Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 28, 1906, Image 5

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- nun UTOOer,
South Sea Blend at 20c is
better than most so called
Java and Mocha at 40c to 50c
Rejiember we have En
glish Breakfast Tea at 25c,
not our best of course, but
its good.
Happy New Year, we are.
White House
Deo. 81, Monday Forester'! Mask
Ball at the opera bouse.
Deo. 28, Friday Meeting of taxpayers
of School distict No. 7, at tbe high
school building for the purpose of
levying a special tax. f,
Jan. 2, Wednesday Grants Pass pnblio
schools open after Christmas holi
days. Phone 951, Club Livery Stable for
oab to take yon to the train or else
Where. -25o fare. . 12-28 4t
To Catr a, Cold Id One Day
Ine Tablets. Druggists refund money
If it fails to care. E. W. GROVE'S
signature is on each box. 35c.
Long Tennessee Fight.
A For 20 rears W. L. Bawls, of Bells.
Tatin . rnnoht nam oatann. am
writes: "The swelling and soreness
inside my nose was fearful till I
began applying Bnoklen's Arnica
Salve to tbe sore surface; this oasned
tbe soreness and swelling to disap
pear never to return." Best salve In
existenoe. S6o at all druggists.
; Items of Personal
Mm. Rom Gravlia went to San
a J. Hodgdon of Holland was one of
the San Francisco excursionists.
A. B. Cornell went, to Douglas
county Friday on a snort business
County clerk Fred Cheshire is in
San Francicso this week on a pleasure
Mrs. N. De La. matter arrived lsat
week to spend tbe holidays with ber
daughter, Mrs. McKinstry.
Mr. aod Mrs. A. h. Voorhies and
Earle spent Christmas with Mr.
Voorhies' parents at Portland.
Wm. Rigga returned Saturday from
Marial, Ore., where he has been
working in the Paradise Bar mine.
Mrs. D. E. Neatbamer and son,
James of Wimer, were in Grants Pass
last week 1 making Christmas pur
chases. Eugene Ooboru arrived here Satur
day from Portland, where be is at
tending Business Collge, to spend the
holidays at home.
Datleff Eismann arrived Saturday
from Corvallis, where be is attending
the O. A. C, to spend the holidays
with borne folks. . '
Reuben Steelquist arrived Satur
day with the U. of O. Glee Club and
is spending the holidays with old
friends in this city.
Mrs. D. A. Grimes and her two
children arrived Sunday from Sissons
on a visit to her aunt, Mrs. A. G.
Lincoln of this oity.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Moon returned
to Portland Wednesday evening, after
spending the holidays with relatives
ana friends in tbis city.
Miss Mattie McKimeos has been
spending a part of ber vacation with
friends in Grants Pass. Miss Mo
Eiment is teaching tbe Leland school,
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Goodnow will
return to their home Saturday, after
spending Christmas with Mrs. Good
now's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. W.
. G. W. Guthrie, who is interested
in mining in the Kerry district, left
for Nevada Wednesday to attend the
funeral of sister, who died in a
hospital at Salt Lake.
' Mrs. Nora Lee and little daughter,
Thelma, left Friday morning for
Berkeley, Cal., after spending several
months visiting at the borne of Mrs.
Battle Lee of this city. They were
accompanied as far as Ashland by
Mrs. Hattie Lee, who will visit with
relatives at tbat place for a few days.
A. U. Bannard
At the Big Store, North Side
Is receiving a 50-foot car of
New Furniture, every piece
of which will bo suitable for
Holiday trade and as good
for every day in the year.
Come early and make your
Morris Chairs
Ladies' Desks
Music Cases
Water Sets
Pictures at Yur Own Price
HugS, aU size9 an qualities
Water Sets
and a thousand other things,
including a
White Sewing Machine
All at prices that defy com
petition. You will lose money if
you do not examine this of
fer and stock.
A. U. Bannard
Sixth and D Streets
uunntm111'1'11'1'1"" .
Francisco on the excursion this week. '
Mrs. F. D. Smith aod daughter,
Mits Oro Willson, left Thursday '
morning for Portland and other north
ern points for a month's visit with
friends and relatives. '
Walter Dyke arrived this week from
Dallas to visit bis sisters, Mrs. Mort
Luckett aud Mrs. L. D. Crane who
came up from San Franoisco to spend
Christmas. ' Mrs. W. E. Mallory was
to hare been here from Portland but
was unable to come owing to the ill
ness of her daughter.
A. M. Keating, formerly ot tbis
oity but lately of Alaska, is in Grants
Pass tbis week. Mr. Keating left
here for Alaska in 1901 with W. B.
Hampton with whom he has been as
sociated in civil engineering and sur
veying. He is now a civil engineer
on railroad work for new roads wbioh
are building in the northern territory.
C. R. Cousino. fonnely a business
man of tbis city, having been a
jeweler here in the younger days of
tbe town, spent a few days in Grants
Pass tbis week on business con
nected with his mining interests in
this county. For some years past
Mr. Cousino has been located in
Crescent City where he is engaged in
business as jeweler.
D. J. Law ton returned borne last
week from Portland where he has
been confined in a hospital for some
weeks first with appendicitis, having
been attacked by the disease while
en route from Grants Pass to Washing
ton and be was obliged to go to a hos
pital for an operation. Later he had
a siege of pneumonia from which he
is now fully recovered.
M. D. L. Crooks came in from Dry
den Thursday to meet hi daughter,
Miss Nettie, whose term of school at
Eagle Point ha just closed. She was
to arrive tbat evening but was de
layed until late Friday on account of
tbe freight wreck at Tola. After
spending a week or more with ber
parents she will probably enter a nor
mal school.
Christmas was celebrated at tbe
Mowers' home this Jy ear by a family
reunion, tbe first In many years tbat
time the children have all been at
borne. There were present besides
the members of the famil who live
at home, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Waddell,
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Mowers, Mr. and
Mrs. O. D. Mowers and son, and Mr.
and Mrs. J. D. Goodnow of Roseburg.
The reunion was very enjoyable
W. T. Bennett came over from
Klamath Falls Wednesday to spend a
few days. Mr. Bennett has spent the
past year in and near that oity and
says although the past season hat
seen big growth in the town tbe next
season will have a much bigger
growth. There are contracts already
let for hundreds of dwelling houses.
Many of tbe stores would do credit to
a metropolitan city.
A Brief Record of
Local Events.
Amount of the Taxable Property
in Various District In
the County.
The followiug is ttie valnatiou, as
(riven out by Couutv Assessor Failin,
of the taxable property in the school
districts of Josehine ooun'y and in
the city of Grants Pass as shown by
the assessment roll fur 1!HX) :
No. 1 B,625
No. 3 7,8X0
No. 8 170,786
No. 4 139,840
No. 6 65 U55
No. 6 W,8flfi
No. 7 1,I7,405
No. 8 49.85S
No. 9 28,(128
No. 10 85,040
No. 11 124.15
No. 12 2:i,77S
No. 18 43.5S0
No. 14 60.765
No. 15 60,890
No. 18 09.095
No. 17 67.005
No. 18 48,2.-)0
No. 19 75,615
No. 20 60.IW6
No 21 61,615
No. 22 128, 8X5
No. 23 74,480
No. 24 180.9:J5
No. 25 89,885
No. 48 Galice '
No. 49 Granite Hi
Forester's Mask Ball, December 81.
J. A. Cobb, of Roseburg baa pur
chased the At water A Carl stock of
goods and will continue the dosing
oat sales.
Grants Pass is becoming more metro
politan aud now has a cab which
meets all trains for the convenience
of passengers and others wishing to
be driven to any part of tbe city.
The Woodmen of the World and
Alalia Circle will hold a joint in
stallation on Friday, January 11,
1907. All members are cordially in
vited to attend.
. W. L. Irelaud has just received a
oopy of the report of the Special
committee appointed J by the San
Franoisoo Chamber of Commerce to
investigate tbe insurance settlements
incident to the disaster. It contains
many facts of interest to thbose who
patronise insurance companies.
Wm. Wagner, a tourist with no
visible means of support, was arrested
last Friday for breaking into tbe
warehouse of the Merlin Mercantile
Company at Merlin aod stealing
several articles of canned goods.
Wagner bad a bearing before Justice
Holman and was bound over in the
sum of 1200.
' A freight wreck at Gold Ray de
layed tbe northbound passenger, No.
16, due to arrive here Thursday
night, about 18 hours, the train stop
ping at Ashland until 7 o'clock Fri
day morning and arriving here about
noon, closely followed by trains No.
IS about seven hours late, and train
No. 14, nearly on time. Tne trouble
was caused by the engine on the local
freight striking a split rail and over
turning, pulling two freight cars off
the track. A wrecking crew was
aent down from Roseburg and cleared
tbe track sufficiently for tbe resump
tion of trafflo Friday forenoon.
Blue Lodg svnd Chapter Held
Joint Installation svnd
Banquet Wednesday.
No. 20-t 81,875
No. 27 85,495
No. 28 48,880
No. 29 150,770
No. 80 102,270
No. 81 KW.040
No. 83 48,400
No. 83 26,815
NO. 84 173,938
No. 85 44,595
No. 87 11.810
No. 88 8H,70:
No. Sit 107,435!
No. 40 17,085
No. 41 97,415
No. 42 14,810
No. 43 88.8N0
No. 44- 45,900
No. 45 48,146
No. 4fl 20,815
No. 47 13.895
No. 48 85,640
tNo. 49 70,i30
City 1,374,985
Christmas was celebrated in Grants
Pass by the Sunday Schools of tbe
city by nnioo Christmas exercises j
held at the tabernacle on Tuesday j
evening. Notwithstanding the even- j
ing was stormy the tabernacle was
full and tbe exercises very enjoyable. I
Preparations were made for' 1000
children and boxes of candy to tbat
number were ' prepared. Tbe greater ,
number of these were presented to '
children in attendance, the boxes re-.
maining will be divided anions tbe
churches to be distributed among '
their children. i
All branches of the Masonic frater
nity represented in Grants Pass have
beld their annnal election of officers
and tbe Knights Templar and Eastern
Star held their Installation ceremonies,
the former on December 14 and the
latter Deoember 1. which event
was tbe occasion of a fine banquet
and a general good time.
Grants Pass Lodge No. 84 A. F. &
A. M. and Reames Chapter No. 98,
R..A. M. held a joint installation at
the Masonic temple Wednesday even
iog, Deoember 90, followed by a ban
quet The officers elected in the various
branches are as follows :
A. F. & A. M.
W M-R. W. Clarke.
S W J. H. Hathaway.
J W-Fred'k Strieker.
Sec'y Jas. Holman.
Treas-B. W. Riggs.
S D Jas. Trimble.
J D-R. S. Wilson.
S S-E. A. Wade.
J S-il. L. Gilkey.
H P Herbert Smith.
King-Geo. R. Riddle.
Scribe B. W. Riggs.
Sec'y J. E. Peterson.
Treas L. L. Jewell.
O. H.-O. E. Maybee.
P S-J. S. Trimble.
R A C Dr. J. O. Smith.
M 3d V Alfred Letcher.
M 2d V-Fred'k Strieker.
E C L. L. JewelL
Geo II C. Kinney.
C G-R. L. Cee.
Prel-Geo. Riddle. '
S W-G. W. Dounell.
J W-G E. Maybee.
Treat-P. H..Harth.
lie c Geo. S. Calhoun.
St B A. C. Hough.
S B H. A.Rotermund.
War H. L. Bartlett.
Sent J. C. Campbell.
W M Mrs. H. C. Bobzien.
W P-B. W. Kings.
Ant Mrs. C H. Sampson.
Cond Mrs. Geo. Riddle.
Asst. Cond Mrs J. P. Martin.
Sec'y-Mis. H. Zollrr.
Treas Mrs. Jas. Holman.
Ada Mrs. Dam a McKinstry.
Ruth Mrs. J. H. Hathaway.
Esther Mrs. G.W. Dimnell.
Martha Mrs. L. L. Jewell.
Electa Mrs. A. J. Pike.
Warder Mrs. W. II . Pattilo.
Sentinel A. J. Pike.
Pianist Mrs. R. S. -Wilson.
Dr. Flanagan,
Physician and Dentist
Goto Corun lor Plumbing.
M. Clemens. Prescription Druggist.
Sheet Musio sale at the Muslo Store.
Picture framing and framed clotures
at L. B. ball's.
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Coron't.
Xmaa Bells at Clemens. 19-14 9t
For a o'ean bed and a rood meal
try the Western .Hotel.
Hundreds of varieties of Post Cards
at the Musio Store.
Maps of Oregon Wash in ton and
California at the Muslo Store.
Some pretty things in Damask
Lunch Cloth at Mrs. K. Rehkopf.
Victor Talklnv Mmhluaa mA
ords at the Musio store.
Report cards for school use are ou
sale at the Muslo Store.
Sheet Musio at So, 10c and 15o at
the Muslo Store next week.
Satin Post Cards the latest fad.
will soon be In stock at the Photo
and Muslo Store.
It TjaVS to adf BrtlaM nmfnt a.tlV,
Nine times out of 10 there'll be a
ouyer Deiore tne ink is dry. Try it.
Have T. E. MoKoin'a cab meet vonr
friends at the train 95 oents to any
part of the oity. Meets all day
trains, ruone 951. 13-28 4t
Drs. Barkan & Sewall. specialists
for Eye, Eat and Throat are now lo.
cated at 1700 California St, oorner
Van Ness Ave , Ban Francisco.
J 11-80 4t
Universal Bread Makers and Cake
Makers at Cramer Bros.
New Notes From the Business
Man to R.evdra.
A Fsvmlly Reunion.
A Christmas reunion, exceptionally
pleasant to those concerned, took place
this week at the residence of Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Kerley in this city, their
whole family being present for the
first time in 18 years. Tbe week has
passed very happily to Mr. and Mrs.
Kerley and to all tbe visitors. An
enjoyable feature of the reunion was
a dinner given In honor of the visitors
at the Hotel Latyon by Frank John
son, at which 15 were present.
Those nartolpatlng in the reunion
were Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Kerley and
their two little daughters ; Wm.
Banghn of Saoramento, OaL ; Carl
Baughn of Grants Pass; Mrs. W. M.
Johnson of Portland; Mrs. B. L
Roadman of Yuba City, CaL ; Mr. and
Mrs. W. F. Jones of Taooma, Wash. ;
and Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Robluson of
Lebanon. The visitors leave Grants
Pass for their several homos on Satur
day, with tbe exception of Mrs.
Roadman, who will remain another
MEADE At Grants Pass, Friday,
Deoember 28, 1906, to Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Meade a son.
dence of J. R. Williamson, Decem
ber 24. 1906, Hallie. E. Smith of
Portland, and Miss Dora D. Will-
" i hid son of Grants Fan., Stepheu
; Jewell officiating.
GIER Near Grants Pass, Oregon, on
Monday, December 24. 1906, Mrs.
Virginia Gier, aged 42 years aod 7
McGREW At Grants Pass, Monday,
December 24, 1906, J. D. McGrew,
aged 87 years.
SMITH At Grants Pass, Thursday,
Deorinber 20, 1906, Frank B. Smith,
aged 71 years.
A sou, F. C. Smith, came from West
Pullman, III., aud accompanied tbe
remains to Portland for cremation.
Courier sample copy sent fret to, ptlom Incubjtorstandroo
any address. I Cramer Bros. JIT. .TS
For cha ped hands and
rough skin is based upon
our own experience ofyears
in the drug business, and
each ingredient used is tbe
very best. A few applica
tions of tbis lotion will pr
omptly reliev the soreness,
heal the chaps, and stop
the burning and stinging
caused by sharp, cold winds
jVIodel Drag Store
We shall carry the following lines
, of best grade goods
Garland Stoves and Ranges
Stransky Steel Ware "
Lisks Anti-Rusting Tinware
Patrons Sun Proof Paint
Clauss Scissors anfrfazors
Zenita Tools
1847 Rogers Silverware
Petaluma Incubators ;
Etc. Etc, -
We wish all of our
Friends and Customers
A Happy New Year
Cramer Bros.
Odd Fellows Block Z
Iron Banks Express Wagons
Newman M. E. Church.
The nsnal serrloea at the nsual
hours. Preaching by tbe pastor In
the morning at 11 and In tbe eTeoing
at 7:30. Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Junior League at 8 p m. Kpworth
League at 0 :80. A oordial welcome to
strangers and friends.
Presbyterian Church.
Bert ioes will be beld la tbe regular
order In this oborob next Sunday.
At 11 a. m Efan P. Hogfaes, the
Pastor, will speak on ,"The New Tear
-1907." 7:80 p. m. tbe theme will
be "Dangerous Dallying 1th Temp
tation. ',' 10 a. m., Bible School ooder
the superintendent of H. O. Kinney j
8 p.m. Jr. O. B. 0:80 p. m., the
Devotional Hour of, the T. P. & O.
E. Inspiring musio, brief, beplfal,
timely sermons and a hearty warmth
of welcome awaits those who worship
at this ohnroh.
Baptist Church.
Morning worship ooours at 10 :80 a.
m. The pastor will preaob a New
Year sermon on tbe subject "A Right
Start." Tbe Bible School meets at
11:45 conducted by J. D. Paddock.
The Junior Union is at 8 p. m.
A special meeting for men Is oaUed
for the same hour. The Senior Union
will be led by Arthur Edgerton. It
will be a "Conquest Meeting." Tbe
final serTloe of the day wiU be at 7 :80
with sermon on the topio "The
Balanced Life.'1 You are cordially
Let Us Send You A
We send them free, postpaid, to
each depositor. The most novel
home bank ever originated. Put
in your spare dimes ; when lull,
mail to us ; we'll open and place
contents to your credit We pay
liberal interest, you'll enjoy
absolute security, and the little
home bank will help you save
with surprising ease and rapidity.
A single dollar will start your
account. Write alxjut it today.
. L. UURHAM . .
. H. r KAH
. . PrMiSent
. C CA1CHIHO . . Ami. SMitLuy
Capital, $150,000.00