Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, February 08, 1907, Image 8

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Frank Topping tiai nice field of
all sown grain and so hai J. T. Ken
nedy. f Charlie Cougle, one of William
(farmers was at Profolt Tuesday. Mr.
Oougle is making ready to begin
if Arming aa toon aa the weather will
We are sorry to announce that 8.
Provolt, one of Applegate's old
.pioneers is very ill t preaent. Dr.
iLoaghridge was called to Provolt
Thursday by the Illness of Mr. Provolt
ixi t no permanent relief has been
i ven op to the present timet .'.
W. M. Son was at Grant! Pasa
Wednesday with a load of hogs and
chickens which he disused ol very
readily. Since Mr. Sousnn has rented
his entire farm at Provolt to John
Berry and son, he will go out of the
ling business and devote his time to
cattle raining hereafter.
John MoCalliHter now a resident of
Provolt, having moved from Murphy
ait Fall to take np tlie hop business
and set a new 2f acre hop fluid, which
he rented a year ago, is milking
preparations to make his yard one of
itlio J moMt complete and up-to-date
Melds in the valley. Mr. MeCallister
intends to wire the entire yard of 26
.acr.s which is anion cheaper tbau
rising poles. Ihls will be the first
-vrd to be wired at Provolt.
Chas. Fields accompanied by his
Cbiother, George, was at Grants Pass
Friday on business. Mr. Fields states
jin returning homo he had the misfnr
'tune of breaking his baggy double
trees to fragments on a itump which
rstood In the road at Lanrel Grove.
"ited Cloud" was telling ns of good
woads the best that there has been
'built at that plane for many years.
Ha! ha! It looks like it when a
ifollow is left standing to the
Iubllo highway when It is rainiug
in tor runts aud wants to go to a box
- auoial aud has to go and borrow a set
of doubletrees before he can get home
' Tike good roads are all demolished
owing to the hard storms and high
Leslie Bailey, a fruit-grower
mil .Provolt who has spent the
past few months at the famous Mount
ain Lion mine on Missouri Flat.'was
at Provolt Ihls week on a business
vlaut. Mr. Bailey tells of the spleu--did
aud successful progroaa wliloli Is
leiug carried on at the mine, lie
dilates that they are at present taking
-out some Ami ore which carries re
markable values. This mine has been
iu operation for several yean and there
is no doubt that it is oue of the bent
qiayiug prnpiirtles in this valley.
They hue it at premtnt equipped with
All the latest machinery whiuh is
repaired to make a mine a suoecs.
Clayton Stoue, wlio purchased the
arw of L. 0. Hyde at .Provolt, No
vember 1A, 11K7 is doing some suc
cessful gruhhing at present, which ia
Huitu Inconvenient, owing to the re
oent atorma. Mr. Stone came from
Colorado to Oregon but Fall. Stop.
ping at the Provolt hop Held he was
. hkIikhhI to purchase for hlmmtlf a
luimii lu this beautiful Applcgate val
ley where he now resides. Mr. Stone
'Will raise principally hay at the
present, Utnr he Intends to take up
the dairy business and feel his hay'
to the dairy oow.
The lie aooiitl given at William
Friday, Fobruary I, I'Ml was a grand
success aud a credit to the Williams 1
valley wkioli is due to the Ladies j
. Hiiuo MiHuiouary sni'loty of that
pi int. for uiiikiug it a pleamint one ;
iu spite of the heavy rain storm dur- .
ingthcjlay. The crowd waa Uut so
Ujrge as waa expected and the evcu
"g program was a splendid one. .
A t 10 :30 o'clock the lime were pre
pared aud sold to thii highisl bidders.
'They were sold by Doll l.ewumi of ,
Williams, realising for bens. coiTce
nd lemonade, f.'iVUO. Afterwards!
upper was surved mid greatly enjoVisl,
liy those present, the remainder of
Uiu evening was spent in playing j
gtuies, singing aud instrumental
'umo. The young people of Will-'
jania are Very grateful to (he Will -j
ius ladles for this enjoyable evening
m: iiopk
JJ (Crowded out last week i j
Hani! Kaiu ! Well wt believe that ,
the old saying is true, when tliev sv j
'.hat itraiua U months iu the vear iu
Jus stale. i v
Well, a.iw, "Keel Cloud" savTfur
m to 1K1 more work on the road mv
self and not tlnd to much fault with
the supervisor. Should the s.ipprvisor
ooiue dowu her and t lit over on
the.other road to help fli vour road
Just? Just rememlHT I don't do n
jaiiv more.
Air. I jw r our iv.mty siirvexor
ud.Mr Uiiailsn of Otauta l'n weir
In our burg Moiiday on buMiie.
l.uu lersuud that Howar l Vimiii
Sas sold his hotse and svtdle to I.. u.
Mlkdiell of Murptiv (or u
D E E It I X 0
The bear failed to see his shadow
on Feb. 2.
A man without any braioa is not
noticed until he begins to blow hia
Bam Egger has gone borne to stay
ontil Mrs. Egger is tetter. Dr.
Klopper states she has an attack of
These people who have been howl
ing about cold can thank their stars
that they are still In Oregon and not
Jamiaca. I
G. W. Webb was the guest of Clark ;
Webb, Jr., over Sunday at the mine.
(Hark exhibited eight fox hides, the
effects of his prowess.
We have borne with J. Bourne
ever since he wai born. Now he has
been borne to that bourne whence no
traveler returueth untainted, let ua
ny for poor Jonathan.
40 degresd above zero aud raining
hard aud cold enough to freeze a
malteae cat. I wish I waa back to
thut dear Qnciil Montrebec.
Alfred Peterson is taking a vaca
tion in order to do some work on I) is
homestead. Mr. Peterson has worked
for the Webb Mining Co. for nearly
two year a aud ii oue of our honest
Messrs. Lange and Knopke pros
pectors and trappera on Hiuitli Klver,
middle fork, report a human skeleton,
found by them in oue of the deep
canons near their camp. We have not
learned whether anything like gnu,
knife, or watch was also found. We
lack details.
There wai a bachelors meeting
held iu Elk Valley on the 3d ultimo,
We are without details as we have
not Interviewed the girl. EBEN.
(Crowded out lust week. )
It does not always pay to work np a
Mr. Egger reports Mrs Egger
nitiuh better. She has been very
sirk and her friends In Elk Val
ley are happy to know she is on the
mend. Dr. Klopper of Eerby is at
tending her.
We hear someone kicking along the
line about Oregon cold weather. We
think that a change from 80 above to
SO lielow would stop the everlasting
kicking of some of theae hot weather
E. M. Albright Is home from the
Pass and at present is doing some
packing to the Mammoth uiiue iu
which he is interested.
Mrs. Gertrude Webb waa the guest
of her aistrr-iu law, Mrs. Martha
Webb at her mountain home on Blue
Creek .Sunday. She reports a good
soaking on her return trip. Did you
ever see anything like it before iu
Oregoii, Gertie T
Bammie Egger was the guest of S.
W. Webb over Sunday and Tommie
Gilllgau spent the same day with A.
Reynolds ou the Illiuoia.
We have seen meu lu our day who
were everlastingly finding fault with
their neighbors, swell up like a "har
vest toad. " ruu this 'man dowu then
that, kick the cat and dog, club the
horse and pound the oow, frighten his
family out of their wits aud all this,
mind yon, 'during the week, then ou
Sunday go to church, and testify to
Ihu peace and Joy they felt iu aurving
the Lord.
The (Jueeu of Drou.e people have
more ore ill sight than ever before aud
the prospects are that the smelter will
have a long, steady ruu the coining
se.isoniii. Miuing experts say we
have a great copper belt through here
and oue cannot help but believe it
with the good showing wade by the j
numerous mines arouud here.
We failed to see Jumbo's "btet"
story and wish he would repeal it for
on, oein'iii. vte are very much iu.
terest,, I iii agriculture down cur way
but;re very sorry to state our iunlil
ily to raise beets, as our ground is so
rich that the tops grow up so quickly
that they pull ths roots up witu theio.
J. Pardee
Staple ant' Fancy
at rock bottom prices
Your interests are mine
Front Street., m ar Pahico Hotel
GKANTS pass, okk.
K E K H Y t
Three Horses Drowned and Men
llsva Narrow Escape at
Che.pma.rt Creek.
To? T.inrteav is laid up with a lame .
foot caused by a horse stepping on it. j
Miao Anna Habtrmao, waa the goest j
of Miss Stella Williams last Saturday, j
Mrs. Emily Day is very poorly at
this writing, alto fbarles Sviinden. (
Arch Bunch of Murphy was hauling (
bay through our burg one dBy iaat
' week. I
Alonzo Hyde was a visitor from
here to your city last Saturday, alio
Fred Knox.
Ruby Boot was a visitor at Laurel
Grove last .Saturday night. Come
again Baby.
Ed Swinden is very busy piping at
present and washing out the yellow
Walter Farra and wife were at Pro
volt last week visiting Sam Provolt,
who is very sick at present.
The Miss, s Irma aud Khcda SilKof
Granite Hill are visiting relatives in
these parts of late.
M-ssrs CharleCcJ H,'ur Haber
mau, are very busy brewing some line
young horses at present.
John Clark of Murphy waa visiting
at the home of Oscar Williams last
Saturday night and Sunday.
John Kim-aid of Williams passed
through orjr hurg Inst week en rouie
to your city to see hia mother, who
is ill at that place.
J. L. Willurus is thinking Deleav
ing this country. Old Oregou is good
enough for m for this ia home, Bweet
home, where joys forever flow.
A crowd of young people were at
'Laurel Grove from Hi per Applegate
last Saturday night. We were glad to
see their sm'iliug faces. Como again.
Our reporter is on the bum and is j
not feeling good at all, but if he had .
'plenty of sheepdip and poison oak he
I may pull through alright. Hope so
j Our reporter paid Grants Pass a
' viait last week, beiug present at the
i M. W. A. meetlug aud did certainly
rave a good time. New members are
The Best Assortment of
Successor to J. M. CHILES
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Flour and Feed
New stock 'of goods just arrived.
Special attention paid to family trade
Phone 225
Ou February 2, James Parka was aiWavs welcome in our camp.
hauling a load of hay to his brother's j think it is about time
near Kerbr. driving lour Dorses. "Moutv woum wrne some.
Park a was riding a wheel horse and (1fl
W I 31 E It
i he
beeu dreaming all Winter and
Dick Sowell and Frank Kelley were Mme H(J hM ju8t woke up ig all
riding on the hay. They drove npon ,ua Baj to write about it.
the Chapman creek bridge, fonr uiilea George Viuing is waiting to catch
from Kerby on the Holland road, not the sou-of-a-gnn that is stealing bis 1
notioiugthat the center support had traps and furs along the river, and If I ))
. j a i. u. i.!. he gets him it will be all off with the
unru uuijci luiuvii uj viio uifii hk,di big Swede !
When the team got about midway the , . . , . rajQBud ,be : t
bridge began to tip. It leaued np- mj,iera are happy again and you can ;
stream and fell very slowly, so that bear the booluors rolling day aud (Crowded out last week )
the horses and wagon slid off the : The more it rains the more - M g, b t t Wood ville last
k iA i n .,. t a k.ij .o the farmer gets to rest and the more " , "u"u,"
bridge into the creek aud the bridge m the miner makes. So let it Saturday to get some freight.
reii upon tiiem arowuing two oi tue rajn ,f jt WHUts to. L
horses and a third was nort in the Every one had a good time at liter
fall, so it fell helpless and drowned, ary society last Saturday night. A
The fourth horse escaped unhurt. Program was rendered and also new
Mr Parks not one of his leirs hurt in ' oflloeri elected n1 ,he PPef
Mr. larks got one or his legs hurt in ..Laiirei Grove Wildcat" was
the mlxup, but not seriously and he reaJ and it it w iia too. After receas
waa badly shaken Inp. Sowell aud a mock trial waa held. Earl Topping
without a scratch, but DWInR "rested for stealing a bog from
i t t iin: ji i t. ir. Li.
Should the bridge u' "',U8- was
have fallen quickly the chances are ,. . . ...
.' ' , , i Mathews and Willard Topping for the
that some of the men would have lost ,iwfBW. Aln Watt. n-u. !,,rt Th
jurors brought in a verdict of not
guilty, after being out 80 minutes.
CbC Rjflbt D0PC 13t oul 'W8'Je' a(5vaue information on Nev-
. ada mining investments. We have it hot
from different camps at all times and can serve it to you while it ia
steaming. If our advice Is foffowed and if you take advantage of the
information we oan give you, you will make a whole lot of money and
make it quick. Get a sample of what we sorve up to you by writing for
our weekly market lottor which Is sent free upon request.
24 Monadnock Building San Francisco, Cal
Kelly escaped
somewhat scared
C. Sivers made a business trip to
: your city Tuesday of last week.
! Mr. and Mrs. Neathamer spent Sat
1 urday in Woodville.
James Neathamer of this place is
: working at the Blue Lead quartz
, The Pleasant Creek Literary societv
! meets every Saturday night at the
school house.
their lives aud it ia fortunate
them that it was not worse.
Died Near Kerby, Ore., Jauuary
'..), 11107, Kiauklin Lutz, aged 75 years
aud 4 iimtitliH. He was taken ill with
lit grippe and it developed into pneu
monia. Medical aid waa liven him
but no relief came to bim until
alHiut tl o'clock a,, m. when death re
lieved him. The remains were laid
to rest iu the Kerby cemetery ou
January 2tlth. Mr. Lutz a
pioneer, baring come to Orcgou iu
IMS and mined ou the Illinois Kiver
below Kerby fur a number of years,
aud finally abaudoued minuiir and
weut to the bee business iu which he
: i) a v i i) s o x x
Just ought to come out to Davidson
and watch it rain.
Juo. K. Bailey paid your city a
visit on Tuesday.
T. H. Peterson of your city was a
visitor iu this viciuity Saturday and
Wish wo had some mail route up
this side of the river so that I nnnM
had greu success aud devoted most of get my mail once a week any way.
Pleasure to mm. Ueo. . M"ek of thin place ha an.
cepted a position at the Blue Union
Quartz mine as mill man and also to
do some tiiuheriiiff for th Mill Hri thuV
Liniment is praised have struck some dangerous ground
Quite a crowd of the young motile
, John Hul s, Joe What n, Will HillU
i H. S. Moore and Ernest Vroman at
i tended the Odd Fellows lodge at Gold
i Hill last Sntnrday night
Mr. Costel died at his home Janu
ary 20, after a short illness. Hii
health has been very poor for Nat
time. .
The miners are smiling again at;th
prospect of another good rain; the
water has been very short for the lail
few weeks. SCRIBBLER.
Rising From the Grave.
A prominent manufacturer, Win. A.
Fertwell, of Lucama, N. C, relstei
a most remarkable experience. He
says: "After taking less thau three
bottles of Eleotrio Bitters, I feel like
one rising from the grave. M
tronble is Bright's disease, in the
Diabetes stage. I fully believe
Eleotrio Bitters will cure me permi
nently, for it has already stopped the
liver and bladder complications which
have troubled me for yean."
Guaranteed at all druggists, Prioe
only 50o.
his time ni it was a pleasure to hliu.
Mr. I.utz was a native of tieriuiuiv.
vr r,4-
To be vour Valemtne: You
The best-place
tven From the Mountaini
II illard'a Sim.v
tor !ho good it does. A sure cure for
KheiiiuMtisin and all lia'ns. Wriirht
W. Loving, Grand Junction, Colo.,
writes: "1 used t'ullard's Snow I.mi-
uieiit, last Winter, tor liliuuuiatism
j aud can reiomuieud it is the bet
Liniment ou the market. I thought,
at the time I wai taken dowu Willi
this trouble, (hat it would be a wck
I oeiore i euui.i get anout, tint on ap
piling ur i.iinm.'iit see, nil
! during ihe night, I was aU
i liotira and well in three days." For
I ale by National Irug -tore and
j Koh TUItlll'l
irom this side of the river have beeu
attending the Literary society at
Laurel Grove regularlv but did not
get to go Saturday as the river was
up too much for thorn.
Miss Klsie McFnddeii, who hag been
sick at the South Pacific Hospital for
the last two months is h, ,,,,. .,.;
1 tunes we are all glad to see her looking
ut in 4.S 80 W'1'11 'ter being as sick as she was.
t Couurr givrt all the county
l'ld Yirgiuia Com Kelish, S..iue
thiug good us a dreeing for murlv
fverv thing you eat at Smvthe's
Quality shiip.
am a :
v. i iii am wijauitj.ggy.
1 wonder what has become of
' Jumbo" ' We have not heard of anv
juueiais oi i.ue ill that
am no miud reader, but
pi the i miner and
i.aurei uro?e items sound
pen of "Ked Cloud."
'JuniKi" mnst be brothers.
Well air, you had
up Oscar creek and s"
iiaciT miners smile ui,r
reader WHETHER. YOU WI.H TrsXl Cn r r.i rir. of
from the way the YOl7R. V A FNTIMr , , , 1 U
rrom the B- " : '"Jr.,,''.,Ml- rv wncinLK. YOl7 WL5H 10
rs m i r r t l m t i. f t-i ----- -
hn nod
Ho Prixos No Ooupan
No Orooi.ory
Never Sold in Bulk.
1. 2, 2' : and 5.
Pound Tins Only
M V ALLN 1 INF PnR Cnur- Mr. n . n
"them thar'' intHtdl, WE KNOW. SO MF fAM MnT ArrDH
l'i.inr miners fline. Wl.r o,,o TOP n r. ' w -wmv I Wlk'
them gels up at.", o'clock in" the moru- ir, ?":01 DUJ MUJT TAKE THE NEXT BET BE-
ingaiid stands by the gia, as leug CAUJE THAT IJ THE BFST THrV r AM n 'rD
sshecau see. Ihey hoi to see this TUT MAM . - Dt-J JHEY CANDO. TOK
time. Th.'V
n Francivo
ifl n a X J-V'ABLE JUIT FOR. $6.75 OR
S?5ALTE ltel6l o0vo5AT ?,E6J5oPfe
citr'Sii'l e o'n
ANY PA or'rAkwEclUP TO AND $1.5.
PFR rFNT rT? cr m IN THE HoUJE AT 20
rLK. CENT Dl.r.n wt a i imp . . .
horn, cf David f I,". TU is frs U AT r a -r , ' ' t Of 2.50 AW
tt i-V,d.o1Z oVFTrfl i0,?:. -50ME BoYJ SJTS AND
,,r', . 1 ,"" ,n home, thev i Hi
pr.eed'd eltVt th fuuowl--
, - n n i u it yi
nilf ll'u f jr ..... I
...... .a.i..n.iTO nave gram to put
m. hep,- it ,;: ctase. and theu watch
ns plow as long as we can see '
The dance at Murphy WM Wt.u
ended by the'e lovmg young
folks of Laurel Gmv., ,.i
and everyone vemed to ha . ...i
A. , . .
iVT. , "lu'' ontil the earlv
hours of m . nil ug aftor anting down
(o a very r.iee sapper served by L.
. Larson and Lewis Mitchell
The Nort
'1 M.l m.l ....
("-, i, .1 ii,,rsio iucn
L o. , Held thi'ir am. i j
i h. .. , - . "
'"""ii, vear: Jas
aeo-y: W. T. rrrv. treaa;
otjeera f.
1. Ulevius,
J. T. Oo. k
QEO. 5.iiQflLH(KJN C?
31. Haves, dir.vter.
MuM ri13KorHEK.