Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, January 11, 1907, Image 2

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    Beverly of 1k
(Continued from
Tbere fame tlio natural Impulse to
make a UuhIi for Uie outside world,
fighting his way through If necessary.
Looking bark over the ground, he won
dered how he could have been deceived
t all by the unconventional American.
In the clear light of retrospection be
now ui bow Impossible It was for
bar to have been tie princess. Every
ct, every word, every look, should
bare told him the truth. Every flaw
In her masquerading now presented It
elf to blin, and be waa compelled to
laugh at his own simplicity. Caution,
after all, was the largest component
part of hla makeup. The craftiness of
the bunted was deeply rooted In hli
being, lie saw a very serious side to
the adveuture. Stretching himself upon
the cot In the corner of the room, be
gave himself over to plotting, plan
ning, thinking.
In the midst of bis thoughts sud
den light burst In upon him. Ills eyes
gleamed with a new tire, his heart
leaped with new animation, his blood
ran warm again. leaping to bis feet,
be rau to the window to reread the
note from old Krans. Then he settled
back andlaughcd with a fervor that
cleared the brain of a thousand vague
"She Is Miss Cultioun, un American,
going to bo a guest at the castle;" not
the princess, but Miss Calhoun. Once
more the memory of the clear gray
yea leaped Into life. Again he saw
ber asleep In the coach on the road
from Qaulook. Again be recalled the
fervent throbs hU guilty heart had
felt as be looked upon this fair crea
tore, at one time the supposed treasure
of another man. Now she was Miss
Calhoun, and ber gray eyes, ber en
trancing smile, ber wondrous vivacity,
were not for oue man alone. It waa
marvelous what a change this sudden
realisation wrought In the view ahead
of bim. The whole sltuatlou seemed to
be trajiisformed Into something more
desirable than ever lie fore. Ills face
cleared, bis spirits leaped higher and
blgber with the buoyancy of fresh re
lief, bis coutldeure In himself crept
bark Into existence. And all because
the fair deceiver, the slim girl with the
brave gray eyes who bad drawn him
Into a net was not a princess!
Something told hlin that she bad not
drawn hi in Into hla present position
With any desire to lujure him or with
the slightest sense of malice. To her It
bad been a merry Jest, a pleasant com
edy. Uuderueuth all be saw the good
ness of ber motive In taking bim from
the old llfo and putting bim Into his
present position of trust. He bad
helped her, and she waa ready to help
bliu to the limit of ber power. His
position In Edelweiss waa clearly
enough defined. The more be thought
of It the more Justifiable It seemed as
viewed from her point of observation.
How long she hoped to keep him In the.
dark he could not tell. The outcome
would be entertaining. Her efforts to
deceive, If she kept them up, would lie
amusing. Altogether he was ready,
with the leisure and Joy of youth, to
aw all developments uud to, eujojf ,tUe.
comedy from u point ot.T!,wcylilel
she could uot at once ,UKi&itv i
.Jll ubUe,-lort -to UrwJ ItaUaa
' intea dlciisaJoQ-'f thai prUiecet and
' ber household reunited! unsatisfactorily.
The young guard waa anuoyltigly un
responsive. lie hail his secret Instruc
tions nnd rouhl uot be Inveigled Into
betraying himself Kahlua went to
sleep that night with bis mind con
fused hy doubts. Mix talk with Had
dsn had left him quite undecided as
to the value of old Krans's warning.
Klther l'ranr. as mistaken or Hnddnn
was a most skillful dissembler. It
Struck lillli as utterly beyond the pale
of reason that the entire castle guard
h.iuM have I ecu enlisted In the scheme
to ihvelve hlin When Bleep nine be
was contenting himself with the
thought morning doubtless would
jMvo him clearer Insight to the sltun
i.'ui no ami neveriy riillioini were
Ignorant of the true conditio') that nt
tached lheins,.ve to the new recruit
Huron Iniuuloss alone knew that Had
dan was a trusted agent of the secret
service, with instructions to shadow
the newcomer day and night That
tbere a n istery Hiiri-nuudlng the
elmracter of ltahlos. the goat hunter,
J'anch'ss did not luestion fur an In
stunt, ami In spite of the Instructions
rs-vlvcd at the outset he was Using
nil h;n Kk'll 1,, unravel It.
llnldoH w ;n uot summoned to the cas
tie till iio.ui II, s serene Ind'fference to
the outcome of the whs calculat
ed to deceive tin. friendly but watchful
Haddan 1 ircss,-d carefully In the
riose lining un.forni ,.f the rv d guard,
taller l!.-.u in ",t of l.'s r. .! ., hau l
somor by far th in an.v he w as ihe lie! ' ' ;e , ' , , 1 , , I" ' . e
barracks II.,1,! . , . , d 1 : .. in
v a y be rt.i t ;",! ',:. , .
rl'..'. s ;. .- w .1 I , ;, 1 ;:,
tt'lltl.cNs lil' I w '! d . 1 - , 1 'V .h-
lirtiV v... 1 ; ;'.,. - .. ; , .....
r.'oi.i , : : iv -.
Ii. ,is s. ; :,..( . t.ol i i -en, v '!,..
hat week. )
servants and ladles In waiting disap
peared at a signal from ber. She arose
to greet him, and ho knelt to kiss her
band. For a moment ber tongue was
bound. The keen eyes of the new
guard bad looked Into bers with a di
rectness that seemed to penetrate ber
brain. That this scene was to be one
of the most Interesting In the little
comedy was proved by the fact that
two eager young women were bidden
behind a heavy curtain In a corner of
the room. The Princess Yetlvo and
the Countess Dagmar were there to en
Joy Beverly's first hour of authority,
and she was aware of their presence.
"Have they told you that you are to
act as my especial guard and escort?"
she asked, with a queer flutter In her
voice. Somehow this tall fellow with
the broad shoulders was not the same
as the ragged goat hunter she had
known at first.
"No, your highness," he said easily.
"I have come for Instructions. It
pleases me to know that I am to bave
a place of honor and trust such as
"General Marlanx has told me that
a vacancy exists, and I bave selected
you to fill It. The compensation will
be attended to by the proper persons,
and your duties will be explained to
you by one of the officers. This after
noon, I believe, you are to accompany
me on my visit to the fortress, which I
am to Inspect"
"Very well, your highness," be re
spectfully said. He was thinking of
Miss Calhoun, an American girl, al
though he called her "your highness."
"May I be permitted to ask for In
structions that can come oniy rrom
your highness?"
"Certainly," ahe replied. His man
ner was more deferential than ahe bad
ever known It to be, but he threw a
bomb Into ber flue composure with bis
next remark. He addressed her In the
Oraustnrk language:
"la It your desire that I shall contin
ue to address you In English?"
Beverly's face turned a bit red, and
her eyes wavered. Ky a wonderful ef
fort ahe retained her self control, stam
mering ever so faintly when she said
In English:
"I wish you would speak English,"
unwittingly giving anawer to hla ques
tion. "I shall Insist upon that Your
English Is too good to be spoiled."
Then he made a bohl test, bis first
having failed. He spoke once more In
the native tongue, this time softly and
"As you wish, your highness, but I
think it Is a most ridiculous practice,"
lie said, and his heart lost none of Its
courage. Beverly looked at him almost
pathetically. She knew thnt behind
the curtain two young women were en
joying Iter discomfiture. Something
told her that they wore stifling their
mirth with dainty lace bordered hand
kerchiefs. "That will do, sir," sho managed to
say tlrinly. "It's, very, nice pf jrpw but
after .tlls poy youf.homaxe I JCnKWsbil'J
ne wenj on inning; a.. WW! ru mica on
.loN f.kiriMv': Ifinust have been com
flfiAentry sl 'rr-HHoned. As for Bal
dttl,)tltf ffiireM Ugn of a smile touched
l.lsllpw, htidllHi lyes were twinkling ns
1 1 VI tliNit-'lus bead' quickly. Kratix was
right; she did not know a word of the
Crnustark language.
"1 have entered the
mouths, your highness.
' ir tec Amy
opjn rt hi re."
honored me. and I
Will as my arm tv
lish "You haw
glo niv heart n
J our cause."
Beverly, br,;,thlii
easier, was prop
is promise of feal
w '-h i ride upon
l art pr.Meco.
! ! vv ed that hor-
crh Impress,,
tv she v as
tbe lu ;rv of
I bv
lo ',
er s
"11. 1
vw iih
'." he
service for six
he said In Kng
: i v v.
i 1
1 " our n.;iin ., J v hnw tpiet
'in. ivieo r
"It shames the rags In which you
found me." n
"I shall never forget them, Baldos,
she said, with a strange earnestness In
ber voice.
"May I presume to Inquire after the
hculth of your good Aunt Fanny and,
although I did not see him, your Uncle
Snmr be asked, with a face as straight
aud sincere as that of a Judge. Ber-
:ly swallowed suddenly and checked
I laugh with some difficulty.
"Aunt Fanny Is never 111. Some day
I shall tell you more of Uncle Sam. It
will Interest you."
"Another question, If It please your
highness. Do yeu expect to return to
America soon?"
This was the unexpected, but ahe met
It with admirable composure.
"It deiMMids upon the time when
Prince Pantan resumes the throne In
Uawsbergeu," she said.
"And that day may never come,
said be. such mocking regret In his
voice that she looked upon bim with
newer Interest
"Why, I really believe you want to
no to America!" she cried.
The eyes of Baldos had been furtive
ly drawn to the curtain more than once
during the last few minutes. An oc
casional movement of the long oriental
hnntrlncra Attracted bis attention. It
dawned unon him that the little play
was being overheard, whether by spies
or conspirators be knew not Resent
ment sprang up In bis breast and gave
birth to a daring that was as spectac
ular as It was confounding. With
long, nolselesB strides he reached the
door before Beverly could Interpose
aha hutr started from her chair, ber
even wide with dismay, her Hps parted,
but his hund was already clutching the
curtain. He drew It uslde reienuessiy.
Two startled women stood exposed
to view, smiles dylug on their amazed
faces. Their backs were against the
closed door, and two hands clutching
handkerchiefs dropped from a most
significant altitude. One of them flash
ed an Imperious glance at the bold dis
coverer, aud he knew he was looking
upon the real princess of uraustark.
He did not lose his composure, wiui
out a tremor he turned to the American
"Your highness," he said clearly, cool-
lv. "I fear we have spies and eaves
droppers here. Is your court made up
of I should say, they are doubtless a
pair of curious ladles In waiting. Sball
I bcln my service, your nignness, Dy
escorting them to yonder floor T
EVERLY gusped. The countess
stared blankly at the new
guard. Yetlve .flushed deeply,
bit ber Up In hopeless chagrin
and dropped her eyes. ' A pretty turn,
Indeed, the play had taken 1 Not a word
was uttered for a full half minute; nor
did the guilty witnesses venture forth
from their retreat. Baldos stood tall
and Impassive, holding the curtain
aside. At last the shadow of smile
crept Into the face of the princess, but
her tones were full of deep humility
when she spoke.
"We crave permission to retire, your
highness," she said, and there was vir
tuous appeal In he eyes. "I pray for
giveness for this ludtscretiou ok! Im
plore you to be lenient with two'inls
erable creatures who love you so well
that they forget their dignity."
"I nm amazed and shocked," wits all
Unit Beverly could say., "You inny go,
but return to me' .within an hour. . I
will then hear what you have to say,'.'
.Slowly," veb humbly ruler of
liuDbr."!? ruler of.
urausiars. amr ner cousin p iw, oe
liea:'!!!' rrr.ral.iAl' arm "of tire'
guard.-"!!?' opened a door bu tbtfopfld1'
Mite able of the room, aud they went
out, to nil appearance thoroughly crest
fallen. The steady features of the
guard did not relax for the fructlviu of
u second, but bis heart was thumping
"I'onie here, ll.ildos," commanded
Beverly, a bit pule, but recovering her
wits vydli admirable promptness. "This
Is u ' '.Iter which 1 shall dispose of
privately. It Is to g) uo further, you
are to uuiletstand."
"Yes, your highness."
"Vou n. ay gi uow. Colonel Qumnox
will exphilu everything," she said hur
riedly. She w as eager to be rid of him.
As he turned away she observed a
faint but pcvculiur smile at the corner
of his mouth.
"Cotne here, sir!" she exclaimed hot
ly, lie puusiM, ills tace us sonihor us
nn owl's. "What do you mean by
laughing like tha::" she-demanded, ne
caught the tierce note in her voice, but
gave it the proper Interpretation.
"Laughing, your highness?" he said
In deep surprise. "Vou must be nils
taken. 1 am sure that I could not have
laughed In (ho presence of a princess."
"It must have been a-a shadow,
then," she retracted, somewhat stnr-
liM try ills rejoinder. "erv well, then.
Vou are dismissed."
As bo wi s about to open the door
through which he had entered the room
It swung wide and Count M.irlanx
strode in. ltahlos paus,Hl irres .l.uely
and then proceeded on his way wirti
out pay lug the sligbti-st attention t the
commander or the army. M.irlanx
came lo an amaovl stop, aud bis face
Hush, si lib resentment.
"Halt, sir!" he exclaimed harshly.
"Don't you know enough to salute tn'e
tvet ll'l.-,
WHV.T. ..
Willi )'.v
a.. : v
r 1. v., .
' . i. -
turned Instantly, his figure
: - ..'aO a Cash. Ii s ,.yes
of the Iron Count and .li 1 'uot
i'u. 'iigh his face went white
I. sir;
he ii'
i. v'.l In
"ii 1 be
1. v. it!)
half hisi-v
deadly levelness.
Oh. then I see no raiwu
should not salute you, air," said Bamos,
with one of his rare smiles. He salut
ed bis superor officer a shade too elab
orately and turned away.
eyes glistened.
Ston Have I saia you wu.u ,
sir? I have a bit of advice to"
My command to go comes irvm
your superior, sir," said Baldos, wuu
Irritating blandness.
Be patient generaJ." criea oevenj,
In deep distress, "tie aoes uui
snv better. I will stand sponsor for
bim." And Baldos went away wuu
iiwht sterv his blood singing, his aewi
may-care heart satisfied. The look In
her eyes was very sustaining. As he
left the castle he said aloud to bim
self with an easy disregard of the con-
"Well. It seems that I am to be asso
elated with the devil as well as with
sna-els. Heavens! June Is a glorious
"Now, you promised you'd be nice to
him. General Marlanx," cried Beverly
vtha inutnnt rtaldos was out of the
room. "He's new at this sort of thing
vou know, and, besides, you didn't ad
dress him very politely for an utter
"The Insolent dog!" gnarled Marianx,
his self control returning slowly. "He
shall be taught well and thoroughly,
never fear. Miss Calhoun. There la
way to train such recruits as be, and
thev never forget what they bave
"Ob, please don't be harsh with
him." she nleaded. The smile of the
iron Count was uot at all reassuring.
"I knew be will be sorry for what he
has done, and you"
"1 am quite sure he will be sorry,'
said be, with a most agreeable bow In
submission to her appeal.
"Do you want to see Mr. Lorry?" she
asked quickly. "I will send for him,
general." She was at the door, Impa
tieut to be with the banished culprits.
"My business with Mr. Lorry can
wait" be began, with a smile meant to
be Inviting, but which did not Imprest
ber at all pleasantly.
"Well, anyway, I'll tell bim you re
here," she said, ber band on the dooi
knob. "Will you wait here? Goodby,
And then she was racing off through
the long balls and up broad staircase
toward the boudoir of the princess.
There Is no telling hew long the ruffled
count remained In the anteroom, foi
the excited Beverly forgot to tell Lor
ry that be was there.
There were half a doaen people In
the room when Beverly entered eager
ly. She was panting with excitement
Of all the rooms In the grim old castle
the boudoir of the . princess waa the
most famously attractive. It was real
ly ber borne, the exquisite abiding place
of an exquisite creature. To lounge on
ber divans, to loll In the chairs, to
glide through her priceless rugs, wn
the acme of Indolent pleasure. Few
were they who enjoyed the privileges
of "little heaven," as Harry Anguish
bad christened It on one memorable
night long liefore the princess was
Mrs. Grenfall Lorry.
"Now, how do you feel?" cried the
flushed American girl, pausing In the
door to iiolut au Impressive flngor at
the princess, who was lying back In
buge chair, the picture of distress and
"I shall never lie able to look thai
man In the face again,'! came dolefully
from Yetlve's, humbled .lpa.Vl-, Paginal
was .all sinllps iand,ul teufitfetol .v..:-v...... .i.vsif
nu,rV S-boVfe , thml.V ettNtf
iM foverthe" AViilshmeilt bemuse
WlliiUi.,1f, J M. i.'Pli j;mi ijyi M
"""Wasn't it rldlciilous, and wasn't 11
Just too lovely?" she cried.
"It wns extremely theatrical," agreed
Beverly, seating herself on the arm of
ietlves chair and throwing a warm
arm around her neck. "Huve you all
heard aliont It?" she demanded naive
ly, tuniiu': to the others, who unques
tlonably had had a Jumbled account of
the performance.
"You Kot Just what you deserved.
said Lorry, who was Immensely
"I wonder what your august vaga
bond thinks ef his princess and hei
ladies In biding?" mused Harry An
guish. The Count and Countess Hal
font were Mulllro; lu spite of the as
sault upon the dignity of the court.
"I'd give anything to know what he
really thinks," said the real princess.
"Oh, Beverly, wasn't It awful? And
how he marched us out of that room!"
"I thought It was. great," said Bev
erly, her eyes glowing. "Wasn't It
splendid? And isn't he good look
ing?" "He Is giMxl looking, I Imagine. But
I am no Judge, dear. It was utterly
Impossible for me to look at his face,"
lamented the princess.
"What are you going to do with us?"
asked Dugmar penitently.
"You are to spend the remainder of
your life In a dungeon, w!' Baldos as
guard." decided Miss Calhoun.
"Beverly, dear, that man Is uo ordi
nary person," said the princess quite
"Of course lie Isn't. He's a tall, dark
"I observed him as lie crossed the ter
raee this morning," said Lorry. "He's
a striking sort of chap, and I'll bet my
head he's not what lie claims to be."
"He claims to be n fugitive, you must
remember." t'A Beverly in his de
fense. "I mean that he is no common male
factor, or whatever it may be. Who
and what do you suppose he Is? I con
f'vs that I'm interested iu the fellow,
nnd he Wks as though one might like
l.ini without half trying. Why baveu't
you dug up his past history, Beverly ?
you are so keen about him
"He positively recuses io
explained Beverly . "I tr ea you
but be-be-weu. ne - .
"Well, after all is sniu auu
aught us peeping today . and I am
filled with shame." sum iuc -
'It doesn't matter who be Is, he must
certainly have a most unflattering opin
ion as to what we ore.
And he is sure to Know u ..
. . .. ,1.. winner .mintess. mo
or later, saiu iuc jv,Uu,
...nntnrllv serious.
Oh if it ever comes to war i uan
I e in n splendid position v -n
t,im .' said Beverly. "Don't you
ee I'll have to do a lot or expiaium
"' . i it..
.n.. nnnffinss!" announceu mo
,nrH nf tha unDer hnll. throwing open
the door for the doughty little chief of
I'olIce' ... , A
"Your highness sent for me?' asked
he. advancing after tlw formal saluta
tion. The princess exlilimea genuine
I did. Baron Duiigloss. but you
must have come with the wings of an
oaglo. It Is really uot more than three
inhmtes slntie 1 gave the order to Colo-
Quinuox." The barou smiled mys
teriously, but volunteered no sotuuuu.
'.'he truth Is, he was entering the cas
tle doors as the messenger left them,
Hit he was much too fond of effect to
noil a good sltuatlou by explanations.
It was a long two miles to his office In
the Tower. "Something has Just hap
pened that Impels mo to ask a few
questions concerning Baldos, the new
Mav 1 first ask what hus happen
ed ?" Iiuneloss wns at a loss for the
moanlm.' of the general smile thut
went around.
"It Is quite personal nntl of no con
sequence, wuat uo you Know oi uiuii
. . . a ... q
My curiosity Is urouscd. Pow, be
nnlet Beverly. You are as eager to
know as the rest of us."
"Well, your highness, I may as well
confess that the man Is a puzzle to me.
"What are you going to do with uf "
He comes here a vagabond, but he cer
talnly does not act like one. He admits
that be Is being bunted, but takes no
one Into bis confidence. For that be
cannot be blamed."
"Have you any reason to suspect
who be Is?" asked Lorry.
"My Instructions were to refrain
from questioning him," complained
Dangloss, -with pathetic look at the
Iglnal plotter, Uft
1nvesUgatfopav,a otheue.(,nni
; (iTAoa, wno ib . ner , , crjea eyny
' "I don't know was the disappoint
Ins answer. "We are confronted by a
queer set of circumstances. Iioubtless
you nil know that young Prince Pan
tun Is flying from the wrath of his half
brother, our lamented friend tlnlirlel.
lie i supposed to he In our hills with
:l half starved body of followers
i-'ivius Impossible that he could have
remind our northern boundaries with
rit our outpost catching n glimpse of
'villi at so'.i.e time. The trouble Is that
ids f.icc Is unknown to most of us,
..Ui ng the others. I have Ira going
nn the presumption that Baldos Is
r.Mlity I'l'liice luntan, but last night
l lie belief received a severe shock.'
"Yes?" came from several eager Hps
"My men who are watching the
iwwsbcrwn frontier came In last
i ght ami reported that Iiautun bad
been seen by mountaineers no later
than Sunday, three days ago. These
mount.;. uecrv- were In sympathy with
him and refused to tell whither he
went. We o:i!y know that he was iu
the southern part of (J must ark three
day ng.. Our new guard speaks many
I:ng-ingtM, but he has never been heard
t ) use that of Iiawsbergen. That fact
lu itself Is Uvit surprising, for, of all
things, he would avoid his mothe
tougue. Daman Is part Kngllsh by
birth and wholly so by cultivation. Iu
that he evidently finds a mate In this
then tie realty Isn't iT.uce Pan-
tan?" cried Beverly, as though a cher
ished Ideal had been shuttered.
ot if we are to believe the tales
from the south. Here Is another com-
I'ncuuou, uowever. mere is, as you
know. Count Ilalfout, and perhapH all
of you, for that matter, a pretender to
the throne of Axphaln, the fugitive
Trlnce Frederic. He Is described as
young, g.vid looking, a scholar and the
next thing to a pauper."
uaiuos a niere preteuderl" cried
Beverly lu distress. "Never!'
"At any rate, be Is not what be pre
tends to be," said the baron, with a
wise smile.
"Then you think be may be Prince
Practice limited to i
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Office Hours 8 to 12; 1 tot
Office oyer First National Bat
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Prices right.
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Get your tonsorial work dot
On Sixth Street Three ch
Bath Room In connection
Furniture and Piano
Palace Barber Shcr
Shaving, Hair Cutti'
Baths, Etc. .
asked Lorry, deeply Inter-1 ETelJthlDC ne nd clean
' ' work First-Clasa.