Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 28, 1906, Image 2

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Talu f Oos4 Active ldtr
Great possibilities are to be found
even in the slowest country towns
when few lire young people set ts
work In tbe right way, says the Amerl
can CultlTator. The first step Is good
active society of some sort almost any
thing will answer If it brings the
young people together debating club,
literary club, village Improvement a
aoclatyon or church society. If only
there are two or three active spirit!
working ana thinking together won
der may result Progress may extend
long unexpected lines. Political, bust
lean, social, religious or educational
possibilities may be developed.- But
whatever the direction of advance tb
town will be quickened Into a more vig
orous life by the presence of a little
organized effort.
Property Owner Have Scheme
to Turn Vgly Alley Into
Path of Beauty.
Hew to Make Pranot Salad.
Peanut salud In excellent for tbe duck
or game coume. Soak one cupful of
nut ments lu olive oil, drain and mix
with two cupfuls of cut celery und a
dozen ripe or greeu olives, pitted and
How to Remove Iak Stains on Leather
Tbey may be removed by several ap
plications of weak solution of oxalic
acid. This should be painted over tbe
stain and after a few momenta .wiped
off. When thoroughly dry, repeat the
How to Ciena Orates.
When cleaning grates add half a doc
en drops of turpentine to the blacklead,
stir well, and a beautiful polish will b
the result when finished. It also keeps
stoves from rusting when not In use.
There is more Catarrh in this sec
tion of the country than all other dis
eases put together, and until the last
few years was supposed to be incur
able. For a great many years doo
tors pronounced it a local disease and
presort bed local remedies, and by
constantly falling to care with looal
treatment, proooonoed it incurable.
Science has proven catarrh to be a
constitutional disease and therefore
requires ' constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, man a facia red by
P. J. Cheney Co., Toledo, Ohio, is
the only constitutional oure on the
market. It is taken internally Id
doses fails to oure. Send for circulars
and testimonials. '
Address: F. J. CHENEY CO.,
Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Druggists, 75o. "
Take Hall's Family Pills for oousti
pation. "
A Gaaranteed Oar for Piles.'
Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protrud
ing Piles. Druggists are authorized
to refund money if PAZO OINT
MENT fails to oure In to U days.
HO "Ufa.
Robertlne (Ives what every woman
moat desires a pefect complexion.
It brings that soft, smooth, fresh,
clear tint to the cheek that denotes
youthfulness. It will bring beauty
to thoM who lack It; It will retain
It for those who already possess It;
It will enable you to successfully
combat the ravages of weather and
time. Don't doubt don't argue. Just
try Robertlne. Tour druggist will
give you a free sample. All drug
gists keep Robertlne.
"Say, lef s transform this alley Into a
lane," proposed the dreamer as he rest
ed In a hammock under the trees near
the alley tkat borders the rear of bis
lb bar ban lot "estate" In Oak Park, 111.
Several neighbors bad dropped Into
tbe rustic seat, and the dreamer de
cided It was an auspicious time to
launch a scheme he long had had In
mind, says tbe Chicago Post
, "It Is tak nig on the appearance and
odor of a regular city alley," he contin
ued. "People ore building here, and If
we don't do something that part of our
lots in tbe rear of the bouse soon will
be most unpleasant"
He was eucauruged by the tired com
muters and wcut on:
"There Is uo reason wby an alley
should be a filthy place. There Is plen
ty of law to keep It clean. But let us
not depend upon law. Let us talk with.
tbe folk that live on this alley and get
them Interested. We will make it a real
country lane and have It bordered by
hedges, cllmbiug roses and strips of
"That would be flue, wouldn't It?'
remarked ono of tbe callers. "We
could get tbe people lu these two
blocks to Join us, appoint a lane com
mlssloner and go at the job right."
"I don't know if tbe alley has pro
duced tbe ugly rear of a flat building
or the flat building, with Its dun col
ored stairs, has produced the alley,"
the first speaker argued.
"In any event we have everywhere
dirty alleys. Of course some are clean
er than others, but none Is made to
add beauty to a neighborhood. I see no
reason why our lane should not be
made one of the show places of this
village. It will be a beautiful place to
walk in when we get the plants and
flowers growing.
"If we continue to call It an alley It
would sound strange to ask a friend to
stroll in 'an alley,' but we will rename
It 'Let us walk In the lane' will be all
right, and when our visitors see the
lane they will be charmed. The result
will be that In time we will reform the
whole town."
"It would be a good Idea to have
gateways at each alley I mean lane
entrance," put In another member of
tbe company, becoming enthusiastic.
"We could erect concrete posts, have
gate bangers fastened to them and give
the Idea that the lane was a private
driveway. If the posts were built on
private property the municipal govern
ment would have no ground for objec
tion." As a result of the talk the Cotton
wood Lane society was organized on
the spot Next year Cottonwood lane
win be a model for tbe transformation
of all alleys If the expectations of the
enthusiastic members are realized.
up sections of the swamp, allow all
the water to accumulate In a small
area, forming an artificial lake, and
then convert the rest Into t public
he Strength of a
Batik is shown,
1st, By its working capital
2nd, By its stockholders.
3rd, By its management.
First Rational Bank
Granti Pass, Ortfon.
lias a Capital, Surplus
k Undivided TroflU J77.500.00
And an additional Stock
holders Liability (un
der the Natioual Bank
ing Law) 50,000 00
Total ReNponeiblltty JI27.500.00
John- D. Fry,
P. n. Harth,
J. T. Trrra,
H. C. Kinnet.
L. B. HatL. Pres.
J. C. Campbell, V. Pres.
H. L Gilkey, Cahler.
ttooel Work at Sterllna. Maaa.
At the annual meetlug of the Village
Improvement society of Sterling,
Mass., the following summary of a
few of Its activities was given: Street
signs have been placed throughout the
village. A new piano has been placed
in the town hall, which the town votod
to buy. Prizes were given to pupils of
tbe schools for tbe best flower and
vegetable gunleus. A public tenuis
court has beeu kept in order. The lit
tle park nt the north end of the village
has been graded and seeded down. A
rubblah barrel was placed at the high
school building, and two others are
soon to be located near the center of
the village. There are standing com
mittees on sidewalks, public grounds,
trees, street liunm, (lower and veg
etable gardens and new members.
Be Qnleklr Relieved.
A very good remedy for relieving
Airache is to fill a little bag of soft
dannel with salt and make this very
hot in the oven. Test it against your
Cheek to make sure It ,1s not too hot
and then apply to the aching ear.
To prevent discoloration from bruises
It will be found expedient to apply hot
water cloths to the injured part and re
new frequently until the pain ceases.
As soon as the barking cough begins
in cases of croup give one drop of aro
matic ammonia In a dessertspoonful of
water. Repeat every fifteen minutes
until relief is obtained or until a phy
sician can be sent for.
Moistened tea leaves applied to a
burn will relieve the inflammation and
prevent a scar.
A teaspoon of ammonia added to a
footbath of warm water will do much
to rest tired, burning feet Soak tbe
feet In this water for fifteen minutes.
Dry, and while the feet are warm and
moist from the both rub over them a
small quantity of vaseline. In the
morning dust tbe feet over with French
To remove a wart pour on it a drop
of vinegar and then cover It with as
much carbonate of soda as tbe vlnegai
will absorb. Keep it on ten minutes
and repeat tbe application twice dally.
In a few days tbe wart generally drops
off, leaving only a tiny white mark.
For burns or scalds nothing Is more
soothing . than the white of an egg,
which may be poured over tbe wound.
It la more soothing as a varnish for a
burn than collodion.
Know the ' of Good
Road,' the Economy of Easy
Row to Rest tk Brain.
There are five things to remember to
help rest an overtired brain (1) a
healthy indifference to wakefulness, (2)
concentration of the mind on simple
things, (3) relaxation of the body, (4)
gentle rhythmic breathing of fresh air,
(5) regular nourishment If we do not
lose courage, but keep on steadily night
after night, with a healthy persistence
in remembering and practicing these
five things, we shall often find what
might have been a very long period of
sleeplessness may be materially short
ened and tbat the sleep which follows
tbe practice of the exercises is better,
sounder and more refreshing than tbe
sleep that came before. In many cases
a long or short period of insomnia can
be absolutely prevented by Just these
simple means. Here is perhaps tbe
place to say tbat all narcotics are in
auch cases absolutely pernicious.
How to Core Tonallltle.
Inflammation of tbe throat and ton
sils is a common complaint at certain
seasons of tbe fear. A soothing drink
for persons so affected la made by boil
ing a teaspoonful of islngluBS In half a
pint of milk with half a dozen bruised
almonds and sweetened to taste. This
drink has a marvelous effect In reduc
ing tbe Inflammation. It is widely used
in Englund, but la not commonly
known in this country.
The following extract "from a letter
from Clayton Conrow of Clnnamlnson,
N. J., to'Stute Highway Commissioner
Sargent of Maine Is tbe Intelligent tes
timony of a farmer on the advantage
of good roads, and based upon facts
instead of theories, says Good Roads
Magazine. And while local conditions
vary, the principle Involved that is,
the economy of easy transportation Is
applicable everywhere:
"I live upon tbe line of an Improved
road leading from Philadelphia to New
York, ten miles from the former place,
and before the road was Improved
twenty-five baskets of promiscuous
farm produce would make a big two
horse road. After the road was Im
proved the average load has not been
less than 100 baskets, some farmers
taking as many as 150 baskets to a
load, but tills last number Is exception
al; also before Improvement It would
take a all day to make the round
trip of about twenty-three miles to the
heart of the city; siuce Improvement
It requires an average of about seven
hours. Now, assuming that a team and
driver would be worth $4 per day, the
regular price here. It would cost 16
cents per basket for a farmer to land
his produce In the market In the first
case and but 4 cents per basket In
the latter, allowing tbe seven hours to
make a day.
"It must be evident to every unprej
udiced observer that the farmers in
this section would nave been out of
business had not the road been im
proved. "It must be evident also that the
farmer does not get all the benefit, for
tbe citizen consumer shares a part of
It, for It often happens during the glut
of the season that farm produce sella
for less than 16 cents per basket This
la a sufficient Justification, I think, for
asking the cities to help pay for Im
proving country roads. This is true
of everything the resident of the city
uses or consumes. It can be delivered
to him much more cheaply over a good
road than a bad road."
Sense Polats Improving; Hlah
way by tka Kin Method.
An Illinois highway commission has
Issjed a bulletin on tbe split log, or
King drag, which contains these In
structions for Its manipulation:
Make a light drag, which is hauled
over the road at an angle so that a
small amount of earth Is pushed to the
center of the road.
Drive the team at a walk.
Ride on tbe drag; do not walk along
side. Begin at one side of the road or
wheel track, returning up the opposite
Drag the road as soon after every
rain as possible, but not when the mud
la In such a condition as to stick to the
Do not drag a dry road.
Drag whenever possible at all sea-
of tbe year. If a road Is dragged
MJayneaaH About a Town.
The auuunl complaint from property
owners and lovers of a city beautiful
In regard to the unsightly crops of
weeds that are allowed to grow on va
cant lots ought to receive the prompt
consideration of the municipal author
I ties, says the Kansas City Journal.
This Is one of the most conspicuous
evidences of "Jayness" about a town.
How to Know Linen.
Cotton may be distinguished from
the linen when one . is making pur
chases by moistening the tip of the
fluger and pressing it on tbe fabric, j immediately before a cold spell It will
ir it wets tnrougb at once It Is linen, rreeze in a smooth condition,
while if any cotton enters Into Its Tbe width of traveled way to be
manufacture it will take several sec-1 maintained by the drag should be from
ouds to wet through the threads. In i eighteen to twenty feet First drag a
linen the threads are more uneven Mttle more than the width of a slnsle
I wheel track, then gradually Increase
i until the desired width Is observed.
Always drag a little earth toward the
than lu cotton,
This is a good test for
Notes of rlvlo Proa-reaa.
The St. Charles Avenue Improvement
association of New Orleans has In
duced residents of that thoroughfare
from Jackson avenue to Atidubou Park
to subscribe 00 cents a year each for
tbe purpose of cutting grass, trimming
trees, etc.
The Natlck (Mass.) Village Improve
ment association reports that Its plant
and shrub exchaugo was a greater suc
cess this year than the year before.
8hrubbury, roots aud plants of all
kinds were distributed, and the de
mand for them was much greater thau
the association could supply. All parts
of the town are showing visible signs
of the Improvement that has resulted.
A recent Issue of Tark and Ceme
tery, Chicago, contained the following
group of significant Items: The North
Chatham (Mass.) Civic Improvement
association, a village of 100 Inhab
itants, has boon Instrumental lu secur
ing the lighting of the town by elec
tricity. The association has raised
futids to pay for two years' lighting,
which Is a good record for an organisa
tion not jet oue year old.
How to Mend Gloves.
Mend kid gloves with fine cotton of
the same shade, not with silk. When a
stitch lu a seum gives way replace it
at once. To mend a teur in the kid but
tonhole closely round the edges once or
twice, as the size of the reut may re
quire, and tben Join the edges together.
Save buttons from discarded gloves to
replace the lost ones; they often match
perfectly. t
How to Renovate n Blaek Baa.
To renovate a black bag take a table-
; spoonrul each of sugar and gin, and
I when the sugar Is dissolved thicken the
j mixture with ivory black, add the yolk
I of an egg, beat all together, then beat
I In the white. Stir and apply like a
kid reviver and leave for over twenty"
four hours to harden. Then polish with
a soft cloth or a chamois leather.
How to Hemove Indelible Ink Stains.
To remove indelible ink stains make
a solution of oue-uuarter of an ounce
of cyanide of potassium to one ounce
of water and apply to the spots. This
Is deadly poison. Ink spots may be
removed by applying crystals of oxalic
acid to the spots, steaming over a bowl
of hot water. This la also poison.
How to Core an Inflamed Eye.
For an Inflamed eye use the white of
an egg beaten to a froth aud add to it
a tablospoouful of rosewater. Apply
this ou a soft rag and change as often
as it dries. The effect ts most soothing,
and the ingredients are easily procured.
How to Remove Palat Spots on Glaea.
To treat paint spots that painters
have left on your panes of glass soak
In turpentine. If tbey have been left
riat, have been started by the VII-! It".??..!? "I "I Knp
I.e.. l.,..,r.,r,..t HL,f, t w- rt. I " " ugo ot a penny. K
ven. Conn., to obliterate from the vll-1
Inge a swamp whlcb baa for. years
center of the road until It Is raised
from ten to twelve Inches above the
edges of the traveled way.
Tbe amount of earth that the drag
will carry along can be very consider
ably controlled by tbe driver, accord
ingly as he stands near the cutting
end or away from It
When the roads are first dragged
after a very muddy spell tbe wagons
should drive, if possible, to one side
until uie roadway has a chance to
rreeze or partially dry out
The best results from dragging are
obtained ouly by repeated applications.
Remember that constant attention is
necessary to maintain an earth road In
Its best condition.
will not scratch as would a knife.
Ad columns of tbe
many items which
been an eyesore and breeding place correaoonH ' "1 i- ' ? ' Vu " MW w J00 Ton
of dla-aaa. Th noWnt, nlane to rtam I "10aM n" "
The Conner ha the largest corps of
' era Oreoon.
An Argument For State Aid.
Ole IVteraou, one of the most ardent
advocates of good rouds in Miunesota,
Is making a strenuous effort to arouse
the peoplu to support tbe proposed con
stitutional amendment to be voted on
In November, empowering the state
legislature to make a direct tax levy
for road purposes, says the Good
Roads Magazine. In discussing state
aid he recently said: "You will find
that from 40 to 45 per cent of tbe tax
able property of the state Is In city
and village propertyand I think It no
more than Just and proper that this
portion of wealth should be taxed In
connection with other property In the
state for the benefit of better country
roads. The citizens of rural districts
should be thoroughly conversant with
these facts. In order that they may
fully realize the benefit of state aid
and Uiat they may better appreciate
ue importance of tbe proposed amend
stretches of highway.'
The Classified
Courier contain
ill be of
. To. IBIeatt
Colfl Rooms
Every house has Its
cold room. Abnormal weather
conditions, inadequate stove or
fiimni- hr often result in some particular
narf of the house beine cold and cheerless. YoB
can make home warm and cheerful with the
Oil Heater
(Equipped with Smokeless Device)
Carry it about from room to room. Turn wick high or low there's no
danger. Smokeles device prevents smoke and smelL Easy to operate
as a lamp. All parts easily cleaned. Brass ofl fount beautifully em-
bossed. Holds 4 quarts of oil and burns 9 hours. Gives intense
heat Two finishes nickel ana japan, nanasome, useiui, rename.
Every heater warranted. If not at your dealer's write our
nearest agency lor oesenpuve circular.
jR&fo Lamp SS .
a-aaW yo can buy. Equipped with
"nW Utest improved burnsr. Clvts
ferlrht, steady light si lowest cost. Mads of brass
throughout anij nickel plated. Suitable for any room
wnttner Horary, ainior-room, panoror pearooai. oaie
sad satisfactory. Every lams warranted, Wrllt Is.
Dearest agency u sot at your aeaisr a.
Standard oil Company
Cot an Oliver.
Tbe people who age Oliver type
writers like tbem Tbe Oliver has
many points of superiority :
It is bnilt right side up.
It has all tbe characters with tbe
fewest number of keys.
It has perfeot alignment after years
of oonstant use.
Tbe writing is in sight.
It does perfeot work with the Mim
eograph. It is fine for tabulating without any
extra machinery.
It is a great manifolder from one
to 20 copies can be made simultaoe
onsly. No matter bow many keys yon strike
at once yon cannot lock tbe typebara.
Lines, either vertioal or horizontal,
and in any color, may be rnled upon
tbe paper while it is in tbe machine.
. There are a number of other good
typewriters we think tbe Oliver tbe
Yon can trade in your old machine.
H. V. MEADE, local agent.
That's It ! 1 1
Cough yourself into a fit of spasmi
and then wonder why yon don't get
well. If yon will only try a bottle of
Ballard's Horehound Srynp your
cough will be thing of tbe past. It
is a positive onre for coughs, in
fluenza, Bronchitis and all Pulmonary
diseases. One bottle will convince
yon at yonr druggist, 25c, 6O0, 91.00
at Rotermund's and National Drag
"Hi Maittr'i Voice."
The Photo and Muslo Bouse bu
been appointed selling agent for
Josephine county for the Viotor Talk
ing Machine and a foil stock of ma
chines and records will bo in stock
early next week. ' Come in and hear
''His Master's Voice."
Tbe Courier is a clean, family paper.
225 Acres Established 1863 3,000.000 Trees
Woodtmrn Nurseries
Woodburn, Ore., F. W. Settlemier, Propr.
Growers of First-Class, Fruit and Shade Trees.
Evergreens, Roses, Climbing Plants, Etc.
Ro&ue River Valley
Meserve Meade
Courier Block, Grants Pass
In distant papers and an acquaintance aU over the Coast enables us to
Some fine bargains in Fruit and Dairy Lands, Stock Ranches, Quartz
and Placer Mines, Town Property, Business Chances, for cash or on time
OILMORE B0REN. Proprietara.
H Street between Fifth and Sixth PHOi881 Granta Paas.-Oregon
t If It Is adopted the legislature Nrirt tt t-,
levy one-fourth of a mill, and thati 1 Altl Jljlij AND (r"R A 'VTTTi1. W7i"RTTG,
rter of a mill will build some nice J B r AnnoV V V UltlVO
... n V, 1 ..V. ,, w. SS. rAUUUCK. FranrltfAp.
each week.
point to read them
PADDOCK, Proprietor.
oi MKPnie la'aiA "rthiD, 10 the ,ine ( touHtvj work in any kind
tbatW ffiSKKj KbeaaMn b,in
Marble? h WWk to Scotch Swede or "ica Granito or any kind of
Front street, next to Green's Gunshop.