Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, January 18, 1907, Image 7

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    OOU3 Mv3A COUEI2, GRISTS PASS, Crl3GC, JANUARY 18. 1907.
tlv couldn't keep a straight face.
laughed, and then be laughed,
mi day 70a may learn more about
!,' aba said to him. 'I sincerely trust
it I may, madam,' said be, and I'll
t my hat be was enjoying It better
in either of us. Of course be knows
tire la the princess. It's bis Inten
se to serve Beverly Calhoun, and be
lldn't do It If he were to confess that
knows the truth. He's no fool."
Jaldos was not long In preparing
in for the changes In the fortress,
ey embodied a temporary readjust
;nt of the armament and alterations
the ammunition house. The gate
idlng to the river was closed, and
i refuse from the fort was taken to
barges by way of the main en
ince. There were other changes sug
sted for Immediate consideration,
d then there was a general plan for
i modernizing of the fortress at some
re convenient time. Baldos la con
illy observed that the equipment
is years behind the times. To the
lazement of the officials, he was
le to talk Intelligently of forts In
parts of the world, revealing a
de and thorough knowledge and ex
lslve Inspection, He had seen Auier
in as well as European fortifications.
ib Graustark engineers went to work
once to perfect the simple changes
advised, leaving no stone unturned
strengthen the place before an at
?k could be made.
rwo, three weeks went by, and the
w guard was becoming an old story
the castle and army folk. He rode
th Beverly every fair day, and be
ked at her window by night from
ir off In the somber barracks. She
uld not dissipate the feeling that he
.ew her to be other than the princess,
.hough he betrayed himself by no
rd or sign. She was enjoying the
n of It too intensely to expose it to
risk of destruction by revealing
r : true Identity to him. Logically
it would mean the end of everything.
doubt be felt the sametnd kept
1 counsel, but the game could not
it forever, that was certain. A
nth or two more and Beverly would
ve to think of her return to Wash
ston. '
Sll courage, bis cool Impudence, his
btle wit, charmed her more than she
uld. express. Now she was begin
ng to study blm from a standpoint
culiarly and selfishly her own. Where
eently she bad sung bis praise to Ye-
' and others she now was- strangely
tlcent She was to understand an
lier day why this change had come
er her. Stories of his cleverness
me to her ears from Lorry and An
ion and even from Dangloss. 8he
is proud, vastly proud, of blm In
ess days.
rhe Iron Count alone discredited the
lllty and the conscientiousness of
b -"mountebank," as he named the
in who had put bis nose out of Joint,
sverly, seeing much of Marlanx,
ide the mistake of chiding him
inkly and gayljj about this aversion,
e even argued the guard's case he
re the head of the army. Imprudently
lntlcg out many of his superior qusl
es In advocating his cause. The
unt was learning forbearance In his
1 age. He saw the wisdom of pro
astlnatlon. Baldos was In favor, but
me day there would come a time for
9 undoing.
in the barracks be was acquiring
me. Reports went forth with unbias
freedom. Ha established himself as
e best swordsman in the service, as
ell as the most efficient marksman.
1th the tolls and sabers he easily
nqulshed the foremost fencers in
gh and low circles. He could ride
;e a Cossack or like an American
wboy. Of them all, bis warmest ad
irer was Haddan, the man set to
titch him for the secret service. It
ay be timely to state that Haddan
itched In vain.
The princess, humoring her own fan
; as well as Beverly's foibles, took to
ling with her high spirited young
lest on many a little Jaunt to the
lis. She usually rode with Lorry or
aguish, cheerfully assuming the sub
led position befitting a Indy-in-wait-g
apparently restored to favor on
flhjatlou. She enjoyed Beverly's
ilque position. In order to maintain
r attitude as princess the fair young
scelver was obliged to pose In the
:tremely delectable attitude of being
jrry's wife.
"How can you expect the paragon to
ake love to you. dear. If be thinks
n are another man's wife?'1" Yetlve
iked, her blue eyes beaming with the
in of it all.
"Pooh!" sniffed Beverly. "You have
ily to consult history to find the ex
ise. It's the dear old hubit of men to
ake love to queens and get beheaded
r it Besides, he Is not expected to
ake love to mo. How in the world
d you get that into your head?"
On a day soon after the return of
orry and Anguish from a trip to the
ontler Beverly expressed a desire to
sit the mooustery of St. Valentine,
gh on the mountain top. It was a
ng ride over the circuitous route by
bleb, the steep Incline was avoided,
id It was necessary for the party to
ake an early Btart. Yetlve rode with
arry Anguish and bis wife the couut
is, while Beverly's companion was the
illant Colonel Quinnox. Baldos, rele
ited to the background, brought up
tne rear wrtn Haaaan.
For a week or more Beverly had been
behaving toward Baldos in the most
cavalier fashion. Her friends had
been teasing her, and, to her own in
tense amasement, she resented it The
fact that she felt the sting of their sly
taunts was sufficient to arouse in ber
the distressing conviction that be bad
become Important enough to prove em
barrassing. While confessing to her
self that It was a bit treacherous and
weak she proceeded to ignore Baldos
with astonishing persistency. Apart
from the teasing, it seemed to her of
late that he was growing a shade too
He occasionally forgot his deferential
air and relaxed Into a very pleasing but
highly. reprehensible state of friendli
ness. A touch of the old Jauntiness crop
ped out here and there, a tinge of the old
Irony marred his otherwise ierfect mien
as a soldier. His langli was freer, his
eyes less under subjugation, his entire
personality more arroguut. It was
time, thought she resentfully, that his
temerity should meet some sort of
And, moreover, she had dreamed of
him two nights In succession.
How well her plan succeeded may
best be Illustrated by B:ylng that she
now was In a most uncomfortable
frame of mind. Baldos refused to be
properly depressed by his misfortune.
He retired to the oblivion she provided
and seemed disagreeably content Ap
parently it made very little difference
to him whether he was in or out of fa
vor. Beverly was In high dudgeon and
low spirits.
The party rode forth at an early hour
in the morning. It was hot In the city,
but It looked cold and bleak on the
heights. Comfortable wraps were tak
en along, and provision was made for
luncheon at an inn halfway up the
slope. Quinnox regaled Beverly with
stories in which Grenfall Lorry was
the hero and Yetlve the heroine. He
told her of the days when Lorry, a fu
gitive with a price upon his bead,
charged with the assassination of
Prince Lorenz, then betrothed to the
princess, lay hidden in the monastery
while Yetlve's own soldiers bunted
high and low for him. The narrator
dwelt glowingly upon the trip from the
monastery to the city walls one dark
night when Lorry came down to sur
render himself In order to shield the
woman he loved, and Quinnox himself
piloted him through the underground
passage Into the very heart of the cas
tle. Then came the exciting scene In
which Lorry presented himself as a
prisoner, with the denouement that
saved the princess and won for the
gallant American the desire of' bis
"What a brave fellow he was!" cried
Beverly, who never tired of bearing
the romantic story.
"Ah, he was wonderful, Miss Cal
boun. I fought blm to keep him from
surrendering. He beat me, and I was
virtually his prisoner when we appear
ed before the tribunal."
"It's no wonder she loved blm and
married blm."
"He deserved the best that life could
give, Miss Calhoun."
"You bud better not call me Miss
Calhoun, Colonel Quinnox," said she,
looking back apprehensively. "I am a
highness once In awhile, don't you
"I Implore your highness' pardon,"
said he gayly.
The riders ahead bad come to a
standstill aud were pointing off Into
the pass to their right. They were
eight or ten miles from the city gates
and more than halfway up the winding
road that euded at the monastery gates.
Beverly and Quinnox came up with
them and found all eyes centered on a
small company of men encamped In the
rocky detlle a hundred yards from the
main roud.
It needed but a glance to tell her
who comprised the unusual company.
The very raggedness of their garments,
the unforgettable disregard for conse
quences, the Impudent ease with which
they faced poverty and wealth alike,
lelonged to but one set of men the
vagabonds of the Hawk and Raven.
Beverly went a shade whiter. Her In
terest in everything else flagged, and
she was lost In bewilderment. What
freak of fortune had sent these men
out of the fastnesses into this danger
ously open place?
She recognized the ascetic Ravoue,
with his student's face and beggar's
garb. Old Franz was there, and so
were others whose faces and hetero
geneous garments had liecome so fa
miliar to ber In another day. The tall
leader with the red feuther, the rak
ish hat and the black patch alone was
missing from the picture.
"It's the strangest looking crew I'va
ever seen," said Anguish. "They look
like pirates."
"Or gypsies," suggested Y'etlve. "Who
are they, Colonel Quinnox? What are
they doing her-?"
j Quinnox was surveying the vaga
bonds with a critical, suspicious eye.
"They are not robbers or they would
j be off like rabbits," be said reflectlve-
ly. "Your highness, there are many
j roving bands In the bills, but I confess
that these men are unlike any I hav
beard abont With your permission, I
I will ride down and question them."
"Do, Quinnox. I am mo curious."
Beverly sat very still apd, tense. J3h
To Cure a Ow ?n One Day
t3 Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
ttm MHBosi koxea soUm pr? 12 months. ThlS Signature,
was afraid to look at Batdos, who rode
np as Quinnox started Into the narrow
defile, calling to the escort to follow.
The keeu eyes of the guard caught the
situation at once. Miss Calhoun shot
a quick glance at Mm as be rode up bo
lide ber. His face was Impassive, but
she could see his hand clinch the bridle
rein, and there was an air of restraint
In his whole bearing.
Remember your promise," he whis
pered hoarsely. "No harm 'must come
to them." Then he was off Into the de
file. Anguish was not to be left be
hind. He followed, and then Beverly,
more venturesome ana vastly more in
terested than the others, rode reck
lessly after. Quinnox was questioning
the laconic Ravone when she drew
rein. The vagabonds seemed to evince
but little Interest In the proceedings.
They stood away In disdainful aloof
ness. No sigu of recognition 'passed
between them and Baldos.
In broken, Jerky sentences Ravone
explained to the colonel that they were
a party of actors on their way to Edel-
Together they partial! subdued the on
irnaU welss, but that they had been advised
to give the place a wide berth. Now
they were making the best of a hard
Journey to Serros, where they expected
but little better success. He produced
certain papers of Identification, which
Quinnox examined and approved, much
to Beverly's secret amazement The
princess and the colonel exchanged
glances and afterward a few words
In subdued tones. Yetlve looked fur
tively at Beverly aud then at Baldos,
as If to Inquire whether these men
were the gout hunters she had come to
know by word of mouth. The two
faces were hopelessly noncommittal.
Suddenly Baldos' horse reared and
began to plunge as if in terror, so that
the rider kept his seat only by means
of adept horsemanship. Ravone leaped
forward and at the risk of injury
clutched the plunging steed by the bit.
Together they partially subdued the
animal and Uuldos swung to the ground
at Ravone's side. Miss Calhoun's horse
In the meantime bad caught the fever.
He pranced off to the roadside before
she could get him under control.
She was thus lu u position to observe
the two meu ou the ground. Shielded
from view by the body of the horse
they were able to put the finishing
touches to the trick Baldos had cleverly
worked. Beverly distinctly saw the
guard uud the begg:ir exchange bits of
paper, with glances that meant more
tliitu the words they were unable to
Buldos pressed Into Ravone's baud a
note of Borne bulk and received lu ex
change u mere slip of paper. The pa
pers disappeared as If by magic, and
the guard was remounting bis horse be
fore he saw Hint the act had been de
tected. The expression of pain and de
spair In Beverly's face sent 11 cold chill
over him from head to fot.
She turned sick with apprehension.
Her faith had received a stunning blow.
Mutely she watched the vagabonds
withdraw lu peace, free to go where
they pleased. The excursionists turn
ed to the main road. Buldos fell buck
to his accustomed place, his Imploring
look wasted. She was strangely, In
explicably depressed for the rest of the
(To be continued, 1
Novel Street Sprinkler.
A novel method of solving the prob
lem of street cleaning has been devised
by on Inventor of New Orleans. By
bis Invention each property owner can
settle the question for himself. He
can have the street In front of bis
property as wet or as dry as be pleases,
says the Chicago News. ' In addition,
the expense to the city of providing
the old fashioned water cart will be
eliminated. This device Is in the form
of a curb attachment, which will sprin
kle one side of the street whenever
the water Is turned on by the Individ
ual householder. A metal tube perfo
rated on the outer side Is Imbedded 's
the concrete curb. This tube Is cc
nected fo a street hydrant and wfca
the water Is turned on numerous fmy
streams gusli from the hole? in iIm)
tubing and sprlnkla the street as brig
as Hi (iMtsary
Miners' blanks at the Coorirr office
Cures Crip
b Two Days.
or svery
box. 25c
Do Yon Think
For Yourself T
Too open rour Booth like a roonf
snip down whatever food or madl-
be offered you ?
a lnulllfent thlnklnf woman.
la need ofirlVT from wsakacn. bottom n a,
pais and sitf(nf. then It mean much to
run tblt theiXl .,tl tried and tnm hie
merttrlne nr ms7i roMPOSlTlox, sold PT
drugf iu tor the cure ot woman's Ilia.
The makers of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription, tor the cure ot weak, nervous, run
down, over-worked, debilitated, pain-racked
women, knowing this medicine to be made np
ot lngredlenta. every one ot which has the
strongest possible indorsement ot the leadinc
and standard authorities ot the several
schools of practice, are perfectly willing, and
in fart, are only too glad to print, as they do.
the formula, or list of Ingredients, ot which
It is composed, in plain KnglUh, on every
4 t . fr
The formula ot Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription will bear the most critical examina
tion of medical experts, for it contains no
alcohol, narcotics, harmful, or babit-formlnc
drugs, and no agent enters Into it that la not
highly recommended by the most advanced
and leading medical teachers and author
ities ot their several schools of practice.
Thf uthor1tle recommend the lnirredients
rescriptlon for the
cure of exactly the atlmenn for tLU'
t t t t
No other medicine for woman's Ills has any
such professional endorsement as Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription has received, in the un
qualified recommendation of each of Its
several Ingredients by scores of leading medi
cal men of all the schools of practice. Is
such an endorsement not worthy ot your
consideration f
A booklet of ingredients, with numerous
authoratlve profoslonal endorsements by the
leading medical authorities of this country,
will be mailed frte to any one sending name
and address with request for same. Address
Dr. U. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y.
A Miraculous Curs.
The following statement by H. M.
Adams and wife, Henrietta, Pa., will
interest parents and others: A
mirsculons curs has taken plaoa in
oor home. Onr child had eczema 6
years and was pronounced inonrable,
when we read abont Elctrio Bitters,
and concluded to try it. Before the
second bottle was all taken we noticed
a change for tb better, and after tak
ing seven bottles he was completely
oared." It's the up-to-date blood
medicine and body building tonio.
Guaranteed. 60c and $1.00 at all
"His Master's Voice."
The Photo and Masio House has
been appointed selling agent for
Josenhlne county for the Victor Talk
ing Machine and a fall stock of ma
chines aud records will be in stock
early next week. Come in and hear
"His Master's Voice. "
.Has Stood the Teat 25 Years.
The old, original GROVES' Taste
less Chill Tonio. Ton know what you
are taking. It is iron and quinine in
a tastless form. No core, no pay. 60c.
The Courier has the laregst circula
tion of any paper in Snutern Oregon.
Wood Wanted.
Notice is hereby given that the
School Board of School District No.
7 (Grants Pass) will receive sealed
bids np to January 32, 1907, at 7 :H0 p.
in. for the furnishing of either liKlcords
or 136 cords (at option of the Board at
time or entering into contract! for
said district.
Said wood to be one-half large body
red Mr aud balance black oak, all to be
2 feet long aud cot from green stand
ing timber, and delivered at the several I
school buildings by Sept. 1st 1907.
A deposit of 26 to accompany each
bid to be forfeited to School District
in case bidder should iail to enter into
written contract and boud should the
contract be awarded hi in.
Right reserved to reject any or all
Dated January 12th., 1907.
C K. MAYBEE, Clerk.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1K78.
Knseburg, Oregon, November 19, l'.RKf.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of CongVess ol June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber Isnds in the
States o( California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory. " as ex
tended to all the Public Land States by
act of August 4, 1HU2,
of Koseburg, County of Douglas, State
of Oregon, has this day filed in this of
fice his sworn statement No. 75H1, for
the purchae of the NE'' of Sec. 34, in
Twp. No. 34 8. Range No. 5 W, snd
will oiler proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said land
before the Register and Receiver at this
ollice at Roseburg, Oregon, on Wednes
day, the 3d day of April. 1907.
He names aa witnesses: L. S. Ship
ley, of Roseburn, Robert Medley, of
Roseburg, Oregon ; Frank Kennedy, of
Roseburg. Oregon; E. P. Tynan, of
rtosenurg. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
ollice on or before said 3d day of
April, 1907. Bknjamim L. Eddy,
Still doing business at the old stand.
Cor. Sixth and D streets. j
CiaAffTS Pass, . Oasooa.
MM and
tine max
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
United States Land OtBce.
Rosebarg. Oregon, Dec. 8, 1906.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
ol Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled
An act (or the sale of umber lands in
the States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as ex
tended to alt the Pnblio Land Bute by
act of August 4, 1892,
of Wahpetoo, County ol Richland,
stats oi jNortn Dakota, has this day
filed in this office her sworn statement
No. 7f50, for the purchase of the WW
of HWW and S of 8W of
Section No. 82 in Township No.
85 South, Range No. 4 West, and will
offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, -and to establish her claim to
aid land before Charles E. Maybee,
United States Commissioner, at his
office at Grants Pass, Oregon, on
Monday, the 8th day of April, 1907.
She names as witnesses: A. W.
Silsby ot Grants Past, Oregon, William
Spalding of Grants Pass, Oregon,
Ella K. Chapman of 1803 7th Ave.,
Seattle, Washington, and Elbert V.
Kellogg of Grants Pass, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above-described lands are requested
to file their claims in this office on or be
before said 8th day ol April, 11H.I7.
Benjamin L. Eddy, Register.
In the matter of the")
estate of G.W. J
Chapin, Deceased. J
Notioe is hereby given to all persons
having claims against the estate of
G. W. Chapin, deceased, to present
your statement of claim, with proper
Toochers, within six months from the
first date of this notice, towit:
November 80th, 190H, to Lnoy Chapin,
Administratrix, at Leland, Oregon.
This notioe is published by order of
Stephen Jewell, Judge of Josephine
County, Oregon, in the Rogue River
Courier for four weeks.
By H. B. Hundrloks, her attorney.
Notioe is hereby given by tho under
signed, Katberine Keenan, adminis
tratrix of the estate of Nancy Loy,
deoeasrd, to the oreditora and all per
sona having claims against said de
ceased, to exhibit them with the
necessary vouchers, within six months
from the first publication of tbia
notice, to said administratrix at her
residence on the corner of 8th and J
streets. Grants Pass, Oregon, or at
the office of Hendricks and Johnston,
opposite post oflloe. The same be
ing the place for the transaction of
the business of the said estate.
Dated November 1H, 190(1.
Hendricks & Johnston,
Attorneys for the administratrix.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Josephine County.
in tne matter oi tne
Estate of
Alpheos E. Holl
oway, Deoeased.
Notioe is hereby
may concern that I,
given to whom it
the undersigned.
have been appointed adimtiistrator of
the Estate of Alphens E. Hollo way,
deceased, and that all persona having
claims against said estate are required
to tile the same, properlv verified as
provided by law, with mo, at my
onlce in Urants rass, Oregon, within
six mouhs from this date.
Dated January 11th, 1907.
In the matter of the
f the I
sed. J
Estate of Lewi
Hayes, Deceased
As per order of Hon. Stephen
Jewell, judge ol Josi'ptilue (Joiinty,
Oregon, d.tted January 8, 1907,
Notice is hereby given to all persons
having claims against the said ne
ceased to exhibit them with the neous-
sary vouchers to F.M. Hayes adminis
trator of said estateat Murphy P. O.,
Josephine County, Oregon, within
six mouths from the first publication
or this notioe to-wit, January nth,
By H. R. Headricks, his attorney.
Notioe is hersby aiven that I have
been appointed administrator of the
estate of J. II. Koss, deceased. All
persons having claims against the said
estate are hereby required to file the
same properly verified, with my
attorney at Grants Pass, Oregon,
within six months from the lUth day
of November, 111.
Oliver S. Brown,
Attorney for Administrator,
i Beits the Music Cure.
"To keep the body in tone, "writes
1 Mrs. Mary Brown, 2D Lafayette Place,
Poaghxeepsie, N. V., "I take Dr.
'King's New Life Pills They are
1 the most reliable and pleasant laxa
i tive I have found. Best for the
Stomach, Liver and Bowels.
Guaranteed by all druggists. 20c.
Posterc, placards, dodgers, all sizes
ind kinds, printed at the Courier office.
M Dr. Williams' Indian Pile
Al I I L 'liniment will euro llllnd,
I II I I r vlileialliiK and UthllKj
11 I I laPtlis. IiatiiortMUQ minors.
allays me ikuiiibiivuiw, ku
as a poulilcv, give Instant re
lief. Dr. WUiiania'lndiauPllrUlnl-
Ua mnnt fiprnparod for Pits and iK h
Ins of iba prfrato parts. Krrrj hot Is
sip of prlc. M owta and II.IW. wILLMHIS
"HllfACtuiimt, CO- PP Ctorelaudr&a.a.
Ely's Cream Balm
This Remedy Is Specific,
Sure to Clve Satisfaction.
ft cleanses, soothes, benls, and protects the
liseasvd liieuibmue. It cures Cntnrrh and
irives awaf a Cold in the Head quickly.
Itostores the Rouses of Taste and SmeiL
Easy to use. Contains no injurious drug.
Vppliod into the nostrils mil absorbed.
Uirge Size, B0 cents t Prmrgists or by
nuil; Trial Size, 10 ce'its by i.uiiL
i-lY BROTHERS. Efi V- '
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
United States Land Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, Deo. 8, 1900.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all the Public Land States by act
of August 4, 1892,
of Seattle, County of King. State
of Washington, has this day filed in this
office her sworn statement No. 7669, for
the purchase of the SL1, of Section No.
30 in Township No. 85 South, Range
No. 4 T., and will offer prool to show
that the land sought is more valuable
for its timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes and to establish her
claim to said land before Chas. E. Maybee
U. S. Commissioner, at his office at
Grants Pass, Oregon, on Monday, the
8th day of April. 1907.
She names as witnesses: A. W.
Silsby of Grants Pass, Oregon; William
Spalding of Grants Pass, Oregon ; Cora
E. Chapman of Wahpeton, North Dak
ota; and Elbert V. Kellogg of Grants
l ass, Oregon .
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are re
quested to file their claims in this office
on or before said 8th day of April, 1907
BRNJAMIM Li. EdDT, Register.
rai A T X . 1 T TV
jl ,-4 m jl -v ..m, jl 1
Harmon Blk up stairs
Promptly and of the best material
and in the latest style.
W.P.Sharmsn and E.F.LeMieux
Full stock of Wall Paper all designs
quality and prices.
Paints, Varnbdies, Oils, Brushes
'Vi . vd Artiets imi!es.
Mall orders promptly flllod.
Acclimated Fruit Trees
Give the Best Results.
Transplant trees from a damp soil
aud a wet climate to a semi-arid sno
tion like Rogue River Valley will be
such a ohange of conditions that the
trees will make little growth the first
year aud will require at least two
years to become acclimated.
Yakima Valley has the same climate
aud conditions as Rogue River Valley
and trees from the
Yakima Yalley Nursery
will give the best results to Southern
Oregon growers. Large stock end
prices right.
Full Stock of Fruit Trees Healthy
and true to name. Prices that are
W. D. Ingalls, Prop.
North Yakima, Washington
nd CURE thi LUNC8
W,TH Dr. King's
Now Discovery
OUGHSand 60c $1.00
OLDS Frss Trial.
Barest and Uuickast Cure for all