Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, February 22, 1907, Image 5

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    vtighand meatvrt everything you
Am-"-American (trocer.
Iteyns of Personal
South Sea Blend at 20c is
i calle d
lava and Mocha at 40c to 50c
jjejieraber we have En
lish Breakfast Tea at 25c,
ot our best of course, but
ite House
W Plants, ,
Hedge Plants,
Fruit Trees,
Shade Trees,
Rose Bushes,
and Shrubbery
Why not patronize your
joal agents and save money.
I can furnish almost any-
ling you want at from ten
lone hundred per cent less
tan you pay the out-of-town
;ent and some things at
he third.
Grape roots at a low price
ly the 100 or 1000.
At Model Drug Store
-Mr. and Mrs. Mashboro returned
this week from their Eastern buving
trip. e
Mr. and Mrs. Starr spent last week
in Portland. . returning home Sator
day. Mrs. F. W. Bowersox of Ashland is
visiting this w?ek with Mrs. Geo.
Mr and Mrs. Herman Heitman,
left Thursday evening for Portland to
Miss Mary Parker of the Glendale
News spent Sonday with her parents
in Grants Pass.
mir. ueo. lw snent th n.i
week visiting a son at MerHn ni....
ing home Thursday.
Mrs. D. McCarthy and daughter.
Miss Anna, are visiting friends in
Grants Pass this week.
" Mrs. L. L. Jewell and Mrs. Eclus
Pollock returned Mondav from a short
stayt Salem and Portland.
Mrs. F. W. Chausse and children
left Wednesday to join Mr. Chansse
at Portland.
Mrs. J. H. Hathawar left Thnrsdav
night for Portland for a short visit
with Mrs. G. J. Brewer.
H. O. Perkins and Fred Mensoh left
for Briggs creek. Wednesday to sur
vey some mineral land for W. H.Barr.
W. H. Barr of Medford was in
Grants Pass Toesday and left Wedens-
day for his Briggs creek mining prop
Mrs. John Summers and Stanlev re
turned last week from a'month'i visit
with relatives and friends iu Hills
boro and Portland.
M. E. Horr left Wednesday on a
buisness trip to Aberdeen and Ho
quaim and may Visit Seattle before
C. K. Root left Thursday for Sao
Francisoo where he will probably re
main for some time 'as he has business
propositions there.
Miss Pearl Lewis of Wilderville re
tured Thursday from Portland, where
he has been spending the past three
months with her sister, Mrs J. D.
M. Braat has just sold his farm
near Wilderville to P. F. Swayne and
will soon remove to the Willamette
Valley. Mr Braat has been great
sufferer from rheumatism for the past
year and he hopes the change of
climate will benefit blm.
Clarence Messenger Was Serious
ly Injured Near Modford Week.
; A Brief Record of jj
Local Events. 8
Dragged for a mile by an unruly
horse head downward and with his
foot caught in the stirrup of a sad
dle, was the experience of Clarence
Messenger of this place one day last
wee near Medford. Meawnaer was
out in search of stray cattle. While
mounting his horse the animal jumped
throwing Messenger to the giound
with one foot caught the stirrup. The
horse dragged him until the straD
crone and left the man in the middle
of the road in an unconscious condi
tion and badly cnt and bruised. Mes
senger, after regaining consciousness
finally crawled with the greatest of
difficulty and in constant pain, to the
nearest house where he was met with
a shot gun and told to depart, the
householder evidently thinkng he was
drunk. Messenger theu made his way
another half mile to the Eeotner
home where he was oared for. He
was brought to Grants Pass and is now
in the hospital and doing well. His
injuries consiet of torn and lacerated
flesh and many braises. Fortunately
no bones were broken and no internal
UUKtg WHtMt All ILSl M
MH ItalK 111 flSf (111 A.
Beit Coup h Sjrup. tuln Good. Dm
In trim
Hold br druinriiti.
Medicated StocK Food
For Horses, Cattle, Sheep
and Hogs
One of the best Stock Foods on the market and
one which will keep the animals in tho best of con
dition. Large Size Package 50 cents
A. U. Bannard
Finds too much Wall Taper
on hand, and will cut prices
25 to 50 per cent
for thirty days to close it out
A large Stock of cvery
thngiin our line at low
est price.
Feb. 23, Friday, Washintgon's Birth
day Chicken pie sapper given by
Baptist Ladies Aid at Baptist
Church basement, 25 cents.
Feb. 22, Friday-Martha Washington
tea given by the ladies of the
Presbyterian chorjli.
Feb. 23, Saturday Secure reserved
Seats for "Maro" at Hornings.
Feb. 23, Saturday Pnblio Benefit to
proviso ianna lor a fbalio Drinking
Fountain, opera House. Admission
Feb. 2. Tuesday evening Basket ball
.. at Opera bouse between Grants
Pass and Medford teams.
Feb 28, Thursday Maro, the Prince
oi aiagio, last number of the en
tertainment ooorse.
April 1, Monday Penalty avoided if
one-half tax is paid before this date.
March 15, Friday 3 per cent rebate
if taxes are paid before this date.
April 22, Monday Regular term of
the Circuit Court.
AppIegaJe OrcK&rdisI Planting
FecKcKea. j
Charles Smith, who resides on the
west side of Applegate river near its
confluence with Kogue river, was in
Grant Pass Monday and was a caller
at the office of Fruit Inspector Me
serve to investigate the merits of the 1
Sampson spray solution. Mr. Smith i
stated that never before has there '
been such interest taken in the fruit
iudustry in his neighborhood as now !
and that every farmer is pruning and
spraying their trees. The feasts hav
ing held their own heretofore against
the farmer's home-made spray Mr.
Smith stated that his neighbors and
himself were going to try the steam
pressure made solution from Sampson
Bros., fiiolorv in Grants Pass.
More fruit trees are being planted
this Winter on the Lower Applegate
section than in the prveious five yearn
is the report of Mr. Smith. He has
an orchard cf four acres and now
that a systematic effort is bing made
to subdue the pests he intends to in
crease the number of liis trees. Hav
ing "never tiad a failare of a peach
crop he is planting largely to that
frnit. By reason of their early and
prolific bearing and ready sale Mr.
Smith has found peaches more pro
fitable to him than apple!). Mr.
Smith's good fortune in never losing
a peach crop from frost is also that
of all the Applegate orchardists Jfor
nil report the peach a sure bearer
with them. It is a proven fact that
the Appb-g-Ue Valley is absolutely
fre. from the late spring froH that
so frequently tiring ruin to the peach
crop in other section of Kogue Kivi r
Valley. This great advantage will
be sure to make of Applegite Valley,
, which is 30 miles long, one of the
greatest peach district of the Pacific
; Coast.
I I Post Cards Tablets 3 cards on
! ' tablet, ."jc Music i-tore.
! j Edison and Victor Talking Machines
1 ' at the Mni-ic Store.
W. L. Ireland has removed his real
estate office from the Courier build
ing to the express office where he can
be found in the future.
! A. S. Rosenbauui, for a number of
years station agent for the Southern
I Pacific Co. at Merlin, has been pro
1 nioted to be agent for the company at
Medford, succeeding S. M. Wilcox.
T. D. Goodpasture has closed a very
successful three months term of school
at Frovolt and has accepted the posi
tion of teacher at the Ruch school
which opens Monday, March 4.
Postmaster Harmon received word
from the Department Monday that
books of 1 cent stamps, 24 to the book,
will be issued and place on the mar
ket March 1. The books will be
similar to the 2-cent stamp books now
In ose, and will sell at 35 cents. Mr.
Harmon has sent in a requisition for
a supply of the books which will
probably reach here by the first of
Maro, the Me.ttlcta.n.
Submerged and steeped with know
ledge of the world of Mystery has
made "Maro" and "Magic" Synony
mous. Jo secret but he delved and
found the key. No accessory so elabo
rate he has not acquired. Infinite
painstaking and expense are bagatelles
to him. Maro's Magio is so original
in conception and presentation, and
his resources so unlimited, he is able
to gratiiy bis expectant audience
with something new each year. His
repertoire consists almost entirely of
his own experiments. Each of Maro's
trioks are paylets full of mystery,
grace and humor and the deftness
with which they ars executed as
tounds, bewilders and gratifies the
eager watohsrs. His easy, graceful
manner and pleasant conversational
way at once win the confidence and
esteem ot his audieuee. There are
few real meritorlpus and reoognixed
conjurors in our oountrry today and
"the youngest of the great and the
greatest of young" of those
wonder workers is Maro. Grants
Pats Opera House, Feb. 28.
New Notes From the Business
Men to Readers.
Se.lve.tion Army.
Rev. F. C. Lovett of the First Bap
tist Church will speak in the Salva
tion Army hall on Wednesday eveniag
February 27tb. The following Satur
day evening. March 2, the Rev. Clark
Bower of the Christain Church wiil
speak. Subject "God's Power to
Save." Romans 1-16. You are cor
dially invited to attend.
Baptist Church.
Ths pastor will preach at the morn
ing service at 10 :30 the fifth sermon
in the series "Sermons in Stone".
Subject: "Children and Parents."
The topic or the evening message
will be "If I cooldo Only See It as
Vo i Do. " The sesiion of ;the Bible
School is at 11:4.T The Junior Union
at 3 p. m. is in charge of Mrs. Edger
ton. The Senior Uuion is to be led
by Luther Hammock.
It will bn a Conquest Meeting. Our
Pacific Possessions". A most cordial
invitation is extended.
Dr. Flanagan,
Physician and Dentist
Go to Coron for Plumbing.
M. Clemens. Prescription Druggist.
Sheet Music sale at the Mnsio Store.
A splendid line of Koval Charter Oak
Ranges at Cornn't
Se the big line of watches and
chains at Letcher's. 2-23 tf
For a e'eau bed and a good meal
try the Western Hotel.
Hundreds of varieties of Post Cards
at the Muslo Store.
Some pretty things in Damask
Lunch Cloth at Mrs. E. Rehkopf.
Maps of Oregon Wash in ton and
California at the Muslo Store.
Come and see our new Lace Cur
tains before house cleaning time.
Mrs. E. Rehkopf.
Victor Talking Machines and rec
ords at the Music store.
Report cards for school use are on
sale at the Muslo Store.
We have Cotton and Wool shirt
waists. All the colored ones at re
duced prices. Mrs. E. Rehkopf.
Several elegant toilet sets will be
oolsud out at ooet at Smythe's Quality
Shop. If you ceed one ootne now.
2-22 2t
Appreciates the Carrier.
The following taken from the
Hsrald of Ellsworth, Wis., show show
they appreciate the Rural Delivery of
mail in that oommunity :
"Lyle Brown, carrier on route No.
5, wishes to extend thank to patrons
for donations of grain, etc.
"J. G. Lantz.Qeo. Weghorn, Alfred
Anderson, two sacks oats each; Fred
Gibford, Wm. Gloford, Carl Baler,
A. M. Johnson, A. Lubnow, F. Fall
ofskl, A. D. Kelli, Chris Lantz, M.
O. Hanson, John Hoyer, A. Hoyer
one, sack one oats each ; Alfred Ander
son, W. 8. Wood, one sack potatoes
eaoh; Carl Peterson, A. J. Johnson,
one sack corn each ; Edna Ouest f 1 in
The carriers get but fftO a month
and have to famish a horse and vehicle.
era hotel, Thursday, February 21,
1907. Thos F. Kelsay and Lavisa
A. Stookem, both of Jaokson county,
Kev. Geo. M. Gardner, officiating.
WINDER8 DIEHM At Grants Pass.
Saturday, February 15. 107, John
Winders and Mrs. Alice Diehm, Evan
P. Hughes ofliicating. Mr. Winders
was a former resident of Grants
Pass, having grown to manhood
here. They wiil live on Evans
creek on a farm recently purchased.
BOUGHMAN At Grnts Pass. Tues
day, Feb 19, 1907, Wm. Boughamn,
aged 5H years.
Yes It's Strany
In our corner window, a
new factory shipment wo
have iust unDackod. We
have boon selling Stransky
for 10 years, and know that
its claims are made good.
Tho stock just received has
the latest shapes and de
signs in Kitchen Ware, and
if you have no Stransky in
your kitchen, we would urgo
you to give it a trial.
Guaranteed lor live years
Cramer Bros.
Odd Fellows Block
Poultry Netting Garden Tools
More Fruit Planted at Merlin.
L. H. Yonker, formerly a Mlohigan
resident tried Southern California
but finding that much boomed section
was not the mosey making frnit dis
trict claimed for it and last year be
came to Rogue River Valley and
bought piece of hill land near Mer
lin. The land had a small orohard
on it which with the cnltivation
that he has given it has made snob an
enoooraglng growth ; he is confident
that ha can make fruit raising profit
able on it. He is planting this Spring
118 apples, 100 pears, 100 peaches and
600 grapes on his place. While the
soil Is deep hill clay loam he Is fur
ther loosening it np by boring deep
where each tree is to be set and put
ting down a charge of giant powder.
This thoroughly loosens the ground
down for several feet thus enabling
the tree roots to penetrati deep into
the moist earth and to withshtaud dry
weather better. This shaking up of
the subsoil will create a cistern un
der eaoh tree that will hold the water
low down after the rains and then to
line by capallary attraction when the
dry weather of Summer comes.
iU v.
Ttt School that Placcs fi
Sixth and D Streets
. J H WASH I. ft TNTM' 5TS.
Hlstorice.1 Lectures.
Jamestown. Virginia )('07 102 sonls;
I'uitedStates today 1H07 SO'millions !
The above is an outline statement
of the most 'phenomenal growth in a
Nation's history. Can any nation on
earth match it? We are told by Hum
Ijolrk that three kernels of wheat,
which accidetally got among the rice
supply of Cortez, the Spanish dis
covered were carefully planted. In
10(C) the growth of that careful plant
ing had mounted up into million up
on millions of bushel-. ,
What is crow-led into the history
hctweeii It'll aud 1-7V The over rule
of old , the noble struggles and sacri
fices of onr civil fathers, tho implant
ing of eternal principles, the crystal
lizations into institutions of God's
purposes and plans.
At the Bethnay Presbyterian
Church, beginning next Sunday night,
Feb. Evan P. Hughes, the. Pastor,
will deliver a series of lectures bear
ing upon the facts suggested by the
Ftati ments made in the foregoing
paragraphs. The general subject of
the series Is "Formative Forces in
American History." .The lee'urer
U-lieves that tbe Amfriran national
hitcry,ras 'well ai the Hebrew, is a
pig" from God's own' bonk, and that
.w--""ar-' privileged to deduce the re
form l'-w'omTVif patriotiMn.'iiiHnllinenH,
womanliness, I uri'ty, truth and fidelity
tiT(i'.d'M purprses and law. -
";" Tlie-ieletnres "'are frw.lntpiriiig
miii'. well" lighed anii'iiti.ry iirul" a
lu irtT, 'cordial welconi" await those
wl.o desire to attend.
Maro, the Prince of Maic
The last number on the Enter
tainment Course will he the
111' ST OF Till: COURSE
and will entertain young and
old alike. Maro, by his feats of
has amazed his audiences in all parts of
vuld. and in Grants Pass Thurs
day, the 2Kth, he will perform his
wonderful works.
Maro brings with him three good
Musicians who with himself form the
great Saxophone (Hiartett which every
one should hear.
i- ' : . V J ,J
Opera House, Thursday, Feb. 28th
! A x
A i
UTT T. Xf C A B. '-g.. Portland. Or. 1 Legal blank at the Courier office.
Makes Lean People Fat
Through the nerveous system. Its a PURKLY
VEGETABLE COMPOUND, contains no oil or fats
or any drug that is injurious or liable to produce
a habit.
Each bottle contains a month's treatment and costs
f 1 50 at any first tla-s drug store
Prepared by the A NT I LEAN MEDICINE CO.,
Oregonian liuilditig, Portland Oregon.
A A" T I L. i: A iS