Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, February 22, 1907, Image 3

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in food causes
stomach disorders Its con
tinued use means permanent
injury to health.
Following the advice of medical
scientists, England and France have
passed laws prohibiting its use
in bread making.
American housewives
should protect their house
holds against Alum's wrongs
by always buying pure Grape
Cream of Tartar Baking
d Pure Grape Cream of
Tartar Powder is to be had
for the asking
Buy by name
One Hundred Copies at Least to
be Distributed in Jose
phine County.
b rpnlv to his amdication for 800
opin of the report lor iui or ma
ate Board of Horticulture Secretary
M. Williamson writes to Charles
serve. sM-rntarv of the Grants Pass
uu uruwi'rs union, mat vuv
vim to sflcnrn an amiropnauoii
'rem tlii statu for the nrintina of 3000
rpiei of the report for this year and
a consequence the distribution has to
m limited. The renorts will be ap
portioned out to each county in pro
bation to their applications. For
lie present ou'y 100 copies can be
nt to Josephine county, bnt should
fltVipr nnnnliaa rf ttnTllv for their
. . ... ..v.a
pfl nntnher then the additional 100
Ml hp sent to Josenhine connty.
.-refid ut Wilbur K. Newell, of the
j-arl, niiii Sucretary Williamson ex
I'm their regrets that they may not
able to supply the demand for the
"Mrti which has heen created by the
MMoal interest that is being taken
a many parts of the state in frnit
.TuVinr. Tt... w.-mz-ifta nf tllfl
3ord contain much matter not in the
rwnt report that is of great value
-j iron growers and as the board nai
snail number of them left over
fcretary Williamson has notified Mr.
tt-wrre that he will ship with the
reports 100 each of the reports
'arlW, un.i nini ti.o n0 renorts
'ill be f,,.- general distribution and
who are interested In fruit raising
,r invit-d to call at Secretary Me
WB ntfirs in Grants Pass and get
l COTlr
l i conceded by orchard ists that
reports 0f the Oregon Horticul
'3rlE.iiiri are among the best text
''Oka tli t Urecon fruit growers can
't0!;r- IL-se reports embrace, be-
ruur!, yaloable statistical mat
' c.'in U te instructions written by
on nil the details connected
'th cri.winsr of all kinds of fruits.
s articles are treated location,
soil, planting, cultivating, pruuing,
spraying, thinning, picking and pack
ing so plainly that it is easy for the
reader to put into practice these in
structions. If an orchardist will fol
low the instructions given in the re
ports of the Oregon Horticultural
Board and carefully read any one or
all of the horticultural papers pub
lished in Oregon among which is Bet
tei Fruit, of Hood River, Oregon
Agriculturist, of Portland, and Ore
gon Homestead, of Salem, and theu
intelligenlly apply these ideas he will
bave no diffloulty in raising frnit
that will sell for the top price.
Only Way to Cure Stomach Dis
orders IS By jirciiiiiii""B
the Disestlve Organs.
Fully 150.000 Frvilt Trees Princi
pally Winter Apples and Pears
Pl&nted This Winter.
The fruit growers of Jackson
county, so J. A. Perry, manager and
secretary of the Rogue River Fruit
Growers luiou of Medford states. Rre
floing more extensive and thorough
work in thtdr orchards this Winter
than ever before. Spraying is being
done more thoroughly and few are
depending on home made solution.
From the tost estimates had tliure
will be fully 150,000 fruit trees
planted in Jackson county this Win
ter, apples and pears principally
though a Urge number of peach trees
and some cherries are being planted.
Ihe terrific ravages that the blight Is
making in the pear orchards in the
East and in California and the highly
profitable prices that Jackson county
growers have received for the past five
years has given a great impetus to
pear planting aid Mr. Perrv thought
that their county would within a few
years be the banner pear growing
county of the United States. The
record price for this year was 3,429
for a car of Cornice pear grown in
Hon. J W. Perkins' Hill Crest or
chard. The record rrice for Bartlett
pear was $3.10 a box. The Medford
grower pnt none but the very best
pear ia their fancy pack and fine
lithographed label are put on the
boxes and lace paper over the top of
the fruit. I hey are equally as par
ticular in the packing of their apples
and their apple orchards are fully as
protfiable as are the pears. The price
for Newtons and Spitzenbergs run
from 2 to $3 a ;box. As a result of
the big profit in orchard" fruit land
in Jackson county has doubled within
the past two years, and Mr. Perry
stated that good cleared land was
selling readily for $200 and over an
acre while brash laud from which the
timber had been rut was selling
readily at $100 an acre.
Moore Bros. Enter Electric Light
Field Getting Water From
C. 8. & R. S. Moore are promoting
a lare power plant for Klamath
Falls, the plant to be in operation
within one year. Moore Bros, have
secured fro a the Government 7000
inches of water from the Keno Canal,
the same to be delivered by October
1, 1907. They own suitable sites
along Link River, where they are
already operating two large sawmills.
The buildings for the plant will be
erected during the coining season and
all neesssary machinery will be
brought in during the Summer.
The power will be utilized in
operating awniill8, flour mills and
other manufactures, besides for light
ing purposes.
The erection of this power plaut
will no doubt bring about excellent
service for that city, as there will
then be two competing companies.
The new plant will also furnish
power for the electric street railway,
which will be in operation within one
year. Most of the track is already
laid and cars have been ordered.
The ordinary "dyspepsia" tablet
has ruined more stomachs than all
other onees combined. Giving tem
porary relief, it leaves the digestive
system weaker than ever, and the tab
lets must be oontiuued with increas
ing frequency.
The only way to completely cure
stomach troubles is by ctreugtheuing
the digestive organs with a Mi-oua
'.tn,,.rh tablet taken before meals.
Us-d in this way Mi-o-u.i excites the
secretion of gastric juitv. and when
the food is swallowed, the stomach is
ready to digest it.
Mi-o-ua stomach tablets are never
sold in bulk, hot in a neat box con
venient for the purse or v.-st pocket,
at 50c.
A guarantee is given by D-maray
with every bo of Mi-.-n. that
monef will be refund, d if the remedy
fails to give satisfaction. Thi hI.ovm
Demaray's faith in the .merits of the
remedy. m
A Baby.
l.l 1, mnihlni' ill th
will be if ynQ fc'lv'' , 1
I Yermitugo. 'H - "
off red to suffering h
i i 111' t
remeov io - ,. ! i,
I fixture or an Dm; V '. . .,.,, int
i Wi,h children, can t n ' : "'r ;
I. bottle of White', 1 n, -n- ;
in the boose, lor a'
Drug Co. and Rotru.u"-. a.
Proposition for Purchase of Light
and Wetter Plants Will
Be Submitted
Mr. Cole on Coolies.
Grants Pass, Ore., Feb. 12, 1907.
Editor Courier:
I saw in the Oregooian of Feb.
11th, that 11 is the intention of the
officials of the S. P. R. R. to dis
charge all white section men on their
lines in Oregon and to replace them
with Japs.
Now I am an American clear
through and I believe in America for
the Amretcaus, both native aad
naturalized white meri and that they
should not be forcsd into competition
with cheap coolie labor. Now this
question is forced upon 'the working
men of Grants Pass and also the busi
ness men and what are you going to
do about it? It did not take them
very long to decide that matter in the
little town of Woodbnm, Marion
county, for they promptly ordered 'he
Japs to leive and they left.
Forty-five Japs have been lauded in
Ashland and are being herded there
now and are to be distributed as sea
tion gangs through Southern Oregon.
Now this idea of cheap labor is
catching; it has caught on in Cali
fornia and has become deeply rooted
and the labor unions liav-j been the
first to bring that question before the
people for their serieus consideration.
Now if tho business men and the
working men of this city will tamely
submit to the importation of cheap
coolie labor, where will it end? How
long will it be nntil these factories
which are owned by a California cor
poration conclude that it might be
cheaper to hire Japs for 60 ceuts to
tl per day than to pay white labor
$3 and $3? Even our farmers and
fruit raisers might be struck with
the same limb.
Now what has our Grauts Pass
Commercial Club to say about tbis
matter? We await their answer with
breathless expectation. It would be
so easy for onr business and pro
fessional men who oompose the club
to express their views on paper.
But when it comes to real action,
we generally have to depend on the
working men as they are alwiyi the
first to suffer.
Now, I wish to state in conclusion,
that I am not a professional agitator
nor an alarmist. Bnt I am pointing
out conditions as they actually exist
in California today and we know
from past experience that eternal
vlgilence is the price of safety.
Pine Ties and Light is
Said to C&uso Over
turned KblIIs.
A Telegram correspondent says ex
perienced railroad men affirm that the
numerous wrerks the Southern Pacific
has been having recently are caused
by overturned rails, the last three
wrecks that have occurred in Cow
Creek Canyon having apparently been
from that cause. The com Dan v has
only lately installed heavy power
locomotives, which appear to be more
powerful that the track will stand.
Ibe ties are pine, soft and spongy,
and the ballast of light weight, with
the result that a heavy train will
often torn a rail over and ditch itself.
Another trouble is the lack of section
men. Their wes have 'been cut to
1.35 a day, and It is bard to get men
to work for that rate. Some of the
section gangs have only the boas left,
and this at a time when there is more
need of men than in the Summer,
when the track is in good shape.
Due to the Universal Vse of Hv
omel Cures Without
Stomach Dosing,
There has been a marked falling off
of sales of catarrh curse in the local
stores the past year. Medicines
which were formerly purchased in
gross lots are now seldom called for,
and the druggist rarely buys more
than a dozen at a time. Hyomei is
a notable exception to this decrease
in sales. It is, in faot, largely re
sponsible for the lessened sales of
catarrh medcines, as it has cored so
many people of catarrhal troubles
that naturally there is less call for
remedies for that disease.
There is no disagreeable stomach
dosing with Hyomei. It is breathed
through a neat pocket inhaler that
oomes with every Hoymei outfit.
Demaray gives his personal guarantee
that the money will be refunded on
less the treatment cores, so that you
Continue to
Serve Your
In the months to follow as iu
time past with the very best
merchandise that is to be
found on the market, and will
hope for your continued pat
ronage. Call and get a supply of our
high grade
Teas and Coffees
We can supply your needs
Quality Shop
ruu no risk at all in baying this re
liable remedy.
The complete Hyomei outfit oosts
but fl. extra bottles, if needed, 60o. '
Dry Goods, Underwear,
Notions, Etc.
Front Street
west Palace hotel
I want your bargains in
rJa?imlx3i mid
Timber InncLs
Can use a few. homestead and tim
ber relinquishments,
P. O. Bor 366, Roseburg, Oregon.
! At a regular meeting of the Rose
' city council recently in a
! If ii ki by message to the Council,
'Mayor Hoover advocated municipal
i ownership of the water anil light
! plant, saying that for the past few
months thp bical llant hat been used
1 as a football, being kicked from the
bunds of one net of alleged owners to
another, each proiiiining the city bet-
t r water and light s'-rvice, but that
at jinfiit the city 8"ems no better off.
! The murage was approved and
i adopted by the ronncil, and later
! during the eniou an initiative and
referendum ordinance through which
tb city ran own its own water and
liilit system was read the firt and
second times.
O j o
Comprising over 1200 titles now in stock at
the Photo and Music House, this music is all
high grade, printed on heavy paper regular
sheet music size but sells the world over at 10
cents per copy, music the same as you have
often paid 25c and 50c for. The list comprises
PIANO; Two four and eight hands.
VOCAL; Solos and Duets.
VIOLIN; With Piano Accompaniment.
Dont send to Chicago for your music. We
have done that and save you time and trouble.
Write or call for Complete Catalogue
house and
V. !,it- s t'r-t:i
w nu in-!' ";"
.-.aiiity. T:.:s
!,..-; ,-iei.:
If V
'I ar
111' :t
an !
IT' "
' .Vi
g' :
1 1
i.V f.
U 1
D on tPut Oft. 1
, rrcw what you can do today.
.-i!T-riiu' frirn a torpid liv-tij.-.tion,
don't ua't until to-rr,.-lp.
I ; uy ij"t 1 1-- of H.'thiij.
i.Ht liver riht.
a' out h a'th saves many
Mrs Ida Grehmn,roiut,
is: "I useil Herhiii" in my
r fix years, and find it d es
;Mim V do. " K-.r al by
Ijihi Store and Koti-rujuud
Always in stock. Wo will gladly or- E(J jSOH QflCl VjctOT
dcr for you and save you trouble and
"08t Talking Machine
so. r..ii..s ancj Records
Dance Folios
Orchestra Music
Photo and Music Store
(Courier Bui'dint;