Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, January 18, 1907, Image 6

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18, 1907.
Beverly ot
Authar ( "Gnuttrm"
CawrttM. IX. tr Mi.
While the Mienil whs x t!it In ! tie On
of tlic new (tun eurrlnire to flic count
miii Beverly walked (Iclilreniti'lv over in
where Hiildos was standing Haddpn'i
knowiedKe of KtufMsh wn eieeerilngiy
limited, and he could understand lint
little of the rapid conversation. Stand-
leg squarely In front of Haldol, she
questioned hlui In low tonea.
"What did he mern when he said be
bad given you a lemon?" ahe demand
ed. Ill eyes gleunied merrily.
"He meant to alarm yuiir ht(hnea."
"Didn't he Rive you a talking to V
"He coached me In ethics."
"1'ou are evading the question, sir.
Was he inenii and naaty to you? Tell
me; I want to know."
"Well, he suld things that a aoldler
must endure. A civilian or an equal
might have run him through for It, your
lil;lines." A flush rose to hla cheeks,
and hla lips quivered ever no allghtly.
Hot Beverly snw and understood. Her
heart won In her even.
"That ki'II leu It," ahe aald rigidly
"You arc not to report to him at 6
"Hut he will have me phot,
hlghiieaH," Mild he gladly.
"He will do nothing of the kind. You
re my guard." And her eyea were
gleaming daugerouHiy. Then ahe re
joined the group, the nieinhera of
which had heen watching her curious
ly. "Count Murium," xho aald, wltb
entrancing dimples, "will you report
to me at !) tomorrow morning?'
"I have an appointment." he aald
lowly, hut with uuderxtaiuliug.
"Hut you will hreak It. I am sure,
he asserted confidently. "I wuut to
five you a leHNon In -In lawn tenuis."
Later on, when the Victoria wag well
way from the fort. lingular took her
companion to tank for holding In pub
lic friendly discourse with a member
of the guard, whoever he might be.
"It la altogether contrary to cuatom
nd" Hut Beverly put her hand ovet
the critical Hps and mulled like
guilty child.
"Now, don't acold," ahe pleaded, and
the counted could go no further.
The following morning Count Mar
Unx reported at 0 o'clock with much
better grace than he had impeded
hlniaelf capable of exercising. What
ahe taught him of tennis on the royal
courta In the presence of an amused
audience was aa nothing to what b
learned of strategy as It can be prac
ticed by a whimsical girl. Almost be
fore he knew It she had won exenip
Hon for BaldoH, that being the ataka
for the first set of singles. To but
credit, the count was game. He took
the wager, knowing that he In hll
Ignorance could not win from the
blithe young eipert In petticoats. Thea
tie offered to wager the brass candle
Stick agiilnst her bracelet. Hue consld
rred for a moment and then In a spirit
of cuthusliisiii accepted the proposition.
After all, she coveted the candlestick.
Half mi limn' Inter an orderly was rid
lug to the fort with Instructions to re
turn st once with Miss t'ullinun's can
lllcstl.k. It Is on r rd that they
Wcie "loc" sets, wliich c,ocs to prove
Hint I'.cv ci ly t.mL li" i Ii:iih i's.
Count M a l l.i 1 1 v . i 1 1 ( I ) 1 1 and pcrspir
lug, his Jolnls disunited iiii.I his liraiu
confiiM'd. lode iihmv ill noon with
Huron l'annlos Uivi-ily, quite bappy
III her complete i.-t.iry, euoye. a nap
of profound sweetness and then una
ready for her walk with the prlmvsa.
They were strolling leisurely about (he
beautiful grounds, safe In the shade of
the tries from the hi nt of the July sun,
when r.aroii liaiigloss approached.
"Your royal higlim-ss," he In gun,
w ith his tierce smile, "may I heg a mo
ineiit's audience'.'"
"It lias to do w Ith I'.aldos, 1 11 take
oath." said llccrly llli cotiMctlon.
"es, llli j'mii g'lard. Yesterd.iv he
visited the f..rtiess lie vv eet in a,, , U
CIHl f:l . -i . , I . It i, ni, hilt he was
privileged t,i sindy tin
(It'lVlisi' vv illi :,; u'litli
w ouM i:ei surpi sc r.ic
straiig.-r h is I. an,, , .
Is to k:ie ah,. in the r . It U s IW'i
er were mI.m 'u. sun',., left the.r
t i :i k that he would
(Continued from last week. )
curate niupa of the fort aud of all our
masked fortifications along the city
walls." Beyond a doubt the baron waa
"Neither am 1 one of you," aald Bev
erly atoutly. "Why shouldn't I prove
to be a traitress?"
"You have no quarrel with us, MUa
Calhoun," aald Iiangloss.
"If anything happens, then, I am to
be blamed for it!" she cried In deep
distress. "1 brought him to Edelweiss,
and I believe In him."
"For his owu sake, your hlghueaa,
and, Miaa Calhoun, I suggest that no
opportunity should be given blm to
communicate with the outside world.
We cannot accuse blm, of course, but
we can protect blm, 1 come to ask
your permission to have blm detailed
for duty only in places where no sua
plclou can attach to any of bis ac
tions." "You mean inside the city walls?"
asked Yetlve.
"Yea, your highness, and aa far aa
possible from the fortress."
"I think it Is a wise precaution.
Don't be angry, Beverly," the princess
said gently. "It Is for hla own sake,
you see. I am acting on the presump
tion that he Is wholly Innocent of any
desire to betray us."
"It would be easy for aome one high
la position to accuse and convict him,"
aald Dangloss meaningly.
"And It would be Just like aome one,
too," agreed Beverly, her thoughts,
with the others', going toward none
but one man "high In power."
Later In the duy she called Baldoa
to her side as they were riding In the
caatle aveuue. Khe waa determined to
try a little experiment of her own.
"Italdos, what do you think of the
fortress?" she asked.
"I could overthrow It after half an
bour'a bombardment, your highness,"
be answered without thinking. She
started violently.
"Ia It possible? Are there so many
weak points?" ahe went on, catching
her breath.
"There are three vital points of weak
ness, your highness. The magaslne can
lie reached from the outside If one
knowa the lay of the land, the parade
ground exposes the ammunition build
ing to certain disadvantages and the
big guns could lie silenced in an hour
If an euemy bad the sense first to boin
bsrd from the elevation northeast of
the city."
"flood heavens!" gasped poor Bever
ly. "Have you studied all this out?"
"I waa once a real aoldler, your high
ly," be aald simply. "It waa Impoa-
m lit!
. , .
-vivb of
!f '.: 'l i
'"i.l Hi il I'
! rlllllg tie
faces. a in
I ctlay uk
"No. I;u "' 1'
-"but li.
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"l.i.t he
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: "You
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tliein ,.f
'.let- o.-r he
"U down 10
iiai'i i:k x
I scenteii the air: the gurgle of fountains
was the only music that touched the
ear. I!evet- Calhoun, dismissing Aunt
Funny, stepped froi her window
i out upon t:.e great stone balcony. A
rich oriental dressing gown, loose and
i comfortable, was her costume. Some
' tiling told her thtit sleep would be a
;' lung time coining, ami an hour In the
warm, delightful atmosphere of the
ulght was more attractive than the
close, sleepless silence of her own room.
; Every window along the balcony was
dnrli.' proving that the entire household
! had retired to rest,
j 8!ie was troubled. The fear had en
; tcred her bead that the castle folk
i were regretting the advent of Baldos,
i that everyone wus questioning the wis
! dom of his being in . the position he
I occupied through her devices. Her talk
1 with blm did much to upset her tran
qullllty. That he knew so much of the
fortress bore out the subtle suspicions
of Dangloss and perhaps others. She
was troubled, not that she doubted
him, but that if anything went wrong
an accusation against blm. however
I unjust, would lie difficult to overcome.
I And she would be to blame In a large
1 For many minutes she sat to the
I dark shadow of n great plllur, her el
! bows upon the cool balustrade, staring
' dreamily Into the star studded vault
1 above. Far away In the nlr she could
1 see the tiny yellow lights of the monas
1 tery. lonely sentinel on the mountain
top. From the heights near that abode
of peace and penitence an enemy
could destroy the fortress to the south.
Had not Baldos told her so? One big
giin would do the work if It could be
taken to that altitude. Baldos could
draw a perfect map of the fortress.
He could tell precisely where the shells
should fail. And already the chief
men In F.delwelss were wondering who
be was and to what end he might util
ize his knowledge. They were watch
ing him; they were warning her.
For the first tluie since she came to
the castle she felt a sense of loneliness,
a certain unhuppiness. Mie could not
shake off the feeling that she was,
after all, alone In her belief in Baldos.
Her heart told her that the tall,
straightforward fellow she bad met in
the hills was as honest aa the day.
She was deceiving him, she realized,
but he was misleading no one. Off In
distant part of the castle ground she
could see the long square shadow that
marked the location of the barracks
nd mesa room. There be waa Bleep
ing, confidently believing In her and
her power to save him from all barm.
Something In her aoul cried out to him
that she would be stanch and true and
that be might sleep without a tremor
of upprehvnslveness.
Suddenly she smiled nervously and
drew back Into the shadow of the pil
lar. It occurred to her that be might
be looking across the moonlit park,
looking directly at her through all that
shadowy dlatance. She waa conscious
of a strange glow In her cheeka and a
quickening of the blood as she pulled
the folds of her gown across ber bare
"Not the moon, nor the stars, nor the
light In St. Valentine's, but the black
thing away off there on the earth,"
aald a soft voice behind her. and Bev
erly started as If the siqieniatural had
approached her. She turned to face
the princess, who stood almost at her
"Yetlve! How did you get here';"
"That Is what you are looking at.
dear." went on Yetlve as If completing
herchar.-e "Why are you not In bed?"
"Anil you? t tlioii,-lit you were sound
asleep long ii-o " niiirinutvtl Beverly,
abominating the guilty feeling tlnit
came over her The princess throw
her arm about Heierly's shoulder.
"I have Ii i watching you for half
an hour.'' h said gently 'Can't two
lool, at the my hi and stars as well us
one? Isn't it my grim old castle? I,el
us sit here togoiliei'. dear, and dream
awhile "
"You dear Yetive," aud 11 er:. drew
her dow li beside lief on the cushions.
"Hut listen. I want you to get some
thing out of your head. 1 was not
looking at anything In particular."
"Beverly. I believe you were thin'c
lug of Baldos," said the other, her fin
gers straying tomlh across the -.rfs
soft ba.r. I
"Uidieiil. uis'" ,uld Beverly. con. nous
for the ilrst time that lie was seldom !
out ot h-r thoiidits The reali.
line hho a hhnv . and her eyes
erv vv hie out there in the .
'And Vull n'V
1 leleiv It.
' Well Y-t,ve.
W 'IT e,'. 1 bf,,,;.
Ins vv i , ' IT" eM
t'allig son Hid h i
del ed ib oi ,ii, : I
"I'.ei't be : I
una h conn 1.
Ills eves are tl'K
111 Inn. loo. and
tiieii s.n s h,. vm.
llilltter vv h,i he is
"Hut i'.,e oth.-
d II
in in
I. He
Ii la" v
ievei'ly. 1 I .
1 1 . 1 1 1 as you
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auv way '
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,- to
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"I don't want totalk about blm,
said Beverly, but she was disappoint
ed when the princess obligingly
changed the subject.
Baldos was not surprised, scarcely
more thnu Interested, when, a day or
two later, be was summoned to appear
before the bonrd of strategy. If any
one bad told him, however, that on a
recent night a pair of dreamy gray
eyes had tried to find hla window in
the great black shadow be might have
Jumped In amazement and delight
For at that very hour he was looking
off toward the castle, and bis thoughts
were of the girl who drew back Into
the shadow of the pillar.
The Graustark ministry bad received
news from the southern frontier. Mes
sengers enme In with the alurmlug and
lgnlflcant report that Dawsbergen
was streugtbeulng her fortifications In
the passes and moving war supplies
i northward. It meant that uaunei anu
his people expected a fight and were
i rnHnir for It. Count Halfont hasti
ly called the ministers together, and
Lorry and the princess tookpart In
their deliberations. General Marlanj
represented the army, and It was he
who finally asked to have Baldoa
brought before the council.
The Iron Count plainly Intimated that
the new gunrd was in n position to
transmit valuable Information to the
enemy. Colonel Quinnox sent for him,
and Baldos was boou standing In the
presence of Yetive and her advisera.
He looked about blm with a singular
smile. The one whom be was supposed
to regard as the princess was not In
the council chamber. Lorry opened the
examination at the request of Count
Halfont, the premier. Baldos quietly
answered the questions concerning his
present position, his age, his term of
enlistment and his interpretations of
the obligations required of him.
"Ask him who he really is," suggest
ed the Iron Count sarcastically.
"YVe can expect but one nuswer to
that question." said Lorry, "aDd that
la the one which be chooses to give."
"My name is Baldos 1 'mil Baldos,"
aald the guard, hut he said it In such a
way that no one could mistake his ap
preciation of the fact that be could give
one name as well us another and still
erve bis own purposes.
"That la lie number one," observed
Marlanx loudly. Every eye was turned
upon Baldos, but his face did not lose
Its half mocking expression of seren
ity. "Proceed with the examination, Mr.
Lorry," said Count Halfont, Interpret
ing a quick glance from Y'etive.
"Are you willing to answer any and
II questions we may ask In connection
with your observations since you bo
came a member of the caatle guard F
asked Lorry.
"I am."
"Did you take especial care to study
the Ulterior of the fortreas when you
were there several days ago?"
"I did."
"Have you discussed your observa
tions with any one since that time?"
"I have."
"With whom?"
"With ber highness the princess,"
said Baldos without a quiver. There
was a moment's silence, and furtive
looks were cast In the direction of Ye
tlve. whose fuce was a study. Almost
Instantaneously the eutlre body of lis
teners understood that he referred to
Beverly Calhoun. Baldos felt that be
had been summoned before the board
at the Instigation of bis fair protect
ress. "Aud your Impressions have gone no
"They have not. sir. It was most
"Could you accurately reproduce the
plans of the fortress?"
"1 think so. It would l. verv sim
ple." "Have you studied engineering?"
"And you could scientifically enumer
ate the defects in the construction of
the fort?"
"It would not be very dlllicult, sir."
"It lias come to our ears that you
consider the fortress weak in several
particulars. Have you so stated at
any time?"
"I told the princess that the fortress
is deplorably weak. lu fact, 1 think
I nwntloned that It could In? takeu with
ease." He was not looking at Count
Miirlanx. I ut be knew that the old
man's eyes were tliiinlng. Then he
proceeded to tell the boiird how he
could overcome the fortress, elaborat-In-r
on Ids remarks to Beverly. The
ministers listened In wonder to the
words of this calm. Indifferent young
ma. i.
"Will you oblige us by making a draft of the fort's interior?" ask
l l orry after a solemn pause. Hal
los tool; the paper ami in reuiurkubly
Jin.-., time drew the exact lay of the
fortress. The sketch went the rounds
and apprehensive looks were exchang
ed by the ministers.
"It is accurate, by .love," exclaimed
Lorry. "I doubt If a dweller lu the
fort could do better. You must have
been very observ ing."
"And very much interested," snarled
"only so far :is I Imagined my oh
scrvat.ons ini.lit be of benefit to some
one else.'' said Haldol coolly. Again I
silence was hhc death. I
"I'o you know- what you tire say-!
In 15-!.. aucil I.orry alter a tun !
incut. ' i
"' ' rtan lv Mr. I.orry It Is the duty
v: i'..v erv.r.,t of In r I ..!.;,. tl) giv'e ,
b'T all H al he lias m him If mv b
' ' " "- I e of he'.p to her 1 feci
l!1 ''" .d h. !: ,,. the best id
l...n,i t. i h.T MUr u,,l b.f l.;y wn."
''! '' s y."i . .,:i s:. tnoditb'ii '
t''-: s a the f..rt." snarled Marlau
''- ''ni l J'ou do it. sir. and let us1
have the ;.c!:ei.t -f J' "'' ':'or
I'... ".',? Nj. geir.h' .'ill l,r;l1
iv' .rrV:sItv lie: I !eceive us." he
ci 'ii. s;i"'.:i':':: ti t his feet. "The fel
low Is nollbnu' mot"-' ""r lli:,n ""
inter ml suv. a id t!i 'To vr is tin-place
for him: Il' can do no Imrm there."
"if it were c.iy Intention tv do Ininn.
e..n!:e:i:en. do ' yoa ima.ue that I
snouil wllliliall r.iy ii.r.r.nati.m for
days:" asked F.aldos. "If I am a spy
yoii may re:-t assured that Count M:ir
l.itix's kiiuiiiosscs should uM have been
ni long ulsreu'.ir.led. A spy does not
believe In di'lays."
"My-my kindnesses?" cried Mar
liinx.' "What (': y m mc:'n. sir?"
"I mean this. Count Marlanx." said
Baldos. lookiiif; steadily iiitJ the eyes
of the head of the army. "It was Kim!
mid considerate of you to admit me to
the f ii', no mutter lu what capaci
ty, especially ut u critical time like tills
Y'ou did not Uhow me. you had no way
of telling whether my Intentions wiw
houest or otherwise, and yet I was per
mitted to g Ihfoii'U the fort from eud
to eud. No spy could wish for greater
generosity than that."
An almost imperceptible smile went
uround the table, and every listener
but one breathed more freely. ihe
candor ami boldness of the guard won
the respect and confidence of all except
Marlanx. The Iron Count was white
with anger. lie took the examination
out of Lorry's bunds and plied the
stranger with insulting questions, each
calm answer making him more furious
than before. At last, lu sheer ImpO'
tence, he relapsed luto silence, waving
bis baud to I.orry to Indicate that he
might resume.
"You will understand. Baldos, that
we have some cuuse for apprehension,"
said Lorry, Immensely gratified by the
.outcome of the tilt. "You are n stran
ger, aud, whether you admit It or not,
there Is reason to believe that you are
not what you represent yourself to
"I am a humble guard at present, sir,
and a loyal one. My life Is yours
should I prove otherwise."
Y'etive whispered something In Lor
ry's ear at this Juncture. She was vis
ibly pleased and excited. He looked
doubtful for an Instant and then ap
parently followed ber suggestion, re
gardless of consequences.
"Would you be willing to utilize your
knowledge as an engineer by suggest
ing means to strengthen the fortress f
The others stared lu fresh amazement
Marlanx went as white as death.
"Never!" he blurted out hoarsely.
"I will do anything the princess com
mands me to do," said Baldos easily.
"Y'ou mean that you serve her only?"
"I serve her first, sir. If she were here
she could command me to die, and
there would be an end to Baldos." And
be smiled as he said It The real prin
cess looked at him with a new, eager
expression, as If something had Just
become clear to her. There was
chorus of coughs and a round of sly
"She could hardly ask you to die,"
said Yetlve, addressing him for the
first time.
"A princess is like April weather,
madam," shiu Baldos, with rare hu
mor, and the luugh was general. Ye
tlve resolved to talk privately with this
excellent wit before the hour was over.
She was confident that be knew her to
be the princess.
"I would like to ask the fellow an
other question." said Marlanx, finger
ing his sword hilt nervously. "You say
you serve the princess. Do you mean
by tlint that you imagine your duties
ns a soldier to comprise dancing polite
attendance within the security of
these walls?"
"I believe I enlisted ns u member of
the castle guard, sir. The duty of the
guard Is to protect the person of the
ruler of Graustark and to do that to
the death."
"It Is my belief that you are a spy.
You can sh w evidence of good faith
ly ei:ii tT'g t fight rgaiust Hawsber
j.mi ami by shooting to kill." said the
t. .'::!, with a sinister gleam In his
"Am! If I decline to serve lu any
u'!:cr capacity than the one I now"
Then I shall brand you os n spy aud
l .'.card."
"Y'ou have already called me a spy,
your excellency. It will not make it
true, let ne add. if yon - 1 1 me a cow
i"l 1 refuse tn take up arms ngiilnst
itl or Ihivvshcrgon or Axphaln."
T'ie remark created a profound sen-
"Then you tire employed by both In
stead of one!" shouted the Iron Count
"I am empl yed as a guard for her
royal holiness." R.j,i ihudos. with a
square glance at Yetlve. - and not as a
li .'uter In the ranks. will fight till
'.( a'h fur ber, but not for Graustark."
CU.U"1'i:k XVI.
love. I i;:.e that fellow's
cooiucss," said i.orry to Har
ry Anguish, nfier the meet-
illi,'. "He's iifW
Loan. Why. he treats us as though we
.were the suppliants, he the nlmsgiver
He Is playing a game, 1 11 ,!,;,, l)llt
he does It with an assurance that de
lights me."
"He is rielit iil.ont
f'rt. said Anguish. "His knowledge
of such things proves Conclusively that
he is no ordinary person."
"Yetive had a bit of a talk with him
Just now," said Lorry, with a reflec
tive smile. "She naked blm point blank
f he knew who she was. He did not
hesitate a second. 'I remember seeing
mi In the audience chamber recently
Ut was ,, facer for Yetlve. "I assure
t that it was no fault of mine that
you saw me.' she -ri, ..
''7 y ,,lr ho rustled the
sunamsi said the confounded bluffer.
ptt n .. .
- v-"' unutea to
K YE, BAB, NOSE and Tfii J
Glaees fitted and furnJ. '
Ufflca hours 0 to 12; 2 to s-Tl
pointmeut Telephone.
(j) Hants Pass,
Phones, Offloe 365; IU uu. ,
Residenoe oor. 7th and Daw,
Offloe at National Drug Stcr.1
Gsajsts Pahs.
! Ot
Office in Courier Building
Offloe phone 911, residence 4U
Eyes tested and glasses ntted 1
Geakts Pass, . 1
Re Phone 714
City or country calls attended:
or day. Sixth and H, Tufl'i Cj
Office 1 hone 361.
Grants Pass . o
Children & Confinemmt ConnU
Ouu a Sptcialty. Szmmui
502 D Street
Grants Pass, . .
Graduates of American Schooli
teopathy, Kirksville, Mo. ,
Office Hours 8 to 12; 1 tea
Office over First National V
Grants Pass, - - Oi'
L. B- BALL j
orth Oth St., near Court fiW
Offloe Phone 751, Re. Faou:'
Giants Pais,
Pmotloe la all Stat sad rdml(t
Olio 1 Opera Houm BuUfc
Grants Pass, . - . ft,,
PraotioM In all iitat and Fadm
Offloe over Hair-Riddle Htrii01
Grants Pass,
Offloe, upstairs, City Hall
Grants Pass,
TJnionBuildlng Ii
Civil and criminal matters it:'
la all the courts. J
Real Mdfjkf, anil TnaorftniMS
Office, 6th street, opposite Pot1
8th St., north of Josephine B
Grants Pass, - . (r1
Charles Cost;
Wuod Working Slw"
West of flour mill, wear R. I
Tnrnine. Krrnll ffn.k snnVfii,
awing,Caliinet Work, Wood Pnl",
Miinnand irammina;, Kepainng
Th Popular Barber Shop j
Get your tonsorial work
On Sixth Street Thrt -j
Bath Room In coiinwtio'j
Furniture and Piano '
MCTinf ?
Palace Barber Si
bhavinc, Hair 01
Baths, Etc.
Eerj thing neat and cl(
work Flrat-Class.
r .