Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, February 15, 1907, Image 7

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    i in the chapel and underground
" you have betrayed Graustark
man to escape. The plot
!"" ... executed, but you counted
cfcvcri, of ,ove you can
"ut if and your honor and perhaps
P Cs time there can be no trtfllni.
t11' !roa fuse. Give roe the answer
J1- 4,;i. v life. At 11 o'clock I
i vrtll .
. BAA vnn I hnvo In mv
, i document that will Influence
,.on .. . . floaa
Vol! Win " --
,, ..., have seen this DaDer.
h unia J
1, alarming note was all that was
j tn restore Are to the lagging
, nt tbe American girl. Its effect
r1 . . Irira that whlxh
decide"1.' -
jnJ must have anticipated. In-
. nf collapsing, Beverly sprang to
feet with energy und life In every
Her eyes were flashing brightly,
jialy quivering with the sensations
Mt awful old wretch!" she cried.
unit Funny's amazement. "He is
meanest Human oeuig iu an uie
1 But he s ninaing xue uusiaae or
fe. isn't In1, Aunt Fanny? Oh, of
VOU OOll 1 KIllMV HllHl It IB, HU
,r uiluJ. We've got a surprise for
I'll see him at 11 ociock, ana
. sin" smiled quite benignly at
:bou?!it of what she was going to
to him. Kcveny reit very secure
shadow of the princess.
clutter or nurses uuum uu uie pa-
CTOund drew nor to tne balcony.
t she saw brought Joy to her
it Lorry and Anguish, muddy and
reled, were dismounting before
Lb. this is Joy! Now there are three
jj Americans here. I'm not afraid,"
sslJ bravely. Aunt Fanny nodded
head In approval, although she did
know what It was all about Curl-
h more than alarm made Beverly
tT to see the document which old
l-iani held 111 reserve for her. She
trmlned to 'meet him at 11.
message from the princess an-
kceJ Ihe unexpected return of tbe
Americana. Bhe said they were (to
Qarry Anguish's own expression)
Istly near starvation" and clamor-
or substantial Drea masts, ueveriy
urged to Join them and to hear
latest news from the frontier.
,-ry and Anguish were full of tbe
lement on which they had lived for
r hours. They had found evidence
laid) by the Dowsbergea scouts and
even caught sight of a small band
losing horsemen. Lorry reluctantly
ttcd that Gabriel's army seemed
; to blin and that there was small
le of a conflict being averted, as be
rormlsed, through the defection of
people. He was surprised, but not
jyed, when Yetive told him certain
Itiona of the story In regard to Mar-'
; and, by no means averse to see
the old man relegated to the back-
lund, heartily Indorsed the step talc-
y his wife. He was fair enough.
ever, to promise the general a
;ne to speak In bis own defeuse If
a desired. He had this in view
a he requested Marlaux to come to
castle at 11 o'clock for consulta-
''iabriel Is devoting most of his ener
ootr to hunting that poor Dantau
i' his grave," said Anguish. "I be
e he'd rather kill his half brother
u conquer Graustark. Why, the iu
lan monster has set himself to the
of obliterating everything that re
ds him of Dun tun. We learned
a spies down there that he Issued
order for the death of Dantan's sis
l jitetty young thing named Cau
because be believed she was se
''J aiding her fugitive brother. She
:h1 from the palaee In Serros a
ta(:o, mid no one knows what has
inie of her. There's a report that
was actually killed aud that the
7 of lier flight is a mero blind ou
part of Gabriel."
He would do anything!" cried Ye-
"1'iKir child! They say she it
her Kic-llsh mother and Is charm
'hat would set Gabriel against her,
uiy," went on Anguish. "And, by
a.v. Miss Calhoun, we heard some
'SuVUnite. about your friend, I'rlnce
'in. It is pretty well settled that
iu't Huldos of the guard. Dantau
' win two davs uj;o by Captain
ai!lo' men. iin was lu the Daws-
n m-i. ami tliey talked with him
1 his men. There was no mistake
tiiiie. The poor, half starved chap
?esed to being the prince and beg-
for food for himself aud his fol-
tried lo tiud bltu aud, failing In
left word in the pass that If be
:'U hut cast his lot with us iu this
il'le we soou would restore him to
throne." nld Lorry. "He may ac-
mid we Kliull have him turning
here some day hungry for revenge.
J now, my dear Beverly, how are
11 liroi.'irsslng with the excellent
'dos, of whom we cannot make a
"ee. no matter how hard wo try?"
Vverly and the princess exchanged
sees in w bich consternation was dlf
t to conceal. It was clear to Bev
J that Yetive bad not told her bus
2d of the escane.
I don't know anything about Bal-
ehe answered steadllv. "Last
?ht some one shot at him In the
The deuce vou sav!"
In order to protect him until you re-
w, Gren, I had bun transferred
ffUned the princess. "It really seem-
""sary. General Marlanx ex-
r1' to present formal charges against
ta h.i. . . .
-"a morning, so 1 suppose
H have
ffl while. It seems too bad. doesn't
p iwar Mld jrry emphatically.
out of this place," ventured Anguish"
and two young women busied them
selves suddenly with their coffee
"The chance Is he's sorry he ever
came Into It." said Lorry tantallzlngly
Mhlle they were waiting for Mar
lanx the young Duke of Mizrox was
announced. The handsome Axphaln
lan came with relief and dismay strug
gling for mastery in his face.
"Your highness." he said after the
greetings, "i Bm come to ,nform
that Graustark has one prince less to
account for. Axphaln has found her
"When?" cried the princess and Bev
erly In one voice an.l with astonishing
eagerness, not unmixed with dismay.
"Three days ago." was the reply.
"Oh," came lu deep relief from Bev
erly as she sank back Into her chair.
The same fear had lodged lu the hearts
of the two fair oonsplrators-that they
bad freed Bal.los ou!." to have him fail
Into the bauds of bis deadliest foes.
"I have a message by courier from
my uncle lu Axphaln," said Mizrox.
"He says that Frederic was killed near
Labbot liy soldiers, after making a gal
lant fight, on last Sunday night The
Princess Volga Is rejoicing and has
amply rewarded his slayers. Poor
Frederic! He knew but "little happl
ness In this life."
There was a full minute of reflection
before any of his hearers expressed
the thought that had framed Itself In
very mind.
"Well, since Dantau and Frederic are
accounted for, Baldos Is absolutely
obliged to be Chrlstolml," said Anguish
"He's Just Baklos," observed Bever
ly, Bnufflng out the faint hope that had
lingered so long. Then she said to her
self: "And I don't care, either. I only
wish he were back here again. I'd be
a good deal nicer to him."
Messengers flew back and forth, car
rying orders from the castle to various
quarters. The miulsters were called
to meet at 12 o'clock. Underneath all
the bustle there was a tremendous Im
pulse of American cunning, energy and
resourcefulness. Every one caught the
fever. Reserved old diplomats were
overwhelmed by their own enthusiasm.
Custom bound soldiers forgot the he
reditary caution and fell Into the way
of the new leaders without a murmur.
The city was wild with excitement, ror
all believed that the war was upon
them. There was but one shallow
overhanging the glorious optimism of
Graustark the ugly, menacing attitude
of Axphaln. Even tbe Duke of Mixrox
could give no assurance that bis coun
try would remain neutral.
Colonel Quinnox came to the castle
In haste and perturbation. It was he
who propounded the question that
Yetive and Beverly were expecting,
"Where Is Baldos?" Of course the
flight of the suspected guard was soon
a matter of certainty. A single Im
ploring glance from the princess, meant
for the faithful Quinnox alone, told
him as plainly as words could have
said that she had given the man his
freedom. And Quinnox would have
died a thousand times to protect the
secret of his sovereign, for had not
twenty generations of Qulnnoxes serv
ed the rulers of Graustark with un
llinching loyalty? Baron Dangloss may
have suspected the trick, but he did
not so much as blink when the princess
instructed him to hunt high and low
for the fugitive.
Marlaux came at 11. I'nder the de
fiant calmness of his bearing there was
lurking a mighty fear. His brain was
scourged by thoughts of impending dis
grace. The princess had plainly threat
ened bis degradation. After all these
years he was to tremble with shame
aud humiliation; be wis to cringe
where he had always boasted of domi
neering power. And besides all this
Marlanx had a bullet wound in his left
shoulder! The world could not have
known, for he knew bow to conceal
He approached the slender, imperi
ous Judge In the council chamber with
a defiant leer on his face. If he went
down into the depths he would drag
with him the fairest treasure be bad
coveted In all his years of lust and
"A word with you," he said In an
aside to Beverly ns she came from the
council chamber. In which she felt she
should not sit. She stopped and faced
him. Instinctively she looked to see if
he bore evidence of a wound. Bhe was
positive ftat her bullet bad struck him
the night before and that Marlanx was
the man with the cloak.
"Well?" she said coldly. He read her
thoughts and smiled, even as his shoul
der burned with pain.
"I will give you Uie chance to save
yourself. I love you. I warn. .
must have you for my own." he was
saying. .
Stop, sir! It may be your experi
ence In life that women kneel to you
when you command. It may be your
habit to win what you set about to
win But vui have a novel way of pre
senting your deVolrs. I must say. Is
this the way In which you won the
five unfortunates whom you want uie
to succeed? Did you scare them Into
submission V
"No no! I cared nothing for them.
You are the only one I ever lovcd"-
"Benlly. Count Marlanx. you are
most amusing." she Interrupted, with
a laugh that stung him to the quick.
You have been unique In your Me
.bi, I m notused to your raeUi-
ods. Besides, after having known
them, I'll confess that I dot it Hk.
them in the least You may
wonderfully successful in the pastbot
ii m-ith an Amen-
you were noi uruuu --
can girl. I have bad enough of your
Insults. Go la and face"-
-Have a care, girl!" b orlti. 1
have It In my power to crush Zou.
lrraa courizx. Grants
"Pooh!" came s.-ornfully from her
Hps. "If you molest me further I shall
call Mr. Lorry. Let me passP
"Just glance at this paper, my beau
ty. It goes before tbe eyes of the coun
cil unless you" He paused signifi
cantly. Beverly took the document and with
dilated eyes read the revolting charges
against her honor. Her checks grew
white w 1th anger, then flushed a deep
"You fiend r she cried, glaring at him
so fiercely that he Instinctively shrani
back, the vicious grin dying in his face.
"I'll show you how much I fear you.
I shall give this revolting thing to the
princess. She may read It to the cabi
net, for all I care. No one will believe
you. They'll kill you for this!"
She turned aud flew Into the presence
of the princess and her ministers.
Speeding to the side of Yetive, she
thrust the paper into her hands. Sur
prise and expectancy filled the eyes of
all assembled.
"Count Marlaux oiHclaliy charges me
with with read It, your highness P
she cried distractedly.
Yetive read It, pale faced end cold.
A determlued gleam appeared In her
eyes as slip passed the document to her
"Alioile." Lorry said to an attendant,
fter a brief glance at Its revolting con
:i; . "ask Count Marlanx to appear
i" hHtnntl.v. He Is outside the door."
Lorry's auger was hard to control.
. cl nelie.l bis hands and there was a
:i ie s g'.-estioii of throttling In the way
'. c t!i'' it. Marlaux, entering tbe room,
raw that he was doomed. Ho had not
expected Beverly to take this appalling
step. The girl, tears In her eyes, rush
ed to a wiudow, hiding her face from
the wondering ministers. Her courage
suddenly failed her. If the charges
were read aloud before these men It
seemed to her that she never could lift
her eyes again. A mighty louging for
Washington, her father and the big
Calhoun boys rushed to her heart as
she stood there and awaited the crash.
But Lorry was a true nobleman.
"Gentlemen," he said quietly, "Count
Marlanx has seen fit to charge Miss
Calhoun with complicity In the flight
of Baldos. I will not read the charges
to you. They are unworthy of one wtio
has held the highest position In the
army of Graustark. ne has"
"Read this, my husband, before you
proceed further," said Yetive, thrusting
Into his hand a line slie had written
with feverish haste. Lorry smiled
gravely before he rend aloud the brief
edict which removed General Marlaux
from the command of the army of
"Is this Justice?" protested Marlaux
angrily. "Will you uot give me a bear
ing? I beseech"
"Silence!" commanded the princess.
"What manner of hearing did you ex
pect to give Miss Calhoun? It Is
enough, sir. There shall be no cowards
tn my army."
"Coward?" be faltered. "Have I not
proved my courage on the field of bat
tle? Am I to be called a"
"Bravery should not end when the
soldier quits the Held of battle. You
have had a bearing. Count Marlanx. I
beard the truth about you last night."
"From Miss Calhoun?" sneered be
viciously. "I must be content to ac
cept this dismissal, your highness.
There Is no hone for me. Some day
you may pray God to forgive you for
the wrong you have done your most
loyal servant. There Is no appeal from
your decision, but as a subject of Grau
stark I insist that Miss Calhoun shall
be punished for aiding In the escape of
this spy and traitor. He Is gone, and it
was she who led him through the castle
"Vou fiend I" the cried.
to the outer world. She cannot deny
tills, gentlemen. I defy her to say she
did not accompany Baldos through the
secret passage last night."
"It will do no harm to set herself
right by denying this accusation," sug
g.vted Count Halfont solemnly. Every
man in the cabiuet aud army bad bated
Marlanx for years, nis degradation
was not displeasing to them. They
would ask no questions.
But Beverly Calhoun stood staring
,,t f tti window, out upon the castle
park and Its gay sunshine. She did not
answer, for she aid not near tne pre
mier's words. Her brain was whirling
madly with other thoughts. She was
trying to believe her eyes.
"The spy Is gone,", cried Marlanx, see
ing a faint chance to redeem himself at
her expense. "She cannot face my
charge. Where Is your friend" Miss
Calhoun r
Beverly faced them with a strange,
subdued calmness in her face. Hei
beart was throbbju wildly n the sbel
(Te be oMtlnoed.)
r nr
pass, caxx, February is.
The Jlodesty of V,'o:non
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bett.-r to submit to this ordeal than let
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is that so often tho woman undergoes all
the annoyance and shame for nothing.
Thoo-sondsNqf women who have been
cured uv Er. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip
tion writ In js'atlon of the cure
which dispViJcVVUi the examinations
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cures Jebilu.uiiig drains, irregularity and
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The most Intelligent women now a-days on knowing what they take as med
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Dr. Tierce's Medical Adviser Is sent rre
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mailing ony. (send to Dr. It. V. l'ierce,
Buffalo, N. Y 21 one-cent stamps for pa-per-covered,
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If sick consult the Doctor, free of charge
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Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets Invigorate
and regulate stomach, liver and bowels.
Hunting for Trouble.
"I've liyed ln California 20 years,
and am still 'hontlng for trouble in
the way of burns, sores, wounds,
boils, cots, sprains, or a ease of piles
that Bncklen's Arnica Salve won't
quickly enre," writes Charles Walters
I of Alleghauy, Sierra Co. No nsn
I hunting, Mr. Walters; it cures every
case. Guaranteed by all druggists.
1 25o.
In the County Court for Josephine
County, Oregon.
In tbe matter of the
Estate of Wallace
H. Close, Deceased
Notice is hereby given, that Adtliue
Close, residing at Grants Pass, Jose
phine Connty, Oregon, has been ap
pointed administratrix of the t-state
of Wallace H. Close, deceased, by or
der of the County Court for Josephine
Cooaty, Oregon, dated January 23,
1 107, and all persons having claims
against said estate are hereby notified
to present the same, duly verified, to
said administratrix at the law office of
H. D. Norton in Grants Pats, Jose
phine Connty, Oregon, on or before
six months from tbe date of the first
publication of this notice.
Date of first pablioation, January
23, 1907.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
Kiweburg, Oregon, November 19, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of tbe act
of Congress of June 3, 1X78, entitled ''An
act for the tale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as ex
tended to all the Public Land States by
act of August 4, l'J2,
of KoHcburg. County of Douglas, State
nl Oregon, has this day filed in this of
fice bis sworn statement No. 7oHl, (or
ilie purchase of the NK'j of Sec. 34, in
Tp. No. 34 S. Rung No 5 W, and!
will oiler proof to show that the land
soutilil is more valuable for its timber!
or Hone than for agricultural purposes,
and to (-Htablisb bis claim to said land
before the Register and Receiver at this
otiiee at Roseburg, Oregon, on Wednes
day, t lie 3d day o' April, 1 '.h)7 .
lie names as witnesses: L. S. Ship
ley, of Roseburg, Robert Medley, of
Roseburg, Oregon ; Frank Kennedy, of
Kosetiurg, Oregon; K. I', Tynan, ol
Koseluiig, Oregon.
Any anil all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
office on or before said 3d day of
April, 1907. Bmnjamin L. Kdoy,
Timber Land, Act June 3, 178. j
Roseburg, Oregon, Nov. 19, 1900. ,
Notice is hereby given that in coinpli-1
g nee with tbe provisions of the act of Con- j
,rress of June 3, 1178, entitled "An act (
for the sale of timber lands in the States
of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," as extended to
all tbe Public Land States by act ol I
August 4,
of I'lacer, County of Josephine, State of
Oregon, has this day tiled in this ollice
her sworn statement No. 7809 for the;
purchase of Ixts 5, 6, 7 and SEJ ol NWJ
Section in Township No 35 South,
Range No. 5 W, and will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more '
valuaoie lor its umoer or siune man tor
i agricultural purposes, and to eetablinh
I ber claim to said land at this otlice
at Roseburg, Oregon, on Wednesday, tbe
1 10th day of April, 1907. She names as .
I witnesses : I
Henry O. Williams of Placer, Oregon ; '
,Willim T. Turnbam of Grants Pass,
I, . U.u II Cnnnsr nf Pl,.r
Oregon ; W. A. Long of PJacer, Oregon. '
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above described lands are re
quested to file tbeir claims in this office
on or before said 10th day ol April
1907. ButjAMiK L. Eddt, Register
Timber Land, Act Jnne 3, 1878.
United Stales Land Office.
Roeebarg. Oregon, Dec. 8, 1906.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliaace with the provisions of the act
ol Congress o! June 3, 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands in
the States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
ana nasnington territory," ss ex
tended to all the Public Land States by
act of August 4, 1892,
of Wahpelon, Connty ot Richland.
State of North Dakota, has this day
filed in this offloe her sworn statement
No. 7W50, for the purchase of the WW
of NWW and N of SW of
cecu on io. in Township no.
85 South, Range No. 4 West, and wil
offer proof to show that the land
sought is mors valuable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish ber claim to
said land before Charles E. Maybeo,
United States Coniuiissionei, at his
office at Grants Pass, Oregon, on
Monday, the 8th day of April, 1907.
She names as witnesses: A. W.
Silsby of Grants Pas, Oregon, William
Spalding of Grants Pass, Oregou,
Ella K. Chapman of 1808 7tb Ave.,
Seattle, Washington, aud Elbert V.
Kellogg of Grants Pass, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above-described lands are requested
to file tbeir claims in this otlice on or be
before said 8th day of April, 1!K)7.
Hknjamin L. Knnv, Register.
In the matter of the)
estate of G.W.
Chapln, Deceased. J
Notice Is hereby given to all persous
having olaims against the estate of
G. W. Chapin, deceased, to present
yonr statement of claim, with proper
vouchers, within six months from the
first date of this notice, towit:
November 80th, 190H, to Lucy Chapin,
Administratrix, at Leland, Oregon.
This notice is published Ly order of
Stephen Jewell, Judge of Josephine
Connty, Oregon, In the Rogoe River
Courier for fonr weeks.
By H. B. Hendricks, her attorney.
Notice is hereby givea by the under
signed, Katherlne Keenan, adminis
tratrix of the estate of Nancy Loy,
deoeased, to the oreditors and all per
sons having claims against said de
ceased, to exhibit them with the
necessary vouchers, within six mouths
from the first publication of Ibis
notice, to said administratrix at ber
residence on the oorner of 8th and J
streets, Grants Pass, Oregon, or at
the office of Hendricks aud Johnston,
opposite post offloe. The same be
ing the plaoe for the transaction of
the business of the said estate.
Dated November In, 190A.
Hendricks & Johnston,
Attorneys for the administratrix.
In the County Conrt of the State of
Oregon for Josephine Connty.
in tbe Matter ol tbe
Estate of
Alpheos E. Holl
oway, Deceased.
Notloe is hereby given to whom it
may concern that I, the undersigned,
have been appointed administrator of
tiie Estate of Alpheos E. Hollo way,
deceased, and that all persons having
claims against said estate are required
to file the same, properly verified as
provided by law, with uie, at my
office iu Grants Pass, Oregon, within
six uionlis from this date.
Dated January 11th, HK)7.
Notice .is I. hereby uivon by the un
dersigned, Nina li. Lathrop, adminis
tratrix of the estate of C. M. Lathrop,
deceased, to the creditors of and all
persons having claims against said es
tate, to exhibit theiu, within six
months after the first publication of
this notice to my attorney, J. N.
Johnston at his otlice In Grants Pass,
Oregon, tho said being the place for
the transaction of the business of said
Date of first publication, January
25, 1907.
J. N. Johnston,
' Attorney for Adui
In tbe matter of the l . ll4
rtaie oi ljewis H lllM , . - ,
Hayes, Deceased. ) WSISS
As er order of Hon. Stephen
Jewell, judge of Josephine County,
Oregon, dated January 8, 1907,
Notice is hereby given to all persous
having claims against tbe said de
ceased to exhibit them with the neces
sary vouchers to K. M. Hayes adminis
trator of said estate at Murphy P. O. ,
Josephine County, Oregon, within
six months from tbe first publication
of tins notice to-wit, January lltn,
10- . .,
r.:.'J:.j'n " V. M. HAYS,
" TT? AdmlulgHtrator.
By II. R. Headricks, his attorney.
J Notice is hereby given that I have
beeu appointed administrator of tbe
estate of J. H. 'ions, deceased. All
persons having claims against tbe said
estite are hereby required to file tbe
same properly verified, with my
attorney at Grants Pass, Oregon,
within six mouths from the Ittth day
of November. 190D.
tCui a Administrator.
Oliver S. Brown, 7
Attorney forJAdminialrator.
; The Classified Adcolumns of the
Courier ""contain many"items which
I will be of interest, to "yon and yon
should make it a point to'read them
' eacli week.
Ely's Cream Balm
This Remedy Is a Specific,
Sure to Clve Satisfaction.
it cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects the
lisemnil membrane. It cure Catarrh and
iipvesaw l)..lil in tle 11eM1 quickly
Kostores tho Senses of TVMo :i:e! ;ell.
iiusy to u-;e. Coutnins no i '
'ppli'vl into t'.ie icstv.U .
Uirt;e Size, fit) rents et '
lanil: Trial Sie, Ui e il
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
United States Land Ollice,
Roseburg, Oregon, Dec. 8, 1900.
Notice is berebv given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act lor the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada
and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all the Public Land States by act
of August 4, 1892,
of Seattle, County of King, State
of Washington, has this day filed in this
office her sworn statement No. 7659, for
the purchase of tbe SE, of Section No.
30 in Township No. 35 South, Kanga
No. 4 T.,and will oiler prool to show
that the land sought is more valuable
(or its timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes and to establish her
claim to said land before Chas. E.May bee
U. S. Commissioner, at his oitice at
Grants Pass, Oregon, on Monday, the
8th day of April. 1907.
She names as witnesses: A. W.
Silsby of Grants Pass, Oregon; William
Spalding ol Grants Pass, Oregon ; Cora
E. Chapman of Wahpeton. North Dak
ota; and Elbert V. Kellogg of Grants
rass, Oregon .
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are re
quested to file their claims in this office
on or before said 8th day of April, 1907
Hknjamin li. Eddy, Register.
In the Clrcnit Conrt of the State of
Oregon for the Connty of Josephine.
J. D. Drake, 1
Charles H. Johnston,
Defendant. J
Notice is hereby given that by
virtue of a writ of execution, duly
issned out of and under the seal of
the Circuit Court io and for the
Connty of Josephine, State of Oregon,
aud to me directed and doly attested
by the clerk of said Court on the 17th
day of January, A. D. 1907, npon a
decree aud judgment duly reudered,
entered of record aud duly docketed in
the ollice of the clerk of said Circuit
Conrt,on the 21st day of January, 1907,
in a certain stilt tlieu pending In the
said Circuit Court wherein J. D.
Drake was plaintiff and Charles II.
Johnston, defendant iu the sum of
Seven Hundred and Seventy-Eight and
61-100 Dollars (778.(ll) with Interest
thereon from the 21st day of January,
1907. at the rate 'of 6 tier cent ner'an-
iioin, and the further sum of Twenty
Dollars (f-0) costs and disbnrfements,
aud the costs and expenses of, aud
upon this writ, commanding me to
make sale of the following described
real jroperty towit:
Lots five (Ol Six (0) and Seven (7)
in Sentiou Eighteen (18), Twp.
Thirty-six (38) South, Range Six (8)
West of Willamette Mer. Also all
the right, title and interest of the de
fendant in and to Lot F'ive (5 1, Heo.
Thirteen (13), Twp. Thirty-Six (8fi)
South, Range Seven (7) West, of
Willamette Mer., all ia Josephine
County, Oregou.
Mow, therefore by the virtue of said
execution, judgment, order and de
cree, and iu compliance with the com
mands of said writ, 1 will on, Satur
day, March 2, 1907, at the hour of 10
o'clock a. m at vthe frout door of the
County Court hoiisn iu the City of
Grants Pass, said County and Stute,
sell at public auction subject to re
demption, to tbe highest bidder for
United btates gold coin, cash in hand,
all the right, title aud Interest which
tbe above named defendant bad or
now has in and to the above dos ribed
real property or any part thereof to
satisfy said execution, judgment,
order, decree, interest, ousts aud all
accruing costs.
Dated Grunts i'nss, Ore., January
24, 1907.
Sheriff of Jonephine Connty, Ore.,
First Publication February 1, 1907.
Last Publication March 1, 1907.
Harmon Blk up stairs
Promptly and of the best material
and in the latest style.
StlU doing business at the old stand.
Cor. Sixth and D streets.
Gbajits Pass, Osicjoar.
JDfl be wishes b were safely