Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, January 18, 1907, Image 2

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How to Prevent Colds.
Tut a few drops of eucalyptus oil on
handkerchief and smell oocaslunnlly.
Tbla la excellent for both prevention
and curing colda. When applied exter
ally the oil la good for neuralgia or
toothache. j
Haw to Test thm Breath.
To find out IX your breath la bad !
bold a hand mirror close to your noes j
anl Ireathe on the glasa. Any odot j
will be perceptible. ;
th. Alter ylelda a ga. of jftrtft Heanng Jg BEAUTY OF
Important Part Played by Ar
chitecture in Its Adorn
m n t .
Much of the town's be.uty la due to
agencies other than nature, writes W.
Tree. w.r.b rnwi. ! T. Heyl In the Municipal Journal and
a. nrr, mental trees for towns tne I Engineer. Architecture plays an Im-
bevcbes nttiact attention primarily on ' portiint part In the adornment of a
power which can be uaed for domeatW
purposes and for driving gas engine.
The Altering maiermi iunu
good combustible during the procese.
Bow and Win to Start a Nelarabow-
hood Improvement Society.
This Is the season of the year when
societies for neighborhood Improve j
ment are lu order, says a correspondent
of Outing. If you have no sucn so-
Kind Suitable for Different Sec
tions of the United
account .)r ineir mguiiy 01 iuiiu uuu
peculiarly clean appearance. The) j
give ample and spreading fhade; the
leaves ree reiiiarkiibly Tree from the
Insect pests, and they eun generally be
readily transplanted. w;iy the Jarder
Magazine. They thrive l.est In a rich,
deep, Randy loam, but will grow well Ip
any ordinary noil. TU- trees attulu a
belght of eighty to im f.-et. In the
different seasons the I i h presents to
tally different picture In nuiiiliier It is
1 broad dome of grnleful simile, In
winter a glory of ilur.iclln;; lltfl-'t gray,
In spring It Hunts oof Us soft velvety
gold green Icuve-i, ami In nutmiiu It Is a
rich and mellow mingling of subdued
yellow browns mmi! gray".
Jtebcrtlne gives what every woman
moat dfilrwt a perfect complexion.
It hrlmta that sft. smooth, fresh,
clear tint to the ehffk that 4-notes
youlhfulncM. It will bring- beauty
to thorn who lark It; It will retain
It for thoae who already possess it;
It will enable you to ucrexsfully
combat the ravages of weather and
time. Don't doubt Joti't argue. Just
try Itobertlne. Tour druggist will
give you a free sample. All drug
gists keep Robertlne.
Get acquainted with
and you are strangers we will tend
you the magazine three months
free that you may get acquainted.
q SMITH'S is the biggest aw,
(rated magazine in the world 1 70
pages of reading mailer and pic
tures, die tame size page as the bis
standard magazines tke Harper's
and Lenturj.
J SMITHS is made up of the
best of everything best stories
that can be obtained, best illustra
tions tlint clever artists can draw,
and the best special articles, written
by writers wlto know their subject
thoroughly and write as entertain
ingly as they are instructive.
J SMIT1 1'S alio pn'nlt every month a
core o moie ptrltr poitialli, in colors, ol
bnutilul w.Hum. Tk-n all in all. tlirre
it no brttet nagaine linn SMITH'S
in 11, none neatly at goJ, no nialtri
what the coat.
J Write to-day. A portal will Jo. Dept. F. Smith's M ngnzine,
85 Seventh Avenue, New York City
-vr ...... ..:...."! r-
Everyone should subscribe for
his home paper, In trder U get ail
th local news, but U imp In touch
with the world's dally events
should also rssd
The Evening Telegram,
Portland, Oregon,
Tin leading svenlni cswspapar of
ths raclfte Coaat, which has com
plete Associated Press report and
spacial leaasd-wi't service, with
corTMpondsnta In Important nswi
centers and In all ths ciUes and
principal towns of ths Northwest.
Portland and suburbs are covered
by a bright staff of reporters, and
editorial, dramatic, society and
special writers Ssturday'a edi
tion consists of i? to 28 pairs, and
has colored comic pM, u well as
a department for children, colored
fashion pas. an interesting serial
story and other attractive feature
1b addition to all the news of ths
Snbsvrlptlon Rates Ov.a mouth,
(0 cants; three months, fl.So; six
month. li fiO; twelv mouth. $3.
Sample cc-plee mailed fr
town. The locating anu grouping 01
buildings are equally responsible for
urtlstlc effect. It Is Important also to
arouae the interest of all the people In
the lieauty of ti,elr town as a whole.
I'oster a spirit of pride In the com
munity, give the x-ople something
worthy to be proud of. and that great
force, civic cotiscioiiMiess, which Is t'o
often dormant, will, work wonders.
A beautiful town attracts mere good
citizens, and nowhere else Is co-operation
richer in results than when the
aim Is for town betterment. A mu
u I (-1 j i:i J art commission Is the high
est form this tendency achieves, but
even bef:ire the art commission a civic
consciousness is necessary that the
needs of all. the health, happiness and
sanity of all the pe-iple, may be served.
And this civic movement may be par
ticipated In by the hum) lest. No one
knew this i.etter than the late Ceorga
E. Waring, 'r, who organized thechll
dreu of the east side 111 New York Into
a Juvenile aid society to assist the
"white wings" In maintaining cleanli
ness. The result was doubly beneficial.
The sordid places uere made clean, and
of equal value was the training of the
child In civic helpfulness.
Distinguished foreign critics visiting
America often comment ou the fuct
that our business men are ho taken up
with their own personal affairs that
they neglect the opportunity to serve
the city or t wn. That this service Is
an opportunity as well lis a duty Is
shown by the splendid results of the
efforts In this direction of the mer
chants and professional men of Cleve
land, O. Without the training received
us members of the chamber of com
merce no like number of men could
have accomplished so much for their
There has been prepared a bill which
awaits favorable action of congress to
npiKiliit a board of artists whose duty
It will be to give opinions on the artls-
tic merits of all public construction I
and decoration hereafter to lie under
taken by the federal government.
Washington will be one of the first
cities to be beautified, ns a whole, un
der the direction of eminent artists.
The Pennsylvania railroad station now
building will be one of the most ar
tistic structures on the continent.
Even lu money making an Instltu
! tlou may show that sordid finance and
j art may go, hand In hand, f ir there
! arc few commercial buildings so fit-
tlngly designed as the Northern Trust
, company s borne lu I hlcago. Libraries
! and churches, whose chief Influence
upon the community Is not material,
minister much to the town's physical
beauty. Architects have rubbed hos
pitals of their grim ami melancholy
soinberness. Monuments and foun
tains, whose main purpose Is orna
mental, do or do not contribute to
civic art according as to whether or
not they are truly artistic and are har
moniously placed. A public service In
stitution, as the waterworks and Its
Hurroiiudiugs at Detroit, adds to the
beauty of that city.
It was due to the perseverance and
artistic clelennlmitloti of a young en
glneer that America adopted from lta
ly lines of beauty In the construction
of so utilitarian an object as an elec
tric light pole. Itranch lirook park. In
New Jersey, and I'.astiiian park. In
ItiH'hester, have recognized these as of
artistic merit. Another engineer urged
Architect Nichols to design the trolley
poles which are the crowning embel
llshment of Washington bridge.
Iteautv does not necessarily take
from the usefulness ,,f everyday ob
jects, as ulin, ssod by the humble let
ter ho l!v tiiinislilng artistic mall
bocs the government aMs In the good
work It Is fortunate that the I'nlted
Ktates has Inherited from the time of
colonial architecture many specimens
of pure art In public buildings and that
communities number among their cltl
r.ens thos,. who Insist that Its material
homo slioul.l ! v beautiful.
othlnc lu scefiic effect Is finer than
a well selected, well planted double
line of trees, forming a broad avenue.
hJ ,. r,int7e one at once 1 1 writes Georgia T. Drennnu In Floral
i lintj, j " . . . . i , i fhtt'
Get it under motion and plan lor neii ! uie. irees are nooui c...,
..... Tt,er are nlwavB im-1 In suitability, some for one section.
provemeuts to be made. No society of , some for others-for Instance, the
, which I have any knowledge has ever: elms and maples Tor ew t-ugianu, uie
, exhausted the poskibi.ltlen In this di- j box elder ami locust for the western
' rection. The more you do the more plains and the palms, orange and pep
you see to do, for work is always to be ; per trees for California. Live oak and
found wheu you look fur It, and the magnolia are beautifully magnificent
j march of Improvement may go on lu- j trees much adopted In Louisiana.
definitely. There has been a great f To appreciate the beauty of avenues
' deal clone along this line In many par.s : of trees one should see them all of ODe
of the country, and an organization for! kind and of one size. Uniform height
local work ought to receive hearty en-; and dlmeiis ons are not obtained ex
cept by planting trees or the same size,
age a tid degree of thrift. An unlikely,
sickly tree or two will mar the effect.
No matter haw tine the species, diseas
ed or sickly specimens should be re
jected sit the time of planting or taken
up and replaced by better ones.
An avenue of trees leading to a resi
dence is the most picturesque environ
ment possible. Near Unlontown, Ala.,
Is a suburban residence with a long
cotiravement m every neignooi uoyu.
Such a Mjoicty can be made extreme
ly interestin.,' during the winter sea
son. It need not lie confined to the
bare discuss:. in of what shall be done
and how It shall be done, but everv
session may be made generally lute--estiug
by tic prepai'H'ioii of papers on
various topics, rt-i'.dinu's from btandur.l
i authors, musii and elocutionary exer
i clses.
The secret of success III an organiza i avenue of Bartlett pear trees, all of one
thin of this kind consists in arousing I size, planted far enough apart ror eacD
general interest, and in no way can j tree to be symmetrical and fruitful,
this be done more effectively than by ' When In fuJi bloom a more beautiful
Inducing everybody to take an active' gght Is not to be Imagined. Bnrtlett
part In its meetings. Let co-operation pl!ir trees are upright and pyramidal
lie the dominant Idea. Give every j n growth, with Just enough spread to
member to understand from the start the lower limbs to be graceful,
that tiie price of Individual iimusemeut I Fall In the south, spring In the north.
are the most propitious seasons for
I'ut the matter of neighborhood Im
provement into the hands of men of
good taste, good Judgment and prac
tical a' dllty to carry out fully what
ever Is undertaken. It Is a good plan
to have subcommittees whose business
It shall be to see that this, that or the
other tiling is done lu their respective
localities. If there are several such
committees each one will doubtless
make an effort to outdo the other, and
rivalry of this sort Is always stimu
latltigly helpful. It Is advisable to give
practical, p ogresslve women charge
of the Improvements to tie made on
church and school grounds. They will
do this work better than men will usn
ally. If trees and shrubs are to be
planted, put a man on the committee
to do the heavier pnrt of the work.
..noil Klr4,l For Wmujin'a KnitraTov.
It Is claimed on goo,l authority that
the t'.r.t stiect sidewalk In the rulted
Mutes was laid by a woman 111 the
year IT HI. She was one of the Dutch
dames of New York, by nam Mrs.
Samuel Irovost The new sidewalk
Inspector of Dallas, lev , bus, on the
strength of this precedent, appealed to
the women of that city for assistance
In his work of Improvement. If the
various women's societies not only In
Texas, but throughout the entire com
munity, would Interest themselves In
tins field of endeavor, their effort
would be productive of much greater
f '"' the community than would b
possible through the production of
purely llter.irv or artistic essiivs.
I'almer'a 1'itllte (onalahlr Makes
Town an Ideal Abiding! I'lnce.
The little town of Palmer, Muss., ha a
a system of police protection which
makes It nn abiding place for
spinsters and other women who r
without m:-.'e protectors, says the
Washington Tost.
It has two constables, one on duty
days and the other all night. It Is the
special business of the latter to look
nfter all unescorted women. He nieel
every trolley car that comes in from
Springfield after II p. in. and escorts
every unaccompanied woman in It tc
her home. He meets trains from the
east and west. If notllled. nnd looks
after the lone ivnumti passengers,
cheerfully carrying their grips as In
accompanies them to their houses.
And for all this he does not get a
tip or extra pay. He receives merelj
tin- gratitude of the fair sex of l'al fil
er aud their smiles. Such escort duty
'.lie tow n requires of him as b gh con
iteccntly a young schoolteacher li
(he town wisbel to attend a weddiuii
many miles away, but her attemlanci
meant that she w.otld be obliged to re
turn to I'ali ier at "J a. m. She wn
about to give up going when a towns
woman pointed out that all would bt
made easy by dropping a note to tin
policeman, asking him to meet that '.
o'clock tra il.
That Is lbs only udi'.fess at the post
oclce. The 1'oliceninn. With some nils
givings she wrote the notes, and at tin
appointed time the policeman was
waiting on the railroad platform for
her and escorted her home as If It wiif
the most common occurrence In thf
Women who go Into Springfield to at
tend the theater and come home or
the last trolley car never fall to dror
a note to the constable, and he's al
ways on hand to see them safely to
their honic.1. If there Is more than one
be collects them all and then dropt
them off one by one at their residences
tree planting. No matter bow widely
the choice of trees may vary, certain
rules should be observed. Neither too
young nor too old specimens should be
planted. Too young and tender trees
require too much extra care In trans
planting. They do better In the nurs
ery until the roots are strong and the
trunks solid.' Too large trees require
extra care In removal, severe cutting
off of the branches and a long rest
before the roots are able to make
growth and support the heavy tree.
Medium size and very healthy, vlgor-
j ous state of growth are of great ad
Crowding Is to be avoided. Trees of
all kinds require even atmospheric
pressure all around, free circulation of
air and sunshine In order to be of
symmetrical form.
The California horticulturists plant
their palm trees as far apart as the
palm will be when the maximum of
palmate or primate leaved tops has
been reached. They are able to calcu
late correctly, for palms shed their
leaves, form-, new crowns all along the
years and thus grow In height riropor
tlonntcly greater than breadth. The
ultimatum Is to have the avenues
broad enough to avoid the branches In
terlocking overhead.
Eur War Improve ttnadaldes and
Destroy Werde and Briers.
The roadsides and fence borders In
many arena are notoriously ragged
with weeds nnd briers, says the Amer
ican Agriculturist. Nothing tends to
Impress visitors more unfavorably
than to see such evidences of neglect.
In some Instances the rond supervisors
are at fault, but not lu all. The farm
era themselves should have pride
enough to lead them to do something
In this matter. If the supervisor ueg
leets his duty, the farmers responsible
for his appointment should hold him
to the discharge of his duties. But,
apart from anything that the rond su
pervisor may do or not do, the fanners
have a duty In this matter.
The mower should be used In trim
ming up rondsldes, nnd where the
mower cannot be used the scythe ought
to be. From one to three days will
trim up the roadsides of any ordinary
farm so that these will be presentable
all the year. Any farmer who la so
minded can command the amount of
time mentioned If he will. A little la
bor expended lu this way at the right
season would transform the appear
ance of wh nelglilmrhoods.
I'mat From Smoke.
Ill llrv.ssela. Vallum Hn,l other Bel
siati towns a novel method of not only
p.-!!:g rid of smoke but turning It to
t!"l account, has recently been era
ploycl. says the Chicago Journal. The
sni.k,- . driven by a vvuttlnthig fnn
Into a fl'.ter tilled with porous uiaurlal,
over willed a stream of pe
troleum, Nmilne. alcohol or llcjuld
hyJ.ovarNm flows The rvsult Is that
the tuioU is entirely tupi-resaed, wall
Hints on ImnrtivltiK ( oantr? Hotel
It has hem my nveut fate to pass
time In perhaps bm of the small town
hotels, writes Arthur Huntington tilen
sou lii Country Life In America, ilert
follow a fow questions from ilie heart
suggested by the experience T'.rst,
why Miou! I the hotel be situated In"
the hottest , art of the village and tin '
protected to trees? Second, why If
the front piazza constructed at an' un '
comfortable tilt and with a total wldt
of three feet Third, why Is the bar
rivom a tob-cco stale place-the only :
sitting room"; ' !
Surely . a .o7y. eool hotel, conduct!
in an orderl.. hospitable way. would b
a boon to lie community. It vvouli!
attract the , ranger and hold the buy
ers It wo ,:d not c-t a cent i .or
ID, ill the
ed, sun linked structure
lluMlrsa Mrrrl Snveplna ( iiliilnii.
Among the improvements of the fu
ture which are not only possible, but
probable, Is the abolition of the present
barbarous method of street sweeping,
says Leslie's Weekly. Medical author
ities are a unit as to the imhealtliful
ness of the practice of stirring up germ
laden dust clouds to Irritate the deli
cate membranes f throat nnd lungs,
and In our domestic economy the broom
has now- a relatively sninl'l part, the
diistloss swee; er and the vacuum pump
having superseded It. If n genius has
yet devised n practicable adoption of
the vacuum process for street sweeping-
mi.seless. dust less and eltlcaeioiis
let li'iu receive this suggestion, develop
:t and heir himself hailed among the
bc:.e;,ic!ors , f mankind. It needs, fur
::t a s .Ms
t!y me: ho
to c ci ,
cleaning p
le, sc. entitle and not
I of disposing of street
'e t ie solution of thf
New Cure lor Epilepsy.
J. B. Waterman, of Watertown. O..
hi beer clotted, fly Immt Rural free delivery, writes: "My
daughter, afflicted for years with
epilepsy, was cured by Dr. King's
Send th Courier to your friend to Xew PllU- she hi Dot bA n
t f . ' ttck for over two years." Best
jWphine County. , body cleanser and life giving ton"
' PU on eartth. 2oc at all drag store.
We Told You So!
i train hav. nn, TirAictinnS llAfin TeHfled to t.nn
"6" """.."- r, v : r." . . " ""lerinnv
thousands or client inroognoai we oouoiry nave reaped hanH
profita by following our leadership. i ""0ic
If you have onr MARKET LETTER of week ago yon win J
that our Mr uox, in oommeniing on me maraet conditions.
immediate porohase of Goldfleld stock in the following terms-
' In the GoldBeld District COMBINATION FRo. I
TAIN, GREAT BEND and DAISY all seem to be sell!
ing at much below their true worth, and they should
now be bought and held for handsome advances.
Rumors of an important strike on the DIAMOND
FIELD TRIANGLE lent that stock op from 33 oenU
to around 40 cents, around which figure it is being
traded in extensively. A few months ago this stock
was not held in such esteem, and oould readily be had
at 6 to 8 cents. The latest developments would indi
cate that Triang!e should be selling at 75 cents to II oo
or more within a reasonable time.
"SKYLARK, located in the immediate neighbor
hood of Triangle, Daisy and Great Bend, should also
be purchased at the before listing price of 15 oenta.
The history of the eminently successful neighboring
properties Indicates equally as splendid a future for
The following statements of prices
yesterday will be found interesting:
at time of publication
f t
Jan. 6. Jan. 12. Advance
Combination Fraction $3 62 6 25 $j 3
Goldfield Consolidated 7 25 10 00 2 7,5
St. Ives 88 1 00 17
Jumbo Extension 1 85 1 85 50
Booth 85 1 20 80
Columbia Mountain 10". 1 07 23
Great Bend 81 1 40 4
Daisy 2 85 8 00 fia
Triangle 42 68 26
Time, ONE WEEK. Average increase, 40 on each stoc
It will be noted that all of the above mentioned listed stocks bti
risen in value from 20 to 70 per cent within the short period of ny '
WEEK, and we are proud to say that we have been the meant 0I1A
curing soma very fancy profits for our many clients.
Now, about SKYLARK, we have this to say: If you followtd?
advise in the past you made big money. If yon want big monir r 1
low our advise in this instance and a
- bi
SKYLARK is neighbored by such established and proven uin,
Daisy, Great Bend and Triangle, whose shares are selling at fromfcbi
to 20 times the before-listing and present price of SKYLARK
This is, in all bropabllity, your LAST OPPORUTN1TY of 4
ing in this stock at 15 cents a share, and we advise all prospectm
buyers to lose no time whatever in getting their reservatiooiii
ward. At the rate the stock has been selling through the week Dr.
only be a matter of days before the allotment ia over-subscribrtd. ';
We can place the whole of this stock with speculators Mi
ground within 24 hours. The aotual sale, however, is not our ob
We are looking more to the future than to the present, and we m? '
build up our business with an invaatlng clientele. We thinks!
best way to do so is to let boneL-fide investorain on a money mc
at the Btart ; and in order that the stock may be distribatedlamcniiii
many clients as possible we have decided not to allot more thuST
shares on any one application. ,1
Have you got our FREE MARKET LETTER?
Members Sa.n Francisco Bind Tonopah Mining Exchana jj
Suit 243-244 Monadnock Huildinir
- M
A Real Estate Bargain!
Located in Josephine County. The E
of the NEJ and the NWj of the NE. and
the EJ of the SV of the NY of seciton
17, Township 37, South Range 7 West of
the Willamette Meridian, being 140 acres
more or less, Located sixteen miles from
Grants Pass, on the Crescent City road.
Also one good wholesale and retail drug
business for sale in growing town, doing
splendid business.
One good Hotel with 30 lodging rooms,
gooa business, practically no competition. !
W. M. GILBERT, Mesa, Ariz!
There's all the difference
world in meats, as in rP'(i
aim is to bny and serve the vff?i
1 grade of bams, breakfast baca'
; tenderloins, sausages, snckioi
for roastinir in shnrt . all DOS
: j t . '; ducts to be had anywhere,
'.V. y , 1 we enoeed in onr endeavors li?
by the patronage of those wboi
, '. i w solicit your orders.
j City Meat IVSark;
J. H. AHLF. - M
A Town's Nuisance.
Neither th dogs nor the cats not
owinK rooMers nor quacking duckt
separately or collectively disturb th
slumbers of residents on paved streeti
In the early morning so much as th
doseu or so milk wagons shod with Iron
tires that go banging over them, sayi
the Rochester democrat and Chron
lole. One of the most needful changw
In the Interest of public peace anc
health Is an ordinance requiring rob
ber tires on all mUk and deilran
Bow to Pill Crack In Pltf
To C1I cracks in plaster mil
of parts with vinegar Instead of
and It will not "set" for twenty
ty minutes. Push it Into the
and smooth off evenly with 1
Legal blanks at the Courier office.
Couner- -...fcXai
How to CI ran Marble Wahrt
Don't allow your waahstaad'
possesses a marble top (or your0
chlmneyplece) to remain wKl
stains upon it when by m'
paste of vinegar and whitening.
you spread over the surface ui 1
on for twenty-four hourm, 1
make It perfectly clean.