Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, February 22, 1907, Image 2

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Practice United to
bUMMi fitted and furnish.
foun 9 to 12: 2 to 6; and on ap
Kieut. Telephones 241 and 77.
U&tari Kabb, Obboos
1)R. J. C. SMITH
Phones, Offloe 3W; IU. 1181.
Kealdenoe oor. 7th aud D (traeU.
Office at National Drur Store.
GaArr Pass, - - Oaoo
Office In Courier Building.
Office phone 911, residency 413.
Kyt tested and glasses fitted.
GmAirra Fau, Objsuob
U,a I'bnne 7U
Oity or oountrjr calls attended night
or day. Hlxth aud H, TufT'a building.
Offloe Phono Ml.
Gkaits Pass Osaxios.
OUMrwn it Chnfitumunl (JtmrnMrnht Mtd
Out a .VWvWly Kmmmmmttc t'rm
C02 D Btroet
Ga.wr Pisa, 0JKH)ii.
Graduate of American Brbool of Os
teopathy, Kirkavllln, Mo.
Office Hours 8 to 12; 1 to 6
Office over Firtt National Bank
GtAirrs Pass. - 0booh
. urth 0th at., ntr Court Hoaaat
Offloe Phe 761, Ree. Pkooa T17.
auan Piss, Oaaoo.
rraeiloe la all Stole and MmlOowti.
Offloa la Opera IIotunuridtDf.
OaAartl Pams OiMoa
Praetioa Is all WWW and Federal Uourt
Offloe over Hair Riddle Hardware Co.
OaArra Pass, Okkk.n
Offloe, npstairs, City Hall.
UaAMT I'.ss, Oaaoi.N.
KKaW .... Ow. "a
Civil aud criminal mutters attsudsd to
In all the pourw.
Real esUto and liifuraace.
UfHoe, fltll street, op)lte Pi.stof flee.
Oil. Hi., uorth uf Juaei.liin ll.4l,
HaAiTt Pass, Oaaana.
Charles Costaiu
WikkI Working Shop.
Wnl of flour mill, ucar R. R. trmi-k
Turalli(, tkiroll Work, btair Work, Hand
Hewiot.t'alrtnst Work, WvkkI FnllsTt. Haw
rtUng.nd nuiumluf, Kspalrtni all klaO.
ITMM rmlit
The Popular Barber Shop
Gel your tousorial woik Uuue it
Ott Sixth Stiert ITirr chairf
Hath la oxmiei'tUin
t . i " 1 . i i a i
Faralture and llano
Paaco Barber Shop
Sbaving, Hair Cutting
Baths, L'tc.
Kverjthlug neat aod uleea aad a
work Mnt-Claa
; W. C. T. U. COLUMN.
All matter for this column Is supplied
A. i l i . ' t
tian Temperance Union, Y. and L. T. L- ,
Grants I'hhh
Temperance Union and Y, observed '
.r,.u V. WIll.M Vomorlnl
France E. Willard
Day." Rev. Geo.
F. O. Lorett and a representative
number of White liibboners were
preseut. A beaotifol picture of Miss
Willard was presented Grants Pass
HiKh School. Sup.. B. R. Turner, in
well chosen w,d accepted
p.cture. Prof. Uwrwon hung he
samen.K.ut .e wall atthHr.Khtoftl.e
picture oMUHhrnKton.
JfollowuiK ! the sketch of the life
of'Franoes E. '.Villard"
Mrs. Spalding :
as read Ijv
,.t . i- i i i
it was a rare.y niiuowtf. i.ciuu iuiu
... . , . r ranees e,. wiimra wt
u..........,... oh mri in ri,,,r,.l,lll V
.. . .' " .' .'
Y. ller rutt.or, Johihii . tuara, norn
, '
m f ruu, ww. "
Intergity, ability and euey.
u religions, a man of
charming manners, an inflexlb.e will with n heart and mind an fee wl.e , ,n ,m l
and imosual powers of thought and Land. She made second speech and picture that upl.f .. Th. .usf re.
speech. Her mother was a worn, of "third, so HU,,-s.f..lly that soon eh, to a h.gher, bn a, e ,r nobler J.fe
great moral courage, as well known was in demand at temperance gather- May Uas strong, et fa " "
as her husband for her zeal for ng.. Her Interest .oon carried her to srsti-.n as they th.nk o he as an
school, college and church. Horn of the East to study the temperance educator wl o d bef"
.nch Wrrnt.. God trained Frances movement and to confer with it. . ndents th. lugheet ideal . It . said
Willard for her life .ask and trade leaders. that her pow.r as an edw or ta,
her ready to help the pilgrim hosts ' "While visiting in Cambridge, .cholar.h.p hougb , .h was a
with their sorrows, snfTeriug. .nd M-ss.. two lettter. came to learned student of the first ius t.
, - Willard ou the same day. Oue-froui tious of Europe aud America, not In
Thon, as now. civilisation was ever Rev. Dr. Van Norman, of New York the witchery of personal m.guetism
moving westward and it was only city, offering her tke poi.tion of Lady but in the all-aorbing love of her
fitting that in this onward march the ' Princ ipal of his elegant school for great nature for humanity.
Willards .hould have their plaoe. ' young women, with a salary of 12400 -She believed that a great intellect
Holeutista toll ns' that climate affects and such duties as she might choose, should be a power in God s hands to
character. Certain, it i., that the The other was from Mrs. Loui.e set the world aright bhe placed
oak and rock of the New England Hounds, of Chicago, asking her to character above sholarehip. May this
hills seem to hare repeated themselves take the presloeucy of the Chicago i,e true of the teachers who instruct
iu the iron will, and uuyieldlng branch of the Woman's Christian tim y0Qtn 0f Grams Pbbs. May you
courage of the Willard family. Temperance Union, while she con- reaijZB that your lives will have
Strong and ooorageous, royal Amerl- fessed Its weakness of organization more t0 j0 wltu tne of the
cans iu heart and mind, believing in and lack of funds. Our temperance c,aracter pf the student body, than
God as their leader, it was no won- Greatueart did not hesitate; the Buy 0Be wjt, tle possible exception
der tliat they were Bent out as choice offer ot Dr. Van Normau wa9 de-! of te jiareni8 aud in many cases your
aud chosen seed for the new lauds dined ; that of Mrs. Rounds aoeepted. juflueuce is greater than that of
of the West. 1'h" wa" choice of a oareer. parents. And .0 you, the students of
"Their first Journery overland, "From the beginning of her thiB High School who are now laying
from Churohvlllo, N. Y. terminated Chicago work It was apparent that a the f0Uudations of yoor character
at Oherlin, Ohio. It was a long wide sphere was awaiting her. Five may the face and life of Miss Willard
Journey aud ;iittle Frauoes. ouly two years later, in 1M7U, she was elected ' be ft cnaracter study. Keep ever be
Veara old was often very tired. In 1 resident of the National Union, fore yo0 tllB iJeal(1 Bbe e,tabli.lied.
the Spring of IHttl they again moved ami her every heartbeat was from I u y00 gtBjy ,istory yoi, notiCM that
westard this time forced to do so on that day given to the best iutertsts of ,he ,rojy Kreat ci,sracterg are like the
account of the father's health, which the organization which was far dearer towtrjU) mountain psaks-they are
(leiiiBiided the physioiau said, the to her than life , itself. Iu this new t.omI,arati,,ly f,.w. Only here aud
free opsii air of the West, aud the society she saw the first attempt to ,h()re , ureHideut, a statesman, a
simplest of farming exercises. This unite women into an oraguizatiou 8,.uatur or a temrauce worker such
time they made the journey iu three which should make the iuflaeuce of Ba was Frances E. Willard.
white-hooded prairie chixiiiers, Mr. woumuhood and Home protection aud "jjuchineu aud women are needed
Willard driving the first. Oliver, then appreciable power iu the world. everywhere. Men and women of
a hid of 1 J year the second, aud Mrs, " Almost Immediately upon her eleo- atroug morili couraKe born of deep
Willard, with Frances and little ti.m to tlie National Proddeucy she judo,,,, CouraKe that snurs them
.ster:Mary, drove the third. They
traveled for threo weeks, strictly on-
serving the Sunday rests, and passing
through Chicago, came at length to
the banks of the Rock River, near
Jonrsvitle, Wis. Hero they '.stopped
on a charming site, overlooking the
river, the simple, homelike dwelling,
which they named Forest Homo, was
soou erected. Here for 13 happy
years these three children lived a life Courageous" she so t.fleu called her.
of love aud labor, play and study aud Bowed with grief at the loss of the
prayer. mother who had beeu the siroug stutT
"Th opportunities that came to id her life, who hud upheld her
tiles., children here were opportunities throuwh her work, cheered her in
tube useful; to read, to study, to her illHiourugrmentN pointed her
work with their hands, to love ouch onward iu her days of weariness, she
other, to reverence nature and sailed fur England to be with Lady
nature's God. Their mother, as good Henry Somerset; and the last mi
mothers have always done, lived iriM years of her life were equally di
ner ehidreii. Brotherhood and sister vided hetweeu the mother country
hood meant much to the children iu aud the home lniul.
the Willard family and iu all their
ohlldo-h activities their mother was
aider ami abhetor. They made he
lieve the country was a city, thev
organized a club aud printed a news
paper of which Frances was editor.
" The Fourth of July hsd it" cele
bration at Purest Home, and so much
had lie lr mother talked to lliein about
America'their native land was to
them a cherishing mother like their
own in gentleness ami strength and
they I'clieved that they should some
time beat. le to oft -r loving aer
viiv. Nothing could be more interest
il.g thau Miss Willard's graphic de
scription of those 'glorious Fourths, '
prophetic of the temperance reform,
line imiepeiiuenoe ot women ami the
bringing of the home pM it Into all
the world's atTirs.
Amid all the ftiu and frolic there
i w as also inaeh s',ul and" sv stemat ic
study B, fi re the lilt ! iow n school
home was built, the father arranged
a study room in the h.uso and Miss
Anna Burdn k.
bright, young
.teacher from the Fast and Eastern
! schools, was their tea. uer. Soon the
little brown ta-hool ho ie was built.
in the wivJs, abo.i: a mile frv'in
Fonvst Homo. It wa a simple dis
trict sclns'l - and a real live graduate
rom .a.e was j. c,er. Witt, these
m-hiM'l days b,gtn an eclarged social
outlook for the-,, youcg (siple.
"In b ramvs' 15ih year she aud Mary . a sel.vl scluvl. whurs
Krsnii'i espis'ia'.ly awakened astouish-
meet by the way she edited the school
' J , t
paper when it can her .urn. In
18.17 these two g rig were students in
the Milwaukee Collie, where their
aunt, Mies Sarah Hill, was Professor
- ... 1 n. --..I, ova
... aD,eDdld ,nd the
Mehtoditt father desired a more
... ..... . . i.t. -ma.
StrlClIT lecianan biiuu. ... "
111. Here, as at Mil-
wankee, Frances was soon an a-
k. owledgd leader in .oholsrship and
l activities. After graluattn
w rTr
te-h ew o.h r
ope- j l b UlUa.
. K V " r
- "". ,
t ie prairie, W iron. v.ii.."
1 wv,. r nd l.eie
this plucky jo..K woman bean her
Ifuftiini I'lireer,
She i."Xt tDtlit in
t'.nk.u, Ui,H in mr.a wu find her
""-'" . ... . , ... ,
teaching m ti.e pur.....
... . i I... i
f...., t It wu wliiln te!l.ilitl
re that her sister Mary died, that
' . . ,
gentle girl who.' .lying wonis weir,
'Tell tv.rjone
T..1I ..o, rt,,l,.. to Jl. BOOfl. 1U
In-gau that wonderful trip, which was
not to euu uuiu sue nau po.-u .u
every city ami towa of lu.lMK) iuhabi-
tnnts iu tne i. nueu Biaie, norm ami
south alike, aud many of smaller size.
During a d.iz "U ysars she avuragtd
one meutiug a day, and ouly six we'ks
for mother-loe and home,
"In the Summer of lJJ Miss Will-
ard lost her noble mother, her "Suiut
'Now came the trouble in Arnieii'a.
the horrible tortme of the Armeninas
l.v the Turks-when men women
i iuloren, r.0.lM in one v. ar perished
-helpless, weaponles, Crop, were
,rr,ed off. homes burned, .ma-acre
,fter inhere occurred. Armenia',
ry was uot anwered until, when, in
the S.nni.e r f !'." I, .iO0 victims
i scape. I from the Turks and r-ached
- Marseille
France, it came to tln
Wiliar.l mi l Somer
set. W 'ni out and weary a thev
weie thev determined to go at once
to Marseilles. They pi ompt ly opened
communications with Geucral Booth,
of the Salvation Army and with Ins
help began at mice feeding and caring
tor these tortu.ed, sta'viug Anceu-
isns. Neil came the problem of per-
maiieiit help aud provision for these
poor victims. Miss illard apiea'.ed
to A'l.eiica iu behalf of Aru.eii i.i, to
the i oi.utiy at large, to the women,
to the W i". T. V , to , verv ue the
cry went out and noh'.v ail res
M ney poured in. filling the
in i of
Clara Barton who sailed for I urkev lor the protection cf the K. d Cross
bfanug !.. pe aud help ( .r all
hope uud help could rea 'i.
"Worn out with her toil tor others,
Miss Willard sivnt the Suminer
l-.H in visi'iiig old haunts au I
in Home
But Hialth and.trenhdid
Hot return and ou Febr-iarr 1
this great soul, hoso everv ll
was t r the uplift of LuuiauiU
home to God. "
Following it, io
.inn address given by Mrs. HfDKie.
t,o W- 7
l aetni n " Grants
pnvUege of predentin .o h Grants
... ? .. -a. V. - TsTomt-Tttlk
r . .. 'T.m.raiice Union.
Y1 U III U 19 VjII inn p.ctore of Fiances E wil .
-hrse nfloence lor goco. uas
touched more live, than any other
wod.mib.wu.. . . ,
her influence has reached arouua tne
i ..U ik (i j avar lrnntrn VI? A
. . ... n,.i,nn.
.... i ...u . A in Tint ttith.
cannot uh sam v"v - - -f
aa, v. . i - iav a in his own country,
' . . a u '
for her ownoutry, her ta... .
testow , -
1. H.
WMb.DKtoii p c houor Mch
a. no otl.-r ,ta.e has conferred upon
any BMa, A woman who ha, fit-
i . I,..- niiiinnrv t l
r,wi tLt. .Cncrowued
""b- . , . ., .t
Uueeu of America,' but the 'Love
frowned Queen of al the World.
unr ui.jd i .u r-
on your walls
is not merely to a.iu
., .. nr,iUrti,,n but we
lieve that the influeure of a good
...,, tt nn(i
pictare is like .he influence of a fcoo(l
it,..,- u a -Vm.tnwT snmethina
j -- -
Caiieu Uliuuuiuu. mi.ucu
ou to aare t0 do the right. We need
,.,, expediency, los diplomacy, more
of ,)rillt,j,)lei mr(, of C0riiKe. If you
would climb to the top, lift high the
standard of temperauce and purity.
Let voor lives ring true., mske
y(mr jecrng Study such
characters as Frances Elizabeth Will-
Press Snpt., Grants Pass W. V,. T. U.
Aiox lo r XKnr I'm II.
"A si. miu- example (,f private virtue
mid an exalted teacher of good und
honest government" is the description
of Kol.crt '1'ooinlis of tieorgin given In
"The llrotli.-r's W ar." Toombs was a '
prominent eharaeter for many years
before the war and served In ti1(". two
houses of congress al.out fifteen yeurs.
He was afterward secretary of state in
the t'onfislerate government.
He had a wit aud a fineness of ex
pression, says tlie author, which made
uul Pnises ami repartee widely minted
""'l''' ""' ll,'iil't "f apprecla-
five llll,lt..n...M
A r,va, raft conspicuous
mlJ eelebrati-d fr , ,
a stump debate pledge the people that
If they would send him coiir.. l,
"o.i.u nowr leave his p.Kt during a
se-:(M. to aMelld tile Courts, as lie nn.
Justly Toombs with liahltually
rooml.s dispose,! ,,f this flin'.
by merely saying:
"Vou should consider which will hurt
the district the more, bis constant pres
ence In r my occasional ubsvn.-e from
the house."
Vhrr She ( iiie. In.
"1 supH,s,.," said Mrs. Jawback
that you think It's fun for me to sit
up and Hint for you every night Ike
having u
You hav,
answered Jawback. "I'm
fun wbii,. you're waiting,
yours w . j h..,., ..
chmd Leader
NijtKbor Got Foolfd.
"I was literally coughing myself to
death, and had become too weak to
leave my bed; and tieigluors pre
dicted that 1 would never leave it
alive; but ti'ey KVt t,M, for thanks
be to l,od 1 was indue .1 m i,r II.
f King's New l'iscoverv. it took itit
four 1 bottles t t'iMlltilfj! .Mie.i
oonk. ., f " ; ' ... '"V
h ea 1 1 h . w r i r e t r i - 1 i . .. . l lll
or t.rovertown, Stark Co.. lud. This
- a v utn lutr,
rwing i i congn aud co d ciir. .,.!
htaler of thnif n.l ..
td by all droggists, 50c and 1.
Inal bottle free.
The Alexandria Gold
Owns a developed mine 'In the Argcs range of roonntainB to IDy0
coonty, Califomia. and;according to tlie engineer a report has 5000
tons of ore In sight. The engineer report is herewith given:
Engineers Report
Sar, Francisco, Cal.. Jan. 4, 1907.
The Alexandria Go'd and Copper Mii.i"K Co ,
Gentlemeu: I l ave finished u Hxi.uaiivVxamln,,D of font
properties in the Argus Raniie of mountains. Since making mv px.
aminatious gome vears ago. I find your woptrtie. have been developed
continuously. I find the developments ucd. r the etKcieut direction of
yoor superintendent. Mr. H. C Hamilti n, have been earned on in D
economical aud systeoiatic manner. .....
There is now on your propertv fully 2000 feet of drifting and 500
feet of shafts, all in me, throwing a very large tonnage in sight. I
should say, on the "Little Maud" and "Knight vein, which have
been exploited by lime tunnels and numerous cuts along the vein, ex.
posing the ore for fully 1700 feet in leugt". there is folly 40,000 toni
of ore that could bp called iu sight. )u the "South Inyo" vein there
are sooo tons in sight, and on the ".S ar of the West" there are also
"iUCO tons that can be consi vativ. lyiii;li'i iu sight.
At no place wiiere the ore w op-ned were values below milling,
and at least seven per cent of the ore can b sorted for ehipping. Ths
ore can be cobbed to over f 100 per t m. I have suggesetd in my detail
report that a bucket tram and a 2.". suimp mill "hoold be immediately
erected. These improvements would e-wt f.O.OOO and would imme
diately put your property on a dividend paying basis. A 20-stamp
mill would mill four tons to the stamp, or HO tons per day. From my
sampling your ore should average !5 per ton, or $1000 to $1200
per day, iu free gold and concentrates aud your shipping ore at least
t.iur tons per day, have a value of over $100 per tou, or $400 per day.
This can he done at an expense of 1 per ton i f ore mined. 1 shoo'ld
reommend this expenditure imnn daitely. Your property will then
pay enormous dividends aud with ihe large tonnage already opeuednp,
of Known values, would pay for yeais
In mv oninion the nrot.ertv. with depth, is turning into copper.
All of your lower workings dein nstrt this, the gold and Bilver
values holding out. With a larger tier ceut cf copper co ining in, aud
with the advent of the railroad, your property woold more and mote
be brought into prominence as a chipper. .
Yoors very truly,
(Signed) W.B. GILLINGHAM, M. E.
Docs Cbis Cook Good to You?
It certainly looks good to ns aud yon will note that additional
stamps are needed to mill the ore already in sight and that is the
reason stockk is being sold at the prospect price ot 25 cent, per st are.
Ulill Vou Bny Some of the Stock?
The stock is easily worth double the price asked for It, but ths
qnick money is worth more to the company than the stock that will
have to be sold to build and equip the mill. The stock is selling at
the price of many ordinary prospects, bnt as a matter of faot; it is a
REAL MINE. If yon failed to realise the importane of the above re
port, read it over again aud Bee if you do not wisli to join as a part
ure, in a proposition that you, yourself must acknowledge is meritor
ious in every respect.
Get Some Alexandria now.
After the present allotment is sold, the stock will be entirely
withdrawn from sale, and will uudoubtely be worth from two to four
times what it is now selling for. Stock in a dividend paying mine at
''5 cunts per share is certainly a bargain, and that is what Mr. Gill
inghain says it is, as soon as the mill is in operation. The ore being
in sight, all tliat is necessary is the equipment to handle it. The
allotment will be sold promptly and in offering it to you, it is un
necessary to state that we advise its purchase. Don't be too slow in
getting your orders in. As soon as yon read this, write or wire the
number of shares you want. Our customers are our best friends, be
cause we make them money.
Market Letters Free Upon Request.
Members 5o.n Francisco o-nd Tonopah Mining Exchange
Suit 213-214 Monatlnock Uuilding
C i. Bemaray
Solicits a share of your pat
ronage and would be pleas
ed to have you calf at our
store and get acquainted
QILMORE & BOREN, Proprietors.
H Street between Fifth .ud Sixth Pbo 881 Qr.Dt8 Pm(( Oregon
J. B. PADDOCK, Proprietor,
of M.rblenife."'111"11 n-T'hiD in tbe ,ine f Cemetery work in any kind
th. rS SttftS t1' bQ,iQeM nta " iBI
Marble? 'Ura"h WOrk in Scotch' or Am'ericaa Granite or kind
Front etrwt, next to Green', Gunehop.
per Mining Co.
. . . FEED