VOL. XXII. GRANTS PASS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1907. No. 4Y. PROSPECTS ARE GOOD JOSEPHINE COUNTY SECRETARY HITCHCOCK'S ORDER REVOKED I GRANTS PASS HIGH SCHOOL NEWS f FOR A FRUIT CANNERY GETS A SENATOR Cannery M-n Will be In Grnta Pass Soon to Look Over the Field. Jhere is a very good p:ospect that n ... : 11 i . i . J GrsDts ras wm s uri nuu ..setable cannery ana tnat it will be in operation in time to haudle the crop ir inl J-" -"w u,ni"B Fruit Growers union since its or ganization last Sommer has beeu diiving to secure a cannery for Jose phiue county and Secretary Meserve bit kept up a systematic search for t caDiierymau who had sufficient capi- Ul aud known to have the experience and to be a reliable man to put in a cannery at Grants Fata. At last be bM got in correspondence with a man tho is recommended by a prominent railroad official as being an expert ctnneryman and who is of strict integrity, temperate and industrious. fhe party is now operating a oannery of his own on Puget bound bat as he hit found that .that 'section is not the most profitable in whioh to operate a ctnnery, he is seeking a new lo cation. From the information that hai been givenhimbyMr,.MeserTe md'wliat he has learned from other Norces leads him to believe that gne River Valley has advantages that will insure the success of a can nery properly run and he will be in Grants Fats to look over the situation and to confer with the business men. Hi) proposition will be submitted to the Commercial Club and as it will be one that will be straight and business like and no gift feature to it there is every likelihood that the city will se- wre the cannery. That a cannery in Grants Pass can be made a paying investment is' well known to all who are familiar with that industry. While Portland and San Francisco have the advantage in freight rates a Grants Pass can nery would have the big advantage in getting raw products cheaper. Labor aud fuel would be no higher. iQiug to high freight rates it will not tie profitable to ship second grade fruit Peaches are the bent sellers of all cauned goods and Rogue River Valley is one of the best aud largest peach districts on the Pacific Coast. The rich soil aud the long, warm growing season aided by irrigation makes it possible lor a canuing season of fully four months for corn, toma toes and other vegetables. As cu cumbers and horseradish grow pro lineally the pickling departnientTofa cannerywould bea profitable one. j' to a market that'is as'larglTand increasing for pare, first-class canned goods as it is for faucy, honest pack of green froit. Alaska, British Co lombia aud the Orient are big buyers or cauued goods and the Coast aud Eastern mtrket for fancy canned fiuits is rapidly increasing. How's This? We offer 100 reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by nail's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Ne, the undersigned, have known ' J. Cheney for the last 13 years, Md believe him perfectly honorable 111 all b.isiuesg transactions, aud finan cially able to carry out any obliga tions made by bis firm. Walding, Kinuan Marvin., Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter "ally, acting directly upon the blood oil mucous surfaces of the system, testimonials sent free. Price, 7oc P" bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. 40 Acres For Only $850 Cash m . rcTBTT MAN PUBLIC FOUNTAIN BENEFIT ENTERTAINMENT To Provide Funds tor the Ereo Hon of a Drinking Fountain for Grants Pevaa. The fact that there are so many places in town where liquid refresh ments of all kinds are served aud not one place where the thirsty traveler can secure a driuk of water wirhnnt applying his month to a street hy drant or going into a store and beg giug it, has wighed heavily upon the minds of the good ladies of Grants Pass aud they have taken up the mat ter of supplying the city with a hand some drinking fountain which is to be iustalled in a prominent place somewhere on Sixth street, and the cost of which, as near as can now be stated, will be something between 1200 and f.'iOO. The drinking foun tain committee already has some fnnds on hand and by Saturday night they hope to have the amount ma terially increased as on that night they give an entertainment for the benefit of the drinking fountain fund. This entertainment, which bhoold be attended by all publio spirited citi zens, will be one of unusual interest aa wiD be seen by the following pro gram : "La Grout" Lela Caldwell "The Burtons Hang a Curtain".. Emma Longhridge "Naughty Zell" Gladys Arotier Vocal Solo Selected Mrs. Veatch "Aunt Sohpronia Tabor at The Op-wa" Arlien Sweetland Baritone Solo Selected. Mr. Andrews "An Allegory on Womans Rights" Zara Perry Vocal Solo Selected Miss Augusta Parker "The Polish Boy". . .Lacosta Mangum "Qoi Vive" . . .Clare Kreruer aud Bessie Davis Reading Selected Dottie Wicken Octave Study Alma Woke Vestal Virgin Drill Nine Young Ladies STATUE GROUPING 1. Libertv Gronp (by Fours). 3. Good Fellowship (by Threes). 3. Offering and Benediction (by Twos). 4. Single Statue Group (by Ones). GALLERY OF THE MUSES 1. Calliope Muss of Epics. 2. Clio Muse of History. 8. Melpomene Muce of Tragedy. 4. Euterpe Muse of Lyrics. 5. Erato Muse of Love Songs. fi. Terpsichore Muse of Dancing. 7. Urania Muse of Astronomy. 8. Thalia Muse of Comedy. 9. Polyhymnia Mcse of Sacred Things. The ladies are very desirous of rais ing a considerable sum aud hope to have a large attendance at this enter tainment. While the movement for the purchase of a drinking fountain for the city lias been taken up by the ladies of the town geueraly the work of raising the funds is in the hands of a drinking fountain committee com posed of Mesdames E. Berry, C. V. Heukle, C. G. Anient. R. P. Chesh ire, C. II. Clement-', H. L. Gilkey, M. Hildreth aud S. Longhridge, who are now doing a good work and they have plana for future wor which will be brouglit to light later. "T. M. Reusliaw and; family will Who Monday for Hoauiam wliere thev will spend tho Summer with Mrs. Renshaw's sister. For the past two vears they have conducted the Colonial boarding and lodging house aud Mrs. Renshaw and, the daughters have become thoroughly worn out aud feel the necessity of a good rest. They have sold out the business to Mrs. Mariau Calloway of Eugene, who will hereafter coudnct the I Colonial. d mm . m All ft ' r V B JL I UaIiI nifi.il x MUSI D. ouiu yuiuMy ? Vi miles from city limits. 5 acres in straw berries, vetch, oats and garden, balance in timber and pasture. Black loam aud red soil Fine location for poultry or fruit raising. 5 room house, new barn, fruit house, tw fine wells, i Investigate this at once. t W. L. IRELAND f Several good HOUSES FOR RENT. GRANTS PASS. ORE. r Lm. v W V On Friday afternoon, February 15th la laHioa .1. .. II- -I T TT muies or me w. (J. 1. U. pre sented the Grants Pass High School with a beautiful picture of Frances E. Willard. A short program was rendered, consisting of a vocal solo by Miss Ella Savage, ;a very interesting paper on Mis Willard by Mrs. Frances Spalding and a song by the girls of Y. P. C. T. U. The fitting speed) ot presentation by Mrs. C. V. Henkle was answered by Prof. R. R. Turner and the students at the sug gestion of Prof. Harrison showed their appreciation by giving the Higu School yell. The picture was hung on the north wall of the High School Assembly room and may it ever prove an inspiration for better things to all who enter the room. Sophies, you have conclusively proved that you are not wise, for no truly wise person would .boast of bis wisdom. The most people you will find know the most and think the deepest. Take Roosevelt for instance ; does be go flaunting his witdom and greatness before the world? Does he say "Look at me, am I not the wisest president that was ever in control? Poor Mr. MoEinley, he did not com pare with me I How he would envy me if be were alive!" No. His greatness is acknowledged by every one, not because he told them that be was great. The people found it out themselves. Let me ask you Sophies do you admire people that are forever singing their own praises? Don't you get just a little tired of them? . We Freshmen do. He who talks of noth ing but himself will not succeed. So I warn you Sophies, do not get into the habit of talking aud praising yourselves. Perhaps we Freshmen are very stupid and not cognizant of the great honor bestowed upon as, when we are allowed to look upon your faces, but for some marvelous reason, we are able to look at you without a flutter of an eyelash, without even thinking of you when we do so. Sophies, do not waste your time and energy trying to impress tne Fresh men with your greatness, for you cannot do it. Hoping we will meet you in the "Hall of Fame," we remaiu, Yours undismayed, FRESHMEN. The Girls Basket Ball Club are looking forward to a game with the Roseburg Girls B. B. 'ieain, to be played here in Grants Pass, sometime in the near future. The exact date has not yet beeu set. When it is, show your school patriotism by com ing out to see the game. ANOTHER INDUSTRY FOR GRANTS PASS Manufacture of Vln.gar and Spray Solution Bl Success YV ill Make Alcohol. Some start an industry at the tup and then work down, while others start at the bottom and work up. The latter method is that that Herbert and Arthur Sampson are working by in the establishing of their fruit tree spray solution factory in this city. , Beginning last Fall with a ,2 II. P. j boiler of their own make they made spray solution with the steam lroui it for awhile, then they replaced it witli a 5 H. P. upright boiler. But such was the demand for their spray solu- j tiou that a change was made to a J 2 H. P. portable boiler, and last week; that was set aside for a 2o II. P. j boiler. They now have ample steam capacity to make spray solution for all ,,n,Mrii i)n.mn. h.it tl.ev ar hnniii - capped by difficulty iu gottiug fuel and by the greater difficulty in hir-1 iug men to help tbem..U appears; that ever man iu Rogue River Valley j who will work has.a jobj.aud4tiiuae i wtio are , idle are,wconstitutionally j opposed.to manual laborjaud are loyal members of the Never Sweat Club. By "keeping .their factory in opera-, tion until midnight :evwry night Sampson Bros., are able to fill their j orders for spray solution that 'are j xr,minir in"" from every section ...of i Josephine county and from Jwcksou and Douglas .counties. The fruit growers have :3i : found that the pests have increased from year to ..l.iu liuino f.iuirlit i Ui iM.rav I wade in an open vat that j.doe not ! give beat sufficient toj inake&trm ' chemicalj.uuioujof,'.the.liue, salpliur Iu order to keep our High School v j i . . m 1 boys, and girls too, from playing "trauot" on these nice, bright after noons, a High School piouio has been planued, which will center around the top of Baldy on next Friday, as that will be a holiday, on account of Washington's birthday. The girls will furnish the dinner and the boys some kind of a conveyance with which to get it there, also those who cannot walk. A joyous time is an ticipated. Prof. Shafer, the professor of his tory and literature in the State University has been engaged by the Senior class to deliver the commence ment address of 1907. The commence ment exercises will be held on May 24, in the Opera House. Marion Clark's recent outing has proved to be a very "swell affair." Prof. Turner spent a moat delight ful time Tuesday morning with a book agent Hand ball has disappeared and has been replaced by tops. Very few of our High School boys, however, en gage in that pastime, as so much time is taken up by study. No more clouds of chalk dust to be chocked by, as the shoool has been supplied with a new fangled chalk, which is made of heavier ingredients, so heavy that the dust will fall instead of rise. Dustless erasers will also take the place of our old ones so that all the dust tlfat would rise will be taken op before it has a chance to. The pop! Is of the Eighth Grade have donned little white hats trimmed in blue and yellow, so as to be able to distinguish them from the rest. On last Wednesday afternoon the members of the Botany class assem bled in their reoitation room aa usual, expecting nothing mere than the or dinary, when their instructor entered with an unusual smile on his face aud we suddnely realized what was to happen. So taking our books onder oar amies we all decended into the school yard, our teacher leading the way. We proceeded np Third street in search of the various kinds of leaves, about which we had beeu studying. The amount of knowledge that we pnpils absorbed was amazing. We loca.ed the different kinds of leaves, masteted all of those tontrue twisting names that you find iu bot any, aud we felt that the afternoon was well spent. The only thing that we regret is that our botany excur sions are not more frequent. aud water that is necessary to produce a perfect solution. Orchardists have found that the Sampson spray solu tion is not adulterated with salt to bring op the specific gravity to the required standard, nor is it colored to deceive the eye of the farmer. As the s-asou for spraying for Cod liu moth will be at hand by the mid dle of April arsenate of lead will then be iu big demand. Tim manu facturers have, iu anticipation of the large demand all over the United Mates, put up the price on this or chaid necessity. To manufacture ar senate of lead here in Grants Pass and make a saving on the price to the fruit growers is the plan of Sampson ! Bros. County Inspector Meserve , having arranged through Dr. W'itby- , combe, director of the Oregon Agri cultural College experiment station, ' for the Sampson Bros., to take a specAal course in the chemistry depart : meut of the College to perfect their knowledge in the manufacture of ar senate of lead the youug men left last I , Saturday tor lorvallis wliere they j ; will spend 10 days noder the instruo- : turn ot Prof. Kuisely, head of the chemical department During their absence the spray factory is being run ' by their father, C. H. Sampson, the ' well known Southern faciflo engi neer. Mr. Sampson was assured it , would be a flue vacatiou 4aud rest! from handling the throttle on a loW motive, but being on duly 18 houVi it: day and injmlphur fumes as strong Vi'' in . the region below he is (Trfbious as ' to the pleasure lie is getting tttV'ot bis vacation anif h inquires almost daily , 01 oamp.ou as""toTwhen the.boys I will lw hnrau ' ) V I I' .Eooouraged by the' success of thelf vinegar factor", .which they started list Fall, kn'4 ' hv tli'rt.' nrVn nf idolr : undertaking ''lubeJ.maiiliactaTe'of ' j spray solution Sampson Bros, are planning to put in a plant this Sum-j Under the New Apportionment the County Gets Just Recognition, A message has beeu received by the C ourier from Representative L. JL. Jewell from Salem statiug that the bill providing for the reapportion meut of selia tors aud representatives had passed both the house audthe senate. The pleasing feature of this measuie is that it gives to JosephineJ oouuty a senator aud a representative. Heretofore Josephine county has been attached to Lane county for senatorial representation aud had a senator joint- ly with that county. As Lane is one of the big ooouties of the Josephine had little part in the selection of. a senator. There was strong opposition to the new apportionment in the legis lature and Representative Jewell had hard work to favorable terms for his oouuty. If the bill is not vetoed by Governor Chamberlain it will become a law aud for the next five years Josephine coun ty will have a senator aud a represen tative in the legislative sessions. For this alone and for his other ex cellent work in the legislature Mr. Jewell will be given a hearty reception on his return home, for regardless of party for all appreciate what be has done to advance the material interests of the county. Even From the Mountains. Ballard's Snow Liniment is praised for the good it does. A sure cure for Rheumatism and all pains. Wright W. Loving, Grand Junotion, Colo., writes: "I used Ballard's Snow Lini ment, last Winter, for Rheumatism aud can recommend it is the best Liuiment on the market. I thought, at the time I was takeu down with this trouble, that it would be a week before I could got about, but on ap plying year Liuiuieut several times daring the night, I was about In 48 hoars and well in three days." For le by National Drog 'Store aud Rotermund. mor for the manufacture of denatured alcohol, and one of the objects of their visit to the Agricultural College is to look op additional information on this subject. Denatured aclohol is the coming cheap power thwt will sop ply the motive power for irrigation pumps, spray muuhiues, small factor ies and like purposes. In addition to being much cheaper than gasoline al cohol is safer to handle aud au alcohol eugiue does not buck aud refuse to ran like a gasoline eugiue and is so simple that it will not get out of or der with reasonable care. As a power for spray pumps the aclohol engine will be light, easy of opera tion aud cheap and just what the froit growers are in need of. Iu Europe, especially Germany, de natured alcohol is more extensively used than any other Kwer for small equipments. It will be denatured al cohol that will break the monopoly of the Standard Oil Company aud force them to put gasoline and kero sene down to a reasonable price, for alcohol is as efficient for lighting as for power. 1907 3STEi; ;i907 : lit I " In ' JUST ARRIVED FRESH U-l ,4utt, .u i I JWIKV,!! diil in FROM" irl-MI ( 1 lire . In i (lll.ll 1 fir i,mi,vj . . i.i !. in -IMll' Til ' ' ' " 1,fl t" on (I .dun iri'atlou'jifters idt President Isauea the L nd Patent Ordnre a Aaked by Sena tor Fulton. Senator Koltun has received from the president a .copy of.au order which he has just Issued, virtually revoking the order of Secretary" H7tel? cock 'suspending all publio land eu- tries until they .can be exaiuiued on the grouud by special agenta.""-'iirt president has so amended the order of Mr.'Hitchoook that homestead .and timber entries may now "pass, to patent when the plied with the entrymen have corn law aud submitted proof thereof, no examination- being necessary. Iu fact, the president s Iu order requires examination by special Bgent only when there is something auspicious about an .entry wliicu might indicate fraud, or where a homesteader is seeking to commute. This modification is in line with the suggeston 'made to the jpresideut by Mr. Fnltou, and entirely removes the objections that have comefrom homesteaders and timber entrymen iu Oregon. The president 'a order states that no examination by a special agent shall be required in the following classes of eutries : 1 Final five-year homestead entry hereater made, where proof is satis factory and complete. rr Zl 2 Final certificates aud receipts in final five-year homestead proofs here tofore or hereafter made, when proof is satisfactory and complete. 8. Homestead entries commuted ou ceded Inland lauds on which annual payments are required. 4 Entries where the claimant'! compliance with the law has beeu established by contest or other regular adverse proceeding)). TZZ fi Eutries confirmed which may have been confirmed by virtue of any act of oougress. 6 Selections and entries In which no residence or Improvement is re quired by law when land embraced therein la I situated inuon-niineral localities as shown by records of the Geological " Survey, when the character has been fixed by investiga tion aud classification made ,iu ao corduoce with law. 7 Reissuance of paten ts.because of some clerical . error ooourringin patents heretofore issued. 4 8 Military bounty '.laud warrauts and other similar warrants when re quest for proof has been made. 2 The only possibility of a hold-up of timber gentries pending bypoolal agent would bo where timber-lands are siutated iu " mineral localities" roferredjiu sectiou.tl above. Mr. Kultou is eutlrely tatlsfled withl the modified order and believes it will ' numt. thn riutinitiflii nf NnfLlnrM ill Ortt- gOU. " '" "v Hand-colored post ciuyls .of. local views at the Muaio Storja,.-iwoifur 6o,i. 2"o per dozen. , ,u' ' , .Ah.. jr A large number of Wojdmou weut to Medford last jFridvtQattend a log rolling whera lOO'-cHuriida'ttti wure in itiated iuto'th 'Modorh WoAdmen Nearly, jk ,sooro, ,,,of , Grappa Passive, were Uiijiated at that time. 4 r- t TTT 4ii( , i.h ,o;i"ti ' Vvftt -III Vj ur:.-!. mi. .ur li Zo V"VT i 1 V It . things Tor'tlio Uouse- 1 "'' ' 1 J.n d i 'ii.i'j ii i .iii'inili v !,, n . I i iih i ij i n . in ; i isa ' I'M "Jli , ii'"