Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 28, 1906, Image 4

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    4 ' ,
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Fine Shoes
Our Assortment
is Complete and Trices
arc Right
R. Lr.
Published Every Friday.
Subscription Rateei
One Year, In advance,
81 x Months,
Three Monlhi,
Single Copies,
Advartlelnsr Rates
, Furnished on application at the office, or
I k mail.
Obituaries and reflations of eon
I dolence wUI be charged for at 6c per line
card of thanks SOo.
A. E. VOOBHIES, Pbopr.
Entered at the post office at Grants Pass,
Oregon, as seoond-class mail mailer.
What Wa Most Need.
Men who cannot be boogbt
Men lfbo pot character above
Men who possesa opinions and a
Men who will not lose their indi
vldoalitv in a crowd.
Men who will not think anything
profitable that is dishonest. 1
Men who will be honest in small
things as well as great things.
Men whose Jjambltloas are not con
fined to their own selfish desires.
Men who are willing to saorlnoe
pTi? ate interests for the publio good.
Men who are not afraid to take
chances, who are not afraid of failure.
Men who will not have one brand
of honesty for business purposes and
another for private life.
Chain Letters.
For some time both temperance and
religions papers nave printed warn
ings against chain letters but still
many people do not seem to under
stand them. The Epworth Herald of
November 24, says in Note and Coin
ment: "Several correspondents have
asked as within a few days to advise
them. Tliey want to know what to
do with chain letters that have been
sent to them. What to do why only
one thing! Destroy them. One cor
respondent sends as a copy of the
cliaiu letter he had received. The
prayer it contains was sent out by an
Eastern biBliop, it is stated. The
person who receives it nud will not
write and semi out nine copies of
it, 'will he affected by souin mlsfor
tone. ' A penou who ignored the
request 'met with a terrible acci
dent.' The one who sends out nine
copies, 'sending ouly one each day,
will on or after the ninth day ex
perience some great joy. ' Then fol
lows this climax: 'At Jerusalem,
duriiiK the holy feast it was here said
that he who rewrites this prayer
would he delivered from every
calamity.' Yet, in spite of exhorta
tion, threat, and no supported asser
tion we say that the best place for
these endless chain affairs is the
watte basket. "
In long years past and gone one day,
A letter came along my way.
Asking that I'd three letters write.
Copies of that which they'd iudite,
And send to friends, requesting each
To write three more aud to beseech
Each one to sand a teu cent coin,
To friendless children in Pes Moiuea.
I did the best I coulil'to aid;
The letters wrote, themouoy paid;
And then a friend who knew about it
Said 'twas a fake, she didn't doubt it.
Aud stillchaiu letteroonje to me,
Hut they will never answered he;
If sent to me 'twill be iu'vaiu,
For gli'ily will I "break the chain."
Proprietor of ArtOallery hack of
Virt National 'Bank ,1tlie only lo
cated photographer in town. He owns
his house and a nice home on Iowa
Street. l'J-31 at
The latest in calling cards at the
Courier office..
Methods arc Vnder Investigation
Many of Our People
Are Interested.
About the middle of last Summer a
school of music was opened in this
city by a coterie of musicians who
claimed to be representatives of the
Metropolitan Mnsio Co., of St. Paul.
Tbey rented the Brower brick at
Sixth and O streets and began solicit
ing for pupils. As their terms were
apparently quite liberal and success
to the pupils was guaranteed their
efforts were fruitful and several score
of pupils Joined the school. Lessons
were given on the violin, mandolin
or guitar. According to the terms of
the agreement, a printed copy of
which was given to each pupil, $20
paid for an instrument and a coarse
of 90 or more lessons, the "more"
being indefinite. The coarse was to
be continued until the pupil should
be able to play from sheet mosio if
the 30 lssons - were insufficient to
prodooe this result
OThs amount of 130 was to be paid
in Installments; the first payment
was S3, in advance. ', This, was for
the last three lessons. Thereafter, 11
was to be paid each week, the pnpil
receiving a lesson a week. However,
the weekly payment mast be made
whether the lesson wan taken or
not Lessons missed could be made
up any time within a year by taking
two lessons a week. The contract
was left withoat signature.
When the last dollar of the tuition
was collected the pupils had lessons in
number rauglng from three to 10 paid
for and not yet taken. About this
time the sohool was closed. The
pupils were notified by letter, of
which the following is a sample:
Dear Pupil: Onr school in Grants
Pass, Ore. , will he closed for a few
weeks, we will notify von when we
rename teaching.
Hoping this will not inooovenleooe
you, we remain,
Dio. Freldman,
Soipioious of the good faith of the
"company," some of the pupils put
the matter into the hands of Sheriff
Russell for investiagtlon. Mr. Rus
sell sent a letter of Inquiry to St.
Paul which brought the following
reply :
St. Paul, Miun, Dec. 19, 11)00.
W. J. RuHsell, Esq.,
Sheriff, Grants Pans, Ore.,
Dear Sir:
Your letter addressed to the Metro
politan Music Co., St Paul, has beeu
delivered to us, as there 'is no such
concern in St. PauL We are glad to
reply to your inquiry for the reason
that this concern, who seem lo have
defrauded your people under the name
of the Metropolitan Mosio School,
have also been carrying on the same
kiud of business iu various towns
throughout the State of Minnesota.
They are entirely irresponsible, aud
have performed the same dishonest
'rick with pupils iu a number of
cates. They have also stoleu the name
of the Metropolitan Music Co. of
Minneapolis, aud on beioK culled to
account by an attorney, they dropped
the word "Company" and used the
word "School" iustead, so that they
have iu a number of caxes, been oper
ating under the name of the Metro
politan Music School.
These people had a branch at oue
time in St. Paul, aud when we were
going after them we learned that they
olnlmed to have a head office iu
Chicago, in the charge of a mau
u timed II. K. Frieduiau.
We hope this information may assist
you in finding these people, aud com
pelling tlieni to disgorge any money
tliey have carried off dishonestly.
,'Claus Shears at Cramer Bros.
Ground ev Sea of Nud and Water
Make Football Game a
Punting One.
ONE 245 foot fish net and boat. Call
at Blue front wagon shop Mb. ana j
street. M & "
heavy 8j-inch wagon, nearly new
one good, cow. Inquire of D. A.
Harmon. P. O. Box 87 call. 13-28 2t
A very interesting game of football
was played between the A. A. C.
and Ashland teams at Ashland on
Christmas day, in whioh neither side
made a score. The day was unusually
wet and disagreeable and the ground
oovered with water, but the rain- could
not dampen the ardor of the boys for
tbey went into the game with a dash
and spirit characteristic of the true
In the beginning Hopkins of Grants
Pass kicked off to Larson on the 10
yard line, and he carried the ball for
ward five yards when he was downed,
Ashland tried twice to advance the
ball and then panted out of danger.
Grants Pass advauoed by steady
orossbucks and end runs to the 10
yard line where tbey were held for
downs. Owing to the fact that the
field had no goal posts on the south
end of the field the boys were pre'
vented from trying for a field goal.
All during the first half the game was
played in Ashland's territory, but
Grants Pass was a liable to score a
In the seoond half Sayles kicked to
Schmidt. In this half the rain fell bo
fast and the field became so sticky
that it was impossible to use any fake
plays or passes and both sides de
pended on panting. The second half
wag played mostly in Grants Pass1
territory, but their goal was in dan
ger only once, when Sayles circled
the end to the 10 yard line where he
was downed by Schmidt Grants
Pass held Ashland for downs and
then punted ont of danger. The last
of the game was hotly contested but
neither side was able to score.
Hopkins was disabled in the last
scrimmage in the last half and Dean
was placed in full and Shade took left
half. :
Ashland will play a return game
with Grants Pass, New Years Day at
the A. A. O. grounds in this city.
Christmas) Reflections.
Glory to God In the highest, and on
earth peace, good wll toward men.
Lake 3:14.-
It matters bat little whether Jesus
was born on the 35th day of December
or on some other day. It is enough
to know that bis life work stands oat
before the world as a model of wis
dom and purity. The purpose of bis
adveot into the world is of far more
importance than the exact time of his
birth. Neither does the manner of his
birth add to or take from his great,
nets. He was great because he did
great things for humanity.
That the mission of Jesus is still
misunderstood by many of bis professed
followers is evidenced by the lack
of unity that is seen all about as.
Peace and good will are essential to
happiness, and necessarily involve
unity of purpose. We may differ in
opinion as to abstract propositions,
but in dealing with things tangible
there must be harmony in order to
enjoy that degree of satisfaction
whioh is certainly the common heri
tage of all. To be happy is the nor
mal condition of our race, and to be
unhappy is the abnormal condition.
Our Jack of peace aud good-will
throughout the world today is largely
due to our lack of knowledge ; and
oar lack of knowledge is largely due
to onr onwilliugness to cot lorse
from the traditions of an itnorant
aod superstitious priesthood. We are
slow to learn that the laws of nature
are the same in all ages aud among
all people, and that to work in har
mony with theso laws is the highest
duty of man. Aoything that man ling
done in the past can be done by mau
in the future. Winterer was possib'e
3000 years ago is possible now ; and
whatever is possible now was possible
at any time in the pest.
Jdhos made no effort to set aside
the established order of the nnivetce.
His sole aim whs to persuade mm to
recognize their obligations to obstrve
and respect this ordr. His ou waver
ing confidence in the altimate triumph
of divine humanity was umnif. s(
in all of his teaching, mil his con
stant claim to sonship was In keeping
with this idea that all men were the
sous of God that there was one com
mon father and oue common brother
hood ; aud that each individual was
the maker of hU own dcttiiuy capable
of rising to the statute of full man
hood or sinking to the brute levei.
Now is the time to buy an electric
motor and put In electrio power. The
recent advance iu the price of copper
wire has raised the price of motors
We still have a stock of motors on
hand, which we purchased at the old
prices. If you desire to purchase an
electrio motor do so at once, as we
iutend to reduce our, stock, and in
future motors will have to be ordered
from the factory.
FOUR ACRES of land fened and part
seeded to grain on norm linn street
for sale. No reasonable offer re
fused. Call or address E E Cargill.
Box 14. 13-28 tf
COW A good, yonng cow to be fresh
. . . i u nfr V
10 a lew aays. vau vv w
E. Cargill's place on North 10th
street. 13-21 tf
CHICKENS Parties desiring choice
chickens for Sunday dinner or
special occasions can secure same
from John Summers, North Sixth
Street H-23 tf
TYPEWRITER Visible writing ma
chine for $40 at the Mnsio Store.
All kinds of typewriter ribbons and
FOR SALE By E. Steele at 2d ware
house west odd storage plant
Sugar Pine Shakes, Plymouth Rock
Cockerels, Froit, Vegetables, all
kinds, fresh ocean fish, crabs,
' shrimps, clams, oysters by the pint,
quart and gallon, also in cans. Cash
paid for froit and produce. E.
Steele. 11-2 tf
ROOMS Three nio light and airy
rooms for' housekeeping, furnished,
for rent, price reasonahle; address
P. O. box 663. 12-28 tf
COTTAGE Furnished cottage with
bath and electrio lights, rent 115.
Inquire P. O. Box 826 12-21 tf
WANTED Grain Sacks, Tools and
other second-hand goods. Harrison
Bros., Second haud-store, corner
Sixth and J streets. 2- tf
C. L. ftOEL of Odessa wants loggers
and timber cutters to deliver 2,000.
000 feet of logs to mill by contract
before snow flies; short haul, level
roads, one 4-horse team, two tracks,
chains, etc. furnished. Also left
hand 8-gaog edger wanted. Write
or call at mill Odessa, Ore. 8 8 tf
LOCKET and chain found ; owner can
find same at Courier offioe. 12-28 tf
WANTED Salesmen. Many Make
$100 to $160 per month ; some even
more. Stock clean ; grows on Reser
- vation, far from old orchards. Cash
advanced weekly. Choice of terri
tory. Address Wsshintgon Nursery
Company, Toppenish, Washington.
9 28 tf
WANTED Gentleman or lady with
good reference to travel by tail or
wiin a rig i or a nrm or szou.uuu
capital. Salary $1072 per year and
expenses, salary paid weekly and ex
penses advanoed. Addreis. with
stamp. Jos. A. Alexander, Grants
Pass, Oregon. 12-28 It
Discount on Suits
' 20 to 50 per cent
Discount oo Overcoats
20 to 50 per cent
Discount on Trousers
20 to 50 per cent
Discount on all
P. H. Harfh Son, Ine
"A little better for a little less"
H street, cor. Eighth.
Pepin. 724,
12-21 8t
BOARD Table b ard first house west
of tennis court on D street. 12-7 tf
GOATS F. A. Pierce, Merlin, Ore-,
Breeder of Pore blood Angora Goats;
Flock beaded by South African
import ; correspondence solioited
in regard to goats. 11-26 tf
FASHIONABLE dressmaking and
tailoring, Mrs. T. C. Horr, 107 O
street. 9-14 tf
FRANK BURNKTT-Upholsterlng,
mission furniture made to order.
I wish to thank the many friends
who so kindly assisted me during
the sickness, death and burial of my
Royal Neighbor Officers.
Edith C. 8tipe Camp No. 2909,
Royal Neighbors of America, bare
held their annual elections and plaoed
the following officers in charge of
the Camp for the ensuing year:
Oracle Mrs. Carrie Watson.
V O-Mrs. I. R. Rader.
P O Mrs. A. J. Anderson.
Recorder Mrs. Henrietta Zoller.
Tras Mrs. O. O. Lund.
Marshal Miss Nina Watson.
Chaplain Mrs. Stephenson.
Sentinel Mrs. J. D. Houck.
Plaoer and quartz location notices,
mine deeds, leases, eta, at the
Courier office.
volume for 1907 will
I give for $1.75 an amount
of good reading equivalent to
twenty 400-page books history,
fiction, science, biography and
miscellany costing ordinarily
$1.50 each. Sample Copies of
The Youth's Companion and
Announcement for 1907 will be
sent to any address free.
Starting Jan. 1, 1907, all rough, dry and
flat work will be done at list prices. All
rough dry must be in the Laundry by Tues
day nuon of each week. We do this so we
can get your work back early enough to be
ironed before Saturday.
Shirt 10c
Every New Subscriber
who can oat ana tend this slip at
ones with unt and address and
i.7S will receire
All the issues of The Companion tor the
remaining weeks of loot. Thanksgir
ing, Christmas and Hew Year'! Double
Humbert. The Companion'! Four-Leaf
Hanging Calendar tor 1907 in 11 colore
ud gold, and The Companion lur the
5a weeks o( 1907 a library ol the best
reading lor every member of the family.
SI 6.290 ln c,h ""d m,nv or special
I . awards to subscribers who get
new subscriptions. Scud for information.
The Youtb'S Companion. Boston. Mass.
New subscriptions received at this office. lM0kjgk00ty)j
Shirts, open front.
smrtB, pleated
Cuffs, per pair
Tablecloths!; 'WWWWWW, '.hc up
Rollers 2c
Towels ;;;;;;;;!!!;" lc
Napkins 1 c
Handkerchiefs . .. oc
Hand kerchiefs, silk ...WWW' 3c
Raff ; " lc
Stand Covers 3C
Blankets, wool pr 60c
Blankets, cotton pr . . 25c
Quilts !....' "25o
Not Ironed.
Overshirta 4o
Nightshirts 4o
Undershirts. 4o
I'rawers 4o
Socks 2,c
Hese ., ,2V(,'o
Pajamas iic
Union 8c
Ladies vests aigc
Children'! Overalls. . . '. '. 2c
Dresses . ' .60
Skirts 5o
Waists j..... ;..;.;6c
Corset Covers .2c
Chemise 3c
Drawers i..!!4o
Nightdresses ...5c
Wrappers 60
Aprons 20
Pilowshsms pair. .'.ioo
Chliid's Pieces 2
No shirts, collars, vests, overalls or jumpers done
rough dry. No bundle less than 25c. All finished
at asual list prices.
Grants Pass. Laundr v