelweiss, but had written many
Imperative letters commanding her
niece to return to the Busslan capital.
Beverly now was recalling her scat
tered wits ln the effort to appease her
aunt and her father at the same time.
Major Calhoun emphatically had or
dered her to rejoin her aunt and start
for America at once. Yesterday Bev
erly would bave begun packing for
the trip home. Now she was eager to
remain In Graustark Indefinitely. She
was so thrilled by Joy and excitement
that she scarcely could hold the pen.
"Father says the L'ued States pa
pers are full of awful war scares from
the Balkans. Are we a part of the Bal
kans, Yetlve?" she asked. "He says I'm
to come right off home. Says he'll not
pay a nickel of ransom if the brigands
catch me, as they did Mi98 Stone and
that woman who had the baby. He
says mother Is worried half to death.
I'm Just going to cable him that It's all
off, because he says if war breaks out
he's going to send my brother Dan over
here to get me. I'm having Aunt Jo
sephine send him this cablegram from
St. Petersburg: 'They never fight ln
Balkans. Just scare each other. Skip
headlines, father dear. Will be home
soon. Beverly.' How does that sound?
It will cost a lot, but he brought it
upou his own head. Aud we're not ln
the Balkans, anyway. Aunt Joe will
have 11 lit. Please call an A. D. T. boy,
princess. I want to send this message
to St. Petersburg."
When Cnndace entered the princess'
boudoir half an hour later she was far
from being the timid youth who first
came to the notice of the Graustark
cabinet. She was now attired ln one
of .Beverly's gowus, and It was most
becoming to her. IiVt short, curly
brown hair was done up properly; her
pink and white complexion was as
clear as cream, now that the dust of
the road was gone; her dark eyes were
glowing with the wonder and interest
of nineteen years, and she was, an in
all, a most enticing bit of femininity.
"You are much more of a princess
now than when I Hist saw you,"
smiled Yetlve, drawing her down upon
the cushions of the window seat be
side her.
"But she was such a pretty boy,"
protested Dagmar. "You don't know
how attractive you were iu those"-
Candace blushed. "Oh, they were
awful, but they were comfortable. One
has to wear trousers If one Intends to
be a vagabond. I wore them for more
than a week."
"You shall tell us all about it," said
Yetlve, holding the girl's hand In hers.
"It must have been a most Interesting
week for you."
"Oh, there is not much to tell, your
highness," said Candacc, suddenly reti
cent and shy. "My stepbrother - ob,
how I hate him! had condemned me to
die because he thought I was helping
Dantan. And I was helping him. too,
all that I could. Old Bappo. master of
the stables, who has loved me for a
hundred years, he says, helped me to
escape from the palace at night. I hey
were to hive seized me the next morn
ing Bappo has been master of the
ftablcs for more ibau forty years.
I.,.ur old HUP!"'! He procured the
bov's clothing forme, and his two, sons
necmiiMiulcd Uie to the l.ilK where 1
fouud my bn.tiier ai.u m "
We saw vour sco
Hits and li Hicu iu
them a day or two
member of the baud.
after I b'-ame a
liaiuo's boys ore
with the baud now. l.m 'J
Hainan shall tell you of that 1 was
B0 frightened I could not tell what was
mini on. I have lived in the open air
for a week, but I love
I !..... id nil heroes
w lil love
ithem. Yesterday old Fran brought a
i message into the castle grounds. It
Told Captain Baldos of the plan to seize
GabrieLwho was in the hills w-a. -your
of tlmt? Ob,
city. Didn't you know
Mvnx COuilij&ii, v.n.i 10 rn, uaAuOn, FEBRUARY 22.
we kuew it two days ago'. Baldos
knew It yesterday. He met us at 4
o'clock this morning that is, part of
us. 1 was sent ou with Fraus so that
I should not see bloodshed If It came
to the worst. We were uear the city
gates, and Baldos caiue straight to us.
Isn't it funny that you never knew all
these things? Then at daybreak Bal
dos insisted on bringing me here to
await the news from the pass. It was
safer, and, besides, he said be had an
other object iu coming back at once."
Beverly Hushed warmly. The three
women were crowding about the nar
rator, eagerly driuking lu her naive
"We came lu through oue of the big
gates and not through the underground
passage. That was a fib," 9ald Can
dace, looking from one to the other
with a perfectly delicious twinkle ln
her eye. The conspirators gulped and
smiled guiltily. "Baldos says there Is
a very mean old man here who is tor
menting the fairy princess uot the
real princess, you know, lie came
back to protect her. which was very
brave of him, I am sure. Where is my
lirotln-r?" she asked, suddenly auxlous.
"He Is with friends. Don't be alarm
ed, dear," said Yetlve.
"lie is changing clothes, too? Ho
i:oe,: clothes worse than I needed
': ', " ' ,,u7" ' ""
i c oa:. i.c mi enjuurcu :
' . DM you not know of It?" j
"1 w sure It would happen. You
i v I was not with them iu the pass."
Yetlve was rejecting, a soft smile in
her eyes.
"I was tl;in'.iii:g of the time when I
wore men's clothes," she said. "Unlike
yours, mine were most uncomfortable.
It was wheu I aided Mr. Lorry In es
caping from the Tower. I wore a
guard's uniform and rode miles with
him in a dark carriage before he dis
covered the truth." She blushed at the
remembrance of that trying hour.
"And I wore boy's clothes at a girl's
party once my brother Dan's," said
Beverly. "The hostess' brothers came
home unexpectedly, and I bad to sit
behind a bookcase for an hour. I didn't
see much fun In boy's clothes."
"You ought to wear them for a
week," said Candace, wise in experi
ence. "They are not so bad when you
become accustomed to them that is,
if they're strong and not so tight that
"You all love Baldos, don't you?" In
terrupted Yetlve. It was with difficulty
that the listeners suppressed their
"Better than any one else. He is our
idol. Oh, your highness. If what be
says Is true thnt old man must be a
fiend. Baldos a spy! Why, he has not
slept day or night for fear that we
would not capture Gubrlel so that be
might be cleared of the charge without
appealing to to my brother. He has
always been loyal to you," the girl
said with eager eloquence.
"I know, dear, and I have known all
along. He will be honorably acquitted.
Count Marlanx was overxealous. He
has not been wholly wrong, I must say
iu Justice to him"
"How can you uphold him, Yetlve,
after what lie has said about me?"
cried Beverly with blazing eyes.
"Beverly, Beverly, you know I don't
mean that. lie has been a cowardly
villain so far as you are concerned,
and he shall be punished, never fear.
I cannot condone that one iiuiazlng
piece of wickedness ou his part."
"You. then, arc the girl Baldos talks
so much ah nit?" cried Candace eager
ly. "You are Miss Calhoun, the fairy
princess? I nm so glad to know you."
The young princess clasped Beverly's
hand and looked into her eyes with ad
miration and approval. Beverly could
have crushed her In her arms.
The Hounds of shouting came up to
the windows from below. Outside
men were rushing to and fro. anil there
were signs of mighty demonstrations
at the gates.
"The people have heard of the cap
ture." said Candace. as calmly as
though she were asking one to have a
t up of tea.
There was a pounding at the boudoir
Joor. It Hew open unceremoniously
and In rushed Ixirry, followed by
Anguish. In the hallway beyond I
group of noblemen conversed excitedly
with the women of the castle.
"The report from the dungeons, Ye
tlve." cried Lorry Joyously. "The
warden says that Gabriel Is ln his cell
again! Here's to Prince Dnntan!"
Havone was standing In the door.
Candace ran over and leaped Into his
VVONK was handsome ln his
borrowed clothes. lie was now
the clean. Immaculate gentle
man Instead of the wretched
vagabond of the hills. Even Beverly
was surprised at the change In Dim.
His erstwhile sad and melancholy fae
uas tluslied and Imgtil with happiness.
The kiss he bestowed upon the delight
ed Candace was tcudcr in the extreme.
Then, putting her aside, he strode over
and gallantly kissed tbe hand of Graa
stark's princess, beaming uu ecstatic
smile upon the merry Beverly an In
stant later.
"Welcome, Prince Dantan," said
Yetlve. "A thousand times welcome."
"All Graustark is your throne, most
glorious Yetlve. That is why I have
asked to be presented here aDd not ln
the royal hall below," said Bavone.
"You will wait here with us, then, to
hear the good news from our warden,"
said the princess. "Send the courier
to me," she commanded. "Such sweet
news should be received ln the place
which Is dearest to me ln all Grau
stark." . - .
(To be oontlnoed.)
Nature's Great Remedy for Di
eaaa. Especially Kldneya
and R.huma.tlm.
"The people here do not drink
enough water to keep healthy," ex
claimed a wellkuown authority.
"The numerous cases of stomach
tronble, kicney and bladder diseases
and rheomatsim are mainly dne to
the fact that the drinking of water
nature's greatest medicine, has been
"Stop loading your system with
patent medicines and cure-alls; bat
Ret on the water wagon. If you are
really sick, why, of course, take the
proper medicines plain, common
vegetable treatment, which will not
shatter the nerves or ruin the stonch. "
When requested for suob a prescrip
tion for the cure of rhenmatisui and
kidney trouble, the answer was:
"You must make the kidneys do their
work : the htm the filters of tha
blood. They must be made to strain
ont of the blood the waste matter aud
acids that cause rheumatism ; the
urine must be neutralized ao it will
no longer be a Bource of irritation to
the bladder, and, most of all, you
must keep these aoida from farming
in the stomach. This is the cause ot
stomach troubles and poor digestion.
For these conditions I would snggest
the following; prescription, which is
composed of only vegetable in
gredients, which oan be obtained
from any good prescription pharuiaoy.
Anyone oan mix tbem by shaking
well in a bottle: Fluid Extract
Dandelion, one-half onnoe; Compound
Kargou, one onnce; Compound Syrup
Sarsaparilla, three ounces. To be
taken in teaspoonful doses after eaob
meal and at bedtime, but don't forget
the water. Drink plenty and often."
This valuable information and sim
ple prescription should be posted op
n eaob honsehold and nsed at the
first sign of an attack of rheuma
tieni, backache or nriuary trouble, no
matter how slight.
The Badge of Honesty
Is on every wrapjMT of Doctor Pierce
Golden Medical Discovery because n Ii.ll
list of the Ingredients It I
printed them in plum En,:'., 'i. Forty
years of experience lias proven its si'p. i'
worth as u h'ood pnrilicr an I invi .'ora:
Ins tonic or t.iecureof simnach disorder
and all liver ills. It ImiUs up tho run
down system as no other tonic can I
which alcohol Is used. The active medic
inal principles of native roots such tis
Gulden Seul nnd Queen's root. Stone anil
Mandrake root, Uloodroot and Black
Clicrrybark are ex:r:icted and preserved
by the ns.? of chemically pure, trljile
reiined !:lycerine. Send to Dr. 11. V. Pierce
at Btif.afo, N. Y., forrre booklet which
quotes extracts from well-recogniicd med
ical authorities such as Drs. liiirtholow.
King, Scudde?, Coe, Elllngwood and a
host of othcj, showing thut theso roots
tan be lwr:idcd upon for their curative
action lall weak states of the stomach,
arcom;-;iied by Indigestion or dyspepsia
s well (i nAt bilious or liver complaints
and in srMwusting diseases" where thero
U losjjAilcsh and gradual running down
of t'ytrength and system.
The "Golden Medical Discovery " makes
rich, unre blood nnd -o Invigorates ainT
r,...ul:Tli. M .Mi. o la. Ii l:vr ami bom
ami, thro., ;ji lieni. tin- whole system.
Thus all skin allections, blotches,
and eruptions as well as scroiulous swel
lings and old open running sores or ulcers
are cured nnd healed. In treating old
running sores, or uh ers, It is well to In
sure their healing to apply to them Dr.
Pierce's All-Healing Salve. If your drug
gist don't happen to have this Salvo in
stock, send lilty-four rents In postage
Stamps to Dr. K. V. Pierce. Invalids' Hotel
a i . i Mimical i n-t ituie, liullalo. X. Y.. and
a lame box of the " All-lleullng Salve"
will leach you by return post.
You can't third to accept a secret nos
trum as asiilj-. unite for this noii-iilcoholic,
medicine ok known comi'ukitiiin, not
even tboiiL'li the urgent denier may
thereby make a little bigirer prolit.
r. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate
and Invigorate stomach, liver and bowels.
Suirur-coatod, tiny granules, easy to take
as ctndv.
Timber Land Act, June 3, 1K78.
Roseburg, Ore.. Feb. 5, 1907.
Notice is iiereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lauds
in the States of California, Oregon.
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all tbe Public Land
States by art of August 4, XH'J'i,
of Dewatto, County of Mason, State
of Washington, has this day filed in
this office bis sworn sUteuit-nt No,
7777, for the purchase of the N,1
NEJ'4 and N,' NWJ. of Section No.
:io, in Township No. 37 South, Range
No. 7 West, aud will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more
!..nbl.A itm Mnthar nf HtTlA tllUfl
I for agricultural purposes aud to estab-
I luh hia rUim to iwid land before the
" v i
OiontyCtertand CI rkrfthe OmnTy
Conrt of Joseohinfl Couuty, at ins
ollice at Orants Pans, Oregon, on
Tuesday, the 7th dav of May, 1907.
He names as witm-sses: Martin A.
Conger, of Orants Pass, Ore., Einmett
H. Conger, of Widerville, Ore., Will
iam M. Bull of Grant' Pass, Ore.,
and Joseph E. Verain, of Grant Pass,
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
office on or before said 7th day of
In tbe Oonsty Court ti.
County, Oregon.
In the'matter of the
L Estate of Wallace
m U. Close, Deceased
Notice ii hereby given, that Adolioe
liose, residing - at ;iraota Pass, Jose
phine Oonnty, Oregon, has been ap
pointed administratrix of the Estate
or Wallace H. Close, deceased, bt or
der of the County Court for Josephine
ooaty, uregon, dated January 22.
190., and all persons having claims
against said estate are hereby notified
to present the same, duly yerifld, to
said administratrix at tha law office of
H. D. Jiorton in Orants Pass. Jose
phine County, Oregon, oa or before
six months from the date ot the first
publication of this notice.
Date of first publication, January
25, 1907.
Notice isbereby given by the un
dersigued, Niua B. Lathrop, 'adminis
tratrix of the estate of C. M. I athrop,
deceased, to the creditors of and all
persons having claims against said es
tate, to exhibit them, within six
months after the first publication of
this notice to my attorney, J. N.
Johnston at bis oflloe iu Orants Pass,
Oregon, the said being the place for
the transaction of the business of said
Date of first publication, Jauuary
25, 1D07.
J. N. Johnston,
Attorney for Adm.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
United States Land Office.
Roaeburg. Oregon, Dec 8, 1000.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with tbe provisions of the act
of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled
"An act tor tbe sale of timber lauds in
the Slates of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as ex
tended to all the Public Land States by
set of Angiist 4, 1892,
of Wahpeton, Oonnty
of Richland,
State of North Dakota,
has this day
filed ln this offloe her sworn statement
No. 7flU, for tbe purohasa of the Wti
of NWW and N)i of SWtf of
Hectlou No. 83 in Township No.
95 South, Range No. 4 West, and wil1
offer proof to ahow that the land
sought is mora valuable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish ber claim to
aaid land before Cbarlea E. May bee,
United States Commissioner, at his
offloe at Orants Pass, Oregon, on
Monday, the 8th day of April ,11)07.
She names as witnesses: A. W.
Silsby of Orants Pass, Oregon, William
Spalding of Grants Pass, Oregon,
Ella K. Chapman of 1803 7th Ave.,
Seattle, Washington, and Elbert V.
Eellogg of Orants Pass, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
tbe above-described lands are requested
to file their claims in this office on or be
before said 8th day of April, 11107.
Benjawik L. Kddy, Register.
Timber Land. Act June 3, 1878.
Roseburg, Oregon, November 19, 190M.
Motice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 3, 188, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada
and Washington Territory," as ex
tended to all the Public Land States by
act of August 4, 189i2,
of Rosttburg. County of Douglas, State
of Oregon, has this day filed in this of
fice bis sworn statement No. 7581, for
the purchase of the MV4 of Ser. 34, in
Twp. No. 34 S. Range No. 6 W, anil
will oiler proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable fur its timber
or stone than for agricultural purposes
and to establish his elu'a to said land
before the Register and .Receiver at this
olllce at Roseburg, Oregon, on Wed lies,
dav, the 3d day o April, 1907.
He names as witnesses: L. S. Ship
ley, of Roseburg, Robert Medley, of
Roseburg, Oregon ; Frank Kennedy, of
Roseburg. Oregon; L. P. lynan, ol
Roseburg, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
requested to file their claims iu this
oflice on or before said 3d day of
April, 1907. Benjamin L. Khoy,
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
Rofehurg, Oregon, Nov. 19, 1900
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of Con
fress of June 3, 1H78, entitled "An act
for the sale of timber lauds in the States
of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," as extended to
all the Public Land States by act of
August 4, W.C,
of Placer, County of Josephine, State of
Orenoii, has this day filed in this otlice
her sworn statement No, 7009 for tbe
purchase of Lots 5, 6, 7 and SE( of NWJ
Section No.ti in Township No 35 South,
Range No. 5 W, and will offer proof to
show that tbe land sought is more
valuable for its limber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establmb
ber claim to said land at this ollice
at Roseburg, Oregon, on Wednesday, the
10th day of April, 1907. She names as
witnesKes :
Henry O. Williams of Placer, Oregon ;
I. lurnham ol Uranls I'ass,
Henry II. Conger ol Placer,
! Oregon ; W. A. Long of Placer, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above described lands are re
queiled to file their claims iu this ollice
on or belore said 10th day of April
1907. Benjamin L. Eonv, Register.
A Valuable Leiton.
"six yean ago
lesson," writes
Magnolia, Iud.
Dr. King' New
I learned a valuable
John Pleasant, of
"I then began tking
Life Pills, and the
longer I take them the better I fi nd
tbem." Tbey please everybody
Guaranteed by slldraggists. 36a
Elvs Cream Balm
This Remedy Is a Specific,
Sure to Cive Satisfaction.
It cleanses, soothes,, and protects tl
diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh aud
rtr.ves uvr" in th- Jtcid ijiucki-
ltestores lhX Senses of Ta-te nv' ' ".
Kusy to use. Contains no i .i "
Applied into the le-l-iV.
Largo Size, I".') ce'its lit '
mail; Trial Size, 10 ee-'
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
United States Land Olllce,
Roseburg, Oregon, Dec. 8, 191X5.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada
and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all the Public Land States by act
of August 4, 1892,
of Seattle, County of King, State
of Washington, has this day filed in this
otlice ber sworn statement No. 7(159, (or
the purchase of the SKl4, of Section 30.
30 in Township No. 35 South, Range
No. 4 W., and will offer proot to show
that the land sought is more valuable
for its timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes and to establish her
claim to said land before Cbas. E.Maybee
U. 8. Commissioner, at his o trice at
Grant Pass, Oregon, on Monday, tbe
8th day of April. 1907.
She names as witnesses: a. w.
Silsby ol Grants Pass, Oregon; William
Spalding of Grants Pass, Oregon; Cora
E. Chapman of Wahpeton, North Dak-
oia; and Libert V. Kellogg of Uranta
Pass, Uregon .
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are re
quested to file their claims in this office
on or before said 8th day of April, 1907
Benjamin Li. Kddy, Register.
In the Circuit Conrt of the State of
Oregon for the Oonnty of Josephine.
J. D. Drake.
Charles H. Johnston,
Defendant. .
Notice is hereby given that by
virtue ef a writ of execution, duly
issued out of and under tha seal of
the Circuit Court in and for tbe
Conuty of Josephine, State of Oregon,
aud to me directed and dnly attested
by the clerk of said Court ou the 17th
day of Jauuary, A. D. 1907, upon a
decree aud judgment duly rendered,
entered of record aud duly docketed in
the oftioe of the olerk of said Circuit
Court, ou tbe 21st day of January, 1U07,
in a certain suit then rending in the
said Circuit Court wherein J. I).
Drake was plaintiff and Charles H.
Johnston, defendant iu the sum of
Seven Hundred and Seventy-Eight aud
til-100 Dollars (778.(11) with Interest
thereon from the 21st day of Jauuary,
1907, at the rate 'of 6 per cent per.'an
nam, and the further sum of Twsnty
Dollars (t'0) ousts and disbursements,
aud the costs aud expenses of, aud
upou this writ, commanding me to
make sale of the following described
real roperty towit:
Lots Five (A) Six (6) and Seven (7)
in Section Eighteen (18), Twp.
Thirty-six (3(1) South, Range Six (8)
West of Willamette Mer. Also all
the right, title aud interest of the de
fendant In and to Lot Five (At, Seo.
Thirteen (13), Twp. 'Ihlrty-Six (3d)
South, Range Seven (7) West, of
Willamette Mer., all ia Josephine
County, Oregon.
Now, therefore by the virtue of aaid
execution, judgment, order aud de
cree, and in compliance with the com
mands of aaid writ, I will on, Hatur
day, March 2, 1907, at the hour of 10
o'clock a. iu at the frout door of the
County Court house iu the City of
Orants Pass, said County and State,
sell at public auction subject to re
demption, to the highest bidder for
United Slates gold coin, cash in baud,
all the right, title aud interest which
the above named defendaut bad or
now has in aud to the above described
real property or any part thereof to
satisfy said execution, judgment,
order, decree, interest, con If and all
accruing costs.
Dated Grant Pass, Ore., January
24, 1907.
Sheriff of Josephine Couuty, Ore.,
First Pnblicatiou February 1, 1907.
Last Publication March 1, 1907.
141 li to uu I1
r aiIjO it. 1 :v o
Harmon Iilk., up stain
Promptly and of tbe best material
aud in the latest style.
Still doing business at the old stand.
Cor. Sixth and D streets.
Gbajits Pass, Obioom.