Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, February 08, 1907, Image 4

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Fine Footwear for Women
Gunmtntal Shots
(or (he Street
The reliability of our
secret of our success.
The lar'o increase of
for tho year
1005 is duo
that our cus
ciato tho val
a n d know
will bo right.
R. L.
Published Evary Friday.
Subscription Rata!
One Year, in advance,
Bli Month".
Three Months, ...
(jingle Coiiies,
Adwrtlalnor Rataa
Varnished on application at the office, or
by msu.
Obituaries and resolutions of con
dolence will tie charged for at 6c per line;
oard of thanks SOo.
A. E. VOORUIE8, Prop.
Entered at the post office at Grants 1'sss
Oregon, as seconu-class niail matter.
Savlvsktlon Army.
Meeting every night except Mod
day. Soldiers' meeting (private)
Tuesday night Holiness meet lug
Sunday 11 a. m. Sunday school at
S p. tu. Young Peoples' meeting
from 8 to p. tn. All are cordially
invited. Capt. and Mrs. Eubuuks In
Newman M. E. Church.
The Sacrament of the Lord's sapper
will be administered Sunday evenlug
at 7:80 at M. E. churoh. Rev. Wire
will preach. Sunday school meets at
10 a. m., the Jr. League at 8 p. tn.
aud Epworth League at :30. Ada E.
Walker, leader. A cordial welcome
awaits yoo at any of theee services.
Baptlal Church.
The pastor resumes the inorniug
series "Hernioue in Stone" subject,
"the I'ee of Ood's Name. ' HmcihI
attention attention is called to the
Men's Department of the Hible School
which meets In the baieuiniit at II M .
The Junior Union at 8 p. tn. Is In
chatgn of Mrs. Kdgertoti. The Senior
Union will ho led by Winnie Paddock.
Subject " Lessons from the Patriarchs
No. I. Noah." Topic for the evening
serinim ' ' Piiptlcin and Siilviilion. "
You are most cordially invited.
I'retbyterlan Chun-It.
At this chiircb next sabbath, Feb
ruary III, Evan P. Hughes, the Pastor,
will discuss tl.e following timely iind
Important themes:
10 a. tu. "The Duty of Paul'
Finding: The Oualificatinns Nei.i'ed '
for the Discharge of thin Function. "
7:80 p. in. "Tho Faith ,.f an In
fidel ; or, It requires mora Pailli to
rejiot the fundamental D.ictri of
the Christian Religion than to ac
cept them" Primula impressed by'
liifidel thouglits ar,. r'pei tfully and:
kindly Invited to bi present;. 10 a
in. Hlble School under the superin
tendency of II. ('. Kinney. .Ir O K
8 p. in. lhe Devotional Hour ot the '
Y. P. S. O. E "at ,'i,i ,,. m ,n ur !
very cordially invited to worship at '
this church.
ClwUHnn Churth
The meet lot; continue with string
convincing , ruiuim and well sns
tltilled Intel St. Next Week is the
closing week. Sunday, the 17th is thej
aiui'.itl day. Tin' sermons are suno
time. Mim-sl oddly urgittiieiiiirc, but
people do to-pond to the Invitation to CI nil ami enter upon a Chris,
ti.m life I I:,. 1, eital ,, Mendav
night wits a delight to ail who ,..itd
it and the p;,-,,-e a i, ,
by the antu line, n-., T,t ,.f ,.,.. ,,.,- f t
next Mond.iv , eiim.
Dr M art in has , n ' it.,"."T, ,
alUbr hi. ele'"" l, 7T tT , ? ,
serin."!. VII si .lid t.i ': T
tin -e . !.., ii,, .i n 1 ! . o , . , , .
the hi-t
.v:d Vl- lor 1 . . ,
lt iU V ,i -n- Si, ; ,.
i i m
Patent Lrsth cr
Shoe if c r rn
shoes is'ithe
our business
10 0 0 over
to tho fact
torn era appro
thej receive
ucs which
that what they get here
X y
l yi v n v ii y
Mrs. Hayes Is on the sick list this
Miaeeg Rlioda and Erwa Sill of
(Iranite Hill were rlsitors at Mnrphy
laat week.
Miss Mabel Darneille of Grants
Paas rlslted her oouiins at Morphy
Saturday and Sooday.
Another nice bnnch of beef from
Coley's on the Upper Applegate,
wetit by last week for Ahlf, the
J. W. Uilmore Is kept busy now
hauling goods for hie store at Mur
hay, the bad roads making the loads
small and frequent.
The firmer on Murphy creek have
been aunoyed of late by the ravages
of a panther. Ed Cockerline found
two good 1 1 zed ahoata, Mr. varmint
had killed and dragged quite a dis
tance to cache in a temporary den.
Several men have ; been out to look
over the Applegate Doom & Lumber
Go i big mill at this plaoe, but we
have no anthorlty as yet to say the
mnohluery will be started this Spring.
This Is one of the best mills in South
ern Oregon and can easily cut 40,000
feet of lumber per day and we are all
anxlons to hear it whistle, as whistlei
meau work, and work means money.
aud money means the comforts of life.
The Oscar creek plaoer mines are
running full head at present. The
upper claim under the management
of Frauk Hayes and the lower under
Clyde Jeter, both are old time placer
men and have operated in these mines
for lfl years. They know their bust.
neas and are moving lots of ground in
one of the liest pay creeks of the Pa
ct Ho elope
uloe dance was enjoyed In Mur
phy Saturday uight. This dauce
plainly showed the status of the young
folks of this ,'neiglilKirhocd. It was
held in a vacant house, gotten up by
everybody, aud managed by the
same people ami yd there waa not a
drop of liquor, it boisterous word, or
anything but iimnnerlv conduct
throughout the night. A lunch was
served at midnight and a 11 went
home in the gray dawn saving it was
the best ever.
U M. Mitchell will prolably know!
how to unhitch a horse from a buggy
oy me nine ne geta tlia' rubber tire
repaired that he tore up last Sunday
night, lie tells n that for education",
1'ie Ni'liool or i xperienee is the best. I
but HometiineH lhe tuition is what I
we uiigut call extravagant. X .',
I.KMMKR - At Wolf Creek.
February J, H7, to Mr
and Mrs.
. i . i.emmer, a son. Provolt. January .';,
ll'OT. to Mr and Mrs . llvd.-, ,
U'TZ Near K.rbv.
I'ruiklin I.ut, ag d
! I' Ii' '. - .ViMf
tM:ll.U I'.w
'ay, lenrnirr .1. :;.
Cameron, age,
'V' years.
Grant i IV- 1i.
"; I'.HT. of puccni.iiin, fliftci,
l e.(s , aged ;!-.' t ears.
JlS-J Vt
Vll'.e. ('i
aed ;i ;
Mr le.s
b is
. F.
i ' at .
w a s
. ir Wild, r
V M J.-..
! I kn wn
n and I a I
I ' tin .
thlivigbi lit i;'
Hed f T II .ic
I 'in i- lui'ina w .
death 1 he but nl
c o
f I
at ild,
d.d la
in -gi.h.
I. I.
i r u
re arte
If. e,l-.
i, '.
fin. i
. t. d
Mint week have paved and still
h.. rni rrirfd. It
will be more than ever appreciated
i rit There ii ods
our. u". -"r,
conaolatioD, however, in knowing tnai
it has been shipped and is on its war.
Wn ted Someone to ftand at
door of the girle' cloak room from ;
8:30 to a. m., aud from 12:45 to j
11:5 p. m. So one wttn poor eye
sight or defective hearing need apply.
Address all inquiries to Prcf. A. E.
Harrison, 'J. P. H. S.
On Friday night, Febmary 1, the
Boys Batket Ball team of the High
School and the A. A. C. played their
second game. It, though not quite
as good as the Brst, ended after two
20 minute halves in a glorious defeat
of the High school, io a score of 23 to
4, also with a broken window pane.
In every way our High School is
steadily improving. The books In oar
library are to be catalogued and a
pocket is to be put in every book, so
as to keep track of who has read
them, during the year. It is a pleas
ure to go to school now. And when
we are old aud gray, we will be
proud to say that we have in our
youth attended the Grants Pass High
Strikes seem to predominate in the
bueinesi world at the present time
aud as it would never do for the
Sophos. to be behind the times, we,
the members of the Sophomore class
are preparing for a grand uprising
and will begin action just as oon as
our leader Ceanar instructor gives us
four chapters to translate for one
veninir. We have reached the three
'chapter mark already and are fast on
the road to the grand uphsaval.
The Sophomore class. It is a fact,
contains some of the most remarkable
students that our High School has
ever produced. No class or student
has ever been able to boast of as much
gray matter in their heads as can the
average SoDnomore. ine leacneis
realize this, for, after laboring for
sometime with a class of strpid
Freshles, their faces brighten up
wheu they see the dignified Sophomore
entering. It is then that thy feel at
liberty to aak the almost unanswer
able qnestions to which the Sopho
more readily responds with a satis
factory answer. It is then that we
receive praise of every sort from our
beloved teachers, ootil we almost feel
that others wished tbey too, were
Sophomores. If you are not satisfied
of the fact we are wonders, just look
at ns as we come aiarcblng in from
recitations. Anyone that isn't a dolt
can readily see that we are all shining
lights. But the other members of the
High School, esptcially the Fresh ies,
do not seem to realize that it is a
great privi'ege for them to eveD gaze
upon us, for I doubt if there will be
oue that will not gaiu a statue in the
"Hall of Fame. "By a Soph.
(ilANT No. 1 and .' ftet of hy
draulic pipe for sale. Imiuire of
Ike Davis. I ll tf
FOR SAI.K A few p;ir of brrnz
turkevs, tuikey eggs later at J. H. j
Robinson's tlrantH Plow, Ore., R. F. i
D. No. '-'.
TWO THOUSAND Second gem ra
tion Black and Japanese Walnnts,
alo peach snd apple trees at Fureku '
Nursery, J. H. Kotnnson, Omnia I
Pass, Ore., K. F. II. No !.
1 BARTLETT PKA RS Several thous
and strictly first class, one year old
I Barllett Pear Trees 4 to li feet high.
Also Walnuts and ornamental lret'8,
! shrub, and roes. J. H. piking-,
i ton, iiuteM!!Mu, Portland, Op'. j
I 25 tt
I'nW IV-li tli'i w.ek, vc-.eti y aru
old, ,Ier, y ml in !k i rg si Vn i p, '
Hu rt born, a hmvtiiii at j.V'. A. scjarMor.JNo. :t . targ- . for'
1 ";'Stf
t-1 K S Vl.l-.- St. ek Oi ii, nil metoh m-
il .e.
lli tel ;nii::-ir.'. and lixt-. res
ii Mi- k Will tak go. d r si
at We
I'o . I
I IO env we:i lcc-itei 111 !
Pass, Wilson Mercantile
'and. O-
i d
individuals oi
I sti II have
tli sexes, sprirg
rt g stored . r net
and lull .
1 . sows I red ,-r c en.
service, ( 'ri g"ii's IVi f,,,-.
'I ' and Oho f Sunshine
I II Rcbiiisoii. K F.
i ititnts Pass i j im
I' N,
i f land 'ened and
d t
k r i 'ii on tn rth l"il
-tre, t '
r re
tgill. ' tf
I 'an
e oil
21 tf
e No reason a I lo . :r, r
fa i or addte-s Y. K I'
s';. I. oung ci
.t V K. far.
i'th str. 1 1.
TS 1'
A. Pi.
i lire I ;
!e,l hi
'VI'IS' c
ug r i ;
ats :
y. tf
ii a-
1- I.
:n f,
1' I'K'A Ull'l K
i h-iie t. r
A .1 'ii.'s of i
' r i :
r rtl
after the rain
that by noon rioi.
, Turner could re-i.t the ,dea of a
! in the ratubloe do longer,
, t l.,. non
considerable scnemiuK
the idea of taking the Physics class
. . j::.... A 1 1.1 fir
oo a neia eiiwmuu. -
thereabout! tie aseeuiuieu ui
flock of 1, armed them wit!) note
books, pencils and other bloody
weapons, explained io inem m ""
bonor of the H. S. depend. d upon
their bearing, donned his hat and led
the way. Alternately driving, lead
ing, chining and instructing the com
pany in general and the girls in
particular, he brought them FaMy to
tha boiler room of th") California
Pine Door Company's sash and door
After ascertaining that the glass
fixture on the side of the boiler was
called the watergoage. Prof. Turner
lost himself in an elaborate explana
tion of the mechanism. When ther
had li arned all that was worth know
ing about boilers, they retired to the
engine room. There they discovered
the difference between the fly wheel
and the governor, the drive belt and
eccentric, the crank and the cylinder
head, the piston rod and the throttle
valve. They measured the length of
the stroke, ascertained the area of the
piston, noticed the steam pressure and
all the other things needful, then they
ascertained the horsepower by con
sulting the engineer. Then they
visited the box factory engine which
was not running, going through about
the same performance as before, ex
cept that this enigneer, having been
previously instructed by Prof. Tur
ner, wouldn't tell the pupils the
Walking down the rai'road trick
a short distance they came to the Iron
fouudry, which was very fascinating.
There they saw the wet sand moulds,
the blast, the steel drill and lathe
and the other accompanying ma
chines, and were very much interested
. i - il it, la
in listening to the foundry men ex
plain the nies of the various me
chanical devices. Some of the girls
were especially taken up with some
scales although the resulting figures
ars far too great to record in this
issue. In going from there down to
the Power House the girls were so
very troublesome about running oil
that it kept Prof Tomer running j
aronod the block with a yard stick i
in his'liand a good part of the time.
They arrived at last at 'he Power
House and oue and all learned the
process of ice making from start to i
The members of the Physics class
feel that the aftf rnood was well spent, I
only dreading the task of writing ud
the expedition and finding the horse '
powers of the engines as well as of the
ammonia gas that was blown off for '
the benefit while at the ioe plant.
Ihey all wish to express their in
debtednefs to the gentlemen who so :
kiudly showed them around at the
various places and obligiugly au-'
swered their questions.
rEN-ACRES. li miles north of city
limits, on Rural Route. Water to
irrigate ll$ acres, 24x24 tarn, two
tloora, chicken honse, wire fenced,
, 4-rotuu house. One-half acre in
strawberries, raspberries, fruit trees
etc. Five acres in high state cf cul
tivation. Price iiiuo. Call on or
address L. H. Hughes, R. F. D. No.
1, (Iranta Pass, Ore. 1 25 4t
FOR SALE-By K. Steele at 2d ware
house west cold storage plant
Sugar Pine Shakes, Plymouth Rock
Cockerels, Fruit, Vegetables, all
kin's, fresh ocean fi-h, crabs,
shrimps, clams, oysters by the pint,
quart and gallon, ulso in cans. Cash
laid for fruit and produce. E.
Steele. n.j tf
DoN'T let the rabbits ana the borers
kill your trees when they cau be
pride ted by it Boss Protector at a
oo.t of ll4 cents apiece and that
will last threti years Made of
Yucca w oii.l, is and requires
no fsstein rs. See sample at W. L.
If 1. mil's real isute otlice. George
II. Parker, Grouts Pass agent for
KosUo River Valley. 2 S tf
IT ls Sl'RAY or cut dowu your trees
uii 'ei the in law, but as fruit
will be high in rice
will pay you to save your tires.
We use the Sampson spray and
guarantee to do thorough, "honest
ork with a over machine.
Special iare given to the spraying
of trees and tlower bushes in yards
aid prices reasonable. (.Yntiaetg
tski'ii to do orchard spraying at a
ili.tance from Grants Pas's if suffi
cient to justify tie trip. Leave
orders at lie, rge S. flhouu's
suae, or Willi l mr ..ti
county fruit inspector
2-.X tf
-Furnished cottsga with
eh i trie lights, rent Jl.Y
O P.x :i-.Y, i- ?i ,f
I'Hlti and
llt'llire 1
lii ion
dell ;
l.irt ,
at a
ForU-lUHiM linn.,, wwd
s:a!.'.e in ,1 two acre- fine gar-
;tid. Well Ic-ated : nt.per
c-ty. Knit 5 or will sell
' fharles Mes.-rve
l Pi -ek ;- x'f
N H"UM h, HI; reof
A s':vi
laud. w.
w od
' a I-1 ;te;i
. :: N.-rti, :
ti. tn East
Iti.tise, chok-.-a house,
and eiec-r:.- light. Kmc
and in b, st part of city
- ei.;h str, ,t. two I'llOkS
schccl. K, tit ;',i. .1. I
2-1 tf
w.wdAv turned eff so
20 to 50
Discount on
20 to '50
Discount on Trousers
20 to 50 per cent
Discount on all
P. H. Harth
"A little better
PHOTO GALLERY A good oppor
tunity for a first-class photographer
to open a studio In the land of the
Riant redwoods and wild coast
scenery. Address Del Norte Rec
ord. Crescent City. Cal. 2-1 tf
FRANK BURNETT-Upholstering,
mission furniture made to order.
APPLE LAND Wauted. About 40
acres apple land not cleared. River
bottom, near town. MtiHt be good
value. J. T. Rogers, Portland, Ore.
405 Weidler St. 2-8 2t
C. L. TsOEL of Odessa wants loggers
and timber cutters to deliver 2,000,.
000 feet of logs to mill by contract
before suow flies ; short haul, level
roads, one 4-horse team, two trucks,
ehaiiiH, etc. furnished. Also left
hand 3-gang edger wanted. Write
or call at null Odessa, Ore. 8 3 tf
WANTED Gram Sacks, Tools and
other second-huud goods. Harrison
Bros., Second hand-store, corner
Sixth aud J streets. 2-u tf
Notice is hereby given that the
firm of Pike & Dean has this day dis
solved partnership by mntual con
sent., A. J. Pike retiring, T. Y.
Dean to collect all accounts due the
firm and pay all indebtedness.
Dated January 10, 1907.
A. .1. PIKE,
WANTED At the Courier
steady boy to learn trade.
ANTED Salesmen. Manv Make
$100 to 150 per mouth; some even
more. Stock clean ; grown on Reser
vation, far from old orchards. Cash
advanced wueklv. Choice of terri
tory. Address Washiutgon Nursery
Company, Toppenidi, Washington.
i'-28 tf
LOST -Wednesday, fjvail bracelet"
carved on one side Finder please
leave at Courier otlice.
The latest in calling cards at the
Courier office.
Justice blanks at the Courier office.
Commercial Club Meets.
regular uionhly meting of the
'-Tints r'ass Commercial
Club will
he ha Id on nest Toes
the club rooms. All
day even in if r
quested to I
to decide on
Cards TaMets
'o Music store.
cards on
Job work at Tortland prices at the
Cn-.rier office.
on Suits
per cent
per cent
& Son, Inc.
for a little less"
Kea Bluff bad a Chinese wedding
the other day, when the Chinese drug
gist. Yuen Do Doy was marries to
Ah How. who had just arrived from
China. They procured their licen
in the customary American way by
appearing before the county clerk.
OnA I fl f (1 f I u 1 snln. Aim
--.- iuiu, ul ujuvreuuet
however, between a Chinese weddinj
and the ordinary American matri
monial alliance, was that the ife hsd
been paid for in dollars and cents, Ah
How having cost Yuen Do Doy tWOO,
f. o. b Chicago.
Full stock of
Groceries and Provisions,
dimly, Xuts, Tobacco
iind Cigars.
Sixth street bet. I and J.
first National Bank
Of Southern Oregon
GRaxTs pass, oregox
We Pay interest on
Time Deposits
L. B. Hall. President
J. C. Campbell, Vice-President
H L. Gilkev, Cai-hler
R- K. Hackett, Asst. Cashier.