ROAD IMPROVEMENT WHAT HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED IN RHODE ISLAND. rta IHaawaM H B BH I Everr Sartlosi of he With Oaost Ktnlli-TI" K-palr nd Cava ( Roads, Much bu been done In Ilhode Island to improve tbe highways during the past four years, and there has been a popular demand of the ieople of the state that there should he built a net work of thoroughly up to date and sub stantia! roads, not extravagant, not Cheap, but a system where ut a mini mum of expenditure, yet nmservlnir every qualification of utility and wear ing quality, there should lie a service for every piirt of the state. Hoaili have been built In every section of the state to the furtherance of its socLii, moral and Intellectual Interests, and there Is not one .art of It that has not felt the rebound. In describing the work done the fourth annual report of th state board of public roads or Ithude Hand says: From every side there goes up the plea for better highways and Improved roads, uud It Is beliin answered not in the spirit of mere enthusiasm, but out of cold hard sense, for men Are coinluc to see the real vulne of such roads to tho ordinary business and commercial life of the day. Hurely It Is the best public policy for the state to keep its UlKhways, lis feeders of life and com merce, lu the best possible state of preservation, for the more compact the life of the community tbe more neces ; sary do Improved, well laid, well kept j roads become. The popular movement for good roads, according to the very nature of the problem, cauuot be localized. There fore the question of a bond Issuo Is ono that touches the whole state and one on which the whole state should be beard. There Is no question of the ex penditure of public money which Is more vital than tills, and none where a greater number are heucutcd. Koads cannot lu any sense be considered sec tional or built for the accommodation of the few. On the. other hand. Inas much as the future Is to reap as much If not more of tho harvest of utility and Is to receive equal benefit, It Is ou 1 fair that It should pay a proportion ate part of tho expenses. The repair of the roads Is of vital Im port. It means the saving of the time, money aud engineering skill which have already beeu Invested. It la a question of waste against that of economy. It Is a mistaken Idea that a macadam road, once laid, needs no fur ther attention. On the contrary, to preserve Its fundamental structure It should lie cared for continually. The value of a macadam road does not lie In tho fact that it Is never going to Wear out, but In tho regulntlon of trade, the burdened roadbed, tho char acter of drainage that It gives. The engineering force can make the necessary repairs to better advantage while at work upon the section helm: extended than should they be obliged to return to It. Kcpalra should not be left to outside control, which at bint would be Irregular, spasmodic ami mi satisfactory. The causes of disintegra tion are not altogether travel and usage. There lire also those 0f atmos pherlc and climatic conditions, those due to the nature of the stone of lilrli the road was primarily constructed. A roadbed will not wear alike In all places Were It so there would be needed only the occasional extensive reconstruction. It breaks In patches, and the mending process Is therefore ooatantly necessary During the year I'.m.'i contracts were a wanted for the construction of 22M miles of macadam road, to be built up on the highways Included In the plai: of Improvement adopted by the gen ral assembly, milking a total of tlfty van miles of macadam road isunptet d since the present plan of Improve nieut. Now Uiut the electors of the statu tave voted to authorize the cvpendl tore for this public Improvement It If but reasonable to presume that they desire anil epect to n,. the nso ol these luiprowsl roads as soon as they can tie Judiciously and economically built. We believe, however, that they Would not approve- of an undue luisti lu the work, which woult result It roads of an Inferior quality or of iil unnis-esary cost of construction. S.1 entitle road building on the scale now being done by the state, like every other hirKe building enterprise, re uulrvs ndcqtmtc time as well ns money ror Its proper completion ,VUW0MENtfuI U.'lierlliie gie whiu every woman in.iet desltws a v-'iffct c -in; Uc: It iM-tnii that a rt sm sitti. fi.-tti. clesr tint to the cheek tint cVmuo yoiithfulr.c-ss. It w !"! : 1 g to tluiso v. ho tack It; It n! 1 .iut It for tiioao who air.'.!? possess It will enahbv to u,vfi:!l ;!u r.iik,v. c v..,".r a...' lime. Ivn't ,-.e:t,. ...,, ju,. trr IWstiim j.,,.,-,. - . Stve you a f'ee nuni'. All dru,!. stats keep Rot'trtlan. ZOGVH Adam and Eve in the Orchard By XVILTK WILLS. IT WAS the fault of the agents who old the property twice ovr. A rambling ruin, surrounded by a para dise in ths Italian style, with terraced (fardeni and a flight of stone steps, the bowers over which the roses threw tneir long enrtssing arms; a place sun-flooded by day, but at night a dim ahmloHland. inhabited by spirits that flew about in the guite of strange, mis shapen birds- garden full of Incon gruities, for right in the heart of it was planted an orchard. Fate must have looked on. smiling (rrirnly at the jest, when both proprie tors arrived simultniie-ouMy at the vil lage inn. full of the intention of restor ing their newly-acquired property. lie had caught a glimpse of tht- lady (the widow of a rich landowner) the morning after hi arrival, and from the first moment his artist soul had fallen worshiping before the flame of her red hair. Hut her first glimjsie of him had been in the garden when he came across her standing beneath the apple tree, one arm outstretched to pluck the rosy fruit which from time immemorial had held an attraction f ..r her sex. The glorious head, devoid of cover ing, was thrown back; one long, rich strand of hair had flown like a thin flame across the dim purple of her cotton gown. It was a picture to is toiicnte. and calculated to turn a steadier head than the one upon his vouthfnl shoulders, lie rnine towards her. greeting in every gesture of his outstretched hands, and the one word that described the stillness of the gar den was "Kvs." It came thrilling through space, it arrested her atten tion and held her captive to him in astonishment. How did this stranger know her name? In her surprise she half responded to it, hut convention raised its head, erint-like, and her shadow -gray eyes flashed green with wonder and indig nation that a stranger should dare to intrude upon her privacy and address her in this familiar way. He saw the look and grasped the situation. Quickly ths explanation came: "A garden and a woman the ap pies helped to heighten the picture hence tht exclamation." A smile quivered on her Upe. Tie could have sworn he caught a lurking merrimest in those eyes; but again the serpent asaerteil itself. "I prefer my Kden Adainless," she said, sweeping past him. with never to much as s backward glance. He merely repeated the final tyllable of his new found name, maybe by way of not forgetting it. On the niorrow they met again. This time hy the old white wall that faced the south, covered, vine-like, with tomato foliage. "Apples again. Apples of love," he said by way of greeting, as he pointed to the half ripe fruit that nestled hid ing in its wall of leaves. She cast a curious glance st them, imiling at his use of the homely name. "lireen as yet," was the somewhat chill y comment at the gathered up her purple gown. "Ah! but they will ripen. All they want Is time," he called after her. (in the third day she discovered him with earth slniiHMl hamU huy in the g:, i''!rii She st nmi a while u e perceived, a critical spectator. Youth -at lightly upon him. strength manifested iuelf In every movement; the whol, sas p!e; even t her fastidious soul. She forgot to resent tl asy assur ance that even while it piqued her at tracted her. ( nr iosit v st rnggled wit h com rntion slity. The woman in her encouraged the former, so that its victory was an easv one. The serpent hid its bruised haadand slumbered. Then: "re vmi the gardener?" she inter rogated. lie scarcely noticed the insolence of the query ; all he was conscious of s l'e had come, the garden suddenly ..- go-,ti,.d. "Adam debing amongst the soil." he quoted, flinging Ins tool aside and sinking on the grs si her feet. The aptness of the quotation pleased her; his audacity disarmed her, she ' 11 as if she were st.ui.!nSk! on the brink of the precipice called KlcMU llient The serpent Oept ' 1 i-t it sleep on " said Ke. wiih youth racing through her v i iiik After ill. what is the g I of being in Keen if one does ll.'t Inst the sweetness of (olM.'den fniH? I he bunk n tempting resting plm-e. hunting in the orchard and hy the south mill h.fd Nan t.riow vsorJ n ii v ;i ilk with tdl! v .1:1 1 , , 1 W. unlet ,.i til Vli ft ft j, i niir I'!,. ,..,! ! t ll US l'., U , Ah .i If , !. I'l'muii: ,1, I.- Mm " A itti t- ft ; pit IlVfUtt'tt .it g !'. t f ulne-s of l.l - ..11 1 let I., r 'ss t ;u- j.n iien; l so far 1 e.i, h coloi U ss face, 1 HL.iin-t the a k -..-d 'e.i- ,s, ' II, . of hi g h i'i: . 11 in. in. ' s'ic ha at I back .llg in It , SilJV- s men- t. vr pelf 1 lesion , an -! I -v. pointed, " n ! : -She to mi l ',, . the do..,,, 1 . urn . "The ,' ., thriu." l.m i.te.l. -ii.-ii, . Vr f .'.11; 11 M s.i, . it COURIER. r.EAXTS "They must make the most of the!, opportunities while it remains opea then, but when will it be shut? "When the apples ripen." ' "May the harvest be a late one,"wM tbe hospitable rejoinder. itamus;,! himtoseevhismterlope. bo entirely at her ease in his domain. Her quick ear detected a shade of un conscious patronage in his tone. She could not stand that ; on her owrr ground it was insufferable. Her thoughts flew to the serpent. She) blamed herself for ever having let it slumber. Hastily she roused it up and took her leave with it. He eyed her retreat with dismay. Its abruptness perplexed him till ha recognized the trail of the serpent. "I hat your pets." he called after her; "they leave a sting behind." Her quick wit marked the play upon the word, and brought to birth a smile that bore her company upon her home ward way. I The fourth day found them under the apple tree talking glibly of the fruit. She knew little more of it thasj its name began with a "If," and ended , with an "K." He might have told her of its origin , had he felt so inclined; also something , of its true translation. 1 The circumstances were favorable to ditciis.sion; by the end of the morn ing Eve was alive to the fact that for- j bidden fruit had a taste that was easily acquired, while Adam felt it was fit for the table of an epicure. The evening s post brought twin ex- J plnnations and apologies from the rival j agents. j The fourth day was stormy; panic j fell on both their souls lest they should lose their Kden. It had grown so dear j that neither could contemplate expul sion with any pretensions tncalmness. Once more the garden was the scene of meeting; this time Gre-k met Greek. She retreated, not beaten, but firm ly convinced of the failure of fireworks as Illuminations for Kden. He left her, swearing that every red haired woman had a spice of the devil, but he did not forget to add the re mainder of the quotation that put that spire down as being worth all tbe prettiness in the world. The next day both learned of the leisure of repentance. Alone they walked within the gnrden, once so fair Its charm had vanished. Again it was a waste around a ruin. Eden no longer, now the other was not there. " Tis yours." he wrote at close of day. "Eden without its Ere could be no longer paradise." "The garden was given first to Ad am," she had penned In her gan eroelty. "Yours is the prior claim I leave it to you. Guard it wall. Tnre well. Farewell." Her note came to hand on the even ing of the sixth day; all desire to visit the garden now that she had gone waa dead. Tts emptiness mocked him; unlit by her bright hair, it lay in lonely shad ow, under a cloak of silence drear aa death. Hut on the morrow a melancholy at traction drew him thither. He choae high noon, and hastened to the npple tree where first they met. possessed of s hope that she might come to him. Hut disappointment ruled his day Sadly he plucked the perfect fruitthat, alas! lmd ripened all to late. "The fruit of knowledge:" he said, bitterly surveying the golden ball: then tossed it from him with an im- ' petuons motion, a I e rounded the cor ner of the smith wall, now .1 m ana of tender green and blood-red fruit. Hut beauty of the picture waa lost upon him; all his eyes saw was n slen der pntch of purple. Viewed from a distance, it might easily have been mistaken for a mass of e'ematis. The fruit he hn.l Hung from him was checked by the fol.u of her gown. She stooped to pick it up. n 11 il rising, met his gla nee. her own full ,,f in,iiii- . "The fruit of the tree of knowledge." he stid, answering her unspoken ipiery. "Is it sweet?" she faltered "It tasted to me of the hitt ernesa of death a whi'ens'o." he ai, Once more vt ,. raised her arm above his shining head, and plucked a gen erous branch of the si.n -iniute.' fruit. Silently she held them out as an offering to him whisper broke the silence of the garden. "Apples of love." The words t' .atcd from her to him; it broke the spell A gentle lose wind rose, and, whisi.,T:ng t., the garden w. ke the flowers. And the lost Kden wa. rstaWed to them. Chicago Trits 11 ne. f Wllhln a llos-pltal. "There was a wittv fell, vv out in a Michigan hospit.i!." said Kcpreseiita- live wh, liliain had to b Allien Smith vcslerdav, fed on a ilaiN diet ' f eg li s I ! 1 -ic '.an aki ,! him H. "It won!,! be all right. III.. sheriv h. v he ' i. I d. nor " (., s ,i,t, -;f ;!,e i gg was as new as the si , 1 -v and the sherry ns old at the egg "- Wssl ingt. n Pott. New Cure lor t pilcpsy. J. B. Waienuau, of Watert -wn, O., Rural free delivery, writes: "Mv 'slighter, afflicted for v.-ars with epilepsy, was cured bv IV Kins-'. N-vv Life Pills. She lis irnt had an two vears ." Best a tack for over ts.dv cleanser and me giving tome pills ou eartth. '.V-o at all dr-ig stores Job work it Portland prices at the 0u-irr office. K liimrsnlr.vl Cure lor I'll..,.. lt.'hitts. 131,.,.,liiik-. IVotTuT uu Pile. PriitfKist an' h,iii:itu..,1 to refund money if PA.U 01M" MKNT fsils to cure In fl to ll" ,ur, N oentv PASS. OMOOM, JANUARY 25, WASTE PAPER FOES. HOW BOY8 KEEP STREETS BROOKUNE, MASS., CLEAN. Of Coo- Do., br Tvao carry lu .t" ed Wlro at the a WeeK One Bor Picked Ip 1.3B0 Papers. If you are a stranger In those pre cincts of Brookllue, Mass., which com prise the uistrict of the Henry L. Tierce lirammar school and heuce un familiar with the up to date methods in vogue there. Just happen through that section of the town some morn ing or afternoon tts the pupils are on their way to and Iron, studies, drop a piece of pnp-r lu the street and then nwait developments. ""J's the Rostou Globe. Looking luck over your shoulder. It Is ten chances to one th tt you will see npprom hing ut 1 ip sped a small boy. brand 'liing u Ion.' found sticlc with a pointed wire nt the end. It will be neediess for you to run. The lad iu temls von v. i bodily Injury tor your apparent ct'rclcssiiess. He Is a mem ber of the 1 bind Citizens' club, recent ly formed in 'lie Pierce school, niul it Is the piece of paper you dropped that he is after, not you. Iicvu he swoops on the ofretdii! paper, and In u trice ho has it jubbed on the stick with the wire end. As you pass 011 your way from the district you arc very apt to meet mnny other small boys, all carrying similar sticks and engaged In u like occupa tion. Ask vvh.u It Is nil nbout, aud you receive the prompt reply to the ef fect Unit the lads are oil members of the above uamed club, nud to back up their assertions they show you a shin ing white button bearing an American Aug in the center uud the following In scription auuiid the edge: "Good Citi zens' Club, lierce School." The club was quite recently organ ized by the principal, Miss Mary Mc Skimmon, for the purpose of keeplug the streets in the vicinity of the school free from the scraps of waste paper which despite; the vigilance of the local street depuM.rutiut employees find their way luto the public highways, serious ly affecting their otherwise tidy ap pearance. During Its short existence the club has accomplished a great deal of good aud ns a reward has beeu showered with favorable comments from the residents In the neighborhood on the spotless appearance of the sur rounding streets. The club comprises fifty-two mem bers, or four boys elected by ballot from each of the grammar grades from four to nine. Each grade elected Its own four i-presentatives. John Tag gart was elected president and Oscar Nlssen secretary at the first meeting held lu the assembly hall of the school. Tbe club holds sessions otice a week, when each member reads his report of work accotnollslied for the past week. Considerable sivnlry exists among ths boys as to who shnll make the record collection of the week, and In this con nection It might be mentioned that nine-year-old Carl l'ree, an energetic youngster, recently held the club rec ord, he having a total of 1,250 papers picked up lu one week. To stimulate interest In this euter prising organization It Is so arranged that the club's otlloers aud members shall be changed perhaps every two mouths, so that others may have an opportunity of taking part In the Im portant work of keeping the streets free from refuse. The results of the chili's work have been fur reaching, since It lias extended to the communi ties in which the various pupils live. Kach pupil of the Pierce Grammar school has constituted himself or her self a foe to waste paper lying nbout In the public streets, and It Is now a common sight to see children plcklug up papers in almost any section of the tow ti. The pupils of the Pierce school and, lu fact, all other schools lu the town are given regular talks by Superintend ent Aldrliii relative to the throwing of waste paper into the streets Instead of the barreln provided for Its reception, but It was soon discovered that In or der to accomplish any good result there must be organization; hence the Good Citizens' club, which, set In motion by Miss McSkiinmon, nas served to Infuse into the minds of the pupils nt large a proper realization of a chic duty. To make this latter thought mure pro nounced Miss McSklmmou had the American flag placed on the badges to Indicate that lu fulfilling the obliga tions of the Good Citizens' club the boys were also serving their country. Ministers 11 a silrret Cleaners. Three ministers of the gospel played the role of ' white wings" at Newconi erstown, (I., one day recently by help ing clean the streets, says the Hoston Herald. They were put ou the pave ment with shovels and hoes nnd work ed for dear life. Some of the people guyed them, but they didn't care. They worked all the harder. Others were very angry that such an indig nity should be heaped upon the clergy men. The ministers were pnstors ot the Methodist. Presbyterian and St Paul's Lutheran churches, and theli action wns due to the policy of tht lowu administration, which is to havt every ahlehodled male resident of tht town wurk at least two days on tht streets, thus saving expenses. Kansas lily's I mprovriurnt Schema. The Kansas i;ty council has created a municipal art commission which Is tx utll:u i'.iin for a systematic beantln cation of the citv. Legal blanks at the Courier office. 1907. We Told Again have oar prediction been verified to the letter and thousands of client throngboat the country bave reaped hanrW. profits by following onr leadership. UI0I If yon have oor MARKET LETTER of a week ago yoa will nr, that oar Mr Cox, in commenting on the market oonaitiooa. Br immediate porohase of Goldfield stock in the following terms- 'In the Goldfield District COMBINATION FRAfj. TION CONSOLIDATED GOLDFIELD, ST. IVES JUMBO EXTENSION, BOOTH, COLUMBIA MOUN. TAIN, GREAT BEND and DAISY all seem to be sell ing at much below their true worth, and they should now be bought and held for handsome advances. Rnmors of an important strike on the DIAMOND FIELD TRIANGLE lent that stock op from 33 oenta to around 40 cents, around which figure it is being traded in extensively. A few months ago this stock wag not held in such esteem, and conld readily be had at 6 to 8 cents. The latest developments would indi cate that Triangle should be selling at 75 cents to 11.00 or more within a reasonable time. "SKYLARK, located in the immediate neighbor hood of Triangle, Daisy and Great Bend, should also be purchased at the before listing price of 16 oents. The history of the eminently sucoesstnl neighboring properties Indicates equally as splendid a future for SKYLARK." Comparison The following statemeuts of prices at time of publication and yesterday will be fonnd interesting: PerQ Jan. 5. Jan. 12. Advance profit Combination Fraction f3 62 f 6 25 2 8 in Goldfield Consolidated 7 25 10 00 2 75 St. Ives 88 1 00 17 'il Jnmbo Extension 1 85 1 85 50 n Booth 85 1 20 85 'iq Columbia Mountain 1 07 1 07 23 'ii Great Bend 91 1 40 49 'ei Daisy 2 85 8 00 65 5J Triangle .. 42 68 26 ft Time, ONE WEEK. Average increase, 40 on each stock It will be noted that all of the above mntioned listed Btocks havt risen in value from 20 to 70 per cent within the short period of ONE WEEK, and we are proud to say that we have been the means of k. curing some very fancy profits for onr many clients. Now, about SKYLARK, we have this to say : If you followed ou advise in the past you made big money. If you want big money fol. low our advise in this instance and BUY SKYLARK NOW AT 15C A SHARE SKYLARK 1b nighborod by Daisy, Great Beud and Triangle, This i, in all bropabllity, your LAST OPPORUTNITY of deal ins in this stock at 15 cents a share, and we advise all progpeotirt buyers to lose no time whatever in getting tbei reservations for ward. At the rate the stock has been selling through the week it will only be a matter of day before the allotment is over-Bubscribrfd. We can place the whole of this stock with speculator on tbt ground within 24 hour. The aotual sale, however, is not onr object we are looking more to the future than to the present, and we want to buildup our business with an investing olientele. We think tht beBt way to do bo Is to let bone-fide Inveatorain on a money maket at the start ; and in order that the stock may be distributedaniong 11 many client as poaBible we have decided not to allot more than 2000 share on any one application. Have you got our FREE MARKET LETTER? W C COX&COMPANY Itir Members Sa.n Francisco and Tonopah Mining Exchange Suit 243-244 Monadnock ISuildini; A Rbal Estate Bargain Located in Josephine County. The EJ of the NE and the NWJ of the NEi and the of the S of the NWJ of seciton 17, Township 37, South Range 7 West of tho Willamette Meridian, being 140 acres more or less, Located sixteen miles from Grants Pass, on the Crescent City road. Also one good wholesale and retail drug business for sale in growing town, doing splendid business. One good Hotel with 30 lodging rooms. good business, practically no competition. I FOR PARTICULARS AND TERMS ADDRESS f W. M. GILBERT, Mesa, Ariz. ut .. III il" . '' KENNEY PAYS CASH For BUTTER, EGGS and FARM PRODUCE. Full stock of Groceries and Provisions, Candy, Nuts, Tobacco and Cigars. KENNEY CASH STOKE Sixth street bet.'.l and J. Send the Conner to your friend, so Josephine County. You SoR such established and proyen njineiu R whose shares are selling at from four II s 1 t aiii THE STRUGGE FOR A 1 MEA' will he endod when yon nmkea at City Meat Market. "The B Only" is our motto and '.it is lffti buyers of mouths, even year", to say whether or Lot we live np. the high standard we set up ford' selves when we opened onr she; Cleaulinetis. courteous service, j pricisg all prompt us to iuvite here. CitY Meat Market j. ti. AiiL,b. .prop. Tim ScaooL'Trur Piaccj tov m a coco Foam ok. MOLMES BUSINESS COUCH WASH. k TSimi, Ti PORTLAND. OREGON 13-37 T. M. C. A. Bldg., Portland. Or I