Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, February 01, 1907, Image 2

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lacetloua Proposal Bearing on
Grave and Important
We believe efery applicant for a
touting license should be compelled
ta nasi au examination. For in
stance if he could answer following
questions to the satisfaction of tbe
bounty Ju.lge, tbun be thould be
Wealed an an American citizen, other
wise a au anarchist :
Are too married. imane, or both?
Can you tall which eud of a gnu is
While suffering from au attack of
buck fever do yon think jou could
tell the difference between a red
jacketed hunter and a deer?
Can you tell when a gun )h loaded
without looking into the muzzle or
pointing it at a friend and suapidn.1
Wlien wire you but examined for
i i. ...,,1 uirn vuu ever au in- ,
1 ;' , ,i,fi.t ,,,i,ld?,
JljaitJ Ml a '
lu going through a fence would you
crawl through and pull the gon alter
both lu range, which woold you
shoot first, a rabbit or a gray horsn?
Are you a prohibitionist?
If not, do you believe that the use
of intoxicating liquors aid you iu
seeing mote game?
What kind, if any, do you use
sqoirrel or barb wire?
At what distance do you think you
oould kill another hunter?
Do yoo sound or wail for
tbe gainst
How long would It tuke yoo to tell
all you kuow about the use of fire
arms? Would you rather miss killing a
deer tbaa take chances of makiug au
angel out of a companion?
Do you believe iu shooting In baste
aud repenting at leiiurs?
Lastly, can yoo lull the difference
between a Winchester and a squirt
gnu Arlimrtou Heoord.
W.P.Bhirmsn and E.F.LsMieux
Full stock of Wall 1'aimr all designs
quality aud pi lous.
Vaints, VarnUdios, Oils, Brushos
Ph'i n'-d rM. "'int'i'e.
Mail orders promptly flllod.
Acclimated Fruit Trees
Givo the Best Results.
Transplant trees from a d.iuip soil
aud a wet climate to a smul-arld sec
tion like Kogun Hiver Valley will he
such a chancre of conditions that the
trees will make little growth the first
year and will require at leant two
years to become aecliinitli d.
Yakltna Valley has the ante climate
and conditions as lingue Hirer Valley
and trees from the
will give the bent reMilu to Soutlioru
Droiion growers. stock and
prices right.
Kull Stock of Fruit Tree Healthy
and true to name. Prices that are
V. I). Innalls, Prop.
North Ytkima, Wuhinglon
lIfYMJtTl.1 ..A.l
ltoixrtln ii.d what svsry wonisn
uumI ile.ii aa -a ucrfect cemrlexlon.
11 brlns llt .eft. 111100111, fnoh.
elr.r tint to Ihs ctnk ttmt Viu-li-
youltifutiivM. It will br.ns ti-.ul
lu (how who Uvk It, II will retain
It for lhoa who already ihm 11.
It will .Labia you to .u.vea.full)
eouibat tha ravasa. of sn1
tlrua. Ion'l Juubt -Uen't arj. Jiuit
try llobrrtina. Your tl'unxt.l 1U
(Iv you a fi .anila. All Crus Iihv Hotxrllna.
Fine wedding
Courier office.
stationery at the
Cousin to Holy Roller Crw Dis
turbing Peace of Web
foot City.
According to a diipatob of Jauoary
26 .froia Albany, a fanatical sect of
that place aeeins to be rivalling tbe
famoua Holy Hollers of CorvallU.
The report says:
"Women lying prostrate on the
floor, trembling and hysterical; others ,
.iLiii.,, In i lununuuH which seeui-!
... . . . r-r. ; 1
ed to ue a mixture oi mnese jaru
and the chatter of a bird, and meu
and women moaning aud weeping in
fanatical frenzy, were tUe scenes last
night in the Mmuouite Mirfliou in
this city. Ablaiiv was reaeiving its
firHt geuuiue appearance of the "Tan
gled Tongues."
A few weeks ago the meetings
reached the "Tongues of Kire" stage,
but then ouly one man, a young man
named Williams, who came here from
the Salem iiiiHxion. talked In tbe un-
known tongues. The meetings were
I hen noisy, hilurlous affaire aud
quieted down In response to popular
feeling and a shower of fresh eggs on
New Year's eve. Williams aud a
Mrs. Reese, who also came here from
Salem, then left for fortlaud and the
meetings recently have been more
Young Williams returned here two
days ago aud last night he meeting
waa the uiot fanatical exhibition ever
seen in this city. Frenzy was worked
up early in the evening and for hours
the worshippers rolled, moaned, wept,
sang aud chattered in the strange
jargon. A young girl lay on the
floor bysterioal for a long time, her
body qoiveriug aud trembling, while
others lay stretched out on benches
almost in the same conditiou.
The door of the uiissiou was locked
at 10 o'clock, iu response . to a former
order of the police that the meetings
mast close at that hour, but it was
then that the worst part of the meet
ing began. No outsiders were ad
mitted, but were permitted to watch
the railing through the windows and
tbe chattering tougues oould be heard
pluiuly from the outside.
All the World
Is a stugo aud Mallard's Snow Lini
ment plays a most prominent part.
It has no superior for Rheumatism,
stiff,' joints, outs, sprains, aud all
pains. Buy it try It aud yoo will
always 'is it. Anyhody who has osed
Ilitllnrd's Snow Liniment is a liviug
proof of what it does, Hut a trial
Utile. U.Vi, 60o and $1.00 at National
Drug .Store and at liotermuud's.
Improvement Club'a Work.
Wli' t mi improvement organization
ran iiiulei l,ik" iiinl what It cull do are
well iriiiplllli-d liy Hie record of the
North tVnlriil Improvement associa
tion of i liii iih'o, which ly special ur
ri'MKi nieut w ith i ho clly has olllolal
control of Hie east half of the Twent
llrsi ward. It Hp, 'in hoiiiv JI'i.tKMi hut
y . m i- In keeping Its streets a'ul allcvx
pt ami KMniishod. It had l.V.I active
Inemlicis and Is preparing to Increase
Its tiit-iiil t'i -ill p to I.inhi t Is oxpcrl
liiciilhih' wllli pavltiK and Inn several
inati'i'lals and Is tackling the . leant lot
I i . I ' I. -1 1 1, elce watch heliiK kept thai
tinoeeiiiiieil I'Ulldlnk' sites me not turn
ed Into dumping grounds for refuse. 1
S .niie attenints have hceii made In
I lamNcape gardenitig under the advl.o
of Siiperln'.endent Warder of I.I111V.J
I park. Within two years of Its exlsr- 1
euco forty alleys have Iseu pavt.t,
i hrlek lielng the favored inaterlr.l,
i Ihtingh asp!mlt has boon fairly satis- !
i factory Ten miles of streets and five
of alleys are under the control of the
j iissoelntlnti, which also assumes tbe
expense, 11 fact which benellts the oth-;
' er half of the ward from Its being al-1
I lowed all the city appropriation. The
' nsphalt streets are swept four or tlvs
1 times a day and DiihIiisI at night, whl.e
the iiiai'iulain Is liberally sprinkle!.
The cost is JI.'.'iki per month, mot T
I au assessment of '15 for each t w. my
th o feet of residence frontage aid
1 twl. e as min ti for biislmns strei'ts.
A narrower roadway Is now beli-g
i urged -tw.'ti'y six feet Instead of tlilr
, ty two feet the object being to add to
j tin boanty of the lined thorou;i
j fares. The South Park Improvcmcat
assoeiatlou lat year spent about Jlo
lu keep ng that distra't clean, lu-
ilixliliials. eliiuches, stor. , apartment
. bu ..lMigx. contribiiie the fluids lu
monthly as a ssnionts of $1 or more.
The l'iuver;tv of Chicago coutrlbula
i I ,". annu.'.lly
Aa Old I hlitr.r lttauu.
Anollicr uieritorioui, so called mod
ern liiiiilnui, the watertight bu.k
head. 11 now attributed to Chitu te
.tperienc. lu a paper presented to
the institute of marine engineers
the use of the 1-vT.khcad principle on
t hine.e iu- ks fi.mi t ine iiuiueujorial
pointed out N Sun.
u I 4irai-r..
toiu- - 1 Isrg'.l. Ij b
rth tilery.
Dick Why?
or. ia Utia fla(
1 cau't hu'.e from uij cravHiors
as my uf. - lvtx.ii frt Vrvm.
-.rT,,ro tt
Ktvm ujb.i. .j
Crania Pa-aa Boy Contemplate .
Remarkable end Novel
A talented young man of tbii city,
now a atodent of the Univenity of ,
Mbeoari, has on hand a novel and 1
interetting project, according to the t
following diinatch which appeared in
the St. Lonia Globe-Democrat
January 13:
Tun M H. U. students. Homer
. !,.. in tliu
uroy oi ,aiarjiiio,
academic department, and William
C Ma.bew. of Uran.s Pass. Ore., a
junior in the same department, will
. . . t tn
.a- . n r r fi til Mill iiiiiim iifxa u uuo uu
work their wy around the world.
The trip will lake about three years,
aud is a purl of their life plans. No
ton itufh-iita in the university are
more recpectid than Homer Croy and
William C. Mathews.
Croy is a professional hnmorUt, for
several years being a signed contribu
tor to Puck, aud a successful contri-
butor to Life, Judge aud other publi -
Itions of a similar nature. He ha.
been the editor of most of the local
college publications aud a reporter on
Bl. josepu uow.iap-..
Mathews is a cartoonist, probably
thebost that ba. ever attended the
university. Hi. work in the nniver-
sity poblicatious Las won him repo-
Oroy intends devoting bis life to
nu n,k. and Mathews to art
...,ir ti, hava nlauned their triD
thai will
broaden their views of life and give
them creative facolties.
Ti,-. .rrt to art from Columbia
walk to Jefferson
next J one, aud will
City, earuiug their
way as they go.
Thev will go down the Missouri,
tbeu down the Mississippi to New
Orleans, thence to Mexioo. Leiore
leaving Seattle tor Japan, they will
visit Mathews' parents in Oregon.
They will "do" in a leisurely way,
Japan, Chios, India, Egypt and the
coutiueutal countries, aud will go to
South America before returning home.
Both men have been acoostomed to
hard manual labor and they will do
all sorts of work in order to make
their way. Croy is assured of some
little iuoome at least from writiug
for newspapers, aud Mathews is a
professional sign painter.
After their world journey Croy will
irtt.e down in a quiet place aud will
niuke what he can from literary
work. Mathews will go to New York
city aud will work to become a news
paper cartoonist.
Play Checkers by Wire.
When the American niRnapenient s
Kiiiiiexl control of tlietiran.l Trunk mil
way in t' it set about the aboli
tion of man) easy -yomtf habits the em
ployes hail drifted into. One unlnisi
lie&hlike praetiee to which the tele
graph operators of the road were ad
dicted was platiin; checkers oer the
wires. Kach operator kept a nunil-ereil
I checker hoard and after t he
ctieekers on the Kipiares w hen the u ires
were not busy they imlieated the
moves to be made by telegraphing the
i numbers of the souaren a eheeker was
to be inoied from and to. The objec
tion the management had a lv n -1
eheeker playing was that the pa-time
anuif times oeeiipied the keys against
the traiiMiiitMon of important dis
patches. One winter's evening shortly aftar
the new management took over the
Canadian railroad two operators sta
tioned along the main line east were
whiling away the time playing check
ers when a key was opened at Ihe
Montreal otliee. The head otliee of the
tiraud Trunk U at Montreal, and the
superintendent's "enll" reiiiii es imnie
liate atlention and a clear w 11 e The
eheeker play ing operator nearer Mont beard the magic signal and
promptly opened bis key His friend
further we-t, being it lout suspicion
ami unable to account for the int. rniv
lioti in the game, ticked out the in
quiry : "WlioM. neit inoe?"aml .11 re
ceiing no answer repeated ii, git ing
his station call.
Then the Mont real key, operated by
a touch lb at was at range, say s t h New
York Times, wired the terse reply; "1
guess ii will be your next lam
th new superintendent."
tn.i kinds, printed at the Courier oftSce.
Toster:. placards, dodgers, all sixes
A Miraculous Curs,
t he following stateiueut by H. M.
Adams and wife, lleutietta. Pa., will
interest parents and others: A
miraculous cur.' hai takeu place In
our home. Our child had eceuia 6
Juars aud was prououuoed iucorable,
when we read about Elotrio Bilters,
and ooucluded to try it. Before the
mvoud U ttle was all taken w noticed
a change for thu In-tter. aud after tak
ing seveu Untlea he was coui letely
cured." If the up to-date blood
medicine and body building tonio.
Guaranteed. Wo aud $1.00 at all
Job work at PortUnd prices at the
Conner office
. i
iSir 1
former Employ. Say Pl"
Things About Sea,ra. R.o
buck & Company.
Norwood News.
Kansas :
"Do yoo
& Coin-
Vnn. how Sean. KoeDoca
1 pany itarted in business?" asked Mr.
Zandition of the News editor re
!cently. "I worked for them nine
, year. ago. I knew Sears when he was
a station agent in Wifconsin and
! Rnelmck when he was a watch ted-
lima Koebuclc wanieu
. ,
- :,i t hv tbe
go to ainwauaee - ,,"'""".
mon.y ; he left a watch as security
with Sears for hi- J1'"
i,ur if )i a mold be able to sell tne
b'u a
f,t, for more than f no
keep half he made. Sears sold tl
watch for $12. Then Sears wrote to
Rosbuck in Milwaukee aud got him
to send by express a dozen watches
to.Bill Jones, Sam Smith and a lot of ;
fktitioua names. Theie watches
. ... .... tin rtuifl on i
were tiiuea om av -j v
ihcin aoDareutly. Sears
, them on nis meu...
! each, which cost him
, $:U0. But the railroad company got
on to the game anu utcu -
,. tn of them ODtned an office io
1 1""'... an...- nhf. a thonsand
, aiuwauaee. --- - -
watches and shipped them U every
express oflke in Kansas. MtHsouu and
IUinois. These watches cost $3 but
old M ?35 W8tbCe' 8n1 U1" ked
$10 paid and to fictitious names.
i When the agent reported such matters
! b ack as undelivered,
then this .pair
would write
that some mistake
must lurely be made, but as payment
I of $10 had been
made ou this watch
they would give ktne ageui a cou.iu.s-
sion of $3 to secure the other $15.
i Wkll, the watch scheme worked flue
and the pair cleared op $10,000 clear.
Then tbey bought a lot of parlor sets
for children aud advertised them,
giving the impression that yoo would
receive a full set of furniture for $5;
aud the people bit all over the
country. Uncle Sam has stopped
Seirn, Roebuck & Compauy's mail U
times for fake deals like this bnt has
never been able to catch them. Sears
is probably worth nine or teu mill
ions. Roebuck is working in Des
Moines, Iowa, for $18 per week, being
forced out of business several years
ago. As an illustration of how this
firm makes money. About a year ago
they bought 3000 bicycles all alike,
and they placed three prices ou the
same wheel, which cost them $r.o0
aud they sold it for $12.75, lift. 25,
and $10.&0. The same wheel, mind
you, possibly a different color of
paiut; but the ouly difference was
that some people wanted a $12. 75
wheel aud others a $16.00, aud they all
got what they wanted. They work
the same graft on clothing. Iu cata
logues they advertise clay worsteds at
$12.50, $15 aud $is. No matter what
yoo pay, you set the suit. The name
Sears, Roebuck & Company is their
trade mark and as Roebuck has been
baukropt for several years he is uot
counected with the firm. Montgomery
Ward is practically dead and has been
for several years. et these people
have been so successful iu s ealing
from the publio such large sums that
it is wonder Uncle bam allows them
to exist. Their advertisements are
j deceptive. They do not fill orders as
1 the customer thinks they ate filled,
yet they are sniuoth enough to keep
' within the bounds of the law some
. wy. Eveu your country merchaut
who pays a larger wholeslae price for
his goods than they do, could get rich
selling a better grade of goods to the
people that patronize thse two big
' places. I worked for Sears, Roebuck
& Company for two years aud I know
. what I say is true. "
j New Cure lor Epilepsy.
1 J. B. Waterman, of Watertiwn, O. ,
Rural free delivery, writes: "My
daughter, atllicted for years with
epilepsy, was cured by Dr. King's
New Life Pills. She has uot had an
attack for over two years." Best
body cleanser and life giving touio
j pills ou eartth. &"o at all drug stores
Bill For timid Hoada.
! Representative Sheppard of Kunsat
; has Introduced a bill in congress direct
ing the ottice of public roads of tbe
, deimrtmeiit of agriculture to advise
, with the proper state and local authori
ties having Jurisdiction over the roads
'. used for rural free delivery of tin
; United States malls as to the ties)
methods of maintaining thtun lu a pass
able condition throughout all seasons
of the year, to suggest ueoessary alter
atlons, relocations and Improvements,
, and, w henever desired by the commu
I nltles tributary to such routes, to co-
operate In the niauuer now pursued by
said otliee iu the ooustruetion of suca
aectlons of object lesson roads along
aid routes as are necessary properly
1 to Illustrate suitable methods of con
struction and maintenance. The offlc
Of public roads Is also required to In
spect and report the coudiuona of said
, roads to the postotBcc department
, whenever requested by It to do so, wltt
, inch recommendations at may bi
I daamed advisable. I
1 mine in iyld nuunir
The Alexandria Gold and Copper Mining Co.
0-n. . developed mine .gelrTS fii
Cof Sfta eTght ""ihTeu&r . report is herewith .iven :
Engineers Report
Sac Francisco, Cal., Jan. 4, 1907.
n-i.. iira.Mria Gold and Copper Mining
Yha finishei an
Uentleuieu :-I have nnunes "
iroDerties in tne -Argu.
.1 Uanno tT
amiuatious onie years ..go. maaTm
superinieude Mr. W Hamilton, have been carried on in an
Ut?"' 20? 'ei of drifting .nd 600
Y ShV-le'Xd audSt XU'Lv
cbonld say on '''J.j uualerous cuts along the vein, ex
been exploited tnennJ. tll tllere is folly 40,000 tons
are iOOO tons in sight, anu ou "
u,0 tons that can be conn-ivativi lycatled iu eight.
MM. . . ," n. vcAt nnuned were values below milling.
and a least .0 cent of the ore can be sorted for .hipping The
o e can be cobhed to over $100 per ton. I have suggesetd n m, detail
. .. .1 i,n,.w 1,11,1 and a 25-stainp mill should be immediately
tbVXoM co'st $50,000 and would iiumj
dia eiy put your property on a dividend basis. A20-8tamp
n ill would mill four tons to the stamp, or 80 tons per day. From my
nUng you r mil ore should average $15 per ton, or $1000 to $1200
nerdav, io tree gold and concentrates, and your shipping ore at least
Cr tons per day, have a value of over $100 per ton. or $400 per day
This can be done at an expense of f'S per ton of ore mined. 1 shoold
reomuiend this expenditure immtdaitely. Your property will then
pay enormous dividends and with the large tonnage already opeuedop,
of known values, would pay for years. ... . . .
In my opiuion the property, with depth, is turning into copper.
All of your lower workings demcnatrato this, the gold and silver
values holding out. With a larger per cent cf copper co ming In, and
with the advent of the railroad, your property woold.more and more
be brooght into prominence as a shipper..
Yours very truly,
(Signed) W.B. GILLINGHAM, M. E.
Do$ W$ Cook Good to Von?
It certainly looks good to us aud yoo will note that additional
stamps are needed to mill the ore already in sight and that is the
reason stockk is being sold at the prospeot price of 25 cents per share.
Oiill You Bny Some of tbe Stock?
The stock is easily worth double the price askpd for It, but th
quick money is worth more to the compauy than the stock that will
have to be told to build and equip the mill. Tbe stock is selling at
the prion of many ordinary prospects, bat as a matter of faotit is a
REAL MINE. If you failed to realize the iniportane of the above re
port, read it over again and see if you do not wish to join as a part
ure, in a proposition that you, yourself must acknowledge ia meritor
ious in every tespert
Get Some Alexandria now.
After the present allotment Is sold, the stock will be entirely
withdrawn from sale, and will unrloubtely be worth from two to four
times what it is now selling for. Stock in a dividend paying mine at
25 cents per share is certainly a bargain, and that is what Mr. Gill
ingham says it is, as soon as the mill is in operation. The ore being
in sight, all that is necessary is the equipment to handle it. The
allotment will be sold promptly and in offering it to yon, it ii un
necessary to state that we advise its purchase. Don't be too slow in
getting your orders in. As soon as yon read this, write or wire the
number of shares yoo want. Our customers are our best friends, be
cause we make them money.
Market Letters Free Upon Request.
Members Se.n Francisco end Tonopah Mining Exchange
Suit 213-24 nioiiadiiock lluilding
A Rbal Estate Bargain
Located in Josephine County. The Ei
of tho NEi and the NV of the NEJ and
the Eh of tho SW of the N of seciton
17, Township 37, South Range 7 West of
the Willamette Meridian, being 140 acres
more or less, Located sixteen miles from
Grants Pass, on the Crescent City road.
Also one good wholesale and retail drug
business for sale in growing town, do?n
splendid business. n
One good Hotel with 30 lodging rooms,
good business, practically no competition!
W.M. GILBERT, Mesa, Ariz. ,
Foil stock or
Groceries and Provisions,
Candy, Nuts, Tobacco
and tlsrars.
Sixth street bet. I tnd J.
Send the Conner to your friend, to
Joeephioe County.
v llKIri r
exhaustive examination or your
since m- ..
. j;.. h.u Wn d.u
luncheon or dinner are here fresh,
tender, juicy and palatable. Oor
care aud cntting up of meats have
something to do with their tasting o
gtod. Our prices ate not poketbook
breakers. Goods delivered free ou re
City Meat Market.
J. H. AHLF. . prop.
ScaoCtL THAT Plsm.
w" " A OOOD FooxacK.
Business COLLEGE
jE25r T K KTH ST
ts-n t.
M. a X. Bid.. Portlaod. Ore.