ml. weuih and mtamre ererutkino uou V." American (froctr. (fin Y Items of Personal V I Interest. l xiruua KAVfcK UJUKIBR GRANTS PASS, OREGON, JANUARY 25. 1907 PETALUMA South Sea Blend at 20c is ter than most so called a and Mocha at 40c to 50c lejiember we have En h Breakfast Tea at 25c, our best of course, but good. Pith best wishes for a ppy New Year, we are, White House Grocery Courier give ail the county 5 Dr. HoUod of Merliu was a visitor to Grants Pass Wednesday. Mm. Edith Behkopf left Thursday for San Francisco, to select her, Spring stock of millinery. Mrs. Fred Gunipert left Wednesday evening for York, Neb., where she goes to visit relatives and friends. Mrs. Geo. S. Callioon went to Ash lan Wednesday morning to visit rela tives and friends. Mrs. James Gunning and son left Wednesday evening to visit friends and relatives at Portland and Wash ington points. Mrs. Alioe Carlon left Wednesday evening for Stoning, 111., to spend several months with ber sister, Mrs. Hattie Cook Young. Frank Barrie retorned on Sunday fiom Portland where he has been at tending the Benke-Walker busines college for some months past He will remain at home for the present Mrs. O. A. Thomas and little son, who have been spending the past few weeks with Mrs. Thomas' parents at Seattle, are expected to letorn to Grants Pass this Saturday. A olass recital was given Tuesday evening by the pupils of Miss Ethel Palmer. Ia this, as in former recitals the pupils acquitted themselves in a very creditable manner, which speaks highly for the efficiency of Ming Pal mer as a thorough musical instructor. REBOM SOU RAYS Cure Without Drugs orMedicine I can remove Cancers, Moles, Birth-marks, Warts and Corns with Sun-Rays by science of light lens. I treat Rheumatism, Paralysis, Stamache and Bow ell Trouble, Kidney and Bladder Trouble, and also Spinal Trouble, Successfully by German Massage Science without Medicine. Have best refrences from Oregon Physicians (Regulars) Do not fail to come to see me at my office on P and 5th st. Grants Pass, Ore. PROF, L. R. VALESKE INCUBATORS !;! A Brief Record of jj Local Events. i Will help you to spell Suc cess in the poultry business. Our experience in .the last year shows what anyone can do, and we are now ready to deliver Machines for 1907. We will batch settings of eggs at the rate of 50c per setting, and have for sale. Brown and White Leghorn eggs at $1 per setting. We sell choice Feed.Oyster Shell, Bone Meal, Granulated Bone, Grit etc. Cramer Bros. Odd Fellows Block Poultry Netting Garden Tools Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Hall of Me- ohaniosbrug, III., ant visiting in Grants Pass this week, the guests of his brothr, L. B. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Hall are making a tour of the coast and will return to Illinois by the southern route, visiting San Francis co, Los Ageles, New Orleaus and 1 other points of interest. - VAN MEADE TAKES THE COTTAGE GROYE LEADER Will Alao do the Mechanical Work of tha Bohemia. Nugget. TATE OF ORFOON oantyjaf Josephine I hereby certify that I have been treated for Rheumatism of Neck and der by Prof. L. R. Valeske, very successfully; II. B. HENDRICKS A. II. Bannard At the Big Store, North Side i Finds too much Wall Paper on hand, and will cut prices 25 to 50 per cent for thirty days to close it out A large Stock of every thing in our line at low est price. CASH OR INSTALLMENT PLAN It is with a feeling of personal loss and deep regret Jthat we bid goodbye to H. V. Meade, who for more than four years past has been foreman in tbe Conrier office, and personal friend of the' proprietor for the past 13 or 14 years. Mr. Meade left Monday even ing for Cottage Grove to take posses sion of the plant and destinies of the Cottage Grove Leader aod also Me chanical management of tbe Bohemia Nugget. The fact that there is always an opportunity awaiting the right sort of a man is clearly demonstrated on this occasion as it was a esse of a good opportunity seeking a reliable man. H. O. Bobzien was taken sick at the store Wednesday eveniug and since that time be has been coufiued to his bed with grippe and its com plications. The real estate firm of Nipper, Crane & Smith have had their office rooms in tho Courier block repapered and painted and this week added a large 2300 pouud safe to their fur nishings. The rooms now present i very neat aod attractive appearance. A. E. Voorhies Is still oonfined to his room with grippe and its varia tions, which have leanings toward pneumonia. He Is confidently hoping for bright, sunshine which will en able him to enjoy the outer air by the first of tha week at latest A number of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Hough and Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Strieker were entertained on Tuesday evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Hough in a progressive whist party. Some 65 guests were present. Refreshments were served and altogether the evening was one of universal enjoyment P. P. Bilhorn, who is now engaged ia evangelistlo work in Ottnmwa, Iowa, with Evangelist D. W. Potter, writes to W. L. Ireland that there were 115 conversions as the result of the first week's meetings and that the piospeots for an extremely success ful meeting appear favorable. Mrs. Bilhorn also is assisting in the meetings. Brakeman R. S. Mitchell was in jured quite severely in the rail road yards here on Wednesday by falling from the caboose of a moving freight train. As ho fell, he was struck br the car behind the caboose and was severely bumped and bruised. It was first thought that one of his ribs was broken, but closer examina tion disclosed no fractures. He is now improving and will in all proba bility not be incapacitated from work for any great lengtli of time. The Jasper Jennings case is still banging fire before tbe supreme oonrt, on a motion by the district attorney for a rehearing. It had been expected that the re-trial of his case would be pait of the business of the January term of circuit oonrt. Mrs. Jennings went to Salem Tuesday evening to see ber son. Tbe social and general good time advertised to be given by the Modern Woodmen next Tuesday evening, January 29, has been postponed until the following Toesdav, Febuarf 6. This change was made on aooouot of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" which will appear at the Opera house Tuesday evening.. Admission fee to this social is 25o. Details given in the paper next week.. 1-25 It Owing to the illness of District At SOME BARGAIN POINTERS News) Notea From the Business Men to R-en.ders. Dr. Flanagan, Physician and Dentist. Go to Corun for Plumbing. M. Clement, prescription Druggist. Sheet Musio sale at the Mnsio Store A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak Ranges atCoron's or photographs that are PIO TURES, go to Loveridge Studio, ror a e'eau bed and a good meal try the Western Hotel. Hundreds of varieties of Post Card at the Musio Store. It you want your kodak work care fully finished, take it to Loveridge studio. uammock will make you a arood pnotograpti for reasonable money. opposite postoffloe. jaaps or uregon Washinton and California at the Musio Store. some pretty things in Damask Lunch Cloth at Mrs. E. Rehkonf. Victor Talking Machines and ren ords at the Music store. Report oards for school sale at the Musio Store. Corn and Beans from Illinois, wh the good ' kinds grow on sale at amy cue a. If you hae thought that one photo graph is as good as another try Ham mock's studio aud see the difference. Ask Mrs. Gamble, at 8nith'a vuauiy enop, wny "Ye Country Gentleman" com is the best on this market. Have T. E. MoKoin's cab meet your friends at the train 25 cents to any part of the city. Meets all day trains. Phone 051. 12-28 4t On account of the increasing busl ness atl Hammock's studio he adver tises to take an apprentice at half price, see him on Sixth street, op. postie post office. use are ou Try a can of "Ye Country Gentle man corn, It meets the requirements of the Pure Food Laws at Smythe's vuaiuj, soup. During his 10 years of residence in Grants Pass, Mr. Meade and his ' to,De' Bke". t Representa- family have endeared themselves to j tive Bin8er Hermann, lu Washington, the hearts of hundreds of our citizens 1 whloh WM Mt for Ferunry 4, has and they will be greatly missed when ! ueeD PPnei until rebruary IB. the family finally leave for the Grove, mKBr injured in the railroad which will be after school closes. j wreck Bt Terri Cot,a 00 December 30 Mr. Meade iB a thoroughly reliable ' lftHt' 8ud haa been oiHtWe to attend man in every way, honest and upright cmut- The trial of tha Hyde-Benson and worthy the closest confidences. c"e Wtti 18 postpouad until March 4. As a newspaper man he is thoroughly capable of handling every branch of it editorial and mechanical depart- 1 nients. His associations with the force have always been the most pleasant, always ready to take up 1 anothers work in a pinch or lighten the duties of the machine operator, I and while we legret to lose him from he force, we congratulate him on the larger opening and the opportunity of being his own boss. Merchants' Carnivtvl. j The Merchants Carnival to be given at the Opera House next Wednesday and Thursday Evenings promises to jedirse anything ever attempted by, i local talent in this city. I All the leading merchants and busi ness interest of Grants Pass are to be represented by young ladies in beauti ful aud unique costumes. The carni val program will be a most elaborate oue consisting of striking representa tions, laughable situations, funny farces, brilliant and astounding elec trical effects and many other features of equal merit. This ever popular entertainment is given under the auspices of the Ladies of the Episco pal church and it must be flattering for thete ladies to note that they have stte. The A basket social was given at Red men hall Tuesday evening by a num ber of the young ladies of Grants Pans for the benefit of the Basket Ball team. The social proved a suc cess both financially and socially. No basket was sold for less than fl. The Basket Ball team has had some diflicalty in securing a hall for prac ticing, but are now nicely located in the A. A. C. hall aud have everything in order for work. A large cowd assembled at the ' depot Friday morning to see aud hear Hon. W. J. Bryan, who was on the ' morning train and who spoke for 15 or 2H minutes from the rear platform. ' Mr. Bryan's speech was nun-political mill was full of hearty and wholesome ; Americanism and wai listened to i with inteuse interest and close atten tion. Tho ad'lress was full of opti mism and Mr. Bryan spoke his appre ciation of President Roosevelt in im pnssive terms His speech aud ap pearance justify the opinion that he is among the greatest men of our country at the present time. The graduated Ax bill proposed by Representative Jewell is attracting considerable attention throughout the A. II. Bannard Sixth and D Streets GRANTS PASS, OREGON. lSjisjSAjti received the hearty co-operation of all leading business interests iu the city. Seats on sale at usual place. Admission g.t and 85 cents. 1-25 It A "Poverty Party" was given at Guild hall by the members of the Philharmonic Club, at which about 85 uiemU rs and invited gtieuts were present. The costumes of ail present were in harmony with the occasion, aud a "poverty luuch" was served. Dancing and various amusements were the order of the evening and a thoroughly enjoyable time was re j ported tiy tbe guests. measure will provide an additional tax of 25 cents an a're for land holdings of as much as 10,0(10 acres in one contiguous tract, held by one person or corporation. The tax is in''reaned for greater holdings. The inea is to compel the railroads'aud other holders of enormous tracts of hind to break up thier holdings and di-i'ose of a portion at iea-t of their lands., giving an . fipjortunityfor im provement. It is a good equalizing measure but it is doubtful" if sucha bill can be got through the legislature. Quartz blanks at the Courier office. ol Southern Oregon. Though tbe weather of late haa been more or less Wintry, there are be ginning to be signs that Spring is waiting behind the clouds and is nearly ready to make her appearance in spite of the fact that tbe calendar declares the season to be midwinter. The Spring flowers are growing. The "grass widows" and the "bird- bills," though not so early bloomers as some others, are announcing their presence by well developed stems and leaves. If a "red lily' bulb is dug up, it will be found to have a growth of two or three inches toward the surface. The leaves of the lamb tongue" are nearly ready to appear above ground. Daffodil steams are growing rapidly. Nature is awaken ing or at least she is yawning aud stretching her arms after the Winter slumber. MARRIED. PARKER GRANT At the Court House in Grants Pass, January 21, 1U07. Leo F. Parker and Miss Agnes M Grant, Stephen Jewell officiat ing. ERIOKSON-OHAILSON-At the home of the bride's brother at Grants Pass, Ore., Sunday, Januaty 20, 1907. Erick Erickson and Chris tina Cliailaon, Rev. O. O. Bock man, nlllciating. BORN. HELMS Near Grants Pass. Thuradav January 17, 11)07, to Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Helms, a daughter Woixl Fir. Oak and orders at Music Store. Pine. Leave MS tf A large orowd attended the social Toesday evening given by the, Re bekahs at Odd Fellows' hall. A splendid program was rendered aud rereshmenta served and a good time enjoyed generally. Onnrga Brand Red Kidney Beans ready to eat. Buy them at Smythes' Quality shop. Old Virginia Corn Relish, Some thing good as a dressing for nearly every thing you eat at Smythe's Quality shop, Rebekaha Install Officer. Etna Kebekah Lodge 41), held their installation on January 14th and In mailed the following o (II cers""" with Mary Smith, deputy president, in stalling officer : Third -Semi-Annual Clearance Sale of Shoes Some people do not buy a pair of Shoes until thev ab solutely need them and many buy. Shoes whetfttioy can sret a good Shoe at Id than reg ular price. SinctJ we have been in business in Grants Pass we have had a semi-an nual olearance each year and as this is only our third semi annual it will be readily Boen by the reader that we could not have any shop-worn or antiquated styles of shoes in stock. Our entire stock is all up-to-date in styles. We are not making these reduct ions on out of date goods. Uur bhoes are all bought or cash direct from the best manufacturers in the country and wo regularly sell a little ess than others and when wo make a cut it means something to the purchaser, "We fit the Feet and Finance. Tho following are just a ow of the many bargains we lave to offer. You will have to call at the store to see the many sacrifices we are mak- ng. FOOTWEAR FOR LADIES A lot of Ladies 3.00 and 2.C0 Shoes at $1.60 A lot of Ladies 2.00 and 1.60 Shoes 1.00 A lot of Ladies 2.50 San dais at 1.30 A lot of Misses 2.25 shoos sizes Hi to 2 at 1.30 A lot of Misses 2.00, 1.75 and 1.50 shoes, sizes Hi to 2 at L00 A lot of Childs 1.76, 1.60 and 1.50 shoes, sizes 8$ toll at 1.00 A lot of infants 1.75 nud 1.00 shoes, sizes 6J to8, 1.00 A lot of infants 1.60 and 1.25 shoes, sizes 5 to 8 at 75 A lot of Baby shoos at J prico Shoes for Big and Little JVlen A wS1 N.O. Chrintena Goodnow. ' V. G Jeanle Benk. - ff Rec. Hei- Minnie Mathews. " Treas. Frnrei Martiuo. Fin. Sec Delia Ilaveland. War. Anna Glaus. (-'ou. Gertrude Gunning. '"I. G. Kuitna Ilufstadr rr. ""' 0G.Rosa Smith. "" IirS."N." G. Jennie Davis. L.'S.JN.O. Jennie Smith? R. S.fjV. O.-Elsie Green. "V L. S. V. G. Lottie Mathews.' Chap. Dora Cleveland. - t .i -i lot of Men's 3.50 and 3.00 Hhocs at 2.60 A lot of Hoy's 2.50 shoe8733 sizes 2 to 1.00 lot of lioy's 1.75 and 1.60, sizes 2 Ho 5 at.. 1.00 lot of Youthn 1.50 and 1.25 shoes, sizes 1 to 2 at 00c and 1.00 lot of little mens 2.00 1.50 and 1.25 shoes at 75c and "1.25 Soft solos and Moccasins at 10c to 30c Buy a Seller Sell a Winner Win a Buyer is our mottojanu that wo live p to our motto is attested by all who patroni.o our store. We have the goods and noil them at tho right price, all wo ask is an oppor iunity to show them to you. "No trouble to show goods" We carry all the leading makoB of Shoos for, men, women and Children. Ufe Placj is " Churchill's Sh;e Store North dth'st Oranti Put, Orejos