Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, January 18, 1907, Image 3

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Are You House Chasing
I am just now chasing after house-chasers my self, havinR
on my books a lot of most desirable Country properties
that will be sure to please the wise investor. If you want
a house ior a home, or to buy as a speculations make me a
call and I have no doubt I can suit you.
Or if you own properties and would like to sell or ex
change, I am in 'a position to find you parties willing to do
j THE REAL ESTATE MAN. Office 516 E St.
iW. C. T. U. COLUMN.
jAU matter (or this column is supplied
( the Josephine County Woman's Chriit
in Temperance Union, Y. and L. T. L
iA special meeting of tbe Grants
tsa W. C. T. U. will be held in the
Bild ball Friday afternoon at 2 :30,
nnary 25, 1907. Mrs. O. H.
meats, eaperintondent of Physical
location, has charge of tbe program,
biob will consist of remarks npun
,e subject by Mrs. Clements. Drill,
:bate, musio, etc. A free-will
ferinf will be taken. All ladies are
tited to attend this meeting.
! Estella Howard, Seoretary.
Oranta 'Pass W. O. T. U. held
other Mother' Meeting January 11,
i the borne of onr faithful comrade,
ra. J. If. Chiles.
Offloial greeting from the state
Boers waa read, in( part m follows :
'Beloved Comrades: With loving
tarts w greet yoo, one and all, at
it threshold of the New Year 1907,
aying to onr Heavenly Father, tbat
lis may be the very best yuar of all
it experiences. Tbe past year witb
snnsbine and shadows has passed
ito history. As wa. stand at the
wning of a New Year of endeavor,
s can Indeed, thank God and take
range, because of the manyvlctories
on and we sing praiies to God who
kth led as, and blessed ns so wonder
illy. Wa may well ask onrselves,
lave we measured np to the privi
gea of oar bigb calling co-workers
ith Him' Let as study to sbow
irselves appproved workman that
tedetb not be ashamed. Looking
rward into the new year, witb its
anifold opportunities, let ns all
rive, above all things to be more
liritnal, loyal to Christ and, to each
her. Let ns be true and patient,
loving and kind, yet persistent and
enthusiastic, serving God joyfully,
standing by each other lovingly, not
forgetting to glorify God In all
A communication from Mrs. Jenuie
Kemp, acknowledging letter of con
dolence sent her from this Union,
was read. Other rontine business was
transacted and then Mrs. Howard,
superintendent of Mothers' Meetings,
was introduced and the following
program given : '
Song "Step In Anywhere."
Recitations by Elmer Howard and
Ada Gould.
Selections read by Mrs. Eatella
Howard and Mrs. Calvert Original
papers and good ones tbey were given
by Mrs. McFarland, npon "Madam
Willard," and Mrs. Howard npon
Mrs. Cowdrey sang solo."
Tbe question was asked: "Can a
mother love too much?" Miss Lomas,
Mrs. McFarland, Mrs. Hall, Mrs.
Spenoer, Mrs. Savage and other gave
tbeir ideas in regard to the matter.
Mottoes for the year were given by
several present.
Meeting waa adjourned and a treat
of candy furnishsd by Mr. Ella
Thirty-six adults and fonr children
were present and went home feeling
glad thty had been there.
Henry Drnmmond says the Spectrum
of Love has nine ingredients, as fol
lows :
Patienoe "Love Saffereth long."
Kindness "And is kind."
Generosity "Love envietb not"
Humility "Love valneth not itself.
is not puffed np."
Courtesy "Doth not behave itself
Unselfishness "Seeketh not her
Good Temper "Is not easily pro
Guilelessoess "Thinketh no evil."
Ro&ue River Valley
Meserve Meade
Courier Block, Grants Pass
In distant papers and an acquaintance all over tbe Coant ecablee us to
Some fine bargains in Fruit and Dairy Lands, Stock Ranches, Quartz
and Placer Minos, Town Property, Business Chances, for cash or on time
GILMORE & BOREN, Proprietors.
H Street between Fifth and Sixth Paom 881 Grants Pass,' Oreeon
J. B. PAPIOCK, Proprietor.
I am prepared to furnish anything in the line of Cemetery work in any kind
I Marble or Granite.
Nearly thirty years of experience in the Marble business warrants my say in
iat I can fill your orders in the very best manner.
Can furnish work in Scotch, Swede or American Granite or any kind o
Front street, next to Green's Gunshop.
Sincerity "Rejoioetb not in in
iquity, but rejdeeth in the troth."
These make up tbe supreme gift,
the stature of the perfect man.
Names chosen by leaders as fol
lows for membership contest to close
May 30, 1907 :
Mrs. Loughridge Mrs. E Howard.
Mrs. Ament Mrs. Anderson
Mrs. Beck man Mrs. Berry
Mrs. Belding Mrs. Chiles
Mrs Caldwell Mrs. Calvert.
Mrs. Clements Mrs. Campbell
Mrs. Caullield Mrs. Cowdrey
Mrs. Curtis Mrs. Chapman
Mrs. Colvig Mrs M. Da
Mrs. Kltison Mrs. Feikert
Mrs. Mary Fay Mrs. Fenn
Mrs. Fitzgerald, Mis. Flamm
Mrs. Frakes Mrs. Gilkey
Mrs. Gould Mrs. Grout
Mrs. Gordon Mrs. Heukls
Mrs. Helms Mrs. Hyde
Mr. Ella Howard Mrs. Hale
Mrs Mary Hildretb Mrs. C. E. Jons
Mrs. Kellogg Mrs. Lamphear
Mrs. Lucus Miss Lomas
Mrs. Mitchell Mrs Lincoln
Mrs. Mee Miss Mulkey
Mrs. McFarland Mrs Menscb
Mrs Perry Mrs. Amos Pike
Mrs. Patrick Mrs. E. Pike
Mrs. Rannie Mrs. Richardson
Mrs. Savage Mrs. Sclirader
Mrs. Stnbbs Mrs Cora Smith
Mrs. C. C. Taylor Mrs.Trusiler
Mrs. Summers Mrs N Whipple
Mrs. Cheshire Mrs. Young
Mrs. C. E. MabyeeMrs. Bower
Mrs. Mary May beoMrs. Harper.
Motto "May each one wio one."
Dr. W. M. Taylor said :
"Bind together your spare hours by
the co'd of some definite purpose and
know how much may be accom
plished." HATTIE I. C. CALVERT,
Press Supt. of Grants Pass C.T.U.
Little Journal In Moorestown,
N. J., That Gives Informa
tion of Vevlue.
The Improvement association of
Moorestown, N. J., which is affiliated
witb the -American Civic association.
Issues a monthly periodical called
Village Improvement. It contains
much Interesting news of the better
ment work In and about Moorestown
and is liberally patronised by adver
tisers. The following extract from
tbe September number Is typical of
the valuable Information which this
little Journal gives to Its readers:
"A communication from the town
ship committee has appeared tn tbe
local papers calling the attention of
property owners to the fact that many
of tbe shade trees are In need of trim
ming. In many places the drooping
branches are so low over the sidewalk
that pedestrians are continually an
noyed by them, especially In rainy
"The township committee realizes
that It Is within Its province to
hare these trees trimmed, but It pre
fers that the property owners should
attend to It themselves and thus carry
out their own Ideas In connection with
the rent of their lawn.
"We would encourage all property
owners to notice carefully whether
the tries nlonir their sidewalks are In
need of trimming. If they -.are, have
some competent person attend to It
A tree ran lie 'trained In the way It
should po" liy proper pruning, but it
may also lie very much spoiled by Im
proper trimming."
Kiiilitinir the nillbnnrd Nalnanr.
A concerted movement for the aboli
tion of Indecent billboard advertising
Is In progress In Cincinnati, where the
rroteant clertry in their sermons, the
Roman Catholic Federation of Socle
tics, the Youiik Men's Christian asso
ciation and the Municipal Art league
are working In harmony for that end,
says Leslie's Weekly. The Dayton's
Bluff Commercial club of St. Puul,
Minn., has Instituted a similar move
ment, and these two are examples of
the agitation throughout the country
attain, t the offense to decency ond the
affront to the eyes of the community
of which the billboard nuisance mak
ers ore guilty. We bar obscenities
from the malls, and we urrcst and flue
peddlers for selllnif merchandise- In the
streets without a license, bnt posters
Unit corrupt the minds of thousands,
anil others, morally Innocuous, but ar
tistically lililcotis, iiiid representing ad
vert Isl m: piivileces worth hundreds of
thousands of dollars, are suffered with
out taxation or uny other restraint.
How lrjiitf will the American public
endure it? Let the newspapers and
magazines and other legitimate Instru
mentalities for advertising purposes
make a united and winning crusude
against the billboard and street car
advertising nuisances.
Money Attracts
One little deposit attracts another,
and thus your bank savings will grow
and grow. Cultivate the babit of
saving as muoh as yon can from yonr
inoome. It la the one great way to
become wealthy and independent.
The man witb the bank account is a
power in the land. Open an account
today, with the Grants Pass Banking
& Trust Co. , and watch your money
' Grants Pass
Banking & Trnst Go.
Fruitgrowers of Rogue River Valley
find the Courier of special interest
I want your bargains in
rJ7imlei mid
Timber Innd
Can uk a few homestead and tim
ber relinquishments.
P. O. Box 366, Rosebur;, Oregon.
,The Courier, one year $1.90; sis
months, TS cents.
From a famous old Southern recipe. Purest
selected milk corn, blended and seasoned
with spices and other delicate ingredients.
CL It gives a zest to the meal and can be used
in hundreds of ways for meats, fish, game,
luncheons, sandwiches, and in fact, where
ever a condiment or relish is used. CL No
matter whether you serve good things hot
or cold, Alvord's Old Virginia Cora Relish
will enhance their flavor.
Order a bottle today from
Smythe-G&mble Co.
412 Front St.
Phone 431
County Aiiusor Waylaid.
J. W. Oonlter, of Leslie, 8. D. ,
Assessor of Stanley County, relates
tbe following : "I was waylaid by a
complication of throat and lung
troubles, brenchitis, asthma and a
terrible coogh, which had affected
me for years, when I was persuaded
to try Dr. King's New Discovery.
Relief came almost immediately, and
in a short time a permanent curs re
sulted. " No other medioine compares
witb it as a sore and quick cure for
coughs and colds. It cures after all
other remedies have failed. Every
bot'le guaranteed at all drug stores.
Price 60o and 1. Trial bottle free.
Dry Goods, Underwear,
Notions, Etc.
Front Street
west Palace hotel
flair the World Wondtrs
how the other half lives. Those who
use Bnckleu's Arnica Halve never
woud"r if it will cure cots, wounds,
burns, sores and all skiu erupting;
thpy know it will. Mrs. (irants Shy,
1103 E. Reynolds St . SurinKfinld.
111., says: "I regard it one an of thej
absolute necessities of housekeeping." ,
(jnaranteed by all druggists at 2"o.
Ever Brought to Southern Oregon
1 "--.wCSV-
Machines on the Installment I'lan
Photo and Music Sotre
Courier Huiklin
Sivfo s.rd reli& bio, they ,
overcome we&knosi, lr j
crease vigor, banish pains. '
No remedy equals UK i
Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic
9 has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One end a llalf KSnTksa
H bottles. Does record of iren pp?al .o you ? No Cure, No Pay. 5CCw
K X- i- -At of Crove'i Block Root, Liver Pill. M