ROGUE RIVER COURIER GRANTS PASS, OREGON, JANUARY 18. 1907 (, wmgk and measure tunthing you bmu." Ameriem Grocer. y Items of Personal 1 Interest. uth Sea Blend than at ir 20c is called most so and Mocha at 40c to 50c iHemher we have En Breakfast Tea at 25c, ur best of course, but od. ith best wishes for a y New Year, we are, hite House Grocery ibutf Again Being Worked. ;oe from the Qoldbag mine k rtab vein of ore hat been Tbe Goldbug hai been shut lor about a year, owing to ran Into body of base ore that lot be profitably worked. When control of Senator Jones of Ne lie Goldbug was an exception & produoer, though it bad tbe tion of being "pockety." tbe control passed to tbe Gold udioate the vein of ore was lost mine worked at a loss nntil closed down. Men were left property, however, who have roapeoting, with tbe result that if rein was found within a ban rards of the mill. Tbe ore is go as . high in gold lvalues as tbe ton. also reported that the Martha, ing the famous Golbdug. has a body of extremely rlob ore, definite information is obtain this date. Eclns Pollock is at Salem where he is performing the duties of clerk dar ing the legislative session. Miss Minnie Ireland was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Burdio of Ashland, for a, short visit last week. Miss Cora York expects to leave on Sunday evening for Portland where she will enter the Portland business college. Robert W. Howser visited in Ash land last week at the home of bis nncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R. L Bnrdio. Representative L. L. Jewell, now attending the legislature was here Thursday on basiness, returning to Salem Friday morning. Miss Ida Weston left Wednesday evening for Seattle, where she baa purobased a large millinery store and will make ber future home at that place. Miss Agnes Elene George oame down from Ashland Thursday even ing and after a short visit with friends in Grants Pass, went to her home at Eerby, to spend a week with her parents. Howser, who for the past has been resident of left last week for Hold where be goes to visit a Howser is a talented his stay in the engaged in the Robert W. three years Grants Pass, redge, Neb., sister. Mr. mnsiciau, and during East he expects to be B51, Club take yon to tore. - Livery Stable for the train or else-18-88 4t composition and publication of mnsio. The Courier foroe baa been some what incapacitated during the week. Mr. Voorbies has bnen confined to bis home for three days past but will probably hi on deck again next week. Foreman Meade, aside from extra duties laid on him, was sum moned on jury aid fighting the grippe, and Miss Baber, machine operator, has also been fighting off the grippe. J. A. Bart, for years past Jiving on Quarts oieek near Merlin was in Grants Pass last week. Mr. Hart states that he bas jnst sold the home place of 160 acres to A. D. LeRoy of Portland, who is baying it with a view to developing a promising cop per ledge on the property, there bas been some development work done already and one oar of ore was ship ped some time ago to the Pugei Sound smelter and showed good valnea. As Mr. Hart baa reached tbe age of TS he feelp that developing a copper prop erty is too big an undertaking for him to attempt He expects to boy a home near Merlin where he and his wife will live. - A. II. Bannard At the Big Store, North Side City CouAcil Meets. At a regular meeting of the common oounoil of the city of Grants Pass held in the city hall on Thursday, January 17, 1907, there being present, Mayor J. O. Smith presiding, Counoil men Coburn, Gravliu, Hair, Kinney, Lewis, Stovall and Williams; City Treasurer Col. W. Johnson, City At torney G. W. Colvig, Marshal L. McGrew, Auditor and Police Judge J. M. Bcoth, proceedings were as follows : P. Gravlin, councilman, having been absent for three consecutive meetings of the council, was re-installed as ooonoilman. A petition signed by F. Q. Hoover, asking for permission to grade lower Seveutb street at the river was re ferred to the street committee. Tbe following bills were allowed : O. O. Laud, wood. 14. D. J. Lawton, surveying, 13. J. Rauoh, blacksmith, 3.75. G. P. Hdw. Co., cement etc, $35.40. Hair-Kiddle Hdw., mdse, f 1. Cramer Bros, mdgs, 17.75. Rogue River Water Company, flushing, $21. 10. S. F. Cheshire, reo deeds, $3. D. Wiltrout, hauling granite, 30. J. Sumers, won on street, (11.25. F. O. Wilcox, hauling gravel, $9. R. H. Gilfillan, extra work, $1.75. H. Dunn, work on street, $6. H. Moore, team work, $33. A. Anderson, street work, $41.60. The council unanimously ratified the following appointment by the mayor: Marshal L, McGrew; street superintendent, H. Zoller; city at torney, Geo. W. Oolvig : auditor and polioe judge, J. M. Booth. On tbe appointment as night police of O. R. Swearinger, the vote stood as follows : Ayes Gravlin, Lewis, Coburn. . Noes Hair, Kinney, Stovall, Will iams. Tbe mayor then re-appointed Swearinger. The following committees were appointed by the mayor : Judiciary Coburn, Kinney, Dean. Kinanoe Dean, Kinney, Stovall. Btreets Kinney, Gravlin, Coburn. " Fire and Water Williams, Stovall and Hair. Health-Hair. Gravlin, Stovall. Sewer Gravlin, Williams. Lewis. Lights Lewis, Stovall and Dean. The following bonds were approved by tbe council : O. R. Swearinger as policeman, L. MoGrew as marshal. The bill or M. I. Galvin for sewer work oo his premises, was referred to the city attorney to be reported upon at the next meeting. On motion the oounoil then ad journed. Church Elects Officers. The regular annual meeting of the congregation of Bethany Presbyterian !! A Brief Record of Local Events. I R. H. Washbnrne. D. D., of Salem will deliver the address to the Men's I meeting at the opera house, Sunday, j The entertainment given on Tnes I day evening by the Leonora Jackson I Concert Co. was attended by a large auaieoce. Aiiss Jackson fully sus tained her reputation as a wonderful violinist and she has a remarkably attrautive individuality. The other members of the co apaoy were pleas ing in their respective numbers and the looalists, Miss Pace' and Mr. Clarke were recalled many times dur ing the course of tbe entertainment. On Wednesday evening Miss Nina Marshall was agreeably surprised by 13 of her young friends, who gathered at ber home, the event being in houor of her 13th birthday. Games were indulged in and refreshments served and a very pleasant time enjoyed by all in attendance. Those present were Misses Amy Lay ton, EdnaTryer, Josephine Moss, Jeanette Moss, Mar ion Mitohell, Winifred Flaoaftan. Nina Marshall and Mildred Marshall. and Masters Gladwin Smith, Her bert McKenzie, Mathew R.ddle and Fred Mar-hall Old Virginia Corn Relish, Some thing good as a dressing for nearly every thing you eat at Smythe's Quality shop. More Unjust Criticism. ' The Observer, in its unwarranted criticism of the former street super intendent, has a lengthy article iu its last issue in support of its position in whioh the arguments advanced show clearly the editor's deficiency of knowledge of the subject. We do not acoose him of wilfully misstating the case but believe him to be the victim of misinformation whioh should be oorreoted. In regard to the formation of the pond on F street, it is true that the most of this water should be turned into Gilbert oreek front Third street. But as it would require a considerable expense to do this tbe street superin tendent has net tbe authority in him self to do it In such matters as this he is under th direct orders of the street oommittee of the oounoil. The editor should he informed of this. In regard to tbe sewtr in Block 10, Boundary Line addition, the Observer says that it was not pot down over six feet in any place, wbile the specifica tions call for a dsptb of 10 feet. But Mr. Gilfillan declares very emphatic ally that this sewer is down the fall 10 feet and to the required depth for the 'whole distance aud that all the holders of tributary property oaa connect wltb it The Observer is fearfully and won- SOME BARGAIN POINTERS News Notes From the Business Men to Headers. Rockers Morris Chairs Ladies' Desks Music Cases Water Sets Pictures at Your Own Price RugS, a'l szes and qualities Water Sets and a thousand other things, including a White Sewing Machine All at prices that defy com petition. You will lose money if you do not examine this of fer and stock. oburob was beld in the parlors of j derfully in error when it says that the tbe church Thursday evening after an elaborate supper, served by the ladies of the church. There were nearly 100 people seated at tho three loug tables which extended across the par-lorn. The meeting was for the purpose of ! the sewer pipe at several points A. U. Bannard Sixth and D Streets GRANTS PASS, OREGON. listening to the reports of the various ohurch organizations and for the election of church officers whose term of office had expired. The offlcers'eleeted are: Elders-H. O. Kinney and T. P. Cramer, re-elected. Trustee W. L. Ireland. Treasurer Geo. P. Cramer. Clerk A. E. Voorhies. Sunday School Supt H. C. Kinney. Asst. Supt Elbert Veatoh. Circuit Court Doings. Circuit court for Josephine County convened on Tuesday and on Thursday the jurymen were discharged, with out even sitting on a case. There were two criminal cases, but the cul prits plead guilty. Of two oivil cases for tbe jury one was settled and the other continued until next time. Criminal. j State of Oregon vs. Roy Ellis, as-1 sault and battery. Continued. btate or Oregon vs. Jmie Woolfolk. i threatening to kill. Dieiniimed, gone to asylum. ! State of Oregon, vs. George Still- 1 ber?, forgery. Pleaded guiltv, sent- , enced to two years. ctate of Oregon vs. wm. Wanner, I larceny in a warehouse. Pleaded i guilty, sentenced to one year. Actions at Law. j State of Oregon vs. Clive Major and Edith Major, threatening te kill. 1 Dinmifsed. ! ', Equity"Caes. Kinuey & Truax va. Weisman & WeidenbuFch, action for money. De fault, i Guatan Poyer vs. Pacific Pine Needle Co. Confirmation of sale. ' R. L. & Coe Co., vs. J. C. Dsyert, transcript from justice court. DIs inifsed. H. P. Walter vs. Buckeye Mining Co., action for money. Defanlt and judgment for $121.43. Ida Decker vs. J. A. Skeeters, ac tion for money. Dihiuined. Grant Mays vs. Gustav Stem, action for money. Default and judg ment for ti. Julia Payne vs. John Payne, di vorce. Decree granted. Walter Eastman vs. Mary C. Hig gles. irder of default. f nei e Mi Manns vs. George Mc- . Muduh, divorce. Decree granted. j main sewers did not develop open ditches. Ihe refilled trendies always settle. When the first heavy rains came In the Fall the Seventh street sewer at the intersection of A street settled three feet in places, exposing The strett superintendent repaired it so promptly thai very few people knew of the open ditch cutting one of the l most traveled streets of the city. And if the Observer has not heard of the settling of the main sewr trenches it is In a large measure be- cause the prompt and eliicleut work i of the officer in question left no reason j for much talk on the subject. The charge of being too kind with j some sections of the streets aud not kind enough with othors is one that I is prnbahly made of every strevt sup erintendent under the sun and is un worthy of notice. I That indefinite lateral sewer in the ; "north end" which was dropped a j foot against the grade cannot be ! identified by Mr. Gilfillan, who is not aware of any such thing. ' The idea of blaming him with the conditions at the Kiverside school is actually sickening. The flooded base ment came from the main sswer. The three main sewers discharge into one pipe which would not carry th Mow. Consequently 'he main sewvrs "backed up." But the street super intendent had no control over this, either past or present. Not a single oue of the Observer's accusations stand investigation. Leave 1-1H tf Wood Fir, Oak and orders at Music Store. Pine. MAKKIED. WILLIAMS DENISON At the resi dence of the bride, at Grants Paa, Oregon, Tneday. January lfi, 1SMI7, John II. Williams and Jennie II. Denison, both of Grants Pass, Key. C O. lieckinan officiating. CHASTA IN SARGENT At tbe home of J. L. Scovill. at Grants Pam, Oregon, Wednesday, January 1H. 1M7, William F. A Chastain and Miss Edith E. Sargent, Hev. F. C. l.ovett officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Chrntain will reside near Grants Pass. CHAPIN-ROBERTS In thin city, Dec. 81, ltHXi, Harry M. C'hapin and Flora j. Rolierts, both of Grants faff. NEWTON-RUMNEK-In this' city, January 7, I'.KiT, J. Newton of Keleo, Ws-h., and Miss Gladys L. Sumner of Williams. Dr. FUnagan, Physician and Dentist. Goto Coron for Plumbing. M. Clement. Prescription Druggist. Sheet Musio sale at the Mnsio Store Picture framing and framed clotures at L. B. hall's. A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak Ranges at Coron 'i For a e'eau bed and a good meal try the Western Hotel. Hundreds of varieties of Post Cards at the Musio Store. Hammock will make von a irood m photograph for reasonable money. Opposite postoffioe. Maps of Oregon Wash in ton and California at the Mnsio Store. Some pretty things in Damank Lunch Cloth at Mrs. E. Rehkopf. Victor Talking Machine. ,nii . ords at tho Musio store. Report cards for school use are on sale at the Musio Store. Sheet Musio at So, lOo and lfic at the Musio Store next week. Corn and Beans from Illinois. Vinra the good kinds Brow on win nt Smythe's. If you bae thought that one nhoto- graph is as good as another try Ham mock's studio aud see the difference. Ask Mrs. 0nihlo at fimith'i Ooalitv Short, shf "Y nnnir Gentleman" corn is the best on this market. Have T. E. MoKoin's cab meat your friends at the train 25 , cents to any part of the city. Meets all day trains. Phone 951. 13-38 4t On acoount of the increasing busi ness at Hammock's studio he adver tises to take an apprentice at half price. See him on Sixth street, op postie post offioe. Pleasant Social Dance. Without a doubt, the most enjoyable event that has been held in Grants Pass for a leng time was Ihe dancing party given by a number of Ihe Grants Pass girls at Clemens' hall on Thurs day evening. Everything was managed by the girls and they ' proved themselves eqnal to the occasion in every particu lar. The ball was beatutifully and artistically decorated, the floor in per fect oonditien and tbe mnsio, fur nished by Messrs. Dean, Wharton, Cheshire, Maboney and Miss Ruth Dean, was exceptionally good. Punch was served all daring the evening from a bootb at one end of tbe ball, and four young ladles aoted as floor managers, while "ladies choice" was the order of the evening, and .to see the boys xsated around the room wltb broad smiles beaming on their faces, was oonolusive proof that things "looked good to them." A very large crowd had responded to the neat little invitations and by 8:30 o'clock the room was filled with the happy young people and everyone pronounced this dance the success of the season and all are auiious that the girls repeat their triumph in the near future and give us another dsno- ing party as thoroughly enjoyable as this one proved to be. A L&rje Sunday School. To Grants Pans belongs the d istiuo tion of having the fourth largest Sun day School in Oregon, that of the New man Methodist Episcopal Church. The Sunday Schools of Grace and Taylor streets, Methodist churches of Port land, and of the First Methodist Church, of Eugene, are slightly larger. The enrollment of this Soa day School is 805 ; the average yearly attendance is 21 3. There are HO pupiU in the primary departments and 185 in the intermediate clsises. The adult Bible clans has a membership of 80. Out of the total enrollment of 80ft there were !!! pupils this past year who did not miss a Sunday. II. L. Gilkey, cnnliier of the First National Bank, i.s superintendent of tho school, and its marvelous growtli and the enthoiwiHtio work being doue is due very largely to bis untiring efforts. M. T. Utley is assistant superinten dent, and Mixs Essie Hart man secretary. Omirjia Brand Bed Kidney Beans reariv to eat. Buy them at Srrylhes' Quality shop. BORN. HUGHES At Grants Pass, Thurs day, January 17, 1107, to Mr. and Mrs Evan P. Hughes, a son. GARDNER At Grants Pass, Oregon, Sunday, Jsnnary 1H, 1107. to Rev. land Mrs. Geo.M. Gardner, a son. COOK At Grants Pais, Wednesday, Jaunary , 1U07, to Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cook, a 18-pound daughter. WELLS Near Kerhy. December 2:.. 1!MH!, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wells a J daughter. LIND Near WildervilJe, December ay. r.)ii to Mr. and Mr. Guntaf 'Lind,a daughter. YOKl'M-In this city. Dec.".'!0,'l'jo0, "to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Yokuui, a .daughter. Try a can of "Ye Country Gentle man ' corn, it meets the requirements of the Pure Fowl Laws at Smythe's QualityHhnp. Newman M. E. Church. On this coming Sunday at 11 a. la., R. H. Washbnrne D. D.. of HaUm. ill oooupy the pulpit. In the even ing at 7:80 the pastor will preach . Subject "Belonging to Christ." Sunday school meets at 10 a. m. Junior League at 8 p. m. Epworth League at 0 :8a Strangers and friends ever weloome. Save Your Orchard By spraying during the win ter, and 6tarap out the San Jose scale. You can doit if you use a good pump and a good spray. We oan sell you a BEAN SPRAY PUMP ' And by. using REX SULPHER SPRAY You can get your trees clean in one season. Get Our Prices Cramer Bros. Odd Fellows Block Spray Nozzles Spray Hose CHURCH NOTICES. Baptlet Church. The morning servioe begins prompt ly at 10:80. On this Sunday the Pas tor begins a series of sermons on the general toplo "Sermons in Stone." Subect of first meseaae "Christian Unity." Tbe Bible School meets at 11 :46, a separate room for each de partment Tbe Junior Union hat been reorganised, Mrs. Edgsrton as suming oharge. It meets . at 8 p. m, The Beolor Union will be led by Miss Effle Yost; subject "More than Conquerors." The Bilhorn books are used at our evening servioe. Mrs. Conklin has chsrge of the chorus choir. Topio of the even Inn sermon Petering." Yon are oordislly in vited. Presbyterian Church. The order of services at Bethany Presbyterian Church next Sunday, January 20, is as follows : 11 a. m. Morning Worship. Theme "A Beautiful Idyl of Home Life." 7:80 p.m. Evening Worship. Theme "Set your Life to Musio." Evan P. Hughes, the pastor, will preach on both occasions. 10 a. m. Bible School under the siiperlnten- dency of H. C. Kinuey. 6 :80 p. m. The Devotioual Hour of the Y. P. H. C. E. To all a cordial welcome is always extended to attend the ser vices of this church and the effort uisde to render the worship helpful and cheering in life's work. Chrlstlun Church Dr. Mlartill molrino tiruiA mm arm eveuiDK in hit 'fwrnjom at tbe Chrint lan Choich. Wlien you hear hiiu on RUT UlHtYIM Vntl flllirtt Virif a IIia 1.u j ' j ..., w asuv a t i i, hot be has himself gone to the bottom of . L. .1...... The services for Sunday 'are 11 a. m. " and Hand." at 8:00 u. m. women and girls) " Womanhood and Home." 7:80 II. III. " Tim ( Vunninn. ion Question." Un Monday niulit the mtiiei-r. will lie "Hell" an out of the orrlinurv treatment from reason and the Bible. Services will continue through the week with the themes "The Slu AsalriNt tho Holv Hnlnt " "1 Triumph. " "Excuh.-s. " "Htilritual- Isin The Devil is iu it," a lecture on Friday evening and ou Saturday "What is Bm.Himi?" Tl.n are larger and attentive aud seldom a service iiBHses without confessiouof faith in Jesna as divine and baptisms ...... ti in . i imu hiiu. aii are invited. m 'MBA WMM The Jov of living is to have good health.; Use Heroine and von will I of joy. You need not he blue, fret- rul and have that bad tante infyour mouth. Try a bottlee of Heroine, a positive cure for all liver complaints. K. Harre.ll. Aomin l',.,uu uri . "I have med Heroine for over a year and tlnd it a fine regulutor.ttl gladlv recommend it a a line medicine for Dyspepsia." for ma hy National Drug Co., and by Botertmuiil... a Keal Estate Transfers. A. M. Moon to Edward "BHerlocker, Lots 1, 2, 8 in Block 410. T. H. 'Ilin above sale 'wan' "iiihiI through the Bel KHtte Agency "nf Joseph Mocs. See hitn'for harxliiH..Mii'r: street.